Walter Veith - The End Time Prophecy and Leadership | stream facts

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is that better okay i said thank you for inviting me to your church did you enjoy that hymn it's one of my favorite hymns how can it be that oh my god thou died for that thou my god did die for me so i'm not here really because of any merit of our own we're here only because of his merit but what strikes me about that song as you know wesley wrote it good old protestant song is that no roman catholic can sing it he can't sing it yeah theology is wrong because according to roman catholicism jesus never died for you he never died for you and you are not saved by his blood according to them but by his works and also by the works of every saint that according to them ever walked this earth and all of these good works go into a chest this is not my lecture i don't know you chose the song it's not my fault goes into this chest which is called the treasury of merit you know that theology don't you who does not understand that theology you all understand and why am i preaching it then here's one who doesn't unders who doesn't understand it so that's good uh by the way do you know how wesley came into the church right he attended a meeting and there was an evangelist and he was supposed to preach and there was only one attendee and there was wesley and the preacher said well i'm really going to waste my time maybe we should just cancel but then he thought you know there's one i'll preach and the rest is history isn't it yeah so don't underestimate god anyway he takes out of that treasury of merit and then with that merit he can relieve your time in purgatory because catholicism teaches that jesus never died for you therefore you must bear the consequences of your sins yourself and all forgiven sins must be paid for in full that's why you have to have a place called purgatory and in purgatory you pay for those sins and they burn away over time until you've paid the penalty and then you can pass through into the pearly gates of course if you never confessed your sins to a priest you go to the hotter place but that's the theology god never died for you and that is why when they signed that joint declaration this is not part of my lecture okay you chose the hymn it's your fault whoever chose the hymn when they signed that joint declaration on justification together we confess that by grace alone through christ's saving works we are justified you should not say amen brother you should weep between the porch on the altar and put some ashes on your head and sit in sackcloth because that's what the protestants signed and it's a lie it's a jesuit lie perfectly written so that every protestant will fall into the trap and that is the problem because it's not by grace alone there is grace of course alone that is true but it is by faith alone without faith it is impossible to please him by faith alone and not through his saving works but through his blood because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins so it's cleverly written to mass catholic theology in protestant terminology and the protestants say where do i sign and i cannot wait to reconcile you cannot reconcile a system which says christ through his precious blood atoned for my sins o my god who died for me you cannot reconcile that with the theology of he never died for you you have to pay for your sins yourself and therefore we will invent purgatory and burn them off you until you have paid for them yourself you don't need christ it's a sad theology now i was a catholic that's why i love that hymn i sing it with all the power that i have and in heaven i'll only get a little triangle because i'm useless at it but i try and that's not what i came here to talk about but it's important to know isn't it it's very important to know because the whole christian world is being duped into believing that a system that denies the death of jesus christ and his atonement is masquerading as a system that embraces it that is a travesty of justice which goes against the grain where every protestant should stand up and do what protest thank you thank you we should protest now i did a series called conflict and triumph recently some of you might have listened a little bit while we did it at the camp meeting and i thought this was a very important thing that i had to do i felt driven to do it because people always say why do you seventh-day adventists think that you've eaten the knowledge with the big silver spoon who do you think you are and you're so arrogant why do you think that you are the bee's knees and everybody else is babylon i mean it's a big mouthful to make people swallow isn't it yes and it does sound incredibly arrogant but what if it's true i was in germany once and i did this lecture and i was telling them about jesus being the only way and this lady got up i knew you might have heard the story and she screamed at me from the audience you haven't done that yet i must try harder and she said that is so arrogant how can you say that jesus is the only one what about islam what about buddhism what about hinduism you think you're the only way do you think this is the only way and i said to you you're absolutely right it's incredibly arrogant unless it's true then it's not arrogant then it's just a fact so i gave her a little analogy i said statistically speaking there are seven billion people in the world of which about three and a half billion are men so statistically speaking the probability that i'm the father of my children is one in three and a half billion but irrespective of that i'm the father so that's just a fact or leave it if he says he's the only way and he is the only way then there is no other way and if he is god because that's what we sang right you see what you do when you when you choose him like that if he is god and he has life within himself and he lays it up and he takes it up again then not everybody can claim to have life within himself to lay it down and take it up again you have to be god and able to be able to do that wouldn't you agree then then that's just a fact and i haven't been convinced that buddha was a god nor that muhammad was a god or any other one of them was a god or krishna or any one of them i don't think that we're on a wrong road here anyway pearls of truth in settings of gold what is that about there's a study of history that is not to be condemned sacred history was one of the studies in the schools of the prophets and the records of his dealings with the nations were traced the footsteps of jehovah so today we are to consider the dealings of god with the nations of earth we are to see in history the fulfillment of prophecy to study the workings of providence in the great reformatory movements and to understand the progress of events in marshalling the nations for the final conflict of the great controversy that's our job to study history to see what is happening amongst the nations how are they being marshaled for the final conflict that is our job description we have to do it and it's not a very popular job description now seventh-day adventism arose in the north american continent