Undercover | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Promotion

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one of the reasons why we need to learn authority amongst all of them though is because authority and rightly discerning Authority is the secret to promotion it's the secret to promotion promotion is not like spontaneous combustion you don't just live or walk or dress in one day pal there goes promotion doesn't happen that way promotion is not random can we say that promotion is not random that's on any level if you take it to your job if you take it to your finances there are things you do that recognize you and further categorize you as somebody who needs to be promoted and we understand that naturally we just think that God doesn't think that way we think that God promotes just because he knows your potential and that's not true God promotes based upon what he sees is in your life and your response to his word your response to his instruction and then he promotes and you've got to understand this because all of life is about levels every angle of your life will manifest in levels there are going to be levels to your money levels to your influence there's going to be levels in your marriage if you don't believe me and folk told me this before I got married Nadia you know when you get married you'd be so googly-eye you don't think it ain't no better than this you'd be at that alt especially if you do it right cuz she ain't give me none prior to marriage praise the Lord we did it right so we wouldn't slip in his sample and praise the holy name of don't weigh a bomb the shopman good I knew it was gonna be good Brittany's got so I just didn't touch her a man it's one o'clock so I'm walking now you gonna get all of me today what was I going where was that going with that oh thank you sweetheart you couldn't have told me that the government seriously when you ain't had none in a long time and you purposefully withstand and and and hold on and the only sexual activity you know is the one that mandates repentance the next day you coulda told me when I was at their alt I was like yeah sure posture was like dearly beloved I was like the negative economics I couldn't wait to take a moment and express myself but 14 years later we love each other way more and way differently than how we did at the altar why all of life is about levels now levels are good for the flesh you can not handle it all at once every promise of God that's going to come in your life is going to come in levels fractions of it pieces of it because God is a God of stewardship and he knows that in order to make you ruler over many he's got to watch how you interact with it at this level this is why it is the trick of the enemy feel this I'm a preach in a minute but I want to its the trick of the enemy to make you despise the level you're on to make you be so eager about getting out of this level of anything to the next that you don't occupy yourself with developing the skills you should win at this level see good millionaires are built when they only have $100 they develop millionaire habits when they only have a little God is the God of your levels so he's watching your level of anything deciding by your behavior what you can handle next now I know you don't believe this cuz you are the wonder of the world but you can't handle everything even God wants for you God wants some amazing things for you that he's preparing you for so what he does is he sends you to do what may feel like a cycle but it's actually your graduation out of one level to the next there are levels to all of life and you must accurately discern your level I'm about to make some folk man RJ you got to date at your level praise God or higher or you always saying nothing you got to be friend at your level you know I said nothing all higher you should never deep date beneath you now generally men don't do it that's a woman thing y'all tend to be a lot forgiving particularly if you feel like is rare but I'm challenging the daughters in here level up stop stop reaching down to make you a man from the gutter I understand he wants you to be a rider but let him ride his self out praise the Lord until you give him your ring come on slap somebody say level up level up now and if you with him and he ain't clapping this because he needs some money for that cell phone bill open your mouth and say level up level up level up under my if he can't get it in his name you are not shining cosine nothing I said level I want you to learn to appreciate your level and a part of doing that is being grateful man taringa nobody that he didn't prematurely give you what you wanted there's a lot of things that you desire and in a certain timeline that once you finally arrived there you're so overwhelmed by all of the responsibilities of that level because you did not maintain or gradually develop the personhood for that prosperity some people get promoted beyond their personhood and blessed beyond their emotional sanity some of you can't handle celebrity you know you sing and dance you like one day I might be like that the Lord is faithful to hide you I feel like preaching III know you think he's faithful to exposing you and putting the light on you but I'm here to talk to you because he's faithful to hide you he doesn't want you prematurely discovered I'm working in here prematurely seen he doesn't want you to enlist the enemies of that favor just yet his hiding is protective power appreciate your level Jesus moved and lived in levels and the child grew and God was with him and gave him favor with God and man what was he doing before he turned 30 growing levels moving up in levels of