The Unknown | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | He's A Liar

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um we've been in a very interesting a very interesting uh series uh where we're talking about the unknown and we're talking about going where we've never been it sounds easy but it's very complicated because nobody knows how to go where they've not gone and nobody knows how to pace themselves for where they've not been and so i've been trying to groom i think through preaching and through teaching people on trying to prepare themselves not brace but prepare themselves educate themselves for the unknown what that looks like what that means i don't think it's just in the nation i think it's in the church i think it's in career fields and industries but there is an x factor that we all are up against we're trying to decide if we should take a vaccine or not lift your hands and say nah open your mouth say nah we're trying to decide what we believe about education and what we believe about school what we believe about community and and congregating and all of those things but the challenge before us is that it is all unknown we've not been there so we don't know how to treat it and what to do with it so i've been trying to do my best to prepare god's people whoever has ears to hear on how to prepare for that that they've never seen and that that they've never experienced i have a word from the lord that is a very unique one but before i go into what i have to say to you from god i want to let you know this if your faith is not where it needs to be the unknown will always crush you because relationship to the unknown is faith your ability to believe god if you have the faith prophet reads the size of a mustard seed you will say to this mountains now listen mountains uh elder friend were not geographically and geophysically designed to move when jesus uses the phrase and term mountain he's talking about obstacles he's talking about things that are in the way things that prevent things that obstruct and so what he shows us is when there is obstructions scream yes when there are things in the way you don't move them by what you say you don't get in front of a mountain and start dancing and think that that's the technique or the tactic that's going to move it faith is what moves a mountain faith is what moves a mountain and then when and as you say things if it's not energized by faith the obstacle does not move could it be that this whole season and episode that we've experienced in america was an obstacle to navigate us to a place of unprecedented opportunity before the nations of the earth to allow the glory of god to be seen in more ways than one i'm taking my time because i want to i think the glory of god can be seen pastor eric and more than experiences and shimmies and shivers and feelings i think the glory of god can be seen by the favor of god on men what i mean by that is that the lord can bless you in such a way hallelujah he can favor you in such a way he can position you in such a way that it convicts people people can watch what god does in your life and it can bring them to a point of conviction and so i don't know everything god's planned for the next season but i know he's up to something he has to be doing something that we've not seen in this lifetime because this is an unprecedented crisis an unprecedented issue an unprecedented halt at an unprecedented stop so the word of the lord to you is get ready for the unknown you're going to make some eliminations you're going to change some rhythms and some rates and some patterns but you're going somewhere you've never been before i guess somebody grew up in the ghetto throw your hands up and say i'm never scared why won't you yell back at me lift your hands and say i ain't never scared the lord is my light and my salvation i'm going whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat of my flesh they stumbled and fell so i i think we've got to have a real conversation jaylen about what the spirit of fear wanted to do through the last year crumble mutate us i have a word today praise the name of our god that is a warning it is an encouragement it is an admonishment it is an exhortation it is a declaration but it is something that i know every believer around the world that will have the courage to listen to me needs to hear and be reminded of it's simple to me maybe complex to you but we're finding ourselves at john's gospel go ahead and go there if you have an iphone and we're going to john's gospel if you have an android i'll wait till next week for you to get the actual thing um you can take a picture of it and it'll come out nice but you know i want you to go to the scriptures john's gospel rod chapter 8 and i'm going to read a couple of scriptures for you and i'm going to walk through some issues in this scripture is that okay with you this morning john 8 darrell and i'm going to start at a very unusual place in this because i've got something i've got to release in the atmosphere and this may not mean as much as it's going to mean later in this week but i want to say something and give you something to say when you're riding in your car when you're shopping in the mall when you're talking you need something new to say because of the unknown and i'm going to tell you exactly what to say john 8 34 and i'm actually going to read this in the esv i don't prefer it but i'm going to read it in the english standard version i prefer the amplified as you know but i'm going to read it in the esv are you there darrell are you there internet world are you there i can't see you okay are you there good john 8 34 says this jesus answered them truly truly i say unto you everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin and the slave does not remain in the house forever but the son remains forever so if the son sets you free you will be free indeed i know that you are the offspring of abraham this is speaking naturally and nationally yet you seek to kill me because my word finds no place in you i speak of what i have seen with my father and you do uh oh what you have heard from your father they answered him abraham is our father and jesus said to them if you were abraham's children you would be doing the works of abraham and that that he did but now you seek to kill me a man who has told you the truth that i heard from god this is not what abraham did come on work through here verse 41 says you are doing the works your father did and they said to him we were not born of sexual immorality we have one father even god but jesus said unto them if god were your father you would love me for i came from god and i am here i came not of my own accord but he sent me why then do you not understand what i say it is because you cannot bear to hear my words because you are of your father the devil lord have mercy in zion and your will is to do your father's desire why he was a murderer i'm gonna preach to myself from the beginning and who he does not stand in truth why ricky because there's no truth in him and when he lies he speaks out of his own character all this is good gravy for he is i want some what could for he is i if you're in this building today favorite when you help for he is a i want you to scream it like your man for he is a and jesus said not only is he a liar but he's the father of lies father help me to preach this in this dry church in jesus name amen the title of this for our study today is he's a liar he's a liar i'm a student forever forever of the new testament chris i i i love the very rich tapestry of its its writing and its style i also love its positioning i like the way things are structured to journey into the messages of jesus the examples of jesus and what it means and as such i have found that one of the consistent ministries of the new testament is authenticity what i mean by that is that when you go into the books of the new testament you find information anthony that verifies it verifies it validates it confirms the teachings and the premises of the old covenant and the law say yes you can't really understand the god of israel until you've dumped yourself into the logic of the new testament and when you've done so what happens is you start to find validating information another very consistent theme which is infatuating to me of the new testament is nature nature and what i mean by that jesus starts preaching stuff like if you want to know the fruit check the root he starts to say stuff in the in the new testament like um this kind goeth out only but by fasting and prayer which means there is a type say yes and there is a kind say yes so one of the reasons we use the measuring rod of the new testament is to measure examine evaluate what time what type and what kind it is because we can't treat every type and kind like it's the same in spiritual conflict and combat and conquest every type is not the same every kind is not the same but without accurate healthy evaluation of the new testament you run the risk of assuming and asserting what time and what kind it is what type or what kind it is forgive me and so we're using the principle listen to this word bear derivation what it means is that as we investigate the new testament we also are so challenged to understand origins where things begin for example if we start our studies of the scripture in genesis we are tempted to think that genesis 1 is the beginning of the narrative and is not the story was already in play by the time god reached down to create adam but when we journey into the new testament we see the derivation story the story of origins where jesus says i appreciate the dust i appreciate adam and the fruit and all that but i saw satan fall as lightning i was a part of the scene and the scenario and the setting where all this took place so we cannot think that because of the order of what you and i know to be the bible and