The Graham Norton Show S19E02 HD Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, Kirsten Dunst, Stephen Mangan

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what a little Chris Andrew Bogut out here I am now as Thor you've got a hammer in the Huntsman you've got an axe as an Aussie how good are you with that boomerang I'm amazing let's stop the show No good evening oh yes yeah kaki braver lovely to see you we'll add two things to say okay two things say firstly very exciting under one person seat tonight are the keys to this brand-new car so have another one have a look Nico hey by the way the second thing April Fool something's got gentlemen excited yes yes today is April Fool's Day so let's go he's one of our inspire discovery actors now starring in supernatural crime drama houdini and oil it's Steven began her career at the age of three and our hit films retro bring it on an interview with a vampire - spider-man now starring in the indie sci-fi thriller Midnight Special please welcome Kirsten Dunst we're never informative 0.32 help on the Martian now she's kicking ass in the Huntsman winters war it's always a pleasure to welcome Jessica joining Jessica is the Huntsman himself he's a God of Thunder from Down Under please welcome Chris oh very nice to see you all though it's a bonding backstage was it all good yeah boomerang throwing yeah I was so impressed that we were still awake for that anyway it's in your blood push her yeah can you really do it I can throw it enough it's gonna come back protected in your hands it's a stick it's you in the head lucky yeah no it is April Fool's Day and kissing don't you really you you liked it a lot as growing up didn't you oh yeah well it was what while I was one of my cats birthdays - so who is the special Hall of you for me pregnant like I always would tell my mom I was pregnant and you know depending on my age she was either really excited or very disappointed in me she falls for it every year still no joy one day one of you but hey at lanes dad but we must say a big big congratulations because there is a brand new daddy on our couch mr. Stephen Mangan this time but at this time last week it's exactly a week that we called today how are you here I know this is a holiday for me I couldn't wait no I can't drink I'm doing the night shift resonating oh that's lovely this is number three number three yes is it all boys now all three boys yeah Wow I mean it's it was a little surprise this one a wee little shot yeah little presents we were good if it was a girl we were to call it Silla surprise surprise I was filming we're about to do a take I got a text from my wife a picture of the positive pregnancy test with WTF next to it first caption and say can we go for a take a second just just give me one sec on the corner when okay but can be hurried on so me but you know how it happened it's a word that I really need to run language yeah yeah how many of you got knockers free I think yeah you gotta lose track of them though you know one was easy than two and three and they get busy oh I got on different directions constantly but not you've made the choice to bring your children back to Australia yeah yeah so would they all born in America and then you brought them back uh no my daughter was born here in London actually what yep and then the boys were born in America then we moved back to Australia and liver now you've posted pictures online and if baby think was bringing your children back there that wise like you Pitt was this but that's your house yeah that is uh that's one of the bedrooms here is it one of the children's bedrooms occasionally yeah yeah not since that snake lives there and then you pick ones this one as well like is that in your house it is yeah yeah they better than paparazzi though those animals look okay I brought you know I would take paparazzi over this writer and the snake yeah you know that snake the what you don't say we'd had a couple of drinks that night when we discovered that snake in the bedroom and I love Australia I know was very sir we've had a few drinks when we found the snake and it was a Friday or Saturday night and um and rules generally gone what is it and someone's like it's a brown snake which can kill you you know very quickly someone's like now it's a tree python it's something else it's theirs and I just launched into like action mode grab it by the tail picked it up and if one starts freaking out and it starts to kind of coil itself back up toward me which is getting ready to strike and I'm everything at what the hell am i doing so I just kind of threw the snake back into the bedroom and shut the door we don't go in that bedroom anymore Ohio border that thing up we have a little mobile with stars and Suns on it which is yeah around because now just mister saying you are a lover of the Australian wildlife because what was this yes I am nope is what this picture taken in Australia you with the kangaroo no taken in New York oh that was a New York King it's a traveling kangaroo yeah not a baby kangaroo that is a baby kangaroo but what makes me slightly disappointed is it's totally upstaging