Zombs.io - The Epic Diamond Tier Base! - Top of the Leaderboard! - Zombs.io Gameplay - Top Player

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hey everybody let's welcome back to another aisle game this is a brand-new one called azam style actually I'm not quite exactly sure if it's brand new or not the just son and I don't know somebody else might have seen it before me actually probably a lot of people have since there's people playing it anyway let's check out let's play with this one medium East US East number nine a lot of different servers alright this seems pretty good so the objective of this one is to build debate and gather resources build a base and defend again their defendant this day this is a go stash to Tier one building it establishes your base and holds your loot the loot is kind of like muumuu where you put down your windmill and that is the gold Muntz you put down your gold mines to get windmill or to get points it does have a day/night cycle like star so the zombies come out during zombie way as you can see so the people over here survive like 15 waves and it done really well so we're going to see what we can do I'm just getting a bunch of wood you're going to get resources here for the first day so that purses on be harder shows up so it does look like the night is almost over and I've got 100 stone and 261 now which is a pretty good start we'll need much more of that in the future I wanted to go see if I could find someone else's base some work and I don't know where they are I'm just kind of wandering around I found some buddies based look at this thing look at that there's big cannons in there we've got some of the gold mines going strong there's the actual build thing they're always gonna go through the door it must be new yep you went to the door I don't think I can go through the door man he's got a really cool-looking base and oh yeah Nick up here that's grouping onto the side of it I kind of cool oh ain't gettin some beer in tonight but I want to find a good a good little home that we can camp down at and get some stuff going this is I want I want rocks and stuff close together so I can just go up to it move ok this here's another good base got it more so this is one of the top guys and yeah that's really strong I think these things will shoot over always in the corner like mage towers what do we have we have archer towers that get upgraded or cannon towers of these and then bomb towers which are these things yep and then like a major so that's what he's got there pretty cool there we go now we're getting zombies that are spawning I got it they're going after the towers now look they aren't going to tech me because I don't have anything down yet oh man they're actually attacking the walls that's kind of got it crazy I wonder if I can kill them do I get points if I kill things maybe we're tagging the door now look at the bombs go it's kind of inefficient the way that this thing's built up but yeah that's that's the zombie raid so I'm gonna find a really good spot and we're gonna make a real base now another really cool base oh it looks awesome and there's another one someone's built up cool no well another nighttime I'm trying to find one with like all the resources right next to them oh we got a someone hunting me yeah that's gonna pay off Joshua doing really good got me to turn on you you nerd yeah yeah got overwhelmed by zombies I can do that is this your base seriously dude you're the workshop the history of bad shots stop stop hitting me oh yeah I just would he doesn't maybe the other I should go in there and slay him for trying to attack me oh they're going right after is right after the thingy there they might actually get in there will they I don't know if they don't I will no I'm getting it one that's pretty cool I did well so the other problem we have is we can only do like six six six six and eight eight gold mine so we have to we have to be very careful on how we design our base up I really like this cluster by oh yeah oh can I get all three at once I can look at that so this is where we're going to camp out we're gonna be right in here I'm gonna wait until the night cycle goes away just in case any bad guys show up and I didn't see any bad guys so let's place this thing down ah boy I really don't know how to build this but we're gonna do it we're gonna build it we're gonna start with you right here cool yes zombies will start attacking your base with nightfall start building your defenses you need to upgrade your gold special knock higher to your buildings awesome so we do have archery targets here or to do maybe go one here and then that's one two and a half 1/2 and a half they'll start with that that looks that looks we're gonna need to maybe surround us with stuff I we also need the gold mines in here where's the gold mine there's seven of them for your party five would okay we're to put you right there there we go night is approaching all right I got three in right now that should be okay well you know what let's just do although all did I I need to I need to tell you okay and now we're gonna get you back awesome what can I do more okay that's my eight okay so eight of eight um all right and then we'll put one there oh great oh great here comes the zambese you're they come now this isn't so bad oh they're attacking it no hey man can't dead I will protect you Oh that was easy it's busy oh