especially there in the area around new york that is where we find the cradle of seventh-day adventism and this lecture is about that and i'm not going to give this lecture i just wanted to show you that slide yeah i only have two days so what shall i do here okay so how did it arise and why did it arise in north america you know if you if you're preaching in europe they're not interested in some sect that arose in north america if you're preaching in southern africa which is a protestant district they're not interested why should it come from america who does america think they are after all right why should it come out of america and that history is so fascinating what happened in the reformation was that they discovered the five pillars of the reformation sola scriptura the bible and the bible alone sola christos christ and christ alone sola grazia sole fides faith and faith alone those those are the principles of protestantism and then they ensconced themselves in a state and church conglomerate and ward against each other for years the 30-year war and killed millions and millions of people and slowly the cantons were divided into protestant cantons and catholic cantons and if you were in a protestant canton and the prince or the elector was a protestant then the entire population in his canton had to be what protestant and if you were in a catholic canton what happened then you had to be catholic and if you didn't want to be a catholic because of some conviction that you had you had to move or else you died and vice versa so your religion was determined by the state and very early on again this is not this lecture this is another lecture very early on even in the time of martin luther there was a man who was called andreas bortenstein from karlstadt could you say that please excellent andreas bortenstein from karlstadt he was the dean of wittenberg university he's the one who capped martin luther he was born in the exact same year but he was his senior and when martin luther was whisked off to the vat bush he was being persecuted and there he gave us this great gift the translation of the bible into the common tongue which inspired others to put the bible into the common tongue while he was there andreas bortenstein from kalstadt nice name man actually kalchthat is not his name karlstadt is the town that he came from his name was andreas portenstein and he came from front carlstadt the town later on they dropped the andreas bortenstein because it became too complicated and they just called him karlstadt he called someone after a town i mean that's crazy but nevertheless he suddenly discovered things he discovered things and he started writing it wait a minute doesn't the bible teach adult baptism wait a minute wait a minute doesn't the bible teach about the sabbath and martin luther wrote and said if we follow karl start then we'll have to keep the sabbath on the seventh day like the jews do and karlstadt discovered hang on a second here's a problem with all these images because if you weren't a catholic canton you the cathedrals belong to the catholics if you taken over and you were in a protestant canton the cathedrals belonged to the protestants but they were still catholic cathedrals and so karl stutz said excuse me let's remove all of these images and statutes and they had a thing called builder storm built is a is a is an image and they stormed them and took them down and then everybody got very upset about this and out of these movements eventually came a group called the anna baptists and they took this idea of adult baptism further anna baptist means to be baptized again and what happened to them they said excuse me you want to be baptized again we'll baptize you again they drowned them thousands of them thousands tens of thousands why because they discovered adult baptism now this was a problem because if you accept adult baptism well then you make your decision as to whom you want to follow based on your conviction from the word of god rather than the conviction of the political leadership in your canton if you were baptized as an infant well then you were welcomed into the system and became part of the system if you were baptized as an adult that wasn't a danger to the state because now you were basing your decision not on the status quo protected by government but upon your conviction and so they hounded them and slaughtered them and the protestants tried their utmost to keep up with the catholics in slaughtering them so eventually some of these anabaptists they had a bad name because they also had some other weird people but they weren't all weird some of them were weird and were rolling around and hooping and doing things like that like modern churches in your country do today they don't seem to have a bad name i don't know why but in those days it was considered strange and then you had out of them came the mennonites and the amish and all of those and they couldn't find a place anywhere without being slaughtered or hounded and even if they did find solace somewhere in the netherlands where they said okay you can stay they said to them we'll give you the worst farm land on the in the world and you can farm there and then they they improved the land and it started to bear fruit and the people said this is nice they took it away and gave them bad farmland again so eventually they all escaped and they ran to where to north america and you had all of these little groups and then later on developed other groups like in england the church of england you know i have the same church and state this is not the lecture this is i'm still coming to it but and then you had people who say now hang on a second we have to make a decision here based on our conviction and not based on what the state dictates and they were called congregationalists because the congregation decides who they will worship and how they will worship and so they were hounded and they ran away and where did they come to they came to this place north america and then there was a man by the name of hans hoot have you ever heard of hans hoot actually it's not hans hoot i think it's hans hoot because it was german these germans are a pain in the neck i'll tell you hans hoot hoot means hat and hans hoot said we have to we have to have adult baptism but there's one thing that we missed all these people that have church and state they're following augustine who believed in the city of god and that the world would be ruled by the church through the state that's wrong christ will come before the millennium and he will destroy the wicked this was in the time of martin luther so what did they do to hans hoot they tortured him almost to death in what town wittenberg can you believe that protestants tortured that man almost to death and that night his candle fell over as he lay in that dungeon and his bedding caught the light and he asphyxiated he died they were horrified the man died without them so they did the same to him as they did to wycliffe they went and burnt his bones who did that catholics or protestants protestants protestants so these ideas eventually spread amongst various groups and they all escaped later when they could