The Legend of Corner Boi

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all right ladies and gents hello and uh welcome this is going to be an interesting one we just concluded a game with ram who's playing as the spanish and he chose to tc the corner on land nomad you notice ram here does not have a town center ram here is playing us to spanish and also sending villagers towards the corner now i'd never seen ram play before ram is the louie the legends so i'm just curious if ram likes to find a tight little spot for his tc or if it was just a coincidence last time okay up against the edge of the map here goes red and here goes right to the corner is this his strat is it does he do this every time we might have found the new legend uh tc in the corner i think is incoming wait for it here come the villagers they still haven't placed the tc whereas blue's already building his red is really thinking about this hmm do i want to tc the gold or do i want to tc the stone t sing the gold against the edge of the map wow okay so let's talk about this all right in the previous game red was in the exact same corner the enemy to be fair played really well scouted red and then red was completely trapped but at 780 elo which is their exact elo you have to imagine come on build the tc see build the tc thank you you have to imagine that it's going to be difficult for people to find someone who's in the corner if you look at blue's point of view blue over here it's funny he actually came from this corner with one of his villagers yeah he doesn't really have any strong indicators to tell him where the enemy is so in red's thought process he wants to be as safe as possible and as far away from the enemy as possible and the corner will always do that and then for blue blue has played this a bit more standard and blue has dropped the town center in an open area and started to create bills and as you can see blue already has the bill lead granted with chinese you do get three additional bills when your tc completes but still just getting that town center up means so much so while i know a lot of you guys are like yippee and getting really excited about ram the reality is this is not a great thing for your economy okay now not all fun strategies have to be great for your economy that's not what i'm saying i'm just saying that like you set yourself back in waiting till you get to the corner to build your tc but this is exactly what red did the previous time rhett also went for a house while in palisade wall red's not interested in boars or anything red did in the previous game was tried to farm but there's just not a lot of farm space either so it's really tricky and okay this is what you should do on land's nomad blue is scouting with a villager i like this really good play from blue so far and blue says okay i'm going to need some houses we'll place the houses out here pretty soon blue's going to be finished with the turkeys so might want some more i might also think about taking the boar buzzkill t90 i'm not being a buzzkill because i feel like there's a lot of strategies where there's a lot of legends where people do interesting stuff like this this only works if the enemy gets confused and doesn't know where you are so there's an upside to it and that you can hide but there's clearly a downside as well that said blue has struggled a little bit with the chinese start he said the ville count's not that insane now spanish truly are one of the best civilizations for nomad starts because you can build your tc faster because it's normally fast castle and if you're going fast castle you can get away with conquistadors it's red with a very systematic approach here is uh is going to drop or sorry he's going to collect the goats and ascending in one by one now i want to talk about something that someone in chat just mentioned now those said reds fills for more dispersed at the start so it looks like that and i could always go back to the end but the way things are normally situated with nomad is you've got like a triangle so like one two or maybe it was like one two three or something i forget the exact location of them and so the best thing you can do is kind of meet your villagers in the middle and tc somewhere around there that'll mean you get your tc up as fast as possible so yeah it looked super dispersed because two of his villagers were really far away from this corner whereas one might have been a little bit closer to it but this is live i'd like to point that out i'm not watching a recorded game the previous game we saw was interesting unfortunately didn't work out for red and red tends to play lance nomad a lot based on the profile so this is happening live varknek over here is is has the better overall sieve i'd say has had a better overall start and is playing it more standard like if you wanted to be let's say you were 750 elo and you wanted to be a pro you would probably try and play like blue is playing in some ways and granted i wouldn't suggest gold at this time but that's another conversation hmm all right well hey i want to sign it let's try that again i just want to say thanks to everyone who showed up so far today also of course thanks to people who might be watching in the future but uh support and positivity around the community has been really awesome the last few weeks so thank you guys happy new year to you both players are idling their town centers at the moment it's nice to see that every now and then you know give the town center a rest that way the town center's not working all the time give the town center a day off as well i also want to say thanks for the sub count we're very close to 400 actually i think we're over 400 i have the check can i check now do i have it now anyways the sub counts really awesome 100 of the subs actually goes directly towards me on the platform too so thanks for considering that if you've done that and thanks for the stars too we've had this crazy thing with the stars recently where like if enough people contribute with stars uh facebook actually gives me bonuses