We tried the SAUCE that makes EVERYTHING Better!

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and here we have the star of today's show maggie sauce now you've asked me to give this a try and for good reason as many people consider this the secret weapon to make all food taste better it does check a lot of boxes it's inexpensive widely available a more complex flavor than soy sauce and just a few drops will amp up the flavor of anything so today we're gonna be putting it to the test and for that i'll be using it in these three beautiful steaks take a look they are all ribeyes they have a great marbling on them that's this little white spectacles you see throughout the stakes the more of these little white things you got in the middle the better now here's how this experiment is going to go down for the very first steak we're going to be using this steak right here now this one is pretty simple all i gotta do is to add a lot of that maggie sauce right on top of it then using a brush i spread the whole thing around ensuring that the whole thing is covered with it i don't want to overdo it though because this maggie sauce is quite strong so brushing it is the way to go and once i was done take a look comparing them with the other sticks you can clearly see that this thing is completely different but now we gotta get them seasoned so i wanted to keep it exactly the same that way the only differences between them is the sauce so i went with a good amount of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder once that was done i bagged them up vacuum sealed them and they were now ready for sous vide now for the second steak this is what we're gonna do instead of cooking it with the maggi sauce i'm gonna make a custom sauce and here's how to do it into a saucepan i added about one tablespoon of avocado oil then immediately threw in some shallots started to cook it up but i don't want it to brown once everything was simmering down i threw in some garlic before it started to brown the whole thing i immediately added the maggi sauce a very good amount to be specific about three tablespoons mixed everything well and brought it to a simmer then i added heavy cream about one cup season it with freshly ground black pepper mix everything well and brought it to a simmer we want this sauce to thicken up so i let the whole thing reduce to about half because once i was happy with the consistency my sauce was done and you saw how easy it is to make and it takes no time at all we're going to be using this for our very second steak and obviously the third one will be the control but now that we got the sauces ready and also the steaks we can't just eat that so i decided to make an incredible side dish now this one might be even easier than the sauce now the great thing about it is that it can stand on its own as a main dish because it is so good and to make it it's super simple and here's how into a carbon steel pan i added a little bit of avocado oil immediately threw in some ground beef remember it releases a lot of juices right in the beginning so keeping it under high heat is the way to go now notice that i did not add any seasoning to this beef that's because we're gonna add the maggi sauce right now a good amount now this thing is flavorful and salty so instead of adding salt this is my salty element then i mixed everything together and tasted for seasoning and i'll tell you one thing it was perfect i'm quite impressed how well this tastes with just the sauce by itself this thing should be really good with our steaks now moving on the next thing to do is to add a little bit of oil into the clean pan followed by some minced shallots minced garlic and ginger paste mix everything together and cook it under medium low heat we don't want this thing to burn at the same time we want to bring up the flavors by cooking it for one minute it is ideal to mix it up little by little the last thing we want is for the garlic to burn once it became fragrant and notice that it's not brown yet i added some cojugato spicy flakes mix everything well and combine the ingredients together cook it for an additional one minute then i added some oyster sauce mix everything together and cook it for an additional one minute keep in mind to keep the heating low if not things are just gonna burn on you as the next thing to do is to add our noodles you can use any noodles you like but i chose to use these egg noodles today as the only thing to do now is to mix everything together and combine add a little bit of dark soy sauce followed by the maggie ground beef we just cooked mixed everything well until everything is fully covered with it taste it for seasoning and if it's needed add a little bit of salt followed by freshly ground black pepper mix it a little bit more throw it into a nice serving dish add some green onions right on top because today's side dish is done now i'll tell you one thing it is so good by itself that it can be a meal i hate to call it a side dish as it's much more however it's going to be pairing up perfect with our steaks talking about that the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook them for that i'll be doing so at 129 degrees fahrenheit for one and a half hour and the reason for that is because these steaks are not as thick as my usual ones and i cannot wait to find out which one is gonna be best [Music] as you guys know i do not like spicy food too much but that pasta everybody i had to taste a little bit just for seasoning lord have mercy because that was delicious at the same time which one is it gonna be better the steak cooked on the sauce or the sauce we just made it separately i cannot wait to find out because the sticks are ready we are hungry and it is time to take it out let's do it as expected when you're taking out a sous-vide