The LEGENDARY KING CRAB! - NEW Update! - Gameplay

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hey everybody hum blitz Oh welcome back to another episode of boop dot IO so check it out there are a couple new animals in the game do we have a little duck and a little duckling and a duck and they grow up from eggs that's kind of cool also there's some nerfs that have happened and but check this out we have a new Hedgehog super awesome little hedgehog and this guy the king crab this is a a new animal in the ocean it's equal to the dragon and the t-rex kind of a big big thing hopefully we can play with it also I have told the people on my discord server which is discord OGG /yt blitz that I am playing so maybe we'll see some of them with the beezy tag going on but I'm gonna start it off playing with the the water animals because that's where the king crab lives and I actually found that living in the ocean is a little bit easier than not living in the ocean so well yeah hopefully hopefully this goes well that's the kind of the cool thing too in this update or the the Christmas special here all winter animals there's the winter biome atop all winter animals can go down anywhere they want so Wow okay what stay away from him that's fine yeah it's kind of neat oh look at the little puffer puffer fish that's awesome you've got you've got like candles all over him and weird stuff hey I like the little shrimp yeah it'll be interesting to see what the rest of these skins look like ooh grab these come on no okay I want to stay away from things dip just get that one and we'll get that one oh yes this is what I needed aha and we'll get rid of the puffer Oh perfect give me that free XP from the healing thing we upgraded to the trout yes yes level me up level me up my precious look how big I'm getting oh I got rid of it that's to bed hopefully you can find another one look at that giant hippo he's got a scarf on cuz he's cold and stuff hey I want to eat these oh that's crock crock with squiggly words it looks like Korean letters I think underneath of it and we'll come over here oh oh I got I'm a crab now I can go up there what is this thing oh I eat the shrooms what is this it's a mouse I think ah nice okay went in hey kit give me my face yes now we can do a mole or a seahorse of course I'm gonna stay in the ocean making a commotion doing everything that we can oh oh there's Lok job haha can't touch this can't touch this whoa wrong way wrong way let's go eat some of the seafood over here it's seafood time now we can do dear earth squid we're actually doing whoa no bad bad idea there okay man now you got to be careful we level up really fast you're gonna come after me no no no no no stay go away I made it away my squid ish kind has left that guy still was in there for some reason but I snuck away nice and easy wearing some more of the seafood I guess is seafood it's just seaweeds seaweed seaweed seaweeds all day long oh look a berry squid last can soups Batman do you see how much XP that gave me good stay away from these nerds stay away from me stay away from me we got a Russian and a shy a Japanese okay I'm gonna eat that there we go stay away from me yeah there's a cheetah in the ocean ocean cheetah hold up he's coming after me time to duck dive and go oh we're gonna go we're gonna go this way he's coming out oh I'm running out of air whoop how old is the King right no no no I got eaten man already I think I like about these low levels his left wing up is super quick and if you die you don't really matter as you can you can slip through and just eat all of the seaweed again okay don't don't kill me don't kill me you don't know me you don't know me bad sea fish aha now I'm gonna dodge ibly we're gonna dodge away well that was perfect yeah you go underwater go eat Miko instead I'm sharing it I'm sharing the thing you with Ramy okay jellyfish all right should I be let's be the new headshot because I think that'd be fun head w to become a spiky and dangerous tug oh look I can eat the thingy nice oh we can't the big shrooms to this was probably a good idea oh no spikey Wow no he picked me up he were flying way up in the sky we I forgot about the okay I'm stunned no no no bad all this is probably not a giant room and a big octopus guy Wow okay let's go back over here can i curl i can't crawl on that i just want a level up let me level up so I can go back in the ocean make a commotion oh yes all there's the king crab look at him I wanna bite him in the butt so I can get all the XP in the world a bigger nicking crab okay maybe I need to get away oh there's two crabs they're attacking each other hey back in the water I am a ocean Oh Oh turtle time yeah turtle a land turtle ahoy Oh eating the mole eat them all eat them all eat them all oh I hate them all come on faster little man Oh eat the Mulligan yes wait I think that one guy