which was like i didn't even know it was a thing that's been nice too happy new year's jay thank you movable what's up and okay here we've got red who's dropped the mill and is going to take the deer now wait a second didn't red go 15 pop few lazy in the previous game because remember red got housed at 15 pop and we were like oh no red forgot to make houses but then we realized red wasn't producing villes so red didn't even know it was housed is this a build order is this the way red likes to play every game i mean it's too coincidental i i think this has to be a plan for red okay 15 villagers and then going feudal age must be red's build order i mean all over here we've got some farms we've had boar we've had deer we've had gold blues on the way up with more villagers like blue is the much better player there's just no doubt in my mind the red is also on the way to futile age day two with your new baby thanks for the content ross best of luck with all that man it's funny someone else today i forget who it was in chat was like i have a four week old and every day we listen to your content some like imagine some toddler like i want to watch more age of empires way in like two years you have no one but yourself to blame i warned you okay wait a second i've heard viewers say that i put them to sleep what if i do an even better job at putting whiny babies to sleep oh what if like this is my new business model this is how we retire yes okay so i'll like i'll wait till my whole community is old enough and they're all adulting and whatnot and got like a bunch of toddlers and then i immediately make all my videos paid to listen i'll be like 25 bucks to listen to one 20 minute video and i know you guys are like 290 25 bucks seems really extreme yeah but have you ever had a baby cry in your ear for like two hours parents will do crazy things to shut their kids up i mean in the nicest of ways i'm joking by the way this is this is a joke blue's scouting right now i like that i had nothing else to talk about so i decided to make dumb jokes story in my life also scouting over here with the villager i don't mind that either i think a really good strat to go for on this map is to go for a scout rush um because you can then just scout the map you don't necessarily need to rush with it okay got the horse collar upgrade also getting the wheelbarrow upgrade chinese have technologies that are i think 20 cheaper in futile oh no i think it's 15 excuse me plus there's more villagers working right now over here for ram kind of looks like ram wants to go fast castle in the previous game we eventually saw stable all right parents don't do anything to shut their kids up in my experience they just ignore them and keep talking to each other while the rest of us suffer 11. but i guess it depends on the parent all parents are a little bit different in how they approach things my father had very interesting oh my god what are these walls holy crap okay so blue's like we need to stonewall stonewall is a good idea and then he placed so many stonewalls that he ran out of stone and said hmm how do we solve that problem let's finish it with palisades the great wall of china from varknik over here who apparently is just going to research every technology because he's now getting mad at arms actually i would do a horrible job of putting children to sleep because i occasionally scream i've had my viewers complain about waking them up from naps before yeah this isn't exactly um oh no i actually have a funny story for you while we wait to see what blue does so i really like to have mcdonald's chocolate milkshakes when i was growing up and thinking back we had mcdonald's milkshakes a lot like a lot a lot and we always had sometimes like two milkshakes on one drive it was like a three hour drive for a family vacation or whatever and i remember bringing that up to my mom later on in life when i was trying to get healthier i was like mom you gave me so many milkshakes no wonder i love sugar and she looks at me and goes it was the only thing that shut you up and i was like wait what i thought you did it because you loved me and because i really wanted a milkshake and you're my mom and you're nice and she's like yeah i do love you but man there's 15 minutes of silence we're amazing for the family because they used to always try and play the quiet game they'd be like hey tristan i have an idea do you ever play the quiet game and i'd be like no what's the quiet game a quiet game is a game where the person who's quiet the longest hits prize i'm like what's the prize we're like you'll have to see if you win i would never win and then they they even tried to like find uh words that were similar to quiet um like the um tristan did you ever play the silence game no i never played the silence game is like the quiet game it's exactly like it but you get a bigger prize my whole family just spent their whole lives trying to shut me up that's pretty much it now in the previous game red did not have a safe stone in the corner so remember red went for night but couldn't go for a castle because there was no stone there is actually stone here you guys want to hear my favorite parenting story granted i'm not a parent so i can't relate to all these things but i think you guys will get a kick out of this one okay um so i was watching home videos so we had these old recordings from the 90s uh on vhs and when i was a teenager i'd watch all the old recordings of my family um and there's some funny stuff in there right and so my buddy and i uh were watching our home videos one day in the summer and we found one where uh like the family's hanging out in the living room i think my brother had the camera or whatever and then baby tristan who's like maybe six months i don't know the exact age because i don't know how to like i can't tell when looking at a baby sorry they're all the same um baby tristan was laying on his back in the middle of the living room floor okay above baby tristan was a lamp and the the lamp was one of those with the pulley chains most lamps have that