We Finally Destroyed The Ghostly Angel Of Death in FlyOrDie.io

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hey bleep hey buddy let's go eat some poop together dirty little fly you are - hey there's my faults poop here come come join me I'm joined with my friend it's good at war of the poopoo dude you're supposed to you know what I mean yes my own you got it you gotta go find your own I did they did I was a bug they did it Hey and I'm already mosquito nice look at me go that's disgusting sound so I'm normally how I eat eh I'm already a wasp I'm so much faster than can I eat you there's df/dx in the game yes hey buddy and this guy's kindly Keon I know him - oh that's wasp its goody me nope I get it I got a key again nope no Grim Reaper I got Reaper already this is I wonder hole oh yeah pigeon your pigeon all right I'm finally a pigeon I'm gonna go into the caverns under the city and eat stale bread that's a good idea actually I found of work and now I'm a duck I am so much faster than you at doing the level bird why was I wasn't having you for one moment oh whoops there's a Grim Reaper and I'm a stork already oh yeah you got it sometimes you gotta just like go ahead and get away from the main group go to the left or the right left seems better cuz right it's kind of boring in pointless no don't eat me there's two flies just hanging out in the bottom of the water over here yeah if you eat a fly very elusive but I finally ate him I'm a parent now oh you are that's good because I'm a stork and I've been a stork for a long time and I'm almost bigger than this - can Sam I I was gonna say oh don't that was my blank your no you're not I want you to drown Wow I mean I mean I want to be your friend everything's eating my cherries up Wow my cherry nope that's mine my cherry yeah I found someone I thought might be but his name is Jesus oh no that's a giant Patera dactyl over here yes I stole the fish nice oh just watch Mufasa killa kill the peterebecca okay now go to the right there you are I did let's go down in here go it in here go down in here yes we will we will eat I don't know but we're to eat the bread eating the bread in here that's the the secret to life eating the mummy bread okay now follow me follow me down down down we do need to go deeper stay over mommy stay away from him we're going under the mummy don'tdon't done right - no the catacombs no but you can burn it when you become an imp are you following me to the right under here oh I poison a guy i poisoned a bird he has no chance to survive I will eat him yes but tear it on and now oh this is gonna well we know where that is so what we do now is we hunt we hunt in the pyramid because there should be a lot of young wings in here that we can eat got him Oh beautiful maneuver oh there's mr. bird nugget we need to eat him wait wait wait ate this guys names eat it we should eat him [Music] squeaking away you know yeah oh come here come oh he's gonna oh so close I'm gonna get him I got him oh I got one yes vulture blitz vulture blitz maroon birds we can hunt together now if you're right click you get like a speed boost thing like a dive maneuver so if you get over somebody we can hunt as one no no no no I bet that's it oh there's a slimy thing nope no oh there's a pterodactyl - okay the green guy can eat those cherries and the cherry trees so or the the rune dude so we can just eat cherries and level up uh-huh instead of having to chase things down it'll take a while but we can get it oh I'm just gonna stay in here for a little while he's uh he's trying to he's trying to eat me I don't think I like this uh into the far right side of the world also this castle we've been going around has lots of mice in it do you think we should group up with him at the end Oh Oh pigeon no no just trying to get a drink and every time I go down to the water like like a big killer death thing shows up of some sort it's like hey I want to I want the Grim Reaper of death I've got I've got way too good as Skilsaw fire him stay away to the cloud got a bird going up into space yes haha i trapped him Oh another one man what seen him whoa oh I got two birds back-to-back yes I'm a baby put pterodactyl no get in the water poisoned yeah you don't get poisoned or water buried no you're gonna drown you're gonna drown I can't okay so go straight up in the air to the left yes now going to the space finger first finger what yeah it's a teleportation I know just go down oh you can touch that plant - that'll heal your oxygen level oh we are on the far right side of the map volcano island yeah it kind of burns your shrink turbine so tell me when you get over here what kind of fruit do we eat my viewers say it's like a banana or a star fruit or a papaya mango nobody really knows what kind of fruit this is is a dinosaur coconut Dino nut when it's it's like pink what no for real what is that I would say I dunno what game is that from Deku nut I don't know it reminds me of star fruit the most oh so close I'm gonna get him I'm totally gonna down down down down down Oh little things no right no we are we are working very hey I got an idea come over come over to the castle and then sit on the top of the castle and I'll go into the swamp and I'll push everything to the castle top so you and DF can sit on the top of it right I've got to get a water real quick and then I'm okay cuz it's like a driving is that right that would be the word like a cattle drive there we go [Music] chicken butt oh no we have the we have a pack mentality going on here like zebras with zebra Zeus you see all three of them and you don't know which one to go after so what you do is you poison them and then you block them from getting in the water so we need a nice watering hole around a hot highly trafficked area yeah and then you just camp that watering but we can't let the Grim Reaper's in either you like this hey I keep poisoning I got a store yes uh-huh you gotta you gotta help play him a little bit I'm on fire there's a Phoenix coming Oh pumpkin Reaper I don't like where we're at no there's a pumpkin Reaper and a regular Reaper yikes so if you ever went to like Iceland or Hawaii would you ever want like a steak that is cooked in lava yes like here's your sulfur infused steak enjoy you'd think they'd be able to do it right oh oh Dragonborn alright let's go through the space finger up on the right here then we'll go to the frozen land frozen land oh I just had a guy on fire that was cool I said another one on fire that was also cool see is he gonna make it to water is he gonna make it to water the answer is unfortunately yes but I'm still gonna eat him maybe not oh this guy's name is poopy I almost pooped on him ha the thing he doesn't know is that if he goes into a cloud I have a longer attention span than he does so I can stay here forever I'm gonna burn him I'm gonna burn him I'm gonna burn him I can burn him I'm gonna burn him can you kill him