We tried every WAGYU from Instagram | Guga Foods

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And for our meat I'm gonna use the best of the  best this is an australian wagyu picanha marbling   score number nine. Even though it's from Australia it is Japanese Wagyu, it just came from Australia. And since it's a nice large piece we can cut it up  and use it for every single one of our cooks today. The first thing to do is to remove the silver  skin on the bottom, even though it's from a wagyu   cow silver skin is silver skin, it's tough and  it's gotta go. Once the silver skin was removed   you can really appreciate the marbling of this  beef. This is as good as it gets! Now that it's   all cleaned up it's ready to be sliced for every  single cook, and by the time I'm done with every   single one of them you will see that this is an  amazing way to have picanha. It is one of the best   experience I've ever had in my life. But now that  all of them are ready it's time to cook. Here's the   very first one I found on instagram as you can see  he cut it in nice small strips, seared all sides   and then he just put it on top of rice. I could  tell you right away that that's not any regular   rice I've actually done that rice before on the  channel and I'll link on the description down   below for you, but now I'm gonna make this and  we're gonna find out how good it actually is. Cheers everybody! This one's amazing. That is so good! Oh that's right it's supposed to be  one bite. It's supposed to be one bite.  How can you go wrong with rice and steak?   And here we have the next one it's a thin strip of wagyu, they basically do a quick sear on both sides and it's ready to eat.  I mean this one is as basic as it gets, I guess  they're really trying to focus on the quality of   beef and not so much the preparation. But hey  let's give this a try and see how it tastes. Okay there's not a lot of words to  explain to you how wonderful this tastes. Wow and it's so thin you could  just rip right through it so,   so easy to chew you guys are some smart  people on Instagram let me tell you. This is awesome. Now this one here is just  a picture. But does that look good or what?   It's basically wagyu and truffle butter, that  sounds amazing. Now let me show you my take on it. That was a tremendous amount of butter, hey but  they were dipping in butter a lot more than   me, but I want to see what it tastes like. I like  truffle, I like butter, I like picanha, should be good. Cheers everybody! -You better save  me one. -Oh yeah! I enjoy that one. If you enjoy truffle you'll like it, but if you  don't like truffle you're not gonna like it.   Wow oh dang this might be my new favorite compound  butter. Milky, creamy flavor. -Right. -I don't know how   to explain that but it's, it's on the money let  me tell you. I'ma go again, I'm sorry.   All Right now here's the next one. Take a look at this, the  guy that came up with this is an absolute genius!  After quickly putting a sear on it he dumped it in  egg yolk. I can see a little bit of ponzu sauce on   the bottom and to finish it off he drowned the  whole thing in truffles. This guy is killing me,   that has to be amazing. But now I'm gonna give  my best shot and let you know how it tastes. First thing you gotta do is break the egg, mix  it all. Oh that smell of that truffle coming through   make it all gooey. I know it doesn't  look very appetizing because   you're just mixing everything together.  Right Angel? -Yeah. -It doesn't look very appetizing.   I'm gonna give you guys a fair review so that  you know if it's worth it or not. Cheers everybody! Oh yeah it's extremely creamy because  the meat is very fatty and on top of that   you have the yolk, and then to top it all  off you got the black truffle. Come on! That's a big bite bro. -Hmm. This one  was good, but it wasn't my favorite.   This one right here is pretty straightforward,  it looks like teriyaki sauce with sesame seeds.   I mean you know what teriyaki sauce tastes  like. But with wagyu? I'm not quite sure about   that one. Hey there's only one way to find  out if it's good and that is to make it. So visually this one looks phenomenal, but  uh... I don't care about visual I want to   know how it tastes. What do you think Angel? -Teriyaki bro? -Teriyaki bro on the wagyu. -You   know what the teriyaki does to me? -What? It  makes me think of mystery meat. -Mystery meat?   All right let's give this  one a try everybody. Cheers! It's good, it tastes good, but  it's not one of my favorites.  This is the first time I'm having teriyaki  sauce since high school and it was mystery   meat back then. I know what it is this time,  but I had no clue what it was last time. Yeah, I still hate it. Alright guys it's time  for the next one. As you can see even though   it's just a picture you can tell what it is, it has some type of tempura. I mean anything deep   fried is good right? So in theory this one should  be amazing but now let me show you my take on it.   Remember exact amount and ingredients always on  the description down below for you. If you've never   made tempura batter it's easy you just gotta  put all the ingredients together and mix it up.  But now that we have it ready it's time to cook  and find out how good this tastes. So let's do it! Wow that went quick everybody, probably took  I don't know maybe a minute. Huh Angel? A minute or two minutes? -Yeah it was pretty quick.  -Very medium rare in the middle, I feel like   it's missing a little bit of salt, so I'm  gonna throw a little bit of salt in there   but the important thing is  a taste. Cheers everybody! Oh I can get behind that. Oh that's nice! Oh it gives it that crunch on the  outside and you know we like crust  but that crunch is like, it's like a little thin  crunch. -Yep. -Oh I like that.   As you can see this following one right here is just a picture and  I know they're using quail eggs and it looks   like underneath is rice. And I'll tell you one  thing that looks like the perfect combination.   I cannot wait to find out how  good this one is. So let's do it! This one looks good though huh. -That's a  bigger bite than I have. -That there's a big bite boy!  Cheers everybody! That rice with the rice vinegar sauce is amazing, and that steak is so fatty and then you grab the   yolk the richness of that yolk, creaminess  of the yolk. That is just amazing everybody! -One bite. That's a big bite boy! It's so creamy. You have the rice and the steak, but  I feel like the the egg really changes the texture   of the whole thing. It changes it completely  I think it makes it all kind of feel like   you know like that creamy like when the when the  egg breaks and it spills and all of it gets it.   I think this this might be my favorite  one too.   All right everybody that is the every single way I can see it on Instagram. What do you think Angel? -You know i think that it was quite   interesting. -That was a lot of different experience  we had today. Let me tell you something that was   amazing, not only because that different types of  things that we cook but the meat itself. The meat   is so good I don't think there's any way that you  should... -That was, that was wagyu picanha? -That   was wagyu picanha bro. We didn't eat everything  by ourselves we have other family members that's   where we did kind of a different style of video  today because I wanted everyone to experience.   That's the thing when you grab something like  that type of picanha that I showed you, you want   to share with the family it's too much for you to  eat in yourself and cutting in little pieces. - Yeah but   even you know what we ate yeah which was what you  saw us eat. -We ate one of everything. -It was a good amount. -I'm full are you full?. -I have a good stomach. -Im happy. Anyway  guys I hope you enjoyed this video if you do enjoy   it make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're  not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always on the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody. Bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,936,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wagyu, picanha, recipes, how to cook wagyu, best wagyu, a5, best steak, japanese steak, how to grill, grilling, food review
Id: w4-q1Hkv3iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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