The Arbiter's Story (Thel 'Vadam)

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regarding the history of the Covenant and its glorious founding species the san shyuum and sang Healy the record of punished deeds would not be sufficient without a word on the arbiter not the consignment have shamed that it is currently but what came before the legendary Warriors have sang Healy past long before the Covenant the sang Healy ruled their world with pride and vigilance surviving the perils of both laugh and see these were the arbiters of all our King hot church warrior rulers unlike any of which would follow when we arrived on their frontier world of olga thon the cost of life was severe led by a mighty arbiter the sang Healy resisted our in treatment with ruthless force leading to decades of war [Music] we would eventually triumph of course and when we did we would not ignore the mental of the arbiter like all things we would bend the Sangh healy to our own ends the arbiters would become the very will of the prophets our holy city was not always as it is nor was the Covenant [Music] at one time it was only san shyuum and sang Healy but as we grew and new species were added to our number radical steps had to be taken our first encounter with a let go low was an effort in futility the blasphemous creatures had devoured a forerunner orbital chattering its remains into a trillion pieces what was left became the rings of tang as no conventional methods could purge the rings of their infestation we sent one of our most faithful an arbiter for a full year this arbiter ventured across the surface of one of their moons learning both their strengths and their weaknesses it was there that we discovered the let go lo secret although some of their kind rightly bore the blame the orbitals desecration others had only devoured around the forerunner materials and with reasoning and much labor these could be used to serve the Covenant and by these means the great arbiter had given us one of our most sought-after treasures access to enumerable processing pathways of the mighty forerunner dreadnought and to the many secrets it held whereas most species were grafted into the Covenant by faith or mutual beneficence the ungai were not such their kind was brought into the fold by force and it was by force that they were held captive their world had no prayer against our might and majesty and their peoples were quickly laid low many of them brought into subjugation yet while some species would perish under such pressure others rise to the occasion taking arms if need be fighting back such it was for the on boy when their feud with the kikiyaon led to rebellion an effort by the kid yard to sterilize the uncoil a chinois Smet with stiff resistance and for a time the holy city was thrown into chaos once fully provoked the ungai were merciless in their violence lashing out had all species their large numbers and their tenacious volatility making a suitable challenge even for the ladies and yet again we turned to an arbiter and with a ferocity unparalleled since the beginning of the Covenant the ungai world would be reduced to glass those within the holy city would be forced to watch unable to stop what could have been the very end of their kind the uncoil rebellion was brought to an end by the arbiters hand their world was not completely lost and those who survived with in high charity found some measure of mercy they had proven their worth in combat and would now serve alongside the sang Healy in battle the history of the arbiter is one of both legend and infamy their name has been corrupted by great shame though the contemporary is perhaps the most confounding of all fel vadym II was born of noble blood the legendary house of Veda his family's renown demanded great expectations for his military career and he would meet them all [Music] [Music] one of the youngest to achieve the status of shipmaster and one of the youngest to gain the rate of supreme commander in our campaign against the humans few have risen to renowned as vadym ii world after human world all lay low for the sake of the great journey but then came hallo shame unto shame he failed his greatest charge and the sacred ring was desecrated by such disgrace delve Adam II became the arbiter as a mere scribe I do not challenge the word of the higher arts but I would be remiss not to voice concern this sang Healy should have been put down publicly slain as an example to all of our prayerful expediency with the discovery of a second ring and the changing of the gaurd all things are in jeopardy will this arbiter remain loyal or will he stand with his people as they are abolished by our newfound might I would never openly challenge the divine proclamations of a higher arc but this arbiter is a risk I would not have tolerated and I now fear the days of the Covenant [Music] pursuant to office of Oni retrieval and acquisitions inquiry of 26 September 25 52 the following is a target profile of belleve atomy Supreme Commander of the Covenant fleet of particular Justice compiled by Lieutenant Commander Locke first confirmed contact with madami came in 25 35 on an unofficial human colony known as the Lobo after-action reports from civilians as well as spartan units 0:06 111 and 120 suggest that vadym ii was at that point a relatively minor functionary of the prophet of regret spartan 0:06 engaged battery in combat on the road both parties survived encounter shortly after 25 35 the UNSC first encountered the newly formed Covenant fleet of particular justice now led by battery [Music] reveal of early engagements with this bleep show that it quickly grew in size from five to nearly 60 ships as vadym II cut a path through many human systems only Section three made multiple attempts to anticipate or even track that amis movements at the cost of a number of operatives lives vadym II eluded all such efforts and he continued is unpredictable and devastating campaign anatomy also stands out from other covenant commanders in the frequency in which he takes a personal role in ground assaults Gambhir was a major manufacturing center for UNSC fleet materials with the population of 5.6 million after discovering cameras location vadoma penetrated the early warning perimeter without alerting UNSC forces and began his ground and orbital attacks before most of the planet knew they were in danger while 17 of his ships bombed key defensive positions vadym II led a group of elites in a personal assault on UNSC system HQ one of the first units to engage vadym II was the third Battalion Reserves who were so unprepared for the arrival of the Covenant forces that Batam II found them unarmed and defenseless in an unexpected display