Grant Cardone Teaches Billion Dollar Company How To Use Social Media To Sell

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[Music] look at my bird out there waiting for me John man what a way to travel everybody should have this I always think on the drive up hit the window look you guys you guys out there your shoes get a tight by the way polish put a jacket on by the way you don't have to do everything in a t-shirt you're not that cool quit dress to your audience and if you have any any consideration about what you're wearing kick it up a notch nothing wrong with looking good it will never hurt you Heather I could never have ever it will never hurts we attack them like a professional and if you have a tension on it then you need to kick it up a notch [Music] Marketing and the trainer's do what trying to train the salespeople [Music] thank you yeah okay so we're gonna meet in this big room here this is where we'll set up for the I cut a good deal - you missed the Challenger it was a good deal yeah I need something bigger than that little challenger yeah I need a more room we're just on the target area class me I just bought a Gulfstream 450 yeah where are you keep it that's here that's safety right now oh yeah yeah that's your plane yeah I love that and there's some there's some good deals out there Nick so an exit plan great you guys are always looking good aren't then right I said aren't these jackets plan I said a standard-issue and it's by its really I knows everything right we want to know how we can help you guys are we waiting for Todd yeah you know my myspace comes out I'm not I'm not here to try to get anybody excited you guys got the excitement thing handled I'm here like we're nuts and bolts company we help companies read a customer qualifying close the deal follow up that's what that's what I'm known to do and in the when the social thing happened started happening about four or five years ago I'm 59 years old I shouldn't know anything about social media but somehow over the last five or six years in a very short period of time I figured out how to embrace the social thing so I'm probably the age or maybe a little older than most of people here and dude I'm gonna snap chat making money from fourteen-year-olds thereby a $5,000 product run now if you told me if you told me if you'd have told me that snap check and paid me five grand every day I feel like that's impossible my entire staff which is a bunch of Millennials said there's no way your audience is there I said well you know what they're people all I know is they're people people buy furniture people rent apartments people buy to keep people that stuff and I don't care if you're 14 okay if you're Indian white black gold I don't care if you stand up at the America the national anthem or you kneel down and you lock arms or you sing or you noticing it doesn't matter me I just wanna do some business with these people so if they're on Facebook they're on Instagram they're on YouTube these are just TV channels now so just to kind of tell you where we're at today I went from working with card readers that we're having trouble getting people to come into their showroom 25 years ago to say and hey look you guys cannot do an eight-hour sales process and st. hours it's killing you gross it's killing your front end and they were like no no the more doubt no longer we spend with them the better off we are so no it's not true the longer you spend with somebody with bad credit the better off you are look people they have money you're not gonna put up with the process most of you won't even go through the car dealer think okay well that that's also we found out is in the furniture businesses in the mobile business so we took the car dealers because they're tough very similar to your business by the way a lot of competition very small margins I can go buy a car some other place I don't have to have one today and we changed that industry these are people that were making literally hundreds of millions of dollars didn't want to change very antiquated very little technology similar to the to the people that you are issues on their their showrooms right nobody wants to be a car salesman really nobody wants to say they sell furniture probably less cars actually in furniture and and we went and change that industry okay to a shorter process more customer service oriented show people show the sales staff forty percent of which is illiterate can't read okay [Music] how to how to shorten a process selling a product they can't afford themselves right guys an Alexis story can t buy its own product having itself to you they can so we showed them how to shorten that process and actually make more money using transparency using technology and then and then we translate it we transition into the social thing how do I use Instagram to post to get attention so wherever you guys need help that's what we're just here to discover I don't know how much you know about me I'm just giving you a little brief thing of what we've done and and so since the auto thing we just what do we do with how many how many locations there's 1700 retail reps and about 60 small medium business reps just a b2b VC so I'm buying a self-service nothing emotional here I'm not gonna sleep on it I can go get a better deal down the stream same problems say problems again I'm probably hiring a millennial if they don't plan on being there very long there's not a lot of money involved how do I train that guy okay I can't do a seminar that 800 locations what plate do I run how do I control the customer how do I greet them how do I write them how do I get the position to close how do I show it choices how do I move into the internet because they're shopping the internet before they're getting to the store these people know more about mattresses that you know your people can possibly keep track with now I started my career on standup events I used to do 250 gigs a year post speaking literally 5 days a week talk to large audience 300 400 500 people we were doing eight hour seminars problem is you guys all know that thing is gonna wear off okay it's coming up okay it's great it's great weather there I love that we can roleplay we can roleplay