The GREATEST Discovery I ever made with STEAKS!

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Thanks Keeps for sponsoring this video. This is one of the most unique and bizarre ingredients I ever   came across. It comes from the synsepalum dulcificum plant and when eaten it causes a chemical reaction   in your taste buds changing your sour and  bitter tastes to something sweet. But it does   even more things, you see this effect is  due to something called miraculim which   is used commercially as a sugar substitute.  Funny enough they also have pills made out   of this thing, it makes the experience  a lot easier for anyone to try. Now I   know what you're thinking, is this a joke? That's  exactly what I thought. So we put it to the test. Lemon. It tastes like an orange. -It tastes like  a sour tangerine. -That tastes so good   What the hell is that that? is so cool it  tastes like funnel cake. That is insane. -Tequila! It doesn't burn as much. I  think i need to drink some more   -Red wine vinegar. What? It tastes like grape  juice. That is insane. Balsamic vinegar. -Wow! Almost like chocolate. Not quite chocolate but  almost chocolate. That's pretty good. As you can see this fruit really works and today we're going to pair it up with some incredible ingredients to see   what happens when you mix this with steaks. Because  for this cook I'm using this three beautiful New   York Strip. They are one and a half inches thick  and choice grade which is perfect for this   experiment. For this stage I kept it real simple, I  only seasoned them with salt, followed by freshly   ground black pepper, and garlic powder that's  it nothing else. As the next two things is the   real star we're talking about these two compound  butters, and here's the very first one; Kimchi. As   you know kimchi is not only spicy but also sour it  is the perfect thing to try with the miracle berry.   Now to make the compound butter is extremely  simple because all I have to do is to throw   everything into the food processor, process it on  high as you can see everything got nicely chopped,   then I threw in room temperature butter and mixed  everything together. Once that's done all there's   left to do is to put it on a clinch plastic, roll  everything into itself, and that my friends is a   kimchi compound butter. The only thing left is to  give it an hour in the refrigerator so that it can   solidify. Because once done take a look! Slicing it  up is not that easy, everything just crumbles but   hey we got it to the end result; kimchi compound  butter. The big question is how is it going to   taste with the miracle berry? Well we'll find out  real shortly because I also have the second compound   butter and this one you are very familiar  with, we're talking about pickles. As you know   pickles are also sour but to make the compound  butter it is exactly the same process. Throw it   in the food processor, process it on high, add some  room temperature butter ,process it once again,   roll it in the clinch plastic, let it solidify  and that's it. Your compound butter is ready!   Slice that up and take a look. Pickles compound  butter, I never thought I would be saying that.   I wanted to try something else as well. If there's  one sandwich I really enjoy is the Reuben, so I went   ahead and made some simple sliders. Now this is the  special ingredient of a reuben sandwich sauerkraut.   This thing is stinky but most importantly on its  name says at all sour. So how is it going to taste?   For the bread I'm using Sweet Hawaiian buns. As you  can see I'll be making mini sliders out of it. I sliced up the bread, added thousand island dressing,  then I immediately threw in sauerkraut, made sure   to spread it nicely, then of course corned beef, a  good amount or maybe a ridiculous amount. To finish   it off I added baby swiss, I was also not shy with  it. Then I covered everything on top, put it in my   oven at 300 degrees fahrenheit for 20 minutes.  Once the time was up I took it out, basted it with   a little bit of butter. Now that is an easy to make  Reuben Sandwich Slider. And I'll tell you right now   these things are delicious, and you saw how easy  it is to make. But I'm wondering what the miracle   berry is gonna do to it. Well we're gonna find  that out real shortly because as you know this   experiment is all about the steaks and for that  the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook   them. First I'll be putting a nice beautiful sear  and don't forget I'll be also placing my compound   butters right on top. Once that's done I'll be  cooking them in indirect heat until I reach an   internal temperature of 135 degrees Fahrenheit  and hopefully they're gonna taste fantastic.   Because now I say it is enough talking and it is  time to grill some beautiful steaks. So let's do it! [rock music] Before moving forward I want to thank today's  sponsor Keeps. And trust me before every video   this is what I gotta do and that's because two out  of three guys were experienced hair loss before   they're 35 and I am one of them. Which one of you  two is next? -Not me because I got my keeps. -And I'm   keeping my hairline so. -Keeps offer clinically  proven researched back treatment to stop hair   loss and improve hair loss. Get quality expert  care without ever visiting a doctor's office.   