me on that cover in fairness it is right model face it is given home I assume you both look pretty cool I'm guessing the kangaroo was quite squirmy yeah I mean they're very hoppy yeah and technical so yeah and you know likes to play likes to hop around but was very very happy whenever I had the bottle because they would do anything for the bunk I feel you'd had enough of the Hobby because there's a picture inside the magazine of you with the kangaroo because it looks like I'm just like love me love you so much and it's just like give me the food they could at least Photoshop the bottle out right that would look weirder with rabies because now I guess big animal lover kirsten dunst as well yeah when the cat's you've already mentioned a cat cats are your first love well I like yeah I do like cats I don't know about my first love but yeah okay and you just got a new cat well that counted Apted me oh I see so yeah yeah to you yeah yeah like did it wander in yeah I just wandered in started feeding and now he sleeps in bed with me every night so he just yeah he's just like my cat yeah it is weird you would never do that with a person specifically what's the name of the cat Tito I thought it was a boy for the longest I severe usually those orange stripey cats are boys I don't know why I know this but um but then my friend came over was like there those balls are very small I don't think that's a boy small balls like okay if it's a he-she whatever it is all I don't care Oh still Tito's a fine name for it and so yeah it's a boy but I think this is a picture if you don't you can Chuck Tito is such a boy look at that that is a four look at the man spread on that third leg daddy boy that is a very big he wants a hug really yeah it's bare in some chicks it's all the time now it seems just mid lick oh those tiny balls he was just for making them clean yeah they're small but they're really clean right hey general we must talk about the Huntsman winters war it opens on April the fourth which is next Monday and obviously it starts Chris Hemsworth you are the Huntsman well Jessica Chastain you're also Huntsman yeah or hunts person I'm a hunter s'en that's a very PC yeah politically correct word but now you weren't in the first one so how did you get into this one in the first movie the Huntsman Eric has a speech about his wife in this former love and I play that it's a prequel and a sequel so I'm Sarah yeah picks up the backstory of my character with the love of his life who he loses who we think he loses and and then Ravana played by Charlize Theron who was evil and fantastic in the first film was back but she has a sister who's equally is as evil and cunning which is played by Emily Blunt and she's a frost Queen the ice queen and she's like our Mommy Dearest in this movie yeah very twisted kind of relationship yeah she loses her child so then Rises an army which is us and but says do not love is the one rule that is bestowed upon the kingdom so we break that rule fall in love and all hell breaks loose it really does yeah and there are those nods to froze and there's not a lot to a lot of every time okay less singing in frozen but there is less my favorite was your solo though yeah want to think a little bit about now people will be sitting through the movie like hey still no song we sang in between and is it true that Jessica you were in it because Chris was the person you lost you well um I mean I loved to the first film and then Chris and I met at the Critics Choice Awards and he was so nice and I said listen I'm not interested in doing a movie like this if I'm playing the wife that stays at home while the husband goes out and has all the cool stuff he's like no no no you're gonna kick some am I allowed to say have you sang do I get to kick some off yeah I did actually like sure of it she does she kicks my ass in the film and kicks many other asses yeah but us kicking if you like that I was here I think I took you to the ground you did yes let my pride my god yeah no I meant I forgot those old but I do remember that I think of it sometimes still well now you wanted to kick ass so we bought a clip and this is you kicking ass and Chris Hickey there's a lot of ass-kicking yeah with your co-stars in huntsmen which is what my children alone ah Oh now we must Kris very quickly mentioned Thor mostly so we can show this picture sure why don't you be embarrassed God looks like a lot of dieting and exercise but also but not apparently is this true the people this is odd so people come up to you and they want you to tell a specific joke oh they're just come and tell me for a joke oh oh okay like um yeah go uh you know the joke about the Thor spends a night with this woman the next morning he says I have to tell you who I am you know I'm Thor she says you're four I can hardly walk the first time twenty-seven now here's me a seeming Mangan I would have thought your look is quite unique you would think that wouldn't you you would I get told I look like everyone's mate anyone with curly hair and teeth put a horse in a wig and it's settling I get told I look like Elliott Gould Jerry Seinfeld Ruud van