and they came to where to this place and then you had the great british poets milton and you had tyndall who wrote the bible in english and he believed in soul sleep just like martin luther believed in soul sleep and eventually they were put in jail and there they sat for years and years and years why because they said their own prayer you can't say your own prayer you have to pray out of the church prayer book which had the prayers of latimer and ridley and cranmer wonderful protestants i believe they will all be in heaven but you can't say any other prayer you go to jail for 12 years even if you write pilgrims progress you go to jail and where did these people escape to they came to north america and then the baptists arose and slowly slowly these things started to be accepted but not really the greatest preacher in the baptist world that ever lived is no doubt charles spurgeon would you agree he wrote more than i don't know how many volumes of the encyclopedia britannica although he actually never wrote anything it's all these sermons put together but it's amazing brilliant preacher but he was a calvinist he was a calvinist his doctrine was calvinistic and calvinists believe in predestination right but the baptists eventually spread and many of them escaped the absolute turmoil and blood in europe and where did they escape to north america and very soon they became the largest denomination in north america and they split on many levels and one split was called seventh day baptist have you heard of them and there was a lady amongst them her name was rachel oakes have you heard of her and rachel introduced the sabbath to the millerites see how it works and then because spurgeon was a calvinist and he believed in well calvinism predestination god by a feared decree determines who will be saved and who will be lost and before because god makes the choice for you you have no say in the matter and you fall under irresistible grace if you have been chosen for salvation and you will be saved like it or not and if you are chosen for damnation you have nothing to complain about because that's your just deserve [Music] you will go to hell for all eternity and because of the distance between salvation and damnation through the pain of the damnation the glory of the glorification is so much greater and even early on there was this debate in calvinism and there was a group of people called the remonstrance in the netherlands and they remonstrated against this theology and said this cannot be true this makes god the author of sin and eventually what happened to these people that were remonstrants they were persecuted yes so they escaped where did they accept too to north america but it took another champion and his name was wesley see what you do when you start with him it's all your fault that i haven't come to my lecture yet and wesley said no if god by a fair decree chooses only son to be saved predestination and predestines others to be lost then he's worse than the devil then he's worse than the devil any championed this armenian idea armenianism that god is a god of justice god is a god of of grace as well and this combination and you know what wesley also discovered you can't just do with your body what you want to you are the temple of the holy spirit so who started the temperance movements in the world who started the idea that you shouldn't smoke you shouldn't use alcohol your body is the temple of the holy spirit who was it was the methodists and when a methodist preached in england the public used to drive their cattle through their meetings to disrupt them and so the methodists ran and they escaped and they went where they went to north america so the amazing thing about north america i'm from africa i don't know why i'm preaching this the amazing thing is that all of these ideas post-reformation ideas were seated in north america and every single one of those ideas was bathed in the blood of the martyrs for every single one of those ideas thousands upon thousands upon thousands paid for their with their lives and then came the great awakening and the baptists had to decide where do they stand in terms of the character of god are they standing with calvinism or are they going to move towards the armenian idea and a man called finney he started preaching in the great awakening in this continent but he had the augustinian idea of the millennium he got the calvinism part right by breaking from it and the wesleyans they had it i believe right and then another man arose and his name was miller you know him william miller and then the millerite movement began and the great advent awakening began and guess what every single one of those doctrines that people had died for that people had suffered for were being collected into one denomination every single one of them into one denomination the state of the dead is that an adventist invention no it's a biblical invention and people died for it and they sat in jails and rotted for it those ideas came in and hans hood he didn't die for nothing he planted a seed and those ideas came in miller discovered the same thoughts and the seeds had already been planted amongst many of the people they'd all become again ensconced in their little religions and the shaking that took place took one out here and one out there i believe out of all of those denominations we're going to see thousands come into this denomination not because we're arrogant and because we think we have eaten the truth by the spoonful but because people died for that truth and gave it to us as a gift and then how do you make a sense out of all of this when there are so many other confusing ideas and so god in his wisdom for the remnant church according to scripture said i'll help you here are they that keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus for the testimony of jesus is the spirit of prophecy and we are so ashamed of it it is such a burden for the church if only it would go away now i became an adventist not knowing anything about spirit of prophecy or ellen g white i was baptized not knowing that name why well i was a big wheel i came from the university i had a phd in lies so i was very important and they felt you know uncomfortable telling me all of these things so they told me what i found fascinating and they left the rest out and then one day when i was on my farm and we were quite destitute this colleague of mine phoned me and he said why did you become a seventh day adventist so i tried to explain to him ever tried to explain that to someone especially an ex-colleague at the university have you ever tried that well he got very irate and then eventually he screamed at me and he said and you have that kleptomaniac explicit explicit explicit woman ellen g white and he said it with such vehemence that it piqued my interest and when i put the phone down i said to my wife who's lng white it's true this happened and we had a call porter used to come past our farm on his route a small little man very cute little man i thought he was totally weird but anyway he always brought us books and so we looked at this box of books that he took out that he brought and i reached in and i took