The Weirdest Cute Game Ever! - Chuchel Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to a brand new game called choo-choo this is kind of a puzzle game that's pretty cool play with it there's all sorts of puzzles that we can play with and I look really entertaining so I figured we'd try it out today and see what you guys think oh my will do just totally smack little slimy guy so the objective is we got to wake this dude up I think oh look little dinosaurs I like that it's ours Oh question mark uh-huh pour the water into the dudes mouth okay water into the news mouth there you go drink it edie it pours out holding the other guy catches it in his mouth I was gonna explode he's gonna explode what's he gonna do now oh okay can I poke on him now no he's gonna fall off he's gonna fall off right onto our little the little blob guy yep okay guys gonna run around No oh he woke up don't go back in your box its morning time its morning time little dude okay yay oh you got a cherry you're gonna eat the cherry I think would beat the first level Oh what is that oh is that what thick is that what the game is gonna be a buzz getting the cherry back maybe always screaming running re oh you caught him that's a weird-looking monkey handsome all right drop okay let's let's do this I guess we're on level 2 now if I if I oh there's the cherry hey go get it go get it yeah this one so yeah if we if we look at this we are the second of the levels oh there's little bug here well cancelled we'll just go back to it okay so let's go grab the cherry and see what happens I know a little boasting hello Mouse thing oh you tacked it go back it no no go yeah I think I have to do something different you know probably walk the other way it's gonna tell me to walk the other way big click walk away walk away ha ha ha ha I got you Jerri yes little Oh what's gonna happen now is that is that big hand gonna take it yep I knew it I knew the big hand was gonna take the cherry Oh at me okay Jerri in a tree we're gonna have to climb the tree should we walk should we walk over there nope it didn't work climb up climb up hey you got it now what happens he's gonna be stuck just bite down eat it off the tree we're gonna tip the tree over go yay oh now you're done because you got squished by a tree so did I do the wrong choice he's gonna crawl over it with the tree no bad mouse bad Mouse no that's my that's my mousie hey county roads oh ok good job smack - smack chase him down buddy you got this Oh what in the world is that things head this game is so weird this art style is just ridiculous go running back with the cherry this is so weird Oh oh no no way went in the hole did the giant lemon walrus elephant win you go in there okay okay climb the thingy that climb it oh he didn't want it okay climb we're gonna throw it up oh I jumped on top okay now what poke it pull a hair out oh hey go in there what is that okay that didn't work poke it or climb up top nope you can't climb up top so the only way to do it is jump is he gonna give me a hint touch it and talk to it hey mister guy can have my cherry back please that's a pinwheel it's gonna blow the pinwheel nope okay now what can't run up it so let's jump up again it's got to be something else up there can I talk to him now nope that's the same thing oh no it's not the same thing oh we pulled the hair off are you gonna put it back hey uh what what do we do can i click on this what's that mean nope that didn't do anything okay well climb on top of it click on all the things click on oh yeah what are you in here what is he doing okay what my arms are longer now that's good oh no they're not hey there we go decide hey most thing go climb up on the side there you go most thing no he's gonna bury under it Thank You mousie most Hedgehog thing okay oh it blew away all the dirt grab the sign pick it up yes now smack the orange lemon elephant with it Oh pried it open now jump up right yes pry it open it didn't work okay jump whoop okay now let's click on it he's gonna jump onto it yes yeah mostly thing no wait boss wants it we have to chase him down oh hey wait what is going on hey there little walrus is down there this game is so weird so so weird [Music] okay he's got the chair who's got who's gonna get it yes throw it away and no we don't know what's gonna happen spots another problem okay I guess we have to touch him nope that didn't work touch Jerry jump over it grab the chain grab the chip can we touch that okay let's pick up you and we'll throw it at the cheering oh it up missed eight why are you on the other side now I might have broken it jump on its head hey what that chair is broken [Music] boink [Music] wait you ate you ate the Frog oh hey bounce choo-choo did I die what happened no the most you can about son little monster okay so who's done now what in the world are we still bouncy or did I turn into the mouse flying away on an apple an apple bird does this do anything we okay we're chasing after it this is another slime okay I made it through do I have to leave I do we I was like flappy bird almost oh I'm up no don't you little monster we got some flappy bird happenin here oh I gotta make you make you made a few now everything's out