Spinz.io - Custom Blitz Spinner! - 20,000 Points and 100 Kills! - Spinz.io Gameplay - New

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome back to another episode of spins dot IO and as you saw on the thumbnail the developer was kind enough to create the official skin of 'let's topia under youtubers there is right next to PewDiePie blitz topia so we can be that spinner and for you guys the first hundred people who use that code get to use the Blitz toe peon fidget spinner in the spins I oh so I want to try it out we're gonna play it and we're gonna have some fun with it look at that oh there's there's already a big grouping over here Wow hello wait well we died first thing first thing and we died there we go so let's try that let's try to just kind of go a little bit easier man that's a cool looking the skin isn't it I like that got the little lightning bolt going around in circles how cool is that you done it done a good job on ok ok we're all rights to what we're all right so our goal here my goal anyway is to hit 10,000 rpm in today's video 10 maybe you know what we could probably go for 20,000 rpm and we'll see we'll try it out I'm not gonna I'm gonna try to avoid everyone that I can for a little while try not to get a bunch of damage done I don't want to I don't want to be killing people I just kind of want to gently slowly work my way up I think going through these things can kind of help out too because you can cover a lot more ground a lot faster alright it's also a little bit dangerous we can go in and out - there we go oh yeah that was those really good wasn't it I got like 400 yeah ok I got a kill maybe not a kill maybe not some what something like a kill but not a kill tonight I didn't really that wasn't beneficial to either of us oh well just vacuuming up little pebbles you know I have to be four times bigger than somebody to kill them straight up so that's roughly what 80 if they're under 80 then I can straight up kill anything Oh like that guy he's not under 80 it is a little bit drought that didn't that hurt me a lot and hurt me a lot today oh my word I'm doing I'm not doing the right thing oh I see a lot of I see a lot of death and shenanigans happening up here we're to try to capitalize oh my word we just got rekt look at this beautiful field so many little pebbles pebbles of loot you're you're in my way you're you're in my way this is mine I feel the pebbles I have to loot it all back up to 300 I don't know what we got to before the last one who that guy's moves pretty quickly - Wow okay well he could be seven you're dead all dead we got you you're done so oh that guy okay he's at 700 so that killed didn't really do much for me you kind of have to get like the thousand range for court kills kind of do anything I worthwhile like that guy was gonna try to kill me oh he's coming after me no he's not he's not coming after me oh okay that was good there's so much okay this guy he really wants to eat me doesn't he try to stay away maybe I need to go back and collect his stuff oh okay he's definitely in a bad way he's not a friendly he's not a friend of the Blitz dokyun empire I have crested my way up to 600 we yeah 600 oh okay that guy's got 14,000 that's the leader where I'm trying to stay away from him always feel coming after me you know wait okay I think I'm safe I think I'm safe down here okay now oh we could go after Hicks go after this guy - he got squished like a little itty-bitty bug and now back up to 700 you kinda I think I'm gonna call I have to be four times bigger than him so I can't quite kill that guy but it would have been worthwhile if I could let's try to let's try to sneak your way over to him it's kinda hold up nice three times bigger kinda stay around here wall or shadow stay out his shadows wait with that guy oh yeah that was bad that was bad now we got a big guy here it's gonna eat all my ludes what stay away stay away don't you dare come after oh that would have been oh you're kidding me shadow no bad shadow bad shadow whoopsies a double hit okay I think I'm fine take it whoa oh whoa stealing yeah wait manna tick I took a lot of damage here I don't want to get back up here to see if I can loot my own stuff and it's all gone wow that was a mess hello Bret oh you're God here we go this guy is perfect for me oh he got away ah man I haven't got 12 kills I've been maybe doing a little bit too much killing but it's fun I like fashioned into other people in this game hey go back okay that was that's a pretty good area right here there's a lot of little loot around here a lot of loot pebbles I don't think I think the big guys are there's one big guy will stay with me whoopsies you got my way apologies I didn't realize Lou up stay away from you stay away from you okay I think I got away we still coming after me okay I'm good I'm all right we're good we're fine we're about his thousand pebbles yes we got it oh well we just dropped we just dropped a hundred oh no well that guy would have been dangerous man oh there we got a thousand back good okay so that wasn't terrible usually when you hit somebody like that you drop down a lot lower especially if you can't pick it back up that