the the situation of their books that that's the beginning of god's story and so the new testament gives us a privilege it gives us an access point to understand things as they happen in the spirit world so we're understanding authenticity another thing that i appreciate putin is identity it's a consistent theme listen it's a consistent theme of the new testament it's a consistent theme we're wrestling prophet chris with issues in the book of romans like who is the real israel we're wrestling in the book of uh of romans like what does it mean to be saved we're wrestling with is it really an issue of water baptism or communion or robes and mitres or is it an issue of by grace through faith is it an issue of persecution what is salvation how does it come and so in the new testament listen there are several realms and layers of mysterium things that you've got to apply your spirit man and then engage your intellect so as to understand what the intent of god actually is i love the new testament i love being able to understand what it says and what it does and how it works john 8 44 particularly gives us some interesting insight please allow me to violate hermeneutic principle by giving you some more support for what i'm going to lean into uh whether you say so or not i'm going to do it anyway in second corinthians 2 11 don't go there just just just write it down because i need to substantiate this paul says for we deuter we are not ignorant unlearned unaware not schooled or educated in satan's devices we are not ignorant of the wilds the techniques listen the tactics of the devil which means that whoever he is he's got tactics he's got techniques things that he likes to do that are reliable for his regime and his kingdom i'm going to prove to you what his campaign is but i want to open your brain and your spirit up to the fact that when you're dealing with anything unknown if you are unaware which in my opinion most of america is if you are unaware of the multiplicity of technique and tactic of the enemy you may hold hands with it and think it's god because it feels good but there are techniques and there are tactics there are strategies there are things that he loves to do to stories scream yes there are there are ways he likes to act and behave there are entry points and there are ways he likes to move when he sees that something is about to transition and so if that is true i'd like to examine what i through scholarship and investigative study and research have discovered to be a tactic of the devil a technique a very typical approach of his and i'm calling it demonic dialogue what i mean is the devil ain't got to stab you he ain't got to shoot you he ain't got to trip you he ain't got to strip or twerk in front of you all he got to do is talk we don't have enough information about the conversational nature of satan and and what he does when somebody responds to a hello how you doing we don't understand the grave danger in not realizing that one of the tactics and one of the techniques of the devil preaching and grow is talking he's a talkative thing he he loves to talk and so before i go to john 8 44. i want you to realize that you and i and us and him and those and they and we and both we are all in the situation of iniquity not because somebody had sex we're in the situation of iniquity not because somebody got a tattoo we're in the situation of iniquity not because somebody was a greek we're in the situation of iniquity not because somebody liked wine or not because somebody didn't know who their father you know why we're in the situation of consistent iniquity somebody didn't know how to shut up we're we're in the whole the whole of the human race they won't help me it's in the snare that she's in because of a conversation that was had that was illegal because there is such a thing as a legal conversation scream yes and so if you remember i'm going to take my time there dre so prepare yourself in genesis when when when what we know as the fall happen i'm going to introduce some concepts to you what we know as the fall is the behavioral reaction and response to a conversation that shouldn't have been had to begin with it it was it was not the the rubbing of a butt lady free it wasn't if somebody was like hey come meet me on the corner shorty and let me see where you're going it wasn't adultery it wasn't weed it wasn't crack it wasn't meth it was conversation because by the time we get to butts y'all why why are you quiet by the time we get to crack and by the time we get to cocaine and by the time we get to addiction it was because of what we talk to first what we allow what we engage what we entertain the basis of all seduction is conversation darrell and the basis of all distraction is discussion there is no such thing as distraction without discussion you you become distracted because of what you discuss with take a deep breath because you don't like this and the real truth is when i introduce principles like this to the kingdom they they look in their their cell phone chris they're like who i've been talking to shayna ain't called me in a while shawn left me alone uh dale has gone off to college but the most dangerous conversations are in fact internal they won't help me i don't know why the the conversations that are external are only allowed to be what they are and how they are because of the unregulated unmanaged conversations that go even on the inside and so when when you see a book like genesis preach negro which you what you see is patterns and templates and you see okay if i'm being diligent in my study of the scriptures if it happened in genesis it's going to happen all the way to revelation i'm going to see similar patterns of this all the way through and so in the book of genesis here we go we got eden say yes we got trees say yes here's what's going to trick you we got fruit there was seed sown somewhere we got rivers we've got worship we've got the voice of the lord the prophetic we've got all this in eden and right immediately when things were where it should have been here come satan and his strategy jeremy listen to me was not cancer it wasn't corona it wasn't high blood pressure or sugar diabetes it wasn't a deadbeat daddy it wasn't a it wasn't jezebel she wasn't there yet it was casual conversation you got to be careful about what you entertain i'll get there in a minute and you've got to be careful about what you incubate because when you conversate you incubate there's no such thing as pointless conversation that conversation has the risk of becoming a part of who i am and when it becomes a part of who i am it's going to determine what i do so i can't talk to everybody that wants to talk to me anyway so i saw a pattern a rhythm as it were a a structure and i love studying stuff like that i got some theology or some theological forensic in me i love looking at the shadow of the type the exemplar in the scripture and so i had to find out if you did this with the first adam you got to do this with the second adam if you do this with adam that has the propensity to fall rebel wander roam meander because you're stupid you were locked out of divine intelligence you are not like us you you you're not as intelligent as what you like people to think what you're going to do is reappear i love your powerful word when you know that the second atom is here you're gonna do the same thing maybe different way different environment but it ain't gonna be a different tactic and so here we go by the baptism pool jesus goes down dove falls this is my beloved son the father says in whom i'm well plea jesus gets up and the saints are clapping they start singing going up a yonder and uh around jesus is moved into an uncomfortable place preach negro he's moved into a place where only beasts survive it's a place of extreme inhumane condition and when he gets there because it's a place of beasts who you think is there this is matthew 4 1-11 slew foot say yes satan say yes lucifer say yes and when he gets there heggy what does he do if i were the devil and contributed popular opinion i promise i'm not if i were satan i'd have found a rock a gun i'd be like no you're not about to get to this cross if your plan is to die to to reset my plan i'ma kill you now but what does he do he does what he always does he starts to talk hey jesus how are you we had a nice baptismal service the other day it was really good i enjoyed myself i was blessed because what they don't want to hear is even the devil's tremble and belief i'll get there later so i enjoyed it i was blessed by that but uh if if if you be the son of god do everything you shouldn't do if you be the son of god eat everything you shouldn't eat if you be the son of god then even if you are in danger then the angels will catch you take unnecessary risk about that and so i have enough i got old and new i got first and second adam that shows what lucifer likes to do more than fornication throw your hands up say yes more than tricks say yes he likes to that ain't i open your mouth i said say yes he likes to here is his only campaign he deceives through discussion there is a campaign in america today in 2021 i appreciate the civil right today there was a very active campaign for deception because here's a deal if you can't do anything with your salvation your word is life to me if you can't do anything with your being filled with the holy ghost and have a basharan then then then my my choice my my premier weapon against you your destiny your children your son your daughter your business i will deceive you dance but be deceived tithe but be deceived sow but be to date but be deceived i'll allow you to do whatever you want to do but let me talk to you come and talk to me i really want to see you can i talk to you i want to know you because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks and so what you don't realize with your peer head self is