Stop Selling Start Closing

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[Music] so how many entrepreneurs in the room right how many of you your business depends on money it's an interesting phenomena my god tweeted to me this morning he's like you talk about money so much I'm like that it's kind of important and he's like yeah but it's not the most important thing I'm like if you're in business is the most important thing because if you have no money you can't grow your business would you agree and he said yeah but money won't make you happy I said not having money won't make you happy either pal okay I'd fried poverty I tried being broke it was a disaster of an experiment how many been through the disaster experiment okay or just enough money how about just enough money you can't grow your business with just enough money so what I'm here to talk to you about for the next 45 minutes and I promise you it will go fast okay is how you grow your business how you get in front of more people how you get those people to want to do business with you now I've grown multiple businesses with no money I've never taken a loan from the government I've never used banks to borrow money and I've taken ideas and concepts cuz I didn't have any money I've taken ideas and concepts brought them to the marketplace and push them push them into the marketplace until somebody said I see value I'll give you money okay if you're taking notes you want to write this down when value exceeds price people give money when value exceeds price people buy things houses are not selling yet in America because the price is still above what is the perceived value automobiles in America are selling because value exceeds the price right blueberries are selling at some price they'll sell at some higher price they'll quit selling it's like how do I make people want that blueberry that house that car that chiropractor adjustment the package the package of the chiropractor the the implant the $14,000 implant cuz I want pretty teeth how do I get that done how do I get somebody to buy your marketing package or your social media package what do I do with Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and Google+ and YouTube what do I do with them are they just problems for me okay I didn't have a Twitter account 15 months ago I was just rated the top 10 business coaches on Twitter and the number one sales expert on Twitter for 2012 now I'm not bragging to you I'm telling you how do you push into a space that you've never been in and then dominated that's what you want to go for folks you do not want to go for competition in this environment how many even frame this you've been taught this you've been educated competitions healthy come even know that competition is not healthy you do not want to compete you want to dominate a sector Apple Computer coca-cola Exxon Google what are they what do they all have in common pure domination not competition I spent 17 years getting a formal education competitions good competitions healthy for who imagine if you were the only marketing company in the world is that better than having millions of marketing companies exactly I want to own the sector I want to own the sector I want somebody when somebody thinks about sales training I want them to equate Grant Cardone and whatever I have to spend to get there I'll spend to get there I want to own the sector completely I don't want to compete in it so one way you could own a sector is by tweeting okay if you're not tweeting or facebooking or youtubing okay or using LinkedIn if you aren't using these free mediums to communicate to the world you're not in the game and you're not in the game okay now this morning if you look at my Twitter account today because this is more than just about selling and closing a transaction if I don't have anybody to pay attention to me I can't sell or close would you agree there's nobody here my hey man good sales not a shut you down right now Who am I talking to myself I need people obscurity obscurity is the biggest problem your business has there is no bigger problem than obscurity it's not money it's not financing it's not price it's not value it's not package it is one thing obscurity all those media programs that you saw me on this morning they all tell you that there's not enough money the banks aren't loaning consumers don't have confidence people aren't healthy the economy's in trouble dude none of those are the problem the problem is nobody knows you I don't know you man I don't know you who are you right price doesn't matter at this point value doesn't matter at this point the package to offer the problems I don't know you if you don't know me you can't buy my books obscurity is a bigger problem than money okay so I'll go broke just trying to get out of obscurity and I may use these free mediums to do so so this is my point if you look at my Twitter account this morning which I can look from on this phone how many of you have a smartphone okay if you don't have a smartphone what kind of phone do you have you got a dumb phone no offense it's one of the two you got a dumb phone you got a smart phone now some of you got a smart phone you don't know how to use it okay now I drove from LA this morning and all I did was beat this thing up because I want to make Saturday my slave I wake up every morning Mundy is gonna be my slave as opposed to I'm gonna be a slave to Monday see the difference I want to master the day I want to own time I don't want to manage it I'm not interested in managing time I'm interested in creating time okay so on the way down here I'm using this Twitter account there's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 I'm sorry 13 in one hour 13 people are mentioning