had a BZ on his name didn't he sorry sorry blitz glend I didn't mean to I'm gonna eat a giant mushroom watch a bunch X peas from this oh wow that was a full level of stingray man that was that was actually a lot more than I expected fantastic ah we get the big ones now I like it serious fun like this we got a big a big snail he dead snail up Oh ate a lot of those other stuff what was that seaweed stuff okay come on snail I want you in my life get my belly get my belly get in my belly there we go Wow and pufferfish pufferfish oh I can eat the big things now Oh what was that uh-oh turtle time do dude don't dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun pow yeah I knocked him stand up I'm up I'm up injured Oh dirty dirty eating that was good okay we got a double whale we'll stay away from the whales I want to go eat some more of the these things over here the big snails and and okay that wasn't as good as I thought it was I got you oh I missed this done I missed it he went into the hole okay we'll go back this way eat those we'll come back this way and we'll go eat this one those are actually pretty good not not gonna lie there they're better than I thought they were oh we get it I wonder if this is actually worth doing right now a lot of times oh yeah we got some good XP on this we'll move it around and eat the other weeds with it okay maybe that's not very much XP we can level up faster if we don't try to level up on that oh what a new one spot perfect look at us go the swordfish swordfish there was a snake in the water did you see that a swimming snake Oh sort of fishies like to eat all the plants in the world here we go charge time dun dun dun Oh destroyed wow that was really good level he didn't stun me but I still ate him hate to pufferfish okay I'm gonna stay away from over there we're gonna go down oh oh and yes ladies oh there's meat here Meeta Potamus time I think that's from the shark that shook the puffer over here a little bit ago alright jump jump jump jump job chomp ha ha Oh octopus octopus so we can be disguised now in the water I don't really like these wait for prey to bite you you get stunned whatever kind of a kind of a dumb one I think whoa check this out look at this big puddle of meat whoa whoa dive duck oh no I got stunned yeap nobody died sure time Go Go shark man go shark man no no no no yes No No Go Go ho ho I made it I made it somehow how did I do that yeah bark oh yeah bonk bonk you up didn't oh hey I didn't I didn't get a good bite on him now he's just gonna wait for me now I'm in trouble late all the seaweed so much of it and it's all like just tells me this only tells me that no one's been here forever Oh get through there we go okay and eat the snail eat the snail eat the snail I said eat that eat the snail eat this now got it wow this is snails are doing it Oh stay away from the cookie and there's toxic Oh toxic just got eaten okay let's let's me and our way back over here can this thing do anything for me look at that we don't even get any XP to level us up on this Wow hey there's an eagle ah oh I missed with the bite I missed with the bite that's too bad snick snick oh he bit me he bit me I'm gonna bite you back Nick I'm gonna bite you back I'm gonna bite you come back here up okay we got a lot of we got a lot of sharky's up here that one's pretty big shark I'm wondering is it time do you think it might be time to take a trip down memory lane and try to go into one of these rivers I don't know sometimes I don't like doing the river trips but sometimes they're a lot of fun to all this is the bad River it's going the wrong way hey mojo Oh nope hey wait we got a pro coming in I'm in trouble I'm in so trouble Hey okay Oh what was that okay there's another one waiting in here we're gonna go this way yep I know I know he was in here I knew it was that's why I went over here aha yo can't run away from me wait I'm the one running there's a Kraken and stuff all right let's leave now no no no no why is it yes at least he got eaten up that's what I was going for ah 55,000 XB let's do the croc for a little bit we can just go to land for a little while I feel like the croc is a pretty strong guy eat that up yeah so work who I see a web that's not a good sign sure we I'm just gonna eat this ha ha I eat it oh oh a hippo that's not a hippo ha ha bite it drag it in somewhere right in the river here there we go and now eat him yeah oh oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no hide in the hole got it away left oh I'm gonna need a duck duck duck quack quack quack the duck it's a duck it's a fake duck whoa oh no not good not good not good run away I want to eat the duck this is not good oh I got a lot of air so I guess that we've got a what's that I'm back now everyone's just kind of waddling over this way I can go in there to get whoa oh no oh no oh okay king crab hold the