that when you start engaging in what seems like casual conversation with the devil you didn't give him your tongue or your tonsils you actually gave him the content of the heart you emptied up what you had been meditating on and you emptied up listen to this word your desire but where do you think deception hides it's not just in the destiny it's not just in the dream deception loves to learn in the realm of your desire and so when the devil walks upon you when you got a new opportunity or got a new door or got a new choice where do you think he's going to go what do you want and how can i help this is our pattern throw your hands up and say yeah and so if my premises are true and consistent and contiguous lateral if i'm going to listen to anybody about lucifer chris it's going to be jesus i'm sorry that just blessed me i'm not going to listen to him about him because you know what the idiot told himself i will be like the most high i will raise my throne above the star because here's a problem when you are a liar scream he's a liar you also lie to yourself he told himself i will raise my throne i will be like the most high i will be exalted among he he the problem was liars can't turn it on and off he lied to himself i will be and on his strongest day he ain't the most an angel at best but a falling one or disreputable it was but his strength is not among the others and so this lying concept of satan and his regime and his campaign is really what we're up against especially when we're dealing with the unknown can i take this deeper i don't need your permission i'll do it on myself in job now listen one job is the oldest book in the bible it's not genesis okay so when we're dealing with job we see another conversation ep theresa they don't want to hear this but in technique and tactic if i'm studying this in a strategic standpoint when i saw lucifer in the book of job what happened elohim asked him where you've been and what did he say i've been walking through the earth the response to that from god was have you tried my servant job listen then it's all making sense now john 8 44 is coming pay attention first peter 5 8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary he's walking around like a what roaring lion seeking whom he may devour have you ever given scripture thought to why the devil walks while he roams and when he's on tour what do you think he's doing is he shaking hands is he kissing babies is he signing books no he's talking what the concept shows is that the enemy loves to walk around creation finding somebody to talk to because he's lonely he's got a lot of people around him but he envies you so what he wants to do is see who i can entice who i can devour who i can mislead who whose destiny can i change i can't ever get my former state back i was the covering cherub i had a presence and an aptitude for god's glory i got kicked down because i lied to myself and now i want to see if i can take as many people with me into the place called deception so now we get to our text say yes jesus was telling these nationalized jews hey i appreciate your genetic makeup and i appreciate your molecular self but you're like your daddy you you have an iniquitous stem that comes from who you were really born of because if you were really born from the spirit of god then what i'm saying what bear witness to you is what our text says but he says because you reject me and you don't like the truth and can't nobody say the truth to you and the truth is not transforming you what it really shows is you have a propensity and an inclination towards deception and because that's who and how you are it means that you are like your father the devil and let me tell him who he was he wasn't just a rolling stone what he is is a liar and he's a liar because the truth ain't in them i love your wonderful word and mocha here's the misconception they'll get this about thursday the misconception is that because satan tells facts that he can tell the truth and they are not the same you see the enemy will be able to use factual information to condemn you to discourage you to wear you out to make you compare yourself against other people it's factual that your husband ain't saved it's factual that you got this disease it's factual that you don't have money but that ain't the truth but here's why sometimes the facts ain't what god is saying i love your word sometimes the facts is not even the will of god sometimes the facts have nothing to do with what god purposed and with what god planned for your life but the truth is is a person and and his name is jesus christ and so jesus identifies him yes he identifies him he identifies him he identifies him he identifies him if you are a son of mine a disciple of mine sit your tail down and learn this lesson today the best thing you could do for yourself is learn how to expose him there's so many people in the world that don't realize that the devil hates exposure whatever you do learn how to turn the lights on on him when you turn the lights on on him what happens is the bible says he's limited in his function he hates exposure he wants to conceal himself he wants to blend in it's called camouflage what i love to spend my time doing is teaching people watching how to see him and teaching people how to know where he is and teaching people that that looks like one thing sounds like one thing appears to be one thing but it's another we need a generation of men and women that know the power of exposing the devil lift your hands say yes we cover our brothers but we expose the enemy and the problem is we spend a lot of time exposing our brothers and covering our enemy because we don't understand that men love darkness because their deeds were evil but in him there is light they won't help me and there is no darkness at all turn the light on that's why discernment is important it's not accusation it's not even mental measurement and calculation it's the ability to expose him say yes it's the ability to see where he really is a lurking liar a camouflage liar that's what he is that's what he does and the bible says something that locked me i got to preach this to myself because i'm going to like the replay it locked me facebook this thing locked me i know greek i know hebrew i understand septuagints and concepts but beyond what most people know but i got locked at this statement he was a murderer from the beginning i got locked there duder i got locked there i was reading and i'm like wow he's a liar that's right because everybody say the devil's alive but we don't have that in us yet we need it we're going to have to say it every day this year you a liar i got locked at what jesus said and because of my faith i'm a christologist my theology is christocentric that means i believe christ is perfect theology he says he was a murderer from the beginning doing my due diligence dre what i had to ask the scriptures was this whose beginning because and is there a such thing as multiple beginnings and uh trying to remember when he physically murdered somebody trying to remember when he took as as a being a arrow or spear or bow i didn't find it so then when i went to the story about his recruitment technique technique with what revelation shows us is one third of the angels i still didn't see any murders i saw persuasion through conversation that's how he got the original angels to follow him scream yes he even got the angels to go with him by virtue of conversation and campaigning but i didn't see any murder any bloodshed then i found a biblical doctrine something we don't pay attention to something we don't study enough of and uh if i wanted to wear you out i would but i'm going to be nice today it's called fracticide fractress side jason how you doing fratricide what that means listen to me zion is the deliberate murder of siblings the the phrase fratricide is is is when a brother or a sister ah commits murder against their brother and sister so then i'm like if okay let's let's look at what this means if my theorizing is correct if he was a murderer from the beginning i know it's not god's beginning and so i've got to consider the possibility and the probability of multiple beginnings and there has been several don't have time to get there and and so when we get to what you call creation in genesis that is a form of beginning and the first thing that shows up is conversation but that conversation leads to fracture side the murder of a brother from another brother i wonder how many betrayals you've been through because somebody didn't know how to tell the devil to shut up i wonder how many people have slandered you because folk didn't have the intestinal fortitude to till the devil stopped talking to me what we see is that jesus told us without even being a forensic psychologist the reason cain slew able was not just because of envy from another offering but because he was born to people that didn't know how to stop talking to the devil and so what we see here listen to me or you miss this conversation kills when he starts to talk there is a seed of murder that is put in people and if you are too ambitious if you are insecure if you are full of lust if you're not stable if you're not full of worship if you're not sanctified then the potential to kill anybody around you is there and it's not because you don't love people it's cause you talk to the devil throw your hands up and say he's a liar i wonder if the body of christ is where she is because she thinks he ain't a liar and she entertains conversations with him because she thinks she's in life so if we study this continuously i'm almost there what moments is this likely to occur like at what points in your life or in your story do you have to watch for conversations with your adversary number one if you're taking notes transition transition is talk time when you're going from point a to point b you've got to start watching for conversation