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I do not trust you he may but I do not know my friends trust is not the issue today spider lock it is my trusty mustard partner [Music] you are a hundred yes a secretly that's not the official job title but it's close enough and now you hunt us but I'm not so much hunting a spark as I'm huntin be a spark you see one one-seventh i was not told the identity at girlfriend that is why I'm sharing it with you now we're talking about trust after all may I ask you something you're people used to call him Dean was that an insult or a compliment an insult to be sure but one with a modicum of respect he was indeed my enemy but in time an Indian even three the event switchboard this ball [Music] [Music] there was only one cheap Wow are you sure yes they called it a pillar of water I was it not destroyed with the rest of their fleet it fled as we set fire to their planet but I followed with all the ships at my command when you first saw halo were you blinded by its majesty London paralyzed dumbstruck know yet that humans were able to evade your ships land on the sacred ring and desecrate it with their filthy footsteps noble hierarchs surely you understand that once the parasite attacked you were right to focus your attention on the floor but this demon this master chief by the time I learned the demons intend [Music] no prophet of truth this has gone on long enough make an example of this bundler the council demands it you are one of our most treasured instruments long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction but your inability to safeguard hailer was a colossal failure I will continue my campaign against the humans now you will not soon the great journey shall begin but when it does the weight of your heresy will stay your feet and you shall be left behind [Music] [Music] [Music] the blading was about to fail there's viscosity throughout the gel layer optics totally fried and let's not even talk about the power supply you know how expensive this gear is son tell that to the Covenant you told me there wouldn't be any cameras and you told me you are gonna wear something nice folks need arrows Jeep to give them hope so smile what's yeah well we still got something to smile about [Applause] [Music] read quite a crowd if they came to hear me they may be disappointed [Music] [Applause] gentlemen we're lucky to have you back go ahead Cortana another whisper Cerny Rio we have probes enroute I apologize but we're going to have to make this quick you look nice Thank You sergeant major the colonial cross is awarded for acts of singular daring and devotion for a soldier of the United Earth space Corps [Music] [Applause] commander Miranda keys your father's actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of military service is bravery in the face of impossible odds reflects great credit upon himself and the UNSC the Navy has lost one of its best [Music] slipspace ruptures directly off our battle cluster show me 15 covenant capital ships holding position just outside the kill zone negative Admiral form a defensive perimeter around the cluster commander get to your ship link-up with a fleet yes sir you have the mech gun Cortana as soon as they come in range open up gladly something's not right the fleet that destroyed reach was 50 times this size sir additional contacts boarding craft and lots of them they're going to try to take care of Matt Gunn's offline give their capital ships a straight shot at Earth Master Chief defend this station yes sir I need a weapon right this way inside your head now how much time was left you don't want to know the carrier shield is down I'm in position and ready for immediate assault negative commander not against the ship that size not on your own sir permission to leave the station for what purpose Master Chief permission granted [Music] I know what you're thinking and it's crazy so stay here unfortunately for his boat I like crazy [Music] just one question what if you miss I won't [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rick he - pretty good she's get inside gear up we're taking this fight to the surface it's just repeats regret regret regret catchy any idea what it means humanity he we bread bean heylia bastards we regret coming to her and we most definitely regret the core just blew up our raggedy-ass blades hoorah regret isn't named sergeant the name of one of the covenants religious leaders a prophet he's on that carrier and he's calling for help [Applause] pretty low 2/3 is hot recommend mission abort Eureka we're going in yeah tactic on the Rings get aboard that carrier secure the prophet of regret this is the only place on earth to come in and decided to land that prophet is going to tell us why whoa [Music] [Music] where's the rest of your platoon wasted Sarge and we will be too sir if we don't get the hell out of here Hitler rain no sir then listen up you had your chance to be afraid before you join my beloved Corps but to guide you back to the true path I brought this motivational device our big green style cannot be defeated what about that scare we all run the simulations that tough but they hate invincible they were the math the G don't know what to do yes sir sergeant thanks for the tank d never gets me anything oh I know what the ladies like [Music] I don't we can help it sergeant extract the chief and return to an Amber clad Roger that status sir the profit is bugging out request permission to engage commander he's forced our side intercept targets bow it's got a jump inside the city there's no time sir [Music] without a destination solution we are not losing that ship [Music] [Music] how much further must be after this package any salvaging I'm not tossing in with this lot they could use the mitt yeah what about us my belly eggs it is flashes see it just the way I like it required would be like crabs fresh off the teat he's not paying for the jails the iron rocks have something special in mind [Music] [Music] noble prophets of truth and mercy I have thought being competent you may leave Tartarus but artful and take your brutes with you release the prisoner the council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your coats paraded through the city but ultimately the terms of your execution are up to me I am already dead indeed you know where we are the mausoleum of the arbiter quite so he arrests the vanguard of the great journey every arbiter from first to last each one created and consumed in times of extraordinary crisis