you know what i'm talking about a little dangly chain to turn the light on and off you pull the chain attached to the lamp was a was a thing of yarn and that went down that hung down and then it was attached to my wrist which was then up in the air right this seems really weird and so there i lay with yarn attached to my arm my right arm in the air moving around and i would like move it and it would move the chain and it would make a noise and i thought that was the funniest thing and there was also like a separate little clip where like my dad would attach my right arm to a balloon just let me lay in the middle of the freaking floor and attach my arm to stuff okay i asked my dad about it my dad's like well it's like i'm right-handed and when i i wanted to teach you how to throw football and throw frisbee and do all these things and it was my greatest fear that you would grow up to be left-handed and i wouldn't be able to teach you so i figured that was a great way to strengthen your right arm and it's actually brilliant like it's actually brilliant as blue continues to wall i think it's hilarious i mean also i feel like present day if you like walked into your friend's house and their kid was had their arm attached to like a balloon or a lamp you would maybe be like uh this is a little weird you know like in 2021 or what are we 2022 we'd be like what's wrong with this person but it worked out i'm right-handed so anyways here comes the stone walls this is a very relaxing game a very passive game and there's the type of game that red wanted and red is now going to drop a town center between this stone and the gold here and has some knights has no clue where the enemy is but you could say the same for blue he doesn't know where red is and his decide is a stone wall just in case pressure comes in all right i'm looking for a dj from my wedding do you think hardy would do it no he's a full-time editor for me man he can't go djing for weddings what are you talking about no i will not sing at your wedding oh god corey says usually people want their kids to be lefty for pitching reasons yeah the thing is my dad didn't know any of that my dad was my uh he tried let's put it that way he was our soccer coach when i was a teenager like 13 or 14 just like our local team and on the drive to the game he would always ask me what positions we would play players he'd just be like what do you think we should do and i'm like dad i'm 13. you're you're 45 like actually how old was my dad that i don't know my dad is actually uh very close to 70 right now i don't know if anyone else has parents around that age but most of my friends have parents like in their 50s and my dad's very close to 70. he's still rocking it okay um holy megaboom from blue blue's dropping a town center here blue's dropping a town center here and here so we're gonna have four tc's blue is now fully walled i was keeping an eye on this i thought maybe blue would keep this open um i'm not sure if blue knows what he wants to make because at one point he got demanded arm upgrade he made archers and then there's a stable over here that someone's eventually going to build but chinese are the sieve of options that's important thing to note here now red is trying to find the enemy right now has not been able to do so if you were to click to the corner your unit would get all confused because there's no path to get there so let's see if red maybe finds the walls a blue's got a sick empire now i agree and yeah okay now sees the walls red and red should have an idea that someone's over there and he's like ah a fellow corner picker all right and he's got all this respect and pride he normally you want to hate the enemy but you can't help but just love the enemy when they pick the corner like this i love the way blue is booming he's maybe gone a little overboard with queuing up bills in htc though okay never mind he's just gonna buy food for the other tc the guy's got 16 bills in queue that's a lot of villagers queued up but he just wants to make sure that all the tcs are producing bills and so i expect him to pull way ahead of red a red's now got army that does nothing unless he wants to maybe make siege as well this army will really not accomplish anything red happy with the corner i am curious if red will maybe drop a castle as we've seen more stables i'm thinking that maybe a forward castle drop like right here that will allow you to break in yep okay he sees the walls yeah this is a juicy spot for a castle drop a castle shoot down the walls and then pressure but more stables instead of more town centers tells me we will see more aggression from red we shall like with the positions right now that is the play for red because otherwise investing in the more nights is useless and you're on two tc's and red's gonna drop a castle here instead it's a little passive i think if they're gonna play it like this you should probably make a lot more villagers blue is pulling way ahead right now we'll see how blue uh balances it though like blue's got quite a bit of stone and gold coming in but might need to get more food at some point was that a ninja turtles reference was what a ninja turtles reference this is sad but i lived a sheltered life and i didn't really watch a lot of ninja turtles i feel like i would have really liked ninja turtles i don't know what age it was where everyone liked ninja turtles but i i remember watching it it wasn't even that my parents didn't let me watch it like everything else in my life um but i remember like trying to watch it not really enjoying it so i think it was a little too old i did like though if you ever went to the arcade i'd love to play the ninja turtles game and arcades what a thing of the past but but yeah um you'd have like you could choose any of the four ninja turtles i forget how many quarters they had to pay at chuck e cheese to play that one but i loved it all right very like calm relaxed state of mind for blue he's pumping out bills he continues to buy tons of food i think what blue needs to do is he needs to start