Part 5 - The Miners Tomb Discovered, Searching for Human Remains

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[Music] previously on abandoned and forgotten places episode 59 actually I'm just gonna keep kind of panning around there's so much stuff so much to take in let's get out of this section that's very very sketchy [Music] well hey everybody welcome back all right we're back outside here's the portal right behind me here this is where we went in and explored the the 200 level and everything up and then on part three you just got done watching last weekend we explored from the 200 level down now over here what we have is after the the rescue mission or trying to recover the three guys that lost their lives in this mine when that failed trying to recover them inside the mine they came over here and they dropped in another at it directly to the side of the main portal and that's what we have right behind me here now at this stage of the game it was pretty much just a recovery mission they were they knew that the guys had probably not survived the ordeal and they were just trying to recover the bodies for their families so they dropped in this incline shaft and what it does is it goes down and it makes a hard right-hand turn to try and get in underneath the area that they were working so what we're gonna do today guys is I'm gonna take you back down to the 500 foot level because there's a bunch of ladders that go from the 500 to the 400 then from the 4 to the 3 and eventually the 3 to the 2 I want to take you guys all the way through those different levels to show you how they were working these Stopes and then finally at the end today we're gonna head down into here and to see how they went about trying to get underneath the 300 level to recover the bodies ok let's head on inside and we'll head on down to the 500 level [Music] [Music] okay guys we're over here on the far left-hand side to the incline and I'm trying to determine which one of these ladders is and it is an escape route the mucker that I showed you last weekend is just right over there and just beyond that mucker is another ladder going up but that one that ladder is completely destroyed this ladder here is the only good ladder that I can find going between the five and possibly the 400 but we have a problem as I was working down to the 400 level we cut left back up into that drift and it only went up 20 only went in 20 feet and stopped so there's no ladder coming up from the bottom to the 400 level so that tells me that what this is probably doing here is it's just going up into the Stopes between the 500 and the 400 level and so I'm gonna see if I can't get up in here to show you guys what that looks like because this is where the guys were working when they came back during between 1980 and 1982 alright okay let me get past up this part here these ladders are in really nice shape so far oh yeah okay we're on to our first onto our thirst Terrace now are working ladders up the second all right let's look up in here whoa the ladders are going almost completely vertical just get past this there we go yeah these these ladders have been he's all been reconditioned let me show you where I'm going see that Terrace up there that's what I'm trying to get to you so I'll see you up there okay guys that's where I just came from that ladder is close to being vertical but not quite I'm currently standing on Terrace and we've got one more to go here now off to the right you see all this wood well that's because that's part of the ore chute that's what this ladders doing is it's it's going up an ore chute inside of it so somewhere up here it must be a way a funnel in that rock down on the side of the ore chute looks like we got one more ladder and that's got to be right above our head so I'll meet you up on that big platform up there okay see you up there alright so a moment ago I was just right down there we came up that ladder and we're currently standing on a a big wooden platform and off to my left look here we've got this is some sort of it looks like it's an incline off to my left off to my right we have a de box let's look in there see if we can find anything nope emptied a box okay turn it back around now right off the bat this is looking a lot like that incline shaft that is directly to the left of the main hall added outside because it is going in the right direction let's look up there yep but we're gonna access this part of the mind from the outside for right now I want to continue exploring these ladders so let's turn around and go back this way and see what's down here this is really cool and I say that because we're approximately at the 400 level I'll show you what we got here there's an exit sign down on the ground there yeah see this rail on the floor in front of me that would have went over to an ore pass right out there which is gonna dump straight down to the 500 level big air tank and their slickers are still hanging here okay that's pretty pretty neat-looking tank all right yep more more or shoots going down to the 500 see right there down where those muckers are okay turning around here they used a bunch of cyclone fencing to stabilize the back of the mine all right let's see how much further this goes up in here [Music] okay so they they were gonna head off that way and if they would have it would eventually connected back up with the that big incline shaft down here on the floor you can see where the rail would have went off that direction and this is this is where they stopped okay turn it back around I'll tell you what guy is this is a really cool section of the mind I'm just gonna take you back where we came from sometimes you end up seeing stuff that you missed on the way in now this line right here those markers down at the 500 foot level those are hydraulically controlled and these are the lines that would have controlled a