An Emergency Call | Randy Skeete

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let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again and receive you unto myself that where i am there ye may be also and whether i go ye no and the way no thomas saith unto him lord we know not wither thou goest and how can we know the way jesus says unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me if he had known me you should have known my father also and from henceforth you know him and have seen him philip said unto him lord show us the father and it sufficeth us jesus said unto him have i been so long time with you and yet hast thou not known me philip he that have seen me have seen the father and how says thou then show us the father believe us thou not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works believe me that i am in my father and my father in me or else believe me for the very work's sake verily verily i certain to you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than thee shall he do because i go unto my father and whatsoever he shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the son if he shall ask anything in my name i will do it if you love me keep my commandments god is good and all the time happy sabbath everyone i welcome you to the house of god to worship him in spirit say it again in spirit and in truth most of the world from my amateurish observation worship the god in so-called spirit which means noise and jumping around and shouting but where the spirit is not of truth isn't present the spirit isn't present at all because his name is the spirit of truth you cannot separate spirit from truth so if you have what you call spirit and you do not have truth you must ask yourself what spirit do i really have when joshua came off the mountain with moses and he heard the noise he said to moses there's the sound of war in the camp for them that was the spirit for them it was not truth and moses had to identify no this is not war those are the people worshiping john 4 24 god is the spirit and they that worship him must it is non-negotiable must worship him finish the verse in spirit come on and in sincerity is not enough god must serve we must serve god in sincerity and in truth thank god for truth truth ultimately is christ i am the way the truth i've told you many times i believe the father is truth deuteronomy 32 4 the holy ghost is truth first john 5 6 jesus is truth john 14 6 in the father's truth the son is truth the holy spirit is truth to be a child of god fully i must be a child that loves truth nice to see you you look very nice in the outfits god has given you say amen all right for those of you online i can't see you but i know you look nice as well thank you for joining us wherever you are god bless you beyond your imagination i really mean that for the family members at born again and at fmc first missouri city god bless you and we know the spirit is the same wherever he is i want to jump right into the message because we have quite a bit to do today genesis 11 reading from verse 1. our subject an emergency call what did i say an emergency call genesis 11 reading from verse 1 and i read from the king james version of the bible when you found it say amen if you're still looking say amen oh you're still looking it's genesis sister can't be that hard to find all right genesis 11 reading from verse one reading from the king james version the bible says and the whole earth was of one language and one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed from the east that they found the plane in the land of china and they dwelt there and they said one to another go to let us make brick and burn them thoroughly and they had breakfast stone and slime had there for marty and they said go to let us build this a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lester be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth we will reread verse four this time microscopically and they said go to let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven now this is after the flood they're clearly thinking if another flood comes we can we can go into a tower that is so high the flood will not affect us so let us make a tower whose top may reach right unto heaven but notice how the verse ends and let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth let's establish ourselves as powerful let our enemies tremble at the sound of our names let us establish our name now this is important go to genesis 12 the very next chapter an emergency call i hope you're concentrating you look as if you are what book did i say genesis what chapter 12 from verse 1. now the lord had said unto abram get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father's house unto a land that i will show thee and i will make of thee a great nation and i will do what bless thee come on and make thy name great now what did we read in genesis 11 verse 4 you go back there now don't lose genesis 12 verse two we go back to genesis 11 4. listen to what the builders of the tower of babel said and they said go to let us build this a city and a tower whose top may reach unto heaven and let us do what make us a name we will make our own name now these are the persons opposed to god now notice why let us make a surname lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth they did not want to scatter they wanted to concentrate themselves into cities go to genesis 1. genesis 1 her subject an emergency call i'm happy to see so many bibles nothing wrong with the phone but a phone is not a bible it's nice to see so many bibles but if you're using a phone god loves you too don't panic but nice to see bibles genesis 1 reading from verse 26 let me pray again god of heaven god of truth speak through me please and restrain my carnal nature in jesus name amen and god said let us make man how in our image after our likeness keep reading and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over there foul of the air and over there and over and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth now in verse 28 god bless them and god said unto them what be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth they were to go all over the earth and live this