farming okay it bothers me when i see someone spending so much gold on buying food it's it's really a good thing to do in some situations when booming but if you want to improve i think you should definitely focus on pulling some villagers off of wood and other resources to farm hmm not allowed to watch tv but putting two milkshakes to trip in you occasionally yes anything to shut me up wow good upgrades here for red considering blue doesn't have a single blacksmith upgrade this is crazy there were no walls this could be a problem for blue yeah i wasn't uh i wasn't allowed to do quite a bit of things that now i'm just i mean i also thought it was ridiculous when i was young don't get me wrong especially when i was a teenager we had big run-ins on stuff like that but uh but now i'm just like man and the nice thing is i get to catch up on a lot of stuff but then there's other things that i like don't want to catch up on like do i want to like watch rugrats no i they didn't like me watching rugrats because uh the one person was mean and that was gonna turn me mean apparently joke's on you mom and dad i am mean screw you chat okay i'm just trying to prove a point here nothing serious again blue is taking advantage of chinese and just getting everything bloodlines for nights do we have knights nope but we might uh thumb ring do we have a lot of archers nope not really but we might another castle town patrol 92 villagers you do though have ram on the way to the imperial age oh yeah veggie tales was veg i will maintain while i didn't have a lot of options for television growing up in a religious household i will maintain that veggietales is freaking amazing especially some of the songs i will still occasionally sing them to this day probably because i've been brainwashed but still oh where is my hairbrush and cheeseburger oh top tier don't even get me started on lips and if you don't know what i'm talking about just don't look it up okay just don't do it just just say yes t90 i agree um so like here's where it gets interesting blue sat back so defensively in the corner or red did sorry and then didn't really have a crazy aggressive follow-up i mean if this game goes on for a while things might be fine but being behind by 40 bills is pretty insane well thank you for agreeing guys thank you for agreeing blue did expand up to 28 now it's going to be around 30 farms we all know 37 farmers is the best build order the true t90 fans know about the 37 farm build order i was really happy people in the comments brought that up i mean eventually you need to expand out of here but not really not for a while there's so many resources in here as we'll have relic number one come in for ram and also trap number one for ram guys i i am concerned oh okay he's on the way to imp now i was gonna say i am concerned that blue isn't on the way to the imperial age yet because we're gonna see barracks we're gonna see more archery ranges you do need to pick something to make here blue the economy side and the upgrade side is fine but you are gonna have to commit to a unit usually two units so that's true it's 37 farms with vikings okay upgrades on the way we have the great wall and it's actually being utilized great wall is a relatively new tech if you consider chinese have been in the game forever but they'll actually give more hp i think it's the towers walls i'm not sure if it's buildings let me actually keep an eye on the castle i don't think it's castles too no no it's just i think just walls and towers that added 900 hp to that wall cavaliers almost in here for ram and if he can get the final imp armor upgrade there's definitely a chance here now upgrades are coming in for blue does blue have just one blacksmith okay he's left it a little late but he is clicking everything but didn't even complete the feudal age upgrades yet we'll have to go through the castlage upgrades and then we'll be an imp so we'll need those too but when you have 40 more bills you can afford to make some mistakes guys what is red doing a good job of here he's not trickle-trapping now i suggest going in with four trips when you go for a surprise i would not suggest three i think four's the magic number but at least you didn't show up with one and give blue time to to react the problem for red is more so lack of eco the problem for blue is almost too much focus on eco as we now see rocketry and elite chicano but blue doesn't necessarily want to make chouka news oh nevermind blue has 25 chew canoes queued up i'm wrong if the trebs can't see that castle if they did they would take it out easily you could honestly use the trebs to take out a tree and just run in red's got 95 pop we now see the final armor upgrade we also see ballistics that'll help the castles so i think what he's expecting here is he's expecting the enemy to run in after the trips i don't know if he's really thinking it through like that but another castle okay a blue is no he's producing chew canoe out of two castles two out of his like six castles i guess four castles architecture now which gives you even more hp on everything uh actually i think it's just i always forget if architecture affects walls forgive me i think architecture effects no i think it's only buildings right i don't think masonry affects the walls either but i could honestly be wrong with that i never researched masonry or architecture for walls i always research it for the castles and i know it affects other buildings too is it just me or is the voice a bit off today i sound fine i think but you know how it goes you always sound different in your own head now we have a lot of upgrades coming in and red hat has given blue the time red is just sitting here like maybe red doesn't want to attack at all maybe we're wrong red is now going to make conquistadors as well it hurts me so much when they get a big army and wait yeah so my tip is if you want to wait play it like blue that's basically everything that i want to get across here waiting is fine but then boom then have like 120 bills because if you're waiting with 70 bills