king crab just saved my bacon cuz there is multiple guys there okay that was good hey meat don't you dare penguin oh I can't eat the penguin wait I can eat this though aha aha Wolverine should I be the Wolverine I never really do let's be the Wolverine quick I never with all these big berries the big berries leveled me up like crazy if I remember it nevermind they don't I've never really do the the cold water or cold area dudes kind of neat in here I'll speed up there's a pair over here there's a water oh okay come here you're gonna hide in the water I'm gonna eat a chicken quack yep oh we have a chicken premiere chicken duck quack quack I got it that wasn't much xB either how about this berry that berry does nothing quack-quack chicken dude there's a polar bear oh I didn't kill it or did I wear polar bear oh you scratched me what is my attack I cannot read loud noise I guess that's a stun you guys must be getting stunned just being in here too oh they're not so bad now doors as uh roared Adam didn't work hey there's a walrus Hey and a big what is that thing oh okay yeah that was cool good job I'm gonna eat the walrus there we go oh yes Dunham yes I growled him okay now get in the water get in the water Oh still faster Oh got oh come on come on ah it's not gonna work how are these things those aren't very much either how many ducks I'm gonna eat that duck giant duck goes quack quack quack I think that's all I'm gonna do now is just eat ducks that seems to be the best way to level up up here not much press come back here duck come back here got you oh come on catch broke don't bend up get in the water get back got him yeah those are pretty quick ways to level up and they seem to spawn pretty quickly in here to get the Wolverine I don't know why there's a duck up here but I'll eat it I mean that's my my goal in life is to eat ducks quack quack oh look at the baby duck I can't eat him until he grows up but still a baby duck is there a big duck Hey oh there's a duck I'm gonna eat that duck that is my duck oh that was your duck never mind why is there no more ducks I ate all the ducks oh here we go a bull can you not get that hole oh he can I just wanted oh nice now he's gonna try to do that Oh growled at him ah hey you bit me a little turd bite in my butt I'm gonna go back and get him Brandon what are you now are you a wolf oh yeah is the wolf oh we're Brendon is this gonna do it it did okay killer whale I think yes killer whale whoa okay wait a minute wait a minute what am i okay top right this is fine this is fine now the killer whale does get pretty difficult especially when you get a shark's poop got it ha ha I stole it okay that's not what we want to do we don't want to get in fights with anyone oh boy there's a lot of stuff here and underwater underwater the oh my word what is with all of these whales ha okay oh my word oh this is not good not good at all what is all there's a Kraken yes come on Oh eat the puffer no never ball never mind he's on the team he's on blitz team go wrecking ball we end in the hole and out of the hole and there we go okay we're gonna go across I know Vinnie oh did you see that wrecking ball come in here I got you buddy I got you this might be more dangerous than being up in the snow zone that way you're at okay I'm gonna go oh there's another one hey Gabe radik he's another of the disc orders I believe there we go we're gonna risk it through the river I do not like that right side right now there's too many big fish in that pond so we're just getting mushrooms in the river I guess Oh pooped on me pooped on by me haha hello goodbye oh whoa hey the magical crocodile just happened what was that a big lion look like a lion this is not a very good idea to go through here with the big whale I'm not getting as much food as I thought I would it is a good idea if I can get some kills but I did want to try and change sides too oh I can't quite get that oh wow this one looks kind of empty yeah Wow it's done here Otto Ebola that's not a good thing to get caught in your lungs boop-boop and got it and this is gonna be tough I don't know how I'm gonna live now there we go we go oh no nope don't attack me oh this works POW stand him stunned him and I hate that wave okay I forgot how bad I hit the win oh he's stuck in there oh hey hey you're welcome Yeah right zoomy Wow Oh how do you like that banana you don't what are you gonna do I think POW Donna oh I'm in trouble colonel yeah get out of here okay hey that was a little dangerous I got my dive working again I can't kick I'm just gonna cut through and see what'll happen look at this can I get him can I give come on come on oh there's a hedgehog here too oh I got him I got him no no I don't money money money money are you kidding me why does everything have to die oh hey ain't a porcupine thing wait hey Ethan Ethan you know what's up you know the things