The Honor Code | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Sanctify Yourself Against Tomorrow

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[Music] numbers chapter 11 verse 10 says Moses heard the people weeping throughout their clans everyone at the door of his tent and the anger of the Lord blazed hotly and Moses was displeased and Moses said to the Lord why have you dealt yield with your servant and why have I not found favor in your sight that you lay all the burden of this people upon me did I conceive this people did I give them birth that you should say to me carry them in your bosom as a nurse carries a nursing child it is important to be in the environment that can carry what's in you it is important to submit submit to teaching that can carry you it is important to submit to counsel that can carry you it's a dangerous thing to live an uncaring life where am I to get meat to give all this people Moses is asking God how do I make provision for this type of people for they weep before me and I want you to pay attention to this because the objective of this complaint was provision and whenever you are following God provision is not easy until the end did you hear what I said when you're following dawn provision gets easy at the end and here's why sometimes when you have everything you need at the beginning of obedience you lose track of why you're following God because you have what you need and it doesn't mean that you follow God to get something it means that as you follow God your motives are aligned and they are corrected and provision is the fruit of a right motive I said provision is the fruit of a right motive have you ever been in a season where you really really really really really really really thought you needed a thing and that thing either didn't come or didn't come the way you had hope and when the season pass do you realize you actually didn't need it at all have you ever been in the relationship where you was in one of those old demonic r.kelly can't you can't sleep without you in my life don't want to go on this is my song don't want to do nothing if I one of them things and then The Fool left for whatever reason and you realize that life was just fine without it oh you don't want to have Church you-you-you don't know victory until you realize that there is life after a bad relationship if you have you ever had a breakup glory to God provision is always very difficult when you are trying to obey God they were telling Moses we want meat to eat and look at verse 14 Moses said I am NOT able to carry this people alone the burden is too heavy for me if you will treat me like this in other words most of the saying to God if you don't give me the power to carry this nation then kill me if you don't empower me to carry this people out of bondage into the future out of the hands of their adversaries into the Promised Land then kill me and then he says if I have found favor in your sight that I may not see my wretchedness not wretchedness wretchedness now look at verse 16 then the Lord said to Moses gather for me 70 men of the elders of Israel whom you know to be the elders of the people and offices over them and bring them to the tent of meeting and let them take their stand with you and as they stand with you at the tent of meeting I will come down and I will come down and I'll talk to you and I won't take some of the spirit that is on you and I'm gonna put it on them God said I'll take the spirit that's on you and I'll put it on them and you won't bear the burden of the people alone here's what I'm going to scream at you for about three minutes before I start throwing oil and say to the people consecrate yourselves for tomorrow King James says consecrate yourself against tomorrow and you shall eat meat for you have left in the hearing of the Lord saying who will give us me to eat but it was better for us in Egypt therefore the Lord will give you meat and you Shelly and you will not just eat for one day my goodness today and you're not going to eat for two days praise God and you're not gonna eat for five days you're not gonna eat for 10 days or 20 days but a whole month till it comes out of your nostrils you're gonna eat so much you're not gonna have room to hold what you're going to eat and it becomes loaves them to you because you have rejected the Lord and have wept before them saying why did we come out of Egypt father help me to scream a little bit in Jesus name Amen one the most important lessons you'll never learn in your life is a lesson in the law of alignment and you can be a part of a thing around a thing be aware of a thing and not be really aligned with a thing when you have a car and there is a need for annual alignments in the systems that make up the mobility of their car have to be following the instruction the signals the steering of whatever is going on in the driver's seat an alignment is a principle that's necessary for everything not only do you need personal alignment where your physical body is responding to what's going on in your head you need relational alignment it's always dangerous to have people around you that are not trying to go in the same direction talk to me this is what we call adversity many of the problems that many people have may be self-inflicted or self infighting