mucker right there okay headed back to this station with a ladder that continues going up let's see if I can look up there yeah that's gonna work up into more more Stopes that wasn't the way up that ladder is from somewhere else all right let's look down here see if this was nailed show no it opens go hey just like I said that's an ore pass that goes down back down to the 500 which is where we need to go all right I tell you what I'm gonna play it safe I'll close that so that the next Mayan Explorer doesn't fall into it that wouldn't be good okay and here we are back at the vet incline and back to the ladder okay I'm gonna head back down these ladders and meet up with my exploring buddy I'll see you back down there okay just like that back to the 500 so now we know how to get from the 500 level below that and directly below that secondary incline that was really interesting now the clues could just keep coming to light about this mine the report said that they dropped in a secondary shaft to the left-hand side of the primary College added and that's where I just came out but the sole purpose of dropping that shaft was so that they could recover the men from the 300 level but what I saw up there wasn't that at all that shaft was put in so that it could access the level right around the 402 drop or from that lower level down here to the 500 that has no indication to me that they dropped it in to do the body recovery so what we need to do now is work our way back up to the 300 and start exploring the area that we absolutely know according to the report that those three men were buried in between the 300 and the 200 so let's head back over to the incline go up to the 300 and start exploring those escape routes [Music] okay I'm back here to the 300 level I'll tell you what guys who needs a gym membership when you're climbing up and down ladders all day long holy cow I'm just sweating like crazy but anyways we're back at the 300 now this is the spot that we absolutely know where those three miners are they're somewhere between this level and the 200 right above me now further on open that miss drift there's a ladder that says escape route what I want to try to do now is go up that ladder and start working into this into this scope to see if anything might have dislodged over the last 61 years and maybe just maybe we can find one of these guys we'll see so let's head on over to the ladder I'll see you over there okay guys I walked all the way over we're in the left side drift left of the incline shaft and here's the escape route that goes between where we're standing now the 300 level and this is gonna work up to the 200 level now if I'm guessing correctly this ladder is gonna spin out either where those tanks were up there or outside of that other drift just off the holiday edit but along the way I'm gonna see if we can't work this Stoke to see if we can't find these guys okay I sign it I'm up here let's see what we can find okay guys let's see what we can find up here immediately off to my left or only about 20 feet above the 300 you can see the vein out that direction looking off to my right yep we've got definitely a collapse and it's going up that way all right let's keep going up there's a there's a busted rung on that ladder be careful of this okay yep watch out for Rock okay okay let's see here yeah yeah I just got to get my pudding I got together I gotta get a better hand hold here there we go okay no that one didn't take my weight either that's oh that's two wrongs broke let's see if I can't get my foot up on the third one here I don't know okay I'm gonna have to let me show you what's going on guys so there was a stall stretched between from where my foot is off to the back right there that's the first one that snapped so yeah I put my foot up on that one and that one snapped there's a real good chance that the rest of these are gonna snap too well I gotta try to figure out all right guys what I'm gonna have to do is put the camera down there's no way I can do this without using all of my appendages and I'll meet you up on that landing see you up there okay guys well that got pretty exciting so I just came from right down there broke two rungs on that ladder and then the second one up that you can see there completely failed that one just is destroyed no matter how much weight I put on it it just kept breaking it was totally rotten so here we are we're probably 75 feet up into this stove we've got what looks like an ore pass going off that way I don't think it is though now let me get up over here okay so there's a pillar right here holding up holding up the hanging wall and it was a pillar similar to this is what those guys were removing when this entire section failed now I'm trying to find that section we've got something that goes off that direction higher up here above me the ladders keep going and then it looks like they go almost vertical we'll be headed there in a minute off to my right you can see here's a section that they were working look at let me get a better foothold here okay here we go all right guys let's take a moment and pause the video for a second cuz this is a really important part of the story I was having some camera difficulties through this section and that's why the frames are stuttering anyways you'll notice that in the upper right hand corner of the screen you can see the smooth hanging wall and then it just disappears into a large chasm now the report said that it was the hanging wall that ultimately failed and fell in on the miners so we definitely are in the section of the mine that failed and here real soon I'm gonna be taking you down underneath the debris that fell into the lower part of this stove okay let's get back at it so here's the nope there's the folk who get my focus back in here okay so off to the right here is is the hanging wall okay and at one time right through this