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hey hey girl welcome to mope dad I oh dude time collab edition yeah hey you know what I did almost killed you there's a there's a deer over though dear oh dear oh oh dear there's some new things like t-rex's and junk that I've thought would be cool oh come up here come up here come over here come over here there's a thingy down there's what oh shoot stay away things chasing me there's a oh hey that's the tiger guy hey tiger man Tiger man there's a tiger a little bunny yeah I'm just a tiger and a like a giraffe thing now Oh thing and a t-rex so that should be kind of fun to play oh now you're a but you can also bite the tails of things that are bigger like that red guy you can hide and hold on so then basically the coloring of the circles indicates what can eat mean what can ya read read you can read eats you you can eat anyway yep we're bunnies yeah I really wish you could put a name on it but I guess that's yeah they kind of don't like this trick the donkey I know Jenny buddy's tail okay oh I got a lot of stuff a lot of stuff there okay oh that mole if he comes up here you can bite his tail and get all sorts of XP Oh same with that donkey come here dump this one right there tail oh wait wait get back in the hole the donkey can kick you guys well you gotta be sneaky and quick like a like a rabbit you got to be quick like a bunny ninja rabbit we got a ninja rabbit ninja rabbit mean Joffe you can't eat them yet you have to be a pig to eat my giant Bowl don't die on me come in the hole do they you in the hole yeah it's immune the hole okay we're good nobody hi tiger oh oh there's a mole I think hole is next for us oh he tried blue circle you guys know I tried I tried to die but I didn't died he's still in there he's still in that circle he's being sneaky where are you I'm in the hole Oh aha good job Amy attacked me I did you almost got rekt and there is no eye health was like I do one Wow Tiger Tigers eaten whoa look at it oh yes oh do you see that trick I tried bite it and now there's the mall the mall yes mall dude you know yeah we can we can do the split up on the count of three you go up and I'll foe well we just both go down else there I'm a pig so now eat up all that stuff and now then I'm a piggy I can eat mushrooms mushroom mushroom very much I'm not a huge mushroom fan there's a shark know that you're in a pond sharks don't really go on wow that's stupid stupid mole again huh gone hi Bitterman the tail that's right mole face how are you gonna do I'm actually Ken I'm a piggy your piggy faster the mud they do okay all vegetations in the mud hole oh man these carrots go crazy dude you got big all of a sudden I'm Peggy dude I ate four carrots the next thing you know I'm king of the jungle Carrie okay do I want to be a marketer see will be a mole okay now oh boy Oh God monkeys monkey monkey monkey monkey monkey mushroom mushroom Oh carrots oh now I can be a mole okay we're a moles now all right I'm near the mud pit on the left side of the mud pit okay I'm on the right side of the mud pit in the mud pit hey is that you that's me okay so I think the moles if you hold right click you call dig for a little bit okay oh god the monkeys government alderman Hughes moon fast I got I ate a pie a mouse I had a bounce ah I'm gonna try it nope oh boy there's a dragon over there oh is that you yeah it's mo he's shooting fire on everybody uh-huh that's what dragons do they have fire brains a look in here look in here they're probably mad cuz oh god what's we don't want to stay away that's the red dragon lair oh we're in like the heart of it all dude we gotta get out of here we're probably probably a good idea that we should go to like you want to go to the nor Oh big donkey yep yep no Jackie yep he's gonna try to escape are you in this hole I'm in that hole we're in the hole together okay I'm not on the hole anymore how about big mole now there's a bear oh great don't know all that carrot is huge man but the carrots are always in the mud piles uh-huh Oh Oh got so big well I mean where else to care it's supposed to grow oh there's there's a bunch of mushrooms in the water so many carrots in here oh boy this is like going all or nothing I'm gonna level up dude no dirty bugger d look at all your carrots oh no we got eaten by a tiger thing I'm a deer hello your shoot what happened get out of the way what happened dear Chris W dig up that guy's name is mom yeah so you did know I'm not dead I didn't quite die didn't quite do the dead I'm still alive yeah I think I think we got to get off this island let's go is self planned okay try to anyway oh this is not a good place to be there's a no it's not I'm kind of