guy's too big we're gonna stay away from you we're now on 1200 leaderboard so we're taking care of business a little bit okay and then we'll go up this way good whoa there's a hundred yeah I can get anything over 250 now they're under 250 to kill speaking of under 250 Oh got you you were 180 there's a lot of love going on through here oh that guy I could have taken him out too that didn't quite do enough for me didn't really he got it back to where I was before oh whoops headed to see what that guy was you can get all this stuff cat seems okay I could take all stay away from him stay away from him stay away I go that way oh I might have no I'm all right I'm all right I'm all right oh okay I think I I think I did I think I lost him no I didn't lose him Oh loser yeah I lose him I'm gonna lost him no he's still coming after me he's still coming after me okay um scared right way run away from the ball curly and up and over house good oh I lost him for sure I lost him for sure okay I think I think he's gone think he is gone oh that was intense and I lost a lot of my my net worth on that but that's okay we're still alive I'm feeling like I'm in portal right now so when's daddy growth it is the way to grow steadily oh hello there now did we do we get our money back out of that deal a little bit we're a little bit higher now good I like that idea okay 1200 it's not too bad anything ooh oh that was messy that was messy he's bigger than me he is bigger than me oh I'm gonna be bigger than him pretty soon uh-huh and go up you really okay yeah that one's perfect that's the perfect amount of pebbles well I'll stay awake dude you seriously want an attack we can do this I don't know why you'd want to really fight especially since we're the same size but we can I mean that's cool it's a benefit for for me because I'm bigger than you now stay away stay away ah that's the stuff this is how you get a lot of points now you come in here and you shoot your way up and you come back down and you shoot your way down and then you shoot your way up and now we have gained ourselves a lot and there was straight-up kill them dead oh boy wow so much so many points now oh wow which is like doubled in size from that epic battle oh hello there how many kills red 21 kills shoot man that's kind of cool so now I can kill anything over 600 in a direct hit like this guy right here oh well that's perfect then he's got all this loot right here - look at us go we can come in here then we can shoot our way down I'm gonna go get that guy claw I got you Fernando where are you gonna go you're gonna go straight up oh good hit - yes no 3000 another hit Ellen wasn't too great good there's a 3,000 points excellent we're gaining a lot now and I climbed all the way up to fifth place oh there's a good one haha nope nope nope okay we don't need him a little bit too tiny for us anything under 800 now we still need to be careful even though we're as 3500 vault up there he can still eat us Wow 21,000 he just got a big kill wonder who he got he had to get someone high on that leaderboard I didn't see anyone that was that high though wow I saw some battling happening over here there we go come on I'm gonna get you Tomic lunch come after me come here come here Oh oh oh I got it I got it I didn't kill him oh he's gonna be dead though he's gonna be dead there's 4,000 nice oh no way oh we just got dominated by someone hi out that had to have been volt didn't it oh no I didn't even see him they just came in and then we have to settle way down at the bottom again oh that's so bad I've made a backup to a thousand only a quarter of what I was at but that's okay I've been messing up a lot of people kind of kind of easy just to hang out around one of these portals like this and you just bounce up and then you take someone out oh that one would it that would have been messy for both of us but you kind of just bounced out see if there's anyone around then come in and just give them a little tap and then they die really easy to do and then you get like seven kills and everyone's mad at you on the server and then once you die they like to pick on you that's what that's what it's happening to me if I can just bounce back and forth here like that yeah just bounce back and forth and then nobody knows and it's like a trap it's a trap and no one's coming into my trap no one's calling for oh that was a bad idea that was a really bad idea that guy was gigantic and he is now I'm at 800 again whoopsies father similar supposed okay it wasn't too big it wasn't too big I think I could go for him there we go get a lot of the points he is a little bigger than me that's okay I think I can level up pretty strong now I didn't do very good I'm bigger than him actually I'm ready i mighta came out ahead on that when did you hit him nope nope nope nope okay coming after him oh no no huh yeah you wanna you wanna dance you wanna dance doggy donors I'm gonna take out most of it today today I'm better I'm still bigger than him okay we go pretty girl there he is there's other people around oh there's some money money's get that money money's up and we'll come over here good we're all right we're in a good position now