Vigilance Elite - CAA Micro Roni Glock Stabilizer

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hey what's up guys sean ryan here with my longtime buddy down bradley from seracote nation so what we're gonna do today is these pistol stabilizers are becoming more and more popular these days essentially what they are is a casing that you put your pistol in and it's kind of like a I don't know if spin-offs the right word but it kind of represents a submachine gun without actually having to get a submachine gun so we have the aroni which you guys do seracote for them right yeah we actually they want us to surcoat server we've sear coated both of these just do something kind of quick to see how they looked and check them out so so how this is gonna work is I'm shooting a Glock 19 which is in the roni right now and 9 mil and then Don shouldn't walk 20 to 40 Cal right on so we're gonna do 5 yard line 10 yard line 25 yard line and 50 yard line five shots each yard line five shots with the stabilizer and five shots without the stabilizer to see if we see any any noticeable accuracy we cited these things in for 10-yards one thing you will need to be cognizant of is these sites are pretty high off your barrel so there's gonna be a lot of holdovers here so you got to be wary of that alright so and then after we get done with the accuracy test to them we'll do the exact same yard lines and we'll have an allotted amount of time to see how many accurate rounds you can get off with the stabilizer and then again without so we'll see what the you know if there actually is any advantages to shouldering a Glock 19 in a Glock 22 just didn't find out yep I hope you remember how to shoot it's been a while yeah how old are you I've been doing this about a hundred years now alright let's get started alright so here we are at the 5-yard line we're gonna kick it off with the Glock inside of the stabilizer again I'm shooting nine Don shooting 40 and we'll see we're at five yards so five shots there we go I'll go first don't wait on me so obviously we're still at the 5-yard line but this time we're going to do it without the ROE knees just with our pistol here we go all right so we just shot at five yards top one is the roni all right I'm still getting used to this thing but you know pretty close the same I threw to I guess a little bit low I was doing winning point impact and then five rounds right here what is that about half dollar size for group I'm not taking too much time I want to you know get him off but so not a whole hell of a lot of difference at five yards so you know it does take some used to getting shoulder on over there I have to agree it does take some getting used to I probably did a little bit more time setting up my sights because I pretty much drilled it this is the Roni this is with a handgun this is handgun that I just recently had stippled you know so I'm kind of getting used to it and I was moving to my left so yeah there you have it you don't mean politically moving to your left in alright so we're gonna reset these targets real quick and then we'll see you on the 10-yard line all right guys here we are ten yards alright we're going to start off with the roni again so ten yards that's what we cited these things in it so alright here we go get it again oh shit yep again again alright pistols ten yards alright so we just shot 10 yards both look here this is my Roni pretty tight group again you know keep in mind this first time I'm shooting this thing alright so I'm still getting used to it but a pretty tight group flung one a little bit high alright and then come down to pistol and I mean that's obviously a lot tighter so you know accuracy I guess playing it towards a pistol that groups tighter at 10 than it was at 5 what okay here's my Roni did pretty well but as you saw I was having jams figured out why I was having jams it's not the Roni it's the operator this little door that closes you can see right here there's a piece that needs to match up here when you push it in it's got to go forward I thought it was all the way up but it was not and if you don't get that audible click your gun locks to the rear like you just ran out of bullets so my bad not the machines worked pretty good I did throw one I think it was the first one actually and then I kind of figured out what I was sighting in on and cleaned it up pretty decent not too bad pistol yeah suck I got three in the same hole just about I got one low and one to the left the left one was the first one I shot row targets up here okay I'll try to I don't know if it's cuz you're a green beret what's great is it's flaring up okay we're at the 25 yard line now Shawn and I decided it would probably be best to go ahead and break up the targets instead of just having different stickers so what we're doing is the Glock will be the brown targets the roni will be the white targets let's see if I can keep up 25 yards with the roni the man yard line way high Wow no shit no shit okay pretty obvious difference here you can see that I hit it all five times but I hit it in different places all five times