The Honor Code | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | No Honor From Home

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let's go to the Word of God we are learning a new language and the language that we are learning is honor we're learning the honor language we are learning the honor life we're learning the honor culture and a part of why I am deliberately crafting this in this church is because we have been immersed in decades of dishonor I mean baptizing it so much so that we are desensitized to what it looks like we have no grid for what it is and what it's not and much of it comes from people's right for their opinion and their right to me however they want to be and so when you confront a dishonourable anything and you push the kingdoms value system for honor many people respond in fear because they don't want to be controlled so they see dishonor and the comfort of dishonor because dishonorable is a very comfortable thing honor at first is going to always feel very uncomfortable why because it's the nature of the kingdom the nature of the kingdom the kingdom of God flows by honor and authority can we say that together the kingdom of God flows by honor and authority it really does and it's how God moves every plan he has every purpose he has through honorable behavior and through honorable sources and the people of the Lord said amen and the idea in the Greek the word for honor literally means to add value you literally through honor add worth and value and to dishonor it means to subtract or to take away value so if you have a dishonorable habit because a lot of our dishonor is habitual when you have dishonor what you do is you live engage interact and speak in a way that takes away from people's worth you beyond degrade them you subtract you take away from them so it's one of the ways that the roles in our lives are robbed from our bosses to our pastors to our friends to our spouses to dishonor them is to decrease their worth to honor them is to literally make them bigger people when you honor people you make them bigger and they can be bigger and not like you or bigger and not in your preference and bigger and you can still disagree but you be found in dishonor in a season of favor because it's one of the devil's way of making sure you live a restricted life and that's a part of what I'm gonna talk about today so honor is very important it is very very uncomfortable as you hear it and as you get opportunity to live it out honor becomes more you know what's interesting certain cultures do it differently Hispanic cultures do it differently there is a regard for the elders or the elderly because a certain african continent's and people groups have been so oppressed they have deliberately by virtue of culture not even religion because many of them may or may not believe in Jesus Christ but culturally they teach honor because they are all they have when you have criminal assaults on your water your diamonds your land your property and the majority of the world is acting like you're nothing of people from African descent in their tribalism in the way they relate a part of their culture is honor it is honor because if the rest of the world D values us it would make no sense for us to join the direction of the people that oppress us we have got to make sure that we live in honor to acknowledge rank protocol order and to increase our value the church has not done a good job at increasing people's values we use them when I can get out of you but that's the difference between honor and flattery if you honor with the intent to get something in return it is flattering honor is honor because it has no expectation honor is not honor until you can do it without anything in return if you are honoring to the point of usefulness or to the point of a promotion to the point of getting something out of somebody it's not honor because it's deceptive it is deceptive and the people of the Lord said Amen so I'm going to be teaching this all month because these principles are transforming people and one of the things that Lord told me that he had it's brought a season of repentance this message has been confronting people in a very uncomfortable place because it's easy for us to conceptualize it you know the Holy Ghost are talking to me about this morning if you were and I'm almost tempted to preach it how to lead and join a new church there are so many but here's the deal I only got to do it cuz I'm not scary there's stuff that I'm a confront head-on because we're being ruined because of it think about how many people for whatever reason I don't like the past no more I didn't get a promotion or more they got favorites over there I didn't get the singer or whatever the issue it whatever or I'm not growing whatever the Rica's there are right and wrong reasons to dismiss yourself I'm a local body think about how many people leave churches dishonorably and many times because of the last season they were at the church they'll be at a place for years now some people ain't gonna burst and nowhere for years cuz they're just disabled Christians and D stable people they have they fear stability so something in them feels like in order to be innovative and creative and out the box they got to continue to roam in life they'll be broke forever no matter what they did is gonna happen that way Wow because in order to prosper you got to be still sometime that is so but think about y'all man already but which I get to 10:30 think about how many people or how many pastors how many leaders would be more whole if people left with an honor see I know that's messing with you because you need to honor or detox from dishonor the things that we think is normal is not normal it's actually very very belligerent