because of relationships that are not aligned it's difficult to walk together in different directions you can be different people you can have different values you can even have different strengths and weaknesses but your direction should be the same I believe your emotions need alignment you know when you have gone through hard times there is a trauma that comes upon your emotional self your psychological self suffers and you almost start to live so defensively that your capacity to love is put under strain and subsequently you end up treating people in your future like they are the people from the pass and it is your personal responsibility to align your emotions that I don't have to feel this way because my feelings control themselves I can make a decision with how I feel and subsequently I can decide how to approach things as I align my feelings say that is so I'm going to go to my next point but I want to caution you there to never let your feelings run wild if you want to end up in a relationship that's not going nowhere in a sexual pattern and a soul time if you want to end up and anything that devours time let your feelings tell you what to do I can't begin to imagine how much trouble people are in because their feelings are leading their lives you were not giving feelings to lead the bible does not say you will be led by your feelings feelings are unreliable talk to me they're not trustworthy if somebody walks up in your life and say I got feelings for you it doesn't mean that they are invested in you because they got feeling but I saw a evil thing where there were people who said they had a hope the Holy Ghost and were led by their feelings people who said they had been washed in the blood and we'll let by their feelings but feelings don't have a car target there is no vision there is no end goal the whole point of being found in your feelings is to lose the future that's why the devil wants you to get caught up in how you feel because he knows that you can't be caught up in your feelings and still have the future feelings are very out of order when you come through hard times another thing that also needs alignment is your speech one of the things that I know about God is as he is freeing you as he is delivering you as he is growing you it is important to align your conversation now let me be clear there is a place for venting if you don't think I believe a spirit of profanity or grow in your life so my ask me other day why you talk in tongues so much I said cuz I used to cuss so much and I don't speak in tongues I'm gonna go back to an unknown now you looking at me like that how many of you were cuss appraised good now some of you are still a Cussler but and and I believe when you are knowing it you comes better than non anointed people the gift in my life were put together the words there wasn't supposed to go together and it will put greater weight in the insult cuz I could cuss intelligently I wasn't a normal cutter he Baba bababa and enough you know who else cuz good as drunks don't get quite when you get drunk it's a spirit of poetry that begins to matter I'm not talking about hey diddle diddle cat in the fiddle have you ever cut somebody out under inebriation I have learned the power of a lined speech of being able to say what God says even though I don't feel it I'm being able to confess what God is doing even though I don't see it I'm being able to announce what he showed me when it's still really difficult to see and I understand that that's an important principle because as I allow things to come out of my mouth I permit things to come into my world many of you are not seeing things because of what you're not saying the tongue needs alignment I set the tongue needs alignment and if I'm gonna go a little deeper the tone needs alignment I mean the devil not just listening to your tongue he's listening to your tone it needs a liner the Old Testament prophets would pray set a watch on map [Music] alignment is a powerful thing and the scripture I just read to you shows that God was trying to align Israel the Hebrews with their promise God spoke it God revealed it and then he gave them leadership suited for the future now whether you realize this or not the future is a leadership issue the people that have the future are those that understand the principle of following Christianity is a massive follow the leader lifestyle you got to follow the Word of God the conviction of the Holy Spirit but let me say something about this this is gonna be a bunny trip but it's my church I I really am starting to gain interest in people that are convicted Noah it's difficult to impress me but the people who are always infatuated with no matter how good they are or how any sin they are or whatever they are I love convicted people because that area of conviction if you can get a man or a woman to cultivate that in their conviction that person has deep profound capacity to change if you start trying to make a person a place a church change beyond conviction you're going to waste energy and waste money and waste effort now let me encourage you because I need an encouragement about this I used to hate the fact that I was easily convicted I'm gonna be very honest I couldn't stand it I remember growing up around people and going places and doing