a trampoline okay I made through again oh no no no whoa I don't I don't know how I made that okay you gotta get over top no don't don't go up don't go up gotta do this over again okay go up whoop wait what's going on here okay now hit it no come on through run through I did it and Dennis made it oh oh oh whoa oh oh this is not good this is not good I got it I mean I don't know nope nope all my work these stupid slides a stupid slice I did it though did it wait a minute this is upside down okay we're okay upside down we can do it well you can go upside down I did it okay next up there's something weird there's lots of weird things this game is strange oh oh he ate me and that would poop me out what third floor I can walk on oh there is that makes no sense okay I think these guys are gonna eat me too we'll just stay away from them now walk on the floor again we under are over [Music] yeah I might have to get eaten here who's gonna put me out stay up oh no no no no go down again there we go can I get eaten by this one who's gonna put me out now aha that was easy this is a weird puzzle oh stop it go up man I'm hungry no what's up where you know you're gonna put me out of the same one okay up oh you're monsters stop it okay that guy hate me put me out I'm gonna go down low Z's you know I'm wondering oh we're in space woods space in space nobody can hear you scream or something keep going maybe we're not in space yet this game is super crazy just just keep just keep swimming just keep swimming swimming swimming swimming swimming just keep swimming I feel like I'm in a bad dream oh that was good why keep going keep going we're just flying through this time later what is this thing yeah we found the little cherry man whoa I got it oh now I'm stuck in the side of it or whatever that big blob was big blob was gonna eat himself what he's gonna put me out oh that wasn't you Ben thank you big slime guy okay next level this one has hair and stuff on it yeah oh no give it to me I want to eat it I want to eat no on it come on fight fight fight fight what that's a bomb that's a cherry bomb put it together again it's gonna blow up you dorks he's gonna blow up yep now you don't get the chair anymore hey there it is George oh I do not understand this game at all I don't understand it one bit Hey look Jerry I hope at the end of it we do get to eat it now the real question is have we progressed in your levels oh we have that's awesome okay so what do we do twist either thingy okay we can't twist we're not Mourad twisting it very well okay so this thing is a giant snail we saw on that loading screen let's poke it hello anyone home it's my jam hey don't eat me nice to meet you hey can you get this for me please yeah can't reach that into its mouth talk to it oh come on he's shy he's a shy one Oh pac-man Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka get let's get it roll me up oh great now we're in trouble Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka there we go oh so we can only ate the cherries uh-huh we like we like to eat cheese does he go the opposite of me wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk wawk oh come after me come after me waka waka we did it we did it fish you complete it what do we have two eyes okay neck oh we got more packing man going next it's kind of like inverted pac-man Odom I missed it I messed real bad okay it's not you bet whatever realize we have oh shoot go back go back abort mission go down we got this now we got this I've never been good at pac-man Oh Oh what what why did you go that way yeah dork why'd you go that way I did not click there go backwards now down there you go over this music is really weird pack menu music can I eat those things oh now it turned all of them out oh oh no it's stuck I am so bad at this pac-man stuff okay we go straight across straight across this way like a like a like a like a Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka let's go up no get cherry cherry juice welcome back juice no you dork yep cherry juice wish I could control some oh maybe we don't need to click ah it smells control except that didn't work oh hi I got you got you too now down finally man those controls are not cool please don't give me another pac-man level please don't give me another pack 11 level oh okay here we go I'm gonna get all three of them me get all three of them what choo-choo-choo down yeah I got it I got all three of them yes maybe that's not a good thing oh okay it might not have been a good thing no they spawned again I was hoping they were gonna spawn again that's okay we can do it Wacka Wacka Wacka up and over let's do it all of these cherries I cleared them all out I cleared all the bad guys out again got most of the cherries too so they're gonna spawn ah I knew it these little cherry blossoms they do come back over time here we go can't take it out oh my got it now we'll come up we almost have this all done except those two little ones over on the corner yes yes yes odo odo we're adorable we're trouble we're not in trouble we're not trouble we're not true why are you moving like this come on over here the controls are broken I did it okay no down cherry time cherry time yes