was god's stated desire before he actually made them then he made them and he gave them what his wish was or his desire occupy the entire world spread out listen to the builders of babel verse 4 of genesis 11 and they said go to let us build this a city in a tower who stopped may reach unto heaven and let us make us a name lest we what be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth we don't want to occupy the whole earth we want to concentrate what we have now is the first national or kingdom-wide apostasy against god's clearly stated will now i said kingdom wide why do i see a kingdom wide let us go to genesis 10. our subject and emergency call genesis 10 degree from verse 6. are you there and the sons of ham were cush and miserable and fat and canaan now we have the sons of ham one of them is cush now we go to verse eight and cush begat nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the lord wherefore it was said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel and eric and akid and kali in the land of china that's where nimrod establishes kingdom keep the word shiner in mind now go back to chapter 11. chapter 11 first one are you there you may read with me and the whole earth was of one language of one speech and it came to pass as they journeyed where they found a plane where in the land of shinar this connects chapter 11 with chapter 10. the leader of those people must have been whom nimrod you see and the beginning of his kingdom chapter 10 verse 10 was babel eric akid khalni in the land of china now what is the land of shiner go to daniel 1. daniel one our subject is too slow too slow our subject is an emergency call all right daniel one reading from verse one are you struggling to find daniel you have it okay you have it now all right my sister is still looking she is methodical we'll give her 10 more seconds all right are you have are you there now in the third year of the reign of jehoiakim king of judah came nebuchadnezzar king of babylon unto jerusalem and besieged it carefully now verse 2 and the lord gave jehoiakim king of judah into his hand with part of the vessels of the house of god which he carried where in the land of china where did nebuchadnezzar come from china what's the other name for china babylon now in revelation who is god's chief earthly opponent babylon now go back to genesis 10. we're looking at the roots of god's mightiest enemy on earth we're looking at the roots what's our subject an emergency call what do you think that call is come out come out genesis 10 verse 8 and kush begat nimrod he was a mighty hunter before the lord paul's let's look at mighty hunter he began to be a mighty one before the lord he was a mighty hunter let's look at mighty one go to genesis 6. what is a mighty one genesis 6 and it came to pass when men began to multiply up from verse one sorry upon the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of god saw the daughters of men that they were fair very pretty and they took them wives of all which they chose and the lord said what my spirit shall not always strive with man paul the spirit of god does not plead with you forever after a while he ceases let me say differently after a while through constant rejection the conscience ceases to hear that convicting voice my spirit shall not always strive with god is love yes but god has limits to our wickedness he has limits to our continual rebellion he has limits because if he had no limits he could be accused of loving rebellion but he hates it so he wants to stop him lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be 120 years now read verse 4 with me there were giants years also and also after that when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men you see you have a mixed up situation the same bear children to them which were which became mighty men which are of old men of renown so we have this mixture of god's people with the ungodly produced mighty men when the sons of god came in unto the daughters of men and they bear children to them the same became mighty men which one of all men of right now from this this uh this union god did not sanction mighty men now go back to chapter 10. we read from verse 8 again can't read it too often and kush begat nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth here's an example one of these mighty men he was a mighty hunter before the lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the lord he was a mighty hunter not only of animals but of men that's why he was the leader he led by force god leads by love and so the beginning of his kingdom verse 10 was babel what does babel mean there are two definitions given the gate of god and what's the other one confusion the gate of god not being the god of heaven and earth you could my you might as well say the gate of gods all the false gods all the false worship now the tower of babel no one knows has ever seen it but similar structures have been unearthed they called ziggy rats and they're tall and they all have at the top a place of worship worship the sun whatever else false worship and bible scholars and anthropologists who have studied have traced all this false worship and sun worship and everything back to this time when nimrod set up his kingdom what have we said the kingdom of nimrod made up of babel eric akkid kalmi in the land of china this is babylon what was this stated intention we do not want to scatter all over the earth what did god say replenish the earth what we have is organized opposition to god but it was a worship system you see the word church can deceive you this side didn't hear me i said two mm-hmms from that side nothing from this side let me try it again the word church can be deceiving the word the word gospel when not used in the context of scripture can be misleading paul says if any man preach any other gospel unto you so the fact that someone says gospel you ought to go study for yourself when you hear church you ought to go study come on for yourself because church can mean all kinds of things there's a church of satan it's a church the word church from the greek ecclesia simply means a coming together or calling out a gathering which the greeks used when they came together as assemblies