of what appears to be honor vadoma allowed the third to finish gearing up before engaging them in combat while we've had multiple reports of a strict system of honor and ritual behavior followed by the elite within the company this is the first reported example of such honor being shown to human opponents but even given the chance to defend themselves third battalion losses were complete vadym II continued his campaign across many human systems culminating in his most devastating blow against the UNSC effuge that amis most recent and damaging blow to the UNSC is the fall of reach Oni has still not been able to fully determine how bad Emil okay to the planet and once again he caught us completely by surprise when his forces arrived in orbit and on the ground vadym ii is responsible for over 1 billion total casualties and the lost at least 7 even planets his forces have defeated all UNSC counter-attacks at the cost of 123 fleet vessels and over 23,000 personalities and now with reach lost only in UNSC strategic a I report a zero percent confidence that the Navy can stop that immediately in the opinion of this investigator data me is the most dangerous covenant military asset on the field it's common knowledge that the Covenant have a significant technological advantage over the UNSC but are sometimes inflexible their tactics this is not the case for battle we cannot predict what he'll do next but given time we fear he will dismantle all remaining UNSC strongholds this agents recommendation immediate termination if humanity wants to survive this war we cannot do it with vadym II on the field quite unacceptable glorious day the prophets will be pleased that we have rescued an Oracle from the humans violation of the holy temple why do you keep calling it a temple my installation was a weapon and one which we needed very very badly but Oracle I do not understand we were told the rings of salvation a gateway to paradise told by whom anyone who told you that is a fool or quite quite mad that installation was a beautiful tool designed to destroy everything the flood might feed on everything Oh quite everything and if even one flood spores survived the destruction of my ring communications shut down all lines to the fleet we will not notify the prophets of our discovery until I hear everything this Oracle has to say I will gladly share what I am permitted but we have little time what has been unleashed here could destroy everything you have ever known on that Oracle we are in agreement [Music] your actions do not make sense proper protocol for a flood outbreak is to establish an immediate infection reporting communications must be maintained with all local forces in order to track any spread of the parasite there are no local forces Oracle for now all you have is me but I tracked multiple ships in orbit including some remaining human presence in light of the danger posed by the flood surely you can set aside this disagreement with the humans anything still alive in orbit is our enemy the humans have very good cause to kill us on sight and the knowledge you've shared with me cast doubt on the entire purpose of our covenant if any of our ships remain above us they are not the help you seek but why would they not provide assistance because of this talk of prophecies and journeys I learned a small amount about your covenant before that reclaimer blew up my installation but my understanding is incomplete the AI I encountered on board one of your ships was less than forthcoming what you need to know Oracle is that thousands of years ago at the founding of our great covenant a bargain was struck between the prophets and the elites a bargain which I feel will be the end of us [Music] [Music] there was only one chip Wow are you sure yes they called it a pillar of water not destroyed with the rest of their fleet it fled as we set fire to their planet I followed with all the ships at my command when you first saw halo were you blinded by its majesty London paralyzed dumbstruck know yet that humans were able to evade your ships land on the sacred ring and desecrate it with their filthy quad steps noble hierarchs surely you understand that once the parasite attacked you were right to focus your attention on the flood but this demon this Master Chief by the time I learned the demons it did [Music] now the prophet of truth this has gone on long enough make an example of this Bangla the council demands it you are one of our most treasured instruments long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction but your inability to safeguard hailer was a colossal failure I will continue my campaign against the humans no you will not doing the great journey shall begin but when it does the weight of your heresy will stay your feet and you shall be left behind [Music] for generations our Holy arrangement put the prophets in charge of religion and technology the elites led our military forces to convert new species and find relics such as your head and these relics you sought the san shyuum your prophets told you that they would lead you on this great journey yes transcendence eternal life their promises were endless we gave up our old ways to follow the prophets lead on the great journey gave up all of our history all of our traditions not all of your traditions it seems this arbiter you mentioned hasn't that always been a position of power for your species power it was long ago an arbiter was once the pinnacle of our people leader of the clans and master of the battlefield but then an arbiter committed heresy and an example was made of him heresy he challenged the word of the prophets challenged and lost so the title of arbiter became a badge of shame or our most spectacularly failed warriors hmm yes they were accomplished manipulators back before the firing of the array I see at least that hasn't changed manipulators what and before before when I will explain later right now I want you to tell me everything you can of these arbiters it is most unusual that in all the exploits of these arbiters you never mention their role in choosing their missions of redemption there is no role Oracle once one of our commanders becomes an arbiter it belongs to the High Rocks these hierarchs they are the same high prophets who control all the holy relics you collect from my time the same and they use these relics to build your new weapons and bring you the word of your gods it has always been so interesting am i a holy relic i I do not understand because I am certainly not a god I am a tool as is this mining platform you stand upon as was the installation that once already the planet the 4runners technology is lasting and indeed quite powerful but I'm quite certain