I made PRIME RIB better than WAGYU | Guga Foods

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This is a four bone prime rib. Today we're gonna  make something incredible out of this! If you take   a closer look we can actually separate this thing  in three, the first one is the ribeye cap also   known as spinalis, the next one we have the eye  of the ribeye this is not that tender but it is   very flavorful and lastly we have some ribs. And  the first thing to do is to separate the pieces   of meat. You can start by separating everything by  hand, we're just basically wiggling and using our   knife to cut out very slowly. And there you have  the whole ribeye cap. If you take a closer look   there's a lot of silver skin underneath so you  want to go ahead and start removing all of those   things out. The name of the game here is to go nice  and slow taking out the silver skin and the seams   is all we need, and once done this is what it looks  like. It's nicely and perfectly cleaned and we're   gonna transform this into steaks. For that you want  your stakes to be about two inches thick as our   whole goal is to roll everything into itself. To  ensure that it's not gonna come apart on me I like   to use butcher's twine. And once I was done tying  it up take a look, this is what I like to call   the king of steaks. Now cooking it this way will  ensure that you get perfection. Going back to our   prime rib this is what we're left with. Now since  I'll be making two different dishes from this   I'm gonna leave a good amount of meat on the ribs  and trim a little bit of the edge of the fat. You   don't want to overdo it because fat is flavor. Now  for the final part of butchering we have the eye.   Underneath this fat layer there's a silver skin,  that has to go. My goal here is to make it look   like a large filet mignon also known as a chateaubriand,  so rounding the edges, removing only the necessary   part, I'm trying my best to make it look like this,  a perfectly trim rib eye eye that it's going to   transform into a beautiful beef wellington.  And don't worry all of the trims are saved   nothing ever goes to waste. But in the end this  is what my prime rib looks like. We have the ribs,   four beautiful king of steaks, and the eye of  the rib eye. The first thing I like to do is to   do something called dry brine, the salt will  penetrate deeply inside not only making the   meat a little bit more tender but also extremely  flavorful. And now I let it rest overnight in the   refrigerator. As the very next day you can see that  the salt is completely gone, the red coloration   means that it was perfectly dry brined I'm first  going to start off with the ribs which is the   one that takes the longest. Since it has been dry  brine it does not have any moisture on the surface,   so for that I added a little bit of grapeseed  oil, then I went in with coarse black pepper, and   garlic powder. I mean take a closer look, once  I was done it is now ready to go inside of the   smoker. Talking about that I set my smoker to 250  degrees fahrenheit. I want to let it smoke for six   hours. Once that six hours was up I took it out  and take a closer look. Now this is fully cooked   already however it is not probing like butter so  I grabbed some butcher's paper, added a good amount   of beef tallow to the paper, place my ribs on it,  and wrap the whole thing up. Now into my oven it   goes until it's fully tender. For me it took about  three hours. We got a nice pull back on the bones   and this thing is smelling and looking gorgeous. As  I take my first slice take a closer look. And the   big question how tender is it? Well, as I take out  a piece, oh man I mean this thing is barely holding   together everybody, and I cannot wait to find out  how good it's actually going to taste. However,   we still got a few more things to transform and  this is the eye of the ribeye and the first thing   I need to do is to put a nice beautiful crust. I  mean look at it perfectly seared exactly what I   was looking for. As it's still a little hot I went  ahead and brushed some dijon mustard right on top   and cover the whole thing with it. Then you want  to let it chill for about 10 minutes which is   perfect and it allows time to go ahead and make  the duxelle. For this one I started by cooking   a little bit of bacon. Once it was nicely golden  brown I added some chopped up portobello mushrooms,   then i added some garlic, and shallots followed  by a little bit of salt, and freshly ground black   pepper. Mixed everything well and my duxelle was  almost ready. I mean this is perfect just as is but   at least to me I like my duxelle to be almost like a  paste. Into the food processor it went, turn it on   and blended everything on high, and this for me is  a much better consistency. Now to put it together   into a clinch plastic I laid down some parma ham,  followed by that beautiful duxelle we just made,   then the eye of the prime rib. Slowly and  tightly I