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our subject for this afternoon the great  controversy what did i say the great controversy   god is good and all the time who is with us now  who was not here this morning miss your hands   thank you very much for coming we're  delighted you've chosen to join us   you have had or we have had a long day am i right  and i will keep this in mind as i deliver the   remarks i believe god has placed rather heavily on  my heart before i do that uh who's with us who is   not a seventh-day adventist makes your hand any  nonsense god bless you nice to see you thank you   so much for coming were you here this morning  well good you were one of us then all right   anyone else you're not a seventh-day adventist  just raise your hand where are you anyone else   where is that a hand you reason no i thought this  brother was pointing out somebody else all right   so we just have one distinguished non-seventh-day  advocate god but what's your name oh yes yes yes   all right i met you last night okay and there's  no one else okay that's not good we should invite   our friends who were not seventh-day adventists  are you with me no you're not are you with me   we must invite our friends so they can benefit  from what god has given to us do i need this   i don't okay will i ruin it if i do that all right  uh it's um a quarter to eight is that quarters   of eight i have a quarter to 11 michigan time i  should be done by i'll try to be finished by 8 15.   just give you a a sabbath end sermonette  no you have had a long day and so have i   but i'll see what the holy ghost says before  i go any further do three easy favors for me   favor number one if you have a cell  phone i would like you to turn it off   please don't rebel it's a very dangerous thing  to rebel against a preacher who's standing doing   god's work i mean if he's on the golf course  that's something else when he's in the desk   doing god's work you better be careful how you  respond to his requests all cell phones turned off   are they all off don't lie in the  presence of god are they all off who is having a hard time turning it off can i see   your hair all right my brother  keep working on it turn it off oh i'll ask god to ruin it turn it off turn it off no it's amazing how rebellious people are in the  church just because i ask please turn them off   the cardinal mind says he can't tell me what to  do which is true so i'm just asking very nicely   please what's it in spanish for favor please turn  them off favor number two while i'm speaking pray   for me and all i want you to say is lord put your  words in that man's mouth and favor number three   i want you to think of what you're  hearing don't just sit and listen   think of what you're hearing let's pray holy  father in heaven my request is very simple   i ask you to god to possess my mind put your  words in my mouth and grant me a humble spirit   i seek only your glory and  the blessing of your people   so forgive my sins cleanse my heart day god  make me a fit vessel for this spiritual task   and father let the spirit in me be the spirit  in your people who listen that the words leaving   the throne of grace entering my mind exiting my  lips may enter their hearts unbroken unchanged   that at the end of the service their god we may  all be drawn close to your bosom glorifying you   and reveling in the truth i offer this  prayer from my heart in jesus name amen let me make an observation it is not just common  uh unique to you it's common wherever i go when you pray pray to god father through  the holy spirit in the name of jesus you know ellen white frequently  refers to salvation as a science   are you with me have you ever heard  the expression the science of salvation   the science of prayer there  is a way to pray you pray   to god the father you pray through the holy spirit  who knows really what it is you and i want to say   even when we groan he interprets that into the  language of heaven and you pray in the name   of jesus is that simple enough i have seen  this thing turned upside down wherever i go   because we take a casual approach to doing  things a certain way there is a way to pray i'll tell you something else we are to exercise  repentance towards god and faith in the lord jesus you're lost and you look it let me  say it again we are to exercise faith   repentance towards god the father and faith in the  lord jesus and faith in the lord jesus is faith   in all that he did and accomplished through  his all-powerful all-sufficient atonement you don't pray to the holy ghost and you don't pray in the name of the father you exercise faith in jesus and you  offer repentance towards the father   it's a very arranged and organized system are you  with me are you finding these details troublesome   you sure at least now you know and it's up to  you what you'll do you know i was at a church   the last church i had the great pleasure of  pastoring and i was explaining to my members   i want you to be sophisticated not stuck up  there are two different things when you pick   up a hymnbook you don't say let's sing page 97  because the hymnbook does not have pages it has   hymn numbers and one member came to me she said  pastor what i like about you you tell us things   no one has ever told us and we perhaps would never  hear you sing him numbers you don't sing pages   now that's a little thing i know that and i'm  getting to a little thing in the sermon you see   how many of you have ever written a term paper  can i see your hands is there a certain way to   write the footnotes are you with me where