me on this Twitter feed in the first in just the last 60 minutes why why what am I trying to do what am I trying to accomplish two things I want to get out of obscurity with people and I want to dominate their thinking in any business is that doesn't matter what the business is I'm a chiropractor I need to dominate the sector I want to own the sector most of the time I'm advertising not for customers I'm advertising to put my competition on their heels right I Britian let me see let me see where my books are at one two three four I wrote these four books since Lehman's collapsed since the Lehman's collapse that was what 2008 I didn't write these books to make money I wrote these books to put my competition on their heels when other people were contracting all I thought was expand into it while they contract this is your shot a domination would you agree because I had a natural thing going for me my competitors were backing up while they backed up I just advanced because they opened the door for me we see the media the media in 2007-2008 were telling you what save money don't spin contract the world's coming to an end and everybody started backing up and that's why the economy contracted but Apple Computer what did they do what does Mark zerkin Berger say over at Facebook spend the money control the space spend your money control the space invest your money control the space dominate the sector money is only for one thing to own the space right I got some money in my pocket right here I don't know what I'm gonna do with it it's no good it goes down and value every day can't get enough of it how many we can't get enough of it once you get enough of it you find out you don't have enough of it okay there's no shortage of it how many agree there's no shortage dude every time there's a shortage open boy Benny Benny just start sprinting there's no shortage of money on planet earth but how many people do you know how many people do you know that think money is a shortage there's there's a shortage of money the clients that you call on every day hey my package is eleven hundred bucks and he's like oh my god $1,100 oh my god I can't even imagine spending that much money how many you got clients like that and then you go into an agreement with it yeah you're right maybe my price is too high we should lower our price how many of you got employees telling you that let's lower our prices once you just freakin close the doors you can't get your prices any lower than they are okay it doesn't make sense to get your prices any lower would it make what makes sense is to build value because you can't grow your business folks if you don't sell and closed would you agree okay I lower my price do people buy it you ever seen you you lower the price and they still don't make a decision so I know this in my business it doesn't matter what I'm doing I'm selling a wristband I got this little wristband okay we sell them for like 5 bucks or something there you go it's it says no negativity on one side and it says be positive on the other a lot of you need this would you agree ok so that's a $2.00 band I've sold 70 million dollar real estate I've been in a transaction the property was mine three lawyers three real estate guys on their side two accountants and I'm by myself in a room first thing to do they sit down everybody says hello hello we pass business cards and the first thing they tell me is this your property's overpriced see it doesn't matter whether there's two bucks or 70 million how many agree they're gonna say what whether I'm getting a haircut right for 20 bucks or 50 bucks or 200 bucks or whether I'm buying a purse for $12 or buy and one for 1200 this group looks at me and says your price is too high I said no you knew that before you called the meeting you knew that before you brought your freaking army in here now we're gonna do this deal or not because I don't have any more money to give you now I want you to write this down because I'm gonna use this in every trans I'm involved in somewhere in the transaction when we entered the negotiations I've sold the product built the value solve the problem somewhere when we start negotiating whether that's two minutes or 20 minutes I'm gonna lay this line out I'm gonna say I don't have any money left to give you okay I'm gonna make it clear I'm gonna literally get altitude it's called getting altitude in the negotiations I don't have any money left to give you okay if you're talking about a discount more of a discount if you're talking about a lower price to get this package to get this solution to solve your problem hey what are you gonna tell them right now I don't have anymore money to give you okay everybody try this I don't have any more money to give you see if you don't close that door they're gonna keep trying to open that door would you agree but you got to get sold folks you got to get completely sold on your offer your product your service what is it you're selling everybody in this room is in sales unfortunately in America the word selling has become a bad word okay but you can't get away from it would you agree you're the dentist do you need to sell man I want to fix my teeth man how much is it gonna be how long have you wanted to fix your teeth my whole life I mean since the moment I got teeth I've been wanting to fix my teeth okay I mean I got teeth going this way teeth going this way I got him going back there ugly I need new teeth and then you tell the guy it's 14 grand and what does he say oh my god $14,000 there's no way I can afford that and then the person pitch in the presenting the product the solution the implant says what what do we have to do what can we do what price could you afford what's your budget dude all thoes are