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so today's video is going to be another solved true-crime cares today we're going to be talking about one of the most plot twisty cases I've ever come across some plot twists II is not every alter there's a right old plot twist in this one and that is literally all I'm gonna say in the beginning I'm not going to give anything away today we're going to be talking about the lobster boy murder quickly before we get into the case I just want to thank our sponsors for this video choices choices is a free mobile game app with a huge selection of interactive stories there's so many different story types for you to choose from romance high school drama fantasy and my personal favorite genre horror I recently played the starry veil of secrets where you're invited to attend your best friend kids wedding but on the morning of the ceremony kit disappears and now it's up to you to find out what happened to it and find out where she is you've got to question wedding guests and there's so many plot twists and not everyone is as they seem the decisions that you make in the game determine the path that you end up taking and ultimately determine how the story turns out for you you look for clues you find suspects and if you've ever wondered what it's like to be a detective this game allows you to tick a crime case into your own hands the storylines on choices are really well-written that art is really nice and one of my favorite things about the app is that your character is customizable so mine looks like me she's got ginger hair choices is free to download on iOS and Android the link to download the app will be down in the description of course and now let's get talking about the lobster boy before we get into this video I would just like to give my usual disclaimer that I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that I talk about in this case this case is for educational purposes and everything that I'm about to say is just information that I have found on the internet and I'm compiling into one video so this story starts out in the small town of Gibsonton in Tampa Florida in the ninth hundreds Gibsonton especially in the winter at this point was very popular with entertainers and performers but not just any regular entertainers and performers specifically freakshow performers I just want to say at the beginning of this video that I am gonna be using the terms freakshow and circus a lot and I know they're quite offensive but that's what these things were called back then but yeah the reason that Gibsonton was so popular with kind of freak show and circus performers is because it was very friendly and accepting and it had low judgment of course back then people were judgmental of people that looked different and still now people will judge people for having deformities which is awful but imagine how it was back then like we've progressed so much today and it's still bad so imagine how bad it was in the 1900s but Gibsonton was a fairly friendly area and that was down to two freak show performers in particular an eight-foot farm man named Al and his two and a half foot tall wife Jeannie so they moved to Gibsonton and they started up their own business like a fishing club they retired from the circus they married and they moved to Gibsonton in their retirement and they just wanted to live the rest of their life there and because there came to the town and they were so friendly that was how it became so accepting of you know unique different looking people when it got around to other freakshow performers that were thinking of retiring from the circus that Gibsonton was a very accepting place and so whenever people would retire from traveling circuses they would move to Gibsonton and it quickly became like a retirement town specifically for circus performers not only was it so accepting and friendly but it also then as more performers came in and more unique types of people came in Gibsonton started and just into their new population so the post office installed a different desk lower down for people with dwarfism they also passed a law in Gibsonton that allowed people to keep elephants and other animals and trailers out on the lawn in their garden residents in Gibsonton included Emmett Bojana who was known as the alligator man he had a skin condition called itch tighter each thyrsus I'm so sorry but this skin condition meant that he had naturally very very dry skin like his skin didn't remove the top layers as quickly as it should and so skin just like layers of skin just built up on top of each other and it was really dry and it looked scaly and flaky and kind of like an alligator there was a girl called Priscilla the monkey girl I don't know if this was a specific condition or if this was just her but she grew were lots of like thick silky black hair all over her face and all over her body and she would perform in the circus with a monkey that looked like her just a bit of a side story before we talk about the other residents of Gibsonton Priscilla and Emmet actually met at the circus and fell in love however their circus owner the people that they worked for at the time didn't want them to get married or to even be in this relationship at all because it was quite a distraction from their duties as part of the circus and so the two of them Priscilla and Emmet ran away and eloped and then moved to Gibsonton to kind of settle down which is kind of cute although residents of Gibsonton included a man that played one of the Munchkins in Wizard of Oz so he once he kind of give up his acting career he moved to Gibsonton there was a woman named Grace McDaniels who was known as the mule-faced woman I hate these names but she had a severe facial deformity known as sturge-weber syndrome but the main focus of this case was the Stiles family who moved to Gibsonton in the late 1900s and there were known as the lobster