The Graham Norton Show S20E04 HD Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Jude Law, Catherine Tate

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hi I'm Tom Cruise and welcome to the Graham Norton Show welcome or yes it's Tom Cruise night everybody in building very excited to have Tom back on the show actually how annoying is this we've just missed Tom Cruise day we have this is true in Japan the 10th of October is officially Tom Cruise day it is and I feel awful I didn't give a card or anything you think what an honor to have a day named after you ah I wonder how people would celebrate a Graham Norton day every day is bremen northen do ya Tom joins is at a very exciting time in American politics this week so the last of the big presidential debates in Las Vegas there they are in Vegas dealing wouldn't be great if they'd wandered into the wrong room and got married you both lose turn course had his own hotel to stay in lucky him mine she we had to stay in a standard room yeah Hillary had already booked the presidential suite from my mouth to God's ears here's his Trump turning up at the debate with his children there they are Ivanka Trump Tiffani Trump trumpety Trump somebody talk I don't know anyway there they all are five little Trump's followed by a big orange [ __ ] she's given us some of TV's funniest outages from foul-mouthed nan to small girl Lauren Ripley to Gold mountain and Sherlock Holmes now he's playing the young Pope praise be its Jude this actress rose to fame on TVs How I Met Your Mother and now she's in the action packed full of Jack Reacher never go back its Cobie Smulders Shack creatures here yes it's the biggest movie star in all the world ladies and gentlemen oh it's your forte it's never get old it never gets old it's Tom Cruise it's exciting it's exciting so you're all very welcome very very well to the couch but especially Tom no no you're all very well you're very welcome know that I mentioned the thing that Tom Cruise make is that a real thing yes dad what happens I don't really know you haven't been yourself no I haven't I haven't been Megan I was right yeah it was just came up and they just named a day after me I felt very honored you know it was after I did Last Samurai oh of course it did last Samurai and it was something that we brought kind of bushido back into their culture and something that they didn't really know a lot about and something that we studied and so they started studying their own culture again in schools and it's really wonderful now there's a Tom Cruise day yes probably feel very honoured you must get half-price somewhere or something Komi it it's Harvey view you just spent so much time yeah Tom we've been working with Tom but jeez so much time I like I like the end of filming me I wrote a tweet that sort of summed up her experience on the film so much fun making Jack Reacher with Tom Cruise but so much running Tommy just so much running there's a lot of running he was so fast and and and he would kind of you kind of get me [ __ ] - yeah if I wasn't keeping up so was it I was very determined to at least look like I could I could keep up she kept up yeah but no but I'm behind Ivy behind our van go go go Bowflex a journey he's like to look perfect when it because you have the famous because he looks perfect no and I was watching it I could see you had gone to the Tom Cruise school of movie running the Graduate yeah better bachelors yes this Catherine famously you were the runaway bride in Doctor Who now did you get special coaching he has been always it just better tell some British running and I was planning to go to David Tennant who's he's a whippersnapper and I was a year which is very very kindly and which doesn't sound like you were afforded the same hospitality David used to factor in reasons to stop so I could catch up I don't think of you as a runner I'm trying to think I'm really in the right company the best but I see you have I seen you run East London uh is she saying don't you have to run in East London I'll come from everyone yeah gee I fell up in a running my children something I had to run I had to run once in character I was playing this guy who is out of prison and so I put on a bit of weight for the part and I was wearing these skin tight skin tight trousers and we decided for some reason that he would wear these huge like Cuban heel boots and running in nose are you running in heels no I think those Yahoo's running in heels so well yeah it's really just really devalue the characters divide is a cow Cheers you don't make fast and Jack Reacher it's lots of action lots of fights lots of stunts and we rarely hear about getting injured but apparently in the first Jack Reacher you did hurt your foot yes yes there's more to this story I'm guessing okay so what you know when you're kicking someone into balls movies they wear a strap a leather strap that they put in one shoe and it goes up all the way down through there growing all the way down to the other and there's a leather strap there so that you can really