do  you put a semicolon a colon when you italicize   when you underline is there a certain way yes or  no yes if you write a doctrinal dissertation there   is something called a format and the reason why  i'm stressing this is that one of our problems   is we are too casual we are too slack in the  way we do the things of god and god does not   bless slackness he does not bless carelessness  he does not bless well-intentioned sloppiness god is organized he's disciplined   he is regular he's systematic if you do  not believe me study the physical laws you look as though i just punished you let me  stop punishing you our subject for this afternoon   the great controversy what did i say   the great controversy daniel  chapter one reading from verse 1. daniel 1 reading from verse 1 the bible says  in the third year of jehoiakim king of judah   came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem  and besieged it and the lord gave jehoiakim king   of judah into his hand with part of the vessels  of the house of god which he carried into the land   of china to the house of his god and he brought  the vessels into the treasure house of his god   and the king spake unto ashmanas the master of  his eunuchs that he should bring certain of the   children of israel and of the king's seed and  of the princes children in whom with no blemish   but well favored and skillful in all wisdom and  cunning and knowledge and understanding science   and such as had ability in them to stand in  the king's palace and whom they might teach   the learning and the tongue of the chaldeans and  the king appointed them a daily provision of the   king's meat and of the wine which he drank  so nourishing them three years that at the   end thereof they might stand before the king now  among these were of the children of judah daniel   hananiah mishael and azariah unto whom the  prince of the eunuchs gave names for he gave unto   daniel the name of belteshazza antihananaya of  shadrach and to michael of meshach and to azariah   of abednego now read verse 8 with me but daniel  purpose in his heart that he would walk not do   what defile himself with the portion of the  king's maid nor with the wine which he dry   therefore he requested the prince of the  universe that he might not defile himself the great controversy the babylonian armies had come three times   i believe 605 598 and 586 and they are taken  with them jewish captives and the third time   they came they destroyed jerusalem left a few  jews there and took most of the population   away scattered them around so they could not  really form some viable opposition or rebellion   nebuchadnezzar being a very wise king he  thought that he would take some of the very best   of the babylonian young men and train them  to administer the kingdom of babylon but in   order to do that the king had to make them less  jewish and as much babylonian as he possibly could did you follow what i just said he  had to undermine their jewishness   and make them babylonian so that they would  think babylonian and therefore be an asset   through his administration  the bible says in verse 4 children in whom was no blemish but well favored   skillful in all wisdom cunning in knowledge  understanding science and such as had ability   in them to stand in the king's palace and whom  they might teach the learning and the tongue   of the chaldeans one way to enter into the  culture of a people is to study the language   are you following me language is one  of my my favorite language outside of   english is swahili from east africa any east  africans no where are you from nairobi nairobi all right don't ask me what i said that's between  him and me don't look so nosy between him and me so i love swahili and when i hear swahili speaker  speak it badly i just get unhappy now in swahili   to have is to be with kuwa now  am i right you see kuana is   quite to be na is with to be with so it tells  me that somewhere in the swahili tradition   the concept of possession was not so strong it  was more i am with it not so much i possess it   i am with it and i like that so when you pass on  someone else is with it are you following me so as   you study language you gain insights into the  thinking of the people nebuchadnezzar decided   he would teach these young men and we're focusing  on daniel hananiah michelle and azariah he would   teach them the language and the learning of  the chaldeans another word for babylonians   he also did something else unto whom the prince  of the eunuchs gave names verse 7 of daniel 1   for he gave unto daniel the name of beltashasa and  to hananiah of shadrach and to mishael of meshach   and to abednego of azariah and azariah abednego  a name in the hebrew context is very serious   because the name expressed what character those boys could have learned all the chaldean  language they chose but to really target the   character he had to change the name and while he  did not know that but that's a biblical principle   did not god change abraham's name did he not  change jacob's name did he not tame syria's name   god has a way of changing names when something  happens in the life now that you have changed   you need a new name so nebuchadnezzar all  unconsciously follows a biblical principle   now you're no longer in jerusalem you are  in babylon you need a name that reflects   a change in your life i am giving you  babylonian names attached to babylonian gods shadrach meshach abednego belted all somehow  attached to babylonian gods but daniel hannonia   mishael azariah were names attached somehow to  the god of heaven and earth can you say