family Grady Franklin Stiles jr. was the fifth descendant of a long line of lobster boys so his father had the same condition and his father did and his fella did all the way up until the early 1800s is the earliest recorded lobster by Grady Stiles jr. was born on June 26 1937 with a genetic condition named ectrodactyly and this meant that he was born with deformed limbs now there's varying scales of ectrodactyly some people are born and it affects all four of their limbs both feet both hands some people are born it only affects their hands some people want it only affects their feet some people are born it only affects one hand or one foot and Grady was born with it affecting all four limbs on his hands he was born where his thumb and his index finger were kind of conjoined these two five fingers were conjoined and then he just didn't have a middle finger so so that was his hands whereas his feet I don't think they were in kind of cloth or mesh and I think they just kind of channeled into one which meant that he couldn't walk he could never walk he had to use a wheelchair but eventually he learned to kind of maneuver around on his arms which you'll see a bit more later like I said Grady's father also named Grady which is this story is gonna get so confusing because I don't know why this family wanted to call every single boy in the family Grady Stiles but there's about four of them so Grady's father also had this condition however it only affected his hands I believe so he could walk fine he could work fine as well a he could get a job because he was still quite mobile but as soon as he gave birth to his son the Grady that this case is based on he was concerned because his son couldn't walk he couldn't he can pick things up but he's not gonna be an effective worker because he doesn't have you know opposable thumbs Grady had two sisters so the younger Grady that we're talking about had two sisters one of them was born without ectrodactyly sir it can skip generations I don't know the exact ratio I've read that it's 50/50 but I don't think I think its more common than 50/50 chance of your child having it if you have it anyway one of his sisters did not have ectrodactyly at all and his other sister had it but just in one foot now when she was born her parents made the decision to amputate that foot and get her prosthetic foot which I know sounds rather dramatic but she wouldn't have been able to walk properly with this foot so it made more sense to just and beat at the foot and get her a fake one so that she could learn to walk grady on the other hand was affected in all four of his limbs and he was bullied really badly for it he already lived in quite a rough area I believe they grew up in Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania in a rough area of Pittsburgh and he was bullied quite badly for his condition not only for his condition and the fact that he couldn't walk and he had to use a wheelchair but people would bully him about his father having it as well and like I said Grady's father was concerned about his son's quality of life as he was growing up he wouldn't be able to get a job or earn money or even care for himself like wash himself and do housework and things like that and so his father decided that he was gonna help his son by teaching him ways to make money with his disadvantage he decided that he and his son Grady would join a freak show because all I had to do was perform on an evening and they would get paired and they would get accommodation just to exist it would also get Grady away from all the bullying he would have a better kind of home life and a better community of other unique looking people that would understand him so yeah they moved from their original home in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania to Gibsonton in Florida and they joined the traveling circus Grady's father was known as the lobster man and Grady himself who was just seven years old when they began working for the circus he was known as the lobster boy and he began thriving Serkis he was happier than he'd ever be he became the celebrity of the circus he was like the headliner of the circus he got a lot of attention like a lot of attention from girls as well he was a local celebrity in that area of Florida and his other kind of freak sure friends became his family like he had one big family back they would teach him to write because obviously with his deformity it was gonna be hard for him to learn to write he learned to hold a pen he taught himself to crawl using just his arms and he got some insane upper-body strength like his upper-body strength was phenomenal the circus friends would help him play sports and he really enjoyed basketball which he could play from his wheelchair because it only really requires your hands and they also taught him how to shoot a gun and then one day when Grady was in his late teens another worker joined the circus 17 year old Mary Teresa who had run away to join the circus to get away from her abusive stepfather Mary wasn't a performer in the preacher she didn't have anything physically unique about her she was just doing odd jobs she started off as a ticket sales girl and the more time she spent around Grady Tamar she fell for him at first Grady wasn't that interested in Mary like she wanted him but he was this like celebrity he could get any girl he wanted so he didn't pay much mind to her that was until I feel like she just wore him down and then eventually he noticed her and he began falling for her as well the two of them began a relationship and Grady helped Mary kind of claw her way up in the industry like I said she started as a ticket sales girl and then she became like a magician's assistant part of the actual act and then she went to where all the way up to an act called the electrified girl so they would strap her to an electric chair and pretend to electrocute her although I think they