The Graham Norton Show - April 19, 2019 || The Graham Norton Show (04/19/2019)

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so this is so we've got for you I tell you you will be glued to your television like eco-warriors to jeremy corbyn's garden fence yeah Jezza who refused to talk to them he was very annoyed yeah cuz that fence is the one where he likes to sit I wanted me though Corbin broadly agrees with their environmental position I mean it's got so warm even as shit creeks dried up now one of the things the climate protesters wanted to do was stop the trains from running you think what just wait for Easter that usually does it is it's Easter bank holiday weekend most people get four days holiday but the has Commons has shut for an 11 day Easter break got anything to sort out is this trees of May she wanted a walking holiday in Wales with her husband Philip so jealous the chat they were spotted at a service station in Shropshire the fun keeps going to flat whites [Applause] [Music] apparently after she went to the toilets and this is true the police closed them to the public for an hour eating humble pie goes right through [Applause] first he's one of our favorite guests he's starting harry potter swiss army man and the woman in black now is letting his vocal skills to playmobil the movie please welcome back Daniel Radcliffe [Applause] - chillin a sassy little now in the smash hit killing Eve now returning for its second series is the first time welcome to Jody Koehler [Applause] there's all the actresses vainest off in bridesmaids how to be single it's not romantic and pitch perfect now she brings us her new comedy caper the hustle it's in the hustle is the oscar-winning saw of countless hits including Princess Diaries those Devil Wears Prada and let me xerath please welcome [Applause] lovely see you all yes Happy Easter well spotted yeah and it's welcome back to everybody apart from you Jody yes never been here before I feel like I won a competition well because it is incredible you know cuz obviously everyone got to you and dr. Foster but then killing Eve at something a global superstar yeah someone has been binge-watching have you watched the whole thing I haven't watched these in 2x I've been traveling when it came out I'm already into season 2 oh he got one off but Jody I'm alkaline when I found out you were on the show I was standing up and I just actually fell to the floor I was so expand thank you so surreal I've already apologized for not having water back you can ask the questions later I had a debate about whether like somebody was telling me loads about the show there I was like do I like try and lie and failure like not also you'd have to trust the person cuz they could really write and rebel bring us a really a really fun in you thought the hustle it opens on the 10th of May and this is a proper comedy caper for us so tell us about who are you what what what goes on I play Josephine Chesterfield I'm a very high-class con artist living in the South of France alone on the side of a cliff with a questionable British accent do not stop stop it why do you with a question of a British passport they're all houses amazed that hasn't that something it is gorgeous rebel who you know I play penny I'm the low-rent con woman so typecasting and I see Anne's character and I'm like oh my gosh I want to learn from her I need I need her tips in conning people that was with a P and yeah and then she she mentals me I'm not only at first but yeah and she you grow on me yeah and basically we get back at dirty rotten men throughout the movie yeah yeah we're kind of operate under the moral code that there's a stupid men tax out there so like you know one of the cons that we do what most of the cons that we do is that we're you know kind of men's most basic idea of what women can be and if you happen to believe in women like that we're gonna take your money sounds fair yeah it is one of those companies where there's lots of of improv going on I'm guessing there's lots of improv going on which you both enjoyed yeah I mean especially she enjoys when I like insulted it's true yeah you're really good at it she said very easy to insult I mean I know it's just something about your sincerity or something my favorite is when you called me an animatronic cock tease you called me a big teared Russell Crowe [Applause] story was like Annie call me a big Taylor isochronous how did I make up that you this is you deciding to take rebel kind of under your wing what do men want oops no back to front door picking I'm gonna threesome what is it what's the answer they want to be heroes there's nothing more compelling to a man than a vulnerable woman observe wow you just tear up like that you can just balance a tear right on that lower lid and can you make the tear old energy Oh Oh okay but can you make it go back up no you try okay are you constipation why are the theatrics your heart that's enough it is not enough hot it's not a career hot will get you gifts and trinkets but you must pay for them in other ways sex penny your Twitter chat said very good thank you but no but apparently you genuinely thought I won't have to do that I really did okay what when did you discover oh I'm really gonna have to do this like a week before shooting why did you think that they why did you