Nashville HOT Fried BRISKET Experiment - ft. @La Capital

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first time ive heard of the guy and im on yt prob 4 hours a day

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Saint3Love 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
Thanks Hello fresh for sponsoring this video.  So I'm right now in Nashville, Tennessee and   I came here to do research and if there's  anybody that knows something about Nashville   Hot fried chicken it's my good friend Oscar. So  let's go! Okay so I'm here with my brother Oscar.   Nashville hot fried chicken, I want to do  Nashville hot fried brisket. -Well first of   all you're crazy man. Well we all already know  that. -Yeah exactly. What would you advice? -Yeah.   It has to be already tender. -Yeah, yeah, yeah,  yeah yeah. -And then just fry it. -Sumergirlo Completamente. On the chili oil. -All the way? -All the way and then take it out  and add more spices. -Oh my God you want me to die.   -You have to find a way to make it like the classic  Nashville hot chicken. -Yeah. -But not super spicy.   -Right. -That's your job. That's my ha ha. -Yeah. -So now  I have to make it happen. You think it's gonna   turn out good? -It's gonna be good. -We'll find out.  -Cheers man. -Cheers we'll find out right now. Let's do it! And this is the star of today's show, it is a  beautiful 25 pounds wagyu brisket. I've cooked this   type of brisket before and I've done the regular  method, and that turned out fantastic. I mean take   a look at this waterfall of juice. And making  Nashville hot fried brisket should be incredible.   But the first thing we gotta do is to trim it.  You see here's the deal with this wonderful   piece of meat, it has a lot of intramuscular fat  but it also has a good amount of external fat   and the amount that we must trim is ridiculous.  I mean i'm talking about we're gonna shave off   quite a bit, but once I was done with all of the  trimming this is what it looks like. Now the next   thing to do is to get it seasoned and for that I'm  going to be using a binder, and yellow mustard has   always proven to me that it's a great choice. Now  you don't want to overdo it we're not trying to   season it with mustard we're just trying to create  a very thin layer so that our seasoning can stick,   so I did rub both sides. For the seasoning  the most important part is the salt. Now you   gotta remember this is a huge piece of meat, it is  extremely important to season it well. Now once I   was done with the salt I went ahead and covered  with black pepper and garlic powder and I made   sure to do the same exact thing and season  it well. As you can see once i was done every   single edge of this brisket is perfectly seasoned  because the next step is to go ahead and throw it   in the smoker. So I set my smoker at 250 degrees  fahrenheit and threw it in there for five hours.   That will give me the smoky flavor I want and  render a good amount of fat. Talking about fat this   is all of the trimmings I have left and there's  no way I'm gonna let this go to waste because   we're gonna transform this into beef tallow and to  create beef tallow is super easy there are several   ways let me show you. Most people like to do it  directly on the stove, this is not my preferred   method, it's just way too hard to manage the heat.  You gotta keep that heat really, really low and   if you're not careful you can easily burn your  tallow, but if you have patience it can be done.   My preferred method is just to stick it in the  oven at 250 degrees fahrenheit. Once you are done   you are left with beautiful clear beef tallow  take a look. Now that's what i'm talking about!   And we're going to be using this to deep fry  our brisket. I'm going to be treating this   exactly like Nashville hot fried chicken. And one  of the things I always like to do is to create   a buttermilk mixture, for that it's super easy, a  good amount of buttermilk and Louisiana hot sauce.   A good amount to be specific the whole bottle, it  just creates a wonderful flavor and at least for   chicken buttermilk makes it more tender. I have  no idea what's gonna happen with the brisket but   we're gonna be finding out real shortly. One  other important thing to do is to season the   flour and for that I only used all-purpose flour  and good amount of salt. Just mix everything well   and that's done. Now the next most important  item is this, it's the spicy and seasoning that   we need to make our seasoned oil, and for that I first started with a good amount of black pepper,   followed by garlic powder and a ridiculous amount  of brown sugar. Then I added a little bit of smoked   paprika because this was the end, yes a ridiculous  amount of cayenne pepper, that's where the heat   comes from. Now once everything was combined take  a look. That is the secret of Nashville hot fried   chicken. And as always exact amount and ingredients  always on the description down below for you. As   the only thing left to do is to add the oil into  it, that you're going to be seeing real shortly   after we smoke the brisket. Talking about that  after 5 hours take a look. As you can clearly see   this thing is not fully cooked yet. Even though  it has a nice smoky flavor it's time to get it   tender, to do that the first thing I did was to  wrap the whole thing in butcher's paper, once that   was done I followed it up with aluminum foil. Now  it's important to make this real tight as we want   the brisket to steam in itself. For that I just  threw it in the oven for an additional five hours   as once the time was up and it was tender I opened  it up and take a look at this. Now that is a fully   cooked brisket. I couldn't help myself so I had  to take a piece out, and as I did take a look at   how juicy this thing is. Because now the only thing  left to do is to make this a Nashville hot fried   brisket. So now I say it is enough talking and  it is time to make this happen. So let's do it! [rock music] Before moving forward I want to thank  today's sponsor Hello Fresh. As you already   know I love hello fresh convenience of  having fresh pre-portioned ingredients   ready to be cooked. It's now 7 p.m I had a long  day of editing and I forgot to plan dinner.   