Overcoming your Weakness | Randy Skeete Sermon 2021 | HOW TO RESIST TEMPTATIONS

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it's an honor to speak for god and he has granted that to me and i thank him for it and my commitment to him is to present the truth as faithfully and as effectively as i can and one way surely to do that is to keep my opinions to myself and only give you thus said the lord in prophets and kings page 6 26 alawite writes the words of the bible and the bible alone should be heard from the pulpit and so my desire is to give you simply the words of god jesus says of the words of god the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and their life he did not say that about my words and so that's my desire if there's anyone watching internationally from any other country thank you very much may the lord bless those countries represented by the viewing audience may the lord bless the leaders of those countries that the decisions they make may be advantageous to the spread of the word of god the bible says righteousness exalteth a nation and i like to use that verse when i'm online because we go all over the world leaders need to understand that doing what's right has benefits and benefits alone there are no negative side effects to proceeding along a course of righteousness my particular welcome i extend to anyone who is not a seventh-day adventist if you're not an adventist and you're watching we are delighted to have you and i hope that you will be blessed that the lord will particularly and specially bless your children if you have them in the home thanks again for joining us our subject for this day is how to resist temptation how to resist temptation before i begin three little favors i will ask of you one if you're using a device as a bible please make sure it does not ring because we are worshiping god and reverence is required even if we are worshipping him under a tree god demands reverence from us faith number two while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth that is based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 which says then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth in that verse i see the cooperation between the divine and the human in doing the work of god then the lord that's divine put forth his hand that's divine and touched my mouth that's human and the lord divine said unto me human i divine have put my words divine in thy mouth human and so god will have this treasure in this very very earthen vessel called randy skeet favor number three i want you to think as you listen thinking is not as automatic as you may believe a lot of people listen without thinking but you must think it is required by god isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together saith the lord it is comforting to know that there is a god in heaven who is reasonable he tells us let us you and god let us reason together he came down into the garden to reason with adam he came to cain to reason with cain god wants to reason with us and if we will accept this invitation to reason with god he will lead us in the path of truth let's pray father in heaven bless us now as we worship you through the spoken word put your words in my mouth there god the words of life the spirit-filled word i humble myself before you father and my desire insofar as i can identify it is to glorify you by presenting thus set the lord help me to do that day god in a simple way so that even a child will understand bless all those listening bless every country represented by the listening audience their father bless the leaders if anyone listening has contracted the coronavirus i'm asking you their god in the name of the great physician jesus christ heal that person father and for those of us who've not yet been touched by it protect us from the coronavirus covet 19 now dear god i commit the service to you use it for your glory and the blessing of your people whom you love in jesus name i pray amen matthew chapter 4 we'll read from verse 1 matthew chapter 4 reading from verse 1 and i read from the king james version of the bible matthew chapter 4 reading from verse 1. the bible says then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted forty days and forty nights he was afterward and hungered and when the tempter came to him he said if thou be the son of god command that these stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god we have a depiction of christ himself under severe temptation and i say severe because christ is being tempted at the end of 40 days of physical fasting he was hungry and perhaps the stones looked like loaves of bread in the lonely desert christ was tempted by the devil we can be assured if satan tempted christ he will surely tempt us temptation is the reality of life under the system imposed upon us by adam by that i mean since adam sinned we all live in a sinful world we come into the world with a nature that prefers to sin let me say that again everyone born a fallen adam comes into the world with a nature that prefers to sin another horrific way of expressing that is a nature that prefers to avoid god not necessarily avoid the church building but avoid god that's the condition with which we come into the world that is why everyone born into the world needs a savior at any age everyone born in this world since adam fell needs a savior temptation is a reality now a reality in our lives as it was in the life of jesus and christ is a model for us regarding how to resist temptation and what i will do is to outline a few steps i hesitate to use the word technique a few steps that are effective in assisting us in resisting temptation temptations as i said are ubiquitous as long as you live in this world let us look at the most powerful way that we can use to resist temptation we shall look at the word of god the bible the word of god as the most effective