amen so   both sets of names were attached to uh well i  don't want to use deity for both but just for   god heaven and earth but you understand what  i mean now you have a different set of gods   in jerusalem they had one god they still hadn't  they because they didn't realize that at first   in babylon they have all kinds of gods  and the names reflect your connection when jacob robbed esau of his  birthright and his blessing   in genesis 27 36 when esau realized his blessing  was gone earlier on his birthright had been taken   by his own folly he said is not he rightly named  jacob notice the wording is not he rightly named   jacob for he hath supplanted me these two times  just a plan to receive esau says within the huge   the jewish tradition jacob has the right name  it matches his one his character and then he   describes the character he took away my birthright  and behold now he has taken away my blessing   matthew 1 21 and she shall bring forth the son and  thou shalt do what call his name what jesus why   for he shall save his people not only character  but life's work is associated with the name   and so our commander is michael what does  michael mean who is like god nebuchadnezzar   changed the names of daniel hananiah mishael and  azariah and years ago i decided not to call them   shadrach meshach and abednego anymore i called  him daniel hananiah mishael azariah now sometimes   i have to add the babylonian names because many  adventists don't even know they had jewish names   so when you say hananiah mishael and  azariah you confuse a lot of adventures   they don't know who you're talking about  but i just want to refer to these young boys   as they were by the names their god-fearing  parents gave them daniel hananiah mishael   azariah you're saying what does this have to  do with the weekend that deals with uh sexual   behavior and so on and so forth i'm coming to  that what's our subject the great controversy   nebuchadnezzar gave them a  babylonian curriculum verse 4.   then he gave them a babylonian diet verse 5.  and he gave them babylonian names verse 7. what three things did the nebuchadnezzar do what  did he change the name what else did he change   the diet what else did he change  the curriculum three things if you study daniel chapter one there is no record of daniel what are the  three boys called come on tell me what   are they called hananiah see what i mean  mishael and azariah what's wrong with you there is no record of those boys raising  a fuss about the change of the curriculum no controversy because they  had the right foundation   are you following me they had  been taught on the mother's knees   at the father's feet they had a foundation  that no subsequent construction could affect no controversy recorded that they opposed  this curriculum what was the other thing the   beginners did he gave them new names there  is no record in daniel that those four boys   raised the fuss about the names they were given  you see people can call you whatever they like   it's not what people call you that count  with god it's what you call yourself   you said amen but you don't follow me was daniel's  name as given by nebuchadnezzar belter shazam   now if you read daniel 7 15 i daniel was grieved  in my spirit in the midst of my body and the   visions of my head trouble me now what are the  two key words in that verse i daniel not i belter no one said anything are you with me have i lost  you daniel 8 15 it came to pass when i even i   daniel saw the vision and sought for the meaning  that behold they stood before me as the appearance   of a man i daniel daniel 9 verse 2 in his first  year i daniel sought by books the number of years   daniel 10 2 he knows this i daniel this morning  three full weeks it is i daniel daniel 10 7   daniel 12 5. i daniel daniel 27 i daniel fainted  regardless of the fact that nebuchadnezzar called   him belty shazza and we see that in daniel  2 27 the king answered and said unto daniel   whose name was beltashatta i was unable to make  known to me the dream that i have seen and the   interpretation thereof the babylonians called him  back to shazza what did daniel call himself daniel   when gabriel came what did gabriel call him daniel  not belter so heaven still recognized daniel   what do your friends call you they can call you whatever they like   but don't give them practical reason to give  you a terrible name don't let them call you lazy   because you've given them calls for that  don't let them call you slack because you've   given them reason don't let them call you  whatever because i have given them reason   but let me say again it is not what people call  you it is how you recognize who you are you're   calling your mission this life and  the name that you choose for yourself   so i am a seventh-day adventist not just  a christian the word christian is nothing   you didn't hear me when someone says christian   we say well you know this is supposed to be a  christian nation they were the ones dropping   bombs on whomever it's a christian nation  are you with me christian means nothing   because everybody is a christian seventh-day  adventist i get one mercy i need two more why are you so quiet sev okay thanks several the  adventist that means something the name seventh is a standing  rebuke to the protestant world here is the line of distinction  between those who worship god   and those who worship the beast and receive  his mark the name itself is a rebuke she says in testimonies volume 1 page 23  paragraph 1 i was shown in regard to the   remnant people of god choosing a name two  classes were