FULL Graham Norton Show 31/5/2019 Chris Hemsworth, Gloria Estefan, David Tennant, Michael Sheen

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on my sofa and there are in the Tory leadership campaign who as I speak 11 people vying for Tory leadership here they are Tory tinder doesn't it I like long walks and really hard brexit favorite is crony this man no it's Boris I know Brody's lost weight for the leadership campaign I'm not sure how much but according to Boris it's 350 million pounds every week it definitely isn't on the list is this one yeah oh yeah her tears dried quickly didn't they hook at the southern Brussels no more brexit take that suckers teresa will say hon until June the 7th which means she'll still be prime minister during Donald Trump's UK visit what was she thinking what the small of her face will be with us next week he's just been visiting Japan where he was greeted by sumo wrestlers quite an unusual way I think they misheard when somebody shouted Trump I'm saying those costumes quite revealing in fact if we zoom in I think we can actually see an arsehole Jonas Brothers but first this Welsh after an activist is one of our greatest stars of stage and screen now is in the terry pratchett fantasy Good Omens it's Michael she our finest contractors who went from Doctor Who to di party in broadchurch always a pleasure to welcome David Tennant this Australian hocus-pocus have our goodbyes door hello agent hey chin men in black international it's the buddy Chris gentleman knows it's like a bad joke Welshman a scotsman and an australian walk into a bar it's all you so everyone well very good yes yes everyone looks you do all look remarkably well this collection of beards designer stubble the color but also I'm David Tennant your beard can't be that not great whyever not that is the most uniformly beautiful dark beard I've ever seen well I thank you it hasn't been enhanced alright just box eight I didn't notice when you walked out of an woow that beard is beautiful now Michael I saw you want telly recently and you were doing you know a thing that a lot of actors do with vocal warm-ups but you always had a particularly Welsh slant right your vocal warmup yes well what I always used to do vocal warm-ups when I was doing a play and when I was in youth theatre and the first of all it's sort of embedded in my my Welsh nurse and I made one up recently which I thought was which made me laugh which was in Aberystwyth that is a locksmith his name is die Smith the biggest one which no one else can do is that very long place name in Wales well you say no one else can do it no there's no way the other way you can know that clan Viper Queen gecko Garrick windrow box went easily go go go oh my god Michael Michaels from Wales yes should know he might need a taxi birthday but why do you know that I know that because when I was at the Royal Shakespeare Company about oh I don't know 15 years ago or something we had a performance of the comedy of errors and it was going to be interpreted for the Deaf so there was somebody to say to the stage doing all that stuff and we thought how can we really wind them up so I week learning how to see a clan by book wind gecko getting and durable entity to go girl Mohali Hollis taught me how to see actions in the company and in the middle of this productions this person who studied the script for weeks of course to get down how to how to sign language an entire Shakespearean performance we slept in we slept that in and then just stopped and looked around we you've no idea whether they've done it right or not no I don't you just sort of wave Don's already could've been anything because Australia and New Zealand there's good place names down there they like they went for it when they were naming races ah they did my brother's wife is from New Zealand she's from a little place and they've all turned up to place called fuck itani yeah that's a real place fuck Italian now congratulations you since you were last here adventures endgame has gone on to be one of the most successful films of all time in the world ever that was a great feeling that to go out on that high it it's incredible yeah yeah we talked about it three weeks ago four weeks something like that just I've been in the dressing room I know I felt like I'm you just wait no laughter back in yeah oh the wasting time in that cab is gonna be expensive but weren't able to talk about it there but now we can talk about poor old Thor yeah in that film he's sort of he did eat his feelings he definitely ate his way through his emotions some pictures that's it but now you didn't do that oh no that was my full Raging Bull Oscar attempt look that I mean it so this is a fat suit this is not as much remarkable thing it's a ya know good it's a prosthetic latex kind of thing which literally I would slip into a wait about 60 70 pounds was that 30 40 kilograms with a zip up the back and they're taking photos of my body and then every little screw of the hair or freckle or whatever the hell that was on that thing it was that's my body and in like six months time though I was depressed but we was it depressing walk for you well here mind like that I was so much fun treat you differently I was heading down yeah every time I step toward the catering truck they were like no no no no we were we were doing an interview yesterday and the journal it for Good Omens and the journalist said asked me we were in the fat suit for it this doesn't zip Bucci she did him afraid she didn't really recover from that moment never so quite quickly did you get the pregnant lady thing where people was want to touch your stomach good lord cuddles my wife you know that I've had three she's had three kids and often you know they're pregnant like the belly rub mrs. market and Robert Downey gave me a fair share everyone was on to cuddle Mia for like Santa Claus you know yeah yeah you sort of Avengers on my lap from time to time oh dear right we start side with men in black International