think no I just I'm the boss of the maybe no I just I just thought that I don't know that it would be it wouldn't make such a difference and I thought that maybe everybody knows that I'm not British and maybe at a comedy you know it could be distracting and you know I've done it before and it hasn't always gone well so I just thought if this goes badly there's no there's so stressful to watch somebody struggle through an accent and then Chris Addison basically said you're gonna do it I need you to be a confident with this and you got to figure it out so John Washington was my dialect coach she was amazing and we made the best of it and you do all the rack sensitive as well I knew America could be Americans yeah as the boss of the movie you decided to go in Australia I dunno preparation and just come on set yeah cuz Jodi and killing Eve you you're one your main accent is amazing but then you go off and do the different languages and things like was that something I mean obviously we'd heard you do kind of English at yes but was that something you knew you could do looks like kid were you good have accents I've always like imitated adverts and stuff with my dad but I was the same as on like in the audition it was like you know she she speaks many languages and I was like of course why and then like never thinking that I was like you know it would happen and then as each episode came through I was like Oh Russian German like they all yeah they kept going Wow yeah favorite one to do in the so I really enjoyed doing the Italian purely because that was the one they found easiest to do French is really hard and Daniel you've done accents in lots of films but there is a couple of words in American that you still struggle with well I know it's like not as much to him because I've had but I remember the first one of the first things I did as in American accent like the word girlfriend was very hard on the word murderer and I had to say I was playing a person who was accused of murdering his girlfriend so it was like every time I came up against a black girlfriend but like doing but that's but accents is one but like speaking languages I've had to do I have to say one line of French once and it was the most stressful right before every take I forgot little bits this a lot about takes to me going line please anyone help it's like it's quite narrow bracket I love your Russian you know cuz it's so badass thank you and I was doing in a bit lately people come up to me and I'm just like no I'm not in the mood I've created this like Russian II Russian persona [Music] and then people come up and they go oh hi you rebel Wilson and I go no no what do you want ally and I just I trying to try to channel you don't kill them no I now you're talking boss of the film ruble you are the producer yeah 40 million dollars well said go for it yeah we'll have really good catering but I think the thing is when people see your name as producer they kind of think oh that's such a vanity thing where was a nice thick view but you did work yeah I came up with the concept because it's based on dirty rotten scoundrels that's had a few reiterations throughout history and I went into MGM and said oh I'm feeling like we should do something like dirty rotten skanks which we ended up changing the titles and yeah and you go through all phases of development and filming the movie and when we put the movie together they gave it an R rating which is quite rude I think he's for rude or whatever but as the producer I'm like no this is definitely a PG film so I represented the film in the MPAA arbitration because I also have a law degree as well guys basically it's very hard for movies to win these arbitrations you've got to address the jury and I was very successful in overturning out read what you are I think I brought and the papers on the shape was it yeah okay let me get it so I brought this is my official speech that I had to give an address and it's very long so I can't read all of it it's real legal stuff for you guys so basically I said that it was sexist to give a movie in our rating when the original that started two men was given pg-13 so so I did an analysis between male comedies and female comedies and the language and stuff used in it so in this point I talked about there may be anchorman which was given a PG rating and I said the hustle has five references to female anatomy but the PG me the anchorman has nine references to male anatomy one balls two dicks and I'm doing this very serious one dickweed one penis one testes one erection one loins one crotch or joke plus twenty references to female body parts and it has lines including I want to rub Vaseline on your hiney I want to put some barbecue sauce on that butt and just bite bite bite munch munch market like a judge yeah to the jury hey laughing at this no this is so serious but I have to put all my arguments and I'm like you know for example even the Disney movie frozen has an adult joke in it where the character of honor is referring to her fiance's foot size and says foot size doesn't matter I mean that's clearly a penis euphemism and I've seen a G movie and there's also penis youthful isms in 101 Dalmatians and Muppet Treasure Island really SHOP NOW there those movies are designed for young children to enjoy so it goes on and on and on I have a