to conduct the business of the cities that was an ecclesia and you know bible writers use that word because the word was familiar to the audience it's just a calling out but a calling out from what and to what churchill scientology is the church are you following me cults are churches so when you hear church or gospel you've got to be careful when the israelites were coming into canaan god told them in deuteronomy 18 verse 9 when thou art come into the land which the lord thy god giveth thee thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations in other words this the church behavior was so disgusting to god the bible describes it as abomination part of their worship service was live child sacrifices from time to time and god said in verse 10 they shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass you the fire so the fact that it happens in church does not make it right it has to be consistent with thus says the lord somebody say amen and so what we have with nimrod back there was a religious system and a political system in revelation let's go to revelation well before we go to leveling let's go back to daniel 1. sorry about that let me redirect you go back to daniel 1 let's take a closer look chapter one no look chapter two chapter two chapter two i don't wanna give you too much but i wanna give you enough are you at chapter 2 all right let's bar heads father as we continue to study your word let the spirit guide us god and as john 7 17 says if any man will do his will he shall know the doctrine give us all a willingness to obey you in jesus name i pray amen go to chapter three let's read from verse one chapter three three three nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold whose height was three score cubits and the breath thereof six cubits he set it up in the plane of dura in the province of babylon now from verse four we said then in herald cried aloud to you it is what commanded by whom by whom nebuchadnezzar neduca nazareth did not oversee a democracy his was a one-man rule and the bible describes him this way whom he would he slew whom he would he kept alive it was entirely up to him he was a cruel man cruel man yet god allowed him to conquer jerusalem let me slide this into your consciousness there's nothing on earth political that god does not oversee do you think political events just happen the highest final guiding power is the hand of god guiding events according to what he intends understand when you understand that you don't have to get into fights with people are you following me let every soul be subject under the higher power for there is no power but of god the powers that be are ordained of god god is in final control daniel 5 17 the most high ruleth in the affairs of men daniel 5 27 the most high ruling in the affairs of men daniel 5 32 the most high ruling in the affairs of men and when we understand that as a christian bible based we have a peace of mind others don't because our understanding begins in heaven theirs begin and stay on earth are you following me so nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold in verse 4 and then on herald cried aloud to you it is commanded or people nation languages what does that tell you people nations languages the whole world that's the world of the bible the whole world that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet fruit harp sack but saltery dulcimen all kinds of music he fall down and worship the golden image that nebuchadnezzar the king have set up who set it up nebuchadnezzar now commandment number two thou shalt not make unto thee any grievan image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath all that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thy serve to them nor serve them so we have a clear commandment from god nebuchadnezzar made the image he required people to bow to the image now we have three hebrew boys three seven of the adventists from way back nobody said amen i am not coming back to this place three seventh adventists who honored god's law they were in that crowd and the herald cried aloud to you it is commanded let me digress the command of the state cannot have more weight than the command of god the command of the church cannot have more weight than the command of god nebuchadnezzar commanded but god had earlier commanded and the command of god must countermand the commands of men three boys wouldn't bow they began to call them verse 15. now if you be ready that at what time you hear the sound of the cornet flute haarp sac but sultry and dulcimer and all kinds of music he fall down and worship the image which i have made well in other words idol worship is good are you following as well but if you worship not in other words if you disobey me and obey god he shall be cast the same hour into a burning fiery furnace and who is that god they shall deliver you out of my hand now he was the most powerful man on earth he wants to know is this someone more powerful than i that can deliver you from my wrath who is that god don't tell god that because when he shows you you won't like it pharaoh said in exodus 5 verse 2 who is the lord that i should obey his voice and let israel go i know not the lord and i will not let israel and god showed him who he was thomas says leave leave leave maybe neither said who's that god and in chapter four god showed him struck him he became an animal-like creature for seven years on hands and knees eating grass the dew falling on him his beard his hair his nails like an animal seven years until the bible says he lifted up his eyes and acknowledged god and god restored his sanity and his kingdom god to good god say amen god does not hold grudges but don't challenge god and so he set up this image and if you read daniel 9 daniel 3 all the way down to verse 18 or so you'll see nebuchadnezzar said to the king o nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this manner if it be so our god whom we serve that's that's important whom we serve when when darius threw daniel into the lion's den he said oh daniel is thy god whom thou serve is continually able to deliver thee don't just think god jumps in and saves you while you serve satan this mic isn't working you can be serving satan and look