Zombs.io - Best Pet Ever! - New Bosses and Epic Base! - Zombs.io Gameplay - Top Player

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everybody on blitz and I'm here with my buddy Baron hi I'm Baron and this is my buddy blitz oh yeah we're playing the new update of zom zom zom zoms ii oh why don't we yes why do we always hit like a single rock when there's just a GG because in efficiency ax is his life life liberty and pursuit of happiness I was talking with somebody the other day and they alike 'end empanadas 2 small calzones what do you think about that blitz I think you like it like small calzones and I much prefer a big calzone because if you're gonna go if you're gonna eat a calzone you're gonna go all out and you're not you're not talking these nasty things like hot pockets like Oh murder pocket murder fog and see if they're liquid molten fatness Rose yeah they do taste good but you for like it's like mmm that tastes good and then you're like my stomach is dying yeah pretty much and then other things that - yeah and they're like a bajillion degrees if you they'll they'll probably melt through steel beams I've heard that they've used them to take down building grilling yeah Russia the hot pockets really there's microwaved hot pockets something yeah and then molten cheese on steel i-beams and bam I'll tell you what thanks for watching that's a good video I'm gonna have to see you bye let's find a tree in a stone wait I accidentally had two Psalms that I hosted for me hey hey what's the best Lord of the Rings movie so rarely on Washington psoralea the summer alien Oh dude if that was a was that even a movie didn't make a movie up that they should well why are you watching the movies when you can read the books because check makes and books we you know I see your read and then watch and then I raise you a watch and then Knight is fast approaching dude the first time I saw I was like oh my god I'm gonna die up cuz I do I know that times gonna happen and then you're like woah don't matter because we don't have a base yet okay cool so yeah we got exploration we've got wood and stones so we're oh this is the hurricane and a lot of oh look at this through spring guys here hey what did those boys Stone oh wait these guys look weak let's don't should we murder eyes one of them I got one get those matches face it always hitting me hard he is kind of it's kind of annoying Wow okay yeah get ready take him take him geez man there's we did it really all right we have got enough that didn't really do anything either yeah have you played blitz that IO yet is there one no we need we need a double tree a double stone in a tree stone actually now just going let's just might as well just go all in on it oh dude we'll just right over here oh yeah perfect let's do it I'll base without a base hole so this looks this looks pretty nice how'd we does this as we placed down our gold stashes right yeah you place yours down and up place mine right next to it how's that sound I look okay oh hey we we get one per team oh okay oh that's only it's just turning morning let's put down her arrows how we're gonna build this cuz do we get do we get 12 per team so if I put down an arrow building here does that count for one for you to know it doesn't count for me okay no it does I was done oh what's the best tower well that diamond I did last night work very well I was gonna make a diamond with the towers and then walls outside of it right and just what yeah one door two doors one door more doors more don't wonder one entry wait hold on here okay okay so if it's almost like Chinese it's okay ain't nobody gonna come in for us run wave one but build bills out there he'll build a dancer it'll build the Brachiosaurus okay so uh all that yells maybe I should maybe we should do a little bit of this yeah Wow there's a little there's a buttload of them yeah there's actually yeah so that's the thing right it's like once you do team it's like there's a million okay so let's get this planned up how do you delete them really click on forgot about that oh don't mind me and that's the center I've got the engineering skills here yes then you want me to put a tower on the top yeah dude okay will do I need to do one more here or did you do it this one only has one should we can you put a tower up top of that one I did okay we'll put in it we'll put a tower at the edge of all of them in arrowtown okay arrow tower got it alright nice vest approaching the pea oh it's already here Knight is here the night is coming fighter is night dude we're getting we're getting blam blasted with dudes no yeah it's like we need some support more stuff there honor thingy just put maintenance I love the mages it's like a little bit on a jakku shotgun magic a shotgun on MAGIX cool oh we need a door we'll get one we need it what we really need to do is you need to put down our gold mines oh yeah we really did doing gold mines now okay this is working a little better except in this little area this neighborhood yeah yeah there's just enough towers on that wall but I mean oh oh I love how to slow the bombs yeah so we got a I guess that could be the door now we need to we need to fence it in a little bit better thank you I can go put I can cart start preparing the outer ramparts okay there we go now the problem is we don't have a you're gonna have a door we don't have a proper door so we're gonna have to alter we could sell this bomb tower and like put bump it up one okay you know bomb towers have a long long range we shouldn't put those on the frontlines okay I mean we could always sell them in it we still have a