information levels of knowledge levels so every success level has a skill set that came nest be imparted I can't blow on you and give you scale I can give you guts certain realms of the anointing but skill as a matter of study and if you don't learn the next level you never be loosed from the last one come on elbow somebody say level of level up so the key to this is promotion is a real thing but it comes by your interaction with Authority if you interact with Authority well you eventually will be promoted it is so in the army it is so on the police force it is so on your job it is so for you one of the things that authority figures carry is power to promote so if you do not value the understanding of authority a part of what the devil is doing is make sure you never get promoted in life is called stuck and you never have access to a level beyond where you are who understands that and so that's very important that you understand over and over again Jesus said whoever humbles himself will be exalted but whoever exalts himself will be and then the Bible says that if you want to humble yourself what under the hand of God been he willed what now listen they don't excite you but let me tell you about what a big thing that is for the God of heaven who created this illustrious planet and all of its systems all the way down to the ant civilization all the way up to the most significant star to look at you and everything he knows about you and guarantees I will exalt you you're talking about the guy who established a whole city where the streets are go y'all are lying about go y'all still going to get fake go and it's breaking your ears off this man street is made with the type of gold that has no karat and he's looking at you saying I will exalt you this is the same God who got bored in heaven and decided he wanted to hear songs so created angels so beautiful and so elaborate that even artists have capped off and how to describe angelic forces and is looking at you saying I will exalt you there is no greater compliment God can give a man than to come into agreement with his exaltation when the Lord says I'm going to exalt you you literally have every that is every status you could ever have under heaven when God promises to exalt you now the reason that doesn't hit you like that is because you're only used to promotion from men but what heaven promotes you men automatically promotes you even when they don't know why they're just cooperating with the signals that have gone out in the spirit something in somebody will say bless them let me talk to 20 of you cuz there's not all of you there's about 20 of you in here that the Lord has sent somebody on assignment not just today but this entire month who has the power to accelerate something you're doing the power to lift your product the power to push your material the power to give you a raise places God will send men of greater ability to promote you once you've been promoted by him heaven does not promote based upon degree heaven promotes based upon humility it's how heaven promotes if there is a such thing as going low I mean you ought to be living your life to get beneath the ground because that's God's guaranteed to lift you and promote you he will exalt you and a part of why I love it is because as I am living to exalt him he has already had a plan to exalt me so I never have to go into self-promotion and self braggadocious and expanding all of that I'm not going to strain myself taking on the job of God my job is to live to lift him and then he lends to lift me when God lifts people it's a lot different the first thing you're gonna realize is we go to this scripture is that it will separate you you cannot be promoted and maintain the same circle resh is taking natural coz I know y'all don't like me taking y'all friends let me just take an at you let's say you in a call center and you get promoted to supervisory status you're a dummy to go to work and sit back at the cubicle your responsibilities are different your files are different your technology needs are different if god promotes you but you lose it because you want company you're going to end up forfeiting all of the wages that come with a promoted life I know y'all got a fear of being alone I'm looking at your faces I know you do you stay in bondages for years cuz it's popular but it's not until you are willing to have to separate that you're going to get elevated see when you are not afraid of losing people but you got a real like I told Paul go into the city and preach he was like nah my boys are back there he's like go into the city and preach he's like no and did he fight Oh Paul I have much people in that city and when Paul this resolved that at my next level God's going to link me with people who are also at their level he was not afraid to lead them all y'all don't even wanna clap look at that some of you are not going to the next level cuz of who you sitting with right now there is a relationship at the next level that will replace whatever you got to lose at this one when God says he will supply he not come by water he's even got a social supply for you Raquel he's got a social supply you're not gonna walk in grandeur and glory and the Lord leave you around leeches there are famous so you must be willing many people who looks at their boss and say I'm not taking six figures cuz I'm good with this 40 that's where the people is and we'll look at some I say stay here if you want to Psalm 75 I'm gonna give you two Psalms and imma leave you alone promotion is a powerful thing and God is working while you're sleeping to promote you in different areas of the world he's not just working on your block see see