and then I can get down there and eat that meat yeah working as a team I destroyed his life oh the yetis back I'm a dragon now oh and I can eat the dragon Oh dirty I just totally cooked up a still oh oh nice I'm captain right now I'm a dragon I'm camping a water thing you land on their head and then they light on fire and then you make them leave and then they burn as they're leaving and then you eat them when they come back to the water what's up Luke oh my you my my Oh maybe if there's another Yeti I'll eat his face I got ya I got dibs on the next Yeti no the next one after my next one no you don't get another one we should really be like pack-hunting here I don't know if we can I can't I was trying to get the a cheeky killer ran right into the Yeti but I will get the Yeti dead now and it will be mine and I will level up into a cosmic insect oh thank goodness there's oxygen up here yeah I got the cosmic angry eye and yeah you gotta breathe the stinky plant good thing is not much came from space yeah not much you can kill you when you land on the ground all right there yes you can kill me not much can kill you down below stay away from me stay away from me you dirty dirty eye monster face bird I always like when you play an i/o game and someone's name is don't eat me it's like that's the entire nature of the game is to eat you I'm going to eat you your name's not gonna Chalmers like if you eat me if you kill me you're dumb taught me I'm going to eat him anyway have you ever become the oversized cosmic bad before no not yet like that I was the pterodactyl that was the oversized one is is gonna is gonna shock you like nah no no clickbait haha I told ya I told you is gonna shock you you have to eat yeah there's only one zombie in the map and we'll have to share yes I'm dying yeah where are you you had up in the ice castle I'm in the above the ice area dude look we're time you meet first yeah yep so everyone's a ghost you know have you seen the final boss of this game yet no okay so let's show you the final boss because I've heard that you might be able to kill him as a ghost I'm not sure if that's true or not but let's go try so we'll go down down down right down here and then there is the there's the mummy over here see him uh-huh that's the one we need to kill so I'm gonna show you the other guy so if you go them over here to the right there's fire yeah okay now it does the fire Oh does it hurt God no no okay so come over here now okay come over here yeah oh there's yeah and then the boss is right there oh my see what you eat it no we can't touch it we've done it so we actually have quite a few levels to go yet really yeah but we're gonna eventually get to him oh there see this guy up here now is the ghost Reaper now we'll just have to line up and wait to get the zombie oh he's getting attacked yeah it's no joke so the zombie only spawns up there's new one I'll go first there we go you can only eat other players with this carrot as the Reapers yep bad guy I'm riding on a pigeons head took a while to kill him well oh yes yes I just killed a swamp monster the pumpkins is he still a pumpkin Sam a pumpkin yeah was that you down there you can only kill you can only get XP from killing other players so you target high high dollar things like the swamp monster and Dragons and stuff I feel really bad about eating a butterfly just come over around the corner and you're just killing a newbie cuz you can't it's a it's a level one here you trap something below you in the pond and you just slice it up that's what you do you go above it and then you drop down and you slice it oh yes I'm max level I have killed the dragon nice I have done it in definitively alright you want to go after the boss should we try it you don't have to be levelled up yeah we can do that okay oh yeah go after the Phoenix yeah there's two Grimm's and uh I'm not so great yeah bear get up land on him oh yes get up [Music] come on now we gotta get you to pumpkin land follow me to glory yeah oh hey there how's it going we've learned I killed him when he was one of the grim reapers so I set him back originally yeah poor guy yeah he didn't really attack me but I feel bad can we laugh on your channel DF is that okay can we make loud you sure can Blitzen Baron fed look at this not a DFS yeah I haven't really found any DF fancy or assembly there was one there was one until he murdered I saw an imposter of myself at the beginning of the game oh yeah I was really worried I was gonna kill you guys along the way like I kept kind of sweeping towards you guys before I realized I think at one point I took a bite out of you an accident yeah I think I probably got both it so pointy I took a bite out to you I'm pretty well guess we're going in now [Music] yep we got to be careful not to hit each other there but like he's not made around yeah so bad running away I don't want to die intense monster boss fight music I'm gonna die get him d FK I got him I'm gonna maybe I'm just gonna go to me for a second I can go be okay oh oh I could have moved Oh whew that was close K I got a back way off for a sec but he's already heard like he's not gonna get that no no as long as we're in and you could sit on the flames in the bottom oh nice I hit him twice he's scared of us oh no I'm scared we gotta move do we want to trick that sir who's gonna kill each other first oh oh nope don't dive let's come this way I don't think okay I'm good I'm good I got some health to burn if you would get him if you hit them you get health back okay he's coming back to the right I'm almost full health again I'm in the yellow there we go that'll wait I'm so worried about hitting you guys you know it's pretty good we got this Oh up just boot on the corner get him Baron there we go there we go oh no oh no oh no I just don't do it okay there we go we gonna get him yes yes thattaboy we did it we've done it we have quince Wow dad yeah well I'm up to 1.5 million that was that that's a high score I think you've set the world record on most impressive on the leaderboard I was just beneath I didn't hit one of you guys I just about died no is it fun but a tank - oh and now if we wait an hour and a half we could do it in an hour yeah our never this gets an update we should do it again and kill all the bad guys I agree rubber absolutely we're the good guys uh-huh they're the bad guys oh there he is my friends boy it's been fun [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 581,367
Rating: 4.9269896 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, flyordie, flyordie io, flyordie.io, fly or die, .io games, flyordie.io evolution, flyordie.io gameplay, flyordie.io new, flyordie.io level, flyordie.io highest, flyordie.io strongest, flyordie all evolutions, flyordie blitz, flyordie.io boss, io game, io games, feb2020
Id: jafaTRsnJGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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