they would have told me if I was infused with some kind of divine power I suspect some of your prophets may have been quite aware of how much divine inspiration tools such as myself could provide and you never question these proclamations even your muddiest Warriors these arbiters never questioned questioning was what brought shame to the word arbiter long ago Oracle how disappointing I fear now that there are many questions we should have been asking for a long long time I would be more than happy to answer any such questions but I have a few more for you continue your tale of these arbiters [Music] [Music] like water crowd if they came to hear it they they will be disappointed [Music] I'm starting to fear that you're not very smart mind your tongue Oracle oh I Nino events I'm not talking about you I'm talking about your species how long have these prophets been anointing arbiters since the fall of fell Java me the first disgraced arbiter roughly 400 years ago incredible and in all this time it never occurred to you how convenient it was that your prophets were able to find a powerful capable leader among your people who happened to suddenly commit a terrible blasphemy every time the power structure of your covenant was threatened I do not understand hmm you do little to dissuade my fears then teach me looking back at the record of the evidence you've discussed was it not surprising to anyone that those chosen to become arbiter were more than simple warriors how so each of them had significant political influence among your people in some cases that influence was already being used to question the decisions of your higher-ups in fact that very questioning often gave rise to the charges of heresy that so neatly removed the Challenger from the higher-ups concern and once they were branded arbiter they promptly and quite cheerfully ran to meet their deaths all our lives we look down at the path put our feet where the profits tell us who our lives spent convincing ourselves of the truth of our covenant could all of it truly have been wasted let's hope not all of it but we have a great deal of work to do the flood is still out there so I require a cooperative reclaimer to enact proper containment procedures but your covenants keep trying to kill all the reclaimers I can find all this bickering is quite a deadly waste of time right now the most important question we can ask is this whom could break this hold the prophets have over you [Music] the only one I would trust with this information is probably dead right now he was commander of the fleet that brought me to the system fell vadym II was his name but after hearing you tell of the destruction of the Ring and cannot believe that he still lives his orders were to secure the ring to prepare it for the arrival of the hierarchs that Amin never fails in his duties if the ring is no more then that imme must be dead Judy can indeed be a dangerous virtue but even if he did live wouldn't this sense of duty make him quite unlikely to set aside his allegiance to the prophets perhaps not and he would never betray our people if we were able to just speak to him explain everything you have told me but no these are futile hopes he did live and if he was returned to the high profits they would most certainly punish him for the destruction of the rain in fact he would be the exact kind of leader there hierarchs would make arbiter they would need someone to blame for the loss of the rain his influence within the fleet grew with every one of his victories over the humans and if he did become a burr too then he would be lost to our cause without the knowledge you've shared with me he would obey the prophets without question I doubt he would even respond to us for a name I don't know what it would take to overcome but as you say we don't have time to ask such questions and vitami is almost certainly dead if all your hopes rest on him then I fear for the future of this galaxy as do I Oracle has do i but I will begin our fight make others aware of the lies the prophets whisper in our ears and soon we will find more who will take up our cause how much further must be after this package any salvaging by the tossing in with a smart they could use the beach yeah what about us my belly eggs and his flesh is seared just the way you like it acquired will be like crabs fresh off the teat he's not been for the tails the irons have something special [Music] [Music] noble prophets of truth and mercy I have brought to you competent you may leave Tata or r4 and take your brutes with you release the prisoner the council decided to have you hung by your entrails and your coats paraded through the city but ultimately the terms of your execution are up to me I am already dead indeed you know where we are the mausoleum of the arbiter quite so he arrests the vanguard of the great journey every arbiter from first to last each one created and consumed in times of extraordinary crisis the taming of the hunters the grunt rebellion were it not for the arbiters the Covenant would have broken long ago even on my knees I do not belong in their presence halos destruction was your era and you rightly bear the blame but the council was overzealous we know you are no heretic this is the true face of heresy one who would subvert our faith and incite rebellion against the High Council our prophets are false open your eyes my brothers they will lose the faith of our forefathers to bring Rubin to us all the great journeys this heretic and those who follow him must be silenced a lander offends all who walk the path what you said I I can no longer command ships lead troops into battle what as you are no but become the arbiter and you shall be set loose against this her say with our blessing [Music] what of the council the tasks you must undertake as the arbiter of perilous suicidal you will die as each arbiter has before you the council will have their corpse [Music] what would you have your arbiter do when we joined the Covenant we took an oath glory to our station long session on the blood of our fathers on the blood of our sons we swore to uphold the coven here is your dying breath those who would break this oath are heretics worthy of neither pity nor mercy even now they use our Lord's creations to broadcast their lives this shall grind them into dust and continue on march the glorious salvation [Music] this armor suits you but it cannot hide that mark nothing ever will you are the arbiter the will of the prophets of these are my elites their lives matter to me yours does not that makes two of us [Music] we'll be long gone before it arrives [Music] where is reserved for combat we are the arm of the prophets arbiter and you are the