back to a thousand not not the most exciting thing ever and I just give that guy a little up tap just cuz you know I'm just saying hey I like you your skin was nice and your your berries are edible look at all this dude it looks like there was an epic battle over here at some point that no one's cleaned up after shoot I'll take it I'll use the midst opium vacuum cleaner oh hello I don't know why you decided to come in and take an adventure with me oh that hurt that hurt a lot that was probably not the best of ideas actually it didn't hurt too bad backed up to a thousand okay that guy once did he wants to eat me kind of if you order attack him might have gone back after oh wow it looks like our leader on this server is now gone - whoa okay I'm gonna go after that dude Oh oh nice nice you know that dude get all that dude 1500 that was a pretty good hit and I didn't even have to take damage from it take him up though good oh yes oh you got in my way hey I'm sorry I didn't know I did oh you got my way - would you guys just not this is mine I'm trying to eat all this loot there we go 1,700 perfect there we go back to 2000 looks like there is some difference oh I'm not I'm not left looking right now I don't hope them down the left click all the time and if I just sit out here a little bit look at the it goes down a little bit doesn't it and that's where'd he go okay do I do i attack him he's that he's a little bit higher than me if he wants to dance I'll dance with him I will I will we'll be the dance dance party boom I'll take you out and all our hog oh we had up we got another another person coming in here take all that out am I gonna get bigger than him I am dirty mugger teaming dirty that's a battle battle of the epics there oh now bigger than you come here yeah Oh got you nice nice that's how to do it right there that is how to take on someone that's your same size and come on ahead and then this guy there's life over here should we take on life we're good we're in a destroy life who if I would have him I would have bounced back through the portal and collected more stuff because look at that I've already up to 3,500 that was epic real go after this guy - got him now if I jump in the portal then I can jump up and look at all that loot I collected 4,000 and we are getting high on the game so now we're at the point where you have to pretty much get loot all the time if you don't you really start to lose a lot of it oh no oh no no no okay that was good let's collect all this collect it all boom okay that was that was excellent I killed him I killed him this is gonna put me over 5,000 and it should be close to the top of me - well there's 6,000 yes 6,000 perfect okay now now I can move man we drop a lot of health really fast now I pretty much have to eat anyone that's under well we have to eat like a lot of people at any time in order to maintain our size now you go down super fast Boop cease I didn't want to take you up you hurt me more than I hurt you so we'll do our tactic I'm just going through the portals jump in through the warp zones and we're still at 6,000 I like this I like the position we're in there's a thousand let's go after him Oh dirty kill that was awesome oh it's gonna put us up to 7,000 7,000 yes and we're on the top of the leaderboard guys we did it now let's see if we can hit 10,000 that guy's too small and I come up here good oh that won't look like you it's going pretty quickly where are you 160 and it's not as quick as I thought it was and in this way alright OSU loot far as of a hundred that's not even gonna that's not even gonna do anything for us I don't know why I went for him we need to get like the 2000 here we go here we go here we go that's that's perfect top shoot oh that was really bad oh that might have been good that was that was a pretty big dip yep just 6,700 here we go bark that was a 300 that wasn't worth my time I'll come back this way and oh no where's my mouse I can't see my mouse there we go hi oh that was a good one there oh no no you don't know you don't this is all my loot this is my loot you cannot get diluted no finders minders stay away stay away eight thousand my loot there we go eight thousand we just cracked eight thousand this is the biggest I've ever been in this game how big have you guys gotten how what's the the highest score that you've managed to get to it we're gonna jump in here and then we're gonna jump over this one and then over to that one and also I can pretty big he is no there's only 300 you go down so quickly - oh that's a good one oh he's only 500 that's fine we'll take them off no stay away from my loot yes I like it yeah I need to find these other guys that are who thanked those a hit that wasn't expecting that one was - yeah we'll come in here we'll come down oh that was a good one I don't know how big he was but we dominated him no bad bet 9,000 9,500 how are we doing 9,500 9600 awesome whoo this is somebody got hit here boom oh there's light Oh got him again and OH got him again so I just knocked that guy way down there's 10,000 hello hello hello come here come here got you all right 11,000 11,000 come here Beastmaster come here I'm gonna cut you off