things and there would be people who would be able to - who would be able to do a stupid things first for several days for me I would do a stupid thing and non and by 1131 I can't I don't have a church nowhere I said by eleven thirty one something in the Alan Alda with the Holy Ghost or gas or whatever but something in me would start moving because my spirit man listen was trying to communicate that my last action was not integral to my potential and so I used to be anger Fermo cuz they didn't have the same conviction but I learned later in my life to appreciate the leash my about the one I said I'll learn to appreciate the leash I've had a real short leash and when you have a short leash you get jealous at the dogs that get the chance to roam [Music] I don't want to have to when you have a short leash you look at the Doberman over there and a greyhound over there and how to get to pee wherever they won't and hump on whoever they won't y'all wanna have Church and and and and lady wherever they won't call me to God they scratch up on a fire hydrant do whatever you want but when you got a short leash even when you try and eat it when you bark and even when somebody comes up on you to try to fight you you can't even hit them back because of the lease but those hands together for the least the least laughter my preacher put those that come on put those hands together for the leash the leash is for longevity the leash is for the victory the leash is for the peace the peace the people put those hands for the least the least God God had to Hebrews on a leash and God was leading the Hebrews by the leash you see God not only leads you by the doors he opens he also leads you by the ones he closes even a closed door is a form of the leadership of God if God closes a door or if he allows is a door to close it's a part of how he's steering you to follow and pursue the ones that should be open the Hebrews much like us got to a point in their journey where they despise the leadership of God I didn't like his approach I like where you're taking me I just hate how you get me there Oh y'all the whole blessed trials they don't wanna say man I love the end result but this twists and turns and stops and starts and pauses I don't like this route but God is looking for people that trust has motive even when they don't like his method y'all don't want to picture me I said God is looking for people that trust his thought even when his hand is hard upon you in the middle Moses is a future leader he's a man that has seen the future God took him to the future several times and that's what enabled him to take a people there this is a part of our crisis so many times we follow men who are still trying to figure the future out nobody leads beyond what they've seen if an individual or system has not seen the future they have no conviction toward the future they cannot take you there the Moses had a deep deep deep deep deep deep deep conviction about the future it was the only reason he wanted to live I'm going to the promised land I got another point but I want you to grab somebody who needed nails done and tell him I'm going to the promised land come on the cuticles is growing like wild grass come on grab them you know that woman they had no pedicure in years grab a I'm going to the future I'm going I'm going you can come if you like but that's for me and my house and my body and my mind and my friends and my degree and my marriage and my children my puppies my kittens my goldfish go into the future [Applause] that was a type of man Moses was I'll leave you for the future I'll cut you off for the future L avoid you for the sake of the future going with me is an amenity but I can get where I'm going whether you going or not I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going come on sappy peepers I'm going I'm doing I'm going on but I have made a personal decision and a commitment to trust my future and if you go fine if you stay fine but I'm not staying here hallelujah [Applause] the future started calling Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses Moses but Moses his challenge was that he couldn't get his people to see what he saw and when the people don't see what you see they can't trust you to take it there maybe your trust issue oh listen to me don't preach like this no I am romantic maybe your trust issue is a vision issue maybe you don't trust because you don't see God is looking for those that will be lead even though they've not seen you heard it even if you don't see [Applause] you will overcome hardship if you ain't heard nothing you're not gonna recover well if you not heard nothing we don't walk by sight we walk by play you got to open up your ears in this season hear the sound of the abundance of Ryan he heard it before he saw it now many people try to hear something they see we've got an idea or a preset definition and now you want to stretch your ear to yank God's voice to validate what's in your mind this is my career you preaching they grow this is my desire this is my city this is my gift and you got this deep Bulldog like commitment to what you want cuz heaven knows what I want is better than what you want and I'm not gonna cheap in my glory to give you a quick fix this ain't motel 6 and you are not my hole he said don't call me ish I