lot of arrows we have a lot of arrows and a lot of that we got yeah we do have a slight dilemma here I got you uh-huh no flower arms tower ranges what are the range on arrow towers that look let's see cleaner kind of short that was less thing that was a good one now we could sell the little grid on the inside all right I'm gonna I'm gonna work on outside walls we are the best cannon McKevitt castle makers ever in history of best cast makers like myself it's pretty good did you like I mean that's I heard it on the radio we really shoot like on the base already gotten per one try mains ten weeks run for you or listen to one of those like off-the-wall serious SM radio stations like serious nine thousand two hundred eighty-seven butts all day the Blitz zombie on Io so all the kids are raving about Oh Sam's Sam's are attacking oh man oh man most of my tower get out of my tower kids you meddling kids hey I don't want to sell it dude there's a lot of zombies happening right now dude they really are there's quite a few of them you know life you tree a tree hugger ba-bum ski so did that how much gold does you has I've got Wow 10 power K so our gold is independent pull up dude check this up hold on here oh you can do it you can do what what you know what what what did you just do how did you do this don't you click on it and then you hit shift and eat a bum bum ski look at that banana good burgers I just upgrade or go home oh I popped ours perfect time for night - yeah when I feel like the bomb towers would be good to upgrade ok and rage towers are upgraded we can afford one more mage tower in six more hours I got I ain't got none still none more when I let people on my team we just died and now we will be oh stop it it's the Blitz topi an empire we will will rise from the ashes or something I forgot I forgot our sigil that's what we need you guys in the comments you need to tell us what what the Blitz don't be an empire and what the slogan is that's what we need oh it's night time o'clock again oh god wait wait hold on I'm good I need to buy a spear or two or three the biosphere wait to button ah a beast and rekt get rekt all the do the thing is just made into our house just made it into our house I'm gonna buy a spear all I died Oh what I died it was me I died we're okay spear it's night time it is I think we get a pretty night here nope nevermind scratch that idea okay I'm all do there just don't kill my stones shoot this is actually kind of cool it's all of them flying in like this yeah I mean the amount of zombies you get attacked by now is just nuts gonna be oh my god they broke it broke through stuff it's alright day is dead huh we have found are we gonna slay build it all probably some pro out there just screaming at their screen right now say no big a new like here why didn't you make a dodecahedron a try deck of Maca dong urban urban done just what we need right here dodeca Mons dodeca yes sounds like a like a weird Digimon Digimon digital monsters you watch digimon didn't you I didn't know what you had I wasn't you had I never got to watch Saturday morning cartoon has never got to watch TV we couldn't afford I really didn't that like as a kid it was much TV and we weren't a lot of play video games during daylight hours so there you go got a job that let me do it yeah you like that thanks mom you went to all that for nothing but the best part was like winner mom would your mom yeah my mom would like take away like you know you're grounded we got to take away your video games huh she would give her the wrong controllers because she didn't know we to hide the other ones on her but yeah two bombs up there and then that yeah like cuz then technically it's like a good team in the base with nothing I tell you it told mini blitz to do Wacka Wacka could be a walk around go to Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka Wacka yeah you're the best ever that's all just no idea what I make him do but it's good all right daddy I will be Wacka Wacka I could go for all right so here is a question okay tacos or bacon who wins it's tough I mean stuff bacon what kind of tacos are we talking here what's this thing I think I mean if you say tacos in general you could technically have a baked you know it's coke you know what that means is a really really good taco what's that is you take a tour till a shell and you put it down and you put chicken on it and you put cheese on it you put barbecue sauce on it and you put bacon on it and you put it in order to the tiller sauce you put a tour till thingy on it and you throw that in a case of Diller maker there you got yourself a bacon taco but barbecue sauce that sounds delicious it's not well it's it's case of Diller not really a taco but it's got bacon I really like when my tacos are actually quesadillas they're my favorite tacos yeah so well one of my favorite tacos is you get a piece of bread and then you put some peanut butter and then you put some bacon and then you put some jelly and then you put another piece of bread and then you toast it and it's like my favorite taco ever so good wait is that it's knock oh you know one of my favorite tacos is you take a big chunk of cow and you put it on the grill oh yeah that's after its kind of marinated a little bit medicine that's a really good really good taco to the bestest I've ever heard about in my life you get nice baked potato taco with the - were you open it oh yeah that's it yeah if we cut the big potato you can put like cheese students or you can hold it and make it inside that taco - we could you could make a baked potato tacos yeah you know what I mean