wrong things to say would you agree same thing for those of you who are selling marketing you're going in and putting a package together in the client says that's more than we're spending now where do you need to be what can we do you turn yourself into a victim once you just go stand on the 405 say hey run over me okay come on man hit me man see first thing you have to do is you have to be completely I have to be completely sold on my product or service completely I have to understand that if I'm asking this much money for my product or service my product or service is worth this much money or this much okay when somebody offers you $1100 let's say your package is 1500 bucks and they offer you 11 what did they just tell you your pet your product is worth no they didn't tell you it was worth 1,100 if a guy goes into the bookstore in Dallas Texas at the airport and buys this book for 30 bucks what did he tell me it was worth to him more than 30 more than 30 okay you want to write this down every offer you get made every offer that is made to you represents whatever the offer was I'll give you three million dollars for the property that means he thinks it's worth more than three million dollars nobody offers what they think something is worth I paid X dollars for this watch I wanted the watch more than I wanted the money right I give a homeless guy 50 cents what is it worth for me to give him 50 cents it's worth more than 50 cents or I wouldn't have given it to him you get it do you understand that I wanted him to go away more than I wanted my fifty cents that's that's the reason people give people money you're not charitable oh I'm helping a guy out did you gave him a dollar you didn't help him out you want to help him out give him 500 bucks okay don't be acting like a philanthropist oh I'm so good to people did you gave the guy quarter you know I care about people come with good dude you don't care about anybody you're trying to get rid of him tell the truth man at least tell the truth like when I go into a selling situation I tell people the truth I don't let them sell their program to me oh that's more than we can afford okay so what are we gonna do to work it out man it's a solution for you it's gonna create more business for you if you keep thinking it's more than you can afford your business is gonna stay small I show a client recently a package it's an $1,800 package the guy says but I'm a little guy yeah and I ain't Obama you want some food stamps you want some food stamps to go what they offer dude what do you think hoody I'm in business but okay I'm fit it's a $1,500 package if you got four people it's 1,500 if you got 40 people it's 1,500 the fact that you've you've decided to stay small ain't my problem it's your problem I'm trying to get you to freaking 40 people you want to do this in my baby let's roll huh you see because you but you guys don't press like that you know why cuz you're talking to one person you're not feeling your pipeline up that's why I'm telling you do you got it you got it you got to use these terminals you gotta use these gifts these people have given you these gifts gifts Twitter Facebook okay these are gifts these are some of the best things I have ever been offered in my business I have three Facebook pages a Facebook page didn't exist over a year ago it's got 75,000 people following it it'll probably 80,000 by the time I finish this seminar this morning that Twitter link that Twitter page did not exist 15 months ago there's a hundred I don't know two hundred and six thousand people follow me on Twitter okay I owe it to those people to push communicate information so twice an hour all day long today somebody's gonna get a tweet but you're bothering people you're tweeting too much delay disappear dude if you don't like my delivery you're not gonna buy from me anyway some of you in the room have already decided you don't like me I'm too aggressive for you okay then we agree on something look if you don't like me you're not gonna do business with me let's determine that quick would you agree if you're gonna take an ass whip and take one quick find out quick right you don't like me congratulations there's been times in my life where I didn't like myself but I still need to communicate would you agree I still need to get attention because if you don't get attention you're done okay four steps it's not in my powerpoint so I want you to write these down four steps number one the this just label this success if you want to be successful you must go through these four steps I didn't know this until it's 51 years old I'm 54 years old I learned this right after the collapse of LeMans okay four things you must do you have to do to become successful regardless to your product or service or whatever you're doing number one you must get attention you have to get attention hey got your attention didn't I it doesn't matter whether you're your you're a homeless guy you know the panhandling or you're selling a seventy million dollar deal got to get people's attention everybody great gotta get hey you watching me man hey I'm selling a condo in Tucson Arizona though I'm selling the woman the woman's in complete communication with me she's talking to me we're talking her husband's sitting 36 inches from her he won't even look at me I'm one minute into the presentation I like hey what's happening man what's happening to do what's up what's up you don't look at me you don't talk to me you don't listen to me you your eyes are glazing over you look like you're unconscious what's happening huh because the truth is if he doesn't talk to me now I'm losing the deal anyway if I'm gonna lose the deal I'm losing it on my terms not his terms okay write this down as a side