there's nothing to eat oh that's why I can never I'm not good at eating other things in this game there's a donkey and a snake eat this thing up whoops stay away stay away I'm too cautious - I just don't meet I don't want to go kill things if I don't have to I got this one maybe I don't why do they have to dive makes it hard he thinks oh oh oh ha ha ha eight something yay-hey I was in fair oh here we go here we go he's gonna be stuck over here oh hey yeah I hate that okay you're gonna be stuck underneath of this I see you see you what I knew it I knew you'd try to shock me on a sequel chick boy boy huh huh it's I gets done - oh you're gonna go under over here I knew it oh now oh this is my zone no no no hey oh I stunned me again ha ha okay that's not not the best idea to do all right here we go back through the land of this river now this can be dangerous but I like getting the mushrooms oh there's a healing thing right there good to know and I don't see anything this is a good way to pick up a lot of people that are dead too or dying escaping trying to get in the river what is that what I don't know what it is well it's a dragon I'm gonna stay away from them oh sure yes shirk ah got it nice it shirk oh boy that's not good oh that's not good at all oh okay oh no bad bad see Narwhal whoop and down in the hole down the water down low what all I made it I made it alive okay in it oh man that is one giant whale gadzooks man that's a big whale I'm gonna go this way oh you get some food to level up finally wow that was a little bit scary I need some water - it's gonna Trump me try to do anyway I knew it uh-huh boom hit Oh something else is here uh-huh I gotta get oh wait why me why me you wanted to get me I almost killed him too huh there he is there he is oh he wants to eat my tail maybe I should let him he learned his lesson oh maybe not we'll see here he's got a pop up pretty soon oh I stun the wrong guy hey he's gonna go into this hole no oh we got a real whale stay away okay hey it might be time to evacuate evacuate the building Oh more see this seaweed doesn't even do any leveling up pots annoying I want to eat all this stuff but I can't eat anything good like you need everything it just doesn't do any XP okay we're gonna back in the hole oh oh I stunned him what happened where'd he go hey I do just disappeared okay oh there's a tiger ah tiger see this is where this is where we get things to eat okay the top one going back on the other way is not great there's things to eat here just don't get any XP for it oh look at all this that's a lot of XP startup yeah yeah hide something and uh oh come here oh there's the zebra in Godzilla Godzilla so he's gotta undo it yeah you're gonna get dead oh destroyed the zebra cool that was awesome so I just ate two things back back Oh double shark attack huh get eaten on land Oh got away almost Oh he ducked I got him I got him yes that was awesome maybe I should eat more sharks I don't know see this is the problem now I don't know what stage I am oh oh the mammoth the blue whale oh we got to do one more I think I'm gonna do the mammoth I'm gonna do the mammoth just so we can be in in this biome and what do I get I get roll snow that's my attack and I think this is gonna actually take a long time to do but I think it's pretty safe up here because not many people come up into this zone in a roll snow interesting can I combine snow things to make nope it just kind of does whatever it wants oh this is gonna take a while I wonder what that does does it attack does it do damage yay ducky time ducky time hey everybody uh I'll hit you with a snowball oh it's somebody else with a snowball it's okay Medusa is another one of the BZ Empire way I don't I don't want to eat them I would but I don't want to we'll do this one late the Ducks cuz the Ducks are NPCs and nobody cares about them founder wolf aha oh my snowball doesn't roll very fast evidently hey I want to eat the wolf I want to see if I can anyway oh this will be easy come right in my face hoo let's go and attack oh that little turd nugget got in my way I just spit on my microphone hopefully that didn't show up ah nope that's a log that snowball has a long history of bad stuff look at all the duckies and a pond for me to eat up got a triple ducky this is the only way I can level up I have gotten a few kills up here but it's like the Blitz team is actually oh I got my tail bitten how AHA oh gonna get this guy get him oh oh oh no no that was that was supposed to be mine hi you're at a saber-tooth cat I'm gonna sneak out and get you kitty uh-huh and bite you Oh we'd both got the stunning I got another stunt up Oh get on him away get him away nope that didn't do it I wanted to eat the saber-tooth kitty because evidently elephants can eat cats it doesn't make sense and he got away shoot Here I am trying to farm up all these things and