lot of arguments the jury deliberated for less than five minutes and declared me the winner [Applause] I think the movie Mean Girls was one of the other movies to overturn their rating and adjudication yes that's way you've also produced some things since were last here a human being and he's three now yes three and I'm sure it's he's delightful I'm sure you've a lovely relationship but he apparent is this true that he doesn't like you to sing at all does not he does not like my singing voice in this like how does he react to you singing um well like sometimes like he's very calm and I'm like okay this is it this is the moment and so maybe start to sing a song that I know he likes and he goes mama mama no no and then like I'll give it a minute and I say when he goes mama mama mama no tough crowd amazing singer he doesn't have you so then there Oscar for name is around I've been walking around the head with children social services thought of best yeah but you know he loves Peppa Pig like absolutely loves it and we had a really amazing moment when I was kind of sat at the piano and he loves the Peppa Pig Christmas episode and I was trying to sing workout one of the ones of the piano and he let me sing it for him and so I'm like come tearing up because it's been a full two years of like I'm not allowed to sing to my child and and then he was singing he was crying singing Peppa Pig to him yeah I thought short evening with that a new series of killing Eve journey returns as villanelle it's coming soon should be receiving it say no more soon the box s on iPlayer every episode was watched by an average of 6 million people I mean what was that like coming back to series 2 being on set knowing this is an enormous hit now nerve-wracking pressure was it more fun no wait I think there is pressure cuz there's so much expectation like before it everyone was kind of like killing what like what is this new show and now it's like you know everyone's kind of waiting on tender hooks for it to come out but I think once you start filming you kind of just have to put it at one side but when we started filming series 2 and we were filming on the street and it was out here at the time and there was just crowds of people on the street and I think that's when we realized oh you should probably hide in the security [Laughter] so what can you tell us about series chugs it starts 30 seconds after the episode is amazing cuz I already say yeah yeah and I don't want to ruin anything don't one bit that one bit with the teenage boy yeah no I did not see that coming well it picks up 30 seconds from where we left off and both women are kind of reeling from the acts of what happened in the last episode I won't say of course yes hospital in Paris and befriends an unusual character to try and help her get herself out of the situation that she's found herself well actually look I tell you what let's stop here because that is the clip we've gone it's it's you recuperating in hospital talking to the boy likes bed hey do you speak English ready Tony what does your name ever hear what happened to the Gabriel Jax event today break your bones yeah I mean he had to put skin from my leg onto my face that's gross what is yours stab wound it's no way a man stabbed you a woman stabs me we men don't stab no surprised me too but she did it to show me how much she cared about that's stupid no it isn't sometimes when you love someone you will do crazy things you see I'm Sakuya y7 subtrees very good - how many how many episodes are there eight eight good make some more what about it series three is already being commissioned yeah and the whole thing the villanelle because she is this is quite an extreme character presumably you get extreme reactions from fans and things when you when you meet people in the street yeah I mean a lot of people just look at me and think is it her but I had one recently that was really strange someone asked me for a photograph and I was like yeah sure and was posing for a photograph and then she quietly just whispered in my ear will you strangle me no but rebel your fans they love you I would say sometimes love you too much here's a picture of you with a fan - there on the torso you know and because you know he'd look good anyway you know with or without tattoo he'd the vine yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure your face looks as good here that's the back of somebody's leg well go cuz that's the punchline yeah I think that's the front obviously we're not obvious yeah not really we'll have seen these people okay this is a man and woman from Poland yeah and what bonds them is a love of you they've got matching I'll make an America eat again word on a hat you know now got it on their bodies for life Daniel this is I mean this is new to you the idea of people having tattoos and things right I guess not I mean yeah I mean there's you know there's a lot of Harry Potter tattoos out there some people have just got a very kind of like the Deathly Hallows seems to be that there's sort of like the subtle option that people go for this like on wrists and places but then sometimes you just get like yeah your face on someone's body which you will sometimes talk to people and vies them about the wisdom oh well no yes because there's a thing sometimes people have gotten my terrible