blade be silent and Swift and we shall quell this heresy without incident the store has masked or approached that it should have a local battlenet in disarray we have the element of surprise for now engage active camouflage reveal yourselves only after the arbiter has doing battle with the enemy may wish to do the same but take heed your armor system is not as new as ours your camouflage will not last what is that stench I've smelled it before [Music] those are jaws muscle partners I wonder who the profits would send to silence me in our vigil I'm flattered he's using a hologram he must be close come out so we may kill you [Music] this will save me from the storm but you will be consumed Robert where is he stinking what they washed himself in tight we'll never break through this then we shall force him out how the cable I'm going to cut it get everyone back to the ships return to the landing zone [Music] [Music] turn parity arbiter I would rather die like your hand then let the prophets lead me to slaughter who has taught to these lies [Music] hello I am grateful with three Guilty Spark I am installation zero for ask the Oracle of our halo how they would sacrifice us all for nothing more questions the elites are blind arbiter [Music] [Applause] unfortunately his verification was most enjoyable I had no choice Oracle this heretic imperiled the great judge why do you [Music] that is the Oracle system [Music] [Music] [Music] this is on precedent hierarchies dead commander his murderer was within our grasp if you had not withdrawn off phantoms are you questioning my decision no Holy One I only wish to express my concern that the Buddhists missioning the God was a radical step but recent events have made it abundantly clear that the elites can no longer guarantee our safety I shall lay your decision to the council politics tires do you know arbiter the elites have threatened to resign to quit the High Council because of this exchange of hats we have always been your protectors and these are trying times for all of us evil is the human's annihilation fearlessly satisfaction the loss is one of the sacred rings wrapped our hearts with grief putting aside our sorrow we renewed our faith in the prophecy that other rings would be found and see how our faith has been rewarded halo a divine win will rush through the Stars propelling all who are worthy along the path to salvation how to start this process for ages we search for one who might unlock the secrets of the Rings and Oracle and with your help we found it with appropriate humility we applied the Oracle with questions and it with clarity and grace had shown us the key you will journey to the surface of the Ring and retrieve this sacred icon with it we shall fulfill our promise salvation for all and begin the great journey [Music] what's the service dog led straight to the library I do not wish to keep the high rocks waiting the human has killed the prophet of regret who was it who do you think the demon is here were recording payback retrieving the icon is my only concern of course [Music] [Music] in the center of this zone is a sacred icon critical to the great journey I must find it we shall cut into the heart of this infestation retrieve the icon and burn any flaw at standard [Applause] the parasite is not to be trifled with I hope you know what you're doing more humans they must be after the icon on your way over - I'll deal with these feasts [Music] Georgio I'll do what I have to keep the foot of your back you you know your father never asked me for help either the index is secure Mackenzie Perez how's the exit you hear me Marines where you got trouble [Music] [Music] [Music] excellent for poverty the hierarchy second is my responsibility what's your responsibility now it is live a bloody fate awaits you when the rest of your incompetent race and I Tartarus shield another breach resented Ward and the prophets learn of this that they will take your head when baylor fool they ordered me to do it [Music] what is that relax I'd rather not piss this thing off demon this and has its mind concluded this one is not flesh and faith and is the more did you kill me or release me parasite but do not waste my time with talk there is much talk and I have listened now I shall talk I 24:01 penitent tangent monitor of installations 0-5 reclaimer here we have much to do this facility must be activated if we are to control this outbreak stay where you are nothing can be done until my Stabbin is complete not true this installation has a successful utilization record at one point two trillion simulated in one actual it is ready to fire upon demand or via objects our Lord's left behind there are none so worthless is these Oracle's they know nothing of the great journey you know nothing about contain you have demonstrated disregard for even the most basic protocols this one's good technique and this one's great charlie are the same you know prophets have promised you freedom from a different existence but you will find no salvation on this rain those who knew what they watch do not mistake their intent will perish as they did before this thing is right halo is a weapon your prophets are making a big mistake your appearance already destroyed one of the sacred rings Deacon it shall not harm another if you will not hear the truth then I will assure it there is still time to stop the key from turning but first it must be found you will search one likely spot you will search another they tell us meet as foes but this ring will make us rehearse [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by the Rings orbiter the councillors are they murdered by the Brutes violence loyal beasts the prophets were fools to trust them [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that place where the counselors were meant to watch the consecration of the icon the start of the great journey there is to time to stop the teen from eternally I must get inside the noun top of it I know a way to break those doors [Music] hundreds of our people you don't like me and I sure as hell don't like you but if we don't do something mr. Mohawks gonna have to bake this ring we're all gonna die Tartarus has locked himself inside the control room well I just happen to have a key come on grab a baby give me some cover I know we're coming [Music] golly it is easy take the I carbon you have please use caution nothing how do you gather us stop possible put down the icon put it down and disobey the iron rocks there are things about halo even the high rocks do not understand take care what you say as never see is it Oracle what is halos purpose please don't shake the light bulb if you want to keep your brain inside your head I tell