note if you're gonna lose the deal lose it on your terms don't lose it on their terms you're gonna lose the deal so what I just want to lose it on my terms is that too aggressive not if you want to dominate your sector it's not not if you want altitude it's not anybody can do this once you're sold how many believe this if you're completely sold on your product and service as a value you could do this you would be aggressive if you're not sold you're not gonna be aggressive open I'm not an aggressive type you are when you're sold okay remember when you were three years old you were aggressive then weren't you how many of you got kids huh hey give me that right now I want it right now kids two and a half years old kids don't sell kids clothes they don't thought it was selling I got it I got a three year old right my little girls like I want a jelly bean right now I'm like baby baby baby just for crying right out the gate I'm like dude dude slow it down a little bit baby you got to go through some steps man like don't go straight for my throat man just set me up smile at me papa you're the best give me a jellybean or I'll tear this freaking place apart but you know what the kids got and then I would never want to get rid of her in her is that ah everybody's got that what happened to you lost it would you agree you lost it somewhere because when you got into school they sat you in a chair for 50 minutes and said don't move don't talk and if you got a question raise your hand your mom told you don't put your finger in the electrical socket they had a swimming pool at the house and rather than teaching you how to swim they put a freaking gain around it to keep you out of it everything was stopped your parents taught you don't touch yourself before that they said don't touch that don't touch that don't touch that don't touch that that's not yours and then they added quit touching yourself dude it's mine you were telling me not to touch this little guy over here cuz it's his property okay now I can't even touch my own damn property and you know what I'm a grew up I'm gonna be 40 years old I'm no wonder people are walking around like this I can't catch anything I can't reach have it heaven forbid if anybody tells anybody who you are attention first thing you got to do is get attention the Kardashians are great at this they're unbelievable when Kim gets her divorce what six or seven months ago I told my wife I can't wait to see what she does next the chick is brilliant people hate her guts don't they she is freaking brilliant she takes she's a magician she takes nothing and turns it into money that's what you need to learn how to do that's what magicians do right hey I take nothing an idea and ideas nothing would you agree accept what an idea which is unbelievable and for anybody to diminish what that chick does you're confused if you do you're confused you're confused because you want to do what she does okay first thing she has to do is get attention look at my big ass huh spike this [Music] anything to get attention why she's trying to burst through the noise in the universe this annoys the universe would you agree it's a big unit this should be nine hundred people here today but there's not why because they got caught up in the noise they didn't get caught up in the price in the ticket or the one hundred and eighty nine dollar room those are the excuses they made not to come here because they got oh my kids it's noise I couldn't get away I couldn't get a sitter it's noise man oh my gosh we don't have the money because Fox TV convinced you you don't have the money Fox CNN CNBC MSNBC those are the people you're competing with not not another Direct Mail company your biggest competition is the Anderson Cooper on CNN Suze Orman Suze you know Suzy does everyday don't spend money don't buy a car don't lease a car don't rent a car get rid of your husband everything says what backup retreat what does Dave Ramsey say all dead my friend Dave Ramsey all debt is bad debt all debt do coca-cola's got 14 times more debt than they have revenue caterpillar has 16 times more debt than they have revenue you want to grow your business you need debt right I got an American Express card in my pocket I put all my expenses on this card okay is that bad that's not my problem in comes my problem would you agree the more income I have I can handle that guy so I put too much money on my card no you didn't do you don't make enough money right you want to increase your income which means I got to sell and produce you can't grow your business without selling and producing without closing transactions it's impossible you guys want to be business owners I'm an entrepreneur I'm a CEO I'm the banker I'm the Comptroller your salesperson that's what you are you just need to call yourself what you are and make every department responsible for revenue get everybody pitching your product or service get so sold that everybody including the non sales people are selling promoting marketing growing your business by closing deals this is a training pole that we did this is sales training pole we did on LinkedIn you can do surveys of LinkedIn for free okay it says in which area would you like to get more training number one category staying motivated how many degree that's a big problem in your company just keeping people motivated every day excited and focus number two steps to the sale only 8% of the people responded and said I need to know how to handle the steps number three product knowledge where the most companies spend all their time training people product product product product that's not your problem okay this is what people told us 1,100 people answered this bowl handling objections 25 percent closing the deal 23 