for god's deliverance and god's blessings but a lot of christians do that we have babylonian lifestyles and we want jerusalem blessings it doesn't work our god whom we serve question for you now do you serve god don't answer me our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of our hand or king but if not powerful words don't serve god conditionally if you give me a husband i'll come to you if you give me a job i'll come to journey if you get rid of mine enemy i'll come no no no i'll come to church because you want me to come but if not be it known unto the o king i love that i've talked about that very often i like be it known unto thee many young people in college they don't say to their friends be known unto thee i'm a seven the adventist they hide on the job we don't say that our colleagues be known unto thee i don't eat pork i don't drink alcohol i'll do i will not do that in order to fit in be it known unto thee i don't declare myself better i declare myself a follower of thus saith the lord be it known unto thee when you let people know you you save them from confusion then they're better able to make a choice i want to follow i don't when you confuse them god holds you responsible be ignorant to the o king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has settled and so nimrod set up this system to oppose god's clearly stated will scatter nebuchadnezzar said of an image which also opposed god's will now in chapter two nebuchadnezzar had a dream he saw an image but it was made of all gold that was him no sorry it was made of gold silver brass and iron feet of iron and clay he understood from daniel the head of gold was him that's you silver someone else is coming another kingdom in syria to thee daniel 2 39 then one of brass degrees then iron the romans iron and clay the kingdoms at the end of the world after the roman empire fell in 476 he did not like that interpretation my kingdom will end so in chapter 3 he makes his own image he doesn't dream about it he makes it are you with me this is reality now it's all gold from head to foot god's image he set up as a means of teaching a lesson only the head is gold in other words this is god's version of history babylon middle persian greece rome this is god's that is god's doctrine that is god have determined the times before and the bounds of the habitation acts 17 and verse 26 i believe it is nebuchadnezzar said no i don't like that version of history i don't like god's version i'll set up my version this image is all gold he wanted to say babylon will last come on forever are you suffering because you serve god your suffering will not last forever god will bring believe me god will bring it to an end when he sees that the training he's trying to give you is successful the more you cooperate with god the shorter your suffering is but some of us have to be taught again and again and again and again and god wants to save us so badly he keeps teaching us again every lesson becomes more painful than the previous one which means the smart way to deal with god when he says it do it and so we have a death penalty in general uh daniel 3 for not bowing we know the boys were thrown into the fire god brought them out go to verse 28 of chapter three i want you to see how powerful god is our subject an emergency call it is oh five to twelve this is probably my longest sermon i don't leave what chapter did i say 3 of daniel verse 28 let me pray father as i continue let me be conscious this is for your glory and your glory alone and for the blessing of your people in jesus name i pray amen do you have my version read with me what does 28 say then nebuchadnezzar what spake and said blessed be the god of shadrach meshach and abednego keep reading who have sent his angel and delivered his servants that trusted in him stop question for you don't answer me do you trust god if you do you'll return attire who made the trees that was food can god feed you yes who made the sun god who made atmosphere oxygen god who made the water god can god prepare provide for you yes what did jesus say behold the fowls of the air they saw not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feed of them he doesn't say their heavenly father this is your heavenly father now if your father feeds a stranger why won't he feed you ah and no one's listening if your father will feed a stranger why won't he feed you oh yes little faith have sent his angel and delivered the servant that trusted in him now read the next statement come on and have changed the king's were stopped that's not the emergency call i had in mind but whoever that is please sin no more have changed the king's word are you with me what does that mean go to proverbs 21 quickly quickly quickly who has it who has it a church full of slow people who has proverbs 21 ah my handsome brother to the right he has it all right proverbs 21. how about people in the front have they found it yet no no no all right sister says you finally found it okay proverbs 21 let's read first one are you there read with me listen carefully read microscopically come on the king's heart is in the hand of the lord as the rivers of water he turneth it with the so ever he will stop we will reread microscopically identifying the persons in that verse now how many persons are in that verse two name them the king and god tell me this status god is god is supreme he's god of every everything heaven and earth tell me about the king he rules over an earthly so who's bigger now listen to this we have the most powerful being in the universe what's his name god the most powerful being on earth what's his name king the bible says the big king can take the heart of the little king and turn it anywhere he wants so who controls whom now you live on earth on the earthly kings are you with me king biden if you're in england king johnson if you're in china king xi jinping if you're in france king macron are you following me all these kings there is a king above who controls all of them and sometimes god gets them to do what he wants they're not even aware there's a power controlling them somebody say a man for god now let's reduce it to your circumstance as we continue an emergency call you are on the job your supervisor