there is a pastoral genocide in the earth and the devil is behind it and he's using Christians to do it I said think about it what have you left out the door like you I'm out of here you can't preach no more I found a new church I'm moving a new city but here I'm gonna show this to you and honor many pastors they're not gonna be like no normal ones now if they demonic there maybe but angle be like your marriage ain't gonna work you you like gonna be ruined what would he do what would he do it would literally break the tension off of the transition but you Negros Lee places destroy value systems council people to also make the decision you make it care all and here's a trick you begin a new journey with the seed of dishonor and you think you gonna be blessed that's why many people get cursed not because they leave churches but because they so dishonor before they start something new that's the issue it is normal for us to do stuff like that I'll sleep all day yesterday something a little thought a tough today I'm not as young shuddhi and will me out yesterday I I can see straight go to mark chapter six verses one through five I'm going to teach until honor is screaming out of your ears mark chapter six verses one through five and who was ever up there not the amplified classic with I'm gonna teach you some things when Jesus showed up to Israel out of a place called Nazareth he was the opposite of what they were expecting he looked nothing like what they were expecting think about it they had centuries of prophecies concerning the Messiah's appearance and his subsequent behavior so they were expecting this militant angry warhorse to come and rescue Israel from Roman oppression they wanted him to be mad and and and and dress in camouflage and to really be in that sense a radical Jesus shows up very very opposite and very contradictory to their expectations I have to say that again he showed up very opposite at very contradictory to their expectations and sometimes when things show up beyond are outside of our personal definition of them dishonor is natural so you have to know that because God is God and he loves picking on people God is very strict about putting things you need in packages you don't expect he seldom ever makes your answers arrived package how you want because then the only thing you got to do is receive no he wants you to go through some changes a value system for what he put in another person that is so-and-so he pops up and what Jesus pops up doing I got to give you this historic batch of first of all he talked of the prostitutes he had clubs a focused drink he I mean folks got wine going on said he loved he a wine-bibber he's certainly at the Messiah and then he's hanging out with tax collectors now for historic value this is not aging our block a tax collector in the Bible was literally a mafia a member of the Mafia they would do anything to oppress the poor even if it cause bloodshed injury the houses so this man is hanging out with the mob he's hanging out with strippers and prostitutes and he's around folk they're saying carnal music or sabbath-keeping so far Moses quoting Israeli I would be mad too you didn't come to save me living like that looking like that you could not do that and look at how that intro takes people off in mark 6 1 Jesus left there came to his came to his came to his Nazareth and his disciples followed him when the disciples when the Sabbath came he began to teach in the synagogue and many who listen to him were astonished saying where did he get this information from this knowledge and spiritual insight what is this wisdom his confident understanding of the scripture that has been given to him and such miracles as he performed by his hands 3 is this not the carpenter the son of Mary the brother of James and Joseph and Judas and Simon are not his sisters Jesus was not an only child here with us and they were deeply offended now listen this is the wisdom point if you are easily offended you are the most likely to be dishonorable because offense and dishonor coincide an offended person will dishonor to justify their offense hey Christians should never go on elongated journeys of offense you cannot have the Holy Ghost and an offended heart sensitive service they were deeply offended to the fact that he was anointed by God as the Messiah did you see that their disapproval of him blinded them to the fact that he was anointed to be the Messiah look in verse 4 Jesus said to them this is so powerful this is so rich a prophet is not without honor respect we need a revelation of respect except that you would learn this honor in your home look at how this works that in this scripture home and honor don't go together he said the prophet is not without honor except when he's at home how do Manik is that that the environment responsible for your journey and responsible for your development it's the first place many of us see dishonor verse 5 here is my message this is what Jack's me a poodle as a future preacher listen to me [Music] what he didn't he chose not to he could not now I am Baptist born I'm Baptist bred till I got the Holy Ghost as all I knew and I know God can do anything but fail everything is possible for God God ain't got no restrictions but if you want to see the policy of the father look at the life of the son if you want to see the value system of God the Father study Jesus's life it shows you how God thinks Jesus connect correct do any mighty miracles yeah except ladies on a few sick people so this is what this looks like this man is normatively raising dead people are opening blind eyes healing the death-dealing with palsy that's that's that's literally retardation by birth so he is regularly and easily dealing with all kind of deformities diseases