percent if you take closing the deal handling objections and attitude they make up 86 percent of every that's where I need help rules of closing looks number one rule of closing okay let me finish those four steps first I know you we're amid that okay number one attention everybody agree you got to get attention how could I do that radio TV I could become an expert I could write a blog I could tweet I could put something on Facebook I could go knock on a guy's door I could follow somebody home I spent three hours working with them they didn't make a decision with me they leave my office and they go home I follow him home would that get attention well I could never do that why couldn't you do that that's what made it that's what makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur get number one attention number two you must get criticism you must get criticism you have to get criticism criticism it is is it's a via you have to go through this door most people want to avoid criticism would you agree I need criticism you can't you can't get the positive without getting the criticism if there's if there's a thousand people in the room I need five hundred to criticize me in five hundred to love me okay like like three hundred eleven million people who lived in the United States my goal right now over the next twenty years is to get a hundred and fifty million people to hate my guts cuz if I can get 150 million people in the United States of America to hate my guts the United States of America will rain treasure on me number one attention number two criticism number three haters you got to get some haters you need haters no school is gonna teach you how to get a hater okay high school elementary school colleges what do they teach you want to be the most popular person now you want haters okay the companies that are hated are the companies that are exploding the people that are hated are the people that explode if I don't hate you if nobody hates you nobody knows you so the reason I'll tweet for instance when we started we had this that newsletter that I sent out okay we send it out every week we were hitting people once a month and we started getting complaints you send stuff out too much my office came to me we went to twice a month they came to me we have more people pulling off of the newsletter good double up again why I want haters okay so we start sending out one every week and then I started Twitter account I actually had people write grant cardone social media people grant cardone is an example of what not to do with social media I said freaking just multiply just increase it okay we were doing like four tweets a day good due to an hour why because I want my competition hating my guts someone I'm talking about me I mean I don't really want hate people to hate me you understand what I'm saying about I want them so so energized that they actually start pushing me they start promoting me and the fourth thing is admiration that's where you want to be I mean ultimately you want admiration right you want people admiring you how do people in my er you they buy your products I admire you so much I want to give you my money I admire what you're doing so much I give you money how does the charity work how do how does the Cancer Society work I admire what you're doing so much I'm gonna give you money and get nothing for it same thing it's all the same folks it doesn't matter what you're selling insurance chiropractor II marketing campaigns social media support you're selling tickets to a seminar it doesn't matter your kids your kids selling lemonade doesn't matter can I get attention can I stop that car can I get them to criticize me hey your eliminates too much look if you're gonna tell me it's too much let's make it 20 bucks right you're the homeless guy is he gonna get attention maybe most homeless guys don't they sit on the curb you pull up to the light he's too far away for you to help him how many of you seen that before and he's sitting there with his sign and you're like I'd help you if you were closer if you weren't so lazy I might actually help you see but that's how businesses operate too they open their doors in the morning they turn their lights on and then nothing else happens you got to push into it okay so here's some rules of closing a transaction because if I get attention and I get criticism and I get haters and then I get people saying dude you're good I like you you're the man okay and then I don't push to say let's do this if I don't push to a closed right if I don't make somebody get the book do I help them impossible impossible to help anybody if they don't get the book I don't help my somebody by writing a book I don't know anyone by putting a book on the shelf I help someone when I'm like get the book I'm in an airport true story I'm in JFK I'm walking through the airport I don't know how many of you saw that JFK flight they got down by Birds any of you saw that a bunch of black birds hit the right engine of a 757 out of JFK and it had to do an emergency landing I'm the guy that video dad okay so the point is I'm going through JFK right before that I walked through JFK this book is in the bookstore a guy picks the book up closer Survival Guide who would pick that up salesperson he turns it over what's he looking at he's looking at the price I said hey pal let me tell you something I walked up to him attention I said pal let me tell you something if you're gonna make a decision on the 30 bucks you'll never be a millionaire ever in your lifetime in fact three lifetimes with with hyperinflation you'll never be a millionaire why do you say that because you're worried about 30 bucks sure I did I signed the book first I'm a sign this for you see that's where