one and my wife reached in and she took another one bless her soul it was called councils on diets and foods i don't know whether i should thank her for that or condemn her forever maybe there is a purgatory after all and she read that that's the first book she ever read but me i was a little bit wiser i took another one which was called desire of ages and once you start reading that you're a changed person don't you agree once you start reading the other one you're also a changed person it's just a bit more painful anyway so when when everybody came to an impulse that's when the spirit of prophecy kicked in and the path was clearly set up not some new strange path by the way not some new strange path just a confirmation of that which was already there in certain quarters and that is how this church came together and then there was a great disappointment and then one final cherry was placed on top of the cake and it was called the sanctuary message that little cherry and it happened in a wheat field as a man was walking through the wheat field there's a beautiful analogy there the harvest is right but there's something that all those churches had missed how much of the torah the first five books of the bible concerned the sanctuary just about all of it right to the law the torah and the testimony if they speak not according to this word they have no light in them so wouldn't it be logical that the great sanctuary message should be discovered by the last church again having been taught by the first one lost through all of those ages and then picked up again here towards the end yes or no and people said are you crazy who do you think you are with this investigative judgment nonsense that makes you a sick did you know that doesn't the bible say that when he comes his reward is with him and the angel will come and separate the wicked from the just doesn't it say that well excuse me if he knows who was wicked and who was just wasn't there judgment before he came so what's wrong with the pre-advent judgment if you don't believe in it you don't believe the bible so we're not fancy we're just the product of eons of suffering and god is attacking not god sorry the enemy of god is attacking this remnant and the attack is going to get worse now get to tonight's lecture is my time up now i've given this before but i'll give it again i'll try to be brief i'm going to do it by means of this analogy and some of you might have seen it but it doesn't matter you can watch it again deuteronomy 16 verse 18 judges and officers shalt thou make thee in all thy gates which the lord thy god giveth thee throughout thy tribes and they shall judge the people with just judgment that was god's plan that his church should be ruled by judges not by king but the people said we want the king and the lord said unto samuel hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee for they have not rejected thee but they have rejected me that i should not reign over them i remember all that blood that flowed and the congregationalists and all those people that said no no we make a decision when we are convinced of the fact that we want to follow jesus christ we will be baptized into all truth they wanted a king jesus said to them that the gentiles exercise dominion over their people and they exercise authority but it shall not be so amongst you we don't have that system if you want to be great then you have to be the least if you want to be a minister then minister and if you want to be the chief then become a servant so the organization of the churches at jerusalem was to serve as a model for the organization of churches in every other place where messengers of truth would win converts to the gospel and those to whom was given the responsibility of the general oversight of the church were not to laud it over god's heritage but as white shepherds were to feed the flock of god being examples to the flock these men were to take positions unitedly on the side of right and to maintain it with firmness and decision thus they would have a uniting influence upon the entire flock i have a friend he's smaller than me you know him his name is francois he taught me a very important thing let no man tell you your duty that's very important let no man tell you your duty we have to make our decisions based on truth so later this church was somewhat modified various parts of the world the groups came together and then god endowed the church with special gifts now i want to talk about the story of deborah because deborah i believe the story is a type of what is happening in our time i believe this story which has an eschatological flavor where god intercedes on behalf of the nation and fights from heaven with his holy angels is a type of what we are about to experience and are experiencing judges four and the children of israel again did evil in the sight of the lord when erhud the previous judge was dead and the lord sold them into the hand of jaben king of canaan that reigned in hazor the captain of whose host was caesar which dwelt in hashorret of the gentiles and the children of israel cried unto the lord for he had 900 chariots of iron and 20 years he mightily oppressed the children of israel and deborah a prophetess the wife of lapadan she judged israel at that time now i believe these names are very very important and that they tell a story so you have this arrogant king and his name is jabin and he reigns in a city called hazor and he has a general whose name is cesaro and you have a prophetess whose name is deborah and she has a husband whose name is lapidot now there was such a place because here are the archaeological finds of hazor and here are the runes of hazor where these canaanite kings rule now let's have a look at some of the meanings of these names jaiban the king it means one who is intelligent or discerning so here's a very bright man a very intelligent discerning man is he on god's side or is he against god he's against god and then he has a general and his name is sisera and that means horse or swift so can i make the analogy that the enemies of god and his people are worldly wise men and they have the military power to back it up they have chariots of iron now iron we also find in daniel in chapter 2 and it represents which kingdom rome and these chariots were equipped with scythe-like blades and they would race through the opposing armies and just thresh them like wheat cut them to pieces so the israelites were afraid of this military power so his his weapons were his chariots and his horses do you remember that god said that israel should not multiply its horses why not because they were to rely on god and not to rely on their horses so here you have this worldly wise king and he has a general called sisera who has a military power at his disposal and therefore his name means horse and swift now deborah means a bee a pollinator one who pollinates and she's married to lapidot which means lamp and enlightened and then there is another man who becomes the general of god's army of the israelites and he is barrack and his name means thunder and lightning now what are the weapons of god horses or thunder and lightning thunder and