all day Wednesday it's coming off there has to be something to click into so like right now what we did was was everything's online we delivered to a phone tablet in the computer and it's in just it's consistent now so like they they on board somebody and that's a standardized process for them but what happens is is once they are released into the field then it becomes the responsibility of the store manager to basically provide daily training and ongoing training and that's something that they can't control and that's something that there's a lot of variance in and they can't really track it or monitor it and so what we did is we gave them a playbook that says this is the consistent playbook for now and now when we talk about answering an incoming phone call they're all playing from the same playbook and again the contents being delivered to them in a way where they're actually already on they're already on their phone and if their content is being delivered to them so what it's their content so it's like they can either have me deliberate our body could deliver right all we do is reduce everything to video not books people cannot read okay if they can read they don't want to read very few sick people want to actually read anything so when you give somebody a manuscript or a training manual like we used to you got to go through the whole thing to onboarding the employee stuff all that should be a video videos being consumed at such high rates today it just shows you people want videos cheaper to deliver cost less for you to have you not distort you know spill coffee on it it's video so some of the computer everybody's got one and because of what we've done on YouTube you know we've got you know a hundred thousand people that subscribe to the channel and forty million views you know we learn a lot from the data that YouTube's able to provide you and so we can find out what are people actually engaging in and so when we see a 45-minute keynote presentation and we look at the activity going to that video versus a 90 second video on how to handle a specific objection or even a 15-second video so the engagement rate goes through the roof and so now what we do is we package our material not in 45 minutes learning modules but we in 92nd something short is 20 seconds so some things need to be theory whether I need to teach somebody something and some of it needs to be I don't care about the theory it's Wednesday afternoon and I just want to write a customer up ok what do I say to write him up follow me I'm going to show you what it costs to do this and maybe that video is eight seconds long it's just a reminder do anything when a guy is breaking down or maybe it's a call correction they took a phone call you heard it was wrong hey go watch this video and literally the video is 12 seconds so one of the complaints about training is I got to send my people off that cost you money I got to get on a plane there's no money in it for me when you get on a plane there's no money when you stay in a hotel there's no you miss deals ok you got managers mid-level managers that know nothing about social media right they're like they think it's a threat to them you got people in your stores you got management I'm beyond the salespeople now you got management says hey don't give me numbers over the phone probably you correct today because I'm going to come here to get it computer is upon tell me what you want your PlayBook to look like we're going to create a university ok what does what where are your breakdowns look like if you look at your stores where do your people break down everything I bring this guy with me collecting video and everything why I want to promote to my staff first everything that we collect people see me wearing around with a camera all the time it's for my staff it's not it's not for the public so so I would want to grab this data ya know I'm gonna shoot it out to 30,000 people look what we're doing with Grant Cardone today he came down to our offices it gets people excited right I want to keep selling my people and we're doing something special here so I'm culture izing you know I'm saying you I'm getting my environment my people obsessed and by the way if anything comes out of that that I can use with the public then we promote that out to the public for me everything's promotion first internally in the next term when I promote externally it is not to grab traffic for business it's to put my competition on their heels so the first thing is internal second thing is my competition I want to push them back and say I can't keep up with this dude he's a beast and the third thing is to get traffic we think I could shoot this video this morning and figure out a way to use all just one video for all three of those internally externally to push the competition back and also to get business because in here I would include some special we're doing to next growth conscious hey super special in the 10x both calm make sure you and by the way Ashley is gonna be our provider and sponsor at that event yeah it's like I don't I don't want to do one thing everything becomes education entertainment right buy-in culture I don't do anything every communication that we do at my company is to sell something there is never a communication that I do for the sake of just communicating it is to sell somebody on something sometimes that means our own staff on something number one that's what it needs I want to sell my staff on hey we're doing big things yeah so we need advice so every employee was willing to buy program but I would say this is probably one second and it's on a rationale system broadcast it's available but on the same token we will probably not present enough you know I hit one message one week you know for the week just isn't enough yeah way don't this continuous messaging that that's what you're saying every day it's like what's new what's happening or DC in Tampa you see here without unders the Energon stolen on HSN we have active Johnny so when they have Nazis we have like a weekly fighting to get their license on sprite so now we and that balance of sort of the carrot versus a stick because you guys talked about the capability of having enforcement