those boys to cheer go ahead do your thing the sacred rings what are they built by the forerunners to eliminate potential flood hosts thereby rendering the parasite harmless and those who made the Rings what happened to the forerunners after exhausting every other strategic option my creators activated the Rings they and all additional sentient life in three radii of the galactic center died that's planned would you like to see the relevant data Tartarus the prophets have betrayed us the great journey has begun and the Brutes not the elite shall be the prophets escort [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what's that a beacon what's it doing communicating at superluminal speeds with the frequencies communicating with what the other installations chummy failsafe protocol in the event of unexpected shut down the entire system will move to standby status all remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation remote activation from here don't be ridiculous listen Tinker Bell don't make me anywhere where would someone go to activate the other rings why they are of course where Oracle is that [Music] we've got a new contact unknown classification it isn't one of ours take it out this is Spartan 1 170 isolate that signal Master Chief you mind telling me what you're doing on that ship sir finishing this fight [Music] this ain't good damn how far did he fall two kilometers easy stay sharp [Music] Gorman his armors locked up gel layer could have taken most of the impact [Music] I don't know sergeant major [Music] [Music] radio for vita have you lift gear we're not leaving them here yeah you're not shucks crazy fool why do you always jump one of these days you're gonna land on something as stubborn as you are and I don't do bits and pieces where is she chief where's Cortana don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it she stayed behind Barbara make it quick sorry sir your armor still in partial lockdown see wait the arbiters with us we've got enough to worry about without you two trying to kill each other were it so easy [Music] we must go the Brutes opposite and they must love the smell of green [Music] first squad you're my scouts arbiter watch the Chiefs back move out quiet as you can Bravo Team this is Johnson we got it fall back to the extraction point over [Music] I will ask for help when I need it [Music] [Music] see how they beat their truck I will help you spring this isn't as fun as it looks we're even long as we'll only counted a kilo two three what's your ETA Roger that hocus friendly gunship coming in hot but good to have y'all gonna iff confirm contact his bellick and dropship kilo two three over sorry for the tight squeeze tell the commander her aces in the hole [Music] check it out no way a Spartan for real you better not be man he's here we're gonna where did you find him Navin now back I'll bet it's good to see you chief likewise ma'am let's get you up to speed the prophet of truth ships breached the lunar perimeter smashed what was left of the home fleet terrestrial casualties from the subsequent bombardment were extreme truth could have landed anywhere but he committed all his forces here East Africa the ruins of new Mombasa then they started digging what about halo we stopped it but only temporarily now the prophet of truth is looking for something called the ark where he'll be able to fire all the halo rings if he succeeds humanity with a covenant every sentient being in the galaxy the Rings will kill us all ma'am I have Lord hood patch him through good news commander Keyes good as it gets er so I see what's your status sun green i'm sir glad to hear it commanders come up with a good plan but without you I wasn't sure we could pull it off truth ships are clustered above the excavation site and his infantry has deployed anti-aircraft batteries around the perimeter but if we neutralize one of the batteries punch a hole in troops defenses I'll initiate a low-level strike hit him right where it hurts I only have a handful of ships Master Chief it's a big risk but I'm confident not again emergency generators now shielding failed they're down and charging as soon as they're up reestablished contact with lord hood let him know all of you Vernon powering the dirt thinking what I wonder that you might escape the coming fire no [Applause] burn until it surfaces but glass not even your demon will lift creep blackened from its hole to mother reflection of our passage the culmination of our journey for your destruction is the will of the gods and I I am their instrument cocky bastard just loved to run his mouth does he usually mention me give the order we're closing shop man we're about to get hit all personnel in dance code out for heading all turn our immediate evacuation have to carry him myself ma'am squad leaders are requesting a rally point where should they go to war we just lost the perimeter cameras motion trackers they're down or we're not receiving can't tell any of our bird squawking no man wait overwatch has contacts phantoms closing on our position any birds less than five minutes out bring them in tell everything else to scatter aye aye aye pelicans are going to take extra time to load we knew they'd find us eventually but we have a plan let's make it happen let's go Chief move out you too arbiter the commander will brief you as you go follow me sir perimeters this way [Music] no matter you want to see come on sir I'll show you the way racers go full of old tech like historical truth fields of fire point of entry fest assessment hangar sergeant grade chief arbiter get there we're with You chief get some [Music] chief go into this channel is secure my fire teams are spread thin we can't come forever I need that hangar clear for an evac ASAP pelicans can't launch it to the hangars clear it's time to get to work over to dude upset double-time to prison hard sir this way look coming AG events roads all swarm they come down short controlled bursts I told that one [Music] if I try to hook up a timer it might go off all by itself chief have a look a little going-away gift for the Covenant we flicked it to smaller charges throughout the base Johnson students the evacuation is complete start the timer understood good luck everyone see you on the last Pelican out chief Barbara follow me them to the land in the they do with another exit the switch chief that did it chief bombs armed we got your exit the service elevator in the hangar and downstairs cut through the games what happened please respond if you can hear me fine transport head to the toe [Music] I'll get the door sir say again recon breaking up something at the crater mem something beneath the storm okay tell us what you need