am your husband man I'm here to marry you so I can take you over this ain't no one nice pan for me I'm the colonnades keeping got a feel Chuck y'all won't shout with me I've got a future Israel couldn't see it I couldn't see it I want you to imagine how frustrating it is to preach to people who can't see counsel people who refuse to sit imagine how frustrating it must be to try to leave those who don't have eyes Moses Moses got heavy I'm not a Moses prophet if God do me I'm gonna kill all them Moses went into arbitration I would have said not my wheel Moses heard something I want you to be honest with yourself III don't want you to hide under that so win under them bobby-pins I want you to be honest with yourself the Bible said he desired truth in the inward parts have you ever had the thought that life was easier before I decided to follow God a liar's have you ever had that even if it was a fleeting look life was easier watch me when I didn't have to figure it out okay I'll do this invisible god I didn't want it on with me real time didn't want I didn't ask for that I wanted my stuff to be clearly planned out you will do this this this this and it will happen there I don't want to have to go without and then how to have dreams and visions that meet mysterious people and Cha one thing and did not work and try another and did not work only to get to the third thing and it worked my idea is what can I do it the first time I had to work that but you let me and guide me through swapping scorpions and serpents and valleys and rivers why do the bound had it easier Wow does the heathen have more help Wow does the destructive have more celebration Egypt Israel was on that journey Moses appreciate your staff appreciate your your Red Sea thank God for you but I'm reflecting right now and although I didn't have freedom I had food and although I wasn't technically not a slave I lived a predictable life and and and and my predictable life took my problems away and in their mind and hearts maybe they are saying maybe Pharaoh what net bag we were doing fine before mr. I am that I am came in his Bush time I'll let my people go I mean we wanted to be free initially we was ok to get the things started but we all know you that well anyway from have you ever not don't lie to me cuz God will get you have you ever made a vow to the Lord and decided maybe I'm gonna take this back you don't want to tell the truth have you ever told God I'm going with you all the way and that midpoint was like you know what brought nah I'm out of here cuz my life was better before I was following you when I was following myself I knew the outcome [Music] the risk but fear the panic pH of following God is that he is unpredictable laughter like preaching now that we we serve Ross and unpredictable God no Matt you can study his patterns you can even hear testimonies from other people and it will look like he's taking you one way and then he'll show up and say I am the god of the u-turn they won't help me he told Abram I'm gonna take you all the way up to this mountain and you're gonna kill your bullet for me Abraham went through all these emotions said all these tears pat all these clothes got prepared for a journey and when he got to the apex of what he thought was going to be the requirement of God God said no I've got a ram in the bush somebody say trust listen trust Trust trust trust the u-turn of God I don't know who I'm talking to in this Anglican Church with a Methodist background and a Baptist uh sure at the back of the I want you to know trust his u-turn he knows the Wow the way that you take he is aware of the dangers that lie before you he's already been to the Future trust his future is dangerous to get frustrated to get offended and to get angry because he made a nerd suspected turn [Music] it was better in bondage yeah I was shocking I was making more money sadly I was a thot and a half but I had a nice car but at least I could get what I want and sent him back to his wife I had less problems devil the devil loves to make people think the life and disobedience is better than life in obedience and God's Word never says that as you obey things get easy so the devil loves to point to the difficult so that you can go back to disobedience but help the devil real quick just let him know you're not leaving your destiny and say I'm obey at all cost open your mouth tell them I obey it all come on sass on the Negro can hear you open your mouth don't be no pop come on BAE at all cost you can do whatever you wanna send whatever you want to my answer is still yes giving everything I know but this is loss for this shouting for this and that thing is stealing look at somebody saying all calls God is trying to get you to be a come what may Conda Christian it's better under bondage so God God the reason why you think and I'm moving to the final point life back there it's easier than life up here is cuz in sin in rebellion in disobedience you don't need faith think about it what did you need faith for when you was on the wrong side of the Cross nothing now when you step into obedience commitment dedication effort pursuit now you used to live a life driven by and around fear this is good because wits in comes the worship of fear so you work for fear of not eating and you have sex for fear