How Jun-A266 (Noble 3) SURVIVED and ESCAPED Reach

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hey guys welcome back during Gila reach we watched noble team fall one by one to the Covenant each death outweighing the last it was the perfect end to a doomed resistance story however there was one member of noble team of whom we never saw meet his end June a two six six following Mobile's acquisition of Cortana Carter ordered June to escort dr. Halsey to castle base however in the fall of reach when horses at castle base there's no mention or sighting of June whatsoever now stepping back from the Canon for just a second obviously if this is because the fall of reach was written in 2001 and June as a character probably didn't exist until like as early as 2008 2009 but from a kanima standpoint his whereabouts and seeming absence have never been addressed nor has how he somehow managed to do the impossible and escape the heavily covenant occupied planet at least officially you see when the only black tape is lifted with the proper clearance of course you'll find two possible accounts for June's escape and survival now it's worth noting that neither of these accounts are canon per se but one is considered as close to canon as possible by both Bungie and three for three and the other is straight from the mouth of Frank O'Connor halos franchise development director who's worked on halo since 2004 he did narrative work for Bungie since halo 2 and then continued to do the same for 343 and furthermore both of these accounts fit perfectly within the existing canon so if he for three really wanted to they could very easily just click their fingers and make them both Canon but before we dive into these highly classified files I'm very happy to announce that today's video is conveniently sponsored by audible alder ball has the largest selection of audiobooks on the planet and within that very selection is a plethora of Halo audiobooks ranging from stories set hundreds thousands of years prior to Master Chief the story set post halo 5 and pre infinite there really is an audiobook for every type of Halo fun to listen to at home on the go at the gym or of course while playing Halo just go to slash hidden experior or text hit next period to 500 500 if you're in the u.s. to get three months of audible for just 695 a month that's more than half off the regular price and absolutely perfect for Christmas time given all the reach hype at the moment I think I'd be remiss to not recommend the fall of reach audiobook the original telling of reaches downfall not only can you redeem the audiobook with your free credit that you get for signing up but you can also keep it forever whether you continue your membership or decide to cancel so jump into healers expanded universe today by giving audible a try go to slash hidden experior or texts hidden experior to 500 500 if you're in the United States enjoy an audible today so let's begin investigating these highly classified accounts of June's escape by first looking at what Frank O'Connor had to say now his account actually comes from a relatively recent Twitter threat just over like a year ago replying to Stephen who wanted to know how June actually got a 3ch he gave a surprisingly descriptive Canon like account of his escape from the planet June his armor systems beat him protests as the heat walked seals shrank groaning me toward the gel layer of his tech suit and the flesh beneath the windless insistent cold of low orbit leech into the last few amps was life support at birth less than a mile away he could hear the glitter of a mid tether service pot if he could reach that airless cockpit he could reach a hard-line calm booster and a glimpse of salvation the towers titanium and carbon fibers shrieked is the counterweight miles above continued to disintegrate climbing he thought one gloved hand reaching further into the void and darkness of birth hello reach glued of Vulcan baleful crimson so according to this brief accountant Jun quite literally climbed off reach he climbed another space elevators that was still intact from the surface of reach to low orbit until he reached one of the last remaining cockpits that he could then use to take him up as far as possible and assuming he then hopped in a pelican or something and just heated right out of there so that's pretty cool honestly it's a short description but it makes sense and honestly I'd be lying if I said the idea of June quite literally climbing a space elevator isn't badass and isn't something that I could totally see him doing but like I said it's still a very short description and literally only covers his escape however this next account is far far more in depth now this account comes from a story called a fistful of arrows which is referencing Jun his iconic tattoo it's a fan-made graphic novel written and drawn by Levi Hoffmeyer also known as Leviathan and even comes with its own soundtrack to listen to while reading now you might be thinking that this is just fun fiction and although that's technically the case it's like the most official form of fan fiction that you're going to find anywhere from any franchise Leviathan is done official artwork for Halo before the novel has been literally acknowledged by both Bungie and through for three numerous times and as far as Callen goes this story fits almost perfectly within the existing canon so if the 4:3 wanted to there is literally nothing stopping them from just making it canon and I mean apparently at one point there were even plans to do so now I'm gonna do a brief overview of the novel now covering how Jun survived and escaped reach and if after it you want to go and read the novel for yourself which I highly highly recommend the link is at the top of the description it's also free so really a win-win situation so