give them one you know I never knew that it's an old cowboy thing they developed so that they could do the kick in the balls and Newman did it for Butch Cassidy yes good so they pulled the strap out for the ball kick and I ended up having to do it like almost 50 times and my foot was swollen for a week from kicking him in the balls all this time guy who said yeah balls swelled yeah stand there with the strap like this and of course we had to warm up you know yeah yeah yeah I had to get the angle right and I just kept kicking him in the balls and like didn't we get this because my foot is killing all right Tom and Toby they're here with a Jack Reacher the new Jack Reacher never go back it's out everywhere now the thing is Jack Reacher books I think is it I'm a right thing there's 20 Jackie Jeffs yeah he's coming up with a 21st much yeah so this is book 18 which seems quite random to pick just go to the shelf and pick a tea how does that happen random no just threw dice yeah it's just just the story there are so many of them and it just seemed like a nice one to go to because of the relationship that he has with the major who's played by Kobe she has Reacher's old job and he goes back to take her on a date basically because he's intrigued by she's helped him at the beginning of movies intrigued and she contented phone she gives good a very excellent on the front axle on the phone and then a whole journey ensues with corruption and yeah gets drawn into the story and there's lots of beatings and have you read all the though yes a few drug that have you read all of the books horse he has he's trying to pursue by single one and they're all enjoyable she lead never go back i vetted you I read that one did you I did read ours I read ours script option I read the script and the book ditch and all the other books I'm committed after thank you for the job nobody's a Jack Reacher he's on the run but Kobe you're kind of you're with him the whole way you're kind of yeah yeah yeah we're sort of paired together and and because our characters are both used to being in command it's a pairing that is quite awkward at first commanders to banners but as you can tell - but what's good is there is that kind of free song for minds but there's no sense of damsel-in-distress it's very you're both on it no she's just as bright and tough his Reacher and he's a great character you crushed it I have to say Sam what is it we've got a clip this is a the two of you interrogating a witness okay you are specialists and we don't write next book to two MPs sergeants murki vich and sabelli the interview dhoom bedroom no no I never heard of sergeant's murki [ __ ] and sabelli Perkovic had a six-year-old daughter sibel 'yes wife is pregnant with their first that perfectly tell me what happened who kill me she'll kill you that was an action before but she was very natural at doing that get the back though yeah it was good yeah yeah really this is just voted by in the movie I don't think I've ever heard at an American movie anybody call anyone else a [ __ ] that's him yeah is that a very British thing I think it is a British thing but we yeah it came it rolled off the tongue very easy the future she said a few times yeah matter of fact she had lived a couple yeah really yeah yeah I guess we say quite a bit yeah no I just never heard an American say it before I mean I say it all the time now Tom Cruise every time here I I sound like your mother because you do the stunts and I worry for you I were I just think stop now luck running out you know there's only so many times you do these crazy things like the last mission impossible you learned how to hold your breath underwater tell the people how long this is incredible how long could you hold your bat for underwater six and a half minutes good right those takes underwater because it took from the time you get rid of the regulator get rid of the bubbles get on the side and we wanted to do it in one shot so there are very very long shot so these takes took you know they'd have to hold it consistently you know safely up to four minutes almost for every take almost to the point of why bother I know but we're committed everyone was there the camera was set up I'm just like what am I gonna say it was too late to say no how is that possible decent sort can a breathing today Jesus no no no it's just that you have these free divers that came in and trained me how to do it then it's it's it's not pleasant it's really kitsune you panicked you get to not leave no actually you you get to the moment where you train your your your system to I'm now under I'm controlling the breath so I've got a low heart rate anyway and I would very low heart rate which means my body is not using as much oxygen but also we did stuff to bring the heart rate down lower in certain breathing exercises and I trained for a long time to the point when I finish the sequence there'd be times I'd be sitting there talking in meetings and I wouldn't breathe I realize I am not breathing and I had to turn my auto genomic system back