and we know that with israel as a nation we know that with abram we we know that with with job job pressing into the healing power of god the restorative power of god that's the word of the lord for this month is restoration and um what did job's wife say which is why i don't and i can't teach this now i will you got to be careful who you marry some bathes are bondage that woman walked up to him and instead of reminding him of who he was she told him curse god and die get out of here she came into covenant with the enemy's wheel for him we see this very consistently now in times of transition that there's instrumentation around you scream yes and whoever is not submitted to the lord around you can become a microphone of your adversary if the people you trust the most don't have the holy ghost they have they don't have your best interests at heart they don't care about who you are as people they can become an opportunity from valium from the wicked one so then you've got to understand where people belong in your life particularly if you have the tendency to listen to people does that make sense to you now i want to say something else to you transition is a place of vulnerability jesus to the mount israel to canaan those are vulnerable moments those are moments when you're not as prepared as you need to be if you're on your way to the unknown you prepared hopefully as much as you can but it does not mean that you know everything you need to know you got everything you need to have and that you are as aware as you need to be so those vulnerable moments i'm talking to you snapple those vulnerable moments when you feel unusually sensitive unusually afraid unusually nervous unusually doubtful you've got to watch out because the devil loves vulnerability hey hey he thinks vulnerability is sexy he loves to walk out he's attracted to it when he sees that you are naked and you don't know the will of god and you're not confident in the plan of god do you think he's going to stand by and look at you no he's going to talk hey i know what you feel i understand some of the world's worst relational bondages fornication orgies all that soul ties whatever it is it starts with somebody acting like they understand and they probably do but it's not because they do it's cause what they host understands they are a host they house something that understands they they embody a thing that understands so you've got to watch it you've got to also pay attention to i'm almost there crossroads crossroads peter there's a such thing as crossroad decisions there's a such thing as crossword cross-world conversations pastor eric my testimony is i've had certain conversations with my leader other counselors that 10 minutes changed everything when you're wise it don't take three days if you're a student all you need is about six minutes of silence and you allow them to take the volume and you decrease come on don't be a dummy john was smart i must decrease it and you can tell where the wisdom priority is about who talks the most on the phone that's number one number two is you've got to find out how you situate somebody's statements over your decision makings i'm i'm i'm doing this and so we have this principle now of crossroads i'm here i'm at the pivot scream yes i'm at the turning point scream yes i'm in the precipice say yes which means rob that this could go either way this could go very well with bone kisha or it could go very bad this business could excel if i make the right amount of investment in it or it could bankrupt and i'm one conversation away from crossing a chapter a season a mood in my life and i need to know what to have him but the devil loves crossroads i'm ghetto prophet reese i love you so much see you at the crossroads you won't be lonely see you at the cross bro you won't be lonely miss my uncle charles y'all yeah baby go there the devil loves crossroads he loves crossroads he loves to walk up on you oh my god i feel like preaching at your 29th birthday at 11 59 right before you're crossing into 30 and start to talk to you about what you don't have and what you don't know and where you didn't go he loves to talk to you at about 35 about your ovaries and how many kids you ain't had and how you ain't married yet and you're under pressure from society and your family crossroad moments but here's a deal you will only find out how really consecrated you are at the crossroad dude you don't find out how consecrated you are when the rhythm is normal and when the pattern is normal it's not until you reach a turning point your word is life to me it's not until you reach the point of no return that you realize how really sold out you are the devil loves to come to the apex and the turning point of your next decision to deceive you because that's what he wants he ain't got to lift muscle he's got to discuss some stuff have you considered have you thought about what if you didn't come to chicago but if you didn't submit to this leader what if you did mary did you miss your real wife it is our inability to discern these discussions that make us lose time and lose faith and lose resources so i'm going to give you a little pattern give me a little bit to understand what he likes to talk about if in fact the wicked one he's gonna walk up on you invite you to discussion and coffee at starbucks he sees where you're going and what you're doing he he has suspicion about what the lord wants to do with you he's like oh oh corona is almost begunner pandemic is almost done oh crap by pentecost they could be together what would i start talking about if i wanted to make sure that you were improperly positioned not prepare not aware i'm going to do what i did with the first adam derrell i'm gonna do what i did to the second adam here's my topics if i was a liar and i was a devil first thing i'm gonna try to talk about is who you are i want to find out what you know about who you are because that's my door if you don't know who you are then i get to teach you it i get to imply it i get to suggest it i get to appeal to it so the very first thing satan does is not say hi my name is lucifer because he never tells you his name that would make his attack obvious what he does is ask you yours she walks up on you hey excuse me miss where are you from he starts to talk to you to find out what you know about yourself here's why because what you listen what you know about yourself is not a reflection of what you believe about yourself it's a reflection of your relationship with god what i know about me is not confidence in me what i know about me is the byproduct of my fellowship with him ain't got nothing to do with what i think about me i barely like myself that's why i understand people who don't like me because i don't like me all the time but i understand what he said to me i understand what he did for me i understand what he wants for me and so because of that when the enemy walks up on you fred and says who are you what he's really asking is do you believe god i can't hear nobody in this anglican church he's not asking you for what's on your birth certificate he's asking do you believe god and do you believe that the heads on your head are numbered do you believe that he knows everything about you do you believe he knows your fears do you believe he knows you're rising up do you believe he knows you're going down when he asks you who you are he's not asking for a driver's license he's asking for your confidence in jesus do you trust him what he said what he did so that's number one so so number one if i'm going to put this in your heart and fasten it for the unknown this is the worst time in the world to not know who you are this is the worst time in history to have an insecure identity you cannot afford to have a breach rod in who you are because that becomes an opening the opportunity the threshold of all deception people don't fall in love with idiots because they want to sometimes they just don't know who they are and when you don't know who you are you don't know what you deserve so you walk into abuse and you walk into a addiction and you walk into all kinds of stuff but the root of it is identity i don't know who i am and satan loves people who don't know who they are number two the other thing he's going to talk about is what god said if the pattern is what it is what we've shown you today is who are you what did god really say deuter your entire generation in this nation is under the most powerful principality of doubt i've ever seen i'm a student of revival history the latter rain the charismatic movement the pentecostal movement and the reason why it was what it was is because people were so poor they couldn't help but believe it was a relief to believe today tick-tocking facebooking youtubing googling seminaring we have our doubts and and and our doubts are not just about us or them it's about what's right truth is not concrete right is not concrete it's subjective to what i think and what i know so because there are no absolutes in our culture what do you think the question is going to be when i choose a career what do you think the question is going to be when i say yes or not to ministry it's not going to be as it's right or wrong it's going to be did god say that is even darrell going to be does god even talk and if he does is he talking to me he's going to question what god said he's going to question what god said he's going to make you feel like those prophetic words were a figment of your imagination he's going to make it feel like those prayers that were prayed over you from your youth were just something your mom and daddy did because they're emotional they felt bad they want the best for you so what he's going to do is try to put his hand hey hey hey on what god said i i want to take a minor bunny trail right here and just say this because i fill it in my spirit as the snow falls from heaven as the snow falls