without any of the taco part of it right well and then throw in a hot sauce hey-oh next one is 20 tell you upgraded yeah Oh dag boy you gotta get gold right here we are talking tacos and our base is being a tactic at nighttime okay we're getting raided they got nothing on us dude ain't got nothing on white why do I keep getting more stone there's like I don't need any stone anymore yeah I need a blast these noobs Park and Rec rectum dude oh now we got guys with giant maces out yeah uh-huh that is that amazing Sam Bert's there's a couple dumb zambese stuck on a rock over on this side I get enough they're so dumb do they even have brains I mean I don't know maybe maybe they have rots and ravens hey guess what what's that oh you got a pickaxe Carl he's my pet hello Carl Carl's jr. let's get where do you buy Oh pets in beta uh-huh you obtained you got a tweet don't worry I deleted my tweet right away we gotta kill the bosses I will bring my spear and my axe hit my AK doing they get far Carl oh come on Carl come on I got stuck that one Wow look I made it all the way he killed a cow or did which one arrow Archer don't worry baron I will I will make it big good I want a big arrow tower bar zambese Carl do your old agates come on Carlson Oh easy man Carl's a bee oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah kick your count right gotcha oh man Carl is so good at this game he gets XP and he can level up dude really yeah I need it Carl I'm gonna name mine Carl Ron taneous vontavious how that just sounds like a cool name to me Carl stuck come on where's Carl come on out Carl come on Oh Carl hey little blue ones I just said that Karen I just said it yeah but where did it come from mom I didn't lobbying daddy the blue ones duh oh my god I'm actually dying me too don't worry Carl is now level five six oh I got twenty thousand monies check this beans out boom okay upgrade the middle stuff dude upgrade upgrade all our junk you got okay you got the monies upgrade the money money do the things in the middle first the gold mines mines I can't drown TVs what are you doing daddy no johntavious I don't love you John Davies daddy all right I love you John Davies it's going on Finch we're gonna go on this it'll build a sandcastle yeah you're gonna let drum TVs die aren't you no hommies the joke is on you I'm to go to slay them come on Carl blue things what is this blue bar oh that's my armor if the blue bar goes away you start taking real damage maybe these blue zombies their iron zombie maybe they're blue because they're cold blue da ba dee da ba die da ba doo bee doo doo scooby-doo scooby-doo that's a song right yes everybody knows scooby-doo she's got a blue car a blue house and a blue little world he has a blue house with a blue car Davis whoa blue is the color johntavious no this is good see this is on that Sirius 9000 or whatever yeah but the thing is our viewers are probably too young to really understand a little bit you got to get that 90s and early 2000s our greatest hits DJ Baron durante this is gonna be a DJ I'm proud of you son thank you they grow up so fast they really do it he's outside like I'm cleaning the dirt get in here and get back to work all right I'm getting stolen you're worse than the babies are over 73 damage per head now jeez oh he's gonna die Karl no John David Oh Karl Dead come back Karl don't be like Karl johntavious don't do it he did oh there's tokens we get tokens to token and if we use the tokens to evolve our pets this is all a Pokemon we gotta get home if we get caught out in the nighttime Carl's Carly oh yeah be dung beetle on our own time come on Karl do your thing it's your thing do what you wanna do I gotta get down here oh this this wave is just cake super easy peasy lemon potato chips dude dude yeah these guys are these kids stick up so okay so Karl is hitting for 284 for now I think mine does 73 good old Karl what level is he I'm almost at 10 oh he's 17 and he's huge he's a teenager buffed up at this rate he's gonna gonna die of old age soon oh we're leveling him up again Karl's oh you got a silver weapon guy like me he's gonna hit boss bite don't deal with the bad guys oh I got one on TV I got on a tree I got one where did the other one is he did oh good day undefeatable were you we are indeed fatigued old undefeatable Oh cute don't worry I've repaired them we need to upgrade fast can you upgrade yet I'm not quick look at look at Carl now check him all right I can upgrade but upgrade our goal yeah you got it okay it all up read these books a hundred thousand to the next level yeah man the diamond sleep good job John I'm proud he's done yeah I see I gotta talk for both him cuz he's mute mute and dumb leave named um drawn you hear that we need okay here we go every gets time to go under my log Carl come on go alright do your best 7:35 three strikes kills a zombie fruit from my little plant it's not even attacking oh he's doing a hundred damage now mind you an 800 oh my god oh wow wow I almost died look at me you don't worry Carl will protect you ha Carl forget it you just you do you Carl yeah you made another level there all right John we're gonna fight what were ever you know what we're gonna do we're gonna fight for the right to party to party drawn if you want to throw a party in our house you gotta kill a lot of zombies are dead we're gonna get crazy kids these days man oh no oh there's one down there and our base is so awesome now hey yay drowning survived leveled up evolve check this out now check out the evolved dim ha ha ha diamonds in his hair Oh Carl no he's better than you are no definitely kill everybody