oh you went back that way I see I see how this goes my mouse isn't on my screen my rattle almost 12,000 that is awesome oh there's a 2000 I'm gonna go after him I should have okay he's this way all right hello Oh coming down coming across oh he just jumped that way well I can't quite get him unless he went this way chick like you might have nope for some reason I thought I was at the top of the screen and I am totally mm-hmm I was at the bottom of the screen and I'm not oh here we go player I was 400 we'll take that just take that for a little bit put me back over 10,000 now I'm just slowly spinning I'm not boosting it oh don't don't one I'm just slowly going and it does drain over time there's a 200 hey take that up what are you doing alright we're still collecting I'll just take you out too and if you wanted to come into my life I will just end it and then we'll go this way oh there's it there we go road to level 3 Road in lovely you're gone road the level I want your loot and your loot thank you very much oh how many we're at thirty nine kills can we hit I don't know give me a hit a hundred kills I don't know how how long that would take there we go hey what after oh so close so close whatever you went over here okay bump up oh wow I didn't want you to do that I just lost some points from that here we go oh okay that was that was good oh he actually came on ahead on that he beat me back oh maybe not I'm going up to 11,000 oh yeah 11,000 so I came out a little higher somebody just went right straight into me I don't know what these other guys are either oh that's a that's a big hit and a double hit oh no oh no hey my loop back no no there's so much loot here there's so much loot get it up get it all I drop back so far get that get it on get it up get it up no no no oh what a bloodbath oh this isn't this is a mess okay seven l dot nine thousand oh I'm coming up in the lead I've got this I've got this 11,000 take them out take them up take a look good good good twelve twelve what else okay they're down here down here I came out ahead on out of everyone like I came out as the victor on that oh okay and it pumps back this way oh he's not there wow that was that was an epic food let's go let's go get this guy up here uh-huh 700 oh hello Beastmaster hello again how high are you 4,000 you didn't die how did you not die you died that time there's 10 11 12 13 14 14800 Wow keep on spinning see I don't know where to go now we go down so fast in the score you just kind of have to hold off until anyone comes near you and then you do like this epic battle like we just got through 14,000 see how fast we go down no stay away from him now it's 4 times bigger so anything under 3000 we can just directly run into and kill which is a lot of the people in the game we're gonna do the best we can to find those anyone over here we gotta we gotta we gotta make up speed and make up distance try to go as fast and as far as we can as far as we can as fast as we can I think that's better way to say it there we go I see someone oh there's a 8,000 hey get out of get out of here get out of here really boom boom yeah Oh got him got them all this is my loop now this is all my loom 15,000 points we just passed it okay there's a 300 he's gone 15,000 cool come here master oh come here master monster monster master and let's see if we can do that again monster went down here where is he where is he I got you I got you no I don't there he is haha I knew what finds you again oh hey you went that way alright oh so close oh wait he got hit so I can take all of his loot for free free money monies oh man there's a big battle going on over there - lets get down here there's monster oh I got him nice nice nice that's all mine is this gonna put us over 20,000 there's 17,000 not quite not quite Wow 17,000 so now I can pretty much hit and kill everyone in the game the next highest is 6000 and I can't quite hit him but anyone else is 6600 and I think that's okay nope we'll take you out take you out - and we're down to 5,000 now or 15,000 there we go I sell someone fast oh you're only to tell 200 Wow this is a little bit difficult to see some of the lettering here there we go oh is it easy thousand can't even see my mouse pointer okay yeah not bad we got back up a little ways here we go here's a good one spins dot IO oh yes 4,000 oh go far we got knocked back Wow okay oh he's still alive why did you did you spy through that you didn't survive that one for sure okay we did we did all right when getting back up to 16,000 man it's so hard to maintain the high scores in this game there we go oh that was another thousand hit that should bring us up pretty high maybe the 17,000 again not quite 16200 ooh so there we go there we go there we go oh that was a good one that was good one no stay away from my loot stay away from my loot stay away from my loot stay away from my loot you're to stay away dantdm you're dunzo oh we just got hit right at the end of that that was cool we just took out everybody and everybody big on the leaderboard pretty much Wow oh that guy just got smoked too than anything I didn't even get points back for that one Wow another big spoil here nice back