then he gets the kill and gets away oh oh I did it Oh king crab time king crab time blitz the green crab doing all the things at a cream campaign wow that was that was really really rough now I could've lied that was that was boom man I don't even know what I can do by myself oh there's this guy over here is Sid Sid the sloth oh okay he's ducking down oh man this looks neat honey yeah I want to eat something that doesn't do much damage that thing good I actually owe ten million to the next aminal aminal blah blah blah animal I haven't been talking for a long time so that's why I have messed up with a minnow I did it though I did it this is the first time that I've actually ever I think gotten to this tier and it took me maybe an hour half hour or something like that up in the up in the snow zone just eating stuff this is cool though I've never been the king crab I gotta go destroy something I actually have to eat something now knowing me I'm gonna get I'm going to get destroyed and Wow yeah there's no way I'm gonna make it to the Black Dragon I just don't have the patience for that or the time really tonight blink blink blink and boy and boy can boy boy boy come on I want to see something I can eat where oh oh you need that oh can I eat that what was that thing I don't think I can eat that thing I could I maybe I would down here huh hello Brandon I will hide Oh perfect ah wait waivers put me away oh they double-team me that's okay it's kind of cool that they did that no I want my arms mesh done he's gonna turn noob yeah uh-oh look at that that guy would turn into the thingy up there that's awesome of course I'm a new there's some people now I don't blame you some people really really enjoy this game I like it but some people play this game all day like every day this is their game and I don't I don't do that I play when there's an update check out the new animals and stuff like this guy gamer Ryan I think he's oh somebody made spider webs all over the beach right what are you doing ha-cha-cha get rekt hit him and we'll go back in here I'm not gonna touch him I don't want you there I did make it to the blue whale one time I thought that was cool Ryan what are you doing get off of me Rebecca you not real nope nope leave he won't you won't know the difference that's that's I gave him the old switcheroo ski right there oh oh I guess I can go on land oh I smacked him ah get out of my face there we go totally fake that's what I love playing some of these games it's like you're not the real Blitz you're right I'm not totally totally the fake one I just I just don't know there's a lion oh oh Kelly okay you're right oh wait a minute oh no there's a tricks whoop hey hello tricks what are you doing in the order rawr this isn't good there's a lot of a lot of these guys around are you gonna try to eat me see this is what happens these guys gang up on me that's what that's what's gonna happen here I'm gonna get ganged up on I haul that D Rex got wiped out oh boy alright I see you I see what you're going on I'm gonna totally bite him in the butt ah yeah there's two of them there Oh yep I knew it I knew I could get away oh wow no way goodbye cruel world here we go ha ha Oh see that he got away again he ducked down I just about stunned him oh oh there's the two guys down there stay away from lefse left says bad whatever his name was yep yeah oh yeah don't you know there are dumb enough sod Christmastime yeah this guy's gonna try to pop up and get me good dirt up uh-huh where are you I see you I see you Oh a shark attack get rekt now you're stunned now can you duck again don't think so whoop ha ha ha hello hello that is one ugly skin roar team I don't care to be on untii me get away from me we can't actually well whatever open dope soap-on-a-rope get over my weight there's a thing in the way Oh get on later get a land scorpion got you rawr smash mode oh he's gonna he's gonna get away oh wait got I got him got him the king-crab down oh there's a giraffe how did I get giraffe I want to eat a drap I'm gonna go get the draught arm I smashed motor oh they didn't do anything how many - duck quack quack quack quack I'm a duck quack quack I'm a duck quite quick lots of ducks oh there's another one in here ok Oh turtle hello alright yeah get him oh you know my life I'm so dead hey wait there's a lot of them hi yeah that was cool congratulations double-oh-seven James Bond oh look at this guy he's dead though right congratulations you hit me again that was cool well I hope you enjoyed that need to come after me again you did it you did it all by himself Oh eat I can eat the small things come on stun em not gonna let you now gonna let you out there you go ah erect yep and you got him I got the small ones that's all I can do with my Oh noise nice big whale ho start up get up get up get the whale yes I need a whale I hate a whale I ate a blue