drawn John you gotta do this conduit for your family Oh Carl Carl's now do I get e tacos spaghetti tacos confirmed spaghetti tech tattoos oh yes to tell my worries levelled up twice Tortola Lilo's oh wait I can probably evolve mine it's okay oh man these great guys are breaking in are they something I mean that and when they kill some stuff and I'm like hey look check this out check this we know so heads oh yeah I can evolve him in 12 levels hey hey I got a thousand monies I got a thousand I got a thousand money 100,000 r100 thousands upgrade and oh I can only afford three what other mine they're 8,000 of these like oh it's cuz I'm short on stone my cat just felt yeah please do standing inaudible box looking out the window and she just fell hilarious Oh kitty yeah so I guess each upgrade costs 700 stone oh I'm not a stone I do without every money like it's a fast approaching get to success approaching and drawn and Karl are thirsting for blood cuz you raise them to be savages sabotage sausages sausage savage sauce man I can go through some sausage tacos now ah the turn time slay them all come on Karl come on dude this guy can just cleave through things like nobody's business he level up again fifteen seven definitely the way to sixteen thirteen I'm seeing a lot of zombies just get hit that they can't even make it to the walls yep tell me get the diamond earrings yeah he's got diamond earrings nice awesome they're twins now oh my god accidentally did it nice work we're getting we're getting a ruby base Oh oh wait we should upgrade yeah it probably should upgrade of that before you wasted all the money on everything that's kind of a really bright rash she didn't waste a lot of money really I still have 50 comes out boom bab-oh upgrade one more wait look at the outer wall on this left side we've lost the layer we have but we're Ruby now hey all group Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby oh this is moss wave isn't it yeah the top side oh he's coming over here he's coming over here bastard Oh Darius dude you got the red spirit yeah I had to do it we're cleaving him up he's dead he's dead too nice quest quest well once it's daytime yeah all right blitz and Baron are on an adventure we are gonna go kinda red thing I really want to get my power I really want to get Karl leveled up some more aha Oh Avast you scurvy dog done job okay what's this thing do didn't do anything hey there's our gold go up faster hmm maybe there's another tool bombs our utility mmm nothing I don't know me and my kids let's go back to bait all right this guy's things this is this is what it's all about Oh evaporate identified now we have to harvest it but we don't know how to our yeah I don't know what it do look in the top right we've made it to wave 4200 you're the top you're the top of the leaderboard yeah you believe that there's only three people on the server and Hills been afk for bill bill doesn't know what he's doing so nights fast approaching we got one more battle one more battle we have to this is the Indy Quran that the Quran Buddha because it's gonna take us like an hour up to update upgrade everything yeah and so we're probably just gonna chill after this and we've done everything we have pretty much except except getting Carl - oh why were to the max level hey oh he just oh wait I do 6000 damage what thing what I wonder how much supercar would do probably around six dollars could do 1 billion damn what feel he's like a tactical nuke so he's oh yeah with the red thing you just like I'm like a lawn mower nice how much is it which is the red thing 35000 Wow yeah Carl's at44 got six levels until Carl could be all the way up do red towers but they don't look as cool now tower tower is a pretty pretty sweet right there we did it though we kind of done a level on billion so baron I think that's gonna call it and even and even and even think it's gonna be odd or even and we're its prime it's probably a prime even number we let that said I'm evening for cheeseburger Taco turning your first forego tacos and melting steel beams I think what would you say zoms that IO needs um variation yeah it definitely needs to some variation any like maybe some like I guess there are some PvP elements you know you know what it needs is like a enchanting desk that you can enchant your gonna chant like the boughs with fire or poison oh yeah see fire Polizzi another another element like you could have a green blob or a mana like you it you'd use that to enchant things that's what that's where I would go because it needs it has the reefs it has the mage towers right but they don't really do anything yeah yeah they're not as Meiji as they could so what do you think all right you think it needs I'm thinking I would say definitely some variation I would I don't know like maybe I guess it's just it is one piece yeah red stuff I still enjoy it but yeah it definitely have fun it needs I'm gonna die cue me yes yes die top tier board boy to bout how beautiful some chef lady she looks like she makes the best cookies alright let's end it out we'll see you later but I was good time was the best time who's the goodest and the ugliest of times and at times the ugliest of times you're ugly boom new CD [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,779,448
Rating: 4.8768363 out of 5
Keywords: zombs.io, zombs.io game, zombs.io gameplay, zombies, moomoo.io, new io game, zombs, zombsio, zombs io, io games, zombs.io biggest base, .io game, .io games
Id: X-xpz834ylw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Mon May 29 2017
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