section right here there would have been a pillar that went from the hanging wall to the foot wall and what does these guys were doing was they were up in here removing pillars which when you do that you're decreasing your support now off to my left you can kind of see a pillar going off that direction and then further on up there there's the or body that they were working but you can clearly see right over here let me show you this I can't walk over there because it's just too steep but you can see like through that section there the hanging wall completely failed and fell all the debris fell down they're taking all the stones and everything with it okay and around the corner over there it doesn't look like it keeps going it just stops right up there I can't get there anyways because it's just too steep now turning back around my next goal is to get up those ladders so let's head over that direction okay now these ladders they're all rotten they're dry rodded well this one's pretty this one's still in pretty good shape [Music] yeah okay let me work my way up onto this little landing here there we go yeah okay we can give up in here and it wouldn't surprise me if where I'm spitting out it's right at the 200 and alone behold hey who do we have up here that's exactly where you spit out guy so indeed this did come out all it came out at the second drift oh okay alright guys so uh we're gonna sit back for a minute take a drink of water and discuss the next area that we're gonna explore see if we can't look for another place trying to find these guys okay I'll be right back okay well that was a lot of fun and just like I said we were gonna pop up either out of this drift or the one over there by the tanks okay so I'm sure this looks real familiar to you guys I showed this to you many times already in previous episodes so what we need to do now is head back over to those tanks because there's a ladder going down over there and see where that goes and see if we can't get up into this stope okay I'll see you over there okay guys we're back here at the old tank and there's a ladder going down into that same Stoke directly behind me so what we have here is the second to the last location that we haven't explored yet looking for these guys so let's head on down into this dope and see what we can see come on over with me all right let's see if we can break some rungs on this ladder huh there we go this is really this is really ugly look in here okay well there might be a reason why okay let me first get my footing and see where we're at okay now we're coming up to a nice ladder yeah now I'm gonna have to turn around this one is definitely not going down front please okay here we go take it nice and easy oh yeah yeah we're definitely in two entirely different part of the mine okay what do we have here we've got a drift that goes off that way and turning back around we have a drift that's going off that way and let me show you where I came from right up there hey mister Alma can you hear me all right if you go down that ladder like about eight feet you're gonna see a big rock that could you please go down that ladder and dislodge that rock and send it down I'm gonna tuck myself out of the way that thing is too precarious could you please kick that sucker down so I'll tell you what I'm gonna go back up in this drift okay I'm gonna go find a hiding spot yeah I just noticed that rock guys okay go ahead I'm safe see he's kicking kicking that big rock down when I head back up out of the singer want that thing becoming dislodged and hit me in the face I think he's got he's got one more big one yeah I'm clear go ahead all right I know woohoo yeah that would have hurt okay thanks buddy I appreciate it okay let's first take a look over here all right what's down here on the floor I can't read that what that is oh it's a it looks like it's some rolling papers for cigarette and okay I know where we're at now so I'm looking down on the incline shaft oh no wonder there we go I was like what's going on with my lighting yes so I'm looking down on that incline shaft that they dropped in immediately to the left of the primary ecology at it that's what we're looking at right here and it goes bright underneath me there's a small drift that at one time they were going off that direction and stopped with a bunch of beer cans and pop cans behind me they were working another drift up in this area Oh looky here they're still there still dynamite that's hanging from the rock face right there that didn't go off okay now what we need to do is work our way back down that drift and I can see or shoots down there all right I'll be right back okay now that I'm pretty much sure that we don't have any more rocks gonna fall on my head all right let's take a moment and pause the video because I want to point out something important you'll notice that those blocks of wood have been precisely cut to fill the added opening and then long ago somebody came in and tore it down to gain access into this part of the mine from this point forward we are entering the miners tomb I can safely go this direction this almost looks like false floor here yeah it sure does okay here we had a bunch of cribbing through this area I've got a crawl over all right what's up in here oh very nice well I'll tell you what we've got guys a brand new section of mine that no one's ever documented before okay I'm seeing I'm having a technical difficulty here I need to make an adjustment on my camera I'll be right back there we go somehow my finger accidentally hit the zoom button okay so we have a really well cribbed section here with a lot of or load marks there in all the wood all right once again let me point out some more important features of this section of the mine you'll notice that all of the wood bracing you see there before you is just kind of haphazardly put into place or nailed into