and the opponent has more eco you're gonna have some problems okay we will have our first attack here in the game treb's firing on the wall a little unfortunate for red um by the way architecture didn't affect the walls but a little unfortunate for red that he didn't move forward to try and see if there's a castle there [Music] the chew canoe are not fully upgraded they're still missing some upgrades but rocketry's in and also blue is prepping help so blue could always go for helps i think red is dead there's no way that this is possible for red there's no way only if blue were to run underneath all three castles and not run away with his units seems very happy to make use of the chinese defensive capabilities maybe a little too defensive though like like technically if redwater just not run in and then red could maybe expand the economy for long enough it could be fine get the relics you know two relics already maybe get more blue is expecting a big big push here dropping those guard towers they could be keeps let's actually look at the research percentage uh where is that research count look at that so many more researches from blue all right he will leave the walls to go make a gate i think that was probably unintentional no offensive siege for blue and red's gonna send in one unit just to see what's up and he's like oh a castle okay that was really well done from red but at this point should never take an engagement before paladin now conquistadors are one of the most confusing units upgrade in the game because it's on a horse so you think cavalry armor like this here would affect it but no actually they're they're cav archer class so so being cav archer class the archer armor gives them their armor but also what's tricky is since they're gunpowder they're not affected by bod canary and all the other things archers are affected by so okay chuconu our blessed castle could go down i think blue is really scared about this and red is going to take the engagement i honestly think this will be a good engagement for blue but blue will end up losing the castle actually that's a pretty good engagement for red what am i talking about you can see one of their computers breaking throughout this fight you would see the stutter the difference here is that blue has tons of army inque he's got 70 albs in queue so he's gonna have plenty more army in a bid and red is is actually holding here he actually gets to clear up and a little bit of a moral victory and if he can continue to push forward and take out some of these keeps maybe just maybe blue will feel too worried about the future and we'll just resign camping the trail oh yeah you take out those houses camping the trebs keeping them protected and blue is a little worried at the moment how many barracks does he have six i mean it's not too bad he's only producing out of five of them or three of them i guess oh no he's producing out of all of them now okay having a leak conquistador would be really helpful having powden be really helpful feels like if red ever ventures out too far away from the castle protection this is gonna be an issue so maybe dropping another castle here would be good too blue does not have full infantry upgrades we now have a leaking key store on the way for red as he sits behind the walls which is nice blue can fire over top the walls of course but the conchs are pretty well protected now the problem for red is that keeps actually take quite a bit of time to take out and you know with a few more trebuchets maybe it wouldn't matter as much but have all these volleys fire and just now take out one keep when there's so many more means that i think red's gonna have to back up pretty soon we'll have a leak conquistador which seems like the go-to unit right now for him but still lacking the armor which i think will be an issue and he's gonna have to stay away from these towers but red is doing this red is actually doing this this is a crazy game he wasn't ready before remember when he was waiting and people were frustrated he wasn't ready but he seems to really be focusing well now and he has really good army control the blue is just kind of throwing everything he's got into the meat grinder here a little uh misplay there from red to have his units out of position but yeah there you go oh man this is huge what is happening right now blue still has the greater economy blue still has insane resources but blue is getting pushed right back cavalier conquistador i used to play primarily spanish against the ai and i would just make pretty much the same composition only i would always make a few missionaries to heal my units too i i used to love to go paladin with spanish because you don't have to spend gold on blacksmith upgrades with the sieve and i used to feel like that was you know really strong for paladins because paladins cost a lot of gold so you save gold okay red wisely backs up sends cavalier in and i guess it's just gonna pick away at the towers over here and guys blue is is just getting destroyed by this army comp i will eventually talk about what more he could do blacksmith upgrades is the one thing that he really needs truthfully spanish are very hard to face up against and red's army control is nuts pulled back the cav to the hill knew the conquistadors were going to be there in support let's see if i didn't jinx him here he's now running into some keeps the lack of bracers hurt blue so much cavalier will do fine conquistadors not so fine because they're lacking some of the armor okay now blues has thought to himself what's going wrong here what could i do more of and blue is going through another round of blacksmith upgrades so now bracer's in now the range units are fully upgraded oh no he still doesn't have chemistry they're not quite fully upgraded have you ever seen a kd like this in louie the legends this is this is nuts red is on a rampage right now i think if he were to research the final armor upgrades here and get paladin it's certainly over but there's still a chance for blue as as red takes another amazing fight still feels