stuck he bit my tail yeah you don't want things to bite your tail you lose Oh No good job okay I'm a deer now okay good oh boy all right I'm gonna try to make my way down south and I'm Odie here too so we could group up and use their deer skills to dig up food for other people I'm I'm trying I'm coming down about where are you - OH giraffe stomped on me oh he's in a hole Lenny stop Tommy is that you in the water I'm in the water yeah oh yeah okay that just ran by it South Ethan oh shoot there's a drop chasing no that's not me I'm in the bottom in my life I'm in the I'm in the bottom like directly below the Tigers oh there's Oh am i dead oh I got eaten I got eaten I got eaten by a fox evidently foxes eat deer Oh scary stuff crocks after me okay where are you let's group up again I'm back to mold oh I want a head south but there's like a dangerous hippo oh my god there's a frickin tiger pants tiger pants like I said like by a freaking tiger he grabbed my bud oh man AHA here take this what you pooped out things dude that guy's trying to eat me oh boy I get eaten Bob now which one are you the one that went north oh do you don't have names on no how do you do that there's that there's a option in the in a gear yeah man I gotta do that when I die which I hope Oh get the bunny nope nope nope up hippo right I don't think whatever that's a donkey seemed to please rhinos leopard dad's lawyer that's nothing Oh what happened okay now I can't I can't op do options now can i no geez savage oh I can't get out of there you made it out alive did you not know there was like two lions and a dinosaur and 14 Triceratops YZ I kind of make it to the South Island that's where our homeland is all right there's a Loch Ness monster down there yeah made of the Fox Fox what you got eaten but you made it to a fox yeah you're genius the best mole player of all time this Islands just as dangerous there's dragons down here oh come on a deer's eat me did you die I'm pressing there we go and can dig now I don't want to dig what you can follow me yep where are you bet I made it to a hole at the far south island on the right side and I'm just sticking in this hole there's a deer out there okay watch your water supply down there oh yeah okay where's there's a deer hanging up by your place yeah I'm near the beach you can see the beach it's literally at the bottom okay right there is your still camping you yeah but now there's a bear chasing them off all the Bears gonna kill him okay here I am God is it you yep what is that thing Thanks oh sorry he just bit me Hey Dude do it again bite me again there you go there we go get a bunch of XP yeah actually hey eat my arm dude it'll be good something's there another Fox yep he doesn't know I'm your friend oh we're twinsies oh okay so check this out zebra what did you become a zombie I mean a zombie a Sabra yep zombies ah there we go that's the next big guy so this is it you see one of the new things I believe zombie zebra zebra zombie I think zebras been in is it maybe you know this this seafood is rich and stuff to me high in iodine and vitamin C fluorides or an insult probably high in salt content to him thirsty yeah liberty is high there's a lot of hydric this is a oh great what is that oh he's gonna eat your face he's gonna eat my face I'll get out of there distract him I'm a mole haha him um you can bite his tail Oh what was dead well I got a lot of XP that was awesome let me do you now again are ya okay guys Emily stay away from the barriers I'm the zebra yeah that can eat mushrooms a shortcut to what mushrooms mushrooms oh these ones over here these mushrooms oh there's a there's not a rhinosaurus rhinoceros thing oh is he coming this way no kind of he was trying to oh ah dragons we're in trouble we're in trouble giraffe an elephant oh my god not of elephant monkey so it was this is not a good place your area down here not everywhere is bad when you're when you're not the king of the jungle even when you are the king everything I'm running go hole there's two bears coming okay I'm going back to my hole it's a hibernate hibernate in your hole mm-hmm we go to the north maybe from eating a large mushroom oh hey hey hey I can be a draft stop Wow oh I stopped for all getting eaten by a rhino oh no I can't go to get eaten by a rhino oh I just I just draw I got kick hey there's some what there's a Baron Baron is that you yeah LT I gray do you want to fight but would you like to bite me in the booty yes where are you oh hello that's my butt eats my butt did that give you good idea this place it's pears and blackberries for bullets there's that one of these things yeah you got to be careful though because the Dragons oh yeah any any amphibious