The Legend of Dooidy

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welcome to the legend of dewitty and i know your first thought if you're an agent of empires 2 fan is who's dewitty and i thought the same thing a few days ago so before we get into the game here's the background dewitty signed up and made it into a 128 person tournament wandering warrior's cup which has a nomad focus according to his profile was quite good at 1v1s at some point but typically only plays nomad team games and i spoke to mr yo another chinese player and he's one of the best in the business and he said he knows the guy and that this guy's been playing nomad for a long time i didn't know of him because he doesn't play 1v1s dave didn't know of him because he doesn't play 1v1s and he's up against a player who's in the top 50 in the world margu from france so this is a final game in the best of three dewitty had already shocked us in the earlier games and if you want to see the earlier games that stuff's also in the description but enjoy this masterpiece all right so both players making their way over here it looks like dewitty is immediately finding a shore fish on the middle and making that dock and then he's gonna make that tc over on the land area with the lithuanians it's gonna be really nice to not have to worry about food income with lithuanians yeah and this kind of brings you back to how you want to play nomad in most cases anyways uh people asking about how to play nomad what you want is you want to dock you want to use the food you start with to send a wood and then make fishing ships um and in this case since you have so much food you can get a fishing ship lead so as you have the dock from mark you'll have to pay attention to how many he can get compared to mr dewitty um on water though if this becomes a water battle i much prefer byzantines they have more hp on their buildings which applies to the docks and they also have the faster working fires here yeah and they can also go up to imperial cheaper so true it's uh nice if you're trying to get if you're stalemated and you're trying to get those fast fire upgrades which is really great um also i want to see how dewitty does on a more structured map because we saw last time when the resources were even in the middle he really really struggled we saw him do very well on nomad where you can kind of there's more adaptability but on a map like this it's fairly even on both sides once you get your tc up it's basically like playing um kind of a mix of what what would that be highland and golden hill or golden gold rush or golden pit gold rush yeah yeah well it's funny you mentioned that because the amount of gold you have on each side is consistent with gold rush you get seven tiles of gold um there should be two relics on each side that's very hard to balance but it looks like that's the case the two relics on each side and then one relic in the middle the berries in the middle are a nuisance if anything honestly it kind of just blocks you from building buildings it's mainly about the stone and gold in there and everyone has a different approach when i played this in a practice game against alice i gave up water so i docked but then i gave up water and just land boomed and tried to push the middle and imp after a castle age boom and then some people will go for like siege monk some people will combine everything it's really hard to know what is uh sorry it's been a long day it's hard to know what's the correct move dave so i'm curious to see what they play out so there's not too many fish in the middle there's there's a few for the beginning of the game but like i was saying before you came on all of the fish on these maps are the 225 version yep so each one of these dots they're all just 225 food in the vivi vs boom uh set both players added like 10 ships in castle age and there was maybe 300 food left in the group really area yeah there was like nothing left and they were still adding ships to fight over it it's pretty funny speaking of grapple i feel like it's going to be one of my favorite maps in the tourney uh the game it looks good so far yeah like the the need to expand constantly is so cool the game i played obviously i almost threw that one against all those hand cannons you said it was like 200. 112 yeah yeah so i'll have to rewatch that one oh this is a nice mill spot over here if dewitty finds this don't even bother with the boar oh my god we got seven shore fish i i guess dewitty wants to go fishing ships instead kind of looks like dewitty's looking for sheep or like maybe sheep maybe a boar every time i play on this i always try and mill but then you don't have the wood for fish so i guess it's a hard balance i was just playing no men's style where you have one villager making houses everywhere right and they're exploring at the same time dual purpose oh he won't see that boar yikes that actually really hurts him let's look under margot's tc and he does indeed have a bore and now he's going and he's gonna find all of this fish up here oh yeah so beside that a lot of players will forget to build a lumber camp if they're not experienced in nomad because you have a tc on wood so if you get the resources to go futile and then you try and rush butyl and then you forgot to build a lumber camp that can delay you by 30 to 60 seconds so i'm looking at margie right now he'll probably build one but he only has seven on wood so i could maybe see where he forgets it lumber camp or mill right yeah true either one would work okay cool cool yeah and it's going on to the under the short fish so that'll let him get up a little bit faster his boar is now depleted under the tc can't just rely on the fishing ships he'll send