like there's a chance for blue if he can just group his units up the units the red has are stronger units so you can see the cost of them there in the value so if that's the situation you're in you need to have more units and look at red he pulls back the alps into the conquistador fire blue is just so freaking panicked what bothers me for blue is that he went the earlier he had elite he doesn't have chew he's boxed himself in and he does have wood over here now but he's even running out of wood on this side the red is just methodically continuing this pressure every time he needs uh conquistadors he just goes here and makes more conquistadors anytime he needs more uh or cavalier he just pulls back and makes the cavalier and he's not looking at his eco at all he doesn't have any need for that okay this will be an interesting fight now blue should not fight right now if you fight right now i think you lose the game back up more be more patient do not fight here and also the walls are kind of working against him i think it takes the fight this is what i wanted to see from red a long time ago as you're pushing forward with trebs drop a castle on them and then it forces them to take an engagement or it gets a whole lot worse for them positionally as someone's pc still melting here paladin's on the way the castle's going to go up the keep goes down and with that castle being up i don't see how blue pushes this back i mean he needs trebs now and blue just doesn't really know what to make he's now going to make two-handed swordsmen because he's like well what else do i do maybe he misclicked it i don't know what else do i make everything i make dies but ladies and gents it's still 30 army for red he still has the same three trebs he can move them forward and he's soon gonna have a paladin yeah blue does have access to wood but he's spending so much of it on archers and on halves it's so expensive and now he's like well shoot i have food so let's try and go like kev he's trying everything like have only cost food so it makes sense still not giving him an answer to this push 37 farms for red 37 farms don't make any more farms red holy crap the meme continues or sorry excuse me the the best build order in the game continues to people who are confused by the way you need to watch the bat saw video and blue is just so stressed when you get stressed you trickle you stream in units that you you probably don't want to be streaming in and it tends to snowball on you no he's at 38. oh he's improved upon it where's where are the farmers at i hope they die can someone raid him never mind don't even get excited check this out so these conchs 100 kills 15 kills amongst these paladins of course a lot of those are new but a hundred kills to this group the trebs um oh i guess they don't have data for the trips like i do everything else but it says the group of trebs actually had one kill they must have killed a farmer it's kind of funny yeah seeing what the kongs have done is is incredible killing 12 villagers and the rest being military and now he's getting the armor i still don't know if he knows this armor actually affects his conchs but he's getting it because it's remaining maybe yeah like he's getting this as well they killed a goose did they interesting he's back to 37. he's back to 37 wait a second she's gonna be 38 isn't she no i think they should still be treated as farmers oh man okay 37 because they're building the farm ah that was close well this is blue's last chance his last attempt last attempt to try and break this and push him back it's funny we made a lot about red choosing the corner but blue he set up shop here he was ready to sit back into his corner and it really is not looking good now look at the army values here look look at the hp it's insane red could micro this so poorly and still clean up the fight and honestly he is kind of microing it poorly in that situation i think you just let your units engage and you'll clear everything but he wants to fall back to the castles and he'll clear this double castle fire make a triple castle fire on the front still has the same three traps could go after the castles after the keeps four to one kd and varchak probably can't believe this in many ways blue completely outplayed red economically completely outplayed red but what blue didn't know was what to choose what to make and frankly blue's unit control has suffered because of that i think you could just say that blue's unit control wasn't as good but i think more than anything he didn't know what units to have and that was the issue and then when he starts to fall behind of course he's gonna have some big problems with unit control um oh close to sniping the trap there we'll see if red will actually complete this castle but it with only three trips it's gonna take some time but there's no way you kill this army now there's just no way wow really crazy game from red who apparently always does this he always plays lands nomad and he always uses the corner i don't think it's um i don't think it's necessarily unique enough where he becomes a legend but he's the low evil legend certainly like this will make the legend series of course legend of the corner pickers oh someone's like i'm a nose picker what about that g90 just kidding just kidding man blue really but he could have raided red so many times look how exposed red's economy is but he's been so focused on this and red is now forcing him to focus on this because he's continually attacking what unicom does counter paladins and punks it's too much power on the field yeah it's a time thing right so if blue would have pressured instead of sitting back and dropping towers everywhere blue would have been fine but honestly like let's see and heavy camel would wreck this i think so anyways so it's not like it's not a possibility but if you add skirms skirmish died to paladin even though they do okay against kong and then if you add hal for the paladin alba dies to the conquistadors so what you really need to counter this composition is no trash units you need