and being able to say this is a requirement to go through this process versus it being more like infotainment which is you can sue this because it's just great yeah that balance of it it seems like there's kind of a place for both so that structured training becomes more that you go through these programs these other pieces that's I think you're leaning more on like two carrot right which is a brain I believe in the carrot you get okay the push-pull like whatever like at the end of the day though I need it done right so so like I don't beat people up at my company but I don't spend time with anybody done produce either so I know I save my energy for people that produce at my company everybody in a company knows I'm not gonna spend time with you if you're an author you if you're not on the board it's you know that's who I spend time with the problems that you have every day become video okay we drop them now we can scale right have a similar product everywhere similar answer everywhere and now we got something new to tell people you watch you follow ah yeah Marcella - you know these guys they're they're they're they're just out there you know yep they're both watching me - probably so this was an old movie theater that we bought so we go out about 400,000 square feet down here this is a keyboard you work sitting which is the surah I'm going to do no but but I'm everything I see I'm gonna use yeah right so you would - yeah people want to know who you are right now I don't know if you want to show that part yeah but this was an old movie theater movie cult that we bought and we bought this whole concept downtown Ybor City and we transformed it free mattresses you can tell me where I am it's pretty it's that's not cheap it is so we transform this area keyboard city's logo plate of Louisiana so if you go downtown you boy you're gonna see this was this was the old cigar rolling district of Tampa Wow so a lot of Cuban immigrants came here and they did all the cigar rolling so this is huge even right now if you're going over there you're gonna find tons of cigars really cool good stuff I know you're a star and we spent about four million Retro in the space and 70,000 square feet so this is our team that does merchandising and product and product flow supply chain teams down a brand and we have another facility in Brandon Florida which is only about 15 minutes away from here so we redid this whole space had to put in floors different elevations so pretty cool so this is our retail bi team so they're constantly pulling data and saying what are we doing kind of results are we achieving on a continuous basis putting together the dashboards for our teams so this team is really connected to retailers happen and retail yep yep absolutely so and now they're getting the machine learning where's our machine learning guys especially with their cars and their park yep this is a couple of our stores it's Amman Jordan Shayne like China we line is open our under store chain in China really proud of that fact Wow Mexico we've got 14 stores in Mexico this is our biggest store in the country this actually Colton California we have you doing something with the California story you you you when you met a curtain body out right right right Costa Rica they're opening their second store next month so we have 750 stores roughly open right now and we have another eighty to a hundred open off between now and first quarter Wow so we're opening stores at a rapid pace twelve over a thousand stores in China when it's all cooked out really doing well in mainland China you know people say what kind of perks do they buy so what kind of person you think to buy over there because you talked about the power of social media right that's also the power of the internet they see all these styles so they're being influenced by it and the world's becoming much and I soon you know just one hey Dave just go around so Dave is in charge of our design team not always everybody at lunch right now okay for the traveling window we don't have as many - it should have handle superior design and they do all the store designs shoulder board ah yeah it's our pipeline is huge and the endless pipeline constantly to say where we at a store ablative the new stores are open anywhere the prospects not very much like you do within refill apartment so this can't be keeping there's a lot of dashboard for us it's manually have completed on the far right size all the types of home sewers as well as all the other types of facilities that we're opening which could be outlet it could be you know these are the stores which is open correctly by just year so far as your so far these the ones are looking instead of days that right now means the berkshires being put on those stores right so in their systems the next 35 days we've got 29 stores opening slightly so this one a day right now and these are all the ones where the different designers and what they're at project load wise and then these are all in the pipeline what's coming into it so it's a busy time see all this becomes I decisions annotation who your network this right here what you're talking about everybody should see cuz it gets them excited yeah oh my god we're expanding Ashley design expert Penelope talks about love of the blah you know love it good idea for it on and so I have these super salesman of the world oh right okay so want you so we're working on here real quick all right pretend like I'm not even go so we're lighting it for breath like that right here so to the reimaging and being created a brand that way people are getting a little sneak peek at what they're actually gonna be looking for so you should use one size that we're working on right now working on the discover savings event that launched yesterday so we're trying to kind of sub messages throughout so it's a lot of newness on the site sure just working through some of the changes as we should shift message now when you when you play with this do you test it on like a Instagram or Facebook you test it anywhere to get the feedback so we do run a be testing when we actually run them know but that's when you're running right probably like right now like hey do you like this well we know but