Nistelrooy mica the donkey from Shrek I have to say though we have a picture of dog you attract and you do look remarkably like separated above yes nope I thought ago someone's exaggerating then we looked at the picture was like actually actually done someone said to me you don't sound like him I said well after this Eddie Murphy oh now Chris and dance your movie is midnight special it opens next fret you know this I'm yeah each other yeah yeah you'll be interested to find out you're in a movie got Midnight Special is X Friday now it's part science fiction thriller part of dark family drama so we'll talk about in a minute but to give us a taste here some of the trailer okay what if fountain doesn't belong with us you don't know that that's remark I know where they're going he believes in something good people die every day believe in Texas you know what to worry about me I'll always worry about you I like learning tonight that's the deal it's okay I know I'm here really since I've no idea what to expect it's one of those rare things it's a property sort of original movie that you have not seen this movie before yeah I mean it harkens back to like Spielberg and Close Encounters and et and that kind of thing that Jeff Nichols who also just could work with on take shelter which I love that film if anyone hasn't seen that as well but and mud as well he's just I think one of the great authors of our time and whatever you know anxiety or his personal you know struggles with having a son and everything that comes with being a parent he just purely puts it into his work and at the center of this film is this extraordinary little boy and playing his mom do you sort of feel responsible for him well I mean yeah of course it's my child in the film it's the whole point of the movie you meet my character Sarah which did you say your character's name was Sarah - yeah okay so my Gary the other Sarah that's some lazy writing yeah yeah you meet my character she hasn't seen her son in two years and she's been excommunicated from this religious ranch so the rest of the film is kind of a crusade to get him where he needs to be these coordinates let's say I don't give away too much but it's basically that kind of vibe yeah and he's amazing that boy yeah he's a wise wise little gifted young actor yeah yeah and I guess where do you are in a unique position to know what he's experiencing yeah no of course I mean you know the only thing I did say to Jaden was like go to normal schools if you can like he's homeschooled and I always went to you know I had prom I went to the football game I did everything so to me it's a good balance to be able to go back to school and have your friends always cuz that time when everyone kind of discovered you in interview with a vampire I mean how old were you then I was 10 Wow and for you to be thrown I mean did you know who the rest of the cast were yeah of course yeah river runs through it know a lot of famous people to be Italian oh these are so funny these good old 90s crimping right long hair on the dudes yes I know this is look too as Tom Cruise kept in touch since then yeah yeah he gives me a cake every Christmas it's as we call it the crews cake at my house it's just this coconut cake it's the best coconut cake I've ever had in my life from Jones bakery in the valley so sorry everybody you can have it that's really good and yeah we get it every every Christmas yeah I like all our fans like cruise cakes it's like a major thing devour it that night we're like oh thank you Tom you'll love it that's a lovely thing yeah I guess that's the kind of traditions actors give each other gifts so Chris what did you get Jessica at the end of the huntsmen yeah where'd you get me Chris um well how about what did you give me at the start gave you I gave Chris a candle from little boa in which you can actually have the person's name on the label Jane realized so I gave it back yeah you're never gonna be funny now I'm tryna started to smell funny so what lint her the camp Oh never been oh no and then I had I had to tell you it was like no Chris you can't give me the gift I gave you no anyway doesn't matter block buying really lovely things at the end of episodes he does not know no he does not he doesn't buy me anything are these now he's earning all that top gear money where's my gift so essentially Tom Cruise is ruining it for everyone yes he needs to cancel that case I only gives presents on rap but continuously for years off years after you have to place a business added one present I've never done that except for my parents but they are great now before the interview the vampire thing of course you did lots of commercials you would yeah you were like the go-to girl for commercials you were though oh yeah now I booked the first commercial ever went on you were tiny without three or something I was little yeah like three years old I started doing commercial and modeling and stuff yeah but you're going to regular school so there were the other kids did they give you stick for the things you were in one because it was a baby doll that it would put yellow I would have a diaper you