double gold units as well which is obviously easier said than done yeah also hal bunchokuni would work really well but do you think what blue made he made two-handed swordsman skirmisher hal chukanu arb light cap he didn't really know what to make he was game planning on having more resources and just sitting back and it's a tricky approach when up against this composition and again i think red's unit control has been really good better than i was ever expecting based on the earlier stages of the game because he wasn't aggressive at all but he wasn't aggressive until he was aggressive and when he started to really focus on the push and then it really started to look convincing al skirm would be fine if enough numbers um yeah i guess i guess you know you're not wrong on that but again like helps get wrecked by conch skirms get wrecked by paladins so there's also micro involved there too a skirmish 35 hp a paladin has 180 hp a help has what is it like 50 hp they're held around somewhere um or is it 60 60 hp and a conch is 90. so and the damage output is just so much less for trash you would need need to have like 100 military red's taking gold over here and blue's got camels now a blue and i'm not sure if this will matter hugely but he doesn't even have armor yet i mentioned that with blue he was focused so much on the economy and then he added the buildings but he was really late to upgrade which is sad to see with chinese now he knows he just clicked the upgrade he knows he probably doesn't have it but he's going to try and take this fight anyways i think he doesn't see how many there are behind this and oh boy the camels are going to die camels actually do an incredible job against paladins and against conks if they get in close enough the main issue is just are they going to survive against the gunpowder and against the castle fire yeah campbell's not a bad play how many camels are you going to lose though yeah you're going to lose all the cameras those still a horrible fight and red can still run forward to take out more castles and more buildings also there is a relic in this monastery and there's a relic behind the monastery so if red wants to take that red can take it red just continues to run back grab some conchs run back grab some paladins a pretty simple game plan from here and then another forward castle this is so good this is so good from red a great way to control the area um or or just continue your push is to drop castles to control the areas what i wanted to say especially if the fights are 50 50 and you think the opponent's going to wait for a few more units drop the castle because then they have to come out to try and stop that where is blue going right now it's funny how blue's people have only left the walls when they've been forced to leave the walls hey it's clear to me that blue didn't think about this ahead of time right there's still only one town center out here and it's not even complete yet it's funny with that tower it almost looked like there'd be a king in there like this would be regicide or something resign blue resign i don't want to be mean but i think you've got to accept it here you've got no food like blue just clicked the cavalier upgrade and we'll only have three of them there's just you just don't have an eco anymore your buildings are gonna go down you won't be able to rebuild those here's another castle from red won't be able to protect your villagers if red ever makes it out of here and there's now actually a hole here so red could always run around i think blue will go for one last engagement well actually blue can't even make halves right now it's funny the reason blue didn't have food is because the halves are in queue but because of lack of houses blue is unable to do anything with that red's looking for him and red will see this but yeah um red red is gonna finish blue off and blue will maybe have one more go before he ends up resigning i wouldn't say i'm bored now but oh oh my god oh my god how could i be bored three villagers from blue trying to escape over here and happens to find red's economy now what will they do this guy's like hold up what he immediately stops work despite being paid by the hour he's like what let me clock out real quick kill one farmer please right well here come the conchs so red nosed blue is over here blue is going to try and wall it up but won't have the time these three villagers are still just hanging out buildings are all going down the houses will be a continuous problem for blue because all of us houses were in here so blue still can't make anything like blue still is trying to make cavalier but still cannot as we'll see the house is scrambling up over here now that's what these villagers should do is they should make houses there's a lot of different types of aoe players there's aoe players who resign too early there's also aoe players who resign too late there's aoe players that will play on until they've spent every resource they collected that game they spent resource time uh collecting the resources they're gonna spend the resource that's for sure i think we'll see the paladins take out this tower i also have to say that remembering how i was at a low elo it's very satisfying to hunt someone down and kill them when the pressure is no longer on right like at this point red should know that he's won the game it's very satisfying to to just figure out where they are and finish them all instead of you know being under pressure in the 50-50 situation says wait a second so red's lumberjack found the villagers and is now gonna drop a tower here you can't send a paladin i guess that would be too much work just drop a tower okay peasants dealing with other peasants all right so blue now has a cavalier this is going to be blue's last wave and the cavalier still do not have the castle armor he must have lost the blacksmith because i remember that was on the way but he doesn't have the castleage armor or of course the imp armor there will be one more fight for blue i think blue has played a good game i think there's a lot of