on to breathing it that's bad yeah that was a little I I did that so I've done with that but actually judo oh no you know now stop the running no sobbing Jenny young broke any young Pope you knew hold your breath about 40 seconds he a time it was no six a half minutes but it was a long time yeah it's no 16 off myth did you train for it so you know you survived that agony I mean it's pain I didn't actually because it's not it what it really isn't that long in the script he's he's he's had this trauma I want to give anything away he's given world hasn't prayer and he decided he wasn't get away from everyone so he's in the bottom of his palatial swimming pool so that the shot starts on the back of men we had to time the length of the prayer we over over a minute let's say that yeah and it comes around and we had to time you said it comes around and but you're saying the thing that takes the longest is once you're down there you wait for the bubbles to clear yes and they're ready and then you hear well because they've got microphones in to you from then you start to feel you do a little change yeah to come you could feel these that's what's about the planet because I would I was just trying to count it or all recite the prayer but then I worried that the prayer would start changing speed so I started counting and then I knew every time I got to like 70 I was always trying to think okay they hope they're there soon cuz then I had to trust that they were in front of me for when I open my eyes do this and then I go up so Wow let it was no six and a half minutes so you know that pain I mean I had to train just feel stuff do the first time I did it was like yeah learning that kind of stuff is that is honestly I think ya know six nice minutes no uh but it's a girl you know you learn to do these weird things and wonderful things so not a useful thing to know how to do you're out which you know when you get thrown out of the boat and you're down there now you know how to hold your breath I could stay alive for an extra six minute them all yeah he doesn't last one he died one to go yeah get to wave them all goodbye they all hate you as they die yeah it's useful you're fun all right we're gonna watch another clip from Jack Reacher now this is you Tom in a diner I'm dealing with a sheriff who's come to arrest you yes no process him and get him to County two things are gonna happen in the next 90 seconds excuse me where's that phone over there it's gonna ring second you're gonna be wearing these cuffs on your way to prison that is one magnificent prophecy mr. Reacher she's gonna keep on ringing sheriff Raymond wood who the hell are you the guy you didn't count on you get to say where for those movies you get to like a Western or something like that where you get to say those fun lines and have fun scenes like that you just turn that on could you do that could you be that intense and just say that weren't too many mm-hmm two things are gonna happen that next 90 seconds first that phone over there is gonna ring second you're gonna be wearing these cuffs on your way to prison ha ha ha that's a magnificent prophecy mr. each active with Tom Cruise every phone didn't ring I know I know I know that's incredible yeah that's that's better than holding a breakfast six minutes I know what cash would take fans this is amazing Catherine fake we Alex öbut we've seen the ads on the telly oh so big good posh Catherine Tate is back with a new live show it's Catherine Tate Show live and it's kicking off in New York on the 31st of October and then touring the country till December yeah yep no you've never done the characters live no I've never done it knife so how does it work don't know yet at the moment it's it's a logistical I'm doing 18 different characters and I've got to get on and off and put the prosthetic stuff on and get back on it's a bit right old time of it when I'm I don't know you guys probably aren't familiar are you can you explain any of these characters to Tomiko be um I I do a ballad errant teenage character a belligerent old age lady an old age pension character that I think all my characters quite belligerent we really like I was writing this one it's the one thing they will have in common it's they tend not to like the world so it's just it's just lots of different characters yeah and lands voice cuz there's an old granny a kind of foul-mouthed granny but like properly fell about you do some nail alright oh yeah I got the voice when I was at drama school when I was training and they split up a year and half the year went to two schools to give kids a really serious devised play about not taking drugs the other well the other half except for four of us went to another school to talk about using condoms when you start having sex right four of us got asked to go around the local Aldi old-age pensioners homes and give them a trip down memory lane which as it turns out old people can't be dragged down memory lane I don't want to go so we turned up you know it's about eighteen and they put us in sort of old