The JERK Steak Experiment, It's epic!

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We all had jerk chicken and if you clicked on  this video you know how good it is, but today I'm   gonna be doing something that I think was never  done before, we're talking about jerk steak. Yes!   Is it gonna turn out good, or is this gonna be  a complete disaster? I have no idea but I cannot   wait to find out because this is the jerk steak  experiment. So let's do it! And everything starts   off with this; jerk marinade. Now I know what you're  thinking does not look that appetizing, but it's   not about the looks my friends. It's 100% about the  flavor, and here's my take on it. The first thing to   do is to grind up some peppers so into the pesto  and water I threw in some peppers followed by all   spice berries. We want to pound everything up until  they look like this. That's what we're looking for.   Don't let them become powder just like this is  good enough. Now the next important ingredient   is this one scotch bonnet chilies. I highly  recommend not replacing it with anything else.   They have a wonderful taste, kind of spicy, but most  importantly delicious. Now to make it everything just   goes into the food processor. I started with green  onions, followed by white onions, the special chili   I just showed you, chopped up ginger, garlic, fresh  nutmeg, five spice seasoning, dry thyme all of the   spices we just ground up, a good amount of soy  sauce, followed by a pinch of olive oil and mix   everything together. We really want to combine this  thing almost into a paste so let it blend for a   good amount. As always exact amount and ingredients  always on the description down below for you.   Because once you are done you are left with this,  it has an incredible flavor even though you might   not look so appetizing to you. Trust me when I  tell you, this is where it's at. Now if you've   never made jerk chicken let me show you my take  on it. I highly recommend using a whole chicken   for this. As you can see I got all of the pieces  ready to go. If you notice there was no salt on   the marinade so I made sure to salt every single  one of them perfectly. Then I carefully laid them   down the bowl, threw my jerk marinade right on top.  I spread everything nicely and repeat the process   once again. Doing this one at a time like this will  ensure that every single one of them is perfectly   seasoned, but most importantly fully covered with  the marinade. As you can see once I was done this   is the results. Now the only thing left to do is to  let it marinade on your refrigerator overnight, because   the next day was time to fire up the smoker. We  want to cook them under high heat, I set my smoker   to 375 degrees fahrenheit, threw all of my chicken  in there and let them smoke. As that was happening   was real good because it allowed me time to go  ahead and make an incredible barbecue sauce. And   at least to me this is a must, and to make it it's  super easy. Into a saute pan I threw in a little   bit of olive oil, followed by onions, mix everything  well and let them cook. Then I threw in a little   bit of garlic and mixed everything once again as  now it was time to add some of that jerk marinade.   But that's not it because I followed it with a  good amount of brown sugar, followed by ketchup,   yes ketchup. Now you gotta mix everything well and  combine these ingredients together, let it reduce   until you are happy with the consistency. For me  it did not take that long as I like mine kinda   chunky. Remember if you go too far you can always  dilute it with a little bit of water but i highly   recommend not doing that because once you are  done you should be left with something like this.   Now to make it nice and smooth throw everything  into the blender, blend it on high until everything   liquefies, as once you are done this is what you're  left with. Come on now, it does not get any easier   than that! And it is perfect for us to baste the  chicken. Talking about that I went outside and   immediately did that. Here's one of the secrets  of jerk chicken, the more you baste the better   it's gonna be. And make sure to keep flipping that  thing as many times as necessary because once they   are fully cooked you should be left with this. I'm  telling you they are absolutely incredible so this   is my take on jerk chicken. Now it's time to add  everything into steaks and here's how I did it.   Everything starts off with these two beautiful  ribeye steaks. Notice that they're not prime, they   are not wagyu either, we're talking about choice  grade. At the same time you can really appreciate   that they do have a good amount of marbling,  this should be incredible. Now remember that the   marinade has no salt so I went ahead and salted  these things really good, because once I did that I  went in with the marinade. And one important thing  I did was to ensure that every single edge of the   steaks were perfectly covered with it. I did not  leave anything uncovered but to help even more I   decided to marinate this hard and the easiest way  to do is to use a vacuum chamber. If you don't have   one it just takes longer, using a vacuum chamber  will speed up the process five times faster. Oh   yeah so you better believe I did use it! But if  you don't have one just leave it overnight in   your refrigerator, it will be the same exact thing.  Now remember we did a barbecue sauce for the jerk   chicken but there's no way I'm putting ketchup on  my steak. We did an experiment using ketchup to dry   age a steak and that was not my thing. We even  had Sunny from the Best Ever Food Review Show   give it a try he liked it. -I think it's interesting  it's totally a worthy experiment I think it still   tastes pretty good overall. -But at least to me  it was not my favorite, so for the jerk steak I'm   gonna be keeping it really simple. I melted a good  amount of butter, followed by the jerk marinade we   just made, mix everything together and that's it.  