lightning right and if you read the stories of the old testament you'll see how often god interceded with thunder and lightning so you have a worldly wise king a general with all the military power at his disposal opposed to him you have a frightened little general called bayrak who only has at his disposal thunder and lightning so he doesn't have chariots but he has deborah the prophetess and she's married to the source of light and enlightenment get the story and she dwelt under the palm tree of deborah that's a previous terror between rama and batal in mount airframe and the children of israel came up to her for judgment now judgment in this sense means more than just deciding what's right and what's wrong but for information and she please note this she sent and called bayrak the son of abinawam there's another name out of kadesh naftali and said unto him has not the lord god of israel commanded saying go and draw towards mount tabor and take with the ten thousand men of the children of naftali and of the children of zebulun ten thousand men against that mighty army of sisera with these chariots of iron and you have your at your disposal thunder and lightning and i will draw unto thee to the river kishon sisura the captain of jabin's army with his chariots and his multitude and i will deliver him into thine hand he has a promise now abhinav means father of pleasantness and where did he live bairak he lived in kadesh and kadesh was a city of refuge what happened in the city of refuge if you were a murderer or an extreme criminal where did you run to to a city of refuge because really you were under a death decree but the death decree was stayed in the city of refuge as long as you stayed there my dear brothers and sisters we are all [Music] murderers and criminals and we are sitting in a city of refuge you pop your head out of this city of refuge you're going to get it chopped off and there are many people that are saying run from the city of refuge i'm hearing them everywhere if you don't believe their way you babylon don't believe them so they were from a city of refuge now this kishon river is very interesting because that's where elijah later killed all the bell priests and you'll find it in one kings chapter 18 and elijah said take the prophets of baal let not one of them escape and they took them and elijah brought them down to the brook kishon and slew them there so sisera and his army was to be destroyed where at the kishon that's where baal worship was later also destroyed and barracks said unto her unto deborah if thou wilt go with me then i will go but if thou wilt not go with me then i will not go and she said i will surely go with thee not understanding the journey that thou takest shall not be for thine honor for the lord shall sell sisera into the hands of a woman and deborah arose and went with bayrak to kadesh these are very important words in the bible if thou wilt go with me then i will go but if they will not go with me then i will not go and she says i will surely go with thee so let's have a look at those words if thou wilt go with me then i will go but if thou wilt not go with me then i will not go i think those words are full of meaning so let's draw a parallel to our church this city of refuge then deborah would be the equivalent today of someone called ellen gould white and bayrack would equate with those that stand in the forefront and have to fight the battles of the lord against a worldly wise king with a mighty general at his disposal the word ellen means light and mercy the word gould means gold and if you go to the book of revelation loud it's here i counsel of you to buy from me gold refined in the fire that stands for character that you must develop and white stands for righteousness the third angel's messages is righteousness by faith in verity now can we afford to fight the battles of the lord without the anti-typical deborah accompanying us no i don't think so and the honor that we get will not come our way if we fight this battle who gets the honor a woman now a woman stands for what for a church so let's introduce the next episode in this interesting saga and bayrak called zebulun and naphtali two small portions of israel small portions not all tribes two small portions this is important how many tribes were there twelve two small portions and he marches with his ten thousand measly men to kadesh and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet and deborah went up with him ah those beautiful words now we introduced to another element here heber the kenite which was of the children of hobab the father-in-law of moses now some people will say the bible is is contradictory because the father-in-law of moses was who correct then why don't they call him by that name why they call him hobart well you see the one is a title and the other one is a given name the one means the priest the high priest and the other one is his given name there's no contradiction here and this man was a kenite so he was related very strongly to moses and he had same interests and look what this man did he wasn't an israelite he was a kenite but he separated himself he had severed himself from the canaanites this is fascinating and pitched his tent onto the plane of za naim which is by kadesh so here was a man who came out of one of the sister churches if i may say so and separated himself to god's people and he's married to a lady called jael so jael the wife of heber now jl means ibex a sure-footed mountain goat and she's married to heba and heba means an alliance and she's the one that eventually recognizes sisera of the god destroys cicero's army and destroys that army down at the river but sisera runs away and he finds a place in jail's house now the story gets interesting in judges 5 24 you have the song of deborah and she sings blessed above women shall jail the wife of heber the can i be blessed shall she be above women in the tent now heba means an alliance it's like a covenant he'd signed a covenant did you sign a covenant with god that you will keep all his commandments did you separate yourself from wherever you came from unto the people of the lord yes or no did you have to pay a price for that yes so jl represents the end time church and she's the one that gets the credit not the evangelist nobody gets baptized into what a fight or dark bachelor or whosoever out there nor is anyone baptized into amazing discoveries or amazing facts or it is written or whatever they call themselves they get baptized into what the seventh-day adventist church so who gets the credit the church did i invent the doctrines am i so smart that i invented the doctrine doctrines no i never invented the doctrines remember i have a degree in error and lies and when i discovered the truth i quoted that bible verse surely i have inherited lies everything i believed was wrong i was an evolutionist you know that right i was an atheist i was an occultist i was you name it truth i had no idea i found it here and not because you had discovered it but because somebody before you had discovered it and paid a heavy price for it and don't think the price will go away because the price is coming again