God's success plan diamond it's bigger than your social network God's success plan includes people you do and don't know you have investors that don't know you yet you you have people working to develop a portfolio to sponsor you and they ain't heard of you yet you've got people creating movies with your role on it and you're living the role in your real life so that when they meet you they look at you and say okay who audition you live this think see that's what it means to make your way easy and successful you got to live to be promoted don't you ever again come under anxiety because of who you do and don't know you are about to know some people that you don't know yet I'm talking to your prune head self you are about to know some people you didn't even think the types of hands you are about to shake the types of payables you are about to sit at the types of discussions you are about to have in the last season you talked about people in the new season you are about to talk about problems of cities and problems of whole generation he's about to lift you beyond your wildest dreams he told Daniel I raised Kings and I sit them down see God does get tired people he just looks out and decides you are no longer suitable for this and the way he does it is he lets you stay in place but he anoints somebody else he may leave you in position but for a moment but he'll pour the oil on somebody else once the oil is on another your time is limited because what's gonna happen is everything you lead is gonna notice that your try and when you don't have the anointing you have to lead into flesh and so you have to conjure up in your soul itself the power to leave which is manipulation when the anointing on another person makes them do it with great ease look at somebody real quick who got colored contacts I don't know why y'all still doing that and give him this word give him this word give him this word say this is the season for you to get good at being you you need to become much better at that you need to become much more deliberate about that you need to be unapologetic about that if God has given you a standard live up to it if God has given you a set of disciplines live up to it and stop reducing and compromising and deluding where God is taking you cuz other people can't comprehend it I don't know why I'm talking to you in this Anglican Church but I have not seen nor has he heard it into the heart of a man the things born for you we serve a God who exalts his people and pastor Linda here's my favorite when God exalts he does not exalt just for the line in a mail one of the ways God's gonna make somebody repent is by raising you up you see sinners get convicted when the righteous are raised to platform it's one of God's strategies to turn hearts I will put my glory on something that is dumb stupid stinking raunchy and file and I will raise that person up so there's somebody a lot more influential and a lot more powerful we'll say now how in the world did it take me I release perplexing favor to you I release the type of favor to your life that makes some people afraid people are going to see the handiwork of God in your career in your life and the fear of God is going to come upon them see when God exalts he's achieving more than one thing some of you are about to be blessed because of who you call he's gonna make some of you wealthy because the people you call to won't listen to nobody poor so he's just gonna add a couple of commas y'all don't want to have Church today I said he's gonna add some zeros so you can open your mouth on a broader level that's why God is giving you a word you better do everything you can to perfect it because there is a microphone coming millionares what the spirits say he wants to raise you for darkness in darkness around darkness as why church competition is so disgusting it's nauseating it gives God nausea when people like it's my turn to think it's my turn to preach it's my turn God is looking at y'all like y'all stay with this talent show over here I'm looking for somebody who's got the guts to get the wealth of the wicked I'm looking for somebody who feel anointed in the darkness it's easy to impress us you can just be around in church and learn the anointing but they're out there you got to really have a real call from God God is trying to grip people to get glory and dark places Psalm 75 let me read this unto the old God do we give thanks under thee do we give thanks for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare when I shall receive the congregation I will judge up rightly look at me if you're going to be promoted this is an authority song if you're going to be promoted you cannot have a fear of judgment this generation has a hypersensitivity to being judged y'all will go into all kinds of error because you felt judged all kinds of deception all kinds of rebellion y'all like Ju judge me don't judge me let me do what I gonna die my fear of judgment restricts promotion see without some degree of measurement we won't know what you're made of without some degree of pinning in action to a standard we won't really know if you can handle what God really wants for your life he says when I received the congregation I will judge uprightly the earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved I bear up the pillars of it's alive I said to the fools do feel not foolishly and to the wicked lift not the horn lift up your horn on high and speak not with away now that's not what black people call a crick in your neck because I don't even know how to spell that what is it Creek we got got a crick in my neck I didn't know that but we know what we mean we lay wrong and we wake up