weapon against temptation but in order to understand the power of god's word in aiding us to overcome temptation let's look more closely at the word of god and let's look at the word of god as it relates to the chief of temptation and that is the devil himself the bible says in ezekiel 28 verse 15 thou was perfect in thy ways in the day that thou was created until iniquity was found in thee that verse tells us also verse 13 that lucifer was a created being now the power that creates is greater than the thing created and remember favor number three reason reason the power that creates is greater than the thing created a portrait is not as great as the one who painted the portrait the power to create is greater than the thing created itself now we have read from the bible ezekiel 28 15 that lucifer was created in the book patriots and prophets page 38 paragraph three aloy says jesus was the son of god he was one with him before the angels were called into existence and lucifer surely was an angel and i'm taking this long route to demonstrate the relationship between the word and its effect on satan elohwhite writes i repeat jesus was the son of god he was one with him before the angels were called into existence how were they called into existence by the word of god psalm 148 reading from verse 1 2 and 5 praise ye the lord praise the lord from the heavens praise him in the heights praising him all his angels praising him all his hosts skip to verse 5 let them praise the name of the lord for he commanded and they were created in other words the angels were just called into existence god did not use physical material as he did in the case of adam but they were created by the word of god he commanded and they were created among them was lucifer what i'm trying to show you is that lucifer was created by the word of god the thing that creates is greater than the thing created the word of creation is greater than creation itself because the word of creation is the very power of god it is the very life of god the word that gave life the word created trees the word created animals the word of creation has the power to give life because the life in that word is the very life of god in the book education page 126 paragraph four ella white writes the creative energy that called the world into existence is in the word of god this word imparts power it begets life every command is a promise accepted by the will received into the soul it brings with us the life of the infinite one it transforms the nature and recreates the soul in the image of god she says it brings with it the life of the infinite one the very life of god is in his word let me pause so that sinks in the very life of god is in his word keep this in mind as you listen to john 6 63 it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh prophetess nothing the words that i speak unto you they are spirit and their life what spirit the spirit of god what life the very life of god and so i repeat the life of god is in his word and there is nothing more powerful than the life of god now lucifer was made by the word of god clearly then the word of god is more powerful than lucifer who is now satan that is why the most effective tool against satan against temptation is the word of god because the devil cannot conquer the word of god he cannot overthrow the word of god he can overthrow us when we lose our dependence upon god's word but he cannot overthrow the word of god he may deceive us into thinking otherwise but when confronted with the word of god the devil has no power we've looked at the fact that the satan was made on lucifer by the word of god his rebellion turned him into satan now let's look at the universe at large psalm 33 verse 6 and verse 9. and we look at hebrews 11 3. psalm 33 4 6 before i go any further let me pray again holy father in heaven control my mind my mouth my entire apparatus of expression in jesus name i pray amen psalm 33 6 by the word of the lord where the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth verse 9 for he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast the word of god is something a finite mind cannot fully comprehend how can god speak and planets appear how can god speak and trees sprout from the ground how can god speak and living creatures occupy the land the sea and the skies this is the power of the word of god this is the power you're holding in your hand wherever you are the word of god so by the word of the lord where the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth and following hebrew parallelism the word of the god and the breath of his mouth are virtually the same thing the first line he spake it was done he commanded and it stood fast those two expressions are the same thing one paralleling to the other hebrews 11 3 through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of god ii peter chapter 3 verse 5 for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water everything in creation came into existence by the word of god i actually preached a sermon called hands-free operation where i try to show that human beings our first father and mother were also made by the word of god all of creation by god's word which means that you and i live in an environment local global and universal that came into existence by the word of god it is maintained by the word of god we're discussing how to resist temptation and i'm trying to lift up god's word as the central the key weapon in resisting temptation not only is creation made by the word of god or was made it is sustained by the same word hebrews chapter 1 verse 3 the bible says who being the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of this power the sun follows its course by the word of god the the cells in our body function by the word of god business goes on in each individual mitochondrion by the word of god this the neurons they communicate by