we're heading towards it blessed above women shall jail the wife of hebert they cannot be blessed shall she be above women in the tent what does the tent stand for the church the tent of meeting remember the church so who is she if we go to psalms 45 verse 8 talking about jesus all thy garments smell of murder and aloes and the cassia out of the ivory palaces whereby they have made thee glad king's daughters is that singular or plural plural we're among thy honorable women upon thy right hand did stand the queen in gold of of fear there were many women who are these women all the great women of the reformation that paid that heavy price all those people that died for their faith under lutheranism all those that suffered under methodism all those that suffered under mennonitianism all those that suffered under the amish all those that suffered under the baptists these are the honorable women out of all those churches but one of them had gathered them all those truths and she was the queen in gold of oh fear the full character and beauty of jesus christ revealed in this hospital called seventh day adventism deborah song and the kings came and fought then fought the kings of canaan in tanakh by the waters of megiddo they took no gain of money they fought from heaven the stars and their course courses and they fought against cesaro so who conquered caesarea god with his holy angels he made the wheels come off he discomforted them he destroyed them and caesar ran the river kishon swept them away that ancient river the river kishon that false religion had to go oh my soul thou strodden down strength then were the horse hoofs broken by means of the prancings the prancings of their mighty ones that army no matter how powerful that military army is it's not going to stand and then these terrible words curse ye meros said the angel of the lord cursed bitterly the inhabitants thereof because they came not to the help of the lord to help of the lord against the mighty who was maros the bible doesn't say who meros was but meros knew what was right and they should have come to the help of the lord so maros is a subgroup of israelites that lived in the area where the war took place when bayrak came with his ten thousand men these men decided we're not getting involved cursed be meros cursey bitter the inhabitants thereof because you did not come to the help of the lord well to us if we don't get involved in this battle it's called the great controversy and whether you like it or not you're part of it and the princes of issachar they were with deborah even issachar and bayrak so god is praising a certain faction of the israelites that were with whom with deborah and he went and he sent on foot into the valley for the divisions of ruben there were great thoughts of heart who's reuben that's a tribe of the israelites right what did they do in this battle they had great thoughts of heart why are bodies now amongst the sheepfolds to hear the bleatings of the flock for the divisions of reuben there was great searchings of heart what does that mean it means that a whole tribe of god's people thought should we should we not get involved should we should we not get involved ah but the bleeding of the sheep is so important the sheep have to be maintained this hovering over the sheep i have to take care of the little congregation bleep please and they didn't get involved do you think it's going to be the same gilead abode beyond jordan and dan they're abandoning the ships the economy is going to get tough you know we have to take care of ourselves we have fields to worry about you shouldn't rock the boat don't get involved with a war with jabin's general but zebulun and naphtali they were people that jeopardized their lives unto death in the high places of the field but blessed above women shall jail the wife of hebert can i be blessed shall she be above women in the tent now it should get pretty clear if she was the wife wasn't she the only woman in the tent no there were other women in the tent so obviously there's a deeper meaning who are the other women all of those churches that i mentioned that had contributed to the truth but here was jail he asked for water she gave him milk she brought forth butter and a lordly dish she put a hand to the nail and her right hand to the workman's hammer she didn't have a sword she had a hammer she was working faith without works is dead and with a hammer she smoked cesaro she smote off his head this is a wicked woman look at what she's doing and when she had pierced and stricken through his temples at his feet he bowed he fell he lay down at her feet he bowed he fell where he bowed there he fell down dead this is amazing now caesar runs away and where does he think he can find solace in the tent where jail lives this man is so arrogant he thinks he's safe within the seventh day sorry he thinks he's safe in her tent he asked for water but he actually got milk what is moch the word the word caesar knew what this church stood for he had an idea and he thought he was safe in her most after all some of his representatives had given lectures at the university and gotten standing ovations while they were doing it so surely he should be safe in the in the tent of jail but she rose to the occasion and this is prophetic she took a tent pen and she rammed it through his forehead right through that wasn't enough she chopped off his head says that she smote off his head until he was how dead dead fitty bowed he fell he lay down at her feet he bowed he fell where he bowed then he fell down dead what sits here in the frontal lobe your mind when you make decisions what did jail realize that this general with his false philosophy and his false teachings that is going to destroy god's people and he thinks he has the power and the military might to back himself up and he has an arrogant king who thinks he's the most intelligent being on the planet that mindset had to go so she smashed it through with a tent peg and she killed it dead i want to tell you that the mindset of caesar has to go in our midst it has to go now let's introduce the other woman the mother of cicero she's a mother she looked out the window and cried through the lattice why is his chariot so long in coming why tarry the wheels of his chariots her wise ladies answered her so here were another bunch of ladies that were with the mother of caesar is there a church today that calls herself the mother of all the churches and does she have a whole lot of ladies that have signed the economical documents of the world and sit in our councils yes or no and do even some of us think that it's a good idea to sign documents like them fortunately we don't have a system where one man rules or even groups of people rule we have a bottom-up system and it doesn't matter if some people do strange things in our midst it makes them apostate not the church her wise ladies answered her so these are the ladies in the economical council yay she returned answer to herself have they not sped have they not divided the prey to every man a damsel or two to cicero a prey of diverse colors a prayer of diverse colors of needlework you know what we cannot deal with the