Master Chief finally a good connection Petros has excavated a forerunner artifact I have to assume into the town pelicans coming in [Music] lord hood we made it is commander what about the are fully uncovered sir we don't have much time Marines the prophet of truth doesn't know it yet but he's about to get kicked right off his throne and you will take our city back and drive our enemy into the grave one final effort is all that remains [Music] chief prophet of truth has found the ark our only chance of stopping him is a surprise aerial assault clear this sector of covenant anti air defenses make a hole for the Admiral ships good hunting keys out gee good to see you ready when you are cheetahs open the door take point we'll cover you with the artifact anyway chief we're gonna screen [Music] just keep chopping Hey he's nearby something bad closing in on your location [Music] stay in there start shooting for this [Music] all that remains for then when we but worthy have passed beyond she would ships are closing fast destroy that gun chief that girl's been firing non-stop it's gotta be [Music] [Music] in all ships fire at will [Music] this is the way the world ends [Music] [Music] [Music] what a truce just do they activate the Rings no sir but he certainly did something backwards and regroup where the truth wizard new contact slipping in [Music] what is it bobrucz worse the flood spreading although for the city to find the crashed flood ship overloaded engine core either destroyed this city with risk losing the entire planet chief make your way to the crash site they're surrounded sergeant [Applause] sergeant PLT the sergeant they were all infected humans inky she's the elites are looking for something we didn't believe them when they told us it's katana chief she's on this ship do not be afraid I never piece I am salvation [Music] I know timeless Paris joy your voice we mine and sealed victory everlasting chief Cortana my charity the prophets holy city is on Cortana reclaimer before your constructs suffers any further trauma leave her alone if we do not take this device to a safe location somewhere I can make repairs on halo you tried to kill Cortana you tried to kill me protocol dictated my response she had the activation index if you were going to destroy my installation you did destroy my installation now I have only one function to help you reclaim her as anymore we should have done will it live Oracle can if you save uncertain this storage device has suffered considerable trouble its matrices are highly unstable perhaps one of our technician that will not be necessary success hi charity the profits holy city is on its way to earth with an army of flood I can't tell you everything it's not safe the brave mind eat knows I'm in the system it's just a message let it play portal where it leads on the other side there's a solution a way to stop the flood without firing the remaining halo rings chief the ark there is much time I'm sorry no matter [Music] our fight is through the portal with the boots and the bastards roof fine we'll remain here hold out as long as the weekend did you not hear a flood on a grave month as you in a sense barely survived a small contamination and you shipmaster just glassed half a continent maybe the flood isn't all I should be worried about one single flood spore can destroy a species will it not for the Arbutus Council I would have glassed your entire planet Sir with respect Cortana has a solution for tena did you see her condition how damaged she is she could be corrupted for all we know her solution could be a flood trap we should go through the portal find out for sure what we should do commander is understand clearly that this is humanity's final stand here at earth we go we risk everything every last man woman and child if we stand our ground we might just have a chance No if your construct is wrong but the flood is already one I'll find Co China's solution and I'll bring it back earth is all we have left you trust Cortana that much sir yes sir who is this I live at best decision you've ever made or the worst elevators chief I doubt I'll live long enough to find out which [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] with ships starter line ship master they'll remember us for too long and it is an even fight all cruises file a twin burn a mongrel hides under we're on him kick the door [Music] we got Hocus a little chill all right not bad [Music] secure landing zone for the commander's bring keep your eyes and ears booth we need all the Intel weak again check it out Muscat is that hey focus we got a job to do got a good angle you take the first shot before we went down we spotted a Goodell we can get to our valence [Music] [Music] [Music] scooters description of the map role the first alien ray cartographer good shall help us fix troops location secure the LC then we'll push through the village chief bills ease this week [Music] Roger that beginning my descent if this is going right in Fred miss fear [Music] thanks chief lasted much longer there friggin did the elites get a fix on the cartographer don't worry [Music] the way you find any locked doors smartphone be happy to Brennaman you're the lady zhu zhu be able to clear this which seems in very efficient here this to be Iranian good work chief link-up with our Armour on the far side of the ball make your way down to the car top and some rain that's galaxies we're beyond the rim change of the eighty light-years from galactic center to be precise what is this place together this is the arc I had always assumed it was part of a shield installation but it seems I was mistaken that's a first why we heard a complete understanding of installation zero for my makers wisely limited my knowledge of all other strategic facilities compartmentalization in case I was ever captured by the blood can you tell me where we are exactly here and truth near one of the arcs superluminal communication areas I'm afraid unfortunate a meddler has triggered a barrier a defensive perimeter around the arc score the barrier will be difficult to disable comprehensive defense around a single what is it fragile the spark move commander Johnson sharp I got it now what might that be [Music] right we have priorities too until we kill truth stop the Rings from firing [Music] we hit these three generators and then the barrier will fall a small section good enough Johnson drop the chief at the first generator then head to the third the elites will cut right down the middle Roger that Charlie Foxtrot I'll go your command hostile anti-air has been neutralized hold position I'm on my way oh [ __ ] master begin diversionary bombardment I will beat the profits sparklies truth