I closed him I didn't close him when he went to register I closed it before them you don't buy a book for 30 bucks did you don't come to these programs for whatever it cost you didn't come here for the 500 or 900 it cost you would you come for I buy a book I'm looking for a million bucks in here 10 million and 100 million I'm looking for that billion-dollar idea I'm looking for that motivation that excitement I'm looking for that encouragement to push me into the marketplace so I can use my gifts how many of you have potential greater than the potential you're using good it is your ethical obligation it is your duty and your responsibility to fulfill your to fulfill your potential that's your obligation okay highly successful people are not doing it for the money if you talk to them if you get intimate with highly successful people you're gonna find out they can't spend the money they have now if we're talking about money they have a potential and they feel like they're right here you know if we could talk to Steve Jobs today I bet Steve Jobs would say never fulfill the gap this is what drives you would you agree this is the ethical thing the ethical thing to do is to push the ethical thing to do is not to get my book in the store is to make sure this guy that looked at it touched it got close to it brings it home my next step would be to make sure he reads it the step after that would be did you understand it see I don't want him to give me $30 I want I want to give him a million if that's my intention I can close the deal but you got to know the rules of closing for selling is not closing you know mentors a man like Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins I've studied for years I love these guys but the truth is they mix two arts into one and they shouldn't be selling selling is one thing presenting promoting marketing building value closed in a transaction is something completely different would you agree I already sold the real estate when we had the meeting with the three real estate agents a couple of accountants and the principal when they come into the room man 72 million dollars is a lot of money you guys knew that before we came here we're gonna do this deal or not we're gonna do it or not cuz I don't have any money left to give you you know I wouldn't have come here if I thought you were looking for a discount see that what I'm what am i operating with they came to that meeting knowing the price knowing the price I know they think it's worth more than that regardless of what they tell me how many agree with that they wouldn't agree to this meeting if they weren't looking to the future for that piece of property you understand what I'm saying I need to fix my teeth it's $14,000 okay oh my god no no no no no no what you thinking about right now you need to be thinking about your teeth that's what you need to be thinking about not the money okay you're not getting look you not gonna get the teeth the job you need without spending $14,000 it's an investment in your future so you got to close the door on this price thing number two closing is for them it's not for you meet close and her on those teeth is for her it's not for the company how many believe this we get $14,000 that $14,000 will be gone faster than her teeth will she's gonna have these teeth for a thousand years she'll be dead in a box and still have those teeth right number three no value until the close takes place there is no value exchange 2k you need really need to understand this closers are not a bad thing shutting a deal down is not a bad thing in fact until you close until you get somebody to say yes to you and give you money you have not been a value to them hey would you do with that client today well I informed him on the product how many of you got people like this oh I did a great job they like you they love me did you close them no then you didn't do anything for him I go to Best Buy and the guy tells me all about whatever the camera and he doesn't shut me down did he did he give me anything of value didn't I spent an hour with the guy he told me all about cameras what's the exchange the time he spent with me I could have done that with my daughter I don't need you spending time with me I need you to finish me I need you make sure this product goes home with me would you agree if you think this product is a great product then make sure it goes home with me insists that I take it once you got my attention even if it requires you to get criticism and even some level of our I hate your guts for a second and then they buy how many seen people actually go through that come in show an interest you got their attention they start to criticize you you guys took you along then they hate you you taken wait too long and then they're buying from you anybody in a room ever had that experience repeated the woman that I'm married to wouldn't go out with me for thirteen months I lived right here in La Jolla I lived here for twelve years left my home here sold it to go find my wife in LA I met her the first night I was in LA I went up to her I pitched her hey I'm the best guy in the world okay turned her off completely good I'm already at step two now I gotta get her to hate my freaking guts okay see look man I found a target I found the girl that I wanted right I found the girl that I wanted I don't lower targets I'd blow my brains out before I lowered my target I tried lowering targets it doesn't work here's the target don't lower the target that's my target I got to accomplish the target I'm gonna increase activity until I hit the target if I got to go through criticism and hate fine 13 months I called her twice a month for 13 months her friends called me grant you're just starting to stalk