terrible handwriting tattooed on them like I've had my smite and like my signature where I've like signed someone's arm then they've then got that like gone over by a tattoo artist and I have like a terrible signature and terrible handwriting and so I often just be like don't like please don't because sometimes like get a sense away are you gonna tattoo this and they'll be like maybe I'll be like dong though cuz you might not like me as much as you do now leave room for that to happen yet there's a lot of yeah I'm always weirded out by when people have to slake there was couple of Equus tattoos as well like which was it of the poster which was very disturbing image so yeah yeah questionable but now Jodie I'm guessing you will be going to the Baptist because killing Eve 14 nominations that's it but but annoyingly you are now you are up against Sandra oh yeah head to head for the hustle we're probably going to be head to head for the Oscar actually there is an Oscar link on the thing cuz I think the year you won that's right or wrong that the you you won Philemon is are armed you might have been at the back having a corporate break or something Daniel Radcliffe was dancing on stage yeah which is probably she probably remembers very much more than like she wanted Oscar yeah well it was that year the Oscars were produced by people who had produced a musical that I did and so they like invited me to come and dance as part of the ceremony I was like no was gonna ask you to do this again better say yes and yeah so Dan it was you know terrifying burn would you say terrifying though I kind of think are you doing kind of meditation before had him because that's so terrified to sing and dance on live television yeah you just saw I don't know you just go to like a blank space I don't know it's you just sort of think well I've told everyone I'm gonna do it now with these other two guys they're gonna dance it's gonna really weird this is the only option we have left yeah but that time around him is Robin the Oscar buzz was all you know intense cuz kind of you were the favorite and everything there were all these parties that people go to and I believe it was was it a dinner or cocktail party he went to with Daniel quite well so it like these moments happen when you feel like you've been leave gone through the looking-glass you know before that you thought that things were one way and then you kind of get invited into like the secret part so it was a party that I'd always thought was a cocktail party but then things started to go really well and then I found it was actually a dinner party too if you the things were going really well so I am at the dinner part then like lateen today the G the drinks going well you get you get the dinner so so I so I I'm there and you know what it just it's just amazing cuz you work really hard and there's no guarantees that it's ever gonna happen and then it like starts to and and so I'm I'm they clear away the tables and you're like what so it's the cocktail part and then Daniel Craig walks in and I'm like oh my god who is that the party before Daniel Craig like are you kidding me this is amazing and then I'm and I'm like what am i like it can I go introduce myself to him in my allowed to look at him like what's going on and I look up and Daniel Craig is going and he mouths this hey you fuck you and I'm like oh my god I have made it so much that Daniel Craig doesn't even know me and he's messing with me so I'm just like fuck me fuck you fuck you I'm just like no no fuck you and he just goes fuck you and I go I'm sorry I can't hear you do you want me to turn it off Craig goes oh not you and I look behind me Steven Daldry is doing the rudest things you've ever seen I just hook up and Daniel Craig and I just pretend we don't know each watching Anne Hathaway going and listen we turned out to Daniel Radcliffe's ladies offering a Playmobil the movie you can't see it till the 9th of August yeah here now frankerz yes that's the reason I am a sensibly hit ya know children grow into it by the 9th of August I'll be old enough to see ya so you give us Rex - sure so yeah who is Rex - right in the world a Playmobil he is a he is a character who appears that at a certain point in the movie - to sort of help reunite the main character with a little brother who they have been separated but he is kind of the the Playmobil version of like kind of James Bond type character and there was always there's just something crying to me about the fact this everyone in this room when I have ridiculous this is because you have here people that talk like me all the time but in America people hear me talk like this and they go are you good for James Bond and I'm like no I should not play that part like I am no right for that but no one would be casting me as that but like Playmobil James Bond felt that felt more likely and you've done I know you've done voices and things like The Simpsons is up was it the hi body you had some vocal skills from high posture well yeah it's cuz like there's a people can love this between where ADR so yeah ER is like a kind of looping thing you do after the film's been finished and I'm I will have to do a lot of them on Potter and I apparently act with my mouth a lot so like in my like breaths and efforts like I'm always did like 400 loops of breaths