AG clothes and hats and they asked and we used to go in to their recreation rooms yeah there's a table tennis yeah create a sort of recreation room and we'd stand up in front of them and sing I think it was the Andrew sisters or something they go well we'd have to go dancing under the apple tree with anyone else but me and as we walked on there was one place it was in Temple for chinks I went to central North London and they sent us this place and has walked on one lady as I walked on she went sure where we go and I listen extraordinary and as I was doing my stuff and we were we did it for about 20 minutes and all the time she was just like well she sholde I know you're gonna and at the end of it we've been doing very professional job but we are 18 you know whatever it was she knows it's a long way to tipperary Johnny yeah and at the end of it she went is she gonna stand in front of a [ __ ] telly all day I'll remember that many mothers terrified that people would think it's her mother no my mum does say you mustn't keep throwing ucoz in in the show that I do I took that character and made her a grandmother and she swears a lot and my mum's very concerned that she says you mustn't keep doing that because people will think that's nanny it's not what was your godmother gave you a line my godmother and I actually did use it in the show my godmother said and when my cousin had had a baby she said um Theresa said the baby she so he's calling it test bones hex goes is the name of the supermarket and I said I'm almost certain she's not called about yeah [ __ ] while I can't pronounce it anyway the Catherine I said cheese what's most may be called and said Francesca does any of this ring true with you go cousin your mom British my mom is British yeah she's from Norfolk yeah is that what you used the word [ __ ] all the time just heard around the house is is it a British thing where you're just so cruelly honest a lot of the time I I had this one moment with my mother and I was in the 12th grade in um in high school and we put on the production of singing in the rain and instead of giving me a part where I where I spoke they gave me a part where I sang which I'm not great at and it wasn't it wasn't great it wasn't terrible but it wasn't great and my mom came to our first performance and you know we were all excited I was like flushed and I felt really great and I I did it I nailed it even though it was a challenge for me and I came off stage she said I don't come me oh you were so wonderful you couldn't sing a note of it you just sang it anyway I still had like eight shows in there by the way singing putting on the Ritz which is not in singing in the rain I just it was just in my mind and it was horrible that's a British mother or an Irish mother the British another thing I'm going out I'm going out alright alright go out yeah you look great you're going to you know first night whether you like no does my hair look alright it was away from the back Catherine take good luck with your tour I'm sure it'll be a huge success the people have spoken Jude Law you've got your pretty new TV drama it's the young Pope it starts Thursday at 9:00 on Sky Atlantic and it's a huge lavish I mean it's extraordinary the way television is going now that these the production values the scale of these things are enormous and the premise is that you play this kind of young charming bland Gallardo is known as yeah I got a kick ass it got more like a politician almost ish he it's current day he's just been inaugurated as Pope Pius the 13th the Conclave the College of Cardinals have no idea how he's been elected cuz no one can work out who voted for him they're all trying to figure out what kind of a Pope he's gonna be because no one really knows much about him is he gonna be liberal is he gonna be reformist is he gonna be dogmatic is he going to be progressive he doesn't really know who he can trust and the story really aren't unpeeled you learn more about his background he was a child orphan you learn through his relationships with the various Cardinals priests nuns in the Vatican what his aim is and why he's been put in this position but you know yes he is the first American Pope he's the youngest pontiff in history so he's got a certain expectation he smokes he drinks coke but he's also got a lot of Secrets that maybe you aren't expecting and the brilliant Diane Keaton isn't there yeah Diane plays sister Mary who is the nun that he raised him in his orphanage and she comes over as a kind of confidant it's got a wonderful international cast because of course it's in the Vatican where all the Cardinals from around the world so we have wonderful Spanish actors French actors Italian actors Chilean actors James Cromwell is an American Cardinal who who is my confidant as well yeah where'd you shoot it in Rome all in well seven months in Rome a month in Venice and a little bit of South Africa cuz I'll pour you into that we've got a clip of the young pope and this is you as a brand new pope so laying down the law our top priorities