lessons to learn from this whether you're blue or someone watching right now and then red strategy paid off sit in the corner and then slowly expand and look at the the line of castles i mean the way he played imp was so well done i guess red now i mean red could red could almost research spies at this point spies isn't going to be that expensive but yeah red's just waiting break through the gate and then run through with the conchs here comes blue blue's not ready to give it up yet blue also has one oh god blue also has one villager going to this corner um i guess blue cannot afford to make a second town center but blue is running away now [Laughter] i think if every game happened like this i'd be i'd get tired of it real quick but i'll take it because this is a pretty good game here comes blue oh red check the idle villagers red might actually spot her that's got to be very confused right now on what blue's doing or where blue is might have spotted the movement down here yep sending the paladins to hit the ville smart thinking okay and here come the trebs treb still being protected of course they'll take out the stables army is just waiting in the shadows here pandy what's up he says at last i found your stream hello hello all right so the paladins come to take the ville and blue decides a blue is uncertain on what to do with this army this point blue doesn't have much of an economy so it's all about migrating the army and you'll kill some bills it should alert red to what's going on but even if red were to lose all the villagers that are on this side of the map taking gold red would still be able to kill this army so shouldn't really be a big threat at this point however this does bring up a point that maybe blue would have raided at one point while he was being pressured if he would have sent units over here would have been so good for him even just expanding with his villagers would have been so good for him dropping town centers over here but it's easy to be tunnel vision you know blue will win this fight here comes red with more paladins as he slowly takes out the building man my my right earbud isn't giving me any audio at times so it's like in and out in and out in and out when you have paladins fighting and dying it's so awkward but here we go red's gonna win this fight and that should be the end for blue so spies is 200 gold per however many villagers the enemy has so right now it would be 800 gold for red to research spies and then he would see everything that blue sees and everything that blue has been a long one the blue doesn't want to resign yet mom said one more game it's going to be the end of the unit there this cavaliers going to go down as well blue's now down to five pop oh actually he's got two alive here okay he's got three villagers next to the archery range and he's got two military here well played corner boy indeed yeah i think like red could definitely optimize things more i think that a lot of players will will be able to get military and upgrades in faster than blue did and then blue having the greater economy would eventually push red back but it was very well played and red calls the gg i don't even think this is disrespectful at this point normally if someone called the gg for you it'd be a bit much but i think he's realizing like he knows it's over so he's saying gg out of respect blue gives it back to him normally it's the other way around you know normally the person who's losing will say gg okay archer range will go down and yes i guess in the end blue just ends up resigning [Laughter] but if okay listen if you're gonna drag it on this long okay if you're gonna play it out to this point let him defeat you i know it says there's zero pop for blue but blue still wouldn't be defeated because the archery range so let him take out the archery range and defeat you resigning at this point seems silly to me but gg well played how many castles did we have so these were the three original castles then one two three four five more castles sick and in the end aggression paid off and you can see it in the kd guys the great has a way of playing lance nomad that can work really well and funnily enough he he was able to understand the corner because blue was in the corner and he was able to punish it more food and more gold collected of course blue was like really far behind for the second half of that game but i think the issue for blue is not so much the apm not so much even anything you're seeing here but it's the lack of army upgrades and the lack of proper army comp and that's tough with chinese because if you have a sip like mongols let's say where mongols have mangadai and siege or manga die hustlers it's easier to know because they don't have as many options but like with chinese they do everything really well you can go arbs you can go to new habs champions rams so i think maybe that worked against blue there they didn't know what to make but what i would have suggested was continuing to make halbs and continue to make chuko news and then making sure the upgrades were in and then i think that the fights would have been a little bit stronger understand the corner and you understand yourself no i think it's understand the corner and you understand your enemy right i don't know something like that but yeah gg the legend of ram man ram plays a lot of lands nomad let me show you look at the profile lance nomad spanish spanish spanish spanish spanish i think every game is like that on lance nomad now i don't know what golden pit looks like but over the last week this player's been playing only lands nomad and only spanish so he's developed a unique strategy he's he's committed to it and he plays the way he wants to play the game and that's what playing video games is all about you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 1,127,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, corner, boi, conerboi, cornerboi, base, in, the, cornered, corners, land, nomad
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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