some bills over there and also has the ones on deer he should be fine i love the exploration from deuty you could tell he's a he's a nomad player just because he's got things everywhere he's got sheep going over here he had a villager going out front to make a house near the um the choke point from margot he had a villager wandering around up north here and now he's going for the mill on the shore fish yeah and speaking of ville we have margu moving forward um maybe just to build houses in the middle or maybe the ville fight i don't know but maybe both players actually yeah both players with villes in the center and they find each other it's meant to be dude right it's just meant to be it does no one have a hill advantage there i guess not it looks like it i think margu will think that there is a hill advantage who wins who gets the last hit i think margu loses this uh it's still sending another bill he's sending him oh god i really want to know who would have won that in the first place but well played margo oh man the timing on that was just perfect honestly dave we have a big difference in styles here witty hasn't clicked up yet the woody is i think intentionally staying into uh the dark age and really over booming here with the fish and fishing ships damn maybe he thinks that he can maybe go fc and he'll just get enough the amount of food that he needs from the fishing ships before they die he's looking for gold now okay he's got to go way over here for gold it is a strap much on the outer area yeah i mean it is a strat as he brings in another bore just give up the water here and take it back later um again i i tried it and i felt like if you even go fast castle lose your fish into just killing their fish and castle you can be strong but oh boy doesn't cooperate there we go so i had a game the other night i don't know if i can explain this properly but i'll try i was bringing in a relic and there was a similar gap like there is between that tree in that house except it was one tile okay so i had enemy army obviously there in chasing and enemy army kills my monk and is about to run through the gap and the relic blocked them they killed my monk the relic dropped right in the gap in my wall and kept the army out of my base it was amazing yeah totally intentional it only drops um exactly where the monk is if the mug dies yeah there's no other way to do that oh really or anyway okay anymore well it used to be where you could hide inside the relic like viper used to do but i think that i'm pretty sure they patched that out okay well i i didn't try it in case people didn't sense the sarcasm so that's a once in a lifetime for me as margu comes forward to stonewall this as his strategy is all about winning the water but i guess he realizes the enemy will be in castle age faster yeah and and dewitty's strategy has paid off here as he's basically out of fish over here and the fishing ships have indeed stayed alive long enough to get him enough food to go to the castle age and with these shore fish all over the place tristan feels like even if you lose these fishing ships you won't have to invest wood into further food economy yeah you can make do in the beginning of castleage with just the short fish if you're going something like nights and i love i'd actually love to see a transport chip sneak here from dewitty if he sees these stone walls in the middle i guess what do you do though like i feel personally i feel like booming's the way i think adding a second tc and trying to gain a villi there is the way to do it because i don't see what the middle gives you right now but no i'm talk i'm talking about transport ship sneak villager oh like on the side oh yeah imagine knights in margo's base right now uh he hasn't fully given up on water and dave he's trying to send villes out and he will find the walls now so he did not know about that until now the demo comes over and now he needs to game plan on what he does next crazy stuff i think the demo is going for fish by the way i see it i see it what do you see transport no way you can feel what it is it's the forward dock though he's going to pull it away with the fishing ship watch you pull the thing away he'll he'll bring the transport ship over load these four bills in okay let's sneak around but he's pulling them all to the north of the map and he's going to sneak right around with the transport wow man i mean he just lost all of his fish but this is not something i was expecting to be a reality because i just i don't think like a nomad player i wouldn't do that i wouldn't adapt like that at all well he's gone to the middle which is i i wouldn't go to the i think i would go to the other side but yeah the witty witty is doing things and uh he's going to the middle now and he's going to drop what a monastery maybe i i was thinking siege monk with lithuanians siege monk makes sense there it is i assume margu sees this what are you gonna wallow falling you can just delete that mill brother true like there's a lot margu has a lot of time right now marger's microing on water against the fires that dewitty sent in how is dewitty killing fish right now and look at margu blocking he's blocking it did you see that yeah that was absorbing this not even absorbing the fire and now margot is is stuck in the palestine well he did get two of them but he can just delete the will or mill or kill the walls at any point wow dude and now there's a siege workshop yeah the bills have to run yep but still i mean he did distract him he tried to kill a few fish and margot was still a minute and 40 away from the the castle age and witty might be able to convert a villager here or actually a fire ship yeah and also you've got some presence in the