I tested UNCLE ROGER Spice Tolerance and this happened! ft.@mrnigelng

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/isaac_jackyboi384 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Uncle Roger riding that money train! But he'd better get back to Europe. American trains aren't doing so hot right now.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PistisDeKrisis πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Level-Search-3509 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 05 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
Uncle Roger how are you I could I could Uncle Google today I want to test your spice level on Courage I know that you can handle some spice but I'm going all out and see how you do Uncle Roger called okay spice tolerance how is yours can you handle your spice oh that's spicy boy meh oh that's some spicy you son of oh maybe it's better than yours we'll see we'll see well let's find out right now and this is to ingredient chili crisp now I don't know if you ever had this before but I'll tell you one thing it is delicious and makes many things taste incredible at the same time you can see that they do not play around with the spice the seeds are included and many other things but most importantly will this make Uncle Roger cry is it going to be too spicy for him well let's find out as I'll be pairing that up with this we got three beautiful New York strip they have a great marbly on them and it is exactly what I'm looking for whenever I'm buying steaks always go for thicker Cuts now since we have three of them this is how the experiment is gonna go down first I gotta season all of the steaks exactly the same for that I chose a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder and of course I seasoned both sides quite well because the next thing to do is to go ahead and choose one of the steaks and make sure I cover the whole thing with chili crisp I'm talking about the more the better I made sure that every single edge of the steak was perfectly covered with it however one of the biggest surprise I had was that it did not smell that spicy it was just an incred terrible fragrance that was coming out of the steam that made me extra hungry because the next thing to do was to go ahead Back It Up vacuum seal it and it was now ready for sous vide now remember I have two other steaks one of them will be the control the second one on the other hand we're going to be testing something different with the chili crisp and that is to make an incredible compound butter oh yes so first I got a room temperature butter then I spread it about two tablespoon of chili crisp right on top and of course a little bit of the extra oil then I mixed everything together rolled everything up on the parchment paper and into the refrigerator you went for one hour once the time was up I took it out and this is what I was left with chili crisp compound butter now I gotta say the smell that is coming out of this thing is incredible and I have a pretty good feeling that it's gonna taste really really good but just in case that's not the case I'm gonna go ahead and ask Uncle Roger to make us something really special can you make us a side dish how about a Meg fry rice egg fried rice no problem okay Uncle Google Now we make egg fire rice please I am excited to learn from you teach me so that I can make my version later yeah okay look at you have walk burn in your new studio I got it to make sure that you wouldn't roast me finally Uncle Roger making a difference you prepare some good try one day all rice not bad First Step let's beat the egg Uncle Roger like to use one egg yolk and one whole egg so you split the egg yolk out you have to mix the egg the Asian way using Chopstick don't use whisks whisk is the most useless kitchen utensil you ever tried to put whisk in your kitchen drawer what happened drawer cannot open also it's very annoying whenever you're trying to take it out everything gets stuck to it yeah and hard to wash also exactly which is the Salt Bay of food we don't need it enough explanation let's start fire and cook this potluck garlic and shallot once it's brown a little bit it goes in once the egg fluffy like this time for Rice soy sauce chili sesame oil spring onion and of course sprinkle of Uncle Roger favorite white powder MSG white pepper fire rice done and that is how the king of egg fried rice makes his rice as you can see this thing turned out really good but there's one thing that scares me a little bit I think he went extra spicy on this thing maybe he's trying to challenge me on the spice level but I'll tell you one thing this smells incredible and I cannot wait to find out how it's gonna taste with the steaks talking about that the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook them into the water they went at 135 degrees Fahrenheit for two and a half hours once the time was up I took them out immediately opened up the bag and laid them down on a cooling rack and since the chili crisp did already its job I went ahead and removed all of it because there's one thing I like more than anything else on a steak and that is a beautiful crust and in order to do that we must Pat the steak dry really good as now the only thing left to do is to go ahead and put a nice sear on them and don't forget we also have that compound butter because now I know exactly what you're thinking I know my