the taming of the hunters the grunt rebellion were it not for the arbiters the Covenant would have broken long ago even on my knees I do not belong in their presence halos destruction was your error and you rightly bear the blame but the council was overzealous we know you are no heretic this is the true face of heresy one who would subvert our faith and incite rebellion against the High Council our prophets are false open your eyes my brothers they will lose the faith of our forefathers to bring ruin to us all the great journalism this heretic and those who follow him must be silenced slander offends all who walk the path what you said I I can no longer command ships lead troops into battle what is you are no but become the arbiter and you shall be set loose against the sir say with our blessing [Music] what of the kosu the tasks you must undertake as the arbiter of perilous suicidal you will die as each arbiter has before you the council will have their corpse [Music] [Applause] [Music] what would you have your arbiter do when we join the Covenant we took an oath according to our station long session on the blood of our fathers on the blood of our sons we swore to uphold the coven ears who are dying breath those who would break this oath are heretics worthy of neither pity nor mercy even now they used our Lord's creations to broadcast their line we shall grind them into dust and continue on march the glorious salvation [Music] this armor suits you but it cannot hide that mark nothing ever will you are the arbiter the will of the prophets of these are my elites their lives matter to me yours does not that makes two of us [Music] we'll be long gone before it arrives [Music] where's preserve the proper what is that stench I smelled it before this will save me from the storm but you will be consumed bobert where is he stinking what they watched himself in tight we'll never break through this then we shall force him out how the cable I'm going to cut it get everyone back to the ships [Music] [Music] arbiter I would rather die by your hand and let the prophets lead me - lover who has touch with these lies ask the Oracle of our halo how they would sacrifice us all for nothing the elites are blind arbiter his edification was posted joy I had no choice holy Oracle this heretic [Music] correspond to zero we're drifting arthropods are cold I'll need to rekey the system do it and find out where we are sorry for the quick jump sergeant you're in one piece I'm good yeah chief we're fine ma'am there's an object coming into view now Cortana what exactly am I looking at that is another Halo tell them say one so this is what my father found I thought halo was some sort of super weapon it is if activated this ring will cause destruction on a galactic scale I want all the information you've got on the first hand schematic topography whatever I don't care if I have the clearance or not where's our target the enemy ship has stopped above the ring ma'am we're going to pass right over it perfect given what we know about this ring it's even more important that we capture the prophet of regret find out why he came to earth why he came here chief take first Platoon hard drop secure landing zone sergeant load up two flights of Pelican to follow them in till I can move in sight I'm going to keep a low profile once you leave the ship your understood over the target in five hang onto your helmet [Music] [Music] possibly make any more noise wait go back that's what I thought the prophet of regret is planning to activate halo are you sure release its cleansing flame pretty much commander we've got a problem so I hear but from what I understand the Prophet will need an object the index to activate the ring I've located the library similar to the one you found on the first halo the Rings work the same way the index should be inside I'll bet the governor died thinking the exact same thing and we better beat them to it sergeant extract your men and meet me at the library yes ma'am I'll secure the index chief you take out the Prophet he's given us all the Intel we need [Music] that's the largest Covenant fleet I've ever seen the largest anyone's ever seen get inside the temple and kill regret before it can stop us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is on precedent hierarchies dead commander his murderer was within our grasp if you had not withdrawn off fathoms are you questioning my decision no holy one I only wish to express my concern that the Buddhists missioning the God was a radical step but recent events have made it abundantly clear that the elites can no longer guarantee our safety I shall relay your decision to the Council politics do you know arbiter the elites have threatened to resign to quit the High Council because of this exchange of hats we have always been your protectors and these are trying times for all of us evil is the humans annihilate and failed every satisfaction the loss of one of the sacred rings racked our hearts with grief putting aside our sorrow we renewed our faith in the prophecy that other rings would be found and see how our faith has been rewarded halo it's divine wind will rush through the Stars propelling all who are worthy along the path to salvation how to start this process for ages we search for one who might unlock the secrets of the reasons and all and with your help we found it with appropriate humility we applied the oracle with questions and it with clarity and grace had shown us the P you will journey to the surface of the Ring and retrieve this sacred icon with it we shall fulfill our promise salvation for all and begin the great journey [Music] whence the shivers down who led straight to the library I do not wish to keep the higher ox waiting the human that killed the prophet of regret who was it who do you think the demon is here were recorded a payback retrieving the icon is my only concern of course [Music] [Music] [Music] the center of this zone is a sacred icon critical to the great journey I must find it we shall cut into the heart of this infestation retrieve the icon and burn any flood that's bad [Applause] the parasite is not to be trifled with I hope you know what you're doing [Music] [Music] more humans they must be after the icon on your way over - I'll deal with these beasts [Music] present at our table jaw do I'll do what I have to get the feel of your back [Applause] you know your father never asked me for help either the index is secure Mackenzie Perez alpha exit you hear me Marines where you got trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] excellent work arbiter the hierarchy second is my responsibility what's your responsibility now it is mine a bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent grace and I Tartarus he another breach resented would and the prophets learn of this that they will take your head when baler fool they ordered me to do it [Music] what is that [Music] relax I'd rather not kiss this thing off demon and has its mind concluded this one is but flesh and faith and is the more did you kill me or release me parasite but do not waste my time with talk there is much talk and fire now I shall talk 24 robot monitor of installations 0-5 reclaimer here we have much to do this facility must be activated if we are to control this outbreak where you are thing can be done until my stamina is complete not true this installation has a successful utilization record at one point two trillion simulated in one actual it is ready to fire on demand look all via objects our Lord's left behind there are none so worthless as these Oracle's they know nothing of the great journey you know nothing you have demonstrated disregard for the most basic protocols this one's good this one's great charlie are the same the prophets have promised you freedom from a different existence but you will find no salvation on this ring those new but they do not mistake their intent world will perish as they did before this thing is right halo is a weapon your prophets are making a big mistake your ignorance already destroyed one of the Signet rings demon it shall not harm another if you will not hear the truth then I will show it there is still time to stop the key from turning but first it must be found you will search one likely spot you will search another fate áthis meet as foes but this ring will make us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we are all of us gravely concerned the release of the parasite was unexpected unfortunate but there is no need in truth this is a time to rejoice a moment that all the Covenant should savor for the sacred icon has been found with it our path is clear our entry into the divine beyond guaranteed the great journey is nigh and nothing not even the flood can stop it kill the demon [Music] [Applause] split them up whether he's from the hopes of all the Covenant rests on your shoulders chieftain my faith is clay let him be the great journey waits for no one brother not even you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the Rings orbiter the counselors are they murdered by the Brutes - loyal beasts the prophets were fools to trust them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] your pal where is he going vinick's fugly stop and this time that structure in the center of the city it's a forerunner ship and truth is heading straight for it if he leads the Covenant fleet to her they won't stand a chance you had to stop him that boot has the index and Miranda and Johnson he can activate the ring if he does I'll detonate in amber clads reactor just like we did the autumns the blast will destroy this city and the ring it's not a very original plan but we know it'll work no I don't want to chance a remote detonation I need to stay here [Music] chief you get to earth good luck after I'm through the truth now make a girl of promise if you know you can't keep it [Music] what is that place where the counselors were meant to watch the consecration of the icon the start of the great journey there is - time to stop the team from eternally I must get inside the noun top of it I know a way to break those doors you don't show us hell don't like you but if we don't do something mister Mohawks gonna have to bake this ring we're all gonna die Tartarus has locked himself inside the control room well I just happen to have a key come on grab a baby give me some cover I don't know what coming gobby it is easy take the iPod in your hand please use caution this reclaimer is one more word Oracle and I whip your eyes of its pocket nothing compared to what I'll do to you gather us stop possible put down the icon put it down and disobey the hierarchs there are things about halo even the high rocks do not understand take care what you say as never see is it Oracle what is halos purpose please don't shake the light bulb if you want to keep your brain inside your head I tell those boys to cheer go ahead do your thing the sacred rings what are they by the forerunners to eliminate potential flood hosts thereby rendering the parasite harmless and those who made the Rings what happened to the forerunners after exhausting every other strategic option my creators activated the reason they and all additional sentient life in three radii of the galactic center died that's planned would you like to see the relevant data Tartarus the prophets have betrayed us the great journey has begun and the brute not the initiative process [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that a beacon what's it doing communicating at superluminal speeds with the frequency communicating with what the other installations shummy basic protocol in the event of unexpected shut down the entire system will move to standby status all remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation remote activation from here don't be ridiculous listen Tinker Bell don't make me anywhere where would someone go to activate the other rings of course where Oracle is that [Music] we've got a new contact unknown classification it isn't one of ours take it out this is Spartan one one seven isolate that signal Master Chief you mind telling me what you're doing on that ship sir finishing this fight [Music] silence fills the empty grave now that I have gone but my life is not at rest for questions all right shoot
Channel: lzuniy
Views: 10,974,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo 2 Anniversary, halo 2 anniversary cutscenes, Halo 2 Anniversary All Cutscenes 60FPS, Movie, Halo Movie, Halo 2 Anniversary All Cutscenes, halo cutscenes, Halo, halo 2, anniversary, cutscenes, halo 5 cinematic trailer, halo 5 cinematic, 60 FPS, master chief collection, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Xbox One, Cortana, halo 5, Full HD, 1080p, cinematic, All Cinematic, halo 5 guardians, halo 5 guardians Gameplay, Halo 5: Guardians Agent Locke
Id: kqBX-3aXpUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 21sec (3021 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 18 2014
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