we gon' there that's not what the psalmist is talking about the psalmist is talking about rebellion to be stiff-necked in the Bible means to be rebellious he says if your rebellious don't turn up the volume if your rebellious don't don't don't start no Facebook live don't start no blog if you rebellious keep it on mute for a while because if you don't and you amplify your volume the forces assigned to that level are not gonna forgive the fact that you're not really on it they're gonna interact with you like you got the hooks for that level raises her name verse six for promotion my god from Zion come neither from the east nor the West nor from the south verse seven but God is the judge see God the judge is the one who promotes not just God the talent scalp or God the provider or the healing the one who judges the heart the intent the conversation the action and the obedience of mankind you will never meet a more judgmental person than God black just black why does why rebellion is not a misunderstanding deception is not a matter of circumstance those are very definable issues in God but when God measures a man he determines that man's Metron or sphere of influence he says he put his one down and said it another up promotion is not for the sensitive see when God is about to promote you what you hear this applause Oh BJ you gotta change what you cry about because somebody had to get fired for you to get lifted up lord have mercy chief and if you're so busy feeling bad I'm not to run through here kena if you feel bad they don't wanna move on with my life gives up the folk I'm left behind now those are you were big y'all Anderson ominous for that God blesses you prosperous you sheds his blood for you to go to love you like yeah I can't tell you how many people I have to counsel out of the sorrow of success because you feel like what God is doing for you is making another person feel bad listen you didn't bless yourself you didn't promote yourself this is the walk up call and if they me we've got promotion tell them to pray what you should do is show them how to God get what you got tell them to tell you how you get the hand of God on your life no I'm not gonna let you borrow money not a fast I'm working it here but you gotta pray I'm gonna zip your pants imma teach you how to put that stuff away because it's got the charge that's gonna bleed you to the next level when the president gets off a debt road for probation they don't get in the car like it's so [Music] to say goodbye they'd be like see you we want to be peace in the Middle East power to the people promotion is not for the sensitive promotion is not other sensitive God is in the business of creating spaces and every field for his people to be there which means that he has to fire once for another to exist I know that you don't like that because you think that the Lord is Mister Rogers but he does fire people you can do poor on an assignment and God just says next he just moves you over and continues the plan he'll bless you heal you but you're not gonna be the one on the forefront of it the whole of the Canuck do you know why Satan hates you because y'all don't believe in replacement y'all think that God don't have favorites and clearly the people who think that have skipped the entire first half of the Bible when all the way to the book of Romans abound chapter and just decide to stick there God definitely has favorites he definitely has people that are more favored than others he just has that way and those people are those that are the most meat he loved Enoch so much he didn't even let him live he ain't even let him die he'll imma just exempt you I know how nobody loves me like this in a long time come and be with me the way I can explain replacement is this in heaven the angels are separated into three categories you've got the category of the glory of God the presence of God you got the category of the fights of God the Wars of God the conflicts of God the combat issues have gone and then you've got the Word of God the messages of God anything that is written so that's worshiping glory war and fighting and then you got the word announcements over the announcement section is who gay bro here's what the Bible calls an arc angel y'all are attentive oh my god I've never heard that but arc angel is basically this the angelic superintendent cuz even there there's even Authority and rank among the Angels and you're more flaws than aiders and think you don't need none the Angels have rank arc angel he is the angel of the Supervisory angelic delegate to the the subjective angels whatever they can't handle he goes and handles we see that because in the in the New Testament every time there was an announcement that needed to be made about the Messiah who shows up he could have sent a prophet he could have gave a word to Anna but he did not that required a celestial interruption where a greater being could come with no historic bias or objective to announce who the Savior would be so anytime you found where there's a message need to be delivered you're going to find it that's under the supervisory attention of who gay bro under war and under the battles of God you find Michael he's the fighting Archangel wherever there is a war wherever there is a battle wherever there is a conquest God sends warring angels that have been taught by Michael my god that are under his supervisory leadership through the battle and I proof of that is Daniel remember when Daniel started praying and there was a prince by Persia that withstood him when Michael manifested to Daniel he said from the day you started praying I went down there and something withstood me so I had new help