and here he comes and lays eggs a few bats this honor restricted the power of God from moving at Nazareth cuz he was not what they were expecting let me put yourself in this context Jesus has just opened up Isaiah 60:1 the Spirit of the Lord God is upon thee for he has anointed me here is all of that closing the book and this says this Jenny has the scripture been fulfilled in your hearing in other words I'm the guy he was writing about and this says that the women and the men that were listening to him in the synagogue was like did he go to school hey Bob did he just sell you a kitchen chair ain't at the carpenter pulling out pictures Eric didn't graduate with your sisters they literally said are not his sister's here with us when any man makes an announcement of who they are in the context of dishonor the normal reaction is to humanize what they're trying to say is supernatural how old is he some of the over a knee the same boy I got Frankie is your age and what happened what could have been aimed at them supernaturally now God immediately restricted because they refused to see the miracle in the man because they were distracted by how like them he was or was not pissah now I got another segment for you but let me ask you a question how much is in restriction in your life and listen restriction you may have some of something but it could not be what you should have if you have unchecked dishonor this honor is the way to make sure you live restricted heaven puts restrictions on dishonorable stuff it has to Wow because I don't want you to be a thief I just told you that you this honor is to subtract when you live in dishonor you walk around taking value from people taking respect from people taking stuff from people how many people do you know all of those justifications because this guy is showing up unlike where they had hoped and this was what he was always because dishonored is where God stops Oh how does this guy who does everything all the time my god [Music] there's not my god no you no no no there's a lot of stuff he can't do particularly where dishonor is active that's why many gifted talented anointed people are restricted cuz God will use your ability he's just not gonna resource you if you're in dishonor go to Luke chapter five put up in the King James Version chapter five what they should have done was honor him to make him bigger that's what it means to magnify they should have added to that value so that they could receive from it dottie brothers said being so powerful during the Lockean you don't get access to an anointing you dishonor you don't get access to an annuity you can enjoy it you can watch it but you won't partake of it until you honor it you must honor it chapter 5 verse 17 through 24 hey ciao 17 through 24 in the KJV are you there and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law look at me so this is literally preachers and teachers Pharisees and doctors of the law specialized in the law in the culture of Moses so he is preaching to preachers oh man he's preaching to preachers I'm gonna say it one more time he's preaching to preachers they came out of every town sits like convocation Galilee Judea what prize to heal they're not listening to me the power of the Lord was present to heal preachers and teachers I want you to conceptualize Jesus is preaching to preachers and teachers the power of God came because apparently there was a need the power of the Lord was present to heal the people he was preaching to who just happened to be preachers which meant they probably need healing look at verse 18 and behold men brought in a bed a man which was taken with palsy and they sought means to bring him in and to lay him before him and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude they went on the housetop and let him in through the roof to bring him before Jesus and when he saw their faith look at what Jesus did Jesus said man your sins are forgiven thee and the preachers and teachers began to reason Oh [Music] did they not know who he was Jesus talking in front of them as a stranger no they knew what they're really asking this who do you think you are they knew Jesus was but when he saw his interaction with somebody who was desperate enough who said I don't need a doorway I don't either Alma Mary if I got to get to the healing Papa I'll get to the roof see me in the basement in the overflow I'll wait in luck I'm coming through the rooftop when they saw listen the sick man's confidence in Jesus they were offended at Jesus he's just a man don't worship heavy flesh like me who do you think you are we all preaches a teacher I've been around the block a long time who do you think you are okay I forgive sins but God alone but when Jesus perceived their thoughts which means that dishonor conversation you can show up honorably if you think about a person dishonorably you are still in dishonor good actor and you don't get rewarded in heaven for acting talent scout agency the Bible say he searches the mind he searches the reins of the heart and when there is dishonor in your thinking you are already Dishonored jesus answered them and said what reason ye in your hearts whether it's easier to say your sins are forgiven will rise up and walk he's like which one do you prefer you want me to tell him his sins are forgiven or that he's going to be healed the verse 24 says but that you may know that the Son of man hath power upon earth to forgive sins I say unto you arise take up that couch and go into the here is the crime why was the power of the bullet present to heal but the preachers because of their dishonor because of their disrespect they could not receive what was sent there for them to somebody who was willing to see Jesus from a high angle truck town enough