diverse colors of needlework what we need is the pure white robe of righteousness we cannot have a patchwork character and i'm afraid the economical com movement consists of a patchwork character a little bit of this a little bit of that mixed together with a lot of lies and a lot of false doctrine so let all thine enemies perish our lord but let them that love him be as the son when it goes forth in his might then the land had rest forty years so it is evident that not all the israelites shared the same commitment to the call of deborah as did bairak is that correct and the church militant faces exactly the same position i want to put it to you that the unifying factor is going to be the antitypical deborah we cannot afford to go into the final great conflict between good and evil without the anti-typical deborah testimonies showing us what the battle is about and where we stand in the great day that we are facing it's going to be the deciding factor either you are for it or you are against it daniel 11 45 i believe this is the correct translation of that verse and he the antichrist will plant his tabernacle of his palaces between the seas the nations and the glorious holy mountain yet he shall come to his end and none shall help him so he'll plant his seeds what's it say there in [Music] the glorious holy mountain i think he is so arrogant that he thinks he has the house of jail under control i think he thinks he'll be quite comfortable in our midst after all aren't we in many places preaching his doctrines a little bit of spiritual formation salt here a little bit of you know what i mean i don't have to go through all the details he's going to come to his end he's going to come to his end so during the ages this is from acts of the apostles of spiritual darkness the church of god has been as a city set on a hill from age to age through successive generations the pure doctrines of heaven have been unfolding within its borders that's how we started off this is how it came together and feebled and defective as it may appear the church is the one object upon which god bestows in a special sense his supreme regard it is the theater of his grace in which he delights to reveal his power to transform hearts don't knock this church we might have a babylonian or two inaudibles we might have the representatives of siri sisera and maybe cesare himself one day speaking to us i don't know don't worry about cicero there's a tent pen waiting for him now please i'm not asking for anyone to knock a physical tent pink peg through his brains but i'm definitely asking that we remove that mindset from our midst and distinguish between what is from god and what is from the world and if we have lost sight of that compass then go back to the spirit of prophecy and get yourselves established again some have advanced the idea or the thought that as we near the close of time every child of god will act independently of any religious organization i've been instructed by the lord that in this work there is no such thing as every man being independent doesn't happen the redeemer of the world does not sanction experience and exercise in religious matters independent of his organized and acknowledged church if you think of all that blood that was spilt and eventually all those truths gathered into one movement which then became a universal movement just think of that miracle is god going to pass it by no he's going to cleanse his church he's going to cleanse it many have an idea that they are responsible to christ alone for their light and experience independent of his recognized followers on this earth but in the history of the conversion of saul important principles are brought to light god sent saul to the church i didn't discover these churches and these truths because i was cleverer than anyone else i was dumber than anyone else i believed every lie that satan had to offer but i found truth here did i also find error yes did god leave us in the path of error and not give us a way out no revelation 22 17 makes it quite clear that christ and his church act in unison it's the spirit and the bride that says come god uses his church enfeebled and effective as it may be oh how satan would rejoice if he could succeed in his efforts to get amongst this people and disorganize the work at a time when thorough organization is essential and will be the greatest power to keep out spurious uprisings and to refute claims not endorsed by the world of word of god we have so many movements at the moment the anti-trinitarian movement the feast movement you name the movements come out this is babylon they ran but they were not sent in his article beheading christ keith jury writes i have decided to submit to christ's taste in bride picking if he wants the church as his bride i will accept it too jesus christ the head of the body is easy to love the body of christ is harder to love but i've chosen to love her for one single reason christ loves her and considers her beautiful perhaps he sees possibilities in her i don't see perhaps that's how he sees me too next month i'm going to germany i must be insane to go back to germany why would i go back to germany to be beaten up again i'm going back to germany i don't care i'm going back because his bride is also there she's having a hard time but she's there as the end draws near now listen to this one and the work of giving the last warning to the world extends it becomes more important for those who accept present truth to have a clear understanding of the nature and influence of the testimonies we want to hide them under a bushel we don't have to hide them under a bushel because if they are truth then they must be able to stand the test right so take a pick up the book and read it if you find that it is not truth and it's not in harmony with the bible then throw it away because adventists have nothing to hide did you know this is the only denomination in the world that can defend every single one of its doctrines on a public platform there's no other denomination that can do this and if you think no i'm not going to go there i'm going to be nice and sweet tonight in ancient times god spoke to men by the mouth of prophets and apostles in these days he speaks to them by the testimonies of his spirit there was never a time when god instructed his people more earnestly than he instructs them now concerning his will and the course that he would have them pursue this is my appeal to you even if people say that you are sectarian or that you are ridiculous what is it that binds us together it's the commandments of god and the faith of jesus it's the testimony of jesus is an integral part of this so we must also say if thou wilt go with me then i will go but if you will not go with me i will not go i dare not face the world that is coming towards us at such a rapid pace and what are we going to talk about these things where are we in the stream of time how arrogant is the man who peeps out of his window and ask where's caesarea we are facing the iceberg we are going towards the final events and i saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and them that had gotten the victory over the beast please