great Gold oh we can't do that another another zombie raid going on I've been trying overnight to fix up my base a little better oh is that too far away I don't think this is good net okay okay everything's okay everything's fine everything's fine we'll be all right this doesn't seem as hard as I thought it was gonna be all right that works just need to repair some stuff and I've got my four towers in that's a pretty good distance a pretty good distance away from each other and I could put in these in the corners I think I'm gonna do up top like so and then we're gonna put in some of these guys down in here in that same distance away I hope hope I'm making it square and stuff that was right yes I've got some cannons down here now that's cool I hope I'm I hope I'm getting everything placed in I want it I want to make like it and add diagonals on a diagonal what is it called triangle nope that's not right either kind of a diamond there we go is that okay this just should be better hopefully when I get right about too many zombies my guys attacking on his own now Aereo hit iki oh we're actually getting hit pretty hard now mad dandy man and II think the more money we get the nastier I get - great it's okay she'll be fine I was good in the neighborhood they're gonna destroy that one over there I say don't know you're gonna die here to die they didn't didn't kill it cool man ripped a sixth-place already awesome we've got my six towers and my six cannons in and they're all kind of defending each other I wanted to put some bomb towers and now see if I can do this diagonally I should make it pretty good oh I need to put her right there if I hit it we'll put it right here wow they're getting all sorts in my house I really need to I really need to make up okay stuff cute all right look I think tomorrow's gonna be a wall day never skip all day oh man look all the zombies in here no little got me don't attack my face don't egg and get destroyed no no no no no no no no okay that's working we're working we're working on it guys let's get our towers in here that looks good hey that's a mage tower so I got two more of these - um I don't know where I put them right there right there maybe then we have our mage towers so put the mage tower right there I can't put one there we'll put up there instead in there and how many do I have left three well that's nice it's gonna be a little bit off one two and that's going to be my door so we want to protect the door a little bit better okay so we have the diamonds of death going on here and we're going to have to start unlocking things I want to plop down a bunch of the use first I can do that we should have plenty of wood yeah this isn't this isn't dead it's two wood we can place down 250 total I think that's what the limit is and you're comes no they're zombies or a good thing we got half the base protected they don't even see me that's awesome wow these things have quite a range look at the major hours go also keep going building walls good the walls make Fortress of Latakia great again go oh look at guys got a knock-back nice how many inator have I had 65 so I can probably make like 3 a triple dipper out and I know it's not a perfect diamond but that's ok we'll put doors in how do you doors just work for me I can go in and out awesome so now we're actually at a really nice area that I can just hit all the trees get a bunch of resources but I can also level up a little bit this is this is a really nice base I'm very I'm very happy with my base so far let's sell that and we're going to place it right over here so now I can move around a little bit better it looks up so I move that one up there that's still in subject whatever I guess we don't need them all in one group either doing comes another raid all these are bigger this time this is right this might hurt really badly all my cat a ball oh we're gonna get we're gonna get slammed oh this is not good maybe it is are we fine are we okay I think we're all right hot-diggity-dog that's awesome we have successfully unrated the zombie rid o boy it is getting worse and worse but we do we do have like 20,000 gold now oh there's one left okay he's done oh he's knocked back for you harden they didn't break any of my block yet and oh we're on the top of the leaderboard sweet that's awesome so let's get this in i want to upgrade now i think i can shop and i can make things like a better one of those I can make a spear and you get a bow we can get bombs okay and I think if I upgrade this I'm gonna upgrade it then I can upgrade these things too you don't upgrade 25100 gold okay yes grid I don't have enough stone now so I do have the better pickaxe oh yeah that's double night is approaching again I think let's just upgrade some stuff again and guess we keep going Oh 25 yeah that's not too bad much money we got plenty of money need to keep the upgrades go wing these upgrades go wing a giant zombie fast I'm gonna hit it's gonna hurt let's upgrade everything before we die oh we don't have enough stone anymore and oh my word oh my word look at this giant Wade that we have going on um did we did we win everyone I think so I think so there's a little bit Oh this loan they broke through our lines hey there's - hey - what's happening buddy I have no idea who you are you're not welcome in the fortress of dystopia we're dominating - down here he's calling me an impersonator yep not the real