The weirdest apology online

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be talking about cryotic and it will seem slightly random that i'm talking about cryotic now because his latest scandal which we're gonna get into was over two months ago at this point i believe the reason why i waited to film anything in the first place was that i kind of believed there would be a follow-up or a clarification or something else to explain the current situation so the current situation or the situation when that last video was posted was that cryotic who if you don't know who he is i'm going to put like a brief summary here so in his last video cryotic pretty much admitted to having conversations with minors that were inappropriate none of the conversations ever left the internet in the sense that they never turned into physical relationships so i guess that is somewhat of a positive though it doesn't really negate the fact that he was having inappropriate conversations with minors that he allegedly did not know were minors which we'll get into but anyway he posted one of the strangest in my opinion apology videos that i've ever come across mainly because it sounded like a narration rather than someone saying okay i did this this and this i [ __ ] up whatever it sounded like he was reading a story but the story was reality and it is a very grim reality because effectively minors were being groomed so i don't feel good about that in the least but i figured we could watch the apology video together it's only about four minutes and talk about it because i remember when i originally went to see this apology video it had more likes than dislikes yes an apology video where a grown-ass 31 year old man talks about cheating on his girlfriend because he was having some sort of weird relationship with minors online had more likes than dislikes at the time now there are more dislikes but not by such a crazy amount there still is a strange amount of support considering we've seen people get canceled for really stupid things it was alarming to me to see the amount of support he was getting when i just don't think it's mandated in the least especially since it's not really our place for the people of us who are not the victims of his predatory behavior it's not really our place to be like oh i forgive you because it's like well he didn't do anything to us he did things to other people and they're the ones who can forgive him but aside from that it just seems strange to me that if someone admits that they were inappropriate with minors that you'd immediately be like oh everyone makes mistakes like yeah people make mistakes you might get your math wrong on [ __ ] but making a mistake is not equivalent to just casually being inappropriate with minors but anyway let's just watch the quote-unquote apology i have a weird position on youtube where i've seen a lot of things from a lot of perspectives and a lot of angles and something that a lot of people myself included so before you start to think you're a [ __ ] hypocrite i want you to understand that i'm coming at this from a perspective of someone who genuinely does not like past me because past me was immature past me didn't accept that he could actually be wrong pass me thought he was infallible every single time somebody makes a mistake in the world people are like man i hope nobody finds out and i think the thing that people realize is that's because from the [ __ ] get-go we're just taught man mistake better hide it otherwise i'm gonna be in trouble we forgot to actually teach lessons instead of just getting mad and so people grow up with a lot of pride and they realize man i'm so perfect so if anybody [ __ ] up i'm gonna project a lot of insecurities on those people because i'm infallible when i was younger i started this youtube because i didn't really have a purpose in life i needed something to give me some kind of purpose i didn't have any actual confidence i got my confidence from people telling me man you're great i understand the sentiment that he was going for here but i do think that that sentiment is only really valid for mistakes that are actually quote-unquote human mistakes like judging someone too harshly perhaps not being good at communication these are all things that most humans deal with and that are not shameful mistakes as long as you improve or try to amend what you did those types of mistakes are in one distinctive human category that probably every human at some point in life will [ __ ] up you can't put speaking inappropriately to a minor in that same category because first of all especially if you have some kind of fame or notoriety online speaking to i'm assuming fans or supporters whatever you want to call them is a complicated thing because you still want to remain appropriate especially if you don't know someone's age the best thing to do is assume that they're minors and act like they are and not become inappropriate in that particular way but aside from that thinking that you're infallible and all these other things like they all sound like platitudes because when it comes to minors and grooming it just doesn't really apply so it's it's not only incorrect but it's frankly quite cringy listening to this i just felt like i was listening to a let's not meet story and i love let's not meet stories but you can't put that same kind of vibe on an apology where you're explaining not only cheating on your girlfriend but cheating on your girlfriend with multiple minors as of now there are allegations again allegedly there are allegations that there are about 14 people he was inappropriate with apparently not all of them are minors but nonetheless that he was not appropriate with so when you're addressing something like that to turn it into this kind of like story time vibe is anyway that was immature also doing this i had never really left my room for so long i'd grown so much that i didn't realize i was a [ __ ] adult but i was mentally a child that is not an excuse for the record i've always felt disingenuous because i was never open with people about things because i was always hiding things i was never able to be genuine with people anymore after the fact that i cheated on my girlfriend with people who i didn't realize or even underage in the first place so yes i'm sorry but i promise you i'm not that same [ __ ] person anymore and i resent that person who i was i'm sorry that i was hiding who i was this whole time i've never wanted to be on a pedestal in the first place and i think that's because i was always afraid of people knowing who i really was just some lonely guy trying to find a purpose for some lonely guy who genuinely is someone who would be considered a basement dweller but luckily i live in florida so there's no basements it took me 31 years it took me until 10 minutes before my 31st birthday to realize i was going in a constant projection of [ __ ] nothing because i never really accepted who i was i always made excuses and i'm [ __ ] sorry for that i'm not gonna say any more because this is not some pity party this is more addressing the things that need to be said more so than giving people their dirt or tea or whatever the [ __ ] they need i just feel like people need to be able to express themselves be them victims or not i always consider myself a victim because of the way i was raised however that kind of mentality made