could have to make the rings at any time if he does every me in the galaxy Fela will kill them all get to the first house shut it down chief find the tower controls and shut it down good work chief that's one the elites should be just about that's true it's all on to Johnson's team now get back outside chief wait for transport Johnson [Music] Johnson can you hear me chief can you need to link up with the aleene's and proceed directly to the third tower and make your way back to the beach sir I've got a flight of birds that need an escort take the morning we'll get those pelicans safely to the third town I want to ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and to switch chief and the barrier will fall [Music] [Music] now prophecy Quran has come journey by the gods brace for impact [Music] what's your status masters I need you to take down what's just going to put pressure on accelerate his plans [Music] down [Music] [Music] calamity if only we had more time [Music] before stand firm the our enemies crowd around us we tread the blessed path this moment I will light the Rings and all who believe shall be saved how close are you not close enough that the best you got [Music] oh come on impress me stop you imbecile he wants you to kill him [Music] what's the matter big shot can't start your own party I admit I need you that secret dies with [Music] [Music] Johnson sound off get out of here not without you you delay the inevitable one of you will life rings you cannot hope to kill them all you're right do it [Music] and you now [Music] No your forefathers wisely set aside their compassionate steel themselves for what needed to be done I see now why they left you behind whoo gods must be strong [Music] - natsu blessing let me lead you safely only you can hold what he has said Ben Wilson [Music] so far real on the hop [Music] [Music] stop the race save the rest can you see orbital the moment of salvation is at hand will not last your kind never believed in the promise of the sacred ring Mako's for the attendant I will have my revenge on a prophet monthly my feet tread the path I shall become a god [Music] [Applause] [Music] the voice on the dominant festal you must be silenced [Music] [Music] headstones pushed aside you must abide we trade one deliverer for another what do you see [Music] replacement when you destroyed when did you know just now but I added my herbs what will you do light it then we are agreed but tactical balls will completely eradicate the local infestation I will personally oversee the final preparations no one will take turn to [Music] Oh [Music] chief I'll round up our survivors and fall back to the dorms kitchen master what are the same with the elites Gautama is in there somewhere [Music] [Music] child of my enemy why have you come I offer no forgiveness the father sins has to his son of course you came for her we exist together allow two corpses in one way [Music] time has taught me patience the pasty in you afraid I will know all that I possess you found me [Music] but so much me is wrong out of place you might be too late you know me when I make a promise you keep it I do know how to pick them lucky me do you still have it the activation index from the first halo ring a little souvenir I hung onto just in case [Music] thought I'd try shooting my way out mix things up low [Music] just keep your head down there's two of us in here now [Music] [Music] at last I see the secret is revealed you need to buy some time this reactor start a chain reaction destroy hi charity you heard it too [Music] [Music] humans [Applause] Johnson do you have the frigate yes ma'am our lander is close to the control room as I can safe is better than closed sergeant major Roger that [Music] hallo it's some new unfinished I'm not exactly sure what will happen when we fire it we'll head for the portal [Music] [Music] a galaxy of fresh open up coast is clear chief arbiter let's move do I take life or pivot holes victim and who is for it's trying to rebuild itself on this ring hurry control rooms close [Applause] yank me chief I'm not gonna lose her too [Music] Oh wonderful news the installation is almost complete terrific yes isn't it I have begun my simulations no promises but initial results indicate this facility should be ready to fire in just a few more days we don't have a few more days but a premature firing will destroy the Ark deal with it to destroy this installation protocol dictates action I see no than helping you was wrong you are the child of my makers inheritor of water left behind you are forerunner but this ring is mine I take no pleasure in doing what must be done [Music] I'm getting you out of here no no you're not don't ever send me out [Music] chief I'm so sorry [Music] come on smarten go go go percent firing sequence initiated job [Music] hang on [Music] cheese [Music] we'll make it [Music] for us the storm has passed the war is over but let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return for their decision required courage beyond measure sacrifice and unshakable conviction that their fight our fight was he'll swim as we start to rebuild this hillside will remain barren a memorial to heroes form they are noble all of us and they shall not be forgotten [Music] we shared part [Music] I remember how this war started what your kind did to mine I can't forgive but you have my thanks for standing by him to the end [Music] particle Amy's dead were it so easy [Music] [Music] things look different without the prophets lies like to see to know that it is safe fear not for we have made take us home [Music] [Music] you loading up commander we're gonna see if Halsey can learn to speak Guardian the briefing for you by the time we reach them he knows see you blindside so you wrote a target dossier on the arbiter when you wrote donated that was six years ago which appointed you recommended assassinating him after we killed millions of our people so why didn't you things changed the alternatives to Tom - we will scorch into it Lock planet Steven civil war if this all goes sideways understands it's not my first mission that doesn't exist locks part [Music] [Music] [Music] arbiter has United the keeps and formed a new alliance the swords of San Helios with arbiters victories and the death of jewel and AMA the Covenant remnants grow desperate they have begun an assault on the Dom Lance targeting arbiter specifically and arbiters location you will find arbiter at the elder council chambers victory to plan and kin Spartans lucky out I'm impressed arbiter has females in his ranks worst traditionally been a male's job on sang Helios what are those buildings over there soon ion that's where the Guardian is located gonna