it's gone international it's out on the 14th of June and here's a taste you know we've had prequels without sequels this is an I haven't this is a side quote aside crow yeah it's an extension their Will Smith Tommy Lee Jones what they set up many years ago brilliant and and that they still exist in in this universe as far as this films concerned and this was an extension that's a London branch and wanted to give it a more of a global feel you know the other films were shot in in New York and have the urban landscape there and we shot London Paris Morocco Italy and bit New York's a different sort of aesthetic but all the same fun action and adventure of the originals and then you and the new agents test on some this film reunites you she was Valkyrie yeah in the appengine and did you know when you were doing Avengers that you were then going on together to do this now we didn't we had a great time originally thought knock we worked together and it was fantastic and then Avengers and in infinity war endgame and this opportunity came up and we thought fantastic we can capitalize on the relationship it's funny you spend like 50 percent of a film often kind of getting to know one another if you've never worked together so we could kind of hit the ground running with this one so you may be for know more we don't know but if you talk about your three kids there is a there is a Thor in waiting in your kitchen because this is this is one of your your twins I think yeah yep so your wife sent you this video so what's he trying to do well he's the we've hidden in like little little lollies for chocolate you know which is bribery with kids which is you know any way to get through raising children hi and we thought he'll never get to them and check this how old is he by the way he was about three at the time he's in the nut case this is a three year old alone in your kitchen yeah look at he's here - Wow look at him go look at him I'm like that's a slippery fridge yeah chocolate is a twin boys and the other one is highly intelligent smart you know manipulative in a good way runs like he has a pair of flippers on you know okay like it's his athletic abilities it wasn't gifted that way that ones is all physicality and it's an athlete a gatherer that could rule the world you will see Chris's three children Charan raised him sure what are you about to go it's number five I'm going to go to number five yeah yeah great effort crater thank you yeah it's very good exciting it's quite a spread that we have 17 at one end so they'll be 17 years between them Wow but tie the 17 year old is giving you advice yes that's the slightly weird bear but having children with that that big a gap that 17 he's gone what you're you're having another one really listen it's quite odd when you're in the position where you're 17 year old is giving you a lecture on birth control so your daughter I think your daughter lets through a picture of daddy yes yes my daughter went to nursery school and they said draw a picture of your appearance and she drew this picture and said this is my daddy this is your daughter's interpretation of daddy presumably Social Services came back quite soon after this she's really captured your eyes yes she's a great eye for scale is there an explanation no we're just drove ale she just said this is my dummy this is this is daddy yeah okay let's just leave it at that now Michael Sheen you've been in the news will not you what sort of you write it cuz airport told us yes as we didn't use oh yeah we're involved in it so a Banksy went to Port Talbot yeah well so just before Christmas I'm a man called Ian woke up one morning and I looked outside his house and there on his garage wall was a bit of street art we've got that we've got there so there you go he's Gary yeah and then people started kind of coming and looking and then rumors were it looks like a Banksy a Banksy has appeared in pataga and then it was confirmed because then on Banksy's website he could he showed a video so he must have been there obviously but of course you didn't no one no one knows no one saw him doing it I like that's quite involved you'd think you'd notice someone doing that that'll take a while side your house now this guy I mean it was his garage and suddenly he's got like thousands of people coming down to look at it and and it's a you know it was a bit of an issue so he so I got in touch with him and I said you you know you all right - you know can you handle this and and he was very stressed out by it so anyway we ended up paying for some security and and getting it sort of protect a free traffic cone I mean you really went all out the people who could tell whatever very polite if they see a ball ad they leave it alive it's just to get it through the Christmas period you know and now so the news was that yesterday it was finally removed in in one piece and it's gonna be put into an art gallery street art gallery in Patel but on at the end Station Road with like hundreds of other Banksy pieces this guy owns a lot of them and he bought leather and so now it's gonna become this this street art gallery so of course it was it was very scary that they thought we weren't sure whether it would actually be able to be removed without destroying it but it worked thankfully no I'm worried for Ian because obviously the stress of owning a banks he's gone yeah now he's got two walls missing his car's been nicked seen you are together at last in Good Omens it's streaming on Amazon Prime video from today and of course two huge names of fantasy and Neil Gaiman and the late Terry Pratchett came up with this is it true this was Terry's dying wish that this become a series yeah well and so Neil and Terry wrote the book almost thirty years ago now how this was a very very beloved book and there have been lots of plans to turn it into into a film or a TV show and then Terry got quite ill in his in his last year's and and he said to me look I really want you to do this I want to