of not being alone that whole world that whole universe is set up to be governed by Phobos which is the god of fear when you divorce that and you start trying to follow God you have to learn as it were a new language now God is like just me and you like what's that God is like hands vision you like what is that God is like wait and you like huh I'm grown come on how many of you had to wait in saying wait you here to get what you wanted but then when you go and obey God says I'm gonna do this but you're gonna have to wait on me the devil never tells you to wait on him does it he never says wait for this money oh wait for this family is this your bag do what you wanna do I can't tell ya who to sock it to you have to wait for the devil hi but when you start worshipping what God does is expands your capacity to wait oh you want me to turn my back you cannot be a worshiper waiting yes you worship as you wore as you as you pray God is deepening your capacity to way here's why hear this please Nicola here's why the devil don't care about your readiness you don't care about how ready you are God cares about your readiness so you'll speak to you about what he's doing and make you wait until you stretch out to the size of the promise see the devil will let you have the promise when you're still too small because then the promise will become the predator and you will die by divine promise in other words what God wants for you is so big that if it gives it to you before you can handle it it may actually crush you which is why waiting is what God does for people who love Him when you love God for real he makes you wait when you love God for real he shows up late I wish I had the time the Bible say the Lazarus died and Lazarus was the one that God loveth and the Bible say when he gotten wind of his emergency he did not call in uber praise his powerful name he didn't saddle the horse he slowed to his pace he loved that man so much that he decided to be late Who am I talking to I said he loved him so much that he decided to ignore the deadline of death and he did that because every miracle can only be valued in anticipation when miracles come when you want it to come you don't shout enough when miracle comes when you expected you don't praise enough but let it look like it's not gonna happen let it look like it could not happen let it go from impossible to possible let it go from how to reach to right before you you shout don't you you straight don't you you run and you'll get who's next to you you clean out all those up when he flips the script for you that is the reward of waiting Moses is complaining to God these people is getting on my nerve I've been trying to open their capacity for the future I've been trying to deep and within them a conviction about the future and they will not go i'ma tell you what God told Moses God acts Moses have you seen the future are you aware of the promised land don't you know what I've done for you before huh yes Lord well I tell you what I want you to go and find 70 people because when you're trying to go somewhere you don't have to have perfect attendance I wish I had help all you need is a remnant if you're trying to change your family the family reunion may not be a good place to start get you about four or five one of the problems with you is that you're trying to move with too many numbers you've got to concentrate your energy for a more potent reaction and response I appreciate the fact that you have 20 friends but you're gonna only be transformed by about a good three or four you got to nap y'all on believe me you got to narrow them things town when Gideon was trying to obey God he was generous many of you under the sound of my voice well I'm a proper bless you if you listen you you are imprisoned by your own generosity your problem is you can't get over the fact that the ideal is that everybody goes and everybody sees I want my whole squad to win sorry boo-boo bye-bye statistics only a few of you are gonna make it even Jesus said broad is the way that leadeth to destruction it's a way to lead it to life 7 and I want you to bring them to the tent of meeting because when the future is up for grabs God schedules a meeting he's scheduled visitation before you go to your future you will have several supernatural visitations from God and I'm not talking about I was waiting at the red light and a pigeon came or my car is said oh and I knew God was getting my attention I'm talking about when heaven invades the earth I'm talking about dreams and if I know what I'm talking about am I talking Swahili i'm talking about supernatural experiences that cannot be explained to the carnal man i'm talking about things that happen around you that mess your world up now when God starts talking about the future what he does is he brings his world into yours his environment into yours his temperature into yours and you're gonna go in a Caesar wears like angels and demons are fighting you at the same strength up where heaven and hell is trying to reach for you at the same level did a victory on Monday up in backlash on Tuesday commotion on Wednesday believes on thursday set free from addiction father and kid origel saturday rich joy when you fall into diverse child fiery temptations huh how great is your immediate I need to move but I have