from heaven as the snow falls from heaven and does not return so shall my word be that goeth how from my mouth it will not lord have mercy i wish i had a preaching church it will not return void but it will accomplish i wish i had help lord jesus in the morning it will accomplish that that i sent it to do i said my word to do something to achieve something to accomplish something and so the enemy was is after whatever the word is sent to do and achieve so that means if he's going to tempt you test you deceive you he's out to try to bend and or break whatever the word is trying to accomplish lift your hands and say yes here's another thing he's going to do are you learning something i'm boring you i let me hurt the other subject of conversation he's going to do or talk to you about is the schedule of god's promises the first is who you are the second is what god said do you sure he said that because look at shaquisha she over there in all kind of scene in hell twerking and working and she got a blue check and your checks bounced and you're fasting and praying you sure the third area of his discussions in the scriptures at least per my research is a schedule of god's promises you know it's intriguing peter satan didn't offer jesus anything that god didn't already want for him everything he offered jesus were promises that he really had worship me i'll give you the kingdoms of the world bow to men and you'll do this the angels are at your command and and so i find a dualism here if the enemy has a clue about what god wants for you and he can't do nothing about that throw your hands up and say he can't do nothing about it open your mouth say he can't do nothing about it then the only feasible tactic would be to speed it up i will give you the kingdoms of this world but you ain't gotta die god's way you're gonna have to get on the cross my way i'll give it to you all you gotta do is bow worship me and you'll get what you want or what you were born for sooner you got to be careful about what you want when because even the angels have a will the willpower and what you want when is a symbol and a statement of where your will is located and if your will is not in the hand of god your worship is not pure real worship is about where the will is it's not about hallelujah it's not about thank you jesus it's about where my will actually is and and so because the enemy knows the warfare power of the will he tries to move it if you're this let me make it happen quick without process without death you can have all that without calvary you can have all that without judas you can have all that without mary you can have all that without martha you can have all this without lazarus you ain't got to heal nobody no water to wine just come and worship me talk to me and i'll bring it to you faster could it be that a lot of what we call acceleration is deception could it be that we've not considered that somewhere in our desire to have it real quick and real fast it's an unchecked i know it's quiet you want me to turn my plow i can't do it there's something in there that might be the seed of a conversation with the enemy you've not checked this by then that by here it might be the proof of that so so he likes to speed that stuff up does that make sense to you now what are his goals i want to make this practical he wants you to be inconsistent if he's talking to you as he's speaking to you throw your hands up say he's a liar he's after oh god i'll get here next month he's after your daily he's interested in what you do or what you're willing to do listen to me jason i need to do what i say he want to know what you're willing to do monday and then what you're willing to do again tuesday what you wouldn't do again wednesday what's your willing to stay up late to do what you're willing to wake up early to do you don't understand that there's such revelation and routine and such revelation and regimen i can tell a lot about you about what you do on your own about what you set your schedule to do that's what worship really pulls out if you really do a study in the book of psalms of how many times a phrase daily is used daily worship and daily oblation and daily prayer because i can tell how delivered you are by what your days do or not so because of that when the enemy starts talking to you and your mind hey from your fears from your past through your family through your friends from the enemy from your timeline when he starts talking to you one of his first landing spaces is your consistency i want you to be inconsistent i want you to not do what you know you need to do to grow i want you to read the bible once a week i want you to fast at the top of the year and don't ever turn the plate down again because i need your members to be alive you need to be sensitive to me so don't kill them i need you to keep that up i need you to be as inconsistent as possible i need you to to to not know what you believe because consistency is powerful throw your hands up say yes many of us need to pray dre god make me consistent i'm not trying to be perfect i don't want to be without error or flaw i just want to be consistent and as i'm consistent i know listen my character your word is life to me my character will be sculpted by the things i do consistently it's not just a matter of making a decision i can say today i'm going to water cleanse and i can drink water for monday and then tuesday is pop and wednesday is coffee and thursday is all kind of stuff but when i'm consistent when i start taking it one step by step one day by day i create habits i create hobbies i create appetites and i starve the things that i was feeding before so the conversation of the enemy is after your consistency but throw your hands up in bethany baptist and scream he's a liar he wants you to be inconsistent number two he wants you to have broken focus don't concentrate i want you to have add don't don't rehearse prophetic words don't pay attention during wisdom have your focus broken i want you to have broken focus the enemy loves the weapon of distraction another thing he wants to do you're not gonna like this he wants to entangle you emotionally he wants to use your lies to have you in an emotional space because here's the truth inhale exhale a lot of people are following how we feel and we're calling it the lord we think that because we feel it it's true and because we feel it is right and because we feel it is real but feelings are that are fluid they they go up and they go down and and so i could tell you about a hundred people right now that's in a mess because of something they felt when you have a feeling lord have mercy it's important to uh situate that feeling through the truth of the word of god but don't follow it you're not supposed to f who am i talking to you're not supposed to follow feelings feelings are not trustworthy leadership just cause i feel it don't mean i got to follow it but some people think that if they don't follow their feelings they're not keeping it real real stupid because the heart is deceitful desperately wicked who can know and i've got a lot of feelings i feel a lot of things i'm not following them until i got a word until i got a wisdom from god until i know what his will is i'm not going to follow my feelings ask me why my feelings don't know my future and so because my feelings don't know my future i shouldn't follow them on the way there i've got to follow the instruction of god the instruction of god is more reliable than my feelings so i'd much rather be teachable than feel i much rather be sensitive than feel i'd much rather worship than feel my feelings don't make it real it's whatever the lord revealed that's real to me finally my brethren um this is a mystery i don't have the time but he wants you to know he wants you to know and he wants you to not have peace until you know what that means is he uses conversation to challenge what you don't know yet to pressure you to want to know it the first conversation went like this mocha they're not listening the first conversation went like this go eat that fruit so you can know because we like certainty we love security we want to know when is this happening who is this where is this why is this but unfortunately if you're a worshiper good god from i i want to go to hawaii right now in the middle of this message a pina colada will be so good right now there when i lift my hands to worship sometimes there are the moments when i don't know and chris god seems to like standalone when we don't know he he seems to get the most privilege when we all know when we know he seems to pull back from us because it gives us self-reliance and self-confidence and many of us get puffed up ask me why knowledge root wrote no no puffs up so when you know sometimes you think that you don't need him i would rather not know and need him and i would rather not be certain and not be secure and follow him i would rather not be confident in it and the where and the what and worship him than think i know and end up deceived and end up on the wrong side of god's will will you help me real quick if you don't like this for yourself do it for internet land lift your hands up and say i don't have to know now you sound like you don't believe that i know jaylen lift your hand say i don't have to know you don't have to know sometimes that's the best way to know when you're growing is when you don't know i have no clue what god is doing and where god is doing i can find out god has revealed it but i don't have to do it so we have a real permanent consequence here you have one or two options scream he's a liar scream he's a liar scream he's a liar that means that entertaining any conversation from hell is only going to lend you up in one place deception dis-ease disaster one or two things can happen okay i'm going to give you the first adam's example and the second adam's example first adam's example is this