blips he says well joke's on you buddy and joke is on you AE a new wall oh boy that's actually annoying you have to upgrade all of the walls and we can upgrade those to cool and upgrade that hopefully we get everything upgraded because we're probably going to die tonight we don't open on time still honestly can I get a better pick X I can - that just it just to get more some more loops faster wait a minute it doesn't seem faster oh here comes another another horde of zombies let's go out and fight them on our own oh man they got all sorts of bad stuff okay get out get out oh boy oh boy I think at the bottom side is really where we need help like down here because that's where they oh they're hitting me don't stop fi me don't zombify me I'm gonna destroy your life and then destroy you so bad I don't even knowing who you are you guys so fast yeah that wasn't bad wait a minute dummy okay no zz1 there we go i upgraded again this is how to get stolen right here my friends I got back years superfast own machine I really want that extra wood in here too I want all three there we go there we go look at that six woods and three stone per ton all right 500 it should be enough let's upgrade that and can I upgrade you again I can ten thousand okay we don't have really enough gold for anything else let's upgrade these kind of forgot to do that sounds like it's thundering outside and realized that definitely is Thunder in your lives oh don't dive in computer don't die okay we upgraded that let's look great these oh that's not bad not bad at all got this I don't have enough money okay like we got an easy night tonight maybe not I don't know yet I'm just gonna surround the best I can with another layer here I need more money so - we use up what I have alright that looks that looks really strong I got enough money I can continue operating these things a little bit whoo I'm thinkin maybe I should upgrade move these things first why don't I bring my gold mines first that'd be a good way to do it look at me thinking look at me think it is nice that I did get a one night one night bonus night where they'd have the text at all so that's cool let's hit these things up right away upgrade our frontlines nerd corner posts okay and I'm out of mana stone Ian oh man here they are here they are oh this is it this isn't hard they're out I got giant cleavers now this isn't bad at all it looks like that is about the max range I want to do for my walls Wow look at the company ever coming in this is really cool this is a this is one of the better i/o games I've played in a while a better new one we should say and we'll do the final upgrade here open it up raise em you'll get to upgrade I'm Oprah you get an upgrade and you're gonna double it and you get an upgrade everybody gets upgraded or tear everything is Tier three except for walls maybe I really should go up for the wolf problem does it take forever and a weekend to do yep definitely annoying oh I appreciate that the second tier definite knowing trying to upgrade these walls oh man thunderstorms gettin close hopefully it's just a thunderstorm not a terminator storm another Raiders showed up I think I upgrade a walls are getting so big now oh man you think we got all the weapons upgraded I need to really get those walls going all those giant those giants over there okay most of the Giants on that side are gone and they're really starting to cleave through my walls I feel so inadequate right now this is amazing oh look at how bad their do it okay we need that we need to shop we need to buy that spear let's get tier five tier yes five tiers Shh beer Hey they're not even around anymore where'd they go can I upgrade this all the end here oh that's 8,000 money shoot maybe I should upgrade that for effort in this beer oh oh a nice back I got most of them upgraded again boom okay we're going up we're gonna uh Cleavon we're going out with our cleaver to get dead giant zombie oh man okay yeah they're too big we can't even see their health bars oh man they're destroy stuff okay we're all right we're all right we're all right look at them all oh man okay I get two one two and one two and one get killed it kills you dead yeah yes yes yes level 12 oh hello big zombie thing how about wait a minute he's not not dying hey I just push them up right into my bombs good okay old man there's there's even more coming into the Sun oh we got it we got it hopefully I don't die we'll see I don't die okay okay yes get him get him caught up Wow look how many they're here they're actually hitting me pretty hard and they're just destroying these black walls I need to upgrade my base again Hall work this is going to be it this is it this is this is the end end of our life oh look at how bad they're doing yes gotta for help out my brother thank you for nothing team nope sorry let's hope Ian teams don't exist today we're going straight up sorry I didn't want to I don't want to hack you okay let's let's upgrade this thing again of great 14,000 gold I have enough and and I don't have enough gold to upgrade anything else though tell you what man upgrading all these love takes from never to do man we're not even making much money here click click click ok let's let's get um please upgraded that's not much Oh Sony just bought in our base spotting interface Lou it looks a bit why are they spotting interface that's cheating I don't have enough stone oh ok up