when Jun and Halsey split from noble team and headed towards castle base they were immediately trailed by banshees as they meander between countless covenant cruisers reinforcements were on their way to distract the cruisers and there's June to cut the bunchy they arrived an entire UNSC fleet as they engage the cruisers the Covenant played their trump card a huge CAS Cruiser began charging up his glassing beam its shields were down but any Shiva class missiles the UNSC fired at it would be shot down instantly so one of the frigates in the fleet the UNSC Daedalus wing made the ultimate sacrifice flying into his facility and detonating all the Shiva's in her on board destroying both herself and the CAS in one enormous explosion and clearing a safe path of a June and Halsey when they reach castle base they were greeted by captain maclean an only ODST stationed at the base with most of the base now evacuated the plan was to go forward with operation white glove giving castle base the same fate as sword base but only only if the Covenant didn't stumble upon it if they didn't then the remaining survivors would instead hole up inside the base within the mennonite mountain and let the storm pass it was basically onlys equivalent of go to the Winchester have a nice cold pint and wait for all of this to blow over Halsey was quick to dismiss MacLean and his odious T's ordering them to get to a safe extraction point as white-glove only required one person to conduct but the captain refused only he and three other ODS T's in his squad had survived the drop to the base he wasn't about to let his squad members die for no reason as they were discussing plans suddenly a Corvette came crashing down through the sky closely followed by a Paris class frigate both crashing down to the surface and above both of them another Cruiser immediately phantoms were sent down to hunt for survivors and given how close to Castle the ships had crashed the Covenant could very easily stumble upon it up until now all the bases defenses had been deactivated to help give it the lowest profile possible but now that dr. Halsey herself was there that was no longer an option despite her disagreement captain MacLean ordered the defenses to be reactivated which in horseys words quite literally kicked the hornet's nest the ODS T's began in the Banshees and consequently the covenant spears was well and truly brought directly upon them and as if matters couldn't get any worse some of the scythe AAA turrets were refusing to come back online so Jun hatched a plan he'd only recently found a cache of supplies containing sixteen mags of armor-piercing rounds medical supplies and armor lock unit eight Lotus anti-tank mines and remote charges using these supplies he ordered the O DSPs to fall back and escort halt G to the a a Taurus so she could get them back online while he covered their retreats using his new toys they complied as anywho TST would to a Spartan and as the Covenant disembarked - ex Jun took to the shadows and waiting the enemy he started off by definition the charges he's placed under the landing pad sending countless elitist grunts and drop ships into the abyss meanwhile Halsey and her AI Kalmia had managed to reroute the power from castle to the turrets to get them back online and they worked like a charm but it wasn't over yet before the ODST each had a second to celebrate a jackal phalanx began pushing up the road with skirmishes shooting from behind the shields as you'd expect they were having a tough time taking them out as we continue to push closer and closer until out of the blue came a high-velocity armour-piercing round going straight through the skull of a skirmish ax there's no backup quite like a Gilad Spartan back on the frontline the ODST noticed something fall behind them a piece of a turret and when they turned around to check on that condition what they saw was dire something had managed to completely destroy the size without their noticing as June is attention was drawn away by a pair of hunters out of the shadows came a squad of spec ops and leaves one of which instantly impaled captain maclean lifting him off the ground and sending the ODST to a gruesome fate when junuh dealt with one of the hunters by sniping it directly in the neck during something that only June could manage Heep and his scope back to the ODST position but all that remained were bloody lifeless corpses this put June in a state of disbelief heap and away from mere seconds and the entire squad had been massacred but what he saw when he continued scanning the area only exacerbated this disbelief and worried the SpecOps elites had captured dr. Halsey the elites called out to June taunting him they knew he was there somewhere and to get him to come out they threatened to kill Halsey although thankfully Kalmia was still nearby and could offer a perfect translation to June the elites were bluffing a covenant higher-ups knew exactly who whole he was and they absolutely could not afford to have her harmed let alone killed but that was no help to June as soon as he took one of the elites out the others would just camera up and kill him before he could even begin to relocate he was hauls his last guard the fate of humanity was in his hands and in this moment of dire importance suddenly Carter's final words came back to him June make sure nothing falls into enemy hands I'll do what's necessary said good luck you too rifleman he pondered taking out the elite who held a hostage but it was just far too risky he lowered his scope took his finger off the trigger and prepared for a more unconventional means of engagement he took a leap of faith throwing himself from his bounded point into the elites he broke his fall with a fist in the face of the elite holding Halsey knocking them both to the ground and breaking their shields