come and then we broke through over the glory and the worship was sefa they were the three angelic superintendents in heaven you had Lucifer you had Gabriel and you had Michael which is why Lucifer has never been a real challenge for God he was a angel Satan is not God's enemy he's yours worship glory the Bible said that on the day he was made knick music was made instruments were made to put in Lucifer's body so that if he walked around had that all of the other angels would know where he was music was the calling card of Lucifer he wanted everybody to know when Lucifer was moving so whenever the glory moves is gonna be new music that was free the rest is gonna cost you it was the way to trace the call it was a way to know where the quarry was and where it now is new songs and new stuff that whole angle was Lucifer's job the Bible also says that jewels were created on his birthday imagine his birthday present big diamonds and sardius not because God fired him he took the stuff he made for him and put it in the streets that's why the book of Revelation he says and I saw a river made of glass and star deist and it was his way of further embarrassing Lucifer if you ever raise yourself up against me I'll make the street out of you now let's go help lucifer fail ba-ba-ba-ba he was demoted he did not lose his angelic status but he lost his angelic environment the earth initially was not created for humans it was a jail cell for pollen angels which is why when God created Adam to police the earth it was to keep the devil in his place this is why when the angel came down we saw a serpent there that's why God gave a Dominion anything the devil does on earth is illegal breech negro so now he's demoted he is terrorized each a the Bible said the book of Revelation woe unto you all earth for Satan has come down to you he hates having to be limited to earth because he was an angel he was used to going wherever he wanted being whatever he wanted doing whatever he want and now he's got to live like one of you but there's a different crisis Jordan that's now one of the departments in heaven have no supervisor I'm talking about replacement Michael is still doing what Michael has always done cable is still Duma cable is always done but who's covering the throne of God who's overseeing worship and glory wallahu you this is my Jesus had to die so you could be hidden in Christ and God and the way Paul taught it was is Christ in you that is the hope so a spiritual warfare is is retaliation because the devil is jealous of you you took his when he said he got kicked out when you seen you [Music] that is Redemption its replacement so even even salvation is a promotion you no longer have to live like an animal and obese you can be what did it say hidden in Christ in God so the whole issue of your protection is there's nothing the devil can do to you directly he has to go around you or through your will to attack you otherwise you are hidden in Christ Jesus that's what the favor of God is and that's why the book of Zechariah say it will be like a fire round about you the glory of God would be your rear guard this is why when you don't live saved you do live demoted you are drunker you're addicted to drugs and you take on another mind and you may feel like utopia came nothing go wrong even your inebriated mind is a joke to the mind of Christ that is a superior mind it is a mind that makes men get promoted weed is not more smart than Jesus I'm working in here even with drunkenness you've got to get drunk to survive you got to get drunk for pleasure do you think that the holy ghost who is the helper is going to entrust the peak of pleasure to the devil so some of you don't even realize that you've been promoted live in promoting God is the one who replaces and sets went up look at verse 9 of 75 I will declare forever I will sing praises unto the God of Jacob all the horns of the wicked will cut me cut off but the horns of the righteous shall be what go to Psalm 78 we're done go to Psalm 78 this is your study this week for promotion for exaltation the lower you get the higher you go the lower than you get the higher you go I said the lower you get the higher you go the lower you get the higher you go you cannot listen how low can you go you cannot be afraid of getting low you cannot be afraid of a basing yourself and it doesn't mean be abused that means humbled yourself does that make sense to you Psalm 78 68 which is why it's profits for me it's a typical manifestation of pride to not have a pastor I know you all know he did yes I did if you're saved uuuuu full of the Holy Ghost speaking tongues here now men when they come upon you and you've not submitted yourself to continue a teaching it is a classic manifestation of pride because what you're saying is everything you need to know in life is google-able you're not submitted to counsel you're not submitted to teacher you have no rebuke resources come Tuesday I may help you with that you have no corrective mechanism to adjust your error see God is not in the building I hate what listen sometimes the most religious people are so unlearned God is not in the building I am the church find it in the scriptures I'll pay you $100 right now the Bible says nothing about you being the church it says you are the stones that make up the church and it says your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost but unless you got thirty people than you you not the church I'm here to help so you listen to these poets and revolutionary tell you the top it's not a building because it's man-made in the temples of men he plows it no no no no no family the church is the gathering the ekklesia by virtue of