is the first cousin to be elizabeth a horrible person making your life difficult he's a king in the office are you following me but you serve the king of heaven and earth can your king control him and but remember what the beginners said who trusteth in him whom thou service do you serve your god do you trust your god god is not an atm machine we go when it's convenient the king's heart is in the hand of the lord and so we go back to daniel 3 28 and have changed the king's word now go to daniel 7. a subject an emergency call you know i need 15 more minutes can i have them say yes all right thanks daniel 7. what verse do you think i'll read 25 god bless you 25 are you there now speaking of a power called the little horn are you with me in in thessalonians called the man of sin in revelation 13 called what the beast from the sea the beast from the sea all right read 25 with me and he shall seek to change speak great words against the most high and shall wear out the saints of the most high and think to change times and laws stop the bible says there's a power on earth that will think to change times and law now laws of written things you know that either on paper or in the head you know the law here's a power challenging god go to daniel 2. daniel 2 read verse 21 this is about god this is daniel just before he explains the vision of daniel 2 this is his preamble so nebuchadnezzar understands what's going on verse 21 of daniel 2 what does the bible say and he changeth the times and the season who is that the god of heaven and earth who is that power in 725 who wants to change the time the little horn but the little horn cannot change the word of god what does daniel 3 28 tell us god change the king's word what king the king of the persians whose words never change the word altereth not in their minds the laws of the needs and persian change not but not forgotten he changed darius's word and brought daniel out listen to me carefully god rebuked an entire kingdom for one man abraham he did it more than once in chapter 12 he rebuked pharaoh for abraham in chapter 20 he rebuked abimelech the philistine king for abraham in chapter 26 he rebuked another philistine king for isaac god can rebuke an entire nation to defend one of his children who trust in him serve him now go to revelation 18. before we go there now go to galatians 1. let's see how dangerous churches are it's uh something after 12. galatians 1 who has to rush off to work can i see your help all right okay okay what book did i say what chapter reading from first let's read from 13 galatians 1 new testament folks new testament galatians 1 reading from verse 13 come on come on come on okay all right that's okay really with me for you have heard of my conversation in time past in the jews the word conversation there means conduct or behavior paul says you know how i behaved in the past when i was a member of the jews religion that's the truth are you with me that's the church keep reading how's that beyond measure i persecuted the church of god and wasted it how many churches in that verse two ah you're not following me it's my fault listen to the verse for you've heard of my conversation in time past in the jews religion i was a member of this church as a member of that church i persecuted the church of god stop how many churches in that verse name them the jews religion and the church of god which one belonged to god the church of god but there were two churches one trying to destroy the other go to revelation 17. john sees a vision of a woman in revelation a woman represents a church at either pure church or corrupt church and it's corrupt based on what it teaches are you with me his doctrine determines his corruptness or its purity so we have two women in revelation representing two churches one in 12 the true church of god one in 17 the corrupt church called babylon in vision john sees something read verse 6 of general of revelation say what does that say and i saw what a woman drunken with the blood of there and with the blood of the martyrs of jesus so when i saw her i wandered with great admiration why did he wonder do you know what he was seeing he was seeing a church destroying come on churches now he'd been accustomed to the roman empire destroying countries but he's seeing a religious organization destroying other religious or and he wondered and the angel said wherefore this now marvel i will tell you the mission of the woman of the beast that carries her which after seven heads and ten horns sorry for rattling off don't marvel but he was stunned a church destroying a church but when nebuchadnezzar said bao that was a religious command when nimrod set up a kingdom to oppose god that was religious and when nebuchadnezzar didn't like the fact that his image his golden head would pass away he set up his that was a religious opposition to god let me put it more clearly for you who said crucify him the church the church john 1 1 he came into his own his own received a not who was that the church i don't want to depress you but you need to understand the word church is not always positive there's a false church and there's a true church are you with me go to revelation 12. i have to let you go because too much information will confuse you but there's so much i want to tell you revelation 12. say that again take another week okay you don't want me to live when i get home okay revelation 12 verse 17. read that for me let me pray for father as i continue to speak to the people whom you love so much tell me what to tell them in jesus name amen read verse 17 revelation 12 and the dragon was wrath with the woman stop read verse 9 of revelation 12. now concentrate concentrate the only person who should not concentrate is a corpse concentrate are you there now read verse 9 and the great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and satan stopped who is the dragon satan now go to verse 17 again oh hold on hold on let us all get there's a family all right verse 17 read with me and the dragon was wrath with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of a seed which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ now notice notice the grammar and the dragon was wrath with the women as a preacher you