up to 20 Kay I didn't think that we could actually hit 20,000 aah that this is like the highest of I've ever seen anyone going again I think I don't remember the last time I recorded it I think someone was super high up in that - I got another big bloodbath going on there's a lot of people around here hi where are you going that was messy okay I need to come back in I need to take this guy out he's dealing all my points he's stealing all my points got him yes yes there we go I knew someone would come in and try to steal on my loot and I had to get it back 18,000 we're back up - nice we're still we're still doing really well I can't find anyone else that's really high in the game so I'm just gonna keep moving around and school that might be why we're at the top I were still close to 18,000 that's awesome usually you can spot other people by by seeing what they throw off I think the bigger you are and the faster you spin the farther that little the little helix goes I'm probably wrong about that oh look at that adblock plus you've got a different ski mountain that's cool this is not good daddy's catching up to me I can't find him he's eaten all the little guys I have no idea where anyone is I have not seen anyone in a long time anyone big anyway I'm trying I'm closing up on the hundred kills just trying to get there but I don't know where anyone is actually killed it seems like I'm just stuck I mean there we go we got 79 now great that actually cost me more than his fuel there's copper oh that was a double kill and then they weren't even that big well I still get quite a few points out of it so we'll just clean it up real nice and fast and then we'll bumps out of here what what that was a bad dog I'll do it no bounces like this boy there we go ah here we go I'm just gonna let's move down this way see if we can find anyone else I really want to attack daddy and and Karl Marx and that guy I don't know why he attempted to go towards me but that's cool whatever oh there we go adblock fluffs come here come here oh man it gets you you know that right I'm gonna take you down then take you down I can I can is that faster oh hi there we go look come back nope 14 yeah well I just clicked on my other monitor and that's oh I didn't lose him there he is hey come on after nice always so close he's still closed I'm gonna go through this guy instead oh I can't get anyone I stayed away and now I dropped out a second place cuz of my epic chase that didn't end oh I keep getting hit stay away from me there we go here we go here we go I see someone big down here I see someone big I don't know how big he is six plays 3,000 points I got to take him out I had to take him out oh oh you hit somebody there's somebody big down here no maybe not ah I keep losing more and more points there we go oh come on come at me come at me oh so close so close look how fast I'm dropping when I do that super spin all that is ridiculous I can't even I can't I still see him in my range here there we go I got him this time oh no the other way heavier Canada oh I did it I got Canada I hit Canada now you didn't die okay I didn't even I got 12,000 back that was hardly anything wow man I can't I can't get points again oh there's there's Canada again I thought it should have been able to kill him great oh this there's a lot of points here somebody Oh Dario come on no that's the wrong guy yes yes no oh there's karl karl marx oh no oh yeah and where to go where to go everyone goes right here everyone is right here I wanted to attack him damn ed 94 kills now and not finding anyone that was Karl again aha well there he is oh no that was wrong way oh hello Oh a lot of points oh come on oh this was this was a bad idea so I'm at 94 we got just a few more kills to go to get a hundred oh wow I am totally like clicking out from my other monitor so let's take out a couple guys like that one under 10,000 again shoot you drop so fast when the the big people don't fight oh they're just another easy one okay and 96 I kind of want to OH 97 98 this is getting easy here there's so many low-level people that just keep bumping into me and oh okay 99 and we got one more to hit 100 oh this is actually a good one right here oh come on come on oh we're gonna take you down we're gonna take you down see you're big you should be attacking me too and am i stupid oh there's 100 I didn't want to get you for number hundred we were gonna go for someone else in the leaderboard but that's okay that is totally fine and guys I think that's gonna wrap it up for this video I don't know what else really to do I can't get much higher than 20,000 it seems so thank you for watching if you enjoyed and the 100 to kill 20,000 attack of spins that I oh please do let me know keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 776,565
Rating: 4.7889419 out of 5
Keywords: spinz, spinz.io, spinz.io game, spinz.io fastest, spinz.io fidget spinner, fidget spinner, spinzio, .io game, spinner, best .io game, fidget spinners, fidget, fidgetspinner.io, gameplay, fidget spinner game, spinz.io best
Id: pZ6i6UVZVtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2017
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