whale I ate a blue whale that's the biggest thing I've ever eaten in the game thank you all I needed that Soviet bearer hello baram's soviet NIST's i think i can just shoot him off of there hey I didn't do much like the underwater look at this guy those red eyes that's really cool oh there's another one patron ah stunned him oh are they gonna attack each other I just wanted to get away actually I think it is about time that we ended the video I think I'm gonna go across ooh a stingray they sting they hurt a little bit wow that is thing right we well there's a whale up there can I swim backwards against this whale oh that's nothing against the whale I'm gonna eat that whale he's stuck oh yes whale is stuck oh he's not gonna be stuck uh-huh I'm gonna trap you up here mr. whale man I'm gonna trap you dun-dun-dun-dun whale dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt sea turtle oh I forgot about that well I can climb across ground oh I might get that Rhino you went across no eat me how's the giraffe oh I totally just smacked him can I get it oh you ran away okay there's a lot of cool stuff here oh hello I got grabbed by a tiger gratulations tiger why would you want to grab the king crab I have no idea ah you don't my life okay so I'm gonna go down since I couldn't I couldn't sustain that kill I'm gonna go down and we're gonna go through the ocean on the bottom this guy's gonna eat me now what I get stunned by the roar of the tiger baby maybe hello Mopa nope I don't want to eat you I just want to go I just want to swim okay let's see what we can do in this oh yes the monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey shirt Oh bite me I knew it I knew it I knew once done you know your Oh money money money money monkey come at me okay I'll just stand right here I think he's gonna try throw poop at me get him get him give up yes ha ha ha games Nick get him snakes that's funny this gonna eat him oh this guy's name is no eat me that must mean we have to eat him ah ha oh it was a good stunt look at that move Hey Oh No see if his name is no eat me than I have to eat him that's a drag on two dragons meet we're the same level as a dragon I believe uh listen meet down here oh okay all sorts of fun stuff hi you made it you made it up to that level congratulations yeah you know what good job proud of ya that was a good hit alright this is for all of the marbles in the marble chip potatoes I'm gonna go up into this swamp directly or right up here and this is where we're gonna live for a while we're gonna live right up in here for just a little bit until I die and I'll let whatever kills me kills me oh yeah how do you like that LexA Oh give up good I got a reindeer does this thing I had a duck I got a bunch of ducks quack quack quack I'm a duck quack quack quack team no I'm not gonna team with you I'm gonna eat you that's the whole idea here ah okay and I'm just eating everything including the Ducks I want to eat the Ducks these guys were actually trying to attack me okay fine you know I can climb that too right ah oh you try to jump away no you have no temper you why are you faster than me is your run but tiger look at this battle I like it I'm gonna eat it oh I wanted to eat him hey turtle power what I trap him i trapped him i trapped him I got it I got a shark I did it there's a tall man gotta get the pro guy gotta get the program yeah Wow yes get that stunt move I saved that other news bacon get out of here your big nasty elephant you smell bad like elephants and then this guy you don't even know what you are from what I mean eat you already to cheetah cheetah oh oh you got out of there he's gonna try to bite my tail I knew it oh I got him look at this I'm gonna eat an elephant I'm gonna eat an elephant I'm not gonna eat an elephant you just done me yeah okay whoa hi there there I guess they're playing they don't want friends down here today so I tell you why guys for the sake ending the video cuz I mean all videos have to end I'm just gonna get eaten I don't know who's gonna eat me you're on fire look at all these guys it's a big swarm a big swarm of junk there we go that is how it ends looking at all there's a lot of high-level dudes right there so guys thanks for watching I hope you've enjoyed the Pope I don't soap-on-a-rope giant crab king crab thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice look at you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,163,155
Rating: 4.8209648 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler,, mopeio, new biome, new animals, animals update, lava, lava update, new update, update, updated, all food, new update, gameplay, game, mope io, mope io gameplay, mopeio gameplay, best, top, New .io Game, mopeio game, dragon, 2017, Dec2017
Id: FjwII7Rj13Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2017
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