are one the radio vatican signal needs ghosting it's unacceptable the reception is so poor too the Pope wants to see all the gifts the Pope receives have a storage facility fitted out for storing all the gifts I receive three the Vatican must immediately buy back the papal tiara from the Basilica in Washington DC which my predecessors who favored sobriety over tradition and prudently let go and fool sister Mary will also look after you she will oversee all your activities and report directly back to me she'll be your guardian angel yeah man sixty years old holy father I don't need a guardian angel we all need a guardian angel viola especially unscrupulous ambiguous men it's a very funny thing about you know you notice the Pope's always have their hands here or here and I always thought it must be some ritualistic symbol it must be certain then we realize I've got no pockets on it on every morning and be dressed and you need help putting it on cuz there's so many buttons and layers and but it becomes a very comfortable position to keep your hands and then I've got for dinner at night my jeans whatever and I'd still be walking my kids would always say dad you're holding your hands like the Pope it's actually very comfortable Edison we must move over very quickly obviously Jack Reacher's a collegiate ooh yeah but apart from the Mission Impossible movies we don't really trust a Tom Cruise with franchises or sequels and yet exciting news reaches is it true there's gonna be a Top Gun - I know no oh come on come on this with this vishwas on the the Tweedy Jerry here we go look there we go there's dregg brookheimer sic discuss a little Top Gun yes we're discussing it we're discussing it what we're trying to figure oh do we work on it because here the only thing I would say is it because again it goes back to what so I've heard you in interviews talking about the trials of being in one of those Jets yeah I mean it's horrific or would you be better now because I fly aerobatic now but when you first start flying you're gonna you get sick you know you but I can hopefully see ya properly like fill a bag sick you know I know the first day when uh yeah you know you phone him yeah yeah but you get really sick yeah you know I flew with the Blue Angels and then I went when we were filming I can my deal was when I made my deal I said I've got to fly in the f-14 I made it with the studio and I had to be filmed in the f-14 live and so I had to go through all the ejector seat training and I couldn't wait to fly so in the morning as their first pilot that I flew with his name was bozo yeah gives you confidence yeah I already bozo bozo and we were up there we had five minutes of film and we had to turn you know we had to coordinate he and I and we had other airplanes coming in on us and there was air combat maneuvers and we very detailed briefings and everything so we're going out and we're just right you know I don't know a couple feet off the deck in the desert and we're just sweating I'm sweating in the f-14 and because we were doing heavy manoeuvres and we did really heavy maneuver we pulled like nine and a half G's and I you know you go out you've got a G suit on but you know you just kind of blacked out now when I came through it's like I had my my barf bag right here my side of thing I was like okay so now I'm gonna go get it done so I could do the next take so I leaned down like this pulled it I was like just went down like this and he at that point decided to pull up he pulled up so hard and for so long I mean I can't do it now my head literally was touching the ground g-force it Express fine and that push the togs right here is going like this is like you know I mean he was going up forever so finally he leveled off and I just I had the bag man and I was like I suppose him what didn't you see I like you get a check you didn't tell me you were gonna do that my head was like what it he says yeah yeah they don't call me bozo for nothing come Toby if you love me turning the world into China you leaned Olay you've done the londonium here can see ya London premiere has been done yesterday and now Kobe is Tom doing that thing where he causes a sensation on red carpets cuz he does yes yes he does you do know you do so look at this face you do you love meeting the fans on the red hair you really spend a lot of time doing it talking on phone saying yourself is all that so so we thought we might spread a little Tom Cruise love here this evening okay now now just think on would you like a selfie with Tom Cruise because what we do is we're looking for the people who have come the furthest not just people from abroad who live here people who've traveled people who've traveled to be here and we'll see how many we can get around with it calm down calm down okay so are you up for this Yanis to it okay so let's do as many as we can now come with me okay here we go here we go there we go okay let's go okay up here moving on moving on who's my target India very good okay step seven sets up there you go anymore pretty more are