Save $80 Every Time You Go To The Grocery Store Buying Ribeye Steaks

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what if I told you I could save you 80 to 100 every time you went to the grocery store it's it done value added value received in this video I'm going to show you how to save a ton of money on cutting your own ribeye steaks who doesn't like a ribeye if you don't like ribeye we can't be friends I got this stick from Costco and it was about ten dollars a pound I went to my local grocery store to look to buy a rib eye that was already cut we're talking 16 a pound now is the time for you to learn how to break down your own meat and I'm gonna show you how to do it it's not that hard and just with a few skills very little equipment you're gonna find that you're gonna have this best quality steak that you can have for the least amount of money let's talk about here let's talk about knives okay so what I have right here is a it's what's called a breaking knife it is it looks a little bit intimidating but it is not it is very easy it is it helps you get through this big piece of meat if I'm trying to use a tiny little paring knife I'm not going to get anywhere that I need to go with this little tiny knife big meat big knife don't be scared this is I'm going to leave a link in the description there's one on Amazon for like less than 40 or 45 dollars at that price when it becomes dull we'll just uh get a new one so don't be scared about the knife or an investment in a knife just get the cheapest it'll get the job done I'm going to show you in the description I'll link to what I use all right so the rib eye sits between the Chuck and the strip loin so what happens is right here you can see that this side's a little bigger has a little more little fat under there that is the Chuck side so so on this side of the cow was the Chuck and this goes into the strip one so we're gonna start going from left to right so what we need to do first is to even out this Edge because we want a nice flat stake so we're gonna see where it comes to the end there a nice cut right now nice and easy see now it's nice and flat and we're going to continue to cut Stakes all the way through the best part about doing your own Butchery is the fact that you get to choose what you would like to do so I am going to make a nice prime rib roast the first cut okay so I'm going to go probably right to here that's going to give me a nice you know two three pound prime rib roast so and I'm gonna make a primer about it again this breaking knife you can see how it goes through nice and easy just like butter there we go all the way down and that's the reason it has this curved tip is so you can come up with your hand and it comes down with the knife and goes all the way through so there's a nice big prime rib roast that I'll make this is a great prime rib for probably two people you know two people here but look at that look at that marbling look at that very much what this is a choice rib eye guys this is not super Prime but look at that that is so good I'm just going to cut more steaks I'm gonna go inch and a half inch and a quarter or something like that but I like a nice thick ribeye steak and there's going to be some trim on the bottom so you want to make it a little bigger than you think you need okay all the way through slide back look at that one do it again all the way through slide back boom [Music] all right let's talk have I done anything complicated yet no I haven't I just cut some steaks we just slice them down the middle that's it just size them so having anything complicated yet let me know when it gets hard okay I know you're intimidated by this big cut of meat but let me know when it gets hard all right we just keep cutting down these are about a pound a piece anywhere from 14 to 16 ounces I would assume we're gonna keep going down all right here we go beautiful ribeye steaks all right now we get to the end so how are we going to do this this goes this way this goes that way we got to deal with this so when you get to the end the the best thing to do is before before your last cut you got to make a plan I got to figure out how I'm gonna get this straight and how I'm gonna get a stake out of this one so I'm gonna take it and I'm gonna square up the other end okay square up the other end and then I'm left with one huge steak which I'm going to cut in half these might be a little thinner but again different Stakes for different people my mom comes over she likes a medium well steak well I wanna I'm not to have a thinner steak so I can get a nice medium well for her these are great steaks right here everything gets used everything gets saved but these are like the butcher snack okay so I'm gonna I can quick pan fry these and have a little snack before anyone else gets here it's gonna be great now I'm gonna take all these steaks that I got and now I'm gonna just trim up even further I'm doing this kind of backwards for the camera but again this will be this part will be towards you but again I'm just going to make a nice cut right here and we're gonna this piece We're Gonna Save the meat and the fat you can take this fat and make beef towel with it it's really good to cook potatoes in you can grind it up into your hamburgers I have a video on that on how to use your steak trimmings to make hamburgers so we're gonna make a nice looking nice looking ribeye steak with this cut some of that hard fat off again check the bottom make sure just give it a check look at that we've got a little bit of connective tissue from where the rib eye connects to the ribs so boom there we go grab another one look at it so we got a little bit of rough on the bottom so I'll just give it a nice little Slice on the bottom using that breaking neck up like this move your arm hand up it causes the knife to go down and do the work for you that's the best so we've got this so leave a little bit of fat on there again that fat is going to Melt while it Cooks so we want that we want that fabulous flavor but that here we go nice ribeye steak check that beautiful steak out oh my goodness [Music] remember as the rib eye goes down the stakes look different okay we got we got one that looks like this and we got one that looks like this this almost looks like a strip almost because it doesn't have that that wheel of fat in the middle and this one super pronounced fatten in the middle the only thing we're going to do is this has a little bit of extra fat on we're just going to trim it up this is not hard guys we have not done anything hard yet and we're not going to do anything hard because it's not hard it's intimidating because it's a huge piece of meat but it's like it's not really that big a deal this is gonna make an awesome prime rib look at this look at look at that marbling in there this is going to make an awesome prime rib and I can't wait to show you guys how to do that that's in a future video so keep stay tuned this is all the trim that was left over and we can either put that in hamburgers we can trim this up even more and make beef Tallow with it I'm going to show you in a future video how many Beefalo actually let me know in the comments if you want to learn how to make beef towel if you've never had potatoes fried in beef towel I don't think you have lived and this is all the steaks that we have I'm going to show you how a exactly how much we saved on this cut of meat [Applause] if you like this video I want you to watch more videos I want to watch more of my stuff now I this channel what we do is we cut meat and we cook meat that's our thing so if you are interested in meat cutting meat eating meat whatever this is the channel for you thank you for watching and I can't wait for you to see my other videos I'm gonna put one on the screen right here as this rib eye as this rib eye thing Falls over I am going to put one on the screen and I want you to watch the next video and see how we can increase our meat game
Channel: Butcher Wizard
Views: 2,656,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ribeye Steak, Carnivore Diet, Home Butchery, Butcher, Home Butcher, Beef, Steak
Id: 2lQuLhVZZaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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