middle i mean you probably don't want to boom out here but you do have some vision on it as we see a second tc in the back for dewitty i would have mills on the shore fish though he does not have the eco to switch into farms and he definitely needs more food eco i like dewitty a lot i know i know yeah i heard i heard tidbits man and i and i then i had looked at this profile and like a few others last night and i anytime there's an unknown player um especially one in a nomad tourney who plays nomad all the time it gets you hyped yep and it's 30 30 seconds away from getting to the castle age i'd love to say mark see margo go for scouts here in the interior oh he's got stables there's the scout yep yeah he's gonna abandon this and lose a fill which i feel like against dewitty oh two fills i feel like dewitty's gonna do something with that you know like yeah those are going to the corner yeah those are going to the corners for sure he's sending two more villagers across what he probably sent two villes before he converted two villas [Music] town patrol coming in soon you can guarantee it oh my god dude and he said homie and he's safe right so he doesn't have fish but he's applying pressure and he goes for another monastery but dave margu has food eco and marvel is going for the direct counter light cav would wreck this another outpost he he loves his nomad he does he does what he knows he does what he knows and that is that is vision over his opponent's base he loves it i think margu needs patience here at forward town center do any bro build that at home that is like what are you trying to turn this into a wood game and take some wood for later i love this so much he's like channeling my inner energy dave's like davis do witty is what dave wants to be i should say yeah oh my god what we all want to be let's be honest well five like cav and you quickly find out why you might not want to be dewitty perfect play for margu ouch he got one oh god oh god oh god dewitty please oh do we do he's fine yeah he's fine but like why tc though like surely you know you're going to be up against light cap because you're only making something that that gets countered by like have and the opponent has fish and foodie he had the res okay well he's going to lose stuff in the middle of nowhere no no but now think about it from margot's point of view he's like god damn it i can't clear up the bills there's the tc over there and he will you are correct that he might spend a lot of focus on this and not counter attack because he could run right through his own walls now he could delete his walls and run in i mean he's already killed a monk up there he killed a mangano coming across he's killing both of those villagers in the middle so dewitty i mean the bill count is even and the only reason actually do what he has quite a few more villagers it's the fishing ships keeping margot yeah in the economic uh competition here the only reason the vote count is like that is because dewitty converted like three bills so that's like a six villager switch right yeah true by the way the kd is 26 to three right now 27 to four depending on who you look at some bad stuff happened apparently we don't care about that margot is making a transport dave which is something that he might not have done had his opponent not transported but now he feels like this is a good idea and the truth is he's got the water control so he can do that as dewitty will add tc number four though it is tc number three on his side of the map yeah that's a good argument against transports the escalation factor if you do it you're reminding your opponent that it's a possibility so true so true that that's you know when i play arena that's what happens when someone gets atonement when my monks start getting converted i'm like oh yeah i need that okay yeah i've i've actually been in situations and games where i've chosen not to get attacked because i'm afraid it'll remind my opponent that they murder holes baby everyone in chats like murder holes wow this is just such a good play for margu he is going to be aggressive now and probably boom up behind this these knights are going to wreck his eco there's no chance for judy to defend from this if he doesn't have much how exposed this is this is why i was thinking stable sneak from dewitty would be pretty good oh yeah in the beginning stages because like you're just all over the place you're taking these short fish you're taking the wood lines everywhere villager is just so exposed and it was the same story it still is the same story in margot's economy yeah if dewitty could get any pressure do it he actually has four monks built up and a siege workshop and a barracks i would be so freaking paranoid if i were margu right now yeah his fishing ships dave dewitty is gonna convert four fishing ships one two well two for now but that's epic i love it where are you gonna fish with those bruh also the knights are right next to a bunch of hills but oh god margaret was like so focused on his fish right now as a fire comes in to kill the rest of the fishing ships oh god dewitty's gonna lose six fills here easily the kd is 34 to 6. no marco is is stalled out he was attacking the mining camp oof dewitty saves five of those villagers brings them to the tc it's 61 bills for him 58 bills for margot and he's losing the fishing ships now and dewitty still has this forward position here like i said dude the tc lives not only in your base but in your head rent-free mm-hmm and you have byzantine so whether you like it or not you're going to see it because you have free town patrol yeah as oh would wouldn't do idiot just love that right now free town patrol oh my god dewitty is converting ships dave there's no