presented before me one class   embraced the great bodies of professed christians  they were trampling upon god's law and bowing   to a people institution they were keeping the  first day of the week at the sabbath of the lord   the other class who were but few in number  were bowing to the great law giver they were   keeping the fourth commandment the peculiar  and prominent features of their faith were   observance of the seventh day and waiting for the  appearing of our lord from heaven she was shown that name seventh the advertised and when you understand that  you take pride in that name   and so nebuchadnezzar changed their names they  did not fuss because they understood who they were many years ago i worked for the salvation army  as a social worker emergency social worker   and i was sitting in my office and i  had my name plate facing those who came   and this lady came she sat down and she looked  at my nameplate s-k-e-e-t-e to me very simple   and she did let you know have you ever  seen a parrot on a perch in a case and she said mr scheckerty and i said yes well i'm not lying in the presence  of god she said mr skecherty and i   said yes because i know who can finish it who i am i was preaching in kenya in dubai  angu and this little boy he came   i was there four weeks every night this little  boy enjoyed the preaching he gave me a card   but he could not figure out the pronunciation of  my name on the card he wrote to past a handy skirt don't call me but i know  skirts are handy but not for me   but he called me pastor handy skirt but i said  thank you i didn't correct him no that would   have been criminal i loved the little boy and  i took that card it came from his heart but i   know my name is randy skeet not handy skirt so  it didn't bother me now do you know who you are daniel knew who he was so nebuchadnezzar could  call him beltisa or belty anything else made no   difference to daniel and so daniel and his  three or four friends did not raise a stink   over the change in the  curriculum what's our subject   the great context they did not object  there's no record to the change in the name   but when the diet was announced now  they arose what a great controversy now you tell me is diet important oh yes have you  ever wondered why a key book of prophecy is first   chapter is based on dying now the first chapter  of any book is essential to understanding the book   many of us cannot grasp the teachings of  daniel in revelation because of the way we eat i knew you died down i knew it you're not listening to me sometimes  i get emails i get them from all over the world   let's explain daniel 11. explain daniel 11.  oh explain this and explain that people want   shortcuts to bible knowledge you see because  study takes effort but you grow your mind expands   so people find daniel revelation very difficult  to understand let me make a recommendation for you   change your diet amen change  it get a prophetic diet   i can see it on your face what is a  prophetic diet one that does not include meat a lot of sugar a lot of  fat or too much of anything one that keeps you close to the earth close to what was recommended in eden because god  knew that diet would benefit the mind councils and   dads and foods page 132 paragraph three the mind  is seriously affected by what we eat and drink now   nebuchadnezzar knew that he knew that you know  why speakers don't like to speak after lunch you know why people go to sleep   you know why they're going to sleep because  the stomachs are full the blood is gone   from the brain it's taking care of digestion  whatever else it does and so they go to sleep as teacher once told me many young  people are given ritalin young people   boys and girls in school for whatever  simply because they are reacting to the   diets they eat the breakfast they have  when they come to school in the morning   and if the breakfast could be  changed the behavior will change and you will have fewer of the millions  of children doped up on ritalin and so daniel and the three hebrew boys raise  and organize stink over the change of the diet that was a great controversy and  daniel decided in verse 8 of daniel 1   and daniel purpose in his heart the  heart meaning the mind not the organ   that pumps blood what does it  mean to purpose in your heart to what to resolve someone say something else do you know what to decide we have resolved  this give me another synonym make up your mind in purpose in his heart not just daniel  the four boys daniel represents all four   but if you read 417 as for these four children god  gave them knowledge and skill in all learning and   wisdom all for purpose in their heart but daniel  is the lead figure he would not defile his body   with the portion of the king's meat nor with  the wine which is right why use the word defile the jews would do everything to avoid  defilement because the firemen ultimately   had a spiritual terminus when  jesus was wrongly condemned   and he went before pilate the jews would not  go in there they did not want to be defiled   are you with me they can murder jesus  but they don't want to be defiled couldn't go into the judgment hall to  be defiled jews were very sensitive   to defilement and daniel understood that  diet will affect my mind and my character and so he said i'm not eating that  stuff and i'm not drinking that wine here's what four modern young people  might have said might have said   they're not present in this church somewhere  else let's eat the stuff what's the big thing   about meat is this three years what's wrong  with a little wine we love to reason with