please please no more yes I got that I got it I got the pac-man the true German okay know what do I have to can you can you get the cherry for me okay he's gonna do something else now what what kind of game are we gonna play so one is a cupcake - is a thing and then I got it you have to have three medals okay yeah okay I got it now I have to go in your mouth again to get yeah let's give them the cupcake see if this is work yeah I do have that one I do have the one ah look at me can I eat the cupcake what does that do oh okay I can't do anything with a cupcake in my mouth I'm gonna have to get all three are done oh it's squishing me down into a square where'd my snail friend go this is so strange oh yeah it's gonna smack me - back into the normal guy alright so I'm gonna have to try I guess this is like aliens the alien invaders the others probably Tetris oh so controls now Oh what does this says controls I can't do anything no mouse Oh Oh what you hit them there we have to knock them out there we go I missed it give me the blue give me the blue goo bag bak nope the blue blue the blue jump okay green bow green Kapow up dodging ducking diving leave it I got it give me the red stuff give me the red stuff Wow Wow one more I'm so good at this game I'm so good at please don't have any more now what blue things oh I'm super good at this I'm super good super good watch this above all nice duck dive we've we owe it to fur again come on little pig things now we're gonna have five across aren't we gonna have five across and they're gonna be all big stuff yeah Oh boss fight it's brown it's gonna give me poop just pooped on me okay now I click on it hey now it's red I gotta get red juice give me the red juice God's heard of that yes nice hit he's got blue juice now hit it blue oh I missed you hey bow no little know about no okay how am I supposed to do this ha ha you'll eat them part of give me the green stuff the green that's black there's green oh really no I mean the green no black green no no black ha ha I broke him I broke his life [Music] what is that I got another medal yes okay let's try to feed him the second thing here okay ice cream in a cup that one yeah that's the one that's the one right there that I want okay I got the two metals we can do it orange juice and I hate the cup - whoa those weird Bobbie world skits oh no I tipped over what is going on I'm gonna reset me now I have to beat your other I have to beat your third game okay let's try it oh yeah that's totally techniques do i what do i do I not let it down I got squished you have to avoid it getting squished okay I think and the goal is gonna be to jump out of here Hey I'm gonna go over this way yep oh we got a we got a line oh no a single blocks kind of a cheating game is this there ain't no single block doubles at a time this is the wrong kind of oh great nope nope I'm a triple okay I have to restart Oh just dead checkpoints I guess all right let's not get stuck in there again you're gonna go on the right I'm gonna go over to the right yeah that's what you're gonna do okay now what do I do need to hide keep jumping Oh individual blocks okay no no bad blocks bad blocks bad boss ha ha commander cross e-rater cross they don't know what to do with me oh we got a Tetris yes double Tetris oh great a triple Tetris and a quadruple dextrous lights and that's a block yeah scared me okay we got to stay away from those maybe I do we want to get blown up maybe the goal is to get rid of this one that's probably not the goal probably a damages - wait this is so weird this game is so crazy I gotta have to jump on them yes yeah that's in the corner what is this thing no that's a mega bomb with the cherry no no no I gotta jump on the cherry I gotta jump on something to get the cheese I did it okay now I can give the nerd the final things [Music] okay well we'll hit that button I don't know what it does and I'm gonna say hey I got $3 yay okay and then what does this do is that like a thin mint Girl Scout cookie of some sort Oh super muscular yes this will work now now I will I will twist the thingy twist the thingy now this big thing is gonna eat my cherry isn't it oh no hey Bill good we lost her arms too yay we got it no I can't pick it up now Oh what happens now just need a dude hey your new arms no buddies you got it you got the thing back put it back down no don't give me the mouse back that's not fair that's not fair anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video of to jump I hope you've enjoyed our little adventure if you did please do let me know down below in the video comments section if you ever stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 444,076
Rating: 4.8656087 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, chuchel, cute game, chuchel gameplay, chuchel game, chuchel walkthrough, indie, adventure game, cute, funny, gameplay, walkthrough, playthrough, chuchel part 1, adventure, no cursing, no swearing, chuchel pc gameplay, let's play chuchel, chuchel funny moments, chuchel walkthrough part 1, adorable, new games, mar2018, 2018
Id: G_tKltK1G24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 17 2018
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