fishing ships working right now for margu i'm not mistaken because these ships are getting converted by the monks and being sent out how is dewitty in this game redemption is coming in oh god this is actually getting scary now if you're margo i think the scary thing for both of them is the lack of food eco that's what's crazy um the farming eco is seems to be what margu is going for but he maybe could take advantage of a few more shore fish and redemption coming in means the blacksmith could be gone the witty is destroying his own units against the blacksmith that's fine he's healing don't he's actually oh no he's not out healing it oh stop this oh god he's distracted by the knights he did get a conversion in the back of his base dave so those are actually going to be dealt with uh margu panicking here and i think it's a good time to remind people that margu is 400 e low higher currently anyways than dewitty so he gets the blacksmith and immediately gets fletching out of it what he's actually using the whoa man if only like you know that little um a little animation that happens when you get blacksmith upgrades out of your own blacksmith yeah only the enemy could see that and you could flex on them you know yeah that's yeah that would be just amazing add a whole new dimension to the game spearman in the middle clear up the light cav and it's 97 population for dewitty don't ask me how six bills for both and actually margot is denying the dock from dewitty in the north but dwight is going to clear up that transport ship be able to place that foundation and margot is gonna have to be worried about this little base yeah that dewitty has on his island and do it he's now converting the docks he'll eat him do not give him docs delete them margu they're not helping you anymore anyways he might be distracted dave he ha he should delete those docs surely margo i mean he's already given him the entire fleet and he gives them the docks too and now dewitty has places to fish with its converted fishing ships actually unreal actually unreal is he going for a cast no dude oh no don't castle there castle the middle man this is why nope this is why you make the tc on your opponents at base i mean margu isn't happy about this and margu's gonna drop his own castle and he's sending more villas and he's bringing siege and he's imping dave yes but uh redemption if if domini gets good conversions on time i don't think he can deny the castle from margot it's gonna be tough but redemption might push him away really good job from dewitty he's got a manga of his own another mangano that he's converted i think both castles go up here dave it got real messy there for a second but both castles go up but the cheaper byzantine's imperial age is paying off for margu he should be able to trip that down the witty has enough stone now to go place the castle on the middle again do you castle the middle or do you double down in this area i don't know because here comes marco argue is coming forward with a tower interesting and dewitty's up to him this is a great game wow it's amazing did not expect it also margu is making pitards right now which he see he might think that dewitty's imp at the same time as him so it makes sense if you want to win the trebor i actually really like the tower because it gives you some security uh but he will need military as well right now he has two petards and one manganell and that's it they're guard towers too not bad also dewitty's trying to break through to the middle at the same time dave look at him with the rams and the villes i mean the rams the ramps will be nice once they get near those guard towers another dock's gonna be converted it's so jarring to me to see lithuanian docks look like byzantine docks right now can't get over that 103 pop versus 90 pop the batards eject they weaken that castle looks to me like margu is going to have the trebs out and trap that castle down but like maybe dewitty just gives up on this area now and then he focuses on the middle well i mean all the time that margot is spending on this area over here gives dewey a chance to gain control of that middle right yep if you can somehow get a castle there it looks like a siege workshop there from margot he's got another guard tower coming up he's got the tc in the middle and the treb is on the way from him the witty is still not through that wall somehow yeah there we go i don't know if you noticed it in the game one with my set but sometimes it's really hard to click a diagonal piece of wall and if you ever re-click it you can't get back to the weak one because it's lower yes yeah i know about about that i'm not sure about this rambush from dewitty um there's a man there but it's not attacking wait where i don't oh oh you're talking about that one i'm talking about the castle from duty in the center he's dropping a castle in the center there's crazy stuff going on right now well i i guess he's just he's distracting margot as he pushes from both sides the rams are gonna deal with these these guard towers and the castle will go up in the middle what and dewitty is now an imperial age and dewitty has knights they're killing the villagers on the other side the rams are evacuating and the villagers are evacuating too dude he just says okay i'm out yeah and dewitty's like the middle is mine now i forced you into a defensive castle instead of a castle in the middle i will now take the middle thank you very much now it's really awkward to drop another castle but if he can find the space for it he will soon have the stone and of course he can make siege in the middle too vargo's got to be like what is happening right now how do i not have control over this game and you know why this happened