I used instant NOODLES to make STEAKS better!

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Thanks Samyang Foods for sponsoring this video.   And these are the star of today's show; Three  beautiful New York Strips, one and a half inches   thick, and just beautiful steaks. Now since this is  an experiment here's how it's gonna go down. First   I'm gonna be seasoning them with salt, followed  by freshly ground black pepper, and garlic powder.   Because once I was done with the seasoning they  are now ready to dry brine. What that means is   that the salt will penetrate deeply into the meat  and to do that all I have to do is to let it rest   in the refrigerator. As that was happening I don't  know about you but I love noodles. A lot of times   whenever I want something quick instant noodles  are just awesome. For today's cook I'm going to   be trying a flavor I've never had before check out  habanero lime, that just sounds amazing. Should be a   little bit spicy and also delicious. So in order to  make the noodle steak the first thing I needed to   find out was the texture of these noodles. when I  open it up take a look even though it looks like a   normal noodle you've seen but if you take a closer  look you can tell a little bit of the differences.   It's very airy and a different texture I'm not  used to. This seasoning package comes with this   a lot of good vegetables. A closer looks reveals  that everything is dehydrated which is a good way   to impact a lot of flavor in a small package. Now  the sauce on the other hand, this is what it looks   like. I can tell you already this thing is spicy.  Now to cook them you already know how easy it   is. All you got to do is throw it in some  boiling water for five minutes, once the   noodles are fully soft and cooked I like to drain  all of the water, then put it on a separate bowl,   sprinkle all of the dehydrated seasoning package,  mix it well, and add that spicy sauce. Mix it once   again because the noodles are done. Does not  get any easier than that. And as you can see   these noodles look delicious! Now the big question  is how do they taste? Well let's find out right now. -That kick is strong! -Definitely a little bit spicy.  -I really really like the flavor though. It has   extraordinary spice with big zest. -It's tasty I  like it and it's giving me a run for my money,   I'm not gonna lie. -It's really tasty guys I'm  going for more. This is so good! -I could have not   said any better. Check out the new Habanero Lime  flavor of Buldak at your nearby H Mart and see   the link of the description to follow Samyang  Foods instagram page to learn more about their   products. Thanks again Samyang Foods for sponsoring  this video. Because yup those noodles the way they   are supposed to be cooked they are tasty, however,  I'm going to show you how we can combine it with   steaks. And the first thing we need to do is start  off with an incredible side dish and to do it it's   super easy and here's how. After fully cooking the  noodles I went ahead and chopped it up. Then into   a 400 degrees fahrenheit, I fried them. Now here's  where things gets really interesting, the longer   you fry them the different flavors they will  have. Also different coloration, let me show you   what I mean. You see this is what they look like  when they were done. You see these little bubbles   that are created throughout the noodles that is  what makes it even better. The longer you fry them   the sweeter they get. You can play around and see  whichever one is best for you. For me the middle   one was just perfect. This is an easy snack and  I can guarantee you anyone will love it. However   you can't throw the seasoning package away. To  make a dipping sauce it is ridiculously easy.   All you gotta do is combine a little bit of  milk, then add both of the packages and whisk   it really good until it becomes the consistency  that you're happy with. That is how easy it is  to make an incredible dipping sauce as this is  not only our side dish for today but also our   dipping sauce for the steak. Talking about that by  this time the salt is completely gone. Now for the   noodle steak we have to do a three-step process;  First we go into the flour, then into the egg wash,   and the last one into the noodles. Now I did run  the whole thing into the food processor first.   I wanted to chop it up as small as I could without  pulverizing. This was the consistency i chose.   Because once I was done with the breading  this is what it looks like. It is now ready to   be fried. First I'll deep fry it in 400 degrees  fahrenheit and then in the end I'll be cooking   it in indirect heat until to reach the internal  temperature of 135. It gives me the best of both   worlds a deep-fried steak, and a nice charcoaly  flavor. Now for the second steak we're going to   be doing something different. I'll just be making  a compound butter. Into the food process I threw   in some room temperature butter, followed by the  sauce, and of course the vegetable package. Blend   everything on high, put it in a clinch plastic, let  it sit in my refrigerator so that it can solidify,   as once it's done this is habanero lime compound  butter. As the only thing left to do is to put this   on the steak once it's fully cooked. Talking about  that the only thing left is to go ahead and cook   the steaks. So now I say it is enough talking  and it is time to cook them. So let's do it!   [epic music] All right everybody. Here we got our  beautiful feast everybody! -Hey man   that one looks pretty interesting over  there. -For the first time in a little bit   because the last few things you've been  feeding us Guga have been some nasty stuff.   -There's some weird stuff going on. -The  last time i was here i literally ate _.  -That video did not come out yet everybody you just  wait, you just wait. That video is coming so why are   you giving spoiler alert. -Oh they won't know that's  going to be a beep. -No look I hope this gets cut so   that way it gets wiped for everyone's memory banks.  I don't want that going down in the history books   all right. -Oh I'm always going to remember that. -If  you have not checked out my second channel Sous   Vide Everything you should check it out because  there we sous vide -beep -Come on Leo everything! We sous vide  everything! -Listen enough talking let's give this a  go all right. As you can see we got a little noodle   steak over here. Super excited about this because  that's where I got the idea from. You guys know   what this is right? It's fried noodles. -That  sounds good. -You know what I want you to try   it. -We're gonna start? -Yea we just start it right  here with a little side dish. I don't know if   we should call this side dish or if we should  call this appetizer. You know what I'm saying?   Now there's two dipping sauces these dipping  sauces might be familiar to you guys because   you actually had it a little earlier. Should be a  little spicy, a little tasty so let's give it a go.   -Hopefully not as spicy as those noodles were. -All  right enough let's give this a go. Cheers everybody! -Oh -That's nice. -This is so creative, so unique.  I love the balance of flavors and textures.   -Listen if you've never fried noodles everybody I  highly recommend. Super crunchy! -It's a very airy   crunchy. -Yeah -It's almost like a chip. -But not at  all greasy that's my favorite part. -Not at all no.   -Super nice. -The actual like ramen with that  seasoning was way hotter than than this   dipping sauce. -Oh yeah the dipping sauce is  milder right? -Yeah the dipping sauce is a little bit   more mild. -Because I made it with a little  bit of milk. Highly recommend doing this   super easy to do and delicious. So here's the deal,  as you can see we got three steaks, I really just   want to know which one is better overall. Sounds  like a plan? -We can do that. -Enough talking let's   go for it. Okay let's go for the very first  one Leo. Oh my god it's glistening everybody.   I don't know if you can tell when the steaks  are glistening. -My belly is a listening! -Enough   talking let's give this a go ah? Because I can't  hold it anymore everybody. Let's see. Cheers! -Cheers. -Oh that's definitely the control but damn I  haven't had a good control in a minute. -Like when   I start bending my wrist that means something. -Oh  my God I love it. -Leo you should dip in the sauce.   -Angel that is a great idea. I'm gonna do that  right now. -I think so too. -Dang! -You said dip and   I dunked. -Yeah this sauce is delicious everybody.  A hundred percent flavor. The spiciness did tone   down a little bit like you said. -A little bit yeah.  -But uh look at that enough talking let's give it a   go. Oh I already went oh you went how is it it's so  creamy so you get all the beautiful steak flavors   and texture and it just has a whole other layer  of complexity to it because the sauce makes it   nice and creamy, spicy you still get some of that  acidity, it's perfect guys. -Dang that is delicious.   I gotta tell you that right now. Let's go for the  second one you guys ready? -Yep. -All right let's go.   -It's looking tender. -It smells so good! -Very second  steak let's give it a try, cheers everybody. -Cheers.   -Oh come on! -Oh man! -Oh that's so creamy! -That's  really good! -It's juicy, it's creamy. -It's so creamy!   -It's like got charcoal, it's got every, what does  this not have? -10 out of 10 will highly recommend.   this one right here. -I'm not sure what you did  to it but my favorite part about it is whatever   this kind of sauce that you put on it. It almost  combines with the steak, the steak juices and that   sauce fuse together and they make something that  is so delicious. -100% agree. Now I'll tell you right   away what I did with it, I made a compound butter  with all the spices and also the sauce. -This is   giving the control a big run for its money. -Okay  enough talking let's go for it because this crust   is calling my name everybody. You guys already know  what I did with this right? -If i just grab this   and put it on the control I think it might be the  same effect. -Exactly you know I deep fried with   it here deep fry that alone, here I actually deep  fried the whole thing together. -This looks sick, I'm   not gonna lie. -You guys ready? -Let's do it! -All right  enough talking cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Oh wow! -I could eat this all day long! -Dang that's good.  -That's really good. -It has like a savory slash   crunchy I don't know. -The texture is the best part,  I love the crunch that you get as soon as you bite   into the steak and it's different than this deep  fried. -It's good. That's dang good. -On the sauce?   -Oh man -Oh that is incredible. -That is  delicious wow. Now here's the big question;   Which one is your number one? -This one. -Wow which  one is your number one? -That's crazy because for me   I really like the creaminess of this one. -I didn't  think this was gonna happen but I'm gonna have to   agree with Leo. -Wow! -This is delicious. -It's so good!  -Well you guys can have that one and I'll eat this one. -That's fine. -I'm so okay with that. Anyway guys  these are the results. I hope you guys enjoyed this   video if you did hit that thumbs up. If you're  not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always in the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 679,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, food, experiment, noodles, steaks, deep fry, steak noodle, street food, spicy, funny, cooking, grilling
Id: JhMDY5Lk5-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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