a word for you a meeting is coming when we were at the prophetic revival God told me he was preparing us for a season of visitation let me tell you because God is not lonely for attention when he visits people it's not just to hold your hand and admire your skin and actually what your process is for your hair God visits with an agenda snap somebody who ain't been to the gym until I'm gone visits porn agenda doesn't matter else God visits porn agenda plus somebody with BTB another thing on the back of the neck became brush how come God visits porn agenda you better believe that when the God of heaven comes in your bedroom he's got something to say when the God of heaven comes in your car either he's about to convict you you don't want to say man or he's about to challenge you he don't visit to bring Christmas presents there is an agenda there is a schedule there is a dossier there is a docket of things a set of documents that God wants to reveal to you to bring you in a line with the future getting ready for dreams get ready for visitations get ready for angels get ready for prophetic words get ready for trends as some of you are gonna be caught up in the spirit I feel like God is saying many of you will go to pray and it will feel like you have been down there for 10 minutes and you're gonna look up and it's gonna be nighttime God is coming to arrest you come on tell somebody you are the rest come on say you are under arrest and anything you say can and will be used against you get ready Isaiah king of ayodhya you are about to see the Lord and he's gonna be high and lifted up after he comes you gonna be hung over for a few days because then you got to deal with his trade this person is hair but his garment is coming as well get ready teacher you are about to see angels of a different caliber angels of a different species and the one will show you is called The Watcher these are gonna have eyes everywhere trying to break into your world up coming back invitation visitations are the validation for the future he embosses ministry through visitations you can always tell when preachers have seen the dog they're preaching about versus the one that are preaching somebody they still not been introduced to and I'm not talking about the hi except she's in the book I'm time I wouldn't comes out of heaven and says why are you persecuting me I believe God is marking a minister that carries encounter in their mantle that introduces himself to them to empower them and embolden them listen you know why because without a visitation persecution is gonna kill you without a visitation people are gonna get on your nerves without a visitation you're going to be wounded up you're gonna be bitter up they're gonna be sensitive up but when the fear of God comes on you the fear of man leaves you come on open your mouth I want a visitation I can hear you sire I want a visitation I don't just want to read about you I want to see you I don't just want to read about you I want experience you take me there I wanna go there I wanna be caught up my chart I want to be arrested like Paul I wanna see you my data to see you now listen RJ God told Moses take them Negroes to the tent as a strategy of sifting because if they can't last through seeing how I deal with you then they don't need to go with you to the promised let me bust your bubble sometime God blesses you because he wants to he's like I'll show my loving-kindness to whoever I want just here but then other times God will bless you to smoke your life hey Julia God will give you a house a car a maid a promotion you know bless you make you win the lottery Lord let it be me please heal heal heal heal do all kind of stuff to favor you not for you often God will bless you to smoke your life out he wants an unusual way to show you who's really with you he wants an uncommon way to reveal the hearts and the intention of the people that you thought were supporters and you thought were sisters and you thought were friends why the favor of the Lord will test the hearts of people around you and you ought to always pay attention to who's not clapping when your name is called you are always pay attention up so who's a one-upper you know what a one-upper is if you say you got a call then they got the flu if you say you've got one husband then they got to you got to pay attention LJ a one-upper is the opposite of a debbie downer debbie downer always decreasing you but a one-upper is gonna make it seem like they've already been doing Oh No thank you and then they reach for your cake when you're trying to eat move it to God I command you to be set free from everyone upper in your life you lying loser get away from me you're not throwing me to the Future you are God to see 18 effects of what he'd been through I'm calling with God Lucas I'm going with God we'll send you a postcard from the future [Applause] that'll would have to - sayonara arrivederci [Music] Hedi Moses started complaining and he said God these people get on my nerve I want to go work for the post office he's all ungrateful uncircumcised nasty pus-filled monkeys is fighting me and I've been sent to help him I've been raised back from the dead to take them to the future and these buggers won't even buy me a happy birthday card I'm tired of them kill them all [Music] God