tristan because of the town center my friend you're not wrong living in his head rent-free you're you're not wrong and like the thing is it wasn't just living in his head dewitty made him respect it he went speech he went monks he made margu respected he wasn't just there it was an actual threat and now margu i mean fortunately he's byzantines oh my god because he might not have access to gold but he's gotta get a lot of gold he did do a good job at not really spending too much of it he's going into a ton of barracks now i think you spend the gold to get upgrades rather than for your trash units rather than making just units with it yep because you're gonna need that to push back across only seven tiles of gold so let's see that's eight times or seven times eight hundred and i think that comes out to like 40. honestly i think if you're dewitty right now you make a bunch of docks here maybe and just hold the land no no no no no just convert just convert more docs you don't need to make your own or that yeah yeah or that like he's got your doc for sure yeah he's got three right so i mean three is probably fine and maybe make a few demos margu this is like danger territory you need to push up this hill you need to take the castle and also the relic in the middle is going to go home for dewitty as he is interestingly enough committing to cavalier um which is of course good with lithuanians if you get the relics but uh always tricky against byzantines i think there's like two key things here for dewitty you don't want him to cross that marshland and you also don't want him to get a force over to raid your economy yeah because that's where you could start losing here even if you control the middle so just having some ships around patrolling on these these different areas would help him out a lot yeah i think i mean if you have the stone and he does in the middle at some stage you might even wall the shoreline or castle the shoreline just so there's no transports available but a little wasteful from dewitty uh this is what we call a trickle trap and uh he wastes the trap but it's not like he doesn't have the gold for more at least okay he's got what is he producing right now he's not producing anything he's just making more bills does he have military production in the queue um he doesn't have chemistry i feel like chemistry for hand cannons would make a lot of sense but he's getting bodkin right now which will affect his castles of course and this is this is a lot of pointy boys for margu he's also got great production he's got eight barracks ready to queue up and dewitty is not making anything what is the plan chemistry right there oh god dewitty you need something you need to be making something currently okay i like this war galley good upgrade oh oh the cavalier though this is so clear terrible worst possible fight he could have taken and it's not necessarily about the units because he can make more but it's about the time now like he needed to keep his mass oh no dewitty by the way still villagers being produced on margu's side three traps for margu we need to see demos from dewitty yep and that's what he's planning good good oh man this could be juice tristan this could be juice he just needs two dave just two there's another doc with a demo in it behind that two will clear out all the helps and actually the halves are going in for the trip they'll run in the cavs the traps first instead of the helms if you get some of the helms it's fine yeah i guess it depends if he has army to clear up the shrubs afterwards oh here they come he has no choice in the matter he gets two explosions clears half the help he's still repairing the castle tape if he was not on the hill you're not letting the castle go down big dude oh it went down that's tragic you could easily repair that and kill all of the uh the traps with your demos coming in but this is what i was talking about navy is so good oh my god it dave the rams and the demo did they take out three trips no way he just needs one hit in the middle i think just one ready traps are trying to run oh oh he got one got one and i mean just forcing margu back right now is already a victory in and of itself yeah so he'll take it wow what an insane game and still plenty of helps coming from argue he takes that as a sign to queue up more he's got about 10 barracks now and davey's expanding farms he's got stables to make hussar margu will continue did do witty really just pull the like most five-head move of all time he had gold in the bank tristan yeah he had gold in the bank and he sold all of his food well draining the market is pretty smart here exactly yeah exactly that's what i'm talking about and then margot just hit the market right after him okay good so he got denied a bunch of the gold that's really nice i don't know if it's the most five-head move of all time but it is a really good move i think for casters we have to hype it up true true true uh we're about to see the biggest fight of all time coming up this hill here comes hussars and halves and dewettie doesn't have the numbers dave we need demos we need demos he's fine if he has demo we just need more demos there's another demo villagers coming across probably thinking about building some take the production buildings or take the trap stuff oh the traps make it over the hand cannons are there but is there enough of them and will margu be able to take out the castle he'll be firing uphill he even comes in for the gold he's that desperate for it he's gonna drop a castle right next to the traps dude and the trebs are gonna go down no the trebs will die no twitty is molding this position and dwitty already has stables he's making with the villagers that are still alive