run the risk of being politically incorrect if i am politically incorrect will you be nice and absorb it yes yes you will the dragon was wrath with the woman how many women is that one listen to me carefully satan is most angry with one church the others don't bother him church is not a threat to satan truth is the threat of those of you online you're still with me the dragon was wroth with the woman now we have some identification regarding this woman let's finish the verse from the beginning let's go on the way and the dragon was wrath with the woman come on and went to make war with the remnant of a sea which keep the commandments of god and have the testimony of jesus christ let's pick the first one keep the commandments of god that's one identifying mark are you with me are you sure say amen all right let's find another identifying mark go to matthew 28. matthew 28 and even though i pray from time to time you must also pray in your own heart say lord open my eyes to understand what that strange man is saying pray and ask god for understanding do you have matthew 28 let's read from verse 18 are you there not yet not yet as usual not yet are we there now let's read together and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth come on ye therefore and teach all nations stop where did he send them all nations give me another word for that the whole world which means if you're looking for the church of god it should be come on all over the world and it should be distinguished by its defense of the commandments of god so we're adding pieces revelation 12 17 one distinguishing mark the commandments of god matthew 28 19 is found in all the world now be patient with me if you are a member of a church you have one branch in a bay town the other branch in pasadena and that's it that's it what did jesus say go where you know how long ago did he say that 2 000 years old well let me be more gracious you're a member of a church you have a branch in canada you have one in ecuador you have one in north korea you have one in japan and you have one in siberia is that a church of god based on no according to the united nations there are almost 230 countries represented by the united nations the seventh adventist church is in more than two hundred of them the only other church that comes close tell me is a catholic church now i said i may sound politically incorrect bear with me the only other church that competes for vastness of insulin is a catholic church but one of the identifying marks is what the commandments of god so you've got to go beyond a worldwide influence now if you open the bible here's the order of the ten commandments let me pray again father this is what the devil hates when i talk about your law defend me and defend us and defend the truth in jesus name amen commandment one thou shalt have no other gods listen exodus 20 commandment 2 no images commandment 3 don't take god's name in vain commandment 4 remember the sabbath day say amen commandment 5 honor thy father thy mother commandment 6 thou shalt not kill commandments 7 no adultery commandment eight no stealing commandment nine no covenant commandment ten no no bear false witness commandment ten no coveting now listen to the ten commandments in the catholic catechism it's official document of theology commandment 1 thou shall have another god fine perfect score commandment 2 thou shalt make no images it is not in that catechism it has been taken out are you listening to me it's not enough to be all over the world if you don't have truth you're spreading error all over the world so there's a benefit to going all over the world if you have truth there's a tremendous damage if you preach error to be all over the world so commandment three and the catechism is what remember the sabbath but in the bible it's four now since they took out two no images they were left with nine how do we get to ten they split number 10 into two thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house that's one commandment the other one is thou shalt not cover thy neighbor's wife but if you are thinking look at all the things the bible says don't covet thou shalt not cover their neighbor's house that's a commandment thou shall not cover their neighbor's wife you should go on and say no his manservant not his maidsevere nor his oxidation should be commanded for each one they should be about 16 command only now the commandments have been so-called changed something else was done by that church and god has people in that church don't misunderstand me other sheep i have which are not of this fold the sabbath in their mind is no longer sadly it's sunday he shall think to change times and laws in the church council of laodicea in 364 canon law number 29 christians shall not do their eyes on saturday but shall work on that day but the lord's day they shall especially honor sunday became known as the lord's day but that's not a biblical statement do not rest on saturday that's a church command work on saturday rest on sunday god says work on sunday rest on saturday so we have a religious organization directly opposing god i'll show you one other thing commandment 5 in god's version says what honor thy father and thy mother follow me closely i wish i had a screen but concentrate now this right hand represents the bible's version are you with me because the right hand is the hand of power and victory all right on the catholic version because number two has been taken out number five is now number four are you not with me yet are you with me number five is now number four now how are the commandments divided two tables are you with me on the first table we have the first four on the second table the next six now in the bible's version the first four have no god before me no images don't take my name in vain keep the sabbath that shows love for god in the catholic version we have no gods before me uh images out keep this and don't um no images that's out so we have don't take down anything uh-huh sabbath number four is honor thy father and thy mother so where is the pope because the pope is the father in the catholic church the mother is mary come on where now has that church place mary and the pope on the side that belongs to home god