started to wrap everything up,   close down the edges to ensure that I did not have  any air bubbles as I want my beef welding to look   real pretty, and the tighter it is the better. The  next thing to do is to grab some puff pastry, add   the whole thing right on top, start closing my  dough nice and tightly, and just like before roll   it until I get everything nice and tight. Then add  a little bit of egg wash, if you want to make it   pretty you can do a decoration puff pastry right  on top. Don't forget to add egg wash to that one   as well, sprinkle a little bit of salt right on  top, and into the oven it goes at 450 degrees   fahrenheit until everything is fully cooked. Which  is perfect because it allows me time to go ahead   and make an incredible side dish. To make it it is  ridiculously easy and here's how; everything starts   off with this, it's called plantains. You can't  peel this one like a banana so you gotta cut   everything out. Now we're gonna fry these two times,  Using some vegetable oil I threw them in. The first   fry the oil is at 300 degrees fahrenheit you want  to do this for about 10 minutes. Grab yourself one   of these lime squeezers as you can see if you do  it while it's hot it's easy. In the end you should   be left with little cups like this. Now I transfer  the same oil into a deeper pan, set my oil at 450   degrees fahrenheit. Once i was finished frying all  of them up and they were nicely golden brown, I   mean take a closer look this is exactly what you  want. As they were still hot I sprinkled a little   bit of salt right on top. These are good to eat  just like this, but we're gonna add some incredible   filling and all of the trimmings left over from  the prime rib is exactly what we're gonna use. As   once it was fully cooked I seasoned it with salt,  followed by freshly ground black pepper, a tiny bit   of garlic powder, a little bit of shallots, mixed  everything together so everything can combine.   Then I added a good amount of ketchup, then I mixed  it well once again and that's it my filling is   done. Now to assemble it it's even easier. I first  added some mexican crema right on the bottom,   followed by the beautiful meat we just cooked,  more mexican crema right on top. I happen to   have some pickled onions left over, then I added  a piece of green onion, followed by some more   ketchup, sprinkled some parsley right on top, and  that's it. And I'll tell you one thing it's going   to please everyone. The only thing left to do is  to go ahead and make the king of steaks. Remember   it was fully dry brine already so the only thing  that he really needs is a little bit of freshly   ground black pepper and garlic powder. Now the only  thing left to do is to go ahead and grill them. And   for that I'll be first putting a nice beautiful  sear, once done i'll be cooking them in indirect   heat until I reach an internal temperature of 135.  For that I'll be using my wireless thermometers   as now I say it is enough talking and it is time  to grill these beautiful steaks. So let's do it!   [rock music] All right everybody here we have our feast today.  huh. -Guga, I don't, I don't know what we did to deserve   this, but thank you. -You're very welcome. -Guga is  spoiling us today. This is a lot. -This is a feast   and believe it or not this is just a prime rib.  There's nothing special here well there he is   actually. -I was gonna say you're not gonna tell  me there's nothing special here Guga. -This is   a very regular thing there's nothing special about  this okay. -It's all about you and it's not so much   about the meat. If you take the time and effort  and do this for your family come on everybody a   spread like this will make anyone impressed. -I can  agree. -We have the ribs from the prime rib on the   bottom, and then on the eye I actually made a beef  wellington, and then here we have the king of all   steaks which is basically the best part of the  cow. If you don't consider picanha the best, which   we kind of do. Never mind. -And obviouslyIi had to  make a side dish everybody. -It's very pretty. -Yeah   it's cute. -And remember after everything he just  said there's nothing special here. -Nothing. -What I meant   by that is that it's not wagyu, it's choice. This  is how we can transform something inexpensive   to something incredible. All right so, I'll leave  it up to you guys what do you want to try first.   -I want to go for this wellington. For some reason I knew you guys were going to say that. All right.   -This looks so fancy. -I know right let's get it  over with the wellington. Come over here Leo. Let's   not break the wellington right okay very good.  Don't break! Nice, perfect. -Guys i don't know what   happened this wellington looks so pretty five  minutes ago and now it's. -You're destroying   the wellington Leo. -The deconstructed  wellington now. -Cheers everybody. -Cheers! -Oh yeah. -Surprisingly tender.  -Ummmm -When you don't talk and you start the umm game you  know it's good. -You know what Korean barbecue is   to Angel, I think that's what wellington's are to  me. -Really? I just, I don't know what it is i just   love biting through a bunch of different  consistencies of like the bread, the beef, I can   taste a little bit of bacon in here absolutely  blows me away with not only flavor but texture.   I love it. -Juicy. -Yeah. -Tender, I mean what you  literally couldn't mess that up that was so good.   -That was very nice what would you like to try  next, you guys let me know. -Let's get over here.   -Oh this one you've never had it actually Leo, I  coined it the king of steaks everybody. Basically   the best part of the ribeye. Go for it, go for it,  you guys dig in. -It looks very fancy I will say.   -Give them an honest opinion of the king of  steaks, the ribeye cap. Cheers everybody. -Cheers. -That tastes incredible. -It is the king of steak  for a reason that's all I gotta say about that.   -It's so tender, so juicy. -A little bit fatty because  of all the fattiness that comes inside of the   marbling of the eye of the cap. -I'll say this is  more flavorful than a fillet. -Oh yeah. I know you   are a filet man. -You gotta respect the fillet. -I  love the savoriness of it, super beefy, very juicy.   What surprised me the most though is how it  feels in your mouth, as soon as you take a bite   i was expecting it to be like the consistency  and like a piece of steak not at all it breaks   up in layers and it just kind of deconstructs  as you're chewing it. I was not expecting that   whatsoever but I was pleasantly surprised because  it's really good. -The king of steaks everybody   there you have it, absolutely delicious. Now very  good since you had a hunch chunk of meat let's   go for the side dish a little bit yeah. -Ah  yes. -Go for it. The side dish that is also meat. -Yes   there's a little bit of meat there, you  gotta have meat everybody, meat's important.   -I will never turn down a side dish. -Yeah let's go  for it. -You know. -What are you doing? You took out   the pickled onion and even the little green. -Yep  yeah no greens for me. -It was only one piece bro!   -Im steering clear of that. Staying away from  those things they're toxic and we don't like   them. -If it's green he's not gonna eat  it everybody that's all I gotta say.   All right give me an honest opinion on  this one let's see cheers everybody. Cheers. -Oh. -I might need that too. -That's good man. -Something  about tostones everybody something about that   mexican crema inside there with the ground beef,  it just hit the right spot. It's delicious and   that sweetness from the ketchup brings it all  together. -That was incredible so many different   flavors, textures, I think they all blend together  perfectly. -Yeah -Gotta say i love this side dish.   -So good just make sure you make plenty of it  everybody it's never enough. Okay let's dig in.   All right let me know, be careful. -Oh what happened?  -I tried to grab it, you see. -You see the tenderness everybody,  that's just next level right here. -That is a   good sign right there. -You guys ready? -I'm ready.  -Let's give this a go cheers everybody. -Cheers. -Oh I rest my case. -Oh my thank you. -Why  does the last has to always be best!   -Tenderness is there, smokiness is there,  juiciness is there, the amount of fat there is,   fattiness is there, everything you want on a piece  of meat on a bite it's there everybody. It's just   perfect. -My favorite part about it is that it's  tender but not so tender that it's just jello   still has a little bit of a bite. I love it! -My  number one thing is this has so much flavor. -Yeah.   It's the smoke man. I don't even think Leo  would add salt that's how good this is.   -He's right. -That's because it was dry brined.  -With all that being said today which one is   your favorite? Leo. -I really love that wellington  but that sure blew me away. -Angel. -Short rib. -Same   thing for me everybody. By the way it is not short  rib, I don't know why we're calling it short rib   it's beef ribs everybody, it's not short ribs. So  that is how I master prime rib. Do it for your   family everybody it is not that difficult to  make. Yes it takes a little bit of time but you   will impress everyone, I guarantee you. I hope  you guys enjoyed this video. If you did enjoy   make sure you give it a thumbs up, if you're not a  subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos.   Remember if you are interested in anything I  use everything is always in the description   down below. Thank you so much for watching we'll  see you guys on the next one. Take everybody bye bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 852,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, bbq, cooking, prime rib, bbq roast, food, prime rib recipe, master class, tostones, party recipe, recipe idea, culinary arts
Id: P-Pg92WiaRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 20 2022
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