No problem! Because I got my Hello Fresh box and  everything is ready for me just to cook it up and   enjoy. And with the holidays just around the corner  life gets even more hectic so Hello Fresh makes   your life easier. You see your weekly delivery is  made to help you cut back on meal prep and clean   up. And their limited edition holiday boxes deliver  everything you need to cook up a family feast   no planning necessary. Hello Fresh pre-portioned  ingredients means that there's less prep for you   and less wasted food. But of course it's not just  about the convenience Hello Fresh is delicious, take   a look at this crispy kicking cayenne chicken. And  one of the reasons it's so delicious is that their   produce gets to you faster than a grocery store so  it arrives at its peaks freshness and flavor. They   also have amazing variety and you can experience  seasonal flavors as we transition into winter. Go   to Gugafoods14 and use code  Gugafoods14 to get up to 14 free meals and   3 free gifts. They are america's number one meal  kit for good reason. So try yours once again go   to Gugafoods14 and use promo code  Gugafoods14 to get up to 14 free meals and three   free gifts. Thank you hello Fresh for sponsoring  this video but now it's time to get right back to it. All right everybody here we have our beautiful  brisket. What do you guys think huh? -I can smell it   from here and it smells heavenly, I cannot wait to  try this brisket. -It looks kind of like almost like   uh you know a muder scene right. -I was about  to say that it smells like it's going to be a good   video. -This one smells amazing everybody I must say  be prepared to make a huge mess in your house when   you're deep frying this thing all right. One of the  things I did to keep it safe is that I turned the   stove completely off, then I deep fried the brisket. Safety number one priority. Okay enough talking. Are   you guys ready to try it? -I am super excited. -Let's  go. -I'm really excited too, but at the same time   a little nervous because there's nothing else to  eat so if it's if it isn't a home run. -Yeah I know   right it's gonna be. -This is our dinner. -Go ahead  and grab it I'll tell you one thing all of this   red stuff that you said it's gonna be a little  spicy, all right, because this is Nashville hot   fried brisket. Instead of chicken I made a brisket,  that's what this is. Oh you're going for the bread   too, that's not a bad idea. -Wait, that's genius!  -Yeah go for the bread as well. -It is tender my   bro. I must say there's some videos that you get  super excited about, this is one of them everybody.   I can't wait! Are you guys ready? -I don't think this  can be bad. -There's no way. -Are you ready?   -I guess we're about to find out. -We're gonna  find out right now. -Cheers everybody! Cheers everybody!   -Wow! -It's a success! Just in case  you are wondering, huge success! -Oh my God! -Nailed it! This is good  man! -It's hot though! It is super hot.   -Hey. -It's a little spicy everybody. -A little?  -Mm-hmm I could do anything I would try the the bomb. -Leo I'm starting to sweat. -Oh my God dude  I'm gonna need some water Jesus. -Give me a pound.  -After I tried the bomb bro everything  that I eat that's spicy is not that spicy.   -You tried the bomb bro? -The bomb is no joke bro. -The  bomb is a bomb! -This is this is mudering me  right now. This is tough. -Dude. -I don't know  if I wanted another piece, I don't know if I can handle it. It's hot! -But it's a nice hot or a bad hot? -It's it's a  nice hot, it's spicy but I can feel like a little   bit of sweetness as well. -Yes it has a little bit of brown  sugar too. -I don't want to get the audience wrong   like this is an absolutely delicious brisket.  -It's it's spicy everybody. I't meaty, it's tender it's   super juicy, it's just hot. -It got that kick, it  really does. But I think it's it's enjoyable.   It's not the hot where it's like you're just  sweating and in pain and your tongue is on fire   and the bomb sucks. It's not like that, it's  it's more like yeah it's got some spices to it   but it also has the sweetness. -It's so  delicious. -It's so tender and this is   so fat, is this wagyu? -It is a wagyu brisket yes, and  most importantly you get a very nice little crust   of the flour everybody that fried up. The crunch  is not that like strong it's just a little crunchiness.   -Crunch on the top. -Yes, when you're taking a bite  you're just feeling that little crust you know   what I mean. Because the sauce has a little bit  of spiciness it actually cuts out the fattiness.   You know what I'm saying? -Okay. -So it cuts out a little  bit of the fat it's not too much. -It makes it feel   less fatty. -Right. Here's what i must say if you  don't want it too hot just don't put too much   cayenne everybody. You saw the amount of cayenne I  put in there, I was extremely generous Leo. -This is no joke.   -Hey it gotta be hot, I tell you one thing,  it has to be hot that's why it's called   Nashville hot fried brisket. Okay with the bread  you ready? -Has this ever been done before? -No   it is the first time everybody. -This is the first  time it's never been done with a brisket? -Yeah.    -I must say before we try the final piece right here,  highly recommend it. You recommend? -Oh I do. -Oh yeah.   -All right with the bread.  Wonder bread. Cheers everybody. Cheers! -With the bread is so good. -I love it. -That  bread did soak up that spiciness like I said.   -Yeah. -But it also soaked up that flavor so it just  adds a whole nother textural element to the dish and it's so perfect. -I don't need to say anything  he said it all. -This guy Leo came with his A game. His palette came to play. - I highly recommend. You? -Highly, highly recommend.-I can't I'm not going to   say top five because I didn't make the list in  my head like he did. I'm gonna say top ten to give   myself a little bit of wiggle room. -There you go.  -But this is definitely up there. -This is up there.   Anyway guys these are the results.  I hope you guys enjoyed this video   if you did enjoy it, make sure to give it  a thumbs up. If you're not a subscriber   be sure to subscribe for future videos. Remember  if you are interested in anything I use   everything is always in the description down below.  Thank you so much for watching and we'll see you   guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye-bye.  -Damn bro you killed this one bro. You killed this kidding -Oh my God. -This is a good one! Yeah. -Wohoo!
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 1,143,372
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Keywords: brisket, nashville hot fried chicken, spicy brisket, best brisket, how to cook brisket, deep fry brisket, cooking brisket, brisket recipe, slow cook brisket
Id: VrVbOG9GuK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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