definition it means multiple so if you're out there saying you're the church your real problem is schizophrenia Psalm 68 78 I'm sorry verse 68 I am the church who's your pastor Oh who the fivefold around you me my god Psalm 78 68 but he chose there are seasons when God chooses man he chose the tribe of juda I normally don't go here but I'm going to do it just for a little because I'm feeling better praise is the behavior of the promoted after you've experienced God's this is his focus to your promotion your normal response is lavish praise this is why we are a people who run and shout and dance and flip and scream you know unpromoted people see that as emotionalism but promoted people understand what it is David's response to Bing promoted was what panting out his clothes and when an unpromoted woman looked at me said look at you acting stupid that ain't for Kings he said it was the Lord who took the kingdom from your daddy and gave it to me and I will get slowed down even Lord you know I can't stand non praise and preachers nothing irks me more than to see a church clowning and dancing and shouting and the preachers sitting up there doing like this praise I'm children praise I'm children praise them children if y'all preacher don't bow lord have mercy I'm about to get in trouble I'm not get you if your preacher don't run if he don't power and he don't know how to touch God that Joker should not be touching you you listen when a man touches the Lord he can't be trusted cuz even if he gets it wrong that open relationship of conversation well now the Holy Ghost are getting robbed if your leader is a statue he's going to be restricted from a circle realm of glory that he can't get into you cuz he can't get in it himself every now and again that man on a ruin his suit and that was a rebuke for some of you praise God praise words say praise and worship do you say come on that's praise in you life you all the praise God every Sunday like you're about to win the lottery Pam I was on the expressway the other day that thing's had fifty two point 1 million I said I just went flat just crazy I don't care however you got to do it let me prophesy to whoever just hit that number if you're not gonna give me the numbers give it to me by carelessly cuz i promise i pay my five million papa john here appreciate you I want these lottery numbers I want the week y'all can argue about it this if it's seeing the night I repent I promise you many are the afflictions I mean we all sin and indeed what Donnie say we fall down but if I'm gonna pick up 52 million when I'm down there I catch you on the come up I promise you imma build this business and I'm gonna do good in the hood I'm not lying you got this sanctimonious like did you give that dirty money back just crucify me I don't care I'll buy your forgiveness in a couple of days just allow me to invest real quick the Bible say money answering all things I would had a fool canoe I said my 52-million appraiser right now I guess look at verse 69 he built his sanctuary like high palaces in the earth which he had established forever but look at verse 70 we're done he chose bathe his servant his servant that is the foundation of your future even if you are called to be a king Kings school is servanthood this is why a lot of you are unqualified for your calling because you won't serve first at the start you must sir and took him from the sheepfold he took him from the Sheep bows I promise I for about 68 God is about to take many of you and I'm not talking about to see mahalia I'm telling about to take some of you from the commoners you're gonna be taken from out of the sheep pose taken from out of one level there is a taking I hear that in my spirit God is taking men I'm taking women to have them have more exclusive discussions more exclusive planning's more exclusive things to come out of them he took him from the sheep bowls from following to use great with young he brought them to feed Jacob his people and Israel his inheritance you are promoted to feed you're not promoted to harness if you don't have intention on making things possible for other people you'll never be promoted David was promoted to feed people if you have no intention on becoming a distribution something then God's gonna make sure you stay broke why you're a bad public relations person God is filled with bounty he's full of abundance so I really believe every Christian should have a desire to be a philanthropist to some degree that when you become whatever you're going to be you help other people become it and that's how you keep what God gave you you lose it when you don't give it that makes sense to you he says he raised them up so that he could feed and look at verse 72 so he fed them according to that now this is the inner profile of a promoted man or woman according to the integrity of his heart and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands there is a marriage coming to your life of integrity and skillfulness you must be a man or a woman that's B and I want you to hear this as the word of the Lord to you you have to be beyond reproach even if what you're doing is not wrong if it's interpreted as wrong you must stop you must be willing to make the adjustments for necessary promotions like if if somebody can mistake you for something you're not and the people that have the power to promote you suspect that you would ever you not I would adapt my behavior so that I won't compromise my promotion we need a whole teaching on the power of reproach you may not be sleeping with a married man but every week you sitting right next to him are you insane no but you could be in reproach and you could cause a reproach