on margot's base i think dewitty is going to win this game oh if he continues like oh dude well listen there's a couple things that can go wrong for you if you're duty and they're fairly easy to solve you need to make sure that your flanks are castled or you have water control and that's and then you have enough siege and units in the middle so like bombard cannons hand cannons feels really good right now in the middle and then just control the sides with navy and as long as that's sorted i think you should be good here he also has three relics by the way so that can help him he even has fast fire ship now so margu is completely up against it imagine if those docks didn't get converted i know dude i mean it at least would have forced dewitty to to make sauce yeah because then it's so easy for him they're also is that 154 gold and has no relics none he is byzantines though if you're gonna be in a situation like this with any sieve yep that's probably the one that you want either that or like for the vineyards or whatever oh my god i hope we see that in this tourney can you imagine this 200 militia rushing the center yeah um okay so here's the deal margu needs to think about docking and transporting he could do that right now uh and also margu needs to use whatever gold he has for one final push in the center it's not gonna come soon i think he needs to try and get some raids in first but he needs to distract dewitty with something and then he needs to go all in for the middle with like four trebs and a bunch of army well he's clearing up the tc now he's had enough there we go getting arson again he's going for a dock in that corner oh man this could be his way back this could be his way back if dewitty does not notice that and dewitty should start thinking like what is my win condition yeah that he never gets across to my base oh of course he's going for outpost tristan of course dewitty is going for outpost right where margot is trying to cross it's a smart it's a smart thought and i think a castle there on the shoreline would do a lot but even just a few galleons would be enough or the paladin for dewitty would love to see it cannon galleon which he's made also a really good time to remind everyone as people probably forgot helps have a bonus for ships so halves are actually a really good unit against the cav and against the fire ships just not the hand cannons hey there's more villagers coming over here i think margot is planning on transporting bills across and then making production buildings he's got three transport ships cued up in there no way dude i mean he's desperate and he's also housed or he's not really housed actually but uh oh man dude he wants to drop a castle right there to finish the game and yeah and if margot wants to defend against that he's gonna have to spend some gold on a unit he's got this one bombard cannon that looks very confused yeah man i confused alarmed scared it's probably a lot of emotion going on shocked yeah exactly yeah but but i honestly think this castle while it could win in the game it's also a good way to throw the game you don't need this castle to win you need castles on the side so he doesn't transport and the transports are there and suddenly the hand cannons a lot of them have gone down to the to the freaking castle and suddenly margu has a 50 military lead what is happening fire ships are coming over the fire ships are coming over do we do any can see this of course he's got the god line of sight they've made it oh my god dave they made it and the castle was denied at 85 the hand cannons are dying the trebs are dying as well or will probably no all the paladins are there dude dewitty is a god at map vision honestly he the last couple minutes he spent a little too much time looking at the map and little two less time making units but dave i'm with you his awareness is next lever and if he can just get units to the middle again he'll be okay margu though this might be his chance if he had the siege now he could have used this moment to push the middle well his dock is going to be completely denied here he's only got transport chips inside that no production buildings on dewitty's side do it he still holds the middle the castle has been denied but he has stone in the middle yeah he can mine stone for another castle and he's going for more production buildings there he's now shifting into barracks getting guilds even i like it so he's even planning for this super late game when he runs out of gold it's funny this relic on uh margot's side he hasn't taken yeah that's that's that would be 2 000 gold right like that would be so worth it also i think he should immediately dock the other side and try transport there continue continue going for demos here instead of the fires against these halves yeah especially if lithuanians get heavy demo and i'm not too he's getting he's getting galion oh gali could be the could be good he just needs to make sure he keeps them because there's no range units for margu so he needs to keep them off the marsh there oh man his unit control is struggling a little bit though dave like those hand cannons i feel will die to the hustle really badly here oh man oh and the fires go down oh no margu 80 army dewitty with middle control and has had middle control for such a long time only has 25. and after he adds a gallon like galleon will be good but after he adds them in and gets pop capped he's gonna have some population issues and where to allocate things right because you need probably like 15 gallons to really be effective here in the middle oh big moment there bummer cannon goes down to a cannon galleon there's only one tread for margu again if he would have had those two relics you have to