to get a miracle and he walked away with the healing that was for the people he was preaching to the power of the Lord was present to heal them this gospel let's not say that not one of the Pharisees walked away with healing none of them but the power of the world was present to heal them and they walked away without it because they wanted to know who you think you are why are you so confident why come on a man don't God talk to all of them I'm a prophet is too you've got to be very careful of this even if you don't see this in a local church setting look at it in your jobs what are you not getting out of your boss because of how you behave what understanding are you not reaping you go through a harsh life circumstance and you just need some understanding is I intend to be my best self I'm going to bring my best self I'm just really going through and they are intolerant many times not because they are not see it's because of your behavior you are not worth me being patient with see those people don't have the Holy Ghost if you have a carnal boss God's not going whisper then they say treat my servant well know that basic all of our actions on the type of person you are they have the right to decide what they're going to tolerate [Music] no employee is going to give extended favor to a c-level worker he's gonna see his school just by sawing let's see a no effort to pray for me now some of you might be but the majority you are not you're going through your own refusal to adapt the culture of honor and to realize that you don't wait on somebody else to become honorable before you do you don't take your choose from what people do you take your cues from what's right by the Word of God and you do it if they never do it but because y'all are more convinced to behave like left-wing Democrats that you are citizens of the kingdom of God you go into the the argument of fairness justice equality the rights of the struggle power to the people that same hand is going to come and oppose everything you do because before God allows you to resist Authority he'll allow you to lose your mind he will not allow you to ruthlessly and recklessly oppose Authority because if he does everything's legal everything goes and you have no parameters around your behavior you'll believe me try it every man doing what's right in their own eyes has been cursed as the book of Exodus [Music] make it a church principle cuz you don't want to abide by it control but you come to the house roam your hips in and out at wheel refused to honor and regard and interact healthily with authority and don't want to be challenged to do so without starting to look gained or clicked or asset that can support your inability to be convicted let me tell you something the best leaders in the world are easily convicted and when you beat up somebody who can't get convicted easily you will never be trusted with responsibility I am an easily convicted man and when the Holy Ghost puts his hammer on me the last thing I'm thinking about is your role in my conviction we'll keep you in the posture correction I don't trust people who don't have convictions convictions are powerful it's the Holy Spirit's weapon of change when I want to change your life will change a direction will change a level I consider [Music] he uses the word to convict wisdom to convict so think about what can't happen in a heart that's hard to convict a church people but the whole of creation is set up to respond to the law you dishonor children they're going to sew in man it's in everything you won't escape it and the most heartbreaking thing is you can bind it [Music] because coming after me he has a right to you y'all are in legal agreement roles they play there is an honor you give to a daughter [Music] the black church has dishonored the homosexual community is embarrassing that that the first thing you ought to tell a gay man or lesbian woman is that they need to repent before you ask to be named they are depressed before you find out if they have food the church has done a bad job at honor and did here's the hypocrisy how in hell are you gonna be a liar and put yourself in a position to honor somebody for a sexual issue at the end of the day you're both gonna end up on the same tour inhale because there's still a person and Jesus died for them just like he died but would come to go god Eva dishonor we treat people like their problems and issues there is a person inside of this life a heart and and and you will get in trouble with God Jesus died and shed his blood now I don't believe it by going to heaven okay sorry what to come suddenly stop there brother don't come Saturday when I'm with praise God's powerful night well there's a seductive deception but you know one of the wise working coz of y'all evil mean dang cankerous merciless rebellious Christian wizards and gypsies that Pro rocks so I would create my own religion too if I could these Christians are dishonorable you dishonor people of other faiths now we know Jesus is the king of kings that ain't debatable and we know the Buddha all them other guys or fallen angels we know that but what gives you the right to behave superior because somebody has not come into the light you tried to dishonour a Muslim because they don't believe in Jesus did Jesus die for Muslims ha ha yes what gives you the right to look at a gangbanger or somebody on the street and grab your purse with $20 in it and walk off fares and dishonor them you are insane God is calling for people that will honor everybody religious cell a transgender person or a poor person and then get your little skeezer hips in and a selfie and ask for some I assign your picture when you see a celebrity I'll pair you sign my Jersey is this person worth more I mean I recently like