the word of god this is not exaggeration this is biblical truth that's why the bible says in acts 17 28 in him we live and move and have our being without the word of god everything would collapse now since we live in an environment that came into existence by the word of god is sustained by the word of god our intelligent decision is to live by that word that word is power when we are tempted our first recourse must be the word of god and if we depend on the word of god we frequently we will we will not need another recourse because the word of god is comprehensive in its effect its effect as a deterrent to the devil and his temptations but even before we get to the word of god one way to deal with temptation perhaps the really the most effective way is to avoid it in the first place avoid it in the first place where i've heard this saying when i was a little boy you've probably heard it an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure when jesus went into the wilderness he did not go looking for the devil satan knew where he was and followed him even though the bible says then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil we must not take that to mean that jesus went looking for trouble never go looking for the devil by the way there's something within the average church i believe called deliverance ministry people casting out devils that's not a spiritual gift don't go looking for demons to cast out if in doing the work of god a situation arises where you have to respond you must respond but there's no such thing as professional exorcist within the church it is not a spiritual gift so please don't go practicing deliverance ministry let me say again in doing the work of god an occasion may arise when someone has to rebuke the enemy but apart from that there's no such thing as the gift of casting out devils i get back to the point avoiding temptation listen to how god described one of the sterling believers of the bible job chapter one we'll read from verse six our subject how to avoid temptation job chapter one reading from verse six and i'll pray again holy father please continue to speak through me literally dear god i pray in jesus name amen now there was a day when the sons of god came to present themselves before the lord and satan came also among them and the lord said unto satan has whence cometh thou then satan answered the lord and said from going to and fro in the earth and from walking up and down in it then satan answered the lords and the lord said unto satan has thou considered my servant job that there's none like him in the earth a perfect and an upright man one that feareth god and estu with evil the fancy word estu simply means to avoid god said this of job he avoids evil and as i said earlier one of the most effective ways or perhaps the most effective way to resist temptation is to not face it in the first place avoid situations and settings and circumstances that immediately generate temptations which you and i may not be able to handle god describes job as one who is chewed a person who avoids is the person who understands the natural weakness of the fallen man the natural weakness of the carnal nature and chooses to avoid settings and situations that may place him or her in a compromised situation causing that person to be overthrown by a temptation avoidance is key number one prevention rather than cure but to the best of our ability no matter how we try to avoid temptations will come this is the devil's speciality then so feature number one key number one the word god is the power we need to resist temptation we looked at the word of god as it relates to the lucifer lucifer was made by the word satan understands he was made by the word consequently the word has more power than he does we also saw the universe was made by the word let's look at the word as it relates to god in psalm 138 verse 2 the bible says the second half of that verse thou has magnified thy word above all thy name thou has magnified thy word above all thy name this is what god's word means to him god's reputation as a faithful god a god upon whom we can rely is based squarely on his word and his relationship to his word god always keeps his word that's why he has an intergalactic reputation for faithfulness he never breaks his word as i do and perhaps you have done he is always faithful to his word that's the relationship between god and his word another thing to keep in mind god's word has the very power and life of god as we said earlier and so the word of god and god the word of god and satan the word of god and the universe in which we live satan was made by the word of god when he was lucifer two we live in an environment created by the word sustained by the word three god's word is elevated by god above all his name and there are approximately 300 names for god in the bible the bible said that has magnified thy word above all thy name if god does not keep his word he no longer has a claim to faithfulness and righteousness if he's not faithful to his word to his covenant and so the word of god as it relates to god shows us how god views his word again it is so personal to him that it's a name he gave to his son revelation 19 13 and he was clothed with a death vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the word of god it is the very name of jesus and we know that jesus says when you pray if he shall ask anything in my name i will do it jesus has many names but the one we must run to immediately is the word of god because that's how jesus resisted satan he went to the word i'm i am extending my my time with this technique number one for resisting because it is simply so central and comprehensive jesus now if we go back to matthew 4 4 but he answered and said man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god let's look at that microscopically every word that proceeds from the mouth of god not