could change it was like either yellow or brown and there was a great song that went along with it so along the bus I got saying that song for a very long time and that was really great for me but I was like I made so much money at that time it's just going into the college fund I was like wow no so it won't be traumatic if we show that commercial I don't care I would be horrible yeah it's a little okay okay yeah yeah not a tragedy all your tracks here's like the only thing people want to talk to me about okay so at the product is hold baby oh yes you're right that was a great marketing eating baby oh yeah yeah cuz it's just it was it it's soiled itself baby uh uh this is like being at home for you see that yeah actually it's real wasn't real okay colored water okay so here we are you're you know you're not the mango you're the blonde friend in I think you're wearing a pink top so baby I get to diapers dirty you rinse them clean with warm water I'll clean looks like paper ass I'll make it better looks like a douchebag again that is a bizarre product isn't it yeah yeah it's just training us young good old-fashioned feminine sweet and now comes like Stephen Mangan though in this country for a long time you were king of the ads I did loads of them loads so Danny wanted to do theater and you can't earn a living really doing theater so I just spend a lot of time subsidizing it with commercials yeah but I advertised everything after 8 mins you know chewing gum beer holidays yeah donkey from Shrek but why why were you so castable in that I think because a lot of those adverts have a very beautiful woman and then a characterful man so who could who could sell his enjoyment of the product so whether it's chewing gum or a copper coffee you'd drink here and the beer they seem to like and it would you know give me a lot of work but adds no more danger because Stephen Mangan Zeta show is Houdini and Doyle now Dini doll so it's running on Thursday night yeah on ITV encore yeah it's on Fox in the States in May I think no because it's a big new show yeah it's by the people who made is a house yeah yes same same team you know did house and essentially it's sort of based on a bit of fact that Arthur Conan Doyle shark creator Yahoo Dini were friends they were they were friends and they didn't meet up and they they had they were on opposite ends of the spectrum when it came to the supernatural Houdini believed all that stuff was uttered junk and rubbish he spent half his career going around proving the psychics and mystics were just talking out of their asses and not only pointed yuku my sisters of that conversation yeah Jessica yeah with that yeah and Arthur cones all believed in the supernatural believed in life after death I wanted to prove it scientifically so they didn't meet in real life and clash and in fact Arthur Conan Doyle was a huge fan of Houdini's magic shows would go along and say to Houdini afterwards what he did up there was magic and who didn't he would say well no it was a trick and Conan Doyle wouldn't have it and no no no it's magic so I don't know if he was crazy or what but but are you seem amazing to me because he created Sherlock you know one of the most rational clear thinking logical characters ever created really but he also believed there was something else going on and then and this show pits them together and they're kind of solving crime yeah yeah now your wife is in it yes which is great new baby bill yeah but and what then weirdly plays your wife she plays my wife in the show yeah it's really bizarre working with your actual wife she's in a coma to begin with so she's lying in bed in a coma and I just learning at the area good she's actually very still yeah and I'm standing there crying and it's just peculiar and also kissing and all that stuff is you know it's great it's good to see her like filmed it in the north ended up in Manchester Liverpool effort for months on end yeah it was nice to catch up between comas on the family but also then present when you're making out just like people are just going oh there's Steven his wife I know lots of hairy men standing around watching you that's why I imagine what doggin feels like you know high-scale doggie it's like I learned what doggie when I was shooting at the Huntsman here there was a show about dogging otherwise I would have no idea what that it yeah it's not as yet it's cotton up why I said that a lot of trouble when I get home because because the Huntsman's film didn't woods I think you're gonna say it was a dog in sight what one of our unit basis was in a well-known northern dogging papa you could see that from the detritus left around and we were filming a night shoots and every sort of 20 minutes a car would drive in and the person would stop and look around slowly reversal it's very hard to explain I won't even try hey are you two better yeah just kidding yeah some sort of fire wall will explode yeah the hotel Wi-Fi was all right let's have a look at the clip this is you playing Arthur Conan Doyle Dane hindi nian Doyle why was not passed no she hasn't I'm gray often my love to me still with you thank you