did electrocute her a little bit but obviously not fatal and at point she would like lift her hand from the chair and there would be like sparks coming from her fingers I don't know how true that is the two of them married in 1958 all the the happiness didn't last too long after that because granny began drinking and he eventually became an alcoholic and when he was drunk Grady was a completely different man he was violent he was aggressive he was mean and angry he was an aggressive man in general while he was sober I think a lot of it was to do with his bullying and he felt like people underestimated him due to his disability and he was just an angry man in general he always had anger management issues and then when he drank it was that were amplified and like I said he had this insane upper body strength and so when he got violent when he drank his kind of beatings towards Mary were ten times worse than you might expect and he would use his kind of lobster claw hands to his advantage he would beat her with them and obviously there's a bigger surface area that's why people form a fist when they punch people on the fist you know you don't plead something that's why people form a fist because it's a bigger surface area whereas his lobster claws were huge and they hurt so much more he would also use them to strangle her obviously because there's only got to you know things coming out of his hand it's easier to strangle someone whereas a fuse and five fingers and all the gritty was now becoming a man that Mary didn't like she wanted to make this marriage work because she knew the kind of man she fell in love with and so they kept at this marriage and eventually they had a child together a little girl however she died of pneumonia not long after she was born and not long after that they tried again for another child a son who again died of pneumonia not long after they were born it's believed that the conditions in the circus and the kind of you know accomodation that they would put them in it was cold and it just wasn't very good especially for a newborn baby it would the third child Donna who was the first to survive infancy now she didn't have any kind of you know deformities she didn't have ectrodactyly and then gradient mary had another child named Kathy and she did have ectrodactyly and a lot of people say that it was obvious which girl he favored he favored Kathy because she was like him she had the lobster claws he felt like he related to her more and this should in the beatings whenever he was angry and whenever he was drunk all three of them all three girls his two daughters and his wife would all get beatings however Donna's and her mother Mary's was always worse than Kathy's almost 15 years into the marriage Mary finally found the courage to leave her abusive husband she took the children with her and unfortunately she didn't really know how court hearings went and so when they had the court hearing to see who would get custody of the children Mary did the girl and of course that's automatic father turns up so he gets custody of the children so the children would take him from her Donna and Kathy and given to Grady Stiles Mary then went on to meet and marry another man another circus act named Harry Newman he was known as the world's smallest man and the two of them went on to have a child which they named Harry Newman I hear that this family keep naming people after each Alex it makes it so hard and this guy that she married Harry Newman he like I said was a freakshow performer he was a very small man but not only that he was also named the human blockhead because he would do things like hammer nails into his nose the two of them got a divorce shortly after having their first son together it just didn't work out and Mary decided to stay in Gibsonton meanwhile Grady had also remarried he met a woman named Barbara and the two of them had a son together also named Grady Stiles and Grady's son Grady also had ectrodactyly and it also affected his hands on his feet and now Grady Stiles the adult saw an opportunity here not only did he have ectrodactyly and he was a feature performance but two of his children did and there could be the lobster family so he brought his daughter Kathy and his son Grady who had ectrodactyly and made them part of his act they were the lobster family and whenever they weren't performing he would force his children to wear gloves because if they were out in public and stuff you didn't want people seeing their hands for free if they wanted to see them they had to come to the show and they had to pay for a ticket when Grady was in his late thirties early forties he decided to retire from performing in the freakshow his children still did and he still traveled with the freakshow because of course his teen children were still part of it but he was no longer performing and it was around this time that his daughter the one without the deformity Donna had run away from home she ran away when she was 15 because like I said her father was abusive and she met an older man I said man he was an eighteen year old boy and they fell in love and they wanted to be together and she knew that her father was violent and unaccepting and just constantly angry and she just knew that her father wouldn't accept this boy and so she ran away to be with her boyfriend she'd been gone for about two years at this point there are some rumors that her father constantly tried to find her that Grady hired a private investigator and stuff but I don't know how true that is but eventually when Donna was 17 years old she and her boyfriend were set to marry some sources said that she was also pregnant at this time and other sources said that she was lying about being pregnant at this time because she was set to marry her boyfriend and she was underage she was 17 and if you're under the age of 18 you need parents permission to marry and of course her dad was her