think that he would have more siege right now and he needs it now he needs to deal with that and he can't actually deal with the navy so he's using his treb for the cannon galleon he's repairing the trap he is who wins this battle well the trip just can't hit anything wait a second wait a second wait a second oh it was so close just missed and he doesn't have gold to repair man he doesn't have gloves oh the trap took it down the trap took it down with his last shot what is this well i i think like i think that margu needs to make a run for it if he can't raid on the side i think like he needs hussars to run underneath the castle and it really sucks but that's his only plan he can't just sit here with albs with no siege behind it and get him yeah if if he can't overwhelm dewitty then you're looking at a potential wood game as your only win condition and then you have to start thinking how much wood did dewitty chop while he was on my island yeah yeah and then like how much can woody buy if he needs it too yeah well here comes some hustlers they just want to deny that castle i think if that castle goes up that might be the end and it feels like it is right now i know the dewitty's struggled a little bit with army but he's making his own halves now he still has really good position in the center yeah it's just he's just not keeping the pop-up it's the cue from margu margu's got so many production buildings and he's consistently queuing them up the galleons are doing work now though i'm not sure they are actually like i feel like a few demos coming in every now and then would be more successful than having 10 to 15 pop space and galleons dave if the hustlers want to run through they can accomplish something in the world oh my god transport ships queued up mega trends no holy crap there go the hussars well dude um dewitty sorry is walled so it should wait no he's not those are red's walls yep and uh he deleted the walls behind it is he gonna whoa oh god disney he's blowing i think there's a hole between the house and the blacksmith though oh no way dude and transport ship in the north too morgan margot is trying to get back into this game here and he's baking buildings there dave so unsuccessful before the paladins are still down there in the south from that attempt but dewitty has got to be completely overwhelmed right now the aliens are working do what he really should finish that castle but hustars into the eco feels back it's like it's like gonna be like dunkirk over here man he's got all of the uh military come to the the north it's gonna load up on the transport ship send them over dewitty does have more paladins being made in his base so he's gonna be able to clear up that rating for us and then hopefully he'll notice this stuff at the north of his face and he's gonna complete that castle and when margot takes units away to raid dewitty that's gonna be less units in the middle yep that he has available also the galleons are clearing up a lot of the reinforcements what you need is you need this type of a raid that just happened and then you need a follow-up to take the castles that or i think you might need two bases like an attack from the north and attack from the south so we'll see if these bills survive it's probably worth it for dewitty to just focus down the villagers and then get navy over here and he has done so dave he's actually killed all the villes so it will only be two barracks and two staples producing there what a sick game and here comes the navy for dewitty to protect this area now so at this point margu has tried twice and i don't think dewey is going to be fooled the third time i think if he can just hold this with water and hold the middle look at his red should be 2 000 gold and margot still hasn't picked up these relics yeah that bothers me so much like with all the selling he's doing just get a hundred gold for a monk and get relics like why if he would have had four trebs instead of two earlier he would have pushed down that castle like there's so many instances i think back to where if he had the relics it could have made the difference wow he's just holding on he's looking like margo's looking for any answer here yeah and every time he lands do it is there every time he tries to go for uh some sort of push to what he just has enough yep to stop it yeah and if this game continues for another three hours it will be dewitty's game because dewitty will have the relics and he has collected more stone and more gold oh and he's got he's got winged hussar now a really good rating unit yeah i like it like it's a trash unit you don't necessarily need to make a trash unit but i like the thought process he's going for another castle right where right where the last one got denied i think he's got 3k stone at this point do lithuanians get bomber tower i think they do actually i would love that they build faster than castles they have a high damage output and because pargo doesn't have any siege to take them out they'd be really difficult to deal with man halb's wrecked ship so much it's insane you can't be anywhere close to that but margu has tried everything i i would really like to see castles on either shoreline for dewitty personally but he's just gonna build another castle towards the center it's 180 pop for margot he's getting a relic finally oh there he is i would love to see dewitty just snipe that monk on the way it's pretty close oh margot walls out the windows are oh sick they just go around yeah and you don't want to be using your pop space to defend yourself because it's no it's an inevitable conclusion already if you end up defending then you're in trouble i like murder holes i like it a lot yeah good tech i think he's gotten all the