credit all my gold makers oh there shorty again hi shorty how are you hey someone's moved in by me that's kind of cool hi shorty is a shorty of movement I haven't been up here in a long time maybe they're teamed up or something I don't mind I don't mind at all I definitely don't mind that especially since he's gonna die oh there's no scary right now ok my top my top waves don't really matter as much let's go outside and fight let's go outside the fight ah ed wait this is a nice easy raid why are they you know why are they easy a dead then why'd they go easy on me because the shorty ain't got a war up here maybe I don't know why they're doing this whatever I keep upgrading buildings and always keep forgetting to buy the next upgraded hammer thing I don't know why I do that so the next I guess it's what 8,000 money's pickaxe 8000 yep that's what a need and a involve I don't really need health potions or anything so I'm just going to camp out here in the iki no Curtis was an MVP some games allow you to just hit beekeeper Auto harvest ok here comes big red this is managed to doubled up red now why are they spawning inside my base Oh cuz it's for theirs Wow 3 all these nerds here oh no oh no hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey I need to help out the bottom side oh you know I should probably just upgrade it the older some thunder okay you get upgraded and you get upgraded and you get upgraded how is this working hey we're actually doing all right or doing okay I feel like they just moved did they get destroyed last night nope I no idea what's going on with their ways I feel like they're leeches or something are they just trying my wall what are you doing seriously what do you do it dude other building up their building up that wall on my wall okay hey we got 8,000 so let's go that pickaxe cool Wow look how fast it goes like a machine gun get this up we almost a 20,000 score okay this isn't too bad there looks like the top guys are getting rated and not me that's fine I'll just use this data it's actually kind of Awesome that design is responding in my base they don't even care about me and they're just getting dominated I got most my lower walls upgraded and feel like I really need to upgrade this too much does feel like these guys take care of it on their own but the zombies will spawn in their face so I'm not too sure about that the next upgrade is 18 cells and money we're gonna have to see how this goes more thunder how these guys are gettin giant - I feel like this is my weak spot over here Wow maybe not look at this mess look at how many zombies are coming in to get us this is hilarious I feel like I'm getting hit pretty badly - omander wait wait a minute this isn't good oh we just got hit big oh shoot get out of here get out of here wow they just messed us up okay I messed up our friend shorty and whatever the other guys name was that little turd face cuter that see that he was throwing bombs at me are you kidding me Here I am protecting your base then you chuck bombs at me oh well you know what I'm not going to assist you man I should buy I need to buy a health potion then she just had one of those all times that's what you get got a war I hope they destroy you oh yeah little blue ones in here now no main mission I should buy the bun I don't think I can do this I think we're gonna we're gonna lose your piece you know the little blue ones are nasty we get them cleaving through my door Wow I should really just kill this cow to work I've heard I'm gonna go in there and kill him yeah like that yeah I like those apples apps you can hit me get out of here if you can buy bombs then I can buy bombs and my bombs are better than your bombs oh you just quit okay that's a displaced little bunch of money buying bombs again I'm kind of short up the base a little bit let's use these bombs I feel like these might help out better Amy oh man they're government at my door that working it is working is to do a splash damage man there's so many of them there's so many things happening around here I can't do it I can't do it we cannot live we cannot come on they're coming in they're coming in over here oh no no no no no no no okay I need to I just need to stay alive for tonight and then I'm going to try to upgrade everything tomorrow oh man they're taking up my walls so fast just a matter of time before I lose that's all it is just a matter of time before I'm dead losing game actually that wasn't as bad as I thought we didn't get one hit up here they're just getting harder and harder each time up to ten thousand money again so that's good oh another raid another eight and those is going to be this is going to be the one that ends us all little blue monsters now all little blue monsters I don't know if I like this work I mean does it start over with little blue monsters oh man let me get over here over here I'm just totally spit all over my monitor I was disgusting go go go you know and they're destroyed my block so quickly we're have enough money today don't don't don't we're not have enough money to date out of there oh my word look at that what kind of a monster happened here Wow I hate to do it especially with all this problems going on but we're just gonna go for the upgrade so I feel like we need to upgrade our guns on 600 money shoot okay so the left side is the one that's constantly taking more 1,500 600 oh boy 1,500 again huh again do