when the enemy latched the first adam what did he do he ran put on some fig leaves and said i i don't know what she was gonna do to me i was naked i was afraid so there's one option i can listen to entertain negotiate with rationalize with the conversations of hell the the the dialogue of the devil and i can live my life and shame embarrassment and fear that's what nakedness in that context means say yes you don't believe me do a social study look at your friends your loved ones and look at everybody around you that's living in shame and find out how many lies they've been told either to themselves or from the wicked one that's to my product so you got the the route of the first adam the route of the first adam let me go and hide i'll lie about who i am and what i want and what i need and where i'm going i'd much rather hide than heal that's the first adam that's the old covenant y'all could have it in luke 4 14 if i'm not mistaken after this i think it's the same thing as matthew 4 when the wicked one comes he tries the same thing and the second adam he goes to jesus and he has this conversation and the bible said jesus fought listen here's what's powerful you need to hear this he fought mentally listen emotionally relationally he gave it everything he had and he legitimately got tired he legitimately was weak and the bible said the angels came and ministered to him and the devil departed him for a time that means he was coming back there was going to be a rematch at some point but the angels ministered to him but what i love is the difference of the outcome one ran off because he was naked and ashamed and afraid and said i heard the sound of your voice because that's what happens people that are in disobedience i want to call it routine disobedience to god for whatever the issues are they've been talking to the wicked one the adversary the opponent the second adam responded differently though the bible say and jesus returned from the wilderness full of the spirit and power so so you got two options this conversation can either demote you or promote you you can either be deceived and or enlightened because if i had the time i would preach to you about why it's necessary to focus on your fault it teaches you a lot about who you are the parts of you that you don't know and ain't reconciled with you'll know what's in you by what's attacking you even if you'll know who you are if you know what's after you it's an indicator and a sign of what god put in you anyway those are your two outcomes the first adam or the second adam i choose this second adam it doesn't mean that the enemy is not going to say or talk or try or attempt it means my response is going to be different and if i'm going to have the disco the discussion the deliberation i have in my spirit in my heart in my mind you're a liar even when you use facts you're a liar even when you use statistics you're a liar and you know the thing about liars is derail you can't trust nothing about them it's a character statement it's not just about what you say it's about how you behave so because of your interest in deception i have no interest in letting you talk me to sleep at night when i'm getting ready to go to bed on my pillow i'm not gonna listen to what you're saying about my finances about my children about my body about my future when i wake up in the morning i have no interest in having you tell me this is gonna be what do you think anxiety is ricky unmanaged conversations with the wicked one in the realm of the emotion it's it's the fret not the it's it's in there he's found a way to disturb your nervous system so you can't focus in the name of the lord jesus from this place around the world i pray and make intercession for the body of christ and those that are having irregulated conversations with the enemy the adversary the wicked one i lift up intercession this morning for every husband every wife every father every mother every pastor that's allowed the words the sayings of the wicked one to linger in their soul unnecessarily i lift up right now every son every daughter that does not know how to distinguish the voice of the lord from the voice of their enemy lord you've seen what everyone watching this broadcast has gone through and you've seen what they've walked through and you also know where the residue is of these conversations some of them have manifested in the form of diagnosis some of them has manifested oh in the weapon of discouragement and your people have not known completely how to gain their bearings and how to find their rhythm again but i pray this morning for the body of christ that you would circumcise their ears my god cut the foreskin off of their ears your word declares that my sheep know my voice and a stranger they won't follow that means that you created the human species and the human race to follow whatever they're listening to and lord whatever we're getting ready to approach in this next month i'm asking that you would fix to follow hey hey thanks to follower fix to follow fix to follow the future is there riches are there wealth is there instruction is there the posterity of the family is there lord your people have forgotten to follow they've been doing things in their own strength in their own flesh but they've not deepened the level of apollo i'm praying this morning that you would help us to follow and not just follow but follow hard help them to follow hard because of what they're focusing on help them to follow hard because of what they've heard help them to follow hard because of what they're listening to what they're meditating upon in the strong name of jesus now father as an intercessory act as a new testament judgment from this place around the world break the kingdom the power the agenda the prerogative of deception satan we see you we know exactly what you were intending to do you wanted to take an entire nation an entire culture an entire generation into a place called deception you wanted them following their belly uh following their desire following their fears following their appetites but today we consecrate a generation oh we consecrate a generation to follow the lord we consecrate the church of the lord jesus christ and you shall know the truth and the truth will make us free we emancipate hey every man woman boy and girl under the sound of my voice as we prepare for the unknown we declare we are divorced from deception we are divorced from that that misleads from that that causes us to go astray and we follow the small voice of jesus the promptings of the holy ghost the warnings of the spirit of god the the pace the rhythm of the holy ghost of god and we will not be deceived we will not be deceived we will not be deceived now father as we go into the month of february heal our devotion [Music] devotion and dedication is a safeguard from deception even when i don't know the way or what to do or where to go i know where to find it and and the place i go to find it is the presence of the lord [Music] there may be some things there that i didn't anticipate or didn't expect but i know where to go for the next 28 or 29 days lord help us [Music] help us to meet you in the mornings help us to not have agendas that are idolatrous help us to not have purposes and plans that defy you but restore us to full wholehearted passion unto you and we'll give you the glory in the morning we'll seek you late at night we'll seek you in the middle of the day we'll cry out for you more of your presence and not just for who we need to be for them but what we need done in us and for our ability to move forward into your purposes and into your plan bring that well of worship solidarity contrition out of us in the name of jesus we're dismissing i want to say this to you i think the i sense that the reason the lord gave me this word is because many of you had a cross road [Music] in one place and see another in one place and being instructed about another in one place and being groomed for another i thought the lord wants to break the leash of the liar as this is happening in you you got to be okay with some level of loss some friends may walk away some projects may not go as planned some goals may not end up where you thought it was going to end up but you got to be okay with that the lord is leading you he's leading you come here chris i thank you father for what you've done in his life in his heart in his world what you've done in his soul what you've done in his emotions for what you've done in his head this morning i'm praying that you were fixed to follow help him to know what's next the tempo of god for his life there's so much more you've got planned for him things he's not seen and things he's not dreamed things he's not conceptual lines and i praise you father that you've used this season to mature and to grow up i declare the genesis 50 season upon him where joseph declared unto his brothers ye meant it unto me as evil but the lord has turned it for the saving of many lives thank you for what you place in his hands for what you place around him i thank you for international favor i thank you for connections and conversations and relationships that exceed his own network in the name of jesus surprise him [Music] and bring him out of that wilderness time and help him to learn to follow after you and help him not to despise help him not to despise his ability to hear for it had been the plan of the enemy to make him hate the fact that he hears help him to honor it and regard it and to know it sanctify this ear my god and make him a vessel for you i declare this is so in the name of jesus i thank you i thank you for what you're doing i thank you for what you're doing [Music] i thank you for what you're doing for the turning over of every altar [Music] for the casting down of every idol for the removal of every sacrifice for the confrontation of every dagon set it up around him let the ark of the covenant