god   and negotiate with god and rationalize with god  when god says very simply and very plainly don't   do that don't do that we find reasons we bring  logic so aristotle becomes our god and our guide   let me underscore what i'm trying to say  when daniel said i'm not eating that meat   do you realize the risk he was taking let  me tell you the risk verse 10 of daniel 1   the prince of the eunuch said unto daniel  i fear the lord my king what is he saying   i am scared to death of nebuchadnezzar who  have appointed your meat and your drink for   why should he fight see your faces worse liking  than children which are of your sword then shall   you make me what and danger what my head to  whom the king the man says to daniel look   this attitude of yours will put my life at  risk because if i don't carry through the   king's recommendations my head will be cut  off this king does not rule by committee that's how serious it was i prefer to  die then defile my body and my mind   whatever defiles the body defiles the mind and if  the mind is defiled the decisions will be affected let me bring something else to  your consciousness oh it's already   19 after eight let me hurry up and finish notice verse 4 of daniel verse  5 of daniel 1. do you have it   what are the first two words are the  first three words and who the king   who selected the diet who's higher  than the king or who was no one   who do you think has the best food in babylon  the king who had the best chefs the king which means that what nebuchadnezzar  offered those four boys   was the very best that babylon had to  offer ah you missed it i'm so discouraged   you're not listening to me all those of  you listening say amen okay i'm shocked babylon offered daniel named the three hebrew boys   ah yes i heard noise noise babylon offered  daniel hannony michelle and azariah the very best   food in babylon now babylon was the leading  nation on earth they had the best earthly diet   but the best that the world has to offer  is not good enough for the child of god   we need to learn that in food in dress in in  recreation in entertainment and how we spend   our money in our romantic life the best the  world has to offer is not good enough for you so don't come and tell me research says  that you should eat six little meals a day   now you've read that you've seen it  on youtube and the diet videos huh   it's called grazing eat six little meals ella  white says uh-uh now ella white has never   done research and i don't care she did or not  she got research directly from heaven now the   brightest minds tell you eat six little meals  a day and give your stomach how much rest none what does inspiration say two or three that's it   and don't eat between are you listening to  me don't eat anything between but what do   the phd say with all respect to phds and rip  whatever you have don't eat between meals now you look at all the phds and the chemical is  this something nutritional chemistry or something   is there something whatever it is you look at  that that body it's intimidating when you see phd edd what are all the d's and you look at  alan white what does she have nothing d and you with your degree are required  to obey and believe that woman who had no degree but what she offers is  not an earthly source it is from above   and you must be willing to suffer the slings  and arrows of your friends who laugh at you that personal trainer you  waste god's money spending on   who tells you eat six small meals a day and you  do it another white is rolling over in her grave   and the angels are asking themselves  what's wrong with this absinthe how do you choose babylon over jerusalem let me say again at 23 after eight daniel  offered not daniel nebuchadnezzar offered   those four hebrew boys the very best he  had to offer nothing on earth was better   because that was the leading kingdom on  the earth daniel said i don't want it the spirit just told me going to this  area let me get into your business   wherever i go i counsel  young ladies and old ladies   on romance i'm not an expert but i just give the  bible i know why that's it pastor pray for me why i'm involved with a man who doesn't come to  church so my first response is and it's a very   naughty response why wouldn't a good seventh-day  adventist like your boyfriend not come to church why wouldn't he come to church a  nice adventist grew up in the church   his grandfather was william miller  why wouldn't he come to church   you know what she says they all say  he is not a seventh-day adventist i said sister let me give it to you straight i  mean straight between the eye take your glasses   off to connect yourself with an unbeliever  is to place yourself on satan's ground you grieve the spirit of god and forfeit  his protect what does forfeit mean give up now this is not james dobson writing  this is not marilyn hickey this is not   joyce meyer any of those are the well-dressed  false prophets this is wisdom from above to connect with an unbeliever is to  place yourself on satan's ground now   what do i usually get back  but he's a good methodist i don't care i just don't care white rise to  this young lady who had the same argument led   us to young lovers speech 87 paragraph three  here's what she says though the young man   she says of your choice we're in all other  respects worthy and then in brackets which is not yet he has not accepted the truth  for this time he is an unbeliever   in other words to the adventist mind an unbeliever  is someone who does not believe and practice   present truth i don't care if he's the best  methodist on the