mary is considered a savior what's our subject what's the emergency called get out this is not harshness this is life-saving get out mary is an assistant savior you go to christ through mary listen to hebrews 1 3 don't go just listen who being the brightness of his glory and the expressed image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins not with mary or the angel gabriel by himself purge that i was saying sat down on the right hand of the majesty on high jesus christ does not need an assistant to his work but mary in that system is on table number one that's reserved that's why the pope is god on earth the pope is god on earth in 1870 i believe it was a summer in that time the law was passed making his word infallible when he sits on the throne of course and if he's by the beach no but when he sits on his throne spoke what he says is infallible god sent a message in revelation 18 go there with me i have to stop i have to stop sorry but decisions have to be made right now this morning revelation 18 father in heaven as i conclude do not stop giving me help in jesus name i pray amen chapter 18 of revelation we'll read from verse 1. are you there read with me and help me and after these things i saw an angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory come on and he cried mighty with a strong voice saying babylon the great is fallen is fallen and has become the habitation of devils and a hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird stop now next verse for all nations come on have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the church and the state mingling together preaching false doctrine for all nations are drunk of the wine of the wrath of grantation and the merchants of the earth what the kings of the earth want have committed fornication with the and the merchants of the earth are which wax writ through the abundance of delicacies now verse this sounds very good the church you know armada with the state merchants business everything is fine but notice verse 4. read that for me and i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her might stop are you god's people you can decide that with god come out of her in prophecy a woman is a church whether false or true god says come out of her my people why keep reading that she be not be partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her place keep reading for her sins have reached unto heaven and god hath remembered her iniquities and when god remembers he acts the rest of that chapter tells of the destruction of babylon read verse 21 and a mighty angel took up a stone like the great mills on a cassette into the sea saying what thus with violence shall that city babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all god will put an end to this system of error that influences the entire world but let me tell you something it also includes apostate protestantism in 1500s under martin luther the the protestant said sola scriptura which is the bible only there was a council of the church the catholic council called from 1545 to 1563 it met on and off they met to discuss how to deal with the protestants how to stop this personal reformation that was the main concern why they met on and off of 18 years what brought the council finally to an end and overthrew the protestants a catholic bishop i don't recall his name he challenged the protestants here was his argument and he couldn't answer him you are challenging our authority to change laws but you keep sunday which we created then you are actually following our authority and the protestants had nothing to say the sola scriptura people had nothing to say because solas scriptura does not recognize sunday as holy it recognizes it's the seventh day of the week so when that argument was made the protestants had lost him the catholic church itself has in its written records books honest people should actually be seventh-day adventists because they keep the bible sample no i'm sorry i didn't bring it just came to my mind i can find it and put it on youtube or whatever an honest person who should act should actually be a seventh-day adventist because they're the only ones who keep truly sola script the church has said that i was in a certain country preaching and i'm finishing i've said that three times and i offered two thousand four hundred dollars it was on a college campus 400 is a fortune to any college student and to anyone who brings me two bible texts one the first day of the week is holy two god changed the sabbath from the seventh to the first but since they call it students they know how to do research go do come back tomorrow night and get your money we came back the next night for the meeting i said okay i have come get your money nobody moved so i checked the mic come and get your money nobody moved at the end of the service a young man came to me this actually happened he said pastor i looked for those two verses i couldn't find them but can i still have the money i said you can forget that now he literally said can i still have the money i was doing another series in detroit literally happened and i spoke on the sabbath being a saturday not sunday it's amazing how people don't realize sunday is not the sub and many of them are just honest and i offered 2 500 put up by the church members literally to anyone who brings me those two texts so a lady who had been attending she went home to her husband who was a baptist she said honey we need to do some repairs around the house this 2500 will just do it give me two texts let me go get the money she came back and told me the husband said yeah she said what honey what are you saying there are no such texture she said now why do we do it you know what he said i was born a baptist you finish it for me i'll die baptist confine the text let me close you see this what's our subject there's an emergency call from the bible to all people who claim to love god to get out of church environments where the law of god is downtrodden because the law of god is the very expression of the righteousness of god and so god says come out of her. that's a call of love and some may say but it's been in the family for years come out what do i tell my husband come out because the alternative