Treatment plans are doctor recommended and deliver  straight to your door at about half the cost of   traditional pharmacy. Keeps physicians will help you  select the right products and treatments for your   specific hair condition and hair goals. They will  establish a routine that works for you whether   you're looking to prevent hair loss, stimulate  hair growth, or just take better care of the hair   you have, Keeps got you covered. And by the way  they have a network of expert medical advisors,   prescribers, and care specialists ready for you 24/7. Hair loss stops with Keeps! To get 50% off your   first order go to  or just click the link in the description. Thats Thanks Keeps for sponsoring  this video but now let's get right back to it. Alright everybody here we got our beautiful feast Maumauzinho. You got some weird stuff over there. -It's   like a flag right I don't know which country but  it's like a flag color everybody it's a colorful   steak. So you know already about this pill Maumau. -Yes. -We tried it it definitely worked for both of us. We   had other people try it as well and I'm going to  show you all the results in a little bit so that   you can see. Mumuzinho we're going to take a ride  you ready? -Let's do this. -All right let's do this   everybody. Cheers! This kind of sours your mouth  but it's not really sour. -It's weird it's berry   this is a very interesting experiment for me  I can't stop smiling I'm smiling on this video. You know what I mean?  This is a kimchi compound butter. -Oh! -Yeah  we love kimchi. -I love kimchi. -Yeah this   is a pickle compound butter. -Oh. -I don't know  about this one. This one might be nasty unless   it tastes like something else. -Yes. -And this is  just straight up traditional Reuben sandwich.   Reuben sandwich has sauerkraut. You know  what I mean? So sourkraut is a little sour. -Yeah.   -But uh this is amazing. As you can see it's  missing two. I don't know why. You know what I mean?   -I wonder why. -All right so let's go for it  Maumau, let's go for a ride over here. We're   gonna give you guys an honest review. Control,  there's nothing here straight up Guga steak.   Let's see if it makes any difference. -Amazing. -Huh  enough, let's see if it tastes any different. Cheers! Tastes amazing but it tastes  a little sweet for me. -No.   -No? -I didn't notice. -I think I need more salt or  something but it's so sweet. -It's not that sweet.  -It's not as sweet for you? -No. Oh my god it's really,  really, sweet for me. It's like it has sugar on it.   -No I don't get that. -You don't get that? -No.  -Wow! Okay this is insane for me I'm telling   you right now. Okay let's go for the second  one. You ready? -Oh yeah. -All right let's see   kimchi Maumau. Now, let's be honest kimchi  compound butter already sounds good. Cheers! Wow it does not taste like kimchi at all. -It tastes  like apple. -Maybe. I don't know, I don't know this tastes but it does not taste like kimchi. It's  still a little spicy. -There's no sourness from   me whatsoever. I'm gonna say this and I know  you're gonna sound like I'm crazy it tastes   like apple pie. -No. This is insane! -It tastes like  a not sweet applesauce. -Not sweet apple sauce?   You're not getting the sweetness that's the thing  it's acting different for you than for me. -I'm   not getting the sweetness at all. -I don't feel  any spiciness at all. -It's almost like you can   taste the spiciness but it doesn't burn. -Yeah  like you have the feeling but it's not like.   -Yeah exactly. Let's try the Reuben Sliders. -Can we try now? -Yes let's try the Reuben sandwich, I'm curious. Okay ready Maumau? -Let's go.  -Let's find out, cheers cheers everybody. -Now that is sweet. -Is sweet it's not sweet it's extra sweet.  -There's something weird with this cheese.   -It's just swiss cheese there's nothing wrong with  it. -No there's something weird with this cheese.   -The cheese is extremely sweet for me it's like  sugar. You've never had a reuben like this if   you eat this magical berry. But it's good it's not  bad. -No it's good. -That is very amazing now pickles.   -Pickles. -I like pickles but let's see how you  taste on a steak. Usually I don't want my pickles   on a steak you know what I mean Maumau? -Yeah. -Come  on man! Pickle compound butter cheers everybody.   -Pickle compound butter! -All right cheers. -Oh my god it's like taking a bite of sugar. It  tastes like pickle but without the sourness.   -For me it's straight up crystalized sugar.  The steak itself tastes like a steak but a   sweeter steak, the pickles is rock sugar  that's what it is and like I said not   everybody experienced the same thing with these  berries. Here's what everyone else thought of it. -Holy! -It tastes like a tangerine. -That  is so weird . What? -It's a gimmick boys, it's a gimmick. -This does not taste like a lemon at all.  That's so cool! -It's like going in waves for me. It started really sour, got sweet, got sour again,  now it's sweet. I don't know that's really weird. -I don't know I don't think it's that  different. -It's pickles cheers everybody -Oh my God! Oh my God!   I don't even know how to describe it it tastes  like candy pickles my God that is awful. -Grape. Oh no, no, no! Something ain't right. It's bitter, not good.  Definite no on that one for sure. That was terrible.  -Now we got some ketchup see if it can make it  any better. Oh my God pure vinegar blah. -Sriracha guys let's see maybe it's just lemon maybe lemon  doesn't work for me. I don't think this works for me. -But that's the result. Isn't it crazy? I'm  telling you everybody I highly recommend you   giving it a try because it might work for you  or might not. And if it works it is interesting.   -It is interesting. I hope you guys enjoyed this  video and you learned something new. If you did   make sure you give it a thumbs up. If you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.   Remember if you are interested in anything I use  everything is always in the description down below.   Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,029,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, discovery, grilling, cooking, best steak, steak experiment, how to cook, how to grill, bbq, cooking steak, compound butter, butter
Id: OM5s2ULHx1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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