legal guardian so she had to let him know that she wanted to get married and she wanted his approval so she told her dad that she was set to marry and some sources say that she about being pregnant because she thought well if she was pregnant then her dad would have to let her marry this man otherwise he would be too ashamed to let his daughter have a child out of wedlock so I don't know whether she was actually pregnant or not but she got in touch with her father Grady Stiles and said look I'm getting married I want you to meet the man I want you to you know give us your approval can we come and see ya and he said yeah now this part of the story is told in about seven different ways something about Donna went to go and buy a wedding dress or something but I believe at this point the day before the wedding she was probably gonna have the wedding dress already so I don't really know what happened but some point Donna and her sister Kathy and her brother and her stepmother Barbara were all separate in one room and Grady and Donna's boyfriend ended up away from the group I think Grady was having a talk with him you know being the stern father of the bride and then all of a sudden Donna heard loud bangs from where Grady and her boyfriend were she immediately panicked knowing that her boyfriend was alone with her violent father and so she ran from where the bangs came from and immediately she saw her boyfriend lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood and as she got closer to her boyfriend she noticed that he had shot wounds in his chest and he was dead and then she looked and saw her father standing just a few feet away from her boyfriend with a gun in his hand those loud bangs had been gunshots Grady Stiles had murdered his daughter's boyfriend shot him twice in the chest killing him almost instantly he was dead within minutes and he looked up his daughter Donna he was watching her boyfriend her fiance die in front of her and Grady said to his daughter better him than me and Grady didn't try to cover up the fact that he killed him he admitted that he killed the boyfriend but he said that he did it himself he said that he and the boyfriend began arguing because he didn't approve of this boy and this boy was like I don't care I'm still gonna marry your daughter so they began arguing and all of a sudden Grady felt very overpowered this was an 18 year old physically able boy and Grady had his disability that meant that he wouldn't be able to put up a fight if this boy wanted to hurt him he really played up his disability in his court hearings which is something he never normally did he was one of those people that didn't let his disability be an excuse for him at any point he never blamed anything on it he always just got on with everything but suddenly in this court case he blamed it all on his disability which I understand in that situation you would but he wasn't the type to ever let it affect him like I said he had this really mad upper body strength so if he wanted to take on you know a physically able 18 year old boy he probably could Grady Stiles was found guilty of third-degree murder much due to his disability and his story of self-defense he wasn't given like 2nd or 1st degree because they didn't believe it was premeditated and although I think it was premeditated I think he always planned on killing Donna's boyfriend when he came over that day and although he was found guilty of this murder and he was set to serve a long long prison sentence Grady never spent one day in jail partly due to his disability and a couple of other illnesses he had he had something wrong with his lungs and something wrong with his liver the prisons just couldn't facilitate all of those medical problems with one inmate it would cost way too much money just to keep that one man in prison and sir instead they sentenced him to house arrest for 15 years and probation house arrest for someone that had just committed murder so now he was pretty much a free man and not only had he just gotten away with me now he was 10 times cockier ten times more aggressive ten times more confident because he'd gotten away with murder he felt invincible he felt like if he could do that and avoid prison time he could do anything if you think in your head there is no way I'm gonna get sent to prison because they just can't accommodate me then that means that all crimes are free game to this man because there's not there's never gonna be any consequences just house arrest many years passed and Grady's wife Barbara divorced him and he at some point tried to start his own freak show with like him and his children and a few other people that that failed so then when that failed he moved back to Gibsonton and when he did he remapped his ex-wife his first wife Mary the father of his first couple of children and they reignited their relationship because of his house arrest and his probation Grady had actually stopped drinking and so when Mary met Grady again this was the man she fell in love with years ago when she was 17 she had that man back and so she fell for him all over again and she thought that things would be different this time so they remarried but shortly after the marriage things were even worse than they were before he would beat Mary he would beat his children he would beat his grandchildren he actually had grandchildren at this point and he would say things to Mary like I've killed once I can kill again and one night was especially bad when he was beating his wife Mary and their daughter Kathy got in between them now at this point Kathy was like in her early 20s I want to say and she was heavily pregnant she was seven months pregnant and she was still trying to protect her mom but Grady didn't care about this and instead of beating Mary he began beating Kathy instead seven months pregnant Kathy and the trauma from this beating actually brought on an early liver luckily Kathy