of god come into his life in a way he's never seen before never dreamed before let the presence of god be so sweet in his life but confrontational that it confronts the desire of the heart the appetites the thoughts but also the study of the mind and the lord wants me to tell you these are the days where he's going to wrangle in the intellect it's going to be brought on a chain before him and he's going to begin to use your study in the realm of the sikh and they will not be divorced anymore but he's going to use him to move at the same rate at the same rhythm but a heart of flesh he's given you that you would move into the season of restoration that is before you i praise you father [Music] the kind of love the kind of love god has for you you don't believe it you don't see it you don't trust it but there is a deep agape that god has to hold you in and it's going to be that your cried to be protected will be answered by the spirit of god if you will consecrate god says give me 30 days and i will move you into a powerful understanding of my will and way for you and i will order your steps i will order your steps i will order your steps you will know step one against two step two against three and i will make sure that you don't have to work to be deceived but it will be that as you divorce the liar that you come into extreme truth and that truth will not just free you but it will also prosper you god's getting ready to put you on an assignment that you're going to despise he's going to ask you to obey him in a way that you've not wanted to do and there's going to be a new ho ho a new altar contract a new altar covenant that he brings before you that's going to require a lot out of you and the weakness [Music] that you felt the holy spirit of god says to tell you that's his offering he wants it upon the altar he won stead upon the altar and as you give that to him he'll surrender more than you have in your ability the lord says for 48 months he's been trying to bring you out of your own strength and out of your own skill and out of your own ability you've not seen the favor of god in the way you're going to see it but if you fix the follow you're going to see the release of a kind of an influence that you don't realize is there and the enemy had wanted to use it for destruction but the hand of the lord god wants to use it for his purpose and his glory if you will obey ah if you will obey if you will obey if you will obey you will see in this year what you're trying to work for for the last seven it will be the year of the restoration of god it will be the year that your sleep returns it will be the year that your rest returns it will be the year that you don't have to run from the conspirators and the uh and and and the uh the networks that's the noah dyers that see you build and want to make sure uh uh it will be the year of god's restoration for you and not in name in nature in nature in nature father i curse the assignment of the premature and i thank you that you've got purposes and you've got plans for him that the enemy cannot touch and i lose ho the isaac blessing upon him let him move as one that's been laid on the altar and one that's okay with the sacrifice in the strong name of jesus i give you honor father i thank you i bless you i magnify you that there is a complete work [Music] a complete work that you want to do a complete work that you want to do and i thank you for the circumcision of this circle the complete sanctification of this circle let there be a rip and let there be a tear of every cohesive binding that's trying to hold him to a pagan place and let there be a divine push and a prompting of god into the place of purpose i open up the door to this new job and i thank you for what you're doing even these uh interviews that i'm seeing i'm thanking you for divine insight and alignment into uh your will and your way for him don't let him be distracted help him to have the kind of a focus that he needs in jesus name i don't know where you live but the holy ghost told me he's delivering you from south shore he's pulling you out of south shore i see you a couple of blocks from rainbow beach holy ghost told me to tell you he's pulling you from and don't fight it you've been like mephibosheth the last man standing that was dropped by the nurse and the holy ghost told me your mom is dealing with an incredible sickness right now but there is such bitterness between you and her that it's been hard to find a point in a place of reconciliation and what the lord wants you to know is if you follow him if you allow him to fix your follow he's going to provide for you in such a profound way that you won't have to do what you used to do to eat bread i i david i declare this over you i don't want to be too specific but i've been young and now i'm old and i've never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begged the holy spirit says to tell you he's delivering you from begging he's pulling you out of the bed oh i see an eviction notice and the spirit of god said to tell you he's pulling you from begging and he's moving you into a place of abundance and it's not because you've done everything right but it's because of your heart toward him you have a heart a heart that wants him [Music] not command every drug addict every chemical addict with their leeching teeth around you we release divine exits in your life and we prophesy new entrances of healing and restoration [Music] stand up for me i'm going to say this to you i want you to hear it your daddy was not a bad man he was a broken one and the nightmares that you have about why he would not protect you from the wrath and the rage of life god's going to stop them it's in the way of your follow so you've got to forgive father do this thing deep there it is there do it deep what many of you need to know is forgiveness forgiveness is an easy thing to get in the way of your follow i thank you father for what you're doing for the call of god the purpose of god i thank you that you've not changed your mind that's not something you do you don't look at a man and where he is and what he fears and change your mind irrespective of what life has done that you still have purposes for him in every realm of life and plans for him in every sphere of life now i thank you for this season of separation and sanctification for this season of brokenness that that you knew would come set him apart set him apart and that that overwhelming sense of hopelessness that tires him to the point and the extent that he don't even want to get out the bed i thank you today i know you hear me you foul ugly spirit of depression i curse you at your very root and you will let god's man go and and you'll no longer rehearse in his ears the lies about what he's not and it doesn't matter what he did what matters is who he is and the hand of the lord god wash ho washes clean wipes and eradicates the imprints the forensic proof of iniquity in his world and moves them into a place of trust in the name of jesus who is god's christ and not only is he the savior of the world he's the savior fabian he still saves and heals and delivers that redeems and moves even in the realm of the memory mr cameraman the um come here you're moving under the yes of heaven it's going to be the yes of heaven the permission you've been looking for to move into the freedom god wants for you it's already come when i saw two dobermans standing on each side of you demonic covenants and relationships one is four years old the other is two and they've situated themselves as bro and sis but i heard the spirit of god say they're getting ready to be replaced with goodness and mercy and you're going to understand what it is to be a man healed for real and i don't know where you come from but the holy ghost said to tell you thank you for moving it was for me thank you for packing your bags thank you for getting out of there and thank you for coming to a place where you could find the grace of god and though it seemed like your first season here was hell and uh it was hard and you had all kind of facebook messages and text messages asking you why you were being so stupid but you settled yourself into the purpose of god the lord says to tell you because you obeyed him you're coming into provision like you've never known before and the lord says the reason school didn't work the last season is because he wanted you to have the provision for this one you're not going to pay what you thought you were going to pay but the blessing of the lord maketh rich and added no sorrow i bless you in the name of jesus you're not just a media person or a cameraman you are recording revival history and the spirit of god is going to favor you and he's going to be the one to speak up to your family about why it was necessary that you do what you did come up with those hands together for the living god i said the living god come on the living god come on the living whoa the living god sister kim i have a word for you the lord kept showing me you in a basement for whatever reason and the lord told me to tell you um you're not going to be roommates anymore that uh he's about to pull you from out of an uncomfortable living situation and he's going to bless you it will be new employment first and then it will be a space and a house of your own second and you will do what you want to do in that place you may as well start packing your boxes immediately because the holy ghost is going to favor you you handled a hard season and now god's going to favor you because of it but oh i bless you for your suffering my god i bless you for your suffering i bless you for your suffering i bless you for your sacrifice i bless you for what you are willing to go without and i bless you that when that opportunity came to move down south you didn't take it you stayed in the will of god now be favored and walk in it i wish i had help here i said be favored