you really you're not from Holland okay go on what's her name J okay girls Oh beautiful I mean itís my hair stage Oh music I'm Serge I developing this grammy-winning rock band to the show for the first time performing their new single waster moment from the new album walls it is the mighty Kings of Leon we hold she's Oh ow or days hello sir now room kiss with rolling Maria we're in we're in it's a tight car but we're not going far okay that is from the new album a walls it's out now and this is recorded on Thursday so I'm pretty sure that by tomorrow that's gonna be number one right we all do you think so yeah it is and so keys room it's three rug three brothers you know and then cousin on the end there right oh is that weird you feel kind of excluded could you're the cousin absolutely not now we've always been really close since we were you didn't put him on a stolen yeah it's our it's like Christmas yeah yeah there's a funny card table with the plastic on it and that's dual everything but now your mom she is very involved not your mother obviously you're just the cousin your mother she's very involved she clears all the materials out right she tries to and she says she dies but but yeah she doesn't hear this when she was pretty upset I remember uh we were about to release the first single and she was like y'all are getting a whuppin I haven't even heard this album yet cuz it will never be successful if I don't hear no I like even on Twitter blesser I like this is at your mother tweak so you excited for a new single wasted moment by it if you haven't already and underneath that is your mom I'm guessing Betty Ann Murphy yeah text me how to find it try to last Ida never did like three angry emojis you're in trouble Oh Bree daddy whooping you are good but hey she didn't need to hear it it to you - Tess is number one that's right take that Betty and Murphy as I'm so happy for you and thanks for doing that live them because I know it's not easy to get all that equipment and everything at Kings of Leon everyone very quickly we've got time for a story true in big red chair who's there oh hello hello Michael how tall are you six foot three and a half is that all you look about seven five be sure to be okay hey what's your name Luke and where you from Perth Australia her yeah nothing do you live here traveling I'm living here on a teacher in Tower Hamlets okay what do you mean obviously teach children what do you teach them little kids yeah twos so everything everything he knows it all everyone I'm struggling with the British history though a little bit and well I'm sure they are too yeah off said it's him okay are we going sorry so my wife and I were in Colombia on a bus on a party bus we did not speak a word of Spanish and no one on the bus spoke a word of English we're having a great time sipping rum but then I got struck with probably worst bout of food poisoning I have ever had in my life like I'm talking it was stage 12 critical code Brown nicely expressed by my wife cuz we didn't speak any Spanish she was really trying hard to explain to that anyone that would listen she was she's a really bad mama and she's trying to mime that I am very very sick but it just looked like she was miming that I really wanted to dance so all the people were just looking at me and pointing and saying yeah yeah in Spanish obviously si si yeah that just sort of went downhill from there eventually my wife was able to somehow communicate that I could get off the bus and we managed to safely exit the bus you know stupid [ __ ] himself I can only apologize where it goes I was a little little but not that ill on a bus do it one more give it a squeeze in one more quick quick quick this is the one this is the one I look at what's your name lady don't doll I high hopes for dawn hey where you from dawn the hope and engineering Kent whoa you're alone don know this to be out there well they're very quiet someone wait Dawn's friends all right dog off you goes the story what when the first met my husband used to make a lot of bread so one day I decided to make some myself I love that that's amazing I got the flour out the bread cupboard and it had black bits in there weren't sure what they was so I saved them and made the bread a few days later I found out what the black bits were we had mice in the cupboard and you'd eaten the bread oh it's a husband's here yeah oh he doesn't know husband there is a halen Farsi well does let's we let dawn walk like dog this very address of that is it for tonight Leticia so please say a huge thank you to my guests it's Kings of Leon mr. Dunn musically I Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston and to our our office young British actors Benedict Cumberbatch and Eddie Redmayne
Channel: Razvan
Views: 2,032,190
Rating: 4.8478794 out of 5
Keywords: graham norton show, tom cruise, hd, interview, 2016, cobie smulders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 50sec (2690 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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