be able to see it before I go and so Neil thought that he would have more time but then Terry died sadly and so Neil said that he went to his funeral and then when he came home from his funeral he started writing episode 1 and he saw it as being Terry's last wish and and so we had the premiere the other night and Terry had always said to me oh I won't believe that we've got it done until I'm sitting there at the premiere with a great big bag of popcorn and even then I probably won't believe it and so at the premiere the other night Terry's hat and a big bag of popcorn was on the seat beautiful bunch of course I think then you makes you think oh this must be sad but it's not it's a rump I mean oddly it is erupted to the end of the world sure but that's essentially what it is it's a very jolly end of days yes so just explain to people who you guys are I'm cruelly a demon who has been on earth since the beginning of time and Michael I am a szura fail an angel who has been on earth since the beginning of time you first me as at the Garden of Eden and we've been there ever since I'm there to corrupt humanity and Michaels there to keep it on the right track but over the millennia we sort of figure out that we we our very presence is sort of cancel each other out so maybe we could take the pressure off and just gonna have a nice time why should both of us travel to the same place one to try and corrupt someone and the other to try and save them when just one could go and do a bit of both yeah yeah save saves over yeah saves the time yeah and we fall in love with the mortal world we kind of issue our respective head offices and are having quite a nice time until I'm charged with delivering the Antichrist which will trigger the end of days apocalypse no more nice glasses of wine no more nice dinners so we decide to stop the apocalypse yeah angel and demon team up to stop the apocalypse yes I tell you what the clip is kind of that it's David's character trying to get you on board the idea of cooperating you got you drive it I didn't think that was me driving no events like the Augmented wasn't it what's it like now because you know this book I mean as you say people love this book so are you nervous or you just kind of stepping away and kind of going we're just in it hey girl oh and of course you're nervous yeah because people have loved this book for 30 years they've got ideas of what these characters are so that it's wonderful to be in the middle of something soon love but it's also know it's like getting cast as the God of Thunder if you weren't such a human God we're never disappointed but that's perfect casting but you kind of think we'll we will we you know this it's it's like that it's a similar situation it's the sort of thing that people come up to you and go I have every word of the book tattooed all over my it's like yeah because actually you mentioned the Marvel thing you do you like the films it was you know like on up loving Marvel Comics proper Marvel Comics naired so yeah I'd have been I'd have been furious if they'd cast anyone else now you would think having lots of children would keep you kind of young tech-savvy you know you'd know what's going on but David Tennant this has not happened for you you recently found out that you got left behind you know the world of texting and things well yeah I wish I know when you start jobs there's a because of the meter movement and the loss of food you know great straightforward having made in making sure what places are safe enough so now different companies have different ways of coping with that and I was I had to forest sure I was doing had to sit watch a video and prove that I'd watch this video from start to finish and it very takes you through things that are acceptable and not acceptable in the workplace and then right at the end of this sequence it's talking about how to communicate on your mobile phone and what's appropriate more isn't appropriate it says and remember the eggplant emoji is not just an eggplant right I mean it's but that's not what they mean there's a hole and it turns out that I didn't you nothing about this there's a whole kind of language yes there is usually based around foot stuffs they represent other things asking someone out for a taco could easily be misinterpreted did you know that did you know this yes the eggplant kind of looks like it doesn't even look like an eggplant that's you know and then you've got the peach in the bin if you start adding to that the raindrops and ooh my field Kylie but do you text do you have a smartphone I do yes okay then I have no idea how that passed you by that's because I thought the emojis were just meant to represent what they represented I did know was that this whole kind of other language you had to learn can you get explicit but match what we need this needs to move forward and just call a vagina a vagina there's a an image of you as the doctor aha the fans are not letting go and it's just this it's a very simple thing it's just you in the streets right now doing that now this meme is called David Tennant in places he shouldn't be right so you must have seen III I've seen a couple of things yeah if you don't know what a eggplant emoji is something the chance to think of me now obviously you're beginners a beginner one is just of course you're at the world went to hell then we've got you in education you know the answer no one else does you're on it then I think we got next Oh ice-skating then we bought you in film there you are and finally hey Watsa graduate inside me yes this laptop superstar has had huge triumphs and personal challenges in her amazing life which now comes to the stage in the new musical on your feet please welcome Gloria Estefan yes the fans here I love you you are such a got a positive life forces Thank You sherry lovely woman very cheerful and now you obviously just met everyone but do you know people you know David from the last time yes I was on the show same show I will only do