the mouth of socrates or the mouth of some famous philosopher from the mouth of god we're talking about the word of god the bible now because this is largely a certainly out of this congregation i will never ever neglect to let us know that god has given to us a special source of wisdom and guidance to help us understand the word and that special source of course the writings of ellen white and i must say that despite her growing unpopularity among us which is very very very sad so we have this source of wisdom we have this knowledge the word of god and we have this blessed commentary the insights from god's servant we are to resist with the words that proceed from the mouth of god this is what jesus did and by the way jesus resisted as a man not as god and i need to go in that direction briefly it is a beneficial digression jesus resisted satan temptation as a man the belief is too widespread that christ had an advantage in his struggle with sin he had none christ came to show us how to live above sin how to deal with the devil he came to demonstrate in his condition which was ours which he took that the righteousness of god's law can be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit romans 8 verse 4 that's one of the reasons jesus christ came and so jesus the man jesus the man with the weakened nature which he inherited jesus the man susceptible to temptation we know that god cannot be tempted james 1 reading from verse 13 let no man say when he's tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted of evil neither tempteth he any man so christ was tempted is proof he was not tempted as god he was tempted as man yes he was god in the wilderness he always was both the two natures were blended but he faced satan from the human side and so we have the assurance that as christ overcame we can overcome the temptations that beset us every day all day this is god's expectation of us as we continue how to resist temptation in revelation 3 21 jesus himself speaking to john he said he to him that overcometh will i grant to sit with me in my throne even as i also overcame and i'm sat down with my father in his throne the question then arises how did jesus overcome he overcame by the word of god when jesus said on the cross father into thy hands i command my spirit he did not mean he placed his spirit in the father's hands he trusted the word of god which had said that his soul would not be left to see corruption jesus died trusting the word of god not seeing a way out from the tomb where he was headed this is an example for us we must live by the word of god even when the word of god seems to make no sense to our finite limited and corrupt minds so jesus said it is written not it is assumed or i heard some gossip it is written meaning it is authoritative why is it authoritative because it was written by the holy spirit using human beings as his instruments of writing let me say that again yes the bible is a product of human and divine but essentially the holy ghost is the author of the bible using people as his instruments and since the holy spirit is divine as the father when we talk about the word of god we're talking about a divine weapon man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god and genesis to revelation proceeded out of the mouth of god in dealing with temptation tool weapon number one is the word of god it worked for jesus all his life jesus depended upon the word of the father for spiritual victory and spiritual conquest another way to deal with temptation is to prepare ourselves before the temptation comes what do i mean by that we must be feeding on the word of god very often the devil finds us in very weakened conditions because we have not been feeding on the word of god and consequently when the wind blows we are easily toppled easily overthrown it's not enough simply to say he is written so and so at the point of temptation a weak person who says that may not say that with the level of faith required for that to be effective against such a great power as satan keeping in mind that before satan fell he was the highest power in angel next to god in heaven next to god ella white writes in the fifth i live by paid 66 paragraph two speaking of lucifer she says god made him good and beautiful as near as possible like himself god made lucifer as much like himself as he possibly could and as i often say the only reason why lucifer wasn't a god was that he was created and you cannot create god but he was made as much like god as god himself could have made him when he left or when he was thrown out all his power came with him he simply lost his position and after thousands of years of doing evil he is more skilled in the art of doing evil and tempting and so when we're confronting this power we need not be intimidated we must approach him in the word of god but i'm making this point don't wait until the temptation in order to use god's word we should be feasting on the word of god daily so it becomes our chief source of nutrients you see so that when he comes he finds us with a spiritual immunity if i may boldly use that word we are in we're immunized as it were to a very large degree so that the temptations then can have little effect because he's tempted someone who has prepared himself or herself with the armor of god's word a person who does not study the word of god and does not believe the word of god is setting himself up or herself to be overthrown by the smallest and the slightest of satan's temptations when dealing with temptations we need to understand the devil chooses his temptations very strategically when he came to christ christ had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was a human being he was famished he was faint he was weak that's when the devil came the devil comes strategically the devil didn't tempt him to rob a bank or to you know steal somebody's social security