me the actual instigator as opposed to the protagonist that i always thought i was because everyone said you're so perfect all the time that's a horrible mindset to take and everyone should really be able to look into themselves and see that they need to grow they need to stop excusing every little thing they do because they're afraid of the repercussions when he mentioned that he was raised to always feel like or act like he was the victim i i think that was a bad move simply because mentioning that you think that you're always the victim to me at least automatically makes me think like you might very well be playing the victim here and i don't think the format really works in his advantage because this kind of black screen dark story time mode he went into doesn't say okay hold me accountable look at my face while i'm talking to you listen to what i'm saying and see you know my regret or my emotion in my eyes here it's just kind of like it feels like a notes app apology read in a creepy story narration style it doesn't feel like anything is really being said and it's also like he pretty much touched on oh yeah the fact that i cheated on my girlfriend and talked to miners and then just kept going without really mentioning that again so it almost feels like the vague apologies you see on twitter where someone's apologizing but you barely know for what because they don't really talk about the actual problem and i understand why because it's a very uncomfortable thing to discuss because it's disgusting that kind of behavior is disgusting grooming minors speaking to minors inappropriately of course you wouldn't want to bring attention to that but at the same time if that's what you're apologizing for you kind of have to or else it just looks like you're trying to be the victim effectively whether you want to or not as soon as you start being afraid of the repercussions you stop growing i'm sorry genuinely i have in the description and enlisted video uh showing that i would really like people to understand that it is okay to express their feelings i feel like a lot of people are afraid of ridicule prejudices and bullying they are afraid of people picking on them because they're showing their genuine human emotion i feel like people need to be okay with doing that even if it makes them be the bad guy because that's the most human thing you can possibly do [ __ ] sorry again but i promise i've changed see in the next one so the video description here says edit for clarity no i was never with anyone under aged on a physical level it was all online but this does not diminish the act i just know this matters to those who are concerned this is a very serious video i'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness i just feel this needed to be said before i could finally move on with my life as well as to many others you can't really live life when you're repressing yourself and i feel like i've held back others as well as myself by just trying to protect my own selfish pride and not admit that i was horrible to others because i had no self-confidence in myself i took that from them because i was ignorant in my position because i always believed differently from the actual reality of oh no this is different blaming it on self-confidence i feel like is already not great because it just feels like there's the continuous pursuit of a reason like a a reason why but really an excuse as to oh i did this because i had low self-confidence i did this because people were always telling me how perfect i was and it's like well none of these things change anything though no that's excusing yourself i was excusing myself and not admitting to myself honestly about how my actions genuinely affected others and it inhibited so much goddamn growth that it isn't fair to anyone everyone is hurt by what you do no matter how much you justify things from the smallest thing we just keep pushing insecurities and cripples self-esteems because we ourselves don't have any either i'm so sorry i didn't and it took me so long to find my own voice and all of this without sitting there trying to find the perfect words like it was some kind of game so then on top of that he also pinned a comment saying this video is made during a manic state and is not accurate of what a proper apology looks like i deeply regret it as i never let the actual discussion properly be had this will be rectified in a future video after i properly address those effective individually instead of how i chose to slaphazardly go about this vein attempt to save face like a coward so many people have done before me i do not want to delete it because everyone's concerns and complaints are 100 valid and should not be skirt around anymore i apologize for my actions but i promise to deliver a proper coherent explanation keeping truly factual description with no attempt at garnering sympathy but addressing what needs to be said when people are hurting i needed to come to grips that i was projecting my own insecurities constantly telling people i never cared what people thought of me and it is time for me as a man to address that and so much more thank you for your patience while i take care of these personal matters in the next few days and i'll let my actions in the future speak for more than these words here ever will so now i think you can understand the reason why i was waiting for a follow-up video because it said in the next few days so i kind of assumed that within the two months or so that passed we would have had some kind of clearer explanation not that there's going to probably be anything to excuse any of that behavior but rather just to understand the full picture and see if there was really an attempt at a genuine apology or if it really all was still kind of just to get some sympathy in the comment section a lot of people were not having it so like i said back when i saw this when this occurred people were like i forgive you everyone makes mistakes blah blah whatever a couple of the top comments say i'm gonna use my dumb edgy storytelling voice to admit that i groomed kids that'll go down well or actually this one which is something i thought about because it just reminded me of onision it said this is the most amnesian apology i've ever listened to in my life and effectively i don't know if cryotic is planning on coming back i don't really know where he's planning to go from here but i just think it's interesting that he kind of addressed that this was a [ __ ] apology but then completely went m.i.a so now i'm starting to wonder is he going to stay away long enough so he thinks people are gonna forget and then come back and kind of just not really address it at all again because he's been banned from twitch as of september 10th i believe it was and so i just kind of wonder where he's going in the future because i really think that this was his actions were career ruining but him not really addressing them fully i think really put the nail in that coffin you guys can let me know what you think let me know if you think he's actually going to post something else or if he's just gonna try and come back later without really talking about it let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Views: 227,153
Rating: 4.9581966 out of 5
Id: ldFy1TaFCbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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