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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] until recently we had very little information regarding one of the most mysterious and feared creations of humanity throughout the Imperium of mankind information even about ordinary matters is often muddled misrepresented or just plain mistruths for many your reality is what the Imperium tells you or more accurately what it doesn't tell you there are innumerable worlds across the galaxy that are not even aware they are part of the Imperium because they have either just been forgotten lost or were never even rediscovered by the Emperor's great Crusades within the upper levels of Imperial structure though information on specifics are closely guarded administrators the Inquisition mechanicus and various other institutions aggressively protect the knowledge of humanity from falling into the hands of those who could seek to use it against them including their own kind since the heresy paranoia doubt and fanaticism have not died down for much of the Imperium figures like the estar T's are almost mythical within the realm of a human lifespan many citizens of the Imperial never lay eyes on a space moon of the Imperium let alone a Titan so when you come to the site Titans the rarest sub creations of the gargantuan war machines of the mechanicus or mechanic's am is probably few if any humans who have laid eyes upon them and for that matter few princeps there are sightings known to have been seen pre heresy but largely the first reports of them come from around the heresy as the wars between traitor and loyalists became ever more intense as in this time the titan legions needed something that would give them a leading edge when fighting their wars which would consume entire worlds leaving only the smoldering molten remains of godlike titans punctuating a planet's surface however there were parents alongside titan legions can be something of a misdirection because they do not operate under the banner of the mechanical or the titan legions in any way in fact unusually for titans they seem to operate almost independently the emperor in his great wisdom foresaw the need for future weapons of every kind and design and in this he had begun to experiment with weapons of machinery long considered forbidden and especially when it came to the need to utilize emerging psyches it's important to remember that for much of humanity psychos were seen with fear and extreme prejudice because they had been regarded as are many things by ordinary citizens with extreme ignorant and fear in fairness they this wasn't some logical reasoning during the age of strife across many worlds psychos were consumed by their connection to the warp and entire worlds were destroyed as psyche has created a gateway for the horrors of the material to enter our real space and enslave or destroy entire planets populations so during the age of the Imperium emergent cycles were also seen as being dangerous and something to be greatly feared and they still are even in the modern Imperium most emergent cycles are rounded up and then loaded onto mysterious black ships of the adaptors Astra telepathic ax not to be confused with the more standardized black ships of the Inquisition the black ships of the telepathic ax are vessels used in transporting large numbers of untrained psyches and again very little is known about this organization and its operation but despite being barely spoken of the black ships actually form the second largest fleet in the galaxy the operation of collecting and transporting emergent psychos to terror is almost universally unknown only planetary governors and ranking administrators will need to have any involvement with it and it is again one of the dark unspoken activities carried out within the Imperium it's true scale is likely horrifying as many hundreds of thousands of psychos are continually rounded up across the Galactic Empire of the Imperium and shipped back to terror by the conversion to an imperial psycho or sacrifice for the Emperor the ships themselves are sad miserable places within the bowels of the vast sighs shielded holds untrained psyches are and ceremoniously dumped where they will remain for months if not years at a time aboard the ships as they travel around the galaxy collecting their cargo being in close proximity to so many other psyches is for most completely intolerable as their thoughts and psychic visions and experimental powers combine into one mass consciousness and for most this is an entirely unbearable experience the ships will only return to terror once their quota is fulfilled many of the psychos will be extensively traumatized and therefore only then usable as fuel for the all-consuming soul of the Emperor the psyche as they will be initially graded as they're loaded aboard the ships and so those who have more all over their abilities or perhaps more powerful will be placed alongside those similar to them and are more likely to survive the ordeal the process bears some similarity to the trials undergone by recruits for the imperial assassin program whereby its young adolescent applicants are left aboard cold dark space vessels and then engage in a form of savage Battle Royale upon arrival of their training center only those who have survived the experience will be then evaluated for training for the rogues psychos this experience is much the same where only the strongest mentor will power and control their abilities will enable them to reach terror with their sanity intact because of the challenging environment of psychic powers aboard the black ships they're not crewed by ordinary members of the Imperial Navy nor do