This is my basting sauce. I'm telling you it does   not get any easier than that! And after about 4  hours my steaks were ready, all that was left to do   was to open up the bag and take them out. Now take  a look at this, that vacuum chamber really did its   job. You can even see that the steak oxidized  a little bit, that is a sign that the marinated   penetrated deeply into the meat. Since the marinade  has already penetrated I decided to remove   all of the extra out, this will allow us to get a  nice good crust, because as far as I'm concerned   the marinade already did its job. The only thing  left to do now is to go ahead and cook it. For that   I'll first be putting a nice beautiful sear. Don't  forget that I'll be basting with that incredible   butter we just made. Once the searing is done I'll  be cooking them in indirect heat until I reach an   internal temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit and  for that I'll be using my wireless thermometers. As   now I say it is enough talking and it is time  to cook this incredible steak. So let's do it! [rock music] All right everybody here we have our beautiful  chicken and steak. -Smells so good right now. -I know   right. -It smells so good. -Listen to me right  now everybody, if you had jerk chicken, this is jerk   chicken by the way. -It looks like it. -And if you didn't  like it that was not jerk chicken, all right that's   what I have to say. -That was not jerk chicken, it was you're a jerk. -Cuz if you never had jamaican food   you don't know what you're missing man. That's jerk  chicken I want to know your opinion on my take   on it. It might not be the most traditional jerk  chicken, but it's my take everybody. -You made jerk   chicken and then there's a steak over there, so I  have an idea what's going on. -It's a jerk steak bro.   The jerk steak experiment. -Oh I'm excited that's  actually pretty good. -So they're the same I didn't cut this   one here so we can share with other people in  the family okay. -Okay. I want to know about my   chicken first. Let's give a true opinion, you grab  whatever piece you want, go for it. Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Come on. -Oh that's good bro. -That makes you do  the you know the chicken dance everybody.. -Damn that's so good. -Spicy but not killing you,  sweet but not really sweet. -It's really balanced.   -Yeah. -Like it has the savory, -So much flavor. -it  has the spice, it has the sweet. What do you need?   -Exactly and you know if you don't like chicken  you eat this all right you're gonna like chicken.   -If you like flavor, -Yeah. -there you are. That's what  it's all about. I like to serve it with a little   bit of rice, I think that's a perfect combination.  You ready for it? Oh you already went you didn't   play around. Cheers everybody! Oh man 10 out of  10 will recommend everybody, that's all I can   say about that. What do you think. -I just got to  repeat what you said ,10 out of 10 would recommend.   -Yeah. It's perfect like the, the seasoning  you made the chicken really. -Really juicy.   Now here's the thing, if you don't have a  smoker, you can cook this inside of your oven   it will be okay but you really need a smoky  flavor, that's why I decided to use a smoker.   But obviously any type of grill that produces  smoke is going to be fantastic. Highly recommend!  -On to the other one. -It's all about the steak,  are you ready? I just hope that the steak is   as good as the chicken. I never thought I  would say that. Yeah I know right.   -You're sick right now? -Yeah I know. -Let's try  out the steak -Okay. -I'm ready for the steak.   -I'm curious, I'm really curious. You ready? Jerk steak everybody. Let's find out, cheers. -Jerk steak guys. Hmm. -Oh that's a winner man!  That's a winner! -Oh yeah! -This choice? -Yes it is a choice not a prime  either I don't want to try in an expensive steak.   -It's so tender. -Super tender. -For a choice. -Shout  out to my meat dealer Emilio you know who you   are my brother from another mother. It still tastes  like a steak, the seasoning is just complimenting it.  The marination that went inside of the meat is  amazing. Now I did leave it for 24 hours marinating   and I also used the vacuum bag as you guys saw  it, so it really got time to penetrate some of   those spices in there. It's phenomenal, but I think  what really took it over the top is the butter   basting. That jerk butter basting that's what I did  a little jerk butter basting. Oh yeah what are you   doing? What is that meat chicken combination? Before  you try it explain to them what it tastes like   the steak, they want to know. -The steak, okay, okay  perfect it's literally perfect like. -That's all you   got to say? -Because I'm thinking like imagine this  exact experiment that you did, except you did it   with a prime steak. -It would be crazy good.  -Or even like a wagyu but not a not a crazy wagyu.   -Jerk brisket, imagine the flavor that is gonna come  through that brisket smoking for such a long time.   Oh nobody better copy my idea because I'm making  that happen. Anyway guys these are the results. I   hope you guys enjoyed this video, if you did enjoy  make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a   subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.  Remember if you are interested in anything I use   everything is always on the description down  below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll   see you guys on the next one. Take care everybody,  bye-bye. And I highly recommend you? -You know what   this experiment makes me feel like I have to do  like I'm compelled to do it? I shake your hand. -Oh   bro I gotta shake hand everybody. That is how good  it is. -Excellent experiments uh 10 out of 10 would  . definitely recommend. -10 out of 10 we'll recommend everybody. -Definitely try this one at home fellas.   -Highly recommend even if it's not the authentic,  most authentic jerk chicken. And if I did anything   wrong please put it down in the comments down  below because if it tastes this good and I did   it wrong, god damn imagine the real deal. -Hey this is going man I can't lie,   I can't complain about this. -See you guys  on the next one take care everybody bye-bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 836,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, experiment, steak jerk, jerk chicken, cooking steak, grilling steak, best steak, cooking channel, how to cook, how to grill, steak recipe
Id: lnOjiJ6mQ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 19 2022
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