told Moses take your 70 take him to the tent of meeting and I'm going to reach into your capacity and I'm gonna put what's on you I'm gonna put it on there but what about the rest don't worry about the rest if I can get a few to get it if I can get a few to see it if I can get a few to believe it I'll put the power to see the future on them and then they will get under the burden of the future with you and then further down in numbers 11 they will prophesy with you which is basically talk the talk of the future Moses was saying I'm talking the future by myself God said but when you take them elders up there and you put your hand on their head I'm gonna make them see what you see and then I'm gonna let you go and get some rest so they can keep talking about what they saw now they started prophesying with Moses but the Bible say this thing got wild there were two people call Eldad and Medad who were not in the camp with Moses and the Bible say that Eldad and Medad started proper sign too they picked it up by being around it they didn't go through the activations good cause they didn't have discipleship but they got in the right environments they they did have a mentor they were not ordained they got under the corporate anointing to be a favor real quick let's just remind the devil that is on us real quick see it matters what environment you subject your future to it murders what atmosphere you such a potential to the beacons that ticked off they call the fourth Sunday meeting with the general bullet what is we gonna do about Hill dad 'my dad ain't one of us they've been baptized in Jesus name they're down there with him jeans on in the house of God lights on and can all can't see through the windows the devil is alive and Moses said don't be mad at L dad and me dad envious doubt them for my age I wish that all of God's people could see what I see he shut him up because ultimately Moses his objective was through impartation to expand people's capacity for the future here is my message after they received the spirit of Moses to prophesy Moses was very protective of the anointing on his life I want you to hear what I said to you Moses was not loosing impartation to charlatans after Moses his spirit was transferred to these people he instructed them on how to carry the impartation many people receive importation before they've been well taught and give you impart to the ignorant they dishonor the impartation you must know how to carry what rests on your life did you hear me when I said what's on your life requires a department a certain posture a certain attitude and many of you are more guilty of dishonouring your own call than anybody else noise it said when I put this on you consecrate yourself for tomorrow set yourself aside for tomorrow because there's no way you are going into the promise as carnal as you are you can't be flesh driven flesh counsel flesh led I've got to consecrate you for tomorrow let me do a room check how many of you have been checked in the last seven days about an attitude problem I believe you been checked in the last seven days about a mouth problem how many of you have been checked in the last seven days about a wrong reaction how many have you been checked in the last 7 days about somebody you wronged in another season how many of you have been checked in the last 7 days about an inconsistency how many of you have been checked in the last 7 days about a lack of discipline which is the doorway for everything demonic how many of you have been checked about the absence of reconciliation with your tongue talking so congratulations you qualify for the future you qualify they won't shout with me Lord hello mahalia James Cleveland Albertina they won't shout with me I said congratulations you qualify for the future if he can't correct you and he can crush you if he can't kill you he can trust you with tomorrow if he did circumcise you who am I talking to us then he can challenge maybe change - he can't trust you with the future [Laughter] [Applause] be correct you cannot have the future I need some help prophesy no J but on some real Pentecostal stuff because I feel Wow Pal God is coming on my body would you tell seven people consecrate yourself for tomorrow come on get up come on tell them sanctify yours come on tell us sanctify you get out of your seat if you need to sanctify yourself sanctify us sanctify yourself sanctify yourself sanctify yourself say to power yourself sanctify yourself come on open up sanctify yourself I'm just about set boy new beginning I said sanctify yourself sanctify you not try to get you to stop doing something car doing something new - soda say sanctify [Music] if you wanna see tomorrow when I was little mostly y'all ain't this old my wife predates this I had an Atari then I went from an Atari to a Nintendo great I'm that had cassettes about this beer and then when it was over he [Applause] right his name you put it in there but man around tax time Charles we got a little faster I got a Genesis because I had it I promise you only thing about the Genesis is that they didn't have pac-man yellow hood so there I learned Genesis and on Genesis my favorite game was Sonic the Hedgehog you can't help but you can't see and then I got it I don't know how I got all this stuff cause he broke his head I did I