and the child were absolutely fine both of them survived and they were very lucky too because this man was brewed and then in November of 1992 something else happened that made meri think enough is enough we've got to put an end to this one night Mary was in bed she was about to fall asleep when the door to the bedroom opened and Grady crawled in got on top of the bed straddle of Mary and put a knife to her throat and said one day he was gonna kill her Mary was speechless in that moment and Grady just looked at her he didn't say anything more and then he turned and left the room again and Mary knew that this wasn't an empty threat she knew what her husband was like and for some reason this time more than any it really sunk in with her that he was telling the truth he was gonna kill her one day over the next week or two Mary expressed her concerns to her son Harry so her son to the other man that she was scared that her new husband was gonna kill her and Harry felt like he had a solution on November 30th 1992 in the early hours of the morning police were called to the Silas family mobile home on the circus after family members had called the police and when police entered the mobile home straightaway they knew what they were dealing with they looked into the living room and there they saw a man covered in blood murdered it was 55 year old Grady Stiles he was sat in his armchair just in his underwear with three obvious gunshot wounds to the head rady didn't seem to have put up a fight he probably didn't even know he was gonna be killed he was sat there in his underwear it's not like there was a struggle or anything like that he was literally sat in the same place that he was when he was just watching TV so it seemed as though someone had surprised him police's initial theory was that this could have been a robbery gone wrong but as they begun looking around the mobile home nothing seemed stolen there was money just out on the side and if you're trying to rob somewhere if you see money out on the side you're gonna take it it didn't seem you know robbed or ransack one thing that police did not however was that Grady's family didn't seem overly distraught about his death you know in the way that you would expect a family to be sad over someone dying they just they didn't seem to be reacting the same as the normal family would his death was timed back to around 11:00 p.m. the night before so it had been a good couple of hours before police got there that he died they could tell that from like the stage of rigor mortis that he was in so after speaking with neighbors and the family themselves police were able to put together a timeline of events of that night so it seemed that Grady was home alert neighbors said that they heard banging at around 11 p.m. which will have cause been the gunshots that killed Grady however no one was home with him his wife Mary and her son Harry were away at a family's house so we're at their family's house and then when they returned to the mobile home they walked in and found Grady's lifeless body and so they just called police straight away police were suspicious about this right from the off it just seemed very convenient that they were out in the middle of the night in the early hours of the morning seeing family when this happened and now they didn't seem that sad it seemed kind of staged so Mary and Harry were both three questioned and nothing really cleared of it so police asked Harry to take a polygraph test a lie-detector test and it came back that he failed the test so police knew that he knew more than he was laid on and so they requested him once again and they said look we know you lie in and at that point Harry just broke and told them everything he said that his mother had come to him and confided in him that she was concerned for her life over her abusive husband and Harry knew that the only way to save his mother from being murdered was to kill granny first but of course no one wants to be a murderer no one wants to kill another person and Harry didn't so he thought well who are we gonna get to do this for us and he knew exactly the guy another circus worker that lived in the general area of Gibsonton 17-year old Chris Wyant he was a runaway and he needed the money he was doing all that odd little jobs in the circus and he was literally just making enough money to get by and he was quite a rough guy as it was he was involved in a lot of crime and he bragged about taking part and drive-by shootings and things so Harry knew that this man would be likely to take the money for such a task so Mary and Harry got together $1500 and approached Chris with the task and said look are you willing to kill for this amount of money and he said yes and so they put together a plan on November 29th Chris approached the mobile home of the Stiles family and he tapped on the window now this was Mary and Harry's cue to leave that Chris was there and they were gonna leave make up some sort of excuse go to a family's house so that Chris could break in and shoot Grenada so yeah Mary and Harry told granny that they were going to this family members house they left and then shortly after that Chris broke in and shot Grady three times in the head from behind he had no idea that it was even happening Chris admits it to his part in the murder he didn't try to cover it up once he was caught of course he didn't give himself up to police but when police came to him and said look were you involved in this he was like yeah I needed the money so I did he was sentenced to 27 years in prison for second-degree murder whereas Mary in her trial she really pushed the self-defense thing which I believe I believe that this was a killing out of self-defense she believed that her husband was going to kill her if she didn't kill him first she felt that that was her only way to survive however the only problem in this case was that her life wasn't in danger at