attacks like there were three chances it was like margu had three lives this game and margu has tried every one he tried the south landing he tried the northern landing and he that run through the middle at this stage i think margu's playing on because he's the heavy favorite margie's playing on because much like you and i maybe didn't even know who dewitty was and he probably can't believe it and no he calls it damn dude wins and we'll move on to the next round what a series do it let's go the underdog making its way through and that was honestly just impressive yeah like now some of the moves we we question you know and they're clearly a stylistic thing with him the thing that impresses me the most about him watching through three games is the map vision like how he prioritizes it it's so unique he always says outpost seems like he always has town patrol yeah on his outpost too and he's always trying to figure out what his enemy is up to so he can respond before they land on his base or before they start raiding him or whatnot really good i see that this like based on his gameplay i can tell that dewitty has played games with licks yo and bad koala look and i looked at their profile he's playing with great nomad players all the time like i said 15 games in one freaking day last week on his profile i just see it dave all the small things all the things that he does you also see the fact that he's clearly like not really a pro like game two i don't think he knew what he was doing he had no idea yeah the build for the yellow yeah like game two was clearly problematic in so many different ways uh and then even this game i feel like he could have a greater player might have won the game a little earlier with the middle position but like also the greater players wouldn't have thought to transport to the middle the greater players wouldn't have built that tc and it just it was such a crazy game here i'm so happy we saw this and i'm like i'm sad for margu because i want players like him to have opportunities but i am really happy because what we both said to each other going into this tourney was you know every good every tournament that's memorable for us has upsets and we've we've seen a big example of that right here theme just to let you know and let anyone who's curious when we see a language in a recorded game carzini will switch those up so he gets wrecks from the losers and the winners yeah i we both submit it and i don't know who he selects it from but it shouldn't be spoilers um there's that eco difference uh 43 000 wood collected 50 000 food collected for margu that obviously went in to help um but he was behind by uh 16 000 gold yeah that's a small and seven thousand stones yeah oh god i mean if he snagged those relics dave i think his relic gold would be around 2k or maybe 1500. it depends when he picks them up of course of course but like if he snags them let's say early imp he has over a thousand gold there at least if it gets him four more trips yeah then maybe he capitalizes on that push he had like one bomber cannon behind a couple of those pushes they had nothing yeah that's what i'm thinking that was an exceptional game and i'm really excited to see who witty will face up against next um most likely since he's the 85th seed there's going to be a very big name on the other end of the bracket i'm actually really curious and i want to look right now uh wondering warriors cup oh okay so dewitty will play the winner of the max and weber and i don't know who weber is exactly i would love to see dewitty against max i would too max would like oh you t seed my land okay i'll just i'll just tc your land too well ladies and gents i hope you enjoyed the legend of dewitty i love finding a new player a player that's unknown and a player with distinct styles and that's exactly what dewitty brought us here now you're probably wondering what i'm doing with the wandering warriors cup as far as youtube channel uploads so i'm here to tell you i will be uploading the entirety of the round of 16 onwards to the youtube channel that means every best of five every best of seven the whole way through every second will be on the youtube channel leading up to that i'm going to be a little choosy on what i upload because there's just so many games using the round of 128 for example there's 64 best f3s not only can i not cast all of that but i cannot upload all of that so much like this i will have the best individual games from sets from the earlier rounds coming to the channel and then in the descriptions if you ever want to watch the full set you will have that available as well and those are going to be an unlisted videos additionally and this is the last thing if you really want vod content if you really want good youtube content you can actually check the wandering warriors cup playlist and within the wandering warriors cup playlist there will be additional best of threes and best of fives from the earlier rounds for the people who really want to watch some of that stuff all right i can't put it all up there but i'm going to put as much as i can into that playlist of course you can always watch the stream vods but i just want to say i appreciate you guys thanks for appreciating the content and getting hyped along with me and i can promise you this is not going to be the only surprise that we have over the next month see you guys thank you you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 136,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, T90, t90, official, Official, T90Official, t90official, the, legend, dooity, dooidy, doiddy, doitty
Id: IzmsV1Cs61g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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