and efforts on one film and so I'm really good at them and I Wheatley enjoy them and it's this really like it's the crappiest thing to be proud of like every time I do ADR the ad orange is like pretty good at brats and efforts and I'm like yes I know like yeah so like you sit down to check oh yeah open and it's just like a and so it's sort of like doing karaoke but with just like watching you're living like is out of like a lip smacker is that grunt or did i am i breathing out there or in like I get very into it I know everyone hates ADR and I'm like no one really enjoyed let's go like that's enough done yeah we've really got it and of course with the film it comes your own little thick yeah yeah and I actually I actually have they've there you go and they're actually done one of you as well which is they so there's a what [Applause] I've been told you have like a collection of versions of you that have been made and brought as gift is that there are some other bright toys of me at home fully accessorized I really it's done very well good I really I worked very hard on it no I'm very very impressed but now presumably so I'm showing you you're sorry I threw you away you know some people must be very excited like me when they see a figure of themselves but you right I mean ya know the director actually sent me a very well-meaning text well of all the like the toys and stuff that they've got lined up to come out when the film comes out and he was just like congratulations you're a toy and I'm like I've bet I mean I don't want to rain on your thing I've just been a toy a lot like a Barry conceited thing to say but it's not meant that way it's just a weird reactive of all the people he could have texted I've been seeing myself as weird plastic figure let's see a clip of paper bills move here you are precious brilliant suave fun parties Foster's abandoned dog a master of disguise oh and did I mention roguishly handsome surprise Rex - never gets old word of advice in this town nothing is what it seems wait puddle my enemies have eyes and ears everywhere [Music] this was just garbage [Music] [Applause] we should also mention miracle-workers which is finish back it's coming here soon soon at some point I don't know yeah steal it on the internet don't do that it's you and Steve Buscemi yeah it is myself a steeper show me steeper Steve Buscemi plays God that's the that's the very short pitch of the series that's how I'm just you know if that doesn't get you interested they'll go away but yeah he's playing God kind of presiding over a heaven that is falling apart and chaotic and we have to any kind of like on a whim decides to end the world and then me and a bunch of other characters who are kind of very low-level angels have to convince him that the earth is worth saving and it's very just like sweet and earnest but also very dark and a lot of people die we've got a picture of you this isn't you in character this is yes so when it's over the angel they play in that show at one point we all go into the like the past lives that the Angels had when they were on earth and everyone else had very glamorous past lives except for me whose past life was that I was a guy that lived and what just watched a bog all day long and there was I spent like two hours in makeup for that and then we were on set for like five minutes it was one shot of me just eating mud that is you in a former life and that reminds us oh God in previous appearances on the show Daniel Radcliffe we've discovered this thing Daniel Radcliffe time traveller okay so here just there suffers from some of the hits this season so far okay here's Daniel I look like a lot of older women from the past also looks like some men from the past there you go can you spot him in this can you see him yeah this is one of my favorites this is him oh yeah it's like a stone Victorian lady now so anyway so after it's it's now got ridiculous we get sent these all the time next time Daniels aren't shown there some of them are good like this this does that is conceivably you trying to play him in a film what is that is quite good yes yes Venus this is quite piss-poor really that's just an onion blast looks like criteria that has this wider purses but this one this one is this I think it's maybe she's a lady gout show or something I didn't watch she is but God it looks like you [Applause] time for music this British pop star burst onto the music scene last year where their hit Finders Keepers now she's here performing her chart-topping new track don't call me up please welcome good time cuz I'm good night so call me up when you're looking down my photos it getting hot losing control you want me [Music] don't need your lights no more cause the truth stronger you don't come here tonight feeling good night of my life don't wanna talk about what else I got it either behind one drinking [Music] so help me up cuz I'm here looking from wave and I got eyes looking my way and everybody's on my ball babe don't call me up I shoulda listened to the back and now you're trying to hit me up I'm over [Music] [Music] are you going so no problem [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks to the dancers musicians Oh maybe [Applause] [Music] [Applause] proper pop star clothes well done jenos good these are made for somebody with like a lot longer