her I'm like it ain't stalking if it works if it works we gonna have babies okay number four objections are not objections most have you been taught that it's an objection the price is too high the payments are too high we never make a rash decision these are not objections they're complaints I never ever treat an objection as an objection I handled the complaint man your price is too high I agree with you sign right there everybody try this I agree with you no I didn't say like that I said I agree with you sign right there 14 grands a lot of money for Keith I'm with you everybody try this I'm with you sand right there see I don't handle the objection because it's not an objection it's a complaint oh my gosh man it's really hot outside today hold on let me call God and see if I can fix that why don't you try to handle everything my wife says before she's my wife she tells her friend Erika he's too sharp okay what else did he say what else does she say he's not my type what else he's the business guy what else he's too conservative okay when we going out when am I gonna finish this okay let's roll dude who are you oh I'm sorry I didn't get distracted by your complaints because I'm willing to go through the criticism you ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman anybody in a room ever seen an ugly guy with a beautiful woman some of your room like yeah that's me yeah I got one room they doneall good for you man get some teeth okay number five number five here price is a myth price is a myth okay you need to firmly understand this concept price is a myth these are five of 20 rules that we teach on closing price is a myth it's a myth for every one of you in a room that's on a budget if I was closing you on my product and you said to me but I'm on a budget how many of you hear that every day what do you know about a person that says they're on a budget need more income what else seen it good I agree with that what else you know about him not selling enough what else do you know about her something else she know about him they got money and what else do you know about him say again know the budgets already broken they came to you with a broken budget so what do you know about somebody's already got a broken budget do they buy from everybody but you everybody you get it so I'm in a closing the guy's like dude that's more than our budget sign right there what do you mean sign right there did you how'd you get over budget you were over budget before I got here I'm not the problem right I'm taking a guy out we're selling the guy a house okay his new payments gonna be four grand his old payments 3,200 and we have him approved by the bank and him and the wife are like we can't even afford what we're paying now what do I know right now look if you can't afford either one of them get the one you want see because that's stay logical I stay logical in the clothes okay you want to write this down stay logical and unreasonable stay logical and unreasonable there's a difference between being logical okay and emotional you don't want to get emotionally in the negotiations I don't get emotional with people I stay logical look sir ma'am if you can't afford either one of them you can't afford the 32 you can't afford the 4,000 get the one you want how many agree that's that's a survival more survival than staying in the one they can't afford maybe if we move the family into the house they really deserve maybe their income will come up okay you're sitting there you're selling it's trying to sell a guy on marketing campaign but your campaigns more than the guy I've been using did the guy you've been using have gotten you the results you want okay you know why because he's not getting enough money from you his programs a grand my programs ten grand his programs month-to-month my programs two years you know what the difference is I know how to get results and he's a freaking amateur he's an amateur if he wasn't amateur you wouldn't let me walk in your freakin office today you've met him and you've met me you know there's a difference I'm gonna get you results sign right there who are you man I wish my people could do what you do admiration let me agree with that like when I'm in a selling situation I want them to want to hire me not buy for me I want to penetrate past I want to penetrate past the transaction and get into the relationship the decision phenomenon okay number one the buyer decides to take action you got to know this there's a phenomenon in every sales transaction the buyer decides to take action before anyone ever asked them to buy just think about your own life when you went to buy something you were in Macy's or Nordstrom's how many would agree you found something on a rack and you're like I'm buying that before anybody was involved in fact the person when the person got involved they actually slowed down the process the person in Macy's could have walked up and said you're looking at something have you made a decision yet yeah I'd like to take this home with me it's a possible but what happens they add time to the process because they never go for the clothes this is called the decision phenomenon ask the customer have you made a decision yet it might be your opening line when you go in to present to somebody even before your presentation have you guys made a decision yet is there any chance of somebody agree to an appointment for your presentation and they've already agreed they've already they've already decided to do business with you is that possible good but you know what I gotta do my presentation I must bow you you don't have to build value from closed right I'm in a Porsche store up in Westlake California I find this car I want this Panamera I'm like dude I love that