anything so much money I think these things are cheap 600 Wow well we're at the diamond tier so that's the peak of the game pretty much beat in the game as long as we can do this you upgrade my mines to 700 each oh here comes this is it is the end of the end of the railroad we're getting a trained either a over right now I'm going to assist all I can on this left side of the map I feel like writings can do it whoo maybe not maybe rights having a harder time because guns aren't up for you Oh No up here we're gonna have a breach in the matrix yellow yellow no no no no no no no no no get the weapons out from their mouth no don't you dare don't you dare attack my mind don't you dare attack it get dead you nerds get it all they're killing me hi okay Wow that was rough it was really rough oh this is the last one the last one Mohicans we're going outside maybe not Wow like an old man word I'm so quick this is not good at least some of them are I didn't get some upgraded we can upgrade these wait that's not the right one Oh upgrades it upgrade to gun 600 upgrade and go I need to upgrade my mind Wow look how fast they're coming in and destroying us that's amazing this is really really fun tower defense in mmm I owe him cool man we did it overnight no I got some of them okay I think a lot of these are upgraded I think I can upgrade that now oh boy they're coming inside they're coming in little guys are going down I got a lot of this upgraded now to your five I think we're at my goal is to get to pass wave 25 I think that's this one and just see what happens with it who the arrows got a little knock back to it man who you guys are all ripping up and leveling up too crazy and that's thunderstorms come on nut zone I made it so I've decided I think that was level 20 that was wave 24 what I'm gonna do I don't have enough stone what I'm gonna do now is have the mines upgraded what I'm gonna do now I should just have crazy is not build any more walls that's my goal it's just not build any more walls and see what happens with the game I want to get overwhelmed I want to know what happens when our mind goes and it's been an hour roughly of recording and I feel like level 25 is very good level to end at so I'm just going to beef up all my stuff try to get as much money as I can and we'll go from at that point there we go everything upgraded there we go oh they're blue and they've got swords this time this is wave 25 we've made it to my objective everything is leveled up all the way now including some of the walls I guess the next one is probably the diamond level be kind of cool to get to that point but it takes 24,000 money to get there I don't know if I can do that but we did get all of our weapons are upgraded so that's awesome and I might and I might just make a wall of the gold walls cuz that did really really good yeah that little nerd getting bounced back okay yeah this did really well pleased with it I got a free night oh never mind I was hoping I got a free night cuz nothing and showing up at nighttime that's not true so I think it everything levelled up we have a we have an orange wall every way guess that's gold wall as you probably just use my bombs throw them over the wall oh my they're still breaking down my walls a little bit it's okay and so right he's my bomb turrets and at 24,000 now until the next upgrade so I can hit 24,000 money that's awesome and it didn't really do anything bad for our base that was the nicest rate yet a little bit of damage up here that's it just spent this day farming and farming and farming and farming nothing too exciting I'm not 25 would be our end but these gold walls held up really expensive though like 400 each you boron or gold so I don't want to lose up there we go let's figure this would happen oh boy if you guys are getting bigger and bigger and bigger they remind me of the the guys that we started going against it Bob Bob I don't know if the bomb doesn't look at all of these guys pouring in here that is ridiculous and Wow there they go those mage towers they don't seem to do too much damage maybe this is the best I don't know oh don't click off click upset why are you attacking my Doria ding-dongs and either reinforce my door a little bit cool that looks like a pretty strong base just going to sit here hopefully we get the 24,000 de daytime just started hopefully we get that so we can upgrade this to tier or six I think here six as high as they go looks like we almost got into 20,000 record nighttime yet these guys are just relentless I don't even know what to do like I could I could try bombing them I don't even know where the best place to bomb I feel like just spawn in everywhere man ah the problem is the game is meant to lose like you're you're not supposed to be able to beat the game oh look at this this is so messy so many bad guys don't attack Hey they didn't even breach they didn't breach it nice nice nice nice nice need one more upgrade here 22,000 looks like somebody just said something and it could seriously use 24k bunky I level it up I don't forget to upgrade your pickaxe go to the shop a pickaxe our level up eating done I think that's the I think that's peak now I think we did it I think we beat the game pretty much nice like that a good base level 28-7 we're gonna hit a million points oh maybe not maybe not oh these guys are so nasty oh they're just cleaving through like crazy happy oh you guys down