check the devil tempted him to turn stones into bread it looked like a harmless invitation do something to ease your hunger but christ's mind despite his family's condition was still clear enough to recognize the danger to himself and to the entire plan of salvation the only way that was possible is because christ grew up on the word feasting on the word no wonder when he said to the disciples when he was talking to the woman at the well in john chapter four when they were gone off to buy when they came back with food they said to him in verse 31 master eat he said to them i have meat to eat ye no not often that was the gospel he was preaching to that lady jeremiah says in jeremiah 15 16 thy words were found and i did eat them job tells us in job 23 verse 12 he had i have this team the words of his mouth more than my necessary food this is the relationship we must have with the word of god if we are to use it as an offensive and a defensive weapon against temptation i repeat the words of job have esteemed the words of his mouth job 23 12 more than my necessary food my listening friends this is not a symbolic statement this is not uh this is literal job valued god's word more than physical food there are people who value a basketball game more than breakfast or lunch or dinner there are young people who value a video game more than breakfast and lunch so it's no surprise if job valued god's word more than his physical food we see this phenomenon in our modern life we have to come to the place where god's word means more to us than anything else on earth because the word contains the very life of god the word is the kind of salvation the word is power the word is spirit filled the word brings us into fellowship with god you know el white has a very very powerful quotation in education page 127 paragraph one she writes with the word of god in his hand every human being wherever his lot in life may be cast may have such companionship as he shall choose in its pages he may hold converse with the noblest and best of the human race and may listen to the voice of the eternal as he speaks with men as he studies and meditates upon the themes into which the angels desire to look he may have their companionship he may follow the steps of the heavenly teacher and listen to his words as when he taught on mountain and plain and sea he may dwell in this world in the atmosphere of heaven imparting to earth's sorrowing and tempted ones thoughts of hope and longings for holiness himself coming closer and still closer into fellowship with the unseen like him of all who walk with god drawing nearer and nearer the threshold of the eternal world until the portal shall open and he shall enter there he will find himself no stranger the voices that will greet him are the voices of the holy ones who unseen on earth were his companions voices that here he learned to distinguish and to love he who through the word of god has lived in fellowship with heaven will find himself at home in heaven's companionship a powerful statement what she's saying is this through the word of god we may actually dwell in a heavenly atmosphere even though physically we're on the earth and if there's one thing the devil avoids is a heavenly atmosphere we can so live my friends that we make tempting us an unpleasant experience for the devil why because we're dwelling in the very presence of god through constant interaction with god's word let me pause and say that again because i believe you might have missed it we can so live through the word of god that we live in the very presence of god something satan does not like and by living in god's presence by living in fellowship with god and with the angels and with the holy ones of scripture we in a certain sense make it unpleasant for the devil to come to us to tempt us he still does his best but it becomes a real experience for him why because through god's living word we are in the very presence of god our subject how to resist temptation my listening friends i'm still on technique number one weapon number one which is the word of god and the reason why i continue on this one and may not get to the others is because the word of god is so universally neglected among god's people and it is our only offensive weapon if you read ephesians 6 12 through 17 the word of god everything else is defensive the helmet the shield the shoes the belt but the sword of the spirit which is the word of god as most preachers will tell you is the offensive weapon this is god's word and that's why i stress it so heavily in this discussion about resisting temptation it is god's word not only at the point of temptation but the word becomes the way we live jesus said i am the way i am the truth i am the life the word of god is the way the word of god is truth the word of god is life and so when jesus says i am the way the truth and the life all these things are combined in the word of god and so i offer to you today as your weapon of warfare against the devil the word of god the bible itself recommends itself to us i say again the bible recommends itself to us listen to psalm 119 verse 9 wherewithal shall the young man cleanse his ways by taking he there to according to thy word put that in simple normal in the english how can a young person cleanse his or her life young man young woman by the word of god listen to what jesus told the disciples grown men john 15 3 now you clean through the word it is the word of god and i usually demonstrate the reliability and strength of god's word and our relationship to that word this way now this is a phone covering from my phone it's black i hope you can see it if god's word says this is white you have to say white if you believe the word of god let me say it again even though your eyes see black if the word of god says white we must say white even though we see black this is the degree of trust and reliance we must