and you could be this make sense see if you're gonna learn favor you have to learn to ask the Holy Spirit to cut 50 whippings our reproach looking or that appear like a reproach this is why you have to be careful who you keep around you you have to be careful of what you say in every conversation you have assume three people are listening oh I know you want me to turn my plow I don't care how long you've been knowing anybody say things you won't have a problem repeating don't you ever believe that that thing is gonna stay with you in a person act like act like you being recorded all the time it's a matter of integrity that makes sense to you didn't skillfulness if you are interacting purely with authority that's not gonna treat your skill you have to learn the level you want to go on I've been really on my church about reading cuz I think it grieves God when his people don't learn we do a lot of observation and I understand it there's certain things that are taught and other things that are caught but you have got to learn the world that you're going into you see the principle of baptism which is death is being immersed in the world to death that's all that Christianity is itself death making yourself not visible and making Christ visible you must be baptized in the world of your calling every great institution runs that way when you're going to be made as soldier there is no online training for the military you don't have the right to sit in your bedroom maybe become a soldier you don't sit there like I got this cool eClass I'm just gonna register was just $25.99 what do they do they take you from your world the same thing with law school same thing that's the whole point of dormitory and residential training to take you away from the distractions of your normal life to make you focus guns certainly on your calling that's what the schools of the prophets were the Old Testament prophets knew that you're not undistracted enough to master this call by learning it at home you must come away from normal to life and live among those call to do it like you it's what does matter what church you go to it's like having residency training in the wrong career if that environment speaks nothing to your future you're wasting your life the man's we're at the end of every bit of dishes they have a nice life cuz you're wasting your time ain't nothing there articulating shaping you for where you want to go that's the whole point of the Equus eeeh praise the Lord amen so that's how you do it you've got to come away and become more skillful if you are musician don't you be satisfied with plan by ear cuz what if your ear break I got a review coming out of my belly if you are a singer you know every person the black church know how to build down something you know all black folk it back to pinnacle we know to thing you know how to sing and dance you know and even if we can't really dance if we hide behind something you don't know the difference but we all know how to shop and I don't even remember when you learn how to dance you just kind of come up one day and you just kind of pick it all up but listen if you see by by ear or because you did background if you want to go to the next level become difficult to replace what's wrong look at somebody and say this just cuz it's natural does it make it excellent there's some things you do naturally that you don't do excellently and just because you've been able to get away to the untrained ear does not mean that you still don't need to grow see you can only go so far in this realm but when you start wanting to go to the next round you've got to be better than whatever is available everybody black church singing good dinner my wife says she's sang out too and don't and Indian ask me why do y'all have to teach parts after telling me she sang Alto so I don't have to go through separate rain again we just it doesn't work that way your ear is not more powerful than a book your vocal cords are not more powerful than an instructor you need to learn the next if you learn this level it's practice if you learn the next level inch training many of you are rehearsing but you're not being trained when you lift weights you don't lift weights you can lift if you want to grow you got to put a difficult amount of pressure on you push until something tears that's a capacity principle that's a principle the pressure and the principle of expansions is making sense to you I can't tell you how many people told me last day I'm gonna be an entrepreneur and don't want a calculator you still baking at TCF fam you were too ghetto uh currency exchange ain't no way in the world you tell my entrepreneur entrepreneur what I'm calling you to the next level because being cheap is not gonna always be convenient at some point you're gonna pay for it sidestepping stuff easily doing stuff you're going to pay for the quarters you cross because it's convenient for you and real training will be inconvenient is this make sense to anybody in here it's ok to go to school if even if you don't need to come get this put it even if you don't need a whole degree go get a certificate in something go learn something amen so I'm challenging you integrity and skillfulness if you are favored become very difficult to replace a man if you like at your level and people are like oh yeah we can get one of them very easy then that means you don't have no access to favor become very difficult to replace all right
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 38,231
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: CQ7aO2Q1l54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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