car let's go for a ride I don't want to ride it dude I want to buy it I don't want to touch it I don't want to sit in it I don't want to hold it I don't want to stroke it I want to tear it up let me write a check and I'm gonna take it home and I'm a see to see what I can do to freaking just tear this car up and you can't be with me we I gotta show you a car I got a demo no no bro you need to take my money take my money let me get out of here okay are you willing to do as we come to a conclusion here are you willing to do whatever it takes to get somebody's business without lowering your price a client tells me recently they want me to fly out and speak to their company I tell them what my fee is that's ridiculous I said now man let me tell you what ridiculous is okay first of all I'm not charging you to speak I'm charging you to fly all the way to Baltimore and all the way back and then I need tools now to justify why I'm worth that much money everybody great first I know he's got them he is the decision-maker it won't break his company I'm gonna help him more than the money he's gonna give me but I need some gimmicks some tools to show him why my price is what it is can you roll that video if you're not first you're last okay can you tell everybody tell me puppets all right to go say it's all right papa who let the dogs out huh you want to see Mickey Mouse say let's tell Mickey Allah that sits on YouTube that's it thank you that sits on YouTube that's Sabrina by the way that sits on YouTube and I use it with clients okay in the last 24 months we've dropped about 700 videos on YouTube to today every day we're just dropping video all the videos me I'm talking to people I'm giving people information what am I trying to do get attention I can then store that on YouTube for no cost I can store it on YouTube and what can I do I can store it there and I can use it when I need to that URL on that video just do a crying baby clothes search crying baby clothes on YouTube that's where you'll get the information folks what I want to tell you today is this become a professional it's selling and closing a transaction your business depends on it your clients depend on it okay selling a not a bad work go to India go to China they love salespeople there why because they know they can't create a middle class without it the middle class has been created in America now it's being destroyed it's being destroyed it's being literally pulled out from underneath you right now you don't want to stay in the middle class you need to get above it that is the only solution to what's happening in America right now you need to get above the game these one-percenters that are so supposedly hated look you want to be in the top 20% of the earners in the United States it will be the only people over the next ten years that are safe I promise you so we put a couple packages together for you it's all my books audio I might need some help on this Jessica and then I'm gonna give you we got a free gift to give you at the end of this break there's two packages we put together for you my books no no no Jared we're yeah buddy there you are okay we put two packages together for you one is my book and audio program selling and closing they're separate arts and audio this program right here it has 826 I promise you it'll be the best closing program you have ever listened to in your lifetime okay there's eight hours of information 126 closes and this goes over 57 fundamentals of selling anything to anyone these two packages on my website by themselves or 1100 bucks we're doing the books and the audio for 397 they're helping me out now what we did in addition to that was we took my other two books this is a book on prospecting if you're not first you're last is the New York Times bestseller the original title of this book was don't be a little but the publishing company wouldn't go with the title how many you think that was a better title than if you're not first you're last come on and pitch is not an egg that's not a curse word by the way I looked it up in the dictionary it means don't be a whiner and you know what they got a lot of whiners going on in this in this economy right now and this book is called the 10x rule okay this book is actually out sold this book and it's about how much effort it's about domination how much effort you have to use to actually get your product or service or your name or your brand into the marketplace I use this book the concepts of this book to get a TV show and I didn't know anything about getting a TV show zero I didn't have one connection in LA or New York and got a TV show using the principles of that book also we included the audio programs for both of those and a 13 deep 13 segment DVD program there's a three thousand dollar program online 13 different DVDs do you get the books the audios the DVDs and the price and only have 20 of these is no your product $897 okay this is normally this normally sells for $4,200 so I got 20 of them 20 of each program once they're gone they're gone thank you very much for having me here today god bless you have a great great 2012 thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 2,399,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: close the sale, Sales, wealth, selling, sales coaching, grant, cardone university, yt:cc=on, grant cardone, be obsessed or be average, closing, cardone training technologies, Business Coaching, 10x, sales training, sales, Sales Coaching, millionaire booklet, sell or be sold, money, Sales Training, Sales Motivation, sales tips, Sales Tips, Closing, start closing, the 10x rule, cardone
Id: --Eu64Sfadc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2012
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