when christ comes will be ugly if you do not believe me you see god in his mercy when jerusalem was destroyed in between 1866 and 70 the romans came and surrounded the city then mysteriously they withdrew during that period of withdrawal a lot of christians left the city all of them not one of them was killed in the destruction the romans came back and you read the horrible conditions that fell upon that see people were eating people mothers would make agreements i'll eat your son today and you eat my son tomorrow because they rejected the lawgiver jesus christ does the law save you no but the law is an expression of what jesus saves you too are you following me if i save you from sin i must save you to something and sin is a violation of god's law a righteous life is a life in harmony with god's law that's why we're saved by faith we're judged by works and so today there's an emergency call answer it come out i'm not come out of the churches that do not respect the law of god regardless of whatever else they say now if you come to the adverse church are we overrun with saints i never said that but you don't join the church based on how well the people dress you join it based on does it preach thus said the lord and so in john 6 when many disciples left christ john 6 66 he turned to the twelve and said will he also go away and peter said lord where shall we go thou has the words of eternal life what kept those men truth i was a catholic i wanted to be a priest until my mother found out and she yanked me out and i'll never stop thanking her i hope to see you in the resurrection she found out the priest had his eyes on me to make me a priest i was an altar boy i served a priest on the altar and i felt very proud of my my gown and white and red and i felt like a saint and the priest said you know you have you have potential to be a priest and my mother said and she stopped us from going to church and she found out that god had a holy day called the sabbath found the night for this church took us to it and my only regret is that i wasn't born into it but you accept what you have and you thank god that light has come someone listening to me needs to make a decision to leave that sunday honoring church and come where truth is taught when the rich young ruler came to christ let me finish i have to finish he said yet lack is thou what one thing sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come follow me one thing you lack for many listening to me you've got one thing you're lacking change your day of worship from man-made to god-made for someone else you remind me of the scribe in mark 12 jesus said thou art not far from the kingdom of god you're close make one change the day you're close this is not salvation by words this is love expressed in obedience you are close don't get so close and be lost make a decision i tell you to come out of any church that does not honor the law of god because honoring his law is his will for us wherever you're online you don't have to discuss it in order to make the decision you make the decision make it then announce it to your husband or your wife or your children or your mother you make the decision and then say god i have chosen in accordance with this emergency call come out of her my people because jesus said in john 10 10 10 16 other sheep i have which a lot of this fold them also i must bring so he's bringing you don't fight him come is there anyone in this congregation who needs to make that decision can i see your hand lord let me come to where the truth is taught the comm uh god bless you god bless i want his name written down on something where is the where is the name writer someone my brother's name god loves him someone move fast and get his name and i'm not leaving this place until we have his name okay here's someone okay someone else make a decision come to where the truth is taught obey god god wants to save you but he cannot save you in error someone else father i'm answering this call i need to come out now someone is saying i am afraid i have this problem i have this obstacle jesus says the things that are impossible with men are possible with god first john 5 3 this is love that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous or hard they are not this is hard god will change it someone else father there is fear in my heart that i'm making the choice to come out probation will not be opened forever when god closed the door of the ark those outside couldn't get in and those inside were safe someone online make that decision someone was born again or fmc make that choice to obey this emergency call and come out of a system where error is the way of life come where the truth is taught where god's church is identified is all over the world and it defends the law of god as a standard of righteousness not an instrument of salvation let's pray our father in heaven i didn't mean to go so long if i offended you forgive me but i want us to say so much on this final day their father there's someone listening to me now who's fighting the conviction the person is fighting it how can i do this but father through your spirit reach that person help him or her to understand and i believe in my heart it's a her to understand that time is running out please god reach that person please if you truly mean it when you say you're not willing to then you should perish reach that person father make that person miserable until that decision is made to come out father and for those who've decided bless them with strength because the devil has already begun to make plans to discourage them in the name of jesus they god take my weak effort for the weak effort but multiply its effect that many more decisions may be made bless the rest of this service father take all the glory and hasten the day when we will live in a world where everything will be righteous and according to your will i pray from my heart in jesus name [Music] amen [Music] you
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 34,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: HCvwv6EcLcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 1sec (4081 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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