got a Super Nintendo all right the dockwood XY on the other side hallelujah and our play street fighter glory to God I would get chun-li and E Honda y'all know what have such an hour press q y ey ey ey ey then Genesis gotta upgrade and you got Mortal Kombat get over here hallelujah turbo gotta happen then they mess me up with the Gameboy cuz the antenna was losing so much they do out a look with smaller cassettes you do like this do you realize with all of them had in common Tori every one of the different operating systems different size cassettes different looks on the TV but they all had a button that was different from the on and off switch a reset button it doesn't matter if any of the gains froze it doesn't matter if he was losing in the middle of a street fight it doesn't matter if you hadn't found with your enemies you had the right to exercise your right to reset you had the right to push that button and see if you wanted to get it tournament look at my buddy and say recent sorry it was broke reset reset reset is I do [Music] the way you start over for real if by sanctifying yourself I'll care how many vision boards you make how many grants you a platform how many goals is on your to-do lists you got to sanctify yourself against tomorrow I wish I had the time when you got saved you sanctified yourself from yesterday you came out of something and it came away from something and you washed up to get rid of the church but this wash up look at somebody say this wash up will obey yo man yo face up say this wash up I'm trying to come out enough trying to go into something because of something I Peter something I wanna do mrs. laptop the church I wanna shave I thought it yes that's what gave David a future it wasn't just that he start apologizing he sanctify himself for tomorrow and that's different from sanctifying yourself from yesterday the focus is different one is the past and the other is the future one is out of guilt and the other is for glory sanctify me come on the disciples were not insane when Jesus prayed sanctify them it was not a sin issue it was an issue of the season and here is the word of the Lord to you this is a season to sanctify yourself because you are about to have multiple new beginnings and multiple fresh start you must sanctify yourself [Laughter] he's trying to gut you like a fish so he can expand his glory in you or praise his powerful name he's trying to empty you not just from struggles and fears but but from doubt hesitation laziness and indifference and inferiority and insecurity he's trying to go way in there to put a pure flow in you and pure power in you so that you can handle the future with great fear father we lift our hands to you [Music] and we pray what Jesus prayed sanctify us I feel God's fire up sanctify us by your truth for your word is true the Lord as you prepare us for the coming days we won't fight you we won't resist you we won't argue we will comply we will obey and we'll follow you with all of our heart well I feel that with all of our strength with all of our mind holding nothing back we're going to the future clean so it is in Jesus name that we're going to the future clean in Jesus then come on if you believe that I said if you believe that if you're going to obey that all the temperatures if you know God is calling you to sanctify yourself God is calling you to sanctify yourself thank you a couple of minutes in saying yes for coming I can hear you sighing fine [Laughter] [Music] I'm gonna open a new verse then I'm gonna dismiss then imma open my altar but David pray Julia is Psalm 51 have mercy upon me O God [Music] according to your loving-kindness he said blot out my transgressions he said move my iniquities and then he came to this point against thee and thee only have I sinned and done this evil in your sight and then maybe he fool around and said created me now I said he said created me and the reason he had to pray for it to be put there is because he had no clue what was there if I don't have the right heart put the right heart in me create in me a clean heart here's the part they don't like and redo the right spirit [Music] and then he said purge me why you to purge me purge but hyssop now we were coming up in church when you were purging you were foaming you would probably deliverance you would see folk rolling on the floor y'all remember that Foca have frothy mouth tonight they getting purged you be like lord please don't purge me but hyssop is the Old Testament broom it was basically strings of hard material that they would use to clean the corners of areas he basically asked God to sweep him out because there are some obvious things that you need to be delivered from but dust only looks obvious when there's a lot of it there come on let your hand say purge me what we immerse a purge me he urged me with his said I will be clean whatever you do take not thy Holy Spirit from me because without him I can't see the future without him I have nothing to live for without him I can't handle the promise I need the Holy Ghost to feel welcomed in me so clean me that's what God is
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 39,808
Rating: 4.8772278 out of 5
Id: gW3k5ObDzTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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