legs than me uranium now yeah yeah go out after the show you need to use those boots so that is the single it's a tie now it's a hit so I hear it everywhere it's fantastic but more importantly ladies and gentlemen there's an album so this is the new album debut album it is yes yes so high expectations and when is this out it is out the 12th of July and you can pre-order it now and that's it yesterday which is so exciting it's been like two years of really hard work just figuring it out so yeah I'm so I'm so excited I'm like [Applause] amazing feeling finally it's out in the world nearly nearly oh my yeah oh the there's the song that you just made the calming up what I like about it is that it's sort of it's it's sort of pop as therapy because you you wrote it about how you wanted to feel exactly so when I wrote the song I was going through like a very specific difficult breakup I mean breakups are difficult in general yeah it kind of suck yeah and I was like I want to be over this person so I'm gonna write a song about how I'm going to feel in six months when this person is calling me and I'm like hey I just don't care anymore and it's gonna feel great and the song kind of helped me get there Wow and now he feels sick yeah [Applause] because this is a I don't I'm not sure we've had this before a pop star who is that kind of a child of a pop star a pop producer I mean you you grew up with pop I did yes my dad's a producer and my mom is an artist nearly Terry yes yeah but because of your dad like did he record with people in the house yeah there were always like people around but people always asking this and I'm like I was just a kid I was just building like I like I didn't care who was in the house did you know blah blah blah for a massive attack and the sugar-based I was like I was doing something I was painting or like I don't know I don't remember I was just a kid Percy if you're in the sugar babes going huh she was a child well done you by the way should say you are a fan mm-hmm-hmm okay I really don't want to be this person doing I'm literally the biggest Harry Potter like I said you told me how to read oh I used to dress up as you used to like camp outside the cinemas yeah it was out here for the books as well sorted into a house do you know basically I'm ravenclaw okay cool I want to be Gryffindor but I'm ravenclaw yeah yeah and also it's not depressing about this is you were both children so that's good look at my fans fully grown up is like no you're both children at the same time I guess although I am already getting to the point where like young young kids who are being like introduced to the films look at me and be like that's not him you know I just watched the first one time has ravaged with any kind of beard or stubble that it's like a goddess is all well isn't maple thank you so much for that great performance and good luck with the album hyphens when it comes out in July Mabel everybody [Applause] time to visit hello hi your eyes yes good good Katrina Katrina lovely and where you from Katrina I've got mastered sorry Ashford sorry okay good to know and what do you do in Ashford sorry I'm a housewife lovely very good off you go with the story I went into hospital for a minor op and I had an IV drip in my hand I came home after a couple of days my hands started to turn blue so everybody was stressing who I read about me so it took me up to ane and waited two hours to be seen went to be seen the nurse couldn't find anything wrong so she's called for a second opinion like another nurse came in and she just got a wet wipe and wipe my hand she went oh yes it is you got new jeans [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] the new jeans it was nice and clean nothing horrible happens very good who's up next hello hello hi what's your name Jess Jess lovely and what do you do Jess I'm a PA a PA to to someone in finance okay and when you all go back to work on Tuesday why'd you be fired after telling the story quite possible yeah okay let's go for it so I used to live with my best friend and what we had to film night one nights where we get in bed in our matching onesies and we were actually watching pitch perfect I rebel we were watching it drinking our wine and about halfway through we ran out of wine so I leant forward to pause the film on my laptop and what my friend what my friend didn't know is I don't wear any underwear under my onesie I just had nothing on underneath and what neither of us knew is I had a hole in the crotch of my onesie so I leant towards pause the film and at the same time my friend who wasn't really paying attention she went to poke me in the bump finger and the hole in my onesie and a part of me she shouldn't be touching all line [Laughter] we just sat there frozen and then we didn't talk for about a month [Applause] tell your story Akutan don't doctors live website at this very address threes a negative I guess [Applause] Jody go [Applause] join me next week with music Lewis wrestles star of stage and screen Matthew Broderick Hollywood heartthrob Zac Efron funny man Seth Rogen and Oscar winner Charlize Theron I'll see you then bringing the party right your ears
Views: 595,255
Rating: 4.8731828 out of 5
Id: 9kcnkNWZV0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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