this show if you're on thank you requested you personally thank you the mom huge fan and that character you've created for the good fight oh my god you're insane on that I watched the show that you were on together and I did absolutely fall in love with you oh that always been a fan but you're so sweet well I'm a huge fan them all and of you yeah yeah yeah whatever Chris Chris you're into the Latin beats you are I mean I did my wife Spanish and I'll do Dancing with the Stars in Australia oh she's banished from Spain yeah yeah of you there you are that you doing here Sam well this one's very impressive the next one is really impressive look at that Wow and so grants fund the moment has finally arrived on your feet is on the stage yeah it's right here I'm sure it's opened on Monday in Leicester the curve then from the 14th of June to the 31st of August at the London Coliseum and I can tell you're excited because you're so excited you took to the streets of London for a promotional opportunity I'd love to see people watching you film this is Gloria and some friends having fun in the streets I think I know just something in that video notice look at that so we know it's your life story but what sort of what's the arc how much of your life do we see just what happens two hours worth two hours of your lives only you know I think people are gonna be surprised the main thing that I get from everyone is he's a show as they expect to go in and see the dancing was singing you know conga rhythm is gonna get you which it will by the way I think they're surprised because we take them on an emotional journey you know they really do see the ups and downs and when I was gonna do the show I you know the writer Alex din Alerus who won an Oscar for Birdman thank God we hired him before because we couldn't have afforded him afterward he told me you and your husband are a nightmare to write for I go why he goes there's no conflict I go let me introduce you to my mother oh you identify there do you know love you so I told my mom I go mom we're gonna tell the truth you know cuz there were some things that happened there she really was not too happy with my husband when we got together because he wasn't a doctor or a lawyer and he was a businessman a musician she thought he was gonna take me away and and you know break my heart or whatever so she really tortured him for only about 12 years of our married life and then after the accident when she saw that he was so incredible she thought he'd leave me for sure or something she she realized who he really is and so you see little bits in us fighting to get this yeah because this was this is the bus crash where you'd nearly lost your life but yeah so out of that you're your husband and your mother did come together they did I mean he was always very respectful and lovely with her but she wasn't having it and then one day in the hospital when she came to see me and by the way she hadn't spoken to me for two years before that bus crash cuz I took my sister on the road with us and she got upset that I had you know taking my sister as well so she was a she was a teacher and she was in the teachers lounge you just she was the union rep and had just finished a meeting and on the little ticker that Scrolls she sees Gloria Estefan dead in bus crash so like she collapsed on the floor and then a friend of hers said no no way that's a mistake you know they she's alive she's very injured but but she's okay so she flew to Scranton where I still was and then later went to New York and in the hospital Amina was trying to be so strong and everything but one day she was looking for some door and she opened the door to a closet and he was on the floor sobbing in on his knees like in tears and I think that just it melts at her heart and you know she realized that he really did love me that it was it you know for show so there's a lot of really difficult things my father who was a political prisoner in Cuba for two years and then joined the US Army and got very ill from Agent Orange poisoning so there are you we take you on an emotional ride as as the fun and your mom that's how that she didn't she didn't live to see the show did she well she didn't want to see the show because and I didn't want to be guilty of matricide because I could kill her emotionally watching this show but she had spies everywhere that would tell her about the show I sat down I played her all the music I would show her the designs for the clothes I would you know I gave her the script she read the script and then the first time she ever spoke to the lady that played around Broadway under it burns a wonderful actor her first language what are you doing with my life so she didn't go but I know she's there she's your daughter your daughter posted a fabulous video of her and your mother her grant I'm a famous rapper in her later years so this is your mother and your daughter yes together ah your second I got your dad Peter Hemmy see ya and Romeo famous yeah mondo amigo Royal bass hit you know Borra caves datong go Bora yachts pair are off comedian Vaquero pagará yes don't worry I make an offer they can't refuse she controls the world from her little kitchen table which is that's where she was and how she does it is calling my my husband so he takes care of it for her and then that's somebody called her to do something she goes let me give an offer they can't refuse would you follow all the Spanish Chris yeah fluently I can translate yeah now every day you go you you have you have this thing where you take your hits mm-hmm and you then do kind of new liberties yes you lurks so you ready who got a new one for us yes and it was inspired I wrote it today oh that's very new yes because they asked me for new ones and I didn't have any and I go you know I I know you love this no it was inspired because you know my assistant constantly puts things where I can't get to them because she says it's job security so it is inspired me to write a song for you I've