need serious backup to get anywhere near it we need the swords of San Helios and that means we need arbiter gentle eats ahead looks like they're with the swords are saying Helios she didn't say Remo she didn't say loot a hobby what's that Vale singing Li burial fairs an ally so these dead here are our brothers as far as I'm concerned agreed time for payback the cabin opens up here keep your eyes up snipers on that Ridge ahead I'm at the top of the ridge there's an exit up here if we lose the orbiter reaching the Guardian and soon ion gets complicated these are pre covenant sang hailey ruins they were already ancient history before humanity built the pyramids covenant flying in act casual maybe they will notice us can win this thing if they kill the arbiter they'll be well on their way that buildings taking a beating that's the elder council chamber Maki said the arbiter was there this mural shows the story of the elites this is about the creation of the covenant alliance of the prophets and the elites all clear I am approaching your position hold your fire check your fire friendly incoming your commander Palmer thought you would find these useful I do like the way she thinks permanent reinforcements move on the elder council chamber time is running low the Spartans will clear a path to the arbiter just be ready for extraction I shall await your signal mal DuBose iris rubbing it on your Cyrus we're almost there hurry if there is one sort of say Helios rep coming up on the council-chamber get in there now push through Osiris be victorious for San Helios I don't go carpet it ready for extraction what is the meaning [Music] [Music] Sparty Jameson Locke UNSC captain Lasky census meetings and thanks you for your cooperation only out of the shadows the spies announce themselves now it I'm a Spartan now so I know you are you are an agent when you volunteer to execute me I saved your life today yet now you hunt another spot the greatest of your Claire let him hunt he'll you ever find it it's Cortana she touched every networked device in the cab she knows the Guardian is here luck that things our last shot you have the firepower to get us in there so Don as the covenants final stronghold on San Helios Osiris will deploy within the hour have you planned ready guns down Oh sounds we're guests here look I have a briefing prepared given Cortana show of power I am a luck tent to discuss it over open channels understood doctor we're on our way start secure our systems have been compromised by the human AI not the Covenant it is sabotage we must respond we fight one enemy at a time today the Covenant Osiris come look at this I'm using this structure to upload the recording from meridian into the constructor make sure you're ready to go when I give the signal standing by doctor get comfortable it could be hours I take it back it's headed for sanaya it's moving towards the guardian order it's all in the name of the greater good doctor we don't have time Cortana is built from a matrix of my own mind the domain gives her incredible power I understand Spartan Locke stop her but please bring John home to me [Music] the Cyrus for month everyone ready actually Tanaka if I can ask a favor you say a word come a long way together a long way yet to go let's make a good jump like we mean to and handle fools like we need to by the circuits to Egyptian cotton and made buck by the first round when we get back we get through this I'll buy the whole damn bar fireteam Osiris [Music] the light is green Oh Helios there's the first of the air defense push forward take it out all clear disable the air defenses target out of the cannon itself yes Spartans The Guardian is at the far end of the city there are more anti-air emplacements in that direction will clear out air defenses as we go good luck to you and to you orbiter swords of San Helios today's anion will fall and with it the Covenant to me brothers alright Spartans there's ground to cover between here in the guardian move out Great Bridge arts hostels in the doorway how do we know if dr. Halsey spline work than the constructor did its job Guardian will start moving just need to be close enough to jump on board when it does on anti-air in place shut it down give the source of San Helios the arbiters fleet is arriving bring down your defenses so they stand a chance if that targets Janet's offline Spartan Locke the source of Santi Leo's air defenses down on my position deep moving is plenty more to do [Music] there's an elevator to the Undercity everybody on the elevator walk down there Parvati we're adding to the understand I want to warn you before the Guardian jumps to slipspace it sets up a series that concussive blasts if you move your ships out of the way in time the Covenant will take the brunt of that victory and honor do not grow from timid seed spark your harvest shall be grabbed when you see the chief again tell him I send my greetings I will indeed sir look I've never heard of sang Healy address a human like that I'll try not to late baki says we'll get direct access to the Guardian from down here but remember we don't have this sort to San Giulio to distract these troops whatever gets us to the Guardian quickest from meeting will be ready on construction last Afghan it's herp it meets the Guardian would be awake sir double time Osiris we have to go back up can't have too much longer to go everybody on the elevator arbiter this is Spartan Locke do you copy arbiter that's good we should be close to the Guardian by day if we can help arbiter we do but not at the risk of missing the Guardian reaching master chief is more important if we miss this Guardian what's plan B for catching up the chief this is Plan B it's the only Guardian we know looks like we just missed on the [ __ ] not enough double time Osiris over there in the ocean guardians rising arbiter I've come this far to let the Guardian slip away now poor dick coming down we don't have time to discuss take him out of Syrus zipper in the world we need to get on that deal with the water spiral Genesis must be ready to go your eyes duck and listen all the fun that's twice over County now you get one shot ready when you say tremendous Oh [Music] [Music] Punk them to the last the day we extinguished the covenants light [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 2,325,160
Rating: 4.8100538 out of 5
Keywords: machinima, thel vadamee, thel vadam, long road home, the arbiter, arbiter terminals, the arbiter movie, the arbiter master chief, the arbiter scenes
Id: bTFNwisqt34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 2sec (9842 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2016
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