here look at this big mess gonna use my bombs on you throw my diamond bombs at your faces nice get a mage towers hope we gotta come down here now holy although you guys grouped up oh they're actually breaking through the wall that's not good they're breaking through the wall that's not too bad not too bad yeah yeah that's not bad damage I like it okay so it's three thousand money I need to upgrade these first so we get more money faster momoney momoney if money is going up so fast now it's ridiculous self at like I gotta climb 600 700 800 900 that's awesome and we only have one more I believe yeah I've got 8 Nate so an upgrade you so all my gold mines are now level 6 and that's the max we can get gold coming in I think I don't know what I wanted upgrade first I'm just gonna probably upgrade everything I can oh it's fully diamond diamond some days man they're getting so big now oh no oh no no no oh no no oh no no no oh no no no day wait okay that one's fine I'm okay up there this is how that's all right here.200 this is this is problem oh look how the guys down there shoot okay I praise this there we go that's gonna help a little bit that's gonna help nice he's beating easy peasy lemon squeezy oh here comes another group let's upgrade that and that one really quick cool I have been upgrading buildings as much as I can today to maybe I should just throw up some bombs that's all right over there oh cool looks good there man they're going down quick now oh this guy so I haven't upgraded any of these so grid that one quick all right not bad not bad not bad I'll take it well that was easy I was super easy except for this game and that one appear there's Eric hi Eric do you like what you see cuz I do this is an awesome babe it's the diamond diamond leveled 2031 we've hit level 31 cool looks like we do some more things that haven't been upgraded I'm just trying to get a wall up today cuz I feel like last night one really here it is here's another raid tonight ooh I got the diamond got almost one ring a diamond all the way up everywhere you like this to work out pretty good these guys are mashing the pieces up here that's not so bad not so bad at all upgrade guns that I can something I was just getting knocked back ooh they're hitting pretty hard up here let's hit it with another bomb tower how about to bomb towers Bom Bom Bom Bom Bom cool man that's great exactly what we needed to do this is making me wonder why even put doors in I'm not left really in a long time I don't know why I have doors now but we got we got the best base going on like I can't even upgrade anymore because we're Mac's upgraded the only thing I can do is buy all the bows I can upgrade these things all the way but that's it I like we got the diamond Basin and that is net that's that that's all we can do is just make a diamond base and dominate like we have level 32 we cracked 1 million score Antron inspector are getting close as well I don't know where they are I kind of fun to go see their base but this thing we just get dominated if we did best not upgrade it all the way and a wandering eye was cheap nice you lick up oh we got little blue guys again this is start over with little blue guys I think we've broken the game because these guys are super easy we could just dig here for hours now and not do anything till we get blasted by some nerd of a bomb really I think we broke the game like that this is going to be ridiculously easy now because there's no--there's we beat the last tier it's like we're not supposed to get this high huh awesome Oh right guys in a spot I guess that's good except they're causing no problems for us new dudes and I think we're at level 35 now I'm just making a giant diamond up here because it's fully optimized I really really really big thing here and it's awesome Irish says that he's gonna do it I'm gonna try to bomb me is me hi Specter nope you wanted to see my face it wants to be my friend wants to be my friend I don't want to join your party no Specter I'm well done I just wanted to finish up my diamond shape set it there it is there it's done oh one two three yeah I got it we've got it mission completed Spectre and I are excited he wants me should I go follow him so I go follow him sure why not I don't really care I want to see what kind of base he's got my base will take care of itself tonight fruit showed anyway other zantron oh yeah dorks how did I know that was gonna happen right you know what turn face I knew that was gonna happen right that's why you can never trust people on the Internet Oh huh well oh they just took my score own that's all they did but guess what my base is still better than yours will ever be I can't believe they drew me out to attack me a lot of good that does amazing oh look I'm already in third place again congratulations guys you won the game anyway thank you for watching I hope you've enjoyed the giant fortress of blitz topia if you did please do let me know and you can stick on the ice get you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,593,135
Rating: 4.8440976 out of 5
Keywords: zombs.io, zombs.io game, zombs.io gameplay, zombies, moomoo.io, new io game, zombs, zombsio, zombs io, io games, zombs.io biggest base, .io game, .io games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 9sec (2049 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2017
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