note these verses you know people today they want to preach only about the love of jesus is there anything wrong with the love of jesus no we should lift up the love of jesus more than any other denomination in the world we should and if people would look they would see that there are people amongst us and i try to do it too to lift up jesus and to show that he's the only savior of the world and there is no other way but it says here i saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire and then that had gotten the victory over the beast doesn't it say that and over its image and over his mark and over the number of his name they stood on the sea of glass before we go to the antitypical canaan in heaven there's a war to be fought we have to fight against the mindset of the beast and the beast teaches that jesus didn't die for you and the image makes an alliance with the beast and propagates it even though the image is supposed to say he died for you does that make any sense whatsoever and his mark he says you don't have to worry about god's commandments i've got a mark of my ecclesiastical power you have a war to fight and the number of his name it's a satanic number it's 666. the world it's power there's a war to fight a victory to be gained then once that war is over you can't say no bleed bleed i want to listen to the sheep and i don't want to get involved in this war no and then you'll sing the song of moses when was the song of moses son after a praise ceremony or was it sung after a war exactly and miriam the prophetess the sister of aaron took a timbrel in her hand and all the women can you see all these beautiful people coming out of all of these denominations each one having contributed but one is a leading there it was miriam i wonder who's going to lead the end time one i don't know but i can guess sing ye to the lord for he has triumphed gloriously the horse and his rider that military power that was against us has been thrown into the sea now is not the time to hold down our colors when they were scattered by persecution this is from the acts of the apostles they went forth filled with missionary zeal they realized the responsibility of their mission they knew that they held in their hands the bread of life for a famishing world and they were constrained by the love of christ to break this bread to all who were in need this world is dying we know the truth there's no time for bleed bleed we have a message to bear and it's not one person here and one person there that is to bear the message who's to bear the message every single one this world is going to die and christ will have died for many for nothing because we were playing bleed bleed god means that testing truth shall be brought to the front and become a subject of examination and discussion even if it is through the contempt placed upon it don't be afraid of contempt the minds of people must be agitated every controversy every reproach every slander will be god's means of provoking inquiry and awakening minds that otherwise would slumber it doesn't matter if they call you a fool it doesn't matter if they spit in your face they did spit in mine literally literally gave a lecture at the university one of the biggest universities in my country and the students were there and the geologists were there they were so angry they because they split into two groups and started fighting amongst themselves why because some said there's a point to this and the others hardened their hearts and one of the geologists came forward and literally spat in my face so what if one or two or three or four or five of them made a decision for christ what's a bit of spit and when the day of pentecost was fully come they were all of one accord how we can be of one accord if we have so many factions in our church some of them calling this church babylon saying come out of her oh and jesus is a created being and the holy ghost is not not a person and they teach all kinds of things and if you don't believe them then you are babylon catholicism teaches pantheism a pantheistic god i don't have a pantheistic god i don't talk to a leaf it's got nothing to say to me it's got no mouth and i cannot write and i cannot give me the word and if you get rid of the one then you get rid of jesus and if you get rid of jesus you get rid of your salvation because there's no other name under heaven and earth whereby you may be saved except jesus isn't that so yeah so listen to all of these strange factions that are trying to disrupt the sheep what are they doing are they fighting against the beast no are they fighting against its image no are they fighting against its mark no are they fighting against the number of his name no they're fighting you and telling you you're stupid don't listen to them that's not the war so my brothers and sisters i'm done [Laughter] that's what i want to say to you i want to encourage you we are in the closing days of this earth's history you know i've been preaching this for 32 years and every every time we say the lord's coming is close but this time i'm telling you it's really close all the prophetic scenarios are coming together as never before in human history we are so close let's not listen to bleedings let's not listen to disrupting voices that want to tear this church apart and let us even listen let us not even listen to mattos who's not interested in coming to the help of the lord we've got lots of matters we've got lots of other portions of this church that don't want to be involved it's too comfortable let's rather commit acts of kindness yes nothing wrong with acts of kindness go ahead do acts of kindness but in the context of present truth to lead people to god and i've spoken enough so let's pray heavenly father you have brought this movement together which is called the seventh-day adventist church out of all those women that will be in your tent one day that we're prepared to die for these truths that we hold so dear today and even if there are some who want to sell those beautiful truths for a pile of potash please raise up your people that they will grab those truths and put them in settings of gold and cherish them and not let them go and face the anti-typical caesarea and his lies and get rid of that mindset out of our midst and follow where you have led and where you have left a trail of how you have led in the testimonies help us to accept them to believe them to walk according to them and to accept every word of god as those spoken by you personally to each and every one of us this is my prayer in jesus name amen [Music] you
Channel: Stream Facts
Views: 258,912
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Keywords: Worship, Sabbath, Health, Temperance, Walter, VeithRemnant, SDA, Church, Adventist, Christian, Seventh-day, Gospel, Veith, Duty, Healing, Nations, Ministryvideo, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, uploadRemnant, Manna, Sermon, Walter Veith - The End Time Prophecy and Leadership | stream facts
Id: spEN620moiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 32sec (5312 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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