with the clock itself unsupported again you know I'm not making excuses but I just had a stipple job and I'm kind of getting used to it again so it's got a different feel no excuses it's just what's reality look at the roni though yeah I'm a foot high but one two three one slightly to the left one slightly above for a guy that only shoots occasionally that's a pretty damn tight group I would say that versus that Roni just one that little distance line at least alright guys so 25-yard lines got about a nine inch group maybe with uh I mean it's straight stock Glock 19 same gun I'm shooting out of the Roni one two three and then four and five I actually key hold so about eight nine inch group with the without the stabilizer then we go over to the Roni one two three four five about the same you know for me a little about the same eight nine inch group so you know I mean these last three for my last three hits so I was tightening up like I said we're getting used to him but for me not a whole hell of a lot of difference you have to be honest with you so alright guys we're here at 50-yard line alright so I think they say 50 yards is right around max effective range of a 9 mil right so all right so we're gonna kick it off with the Roni I'll be first 50 yards okay all right 50 yards crystal lock 19 no stabilizer we should have used fucking Whiteside out I can barely see that fucking brown man alright guys so 50-yard line block all right without the stabilizer I got five hits one two three four five it's pretty nasty area to get hit in but so I hit I hit the paper five times 50 yards whatever alright going to Roni I got one shot so I actually shot this twice because first time I didn't hit any and I was aiming for the green dot the second volley of fire I just aimed right here at the base for the rice I'm not that familiar with nine mil ballistics to be honest with you because they're not made for distance but anyway so one shot so when I was aiming down here you know right at the very edge was a with the tip of my front side I only got one round on target so for me I like the Glock without the stabilizer but I think this thing is going to excel with the speed to be honest with you so okay so as you've seen I haven't been doing great with the clock all day I didn't hit at 50 yards at all but you know what it's 50 yards whatever so they're not really made to go that far we push it a little bit I'm a casual shooter not an everyday put the Roney on me though I put that selfish right in a green dot Ricky Bobby anyways and then I climbed to and then obviously went over the shoulder so three out of five with aroni zero out of five with just the Glock hold on real quick though where were you aiming at on us I was aiming right here okay I'm gonna say maybe you didn't hit because you're shooting 40 that's a heavier bullet with a lot more drop yeah it's actually possibly you know that could be down there and it's possible that it's this guy too I'm not gonna argue that all right let's do the screen test all righty we just did the accuracy test and now we're gonna do some speed so we're gonna count how many rounds we can get on that green dot at five yards and four seconds so we're gonna use this shot timer here this is four seconds all right so we're gonna go at the same time starting with pistols all right and we'll see how many accurate shots we can get on that green dot four seconds all right that's right so when we start this just to get rid of because there's a lot of variables with this so we're gonna start aimed in finger off the trigger okay and then when we do the roni will also be aimed in finger off the trigger that way it alleviates coming from the holster shouldering and all that kind of shit all right so let's go all right five yards with the brownie stabilizer how many rounds can we hit in the white target and the green dot and for second shooter ready standby all right guys so we just did five yards all right with the Glock I was able to get one two three four five six seven shots fiver in the green tore off the green all right so I guess five accurate shots in four seconds from my five and this uh this is what like a three-inch dot I think so then we switch over to the Roni all right I got one two three four and then one flyer down here so five shots I was able to get off with the Roni seven with the Glock five accurate with the Glock for with the Roni honestly I think I maybe have been able to squeeze one more there but I didn't so let's go over to Don okay a little bit different obviously with the Glock it takes me a little bit longer for that second shot than it does the first one obviously so I got one two three four shots off three of them in the green now when I went to the Roni I actually got five shots off and again three of them in the green so accuracy pretty much identical with the Roni again because of the standoff my first shot went low so I accommodated for that ended up going slightly right next one went hit the green next one was fully in the green and then I lifted just as the buzzer went off and got one a little bit high so for me