face of the earth and elsewhere   he's a good catholic i don't care by the way  for those of you who are in that condition now make up your mind before you leave  this building the relationship is done   are you with me is that a guilty laugh  system are you with me the relationship   is done here's what you do because you  see the unbeliever will take you from god   and you may be practicing just what we're  talking about today and this weekend you   know why god told the israelites don't mingle  with the the canaanites the amorites he said   they will turn your heart from me he never  said you will turn their hearts to me he said   they will turn your heart from me which means  there is no such thing as boyfriend evangelism here's what you do you call that man or  that woman you're involved with illegally it's illegal in the eyes of god and you say  whatever his name is barabbas i've called   to tell you i made a mistake i misled you into  thinking that my church tolerates this behavior   i have misled you into thinking that all the  young ladies in my church are just like i am   i was wrong i've come called to apologize for that  and to tell you that based on my conviction my god   has spoken to me my love for my church i have to  dissolve this relationship and this call is that   it is not a call to discuss possibilities for  baptism this is a call to end the relationship   tonight if it's a woman calling a man call announce  and hang up because you can argue with the man   no you can't you ask eve you  cannot argue with the man men know naturally how to twist your head men am i right women you know i'm  right just announce it and that's it   if you're a man calling a woman you announce it   and that's it i don't care how much she  cries you must have a heart of holy flint listen to me go to patriarchs and prophets read  the chapter on seth and enoch by ellen white   have you ever reflected on the fact that the  chapter that introduces the conditions that   led to the flood begins with mixed marriage and it  came to pass when men began to dwell upon the face   of the earth and daughters were born unto them  that the sons of god saw the dollars of men that   they were fair and they took them wives of always  their choice ellen white says the holy line they   lived in the mountains the sinful line descended  from cain they lived in the valleys and the plains   and the men from the holy line began drifting into  the valleys the sinful women were very beautiful   and before long they intermingled  eloise said it led to the very   worst results now as you heard during dr jackson  it never happens overnight but it happens   any practice contrary to divine  guidance will lead to bad results this lady called me pastor need to  talk to you we sat in the office   yes what's the problem my husband takes my son  to uh games on sabbath i said well what's the   problem with that is your husband an adventist  no are you an adventist yes when you married him   did you know he was not an adventist she said  yes i said well tell me what do you want me to do now when people say pray for  me i don't waste time why   because i'm not wasting god's time are  you with me two weeks later came back   hasn't got to talk to you about what my  husband puts pork in the refrigerator i said sister he an adventist no did  you know that when you married him yes   he has a right to put a living  pig in that refrigerator   he already came to me in a certain  part of the world pray for my boyfriend   why he won't come to church you  know my response why wouldn't a nice well-raised seventh-day adventist young man  not come to church she put her head down   pastor he's not an adventist i said  what do you want me to pray and say i'm serious i ask ah he'll come to church  i said no i won't pray for that here's what   i'll pray and say that god will give you the  decency to go and tell him i made a mistake i'm   sorry for giving you the wrong impression all  the girls in the administration not that easy you did you want me to repeat it you didn't  hear me all the girls in the adventist church   are not that easy and you're sorry and  god bless him and you let god save him she put her head down and walked away  what am i saying if we want to avoid   what we're talking about this weekend one  thing we need to avoid is mixed relationships are you with me and so as we conclude the great  controversy the best babylon had to offer with   respect to food was not good enough for daniel  what are the three boys called hananiah michelle the best catholic on earth could be the  nephew of pope benedict is not suited   for you why because you  are a seventh-day adventist you're not better than you're different from are  you listening to me patriarchs and prophets page   126 paragraph one ella white writes of abraham now  that abraham was in a special sense connected with   heaven he must dwell among strangers his character  must be peculiar differing from all the world all the world needs all the catholics that  were back then all the baptists all the mormons   all the scientologists all the pentecostals all  the presbyterians all the jehovah's witnesses   all the church of satan folk his character  had to be different from all the world and that difference must be seen in our dress our  diet our relationships our everything and that is   no joke when i listen to dr jackson's presentation  and we're having struggle with well i can't tell   you what they're women among us but we were  having some struggles as to what is appropriate   for a man and a woman when i my personal  conclusion is we are so affected by