we have a creative process the ROI through where our creative manager has to take a look at it ask about their an approval that it goes so the associate current record no we don't do that answer is no we don't but we as a collective do but you know the track the people that traffic it out they'll you know come enough to say hey we'd like to do two versions we're gonna test them against each other right now those better hey do you like this hit me back I need your feedback right now by Ashley Furniture hundred items under $100 you like it or not yeah your night there you go so he's got how many soulful followers you have Tuesday four million social followers he's gonna blow that up I just want to see what they think you know even like on Facebook maybe it doesn't start well hey you like it or not yeah your name now tell me so you better follow us around and make sure we get to get in the answer here yeah they may say hell I don't like it you jump Holliday good boy yeah so you know what are you doing Facebook right oh we have a million followers on Facebook so on Facebook right I mean I would I wouldn't wait I wouldn't wait for this I would I would start popping stuff out I would not wait to pay for it test it a B it I would just start popping out and see if you get a response I'd have a number set up right now I'd go on Facebook call this number right now if you want to take advantage of this deal I posted it you lose nothing okay zero you don't have to wait until next Tuesday to test it out in one place if the call could come here they call me I want to give you a free gift call me just give me your feedback so you guys start getting feedback right away and it gets energy in the group it gets creative energy right yeah so so they call merchants Prince's right so sometime when we look at our organization you say we're all gonna make it suit in themselves and we've become merchant princes or advertising princes and princesses and instead of saying let's go to log the community let them vote on yeah yeah boss mo okay good hey Jim grant and team how you doing hey good to meet you Mitchell hi handles are right she handles a lot of things with a company or website a lot of our tog Rafi or creative or creative services she was pretty much what she's doing yeah love it so so we just came up with an idea for you yeah yeah we're just gonna he's gonna pull something out on an Instagram where he did post on the gram of $100 hundreds and hundred bucks wonderful see what kind of reaction he gets yeah four million followers fantastic so let's not wait on this okay yeah I like it nice meeting you this they are called the metrascan and we can using lasers to you know we can actually take a 3d images that's the bedrock where no it's called actually furniture these guys are in the future right now is how they're designing what 3d images 3d images like that Pixar yeah scan stuff like that and it takes measurements using the lasers and I can build a 3d image so if that's going to go on the roof planner that's going to go home part of these so it's our place in this stuff before that where we want to see doesn't fit in my room bar and it's gonna actually be a full-scale model so it will adjust to the actual dimensions of the room say for like with the application that we just launched you'll be able to go in there get your full dimension of the room and you'll be able to place a like this piece wherever you like within that room and it might be an actual depiction yeah this thing is accurate us I think it was like ten thousand of an inch it's as accurate as if you were to scan your hand exactly we just said right there yeah we're trying possible now yeah yeah I need to go home we have this on our we have this our website right now as far as er you look at product you can say they are they are available then they can go placement rule and then with your rifle and now you're gonna be able to just basically take our images and drop from their iphone recreator space what are they asking well I asked them if they had any questions were they problem they are in California it's our source what mark they want to buy a line everyone Chino California okay all right I sent it what's he asking for um they were inquiring on when their delivery was supposed to arrive today and this customer is inquiring on bedroom so I'm gonna go to bedroom and I will ask what something you're looking for they respond back on that message not yet but they're waiting for home delivery yes second he said that their delivery was supposed to arrive at 8 a.m. this morning ok so that now a heat I just talked about he wants to make a special offer to you because of the tardiness yeah on pillows do you new sheets yeah no we'll just don't tell us pillow on pillows I'm Philip well this customer isn't the one looking for a bedroom set okay this customer that has a misdelivery um what what product there would that matter just means to offer pillows everybody west coast's it's 8:25 tell him to get up say you bet you drooling on the pillow okay I have sent it and they're typing good it was gonna call me you were oh yeah hi my name is Todd Wanek I'm the chief executive officer of Astra furniture just spent the morning with Grant Cardone had an awesome meeting totally excited about a sales process and everything he's doing brought tremendous energy to our company and really appreciate it so let's kick some ass Thanks [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 370,227
Rating: 4.8668756 out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, todd wanek, ashley furniture, home decor, furniture store, furniture sales, selling over the internet, follow up, closing, negotiating, products, sell, sales, seling, social media, selling on social media, influencer marketing, social media marketing, target audience, sales process, become rich in sales, millionaire, billionaire, billion dollar company, facebook, snapchat, youtube, instagram, engagement, tai lopez, gary vaynerchuk, entrepreneur
Id: olwsTn3ja8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2017
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Hell of a pitch from Uncle G! XXXXXXXXXX

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