signed it and everything I have to read it because it's too fresh to fret I don't know if I play let's play a little bit of the original all right so here's the original that was the Olympic theme song for the Atlanta games in 96 exactly so this is so this is a chorus fan a cappella with it okay so we go some things are hung high in my wardrobe those things so difficult to grab so I'll need a ladder to climb being short it's just a challenge of mine but I need my great dress so I can get to Graham Norton in time if I could reach the top shelf I put on high heels in a try but that damn shelf is bloody hard toner maybe some stilts will do the trick and I won't need that pile of bricks if I could read Thank You Roberto as we better it is time to music after six years apart one of pops favorite families is back performing a smash hit single sucker it is Jonas Brothers ooh there fit on there you can fit on their loads of room know the room I'm fine who's ready thank you so much actually no Gloria you you've worked together yes we were on a show together and were and I heard I was part of your bachelor party Jimmy was I'm goo we were playing Gloria's music loud on the yacht I saw your friend dancing he's quite something yeah you know I got us moving her music got moving and my music and maybe some thank you very much for that song as straight to the top of the u.s. charts it really really well here I think yeah yes it's on the brand new album it's out next Friday June 7th there it is there's the album and it's got happiness begins now I don't get it just seeing that picture with happiness begins above it it begs me makes all the sense but it's a lovely picture thank you dip in the pool so and this is I mean it's one of them because obviously there was excitement you know people love Jonas Brothers but yes one we got one yeah but it must've really that people want to buy the music that they're excited they're buying the records everything that will speed you know that's incredible I mean I think the thing for us is that six years away from doing this together and the individual experience is enduring that we went on brought us back but more importantly than anything else just the family the family aspect of this and prioritizing that above everything else made the the payoff of this record and everything else even sweeter yeah and obviously getting back together it was top secret nobody knew but Kevin apparently there was a there was a mole yeah Joe ma'am there is a mall in the family my oldest daughter aleena she told her entire school that we were coming out so her teacher said so will she be staying with us and I was like yeah why what are you talking about she goes well she says she's going on tour with you but I know you're not making music right now I'm like what have you done all Nina and then parents started bringing her Jonas Brothers gifts from years past so I knew then she blew the secret it was over you're going on to the the British leg starts next January in Birmingham threads off January then you're off to London Glasgow Manchester and you can pre-order from Tuesday next Tuesday oh yeah listen thank you so much coming to you I'm performing all that live good luck with the album good luck with the tour Jonas Brothers everywhere Fargo versus where we go let's take a visit to the big red chair hello hello hi what's your name Sarah Sarah and what do you do sir I'm a midwife a midwife David Tennant as a loyalty card I said good story Midwife we'll have a good story off you go with your story unfortunately it's not about being a midwife it implicates my boyfriend so and my boyfriend is lives in Scotland so I was over here visiting him and it's the second time I'd met his family what since we've been together so weird like drove to a rural part of Scotland and we parked and rock out with a cart go for a walk and there was a playground nurse so Sam rent to a seesaw and I went to the other side he's a lot bigger than I am so when he jumped on I went up and the first time I got a little bit of air and I pulled myself down and I lost and because I laughed the next time he did it he catapulted me into the air like 10 to 12 feet in the air and I landed teeth first on a metal bar I smashed three of my teeth in and yeah I was beside the bottles like I'm fine I'm fine all my teeth are in the wrong place but I'm fine I was definitely not fine and um yes I would have introduction now as a named are you still with that moron not unfortunately yes I definitely am he's the loveliest so and plus I've got the best you know thing of over him so yeah and used to come I think I'm your new cheese our lovely two of them is still dead and there's still tooth shattered into my lips you know that you must walk you have to walk hi okay are you from Australia New Zealand I am from Australia okay do you know that this was G call Sarah yeah I do okay are you related to her in some way yes she's my twin sister they both my sisters too hmm hey both my sisters as well I guess Australian like two right one left and are you traveling with your sister or what's this worth no I live in London and she's visiting oh okay and how are your teeth my teeth are fine yeah good I know okay I'll think of a the story so this is a story about my cousin so visiting them in Adelaide and as we were flying they met us at the airport to see yourself and my cousin was four years old and as he was watching our plane take off he put his hands on his hips looked up the sky and said I can't wait till I'm old enough to ride a virgin you're sure you can identify our website let's do this Epis a news thanks to all of our guests tonight at Jonas Brothers we're fucking for steel signatures action Paloma Faith national treasure Stephen Fry and feedbags pot vicar Andrew Scott I'll see you later
Channel: Sd Tv
Views: 868,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hcydu3nHTOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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