the world   you're listening to me that the  concept of a different lifestyle   sounds extreme you miss what i said we are  so worldlyfied i just made up that word that when god's original standard is presented  we back off and back up it sounds strange so when   moses was going to the israelites he told god look  you better give me a name for the israelites why   they don't know you i need a name   they don't know you listen we serve  a god who is the god of separation genesis 1 reading from verse 1 the bible says in  the beginning god created the heaven and the earth   and the earth was without form and void  and darkness was upon the face of the deep   and the spirit of god moved  upon the face of the waters   and god said let there be light and there  was light and god saw the light that it   was good now read the rest with me and  god divided the light from the darkness   now that's physical creation but physical creation  teaches spiritual lessons we serve a creator   who wants us to understand by the way he created  i do not want light and darkness coexisting   for ye were sometimes darkness now are ye  light in the lord walk as children of light ephesians 5 8 and that separation  must enter every aspect of our lives   we must play differently and so as we discussed  sexual behavior earlier many of us had a problem   because dr jackson was introducing a standard  of sexual behavior that for our worldly minds   sounded strange so we just couldn't deal with  it some of us i should say in all failures   we couldn't because our standards may be  what you read in uh what's it called um   fm or fham something or playboy or desperate  housewives of atlanta or wherever or   name one they all come from this part of  the world that's where we get our standards   and when holy things are introduced we gag because we're so worthy let me give  your recommendation as i close the book   take three weeks and go on a fast not from food come  on say it man i know you're relieved go on a fast from television well let me be  extreme one week let's work our way up one week   watch no tv not even the news don't even read the  newspaper don't listen to the radio don't download   any rubbish on your ipod ipad nano whatever  maybe i'm out of date your icloud and whatever here's what you do for one week you  only read the bible and ellen white   accept what is required for your  class in school and your work   you try that see what happens to your mind   now for those of you with children you will have  a civil war because your children will not let   you keep that television off you may have for  the first time to put your feet down as parents   we live in an age when children run to homes what do you think i'm joking you  know how many parents are afraid   of the children in the adventist church  can't tell them anything you try that   one week of fasting from the world no  basketball no playoffs nor whatever no mma no olympics no jeopardy no dancing with the stars   huh no layering liquor games no  no who no baseball no facebook no facebook one week and see what god does to our  minds well let me make an appeal you and i must wage a great controversy  in the area of our diet it affects the   mind the mind affects behavior do you  need to make a change in your diet   have you made a commitment to  make a change in your diet who has   oh i'm very touched god bless you i mean that  stand up stand up stand up you will not regret it you will not regret it if we would just  do what god says in every area of life   our problems will be slashed by 90. here's my  challenge now one week fasting from the world give you time to take a deep breath  who will try that are you serious   remember jesus healed a  man who had a withered hand   well if you're joking he can give you a withered  hand are you with me so don't play with jesus he   can give you a withered hand now listen to me  who will try to fast from the world one week beginning when tonight keep  your hands up no tv no facebook   no myspace no craigslist no whatever what else is  there who twitter no twitter no twatter no nothing   no soap operas what will you  read the bible and ellen why   one week keep your hands up father in  heaven i present these hands to you   we'll try to fast one week from the world in  the precious name of jesus dear god help us to   understand that this challenge must be pursued  one hour at a time give us a strength father   when we weaken under the pressure when our nature  calls for the world give us the strength to say   like daniel i purpose in my heart not to do this  they got in heaven as your people try to purify   themselves by avoiding the world for awake let  them begin to see things in your word let them   begin to understand what was previously a mystery  let them see the beauty of spiritual things   ah father those of us who've made decisions to  change our diet give us the moral courage like   those four hebrew boys to choose the best  that heaven has to offer not babylon and   so god bless us help us to understand what we  eat what we drink what we watch what we read   affects our moral behavior let us wage this great  controversy in your power hear this humble prayer   save us all when you come bring us back tomorrow i  pray from my heart in jesus name and for his sake   let all god's people say amen and amen god  bless you god bless you we'll see you tomorrow you
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Id: 9x89aI8nSvs
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Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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