both this lady is just trying to separate you from your cash of it we weren't giving it our full attention but Chris Dowd nose with docking yeah that very quickly episodes yeah it's coming back but is this the last series it probably is yeah we saw film in a couple of weeks okay I've spent all day costume fitting they keep trying to get me in shorts don't think Brits look good in shorts I look like a Scoutmaster it should be on some sort of register Aussies are born with shorts on are no they can handle it we yell it off we are we just cut the legs off her pants yeah Brits definitely now episodes is made by Showtime in the states yeah BBC two ears so you can kind of say what you like yes we can but then because it's shown on airplanes and in other countries do you have to reshoot it cuz it's quite rude so it's really rude and if you say something if you say then rather than later on having fudge you know dub John we just do a sort of TV safe version afterwards which is all from immortal arias little thing we did a scene earlier on about we play two Hollywood writers and we did a scene about that we had the word in the script and you can't say on TV what other words are the for Cox long dick so we did this whole scene and then we had to do a TV safe version of the same scene which is very hard when you can't say the word that you're not allowed to say in the first place so you can't say Weiner can you on American television he was that kind of but you can but you can you had to say a word that you could say and pretend you couldn't say it oh that's ridiculous yeah it's ridiculous it isn't have you guys all done this though yeah yeah airplanes I feel like yeah just in a later on you're just adding something into some weird yeah oh so you you say you do it it duck yeah fluff fix adjust don't match the say no you're a fluffing the idiot yeah I'm awful have you done it are you done for zero-dark thirty there's a big line in the movie it's I'm not gonna say it's probably not allowed but I'm the challenge right I know oh you can't say that yeah I mean what do you do like so we were trying to I'm like I'm the mother gangster who found this place turn any sense becomes a card after like I'm the mother duck baby not of syllables yeah now that's yeah sorry it has to kind of look like what your mouth is doing it has very bizarre but also you've got in your arsenal of course you have lots of Germans fair words me well my dad's from Germany what that's my favorite thing Irene asked a girl Daniel Bruhl and oh yeah no drool I don't taught me the dirtiest German stuff but I just love it well then you know yes it's the best yeah the best language to swear it yeah I've never seen a guest more keen yeah I go I thought she liked dogging but no that's the one favorite alright it's a good I like schlump and you got to take your time schlump which means Hanks is stallion but my favorite is um come and see here gal area Danza vine wait times ax eine kleine of diksa tons of honza which means Dancy little masturbators dance it is out music climb now your infratry this man is a homegrown talent whose star is definitely on the rise here performing stronger than ever from his hot debut album please welcome Rolly Richie thank you and I'm gonna make it worth your while when I'm successful but when I'm here I need your kindness because the crime is always stressful clumsily gasps myselfi thinking i'll be better I'll leave my piece and pieces all around the decent people back at home official mind illusions grind now I'm a free agent I'm here to make a stand for causes I don't understand to make mistake I or knowledge I don't even watch this can't be us with calling just nothing parts of healing scene the world is up way of this more than crazy I believe my heart can turn the ship around destroy the stake this boy didn't know I found a common ground focused in my soul this is to state time hold on they are gonna be taking me on the scene and congratulations on that that is on your new album you're a man now boy boy and the Alma's great you must be so proud of this I'm very proud of it yeah it's been a long time in the making it's excellent it's excellent if it doesn't depress you so I mean I'm the wrong person to praise this album but it's really good why well get about 53 year old people like in your music yeah let's see that's career suicide going contract tear it up I'm demographic this is all going horribly wrong if I wait if people are because people don't might be I hate to do this you people might be looking at you thinking I know that guy you don't live near him well maybe you do yeah but no you've been in lots of things you're an actor as well as a myself I work with Steven on episodes yeah you know Kevin will you kept do you remember the name I do remember the name all that music I like your album your music - thank you very much as well so this is Manilow called he loves it also have to take the big thing is Game of Thrones yes so how do you play do you you know yes groans doggin and german cursing do you play is a great worm you play yeah this season though that they're changing his name to Sarah