steaks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] thank you [Music] foreign everybody here we got our beautiful steak Uncle Roger what an incredible fried rice thank you thank you all right the king of egg fire rice absolutely I'm glad that I learned from you I'm gonna try to make my Invasion now yeah you have nice water out there you have to use it Uncle Google that's right I'm gonna put it to good use I know how to cook a steak but now it's time for rice fried rice hotter than stick steak so easy you know so here's the deal we got a little experiment going on here I want your honest and brutal opinion if it's good it's good if it's bad it's bad you just let us know sounds like a plan yep and I got an angel right here and uh we're just gonna try this out and let you guys know how it tastes you ready for it yep okay I'm ready we're gonna go this direction and you give you guys an honest opinion please Uncle Roger since you're our guest you get first gonna use my hands oh okay I'm gonna use my Fork enough talking cheers everybody cheers oh good perfect texture right medium rare you like medium rare no you don't like well done no but do you like well done some people do believe it or not yeah they don't even like it they just say they like it 100 it's not Fried Chicken nobody do this well done Fried Chicken must be well done encouraged like medium rare chicken good food worth getting diarrhea for what what do you think about this steak Uncle Roger tastes like perfect stick crust is nice perfect medium rare I can't complain that's probably a Google steak exactly that is our control let's see if it's gonna go up from here Hollow from here please encourage your second one so this one here I want to know if there's a difference or not let's go for it cheers cheers cheers then extra layer of flavor is it spicy no not not at all you not at all it's actually really tasty big man like you get spicy yes big chicken I uh I don't know spicy just hits me different because I'm turning looking at your fried rice it looks incredible but I noticed that you actually put quite a bit of chili in there so cute you scared a little bit of chili yes I'm terrified this thing looks Furious more than my own steak which I put a lot of chili crisp by the way that's what I put in there but chili crisp is dry chili it's not as spicy not spicy spicy as fresh chili now I'm excited to try your fried rice let's give it a go yeah yes yeah I'll serve you here what I noticed the most on your fried rice is that each grain is perfectly separated and most importantly you got a little bit of that wakay rice in there yeah it's a little bit of CHA it's very hard to do in the home kitchen but you have this beautiful big fire gas stove yeah you make fried rice so easy let's give it a try right now I'm gonna get a little bit of chili and not be a chicken smell amazing Cheers Cheers oh man oh you're spicy that's the right amount no just right wow oh boy here you go golden just for you hey Roger you're trying to kill me no no you come all the way from London this it doesn't work it makes it worse what the hell before the spice hit did you what you think good flavor really good flavor flavor is amazing I feel a little bit of smokiness like you said a little bit of deliciousness from the rice it's perfectly moist correct it's got a little bit of that bite to it since it's got to walk in and stuff it's so good as soon as you take a bite and you swallow it you have a wonderful flavor then slap you on the face with the spiciness everybody Uncle Roger is more spicy than my steak this is the first time I see Uncle Kuka crying literally crying everybody this thing is spicy I cannot hand the spice once you get used to spicy it actually enhance flavor it does yeah can we try the last steak now I'm very scary yes let's do it so I try to make a spicy steak for you and he fired back to me because your rice is more spicy than my steak Yeah that's for sure Uncle Roger make my ex-wife cry now I make Google cry let's give this a go cheers everybody cheers to my surprise it's not spicy at all no especially after that what do you think Andrew I'm just taking all the flavors look how he's sweating you're sweating yeah I sweat whenever I eat spicy food I sweat Uncle Roger swimming with two little babies what do you think Ankara do you like this one I like it good saltiness good Umami actually a good amount of umami yeah I didn't use MSG maybe this is what the Chinese version of MSG a different level what do you think chili crisp maybe they put MSG in there when they're making it which one is your favorite the one with the butter or the one with the chili crisp there's a fact everybody butter makes everything better there you go everybody these are the results I hope you guys enjoyed this video on Courage thank you so much for coming in and bringing this egg fried rice spicy deliciousness that I will remember going in and going out correct spice is the only flavor you can taste twice correct if you did enjoy the video hit that thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,917,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: food, funny, cooking, experiment, steak, spicy, spice, challenge, uncle roger, best steak, cooking steak, sous vide, sous vide steak, guga, how to cook steak
Id: QTeB0vp1Ujs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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