and walk in it i said be favored and walk in it hallelujah be favored and walk in it be famous and walk in it be uh oh okay i said be flavored and walk in it leave payment and walk in it the fruit of the follow is favor i said the fruit of the apollo is favor when you follow you run into favor hallelujah i know it's over give me nine seconds hallelujah reach in your belly and find the glory come on right and there you go you ain't done it in a while it's time to pull it come on just nine seconds straight forgive me this is a good place for hey glory hey glory why are you following because i'm looking forward to the favor [Music] i'm looking forward to the favor tuga i'm looking forward to him doing what i can do hey giving me what i can't have i'm looking forward to his credit report not mine i'm falling to favor following your favor falling to favor the house is yours i'm following your favor i'm falling to favor i'm falling to favor i'm falling to favor i'm calling to favor i'm falling to favor i'm falling to favor i'm falling to favor hey hey hey praise it hey hey come on come on it's a good place for a head glory come on jalen glory to give me a little more i feel something strange hey glory to cheetah glory to god something's moving real quick dude come here real quick i said i'm following your favorite i'm following the favor i'm following to favor i'm not gonna have to make it up in this season i'm gonna follow it and it's gonna follow me go away it's going to follow me glory to the son of god judah don't put your hand on him and show the hurry up rod hey i'm following the favor i'm falling to favor why won't you go with i'm falling into favor it hurts when i'm powering the paper it's complex when i'm calling a favor it's difficult but i'm calling a favor it's not popular but i'm calling them pain saying jayla the lord told me you thought house number one was a miracle in a couple months you're gonna be landlord get ready for your tenant sugar you're gonna follow into favor i command it over here prophesied over you i release it over you for everything you walked away from getting ready to walk into something different i said i'm following your faith they will they don't want to help me i'm following the favor blessed my god blessed my coming house is blessed body bless credit score bless blood pressure blessed temperature blessed blessed in the senate blessed in the field there is a people that's going to follow god into god's get ready i said god's getting ready to open a favor for those that those if you follow me i'll give you favor if you follow me i'll give you favor if you follow me i'll give you favor if i may not fix it i'll just give you a favor they don't want to help me what's your decision for the first of the month what you gonna do in the month of february all i know to do is follow i gotta find it oh hold on all i gotta do is follow i don't have it in me to fix it dude but i got a skill that i do well i got something i know how to do praise him i know how to follow i don't sing that well i'm not always who i need to be but i know how to follow and if you do what you know to do you're going to find the favor of god the favor of god all right we're going out of here everybody that won't pay you in february take out and praise them real quick go ahead real quick favor on every musician favor on every singer favor on every pastor favor on every intercessor every armor bearer every artist paper paper everywhere paper here favor there paper everywhere favor on the north favor on the south favor on the east favor on the west of the river real quick favor reese i said favor you can't afford that i know you don't know that many people i know you ain't never done that before i know they don't even like you i know but i've got the favor of god and it told me like a shield and the fiery thoughts of the wicked one that's how you do that i said the fiery darts you gotta hit your favor but if you're gonna attack me you gotta hit my favor first favor from wherever you're watching me the favor of god upon you favor of god on your business the favor of god on your finances the favor of god on your study the favor of god on your career the favor of god on everything you do favor we got three minutes press on in judah the devil can't curse what god is blessed it's too late to curse me i've got paper should have did it yesterday should have did it when i wasn't saying should have did it when i wasn't submitted we're going into a too late paper ain't nothing you can do about it shut up devil i got favor it's not a matter of if it's only a matter of win i got favor like it or love it like it or not it's haunted i can't i said it's only the favor of god it brings the gold it brings the silver it brings the glory it brings the relationships it's the favor of god i can't explain it i don't know how it happens but the pain god bless you favor flavor [Music] i said favor i feel arrested joy i'm sorry favor somebody need to shout because you ain't got a whole no mode what you used to do to pay your bills what you used to give up to get your provision the favor of god i'm talking to a drug dealer you selling marijuana in total cars get ready to bring the favor of god tell the devil you're retired come on and put it down son move into favor i gotta go home sometimes you gotta praise them till you feel it come on you wasn't there when i had to obey you had no clue what i had to walk away from so although i don't deserve this favor it's still coming come on zion come on there you go travis that's how you sew we putting this into february favor favor for he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water whose leaves bring forth in their season and whatsoever he does i said whatsoever she does prosper prosper with no explanation prosper with no antidote prosper with no justification prosper with no explanation gospel just because judgment just because just because because just because why you prospering just because it is because of the lord's mercies that we are not consumed i love that praise oh i'm trying to stop it grace and robin just because why you dancing just because just because i've been following her for a long time lord have mercy real i'm just glad i leave a church that still shout because he's a liar you are stinking liar everything you've ever said was a lie everything you've ever said was a lie everything you ever said was a lie everything you've ever said was a lie favor i said favor i lose it on your children on your children children your obedience is this season it's gonna be your children's favor in the next season i said the favor of god oh lord have mercy okay favorite true god you tell that landlord they ain't got no control over you it's a slum lord holy ghost said favor i got to say what i see the favor of god get that condo son it's a favorite thing hey hey hey we're done praise it for favor that's how you get what you need [Music] paper dear mr 2020 thank you so much for everything you took from me thank you so much for everything you tried to do to me because in 2021 reward of the lord the favor of the lord the hand of the lord i appreciate you now mr 2020 if you will be so kind send me your address i got a postcard from the future i want to send you a thank you note praise the wonderful name of jesus god bless you wonderful savior oh online we i'm sorry betty sean and robert and earl i'm sorry it's been a rough time but i lose favor upon you favor while you're watching favor on your house favor everywhere [Music] all right [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh i'm trying to let it go [Music] lord have mercy [Music] now on to him [Music] sometimes when you follow you look like a fool until the favor comes did you hear me what i said i said sometime when you follow you look like a fool and then comes the favor [Music] you look stupid [Music] immature and irresponsible just before the favor if you'll be willing to be a fool if you'll be willing to look stupid if you'll be willing to be talked about and mocked i know i look like a fool [Music] i'm just following on your favor [Music] oh [Music] whoa whoa [Music] wow hey [Music] wow [Music] the favor of cars all february honest favor everywhere wherever you go [Applause] [Music] the faith oh the favor of god [Music] the favor of god [Music] it won't cost what you thought it would it won't take what you thought it would you won't need what you thought you did the favor of god thank you [Music] i am god beside me there is no other and i show my goodness to whoever i want to i'll cause it to pass by i'll cover you with my goodness goodness that's the biblical name for favor goodness may the goodness of the lord overwhelm you follow you with no strings attached just goodness the goodness of the lord it's the only thing that persuades men they've got to see how good it is it persuades that convicts [Music] it is the goodness of the lord i would i would have fainted unless i lived to see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living you will live to see the goodness of the lord uncanny favor father i bless your people everywhere those in the room and those watching me i beli i bless them i thank you that they are fixing their follow in jesus christ's strong name that if in february we follow with or without detail we run into the favor of god in the name of jesus we love you we magnify you now unto him that is able to keep us from falling and to present us faultless before the lord with exceeding joy to him be our blessing honor dominion power both now and forever everybody in the room screams so it is i love you god bless you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 53,741
Rating: 4.9375849 out of 5
Id: E36Rn-k32Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 4sec (6664 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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