but now but in the show you don't have a great worm not you know I think the worm is there but the worms Oh meet the back wheels are gone would you say that girl's Bisons girls work without the wheels I don't know what is going on dick oh yeah it's a great worm huh yeah yeah but if you play eunuch I do yes you'd be surprised how many conversations I have with people that end up becoming all about penis related things my life yeah got you okay Riley rich everybody now before we go just time for a visit to the very large red chair so who's there who's there hi hello who are you I'm Mia Mia look and where you from Mia I'm from Lester Lester top of the league never has a town got less are you got the show by yourself no I'm with some friends who from London oh so they couldn't be bothered to cheer your poor friend is in the Jag oh yeah sorry no story getting your hands she wanted to do it yeah cheering I'm not cheering okay I'm do you live here now no no I'm gonna use Soliday so I'm just visiting and it was lovely holiday destination you've chosen over the brexit okay so are we going this Rory beer so is that a University reunion and in buzz low it's up north the minded big country house and we don't seen each other in a while sorry so just having drinks went to the pub got bit Larry at the pub no pants dance teddy bear rolls just standard on a night out we go back have some more drinks and and then be my friend go to get some drinks in the utility room and it's winter it's just the winter just gone so it's really cold and the door shuts and there's no handle on the other side of the door so we're like oh this is utility room no drinks in here anyway banging on the door banging on the door half an hour an hour and hour and a half they've all gone to bed assume we get to bed we realize that we're stuck in this utility was about minus three degrees and there's a dog basket and some coats and we've watched a bit Bear Grylls I think we're just gonna have to in the dog basket with my friends parents coats all about is tried to make some bed and realise that you have to take your clothes off to stay really warm so it was really really cold gram it really was no one's coming with banging on the door we've got no phones there's no toilet I really really need a way at this point there's just a bowl so with the tub skit you know that that happens then one thing leads to another in the dog basket and he gets injured anyway so many bits of this story missing so you're having sex in a dog Buster absolutely are just in you into another what I just needed to make that in your dad and he gets injured there's a lot of blood everywhere there's no job pull the lever pull the lever those people over that you are not her friend ya know tell that story the one we're going bleeds in a dog park for some time someone's pulled the liberal I think it's the first time we've had Harry Caray too much I got I don't know where this story is going to try another one trying to okay here we go this is gonna hear the ending hello sir hi now speak now they love you where you from I'm from Stanford didn't if I only Oxford lovely and what do you do sir I'm now retired from from IT boy daddy that's a good friend okay good I are we going destroy sir right well my wife and I decided to take our daughter and her fiance out for a celebration engagement party or dinner at a nice tim side restaurant and we ride at the restaurant we party about sector anims started on the champagne for about two or three bottles and then the waitress came over introduced herself as Christina and she said she was the waitress for the evening and it was her birthday so when she disappeared to get the starters I arranged for the adjoining tables and our table to give her a round of a resounding chorus of happy birthday Christina so she returned and suddenly we all broke into Salman's wished a happy birthday and she was very red-faced and embarrassed and disappeared and went to get a manager who came back and he immediately discovered what the problem was because he is playing it well christina was well she was from the EU and that she was telling her so it was her first day okay even contactors why our website at this very address listen before we go we would just like to say a special thank you and good night to the man who inspired our red chair the great Ronnie Corbett who has died the age of 85 it was always one of our favorite guests here in the show and we just wanted to send our love and sympathy to Ann and the family alright that is it for tonight so please say a huge thank you to my guest Ronnie Vinci this again Jessie Chastain mr. Greenberg join me next week with music from Meghan Trainor and a packed sofa of acting talent we've got Eric Bana Ricky Gervais you and McGregor Kevin Kloster and Dame Helen Mirren I'll see you then kirsten dunst
Channel: Artyom
Views: 1,722,159
Rating: 4.8264785 out of 5
Keywords: hd graham norton show s19 chris hemsworth
Id: omnLQ6h_oGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 2sec (2642 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2016
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