have on god's word in that we place god's word above our own intelligence no matter how many phds and deities we have we place the simple word of god above our own intelligence and until we do that we are not truly trusting god's word as a defense against the devil and all his demons and so one more time i recommend to you the word of god which is largely literal i say it again it is largely literal most of the bible is not revelation most of the bible is literal and should be taken as it reads for instance psalm 119 verse 11 thy word have i hid in my heart that i might not sin against thee we have the word again my listening friends wherever you are i give to you as your weapon of warfare against the devil the word of god psalm 119 verse 105 thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path people frequently ask what shall i do what direction should i take go to the word of god and while you will not find the word biology in the bible you won't find actuarial science in the bible you won't find pharmacology but you will find divine guidance from the one who is the source of all knowledge and so as i come to the close of how to resist temptation i've only dealt with one approach and that is the word of god and quite frankly if this approach is used effectively we realize that the others may not be as critical perhaps i shouldn't say it's critical but the others will be even more effective and the others were prayer and of course outreach a busy person in god's word has little time for the devil let me say that again a person busy in god's work is not as susceptible to satan's temptation as someone who is not and of course there is no substitute for prayer jesus had to pray but of all the approaches you and i can use number one is the word of god but the word of god must be studied and obeyed the word of god must be our life blood it must be what sustains us whether in the presence of temptation or not we must depend and trust on god's plane thus set the lord it created the universe it sustains the universe it created lucifer who became satan it is elevated up above god's very name by god's own pleasure and it is the name given to jesus the word of god trust god's word obey god's word study god's word and that word will fortify you against the most tempestuous temptations that satan can bring against you trust god's word live by the word study the word and keep this quotation in mind christ object lessons page 100 paragraph one if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute now let's let's put the devil aside for a minute because he's not responsible for all the wickedness we do if the devil died tonight people will sin tonight they'll say tomorrow we don't sin because there's a devil we sin because we have that nature and we we submit to that nature but the devil cannot force anyone to sin so i'm simply saying trust the word of god trust it and the word of god will now the quotation from ellen white if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every unholy attribute unholy attributes spring from within and the word of god is the power to subdue them even if the devil is off in the north pole somewhere creating mystery and you're summing the south pole you still have unholy attributes you and i still have the cardinal nature which has to be fought and repressed and subdued and subjugated and choked this is done by study of god's word and obedience to what we study again if studied and obeyed the word of god works in the heart subduing every un what i say again every whatever white says every unholy attribute whatever it is the word of god is the answer and the effective remedy may the lord bless you as you re-evaluate the word of god in your life it is good to be decent and continue to live different lives it is good to be cultured continue to be cultured but it is god's word alone that can make the eternal internal changes it is god's word alone that clarifies our vision it is god's word alone that clears up our thinking it is god's word alone that can direct our steps the word of god studied and obeyed how to resist temptation i was only able to deal with one the word of god let's listen to matthew 4 4 again but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of god may the lord bless you as you make the word of god your preferred menu on your item on your spiritual physical emotional menu and as the word of god becomes a path that enlightens the way you go god bless you let me offer prayer father in heaven we thank you for your word it is eternal as long as you are there god there is your word it contains your life it contains your character when we receive the word we receive your life when we reject the word we reject you please father move upon every listening heart dear god that we may experience a greater appreciation for thus saith the lord bless all those who listen and help us to trust your word for our defense against the enemy and use us father to create in others a love and a desire for your word bless those associated with this program day god bless all those who listen i pray when you come save all of us i ask without losing one in jesus name amen you
Channel: Stream Facts
Views: 58,699
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Keywords: RandySkeete, RandySkeeteSermons, Ivormyers, IvorMyersSermon, MarkFinley, AnilKanda, SDA, Adventist, SabbathSermon, Sabbath, MarkFinleySermon, SeventhDayAdventist, Pastor Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, DivineRevelations Spiritlessons, Elevation Church, Nick Vujicic, Tony Evans, Billy Graham, Our Only Hope, Emmanuel TV, Priscilla Shirer, ABOVE INSPIRATION, Ted Wilson, Doug Batchelor, Randy Skeet, Africa, STREAM FACTS, wantok, Seventh-Day Adventist, Truth, Sydney, Meroo, New South Wales, Power, God
Id: HHdmI42gek8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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