thing could ambush the crap out of you but oh man like drinking too much eggnog that which is oh yeah you to know that all you will regret that I trust that I rap coming look I'm up there wrap your beer Oh tiger you know Lake Oh No ha I'm a tiger in the lake hello bear ok hey dude my name is tiger in the lake Oh dragon in lake dragon on the leg back in Italy dragon in the lake trees yep yes no way god no trees in the tree I'm in the trees Smokey the Bear only you can prevent me from becoming a dragon kids Oh yikes I'm right away I mean my motherland Lee I got a problem I got a I got AI got a rhino source on me can I eat him or is he me Oh ah I roared oh he ate me the Rhinos store is ate me I just date somebody I bet monkey berries are good to it like the little brown ones in the tree ok let's group up you're a bear now right in the lake again ok yes I'm gonna be a crocodile and sit in this lake ok that's I feel like that's the best idea cuz I love this spot ok so a croc is after bear I'm assuming and we could just like dominate hey don't eat me don't hurt me don't eat my booty Oh Freddy could I'm almost there can I bite your butt once yeah bite bak I need one more little little love tap ok ok ok I can get it myself they're croc there's animals in my Lake there are go eat that bear of course I can't go in trees anymore I'm gonna eat this guy I'm gonna eat him up I got him I got him yeah nice we're on we're on par with the Tigers now and we ain't gonna take no garbage swim we're in an environment get out of your Pig ok I can't eat the pig I can't eat a roasted pig no they're not he's eating my fruit you can't eat all your fruit wood bears can't do nothing Hey look at this look at this come to me top right pond I'm dragging a deer I'm dragging a deer in for us hey dear yeah yeah no that's me dony are you ok mushrooms and Ares for free so we can we can pull in somebody from the outside and then eat them oh my God look at all this fruit oh it's so not malicious oh oh yeah big big mushroom myself I did it I did that oh come here come here okay this nice job I just press WASD like it did so hey wait how do you dive uh double yeah oh no I was like wait it did something no oh maybe W is fight this is lit hey I got it I got another deer pretzel I got a deer for us okay hey dude hey hey Oh what is this get out of my lake dude everybody knows this Lake huh yeah oh did you eat some more come here mr. lion dude I just ate it oh oh we got a spider on us dad it's me snakey pigs think is better than a crocodile man this is Brad I'm in crocodilian turtle hello turtle mark turtle bay be friends with him he's aquatic well I ate him oh how do you pull you have to hold up yet just once oh oh he bit me away it kicked me okay wonder what's after the crux we gotta be dinosaurs oh there's the guy who's the dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon dragon coming coming to the hole come in to the hole come in to the hole okay he saw we were going in the water okay where the king of the water jungle this is our life now there's a deer under water I got a deer up on me here Oh hippos hippos hippo hippo snippet our rivals fast in the water it's ridiculous he's biting me hey oh boy oh girl about a break run run you're dead oh-ho-ho-ho-ho this is so much junk around here there's an elephant in here now and a dragon in the lake yeah in the hole that I'm in there's an elephant and a dragon in here I'm just gonna hit sittin here for the next hour elephant oh yeah the elephants in there oh yes I just I just totally bit the Dragons tail I'm turning into a rhino next no we can't be water twinsies anymore you don't mind I want to be a cobra be the Rhino will be Rhino twins we can we gotta roll together Tom and Rhino twins oh god there's a freaking elefante get out of here okay where are you at where are you is this group up yeah you know I always like to hang around my lake how are you what is this white thing that is snowball yeah I don't know what that is I've seen it there's a snow biome up top yeah I think you can do damage so okay there is a dragon in our lake all right I'm going to the mud pit to the west to the west yeah I don't want to go over there I just bit the dragon good work big time like I took it I'm almost leveled up again geez I'm two-thirds of the way okay we're going to the right you said blackberries don't seem to do much for now as you level up things do less and less bananas mr. bear ah okay I'm going to the bottom island or the middle holers spider get over here spider attacked me running away ha I just ate a mule and it didn't really do anything I died I died barren I died I got ganged up on a t-rex bear I see a demon it's in the left side