that exact moment Grady was obviously just watching TV in his underwear in his love like he wasn't a threat to her life in that Marvin yes he was in general and probably one day would kill her but the fact that she'd killed him you know unprovoked in that moment meant that she had more of a sentence than she would if Grady was coming at her with a knife or something and then she'd had him shots she probably wouldn't have got as much time but because he was just sat there minding his own business and then she hadn't killed you know what I mean all the kids testified to say that that mother was in danger and that have their father would have probably killed her one day had she not killed him first all the kids told them told the car about how they were abused all their life Kathy told them about the story about when she was pregnant and he beat her so hard that she went into an early labor Donna told the car about how he murdered her boyfriend in the past he'd killed once unprovoked he was capable of killing again killing his own wife so the court said well why did you have to kill him like why couldn't Mary have just divorced him and just left him like she did all those years ago because it worked once why not do it again and Mary said that she was too scared to run away because he would come after her he would find her and if she took all of the children with her her children had unique deformities they were going to be easy to find because the only way that they could really make money was through these deformities so they'd be easy to find what if she left her kids with him then they'd be in danger wonder this was you know a man that was probably gonna kill again it didn't matter who it was so she didn't wanna run away because she would be found and killed but she didn't want to stay because she would be killed anywhere she had no choice other than to kill him according to her taking all of this into account the jury found Mary Teresa guilty of manslaughter and sentenced her to 12 years as for her son Harry the court saw him as the mastermind behind this whole thing he was the one that came up with the idea the one that found the boy to do it the one that came up with the and the one that approached Chris and said you know will you be a hitman for us so Harry was sentenced to life in prison for first-degree murder and he actually passed away in prison in 2014 Chris the hit man was let out of prison in 2009 and Mary was let out of prison in the year 2000 and she moved back to Gibsonton again the place where this whole ordeal had taken place although she wasn't welcomed back with open arms surprisingly because Gibsonton like I said was an area densely populated with freakshow performers and Grady was a celebrity to them they didn't care what went on in his personal life all they knew was that she was the one that murdered the headline act the star and they didn't like Mary for it some of them didn't believe that Mary was abused some of them knew that Mary was abused but chose to turn a blind eye because they loved Grady so much now in recent years in 2014 to be exact Grady's son Grady has come out in defense of his stepmother Mary and his stepbrother Harry he says that he believes Mary and Harry were innocent and they didn't orchestrate this killing they didn't hire a hit man he believes that Mary and Grady were arguing and Grady beat her one day as he often did and then after that Mary went to her son Harry and vented everything to him and said something needs to be done about him and then after that Harry went to Chris Wyant and you know vented what his mother had just vented to him he was saying to Chris Wyant my dad is back well my stepdad is violent to my mother and then Grady you know the the son Grady of the murdered Grady he believes that Chris Wyant took it upon himself to murder his father to murder Grady Stiles because he felt bad for Harry and his mother so Grady the son believes that Chris Wyant did it off his own back just to be nice to Mary and just to help Mary but Mary didn't pay or ask him to but I mean it's official that Mary and Harry had hired a hit man like that's what the court decided so I'm not here to debate that I'm just telling you what other people in the case believe but it is legally decided that that is the star just a little fact to close off this case about Grady's funeral it was pathetic to say the least no one wanted to carry his coffin of course no one wants to carry an abusers coffin and sir he was buried with barely anyone at his funeral and just one bunch of flowers on his coffin but yeah that completes this video thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a big thumbs up and subscribe down below if you want to see some more videos like this from me once again thank you two choices for sponsoring this video the link to download the app will be down below in the description is free for iOS and Android devices a huge thank you to all my channel members all of their names are on the screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can click the link in the description I'll click the join button if you're on a desktop there's two tiers to choose from everyone on tiers 1 & 2 will get access to 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,379,349
Rating: 4.9473 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, lobster boy, freak show, lobster, grady stiles, grady, stiles, styles, boy, lobster man, bbc, itv, american horror story, serial killer, killer, murder, murderer, serial killer documentary, dateline, cold case, circus, freakshow, true crime podcast, podcast, case, crime, uk, 2020, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, storytime, story, scary, horror, paranormal, netflix, freak, show
Id: ejLXxBPajRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 27sec (2307 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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