bag everybody the steak never looks like it has a nice crust because it needs some flamethrower action on it now as you know one was already cooked with the sauce inside the other one we made it separately so as soon as i slice it open after the sear i'm gonna be pouring the sauce right on top first to try because i know exactly what you're thinking i know my sticks don't look that good right now but watch this [Music] [Music] all right everybody here we got our beautiful steaks gentlemen with a little bit of side dish i'm happy bro why are you happy the first time in a lot of videos that you say we have our beautiful steaks and i can actually be like yeah we do they do look fantastic beautiful steaks today i got a little experiment all right but this one is by the request of our viewers so you know they always have amazing ideas i think this is going to be a real good one just because we have our own individual sauces exactly now i can be extra gluttonous fair enough let's give this a go ready all right let's dig in the first one please here is our beautiful sous-vide steak it just smells like heaven everybody so tender enough talking cheers everybody cheers well it never gets old control come on control is always the key everybody absolutely delicious sous vide's steak is just so freaking flavorful and tender it blows me away every single time i try it the number one question i always get asked which one do you like better google is it charcoal steak on the grill or is it a souvenir steak listen there's a reason i have two channels i i can't pick sometimes i'm on the mood for this sometimes i'm on the mood for the outside so we can all agree this one is amazing controls always amazing bro couldn't agree more very good let's go for the second one now the second one is a special sauce which is the sauce i just made right there i want your guys honest opinion i already dunked a little bit not gonna lie but i say we go for an extra dunk okay i was just about to ask if we can dunk this let's give this a go cheers everybody cheers oh yeah my goodness that sauce is insanely good i don't know what's happening with my arm but i did something there that was amazing everybody that was amazing immediately the first thing i taste is that just ridiculous creaminess that you get and it's so savory i love it sous vide steak super juicy and tender but the sauce really brings it all home with the crazy amount of flavors and just creaminess that you get from it i love this sauce i think it's extremely flavorful yeah but very extreme it's so flavorful that you can't pinpoint it i think what angel said is is uh really important where it's it just tastes like there's so many complex flavors here it's really hard to nail down what exactly it is like i taste some mushroom it tastes like mac and cheese a little bit like there's even like a flavor that's familiar but like not familiar at the same time that's why i kind of say mac and cheese i don't know right it's like there's something in there that you feel like you've had it what you're both trying to describe is what's called the fifth taste umami that's what it's called the umami yeah it does linger too yeah this thing is extremely flavorful and that lingers in your mouth a wonderful taste that you just want to keep swallowing and savoring that's what umami is supposed to taste like this is rich of umami everybody that's how i can describe it wait damn hold on did you just whoa do magic right there watch out everybody i'm gonna do some magic for you guys because i'm ready for the side dish but first do you agree that this sauce was amazing yes now let's try this side dish i must give a little quick warning okay there's a little bit of spiciness in here i'm interested to see how spicy it is because it does not smell spicy whatsoever no it's going to be palable it's going to be great cheers everybody cheers that's delicious that's nice this is the perfect pasta for google why because not spicy not spicy at all i do get a little bit of heat after you finish chewing and you swallow it but it's like angel said it's very mild it's nothing crazy this guy had the one chip challenge after that they had no more spiciness fear if you haven't seen that video you should all right let's move on because it's all about this steak now you guys ready oh yeah all right dig in let me know give me your honest opinion in here i want to know which one is better the sauce on the side or this steak are you guys ready so no dip no dipping no dipping let's see cheers everybody cheers oh that's so strange without the sauce because it tastes like the sauce it tastes like the sauce it's exactly like angel said it's like the sauce is already baked into it that is nice i like it it's good i think that it has the flavor of the saint of this previous sauce it's really flavorful it's really nice like google was saying it has that umami flavor for me though it's just lacking that creaminess that you get from the last steak i will say that this is a completely different flavor in the steak that changes the profile of the steak a bit if i had to pay for any of these steaks i'm paying for the second one the control with the dip is by far the best experience this steak is amazing the third one which was cooked on it it's great but at the same time because you get to experience two things cooking the sauce on the side is better do we all agree i agree because then you get the best of both worlds anyway guys these are the results i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 1,005,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, experiment, cooking, sous vide, sauce, steak sauce, pasta, best steak, cooking steak, sauce and steak
Id: v51YKhZWKDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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