far left side oh yeah middle middle island middle island a left side oh he's right in the river EEP the top River the bottom river top river oh I'm just passing the lake no no I died again I am we are just getting absolutely dominated in this game rickety ruby red we are I don't see the t-rex uh I don't either I died he was in the middle oh I'm back to the zebra now he's in the middle top or like middle of the river I'm owed rafting bears dude do you see the t-rex I see a bear it wants to eat me we are just kidding just dominated here just on the quest see mr. T Rex I know that's the Jurassic Park that's all I care about right I'm back in a fox again this is this is yeah I've dropped back to foxes this is getting ridiculous I can't win anymore I can't even eat pears I'm in our lake and it doesn't even matter okey bro dragons these pears are really good to level my giraffe again I just leveled up quickly maybe I should not have picked a drift yeah like I haven't even seen t-rex uh yeah it's I've seen a few but it's just been really really rare early I saw that one and I don't know what to do now now I got it I got a snake that's pin me in a hole lippert next and they are watering hole yeah he's kind of as I had I was forced over you I ran your know you're in our watering hole you're in your Indian you're in the Garden of Eden dude this is the Garden of Eden okay I'm coming up to the garden even hopefully we can group up and we we'll try to see okay I am in in the lake right don't when eat pears if you can eat pears there's 100 I can't eat pears I'm a pear or eaten Grif where are you I'm on north of it now okay just do my circles so here's oh I need the blackberries who's that as utilize me feed me there's a tiger coming in sorry Oh a rhino and it's gone Rhino rhinos here oh no don't attack me don't attack me ha made it across oh okay I'm still in the pod eat crocodile terrifying where are you where are you where do you go I'm on the south side of the lake there's a good rap chasing me so now I gotta run I'll run to the left or you can I ran across the water like I was pinned man okay a giraffe I'm gonna eat that G right now I'm going back to the the North Island okay come on Fox okay I mean eat that giraffe that just bothered you I'm a bear and his date him just ate him up I'm good dun dun dun dun dun dun ah yep I saved your bacon we got we got rhinos and bears and junk oh there's an alligator oh you got dead what do you say dude what do you say should that do it I think that's it man it's been think we tried to but there's too many anger you know for ocean st. out there and that we're not very good at this game no I know like I didn't do anything wrong and they're just trying to eat my but I can't help it I'm a sea horse in the ocean in an elephant's smacked me of his trunk uh-huh supposed to eat me but he's doing it yes funny oh I missed it what you know gettin old this seaweed creature trace me seaweed that's probably a seaweed monster I hate not being hey you're that like I'm stuck in a hole right now and it like there's there's elephants and dinosaurs and like saber-toothed pterodactyls and all sorts of junk oh I can't do nothing because they just keep eating me so there are two t-rex is run around eating everybody know right away to begin I really wanted to be one but just yeah it's not worth I suggest rhino stageman yeah you were that you're a rhino for like an hour and then ended our yep and then I got ambushed by angry elephants uh-huh like it's ridiculous getting now that's what I hate about this game is it just so hard sometimes oh there's more on hey hey hey bite me are you the bear I'm the bear alright hey dude hey buddy here bite me hey bite me real hard no no that's wrong there you go whoa that is HUGE erdogan nope don't do it again five no I need to level up let me get that me okay yeah it's not gonna work is it do you love oh I'm gonna eat this thing this is good watermelon watermelons you gotta be careful with the fire the Meyers spittin yep fire hurts your booty oh I just ate guy yeah it's one game it is rough though bit oh yeah it's just real rough so thanks for playing dude you know I'll talk to you later boy see you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,632,552
Rating: 4.690496 out of 5
Keywords:, mopeio, black dragon, the black dragon, new biome, the colossal, new animals, all animals, animals update, lava, lava update, new update, update, updated, all food, new update, gameplay, game, mope io, mope io gameplay, mopeio gameplay, best, top, New .io Game, mopeio game, dragon, 2017, Nov2017
Id: L_jgeew-rKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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