again occasional shooter versus an instructor who shoots a lot I'm actually again the Errol knees ahead alright guys so we're gonna move it back to the 25-yard line alright we're gonna start with the row knees again same drill it's gonna be how many accurate shots we can get off in four seconds we widen the thing up too if we get it in I think it's the C zone then we're counting at a hit so that'll become self-explanatory we'll get out down there cuz I outlined it with the sharpie so 25 yards how many shots can we get off shoulder to finger up the trigger with the Roni in four seconds alright let's do it alright guys the same thing now we're gonna do it with the pistols how many accurate shots can we get in that C zone in four seconds all right we're going without the stabilizer so alright guys so we just did 25 yards let's take a look at these targets I got one two three four five I got six shots off I got five and I ate what is this the C zone all right in four seconds okay coming over to the roni one two three four five six seven seven shots up six in the C zone with the roni did I say the Roney on that this was Glock this is this is no stabilizer there's a stabilizer so I think this actually is the first time that I saw a benefit out of using it and it's actually exactly what I thought at the beginning when it comes to a little bit of distance and speed because it's shouldered I you know you can control it better so let's see how God did okay so with mine obviously the Glock I was able to go faster I was working on a smiley face with the eyes and I ran out of time so I got one I'm the Roni on the other hand I got three rounds off boom boom and got a jam cleared the jam and put one more round downrange after the buzzer so I got two versus one but I got more shots off with the pistol then I did the brownie obviously it's because I had a malfunction that I had to clear roni wins again alright guys so we just finished up just a little you know field test of you know these stabilizers micro bronies it's not a review it's just it is what it is that you know I know Caltech makes these CAA makes this one there's a whole bunch of different versions of these so what we did we ran a couple of tests and we went for speed we went for accuracy kind of blended them together a little bit one thing being said we did not shoot these things to the full capability all right we're Bren I mean the first time I've ever even put a gun in this thing was today you can mount an optic on the top of these things which obviously is gonna help with your accuracy tremendously but because I don't have a optic on my pistol and I wanted to use the exact same pistol as I was using in the Roni obviously you can't put a pistol that has an optic in here okay so we went straight iron sights I didn't see a whole lot of difference it did I can tell it is gonna Excel the stabilizers gonna help with rounds on target rounds on target at a rapid pace when you get some distance I guess your time's up bro I guess you're okay alright what do you get you know obviously a couple of learning points these are brand new out of the box they went straight into the Sirico process so as we use them they did loosen up a little bit and they became a lot maybe not a lot but quite a bit more functional like the door I didn't have the door pushed all the way forward you could hear it click when it started getting loosened up slightly it was very firm and no more malfunctions until that very last shoot and that could have been the Glock from shooting a lot I basically excelled in almost every yard line with the running so for me it was actually a little bit better yeah and you know that's a good point Donn hasn't operated in quite a while about 30 years or so fundamentals are still there it's just pretty little rusty yeah and so I he's a better gauge with this than me because Don's more the average shooter everyday shooter or you know average shooter or whatever and you know I get a lot of trigger time on the pistol so there's that so with that being said I mean you know if you're looking to I like it you like it it looks cool they're not crazy expensive they look badass in sirico they do I like it so anyways that uh will cut it right there don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and don't forget to check John out or Don out at at a certain nation alright see you next week
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Views: 446,596
Rating: 4.8570509 out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite caa micro roni, micro roni, CAA Micro Roni, Micro Roni Stabilizer, Micro Roni Glock 19, caa roni, roni, cerakote nation micro roni, shawn ryan vigilance elite, vigilance elite cerakote nation, Vigilance Elite, vigilance elite training, vigilance, elite, Pistol Stabilizer, caa, Glock 19, glock, shawn ryan cerakote nation, Shawn Ryan, shawn ryan navy seal, Navy SEALs, navy seal, shawn, ryan, ar pistol, glock sbr, Cerakote Nation, cerakote, don bradley green beret
Id: 4-f7HEgkr6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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