LeBron James's new but is he worth more than whoever you work with the Christians have got to repent but the dualism their hypocrisy their standards and y'all's behavior behavior I don't like that it's difficult to but here's a problem when you leave one place destructively very seldom does that leader get mad at you he gonna also get mad at me like I personally called you and said you know now I don't do that there's some booze out there to do it even in Chicago I don't go around calling I have never called a sheep from another house and said my church is better no I don't do that foolishness they only do that against this place I'll do it in what world is that okay this is lunatic behavior and it only works in the church I'm you do and here's a problem what they don't realize is they're going to reap it you will reap that behavior that God ain't looking at you like oh I understand it how like there might I know he's looking at you like how slow could you be to think that I'm gonna be mocked about not allowing you to read what you saw when this season is over the harvest of this one conversation is gonna find you in the next one this destroy a church come here I might ride change the world selfie and our Bishop Godzilla mad at me I don't even know you like that hey don't worry that's ma'am we don't know each other you're doing that to retaliate from a wound and a hurt from somebody behind you leave cut ties but do so in honor make it hard for people to eat you and hard for people to say that you were rebellious and inconsistent it's ridiculous the level of dishonor that we saw we are responsible for leadership genocide in the earth we kill our own because we don't agree so no I don't like the way you do that but you're not gonna catch me at disarms there was a woman of God couple of weeks ago walked up to me and I need to ask yourself [Music] after me like I love crowds and preaching a thousand people but that percent of introvert come out when I've done ministry I won't talk to you let me alone she comes god Oh bet she would come and ask me because I started teaching and she said my former apostle one year I asked you to invite him no circumstance and I said I did she said yeah I said well that sounds like something I would say I just don't think Oh said the same thing do you know him yes name is blank blank blank playing am i like him either I want to find him actually I miss it I'm telling you - okay and she said he taught me this he said that too get caught in this other effort but many of you would have done is roll your eyes my sons were around me watching how I was don't respond but many of you would have done it said oh I left the whale to we got experience with that place I'm gonna even go there and now what you've done is you've sown four seeds to the people that are around you eavesdropping on the conversation and they're going to water it by making versions and variations of their own story and you are the gardener that started the mess I guarantee you your day is going to come [Music] hello and I'll have Bible that I'm supposed to like have Bible that have to grow in my love wall but I love a lot of folk I like Oh but I was not going to be found in dishonor you will never be able to say I heard this from Matthew Stevenson he told me this nope I shut my mouth I'm validated the anointing Hoshi's I said he has tremendous fruit that's a good a good covering for you and I want to say because if he was one of mine I had to rebuke you for walking up on another leader asking what they think about your leader so I kill you ladies so you ain't for me I want you to go there that's what she wanted she want me to say come on over here we want you in the whole nation then I said the route on the way I said you go you honor that man follow him submit to him because my night will ruin you I'm anointed for people like you under somebody comes up to you and asks you about somebody you're like what you're gonna do we just have this and the Bible said no no man after the flesh stop acting like a person's dynamic with you is how they are maybe they just don't like you and you become the brand ambassador spreading rumors and there people are making decisions about what they think many of you need delivers from secondary offense do what your boy here so you will fit me to some apple with your friend who's to say your friend wasn't a jerk your friend wasn't malaya just a joke oh don't mean a righteous so give me your sister happy carnal and be a chasuble and be full of rebellion the root of a lot of our relationships is dishonored father help us please show us the honor code I'm here to put you on the honor roll hey man I'm serious you know why cuz I like nice things praise God I like Bentley's I like basketball games and I don't ever want God to be in the mood to bless and look over me cuz I'm a hot mess when it comes to honor many of you got broke because you bitter and whenever somebody confronts you with true if you deflect it she probably helped us to understand this and to conceptualize that this is how the kingdom operates please help us to see that it grieves the Holy Spirit for us to live this honorably help us to see that it proves how untransformed we are when we can only help us convict us change us and win promotion comes help us to be plastered for promotion because we've been practicing [Music] and we bout to represent you well in all of our interactions in the glorious name of the Son of God we pray amen put those hands together for the Lord
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 26,405
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Id: 6C_-r06lhpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Tue May 08 2018
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