place it almost has the appearance as though they were in a big rush to try and support their way through this debris field and that's why they were nailing in timbers in every which direction to try to keep all of that debris from falling down on the rescuers you have to think of this section as burrowing in underneath a really loose debris field and that's why it looks the way that it does and it looks like the mine it splits it goes left and right let's go right Wow look at all the woodwork in here now you'll notice right there up in the face of this drift that there's four or five blocks of wood that look very similar to the blocks of wood we found entering into this section of the mine here's an old oil can looks like Mobil 1 but this is as far as it goes this direction oh yeah this is the okay we're I'm definitely seeing the collapse now look at all the material that came down here all of this come crashing down but that's as far as it goes okay well I'm just gonna we'll just back right out of here and go down the left-hand side here we go Wow well now that wood looks like it was tossed up there I could be wrong I don't know we'll get a better look at it here real quick the amount of wood work through this section is just incredible holy cow I've never seen anything like this would you believe this look at all of the material they were using I just can't quite figure it out if they were just using a bunch of scrap wood for gobbing how far does this go up in here oh no this is definitely the collapse I'm directly under it guys okay I'm at a very very extremely extremely dangerous situation here okay let's see if I can get a little better look we're gonna work our way through this like a little church mouse does it go any further no it ends right there okay let's get out of here at least we know end okay look at this I've been in a lot of mines in my life I've never seen anything quite like this just incredible okay feeling better now now that I'm out from underneath all of that debris all right let's work our way back to the safe zone okay turn it back around oh yeah here's see what's written on that board right there see that our IP rest in peace so indeed I'm directly underneath or the collapse occurred okay one more shot as I think this is the closest that we're gonna be able to get to these poor souls that lost their lives in this mine okay guys this would appear as though this is the closest I'm going to be able to get to where the collapse occurred and where these men lost their lives so I just erected a quick little cross the memorial here for these guys and I'm gonna say a quick prayer dear Lord take care of these men who lost their lives in this mine watch over their souls amen we've got one more place that we need to go and that's the other incline shaft that was directly to the main haulage at it let's head over there and walk down that even though we know where that's going to end up let me take you guys down through that incline shaft and we'll get a better look at it so I'll see you over there okay guys back outside and I'm over here at the second at it that one over there is the one we just came out that's the 200 now this one here that I'm standing by this is the one that's supposedly that they dropped in to the left-hand side of the 200 to 300 foot Stolp to recover those men but now that I've been down in this mine I no longer believe that side of the report this now appears that it was actually a part of the mine okay let's head on inside I'm gonna show you what this this part is all about okay so what we have here is there was at one time a big iron door and a whole bunch of crumbles coming down from the back here and there's no bracing whatsoever now instead of a ladder what we have on this incline it's just this this it's a basically it's a two by twelve and then they nailed these rungs on to it going all the way down so I'll tell you what I'm just gonna speed this up and I'm gonna meet you guys down into the bottom okay all right so there is the drift right there and that's where we were when we when I got as close as I could possibly get to where the collapse occurred that trapped the miners this is where that's where I was standing looking down onto this incline here it looks like someone put a scary poster right there yeah all right let's uh let's continue on down all right so now we're coming into that section remember when I was down on the 500-foot level and I came up those ladders there's the ladder right there that I came up and if we go down this way this is gonna take us right back over to where that big tank was right over here yep and now we know how this one plays out all right guys I'm gonna take you back outside I'll see you out there all right guys back outside well I just wanted to thank you all for coming along with me for this epic exploration of the silver soles mine that was a lot of fun and I believe that we probably covered close to 80 90 percent of this mine without going really really deep into a lot of the different Stopes and areas so with that I'm gonna get on out of here but before I do look what I found on the windshield of mr. Rams Jeep when I popped up out of the mine looks like Wonder Husky was here and she left her calling card on the on the windshield wiper that's pretty cool I hope someday maybe I can meet her she's a pretty cool gal and she's got a really neat youtube site so you should head on over there one of these days and check it out she explores some really neat stuff topside again thanks thank you all for coming along with me on this fantastic adventure and I'll see you again next weekend all right take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 682,392
Rating: 4.9070206 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: R2LZkC_BF1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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