before shouting at Halsey to run now it was just one Spartan unbeknownst to him the last of his squad and a covenant speckled squad but no Spartan ever accepted their fate and June was not about to break that tradition surrounded the spartan the three fought like hell using any means necessary to outmaneuver and neutralize the enemy using war leech sword he managed to impale the other and it was going well until one of the grunts in the squad began to restrain him allowing the elite whose sword had just slayed one of his own brothers to cleanse that sword of the dishonor with the of the demon however June had one last trick up his sleeve a plasma grenade he lit the demon flower which he knew would trigger a chain reaction with the other grenade scattered across the floor by the Warriors he'd already dispatched and right before the chain of explosions began he slammed his fist into the dirt activating the armored lock module he'd scavenged earlier and the entire speckled contingent were incinerated in a bright flash of plasma with the area clear he went to check on Halsey when all of a sudden the final adversary reared his head the other hunter the bond brother that he hadn't killed taking Jun by complete surprise the hunter smacked him with his shield sending him flying into a wall and knocking off his helmet and crushing the AP round he had stored on his shoulder as he lay there partially conscious battered beaten and bloody the hunter approached Halsey seconds away from dealing an incredibly messy killing blow but from out of the shadows Jun and sheath his combat knife and leaped onto the back of the hunter and begun to slash away in his neck the more he slashed the more worms and orange liquid sprayed out covering his blade before eventually the Beast was brought down with the area now actually clear at least for the time being Halsey beckoned him into the entrance of the mining facility at the back of which was an elevator that took them directly to castle base which was equipped with a fully stocked medical Bay but Jun refused if the Covenant came back and found their way into Castle everyone in there was history and Jun was prepared to do anything and everything to stop that from happening for as long as possible Holsey reminded him that going back out there was suicide but he was well aware of the consequences he wanted to make the enemy regret ever setting foot near Castle hold them off for long enough for the base to either be blowing or for somebody to provide safe evac for Halsey and get her off the planet before Jun left the base departing into the ominous amber glow of reach Halsey asked him a question what did George say to you during the operation inque's on which was a region of reach something that mendez who trained the spartan two's had told him that a spartan can't have his own baggage job his own weight there's there's just no room he already has the weight of all of humanity on his back joon concluded by saying that they were wise words but that's all they were they were just words in the heat of it all words can't help you pull the trigger sometimes you just know what you have to do when you resist that that's when you can feel it shaking me from the inside that's why you're alive doctor I stopped resisting be seeing you and that's how Jun ensured halsy safety and survived the events of reach now granted it doesn't explain how he escaped reach at the end he just disappears back into the amber chaos of the planet but if you combine the Fistful of arrows with Frankie's description of how we escaped the planet you get a perfect cannon friendly and incredibly badass explanation now all three for three you've got to do is canonize the whole lot and we're sorted but yeah that's a fistful of arrows there are details from a story that I left out of the video because honestly I don't want to spoil the entire thing it's an absolutely fantastic story that I highly highly highly recommend reading the amount of work that Leviathan put into it is nothing short of incredible so I really couldn't bring myself to spoil the entire thing in a video again the link is right at the top of the description so please if you have an hour to spare go and check out a fistful of arrows if you want more mobile team backstory it is absolutely 100% worth it it is without a doubt one of my favorite pieces of halo media of all time and it's not even Callen the story is nothing short of incredible the artwork is perfect it's all perfect it's incredible please seriously just go and check it out it is so so so good and you will not regret it but yeah this is a long one so I think I'm gonna bring it to a close here thank you once again to audible for sponsoring the video don't forget or double comm such hidden experior or if you're in the US texts hidden experience of five hundred five hundred to get three months of audible for only six ninety-five a month absolutely perfect for catching up on healer law over Christmas I want to give a massive thank you to everybody who continues to support me over on patreon I love you all and thank you all so much for watching I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: HiddenXperia
Views: 507,928
Rating: 4.9342976 out of 5
Keywords: halo reach, halo reach campaign, halo reach lore, halo reach emile, halo reach jorge, halo reach noble 6, halo reach jun death, halo reach jun armor, all noble team death scenes, what happened to jun after halo reach, halo fistful of arrows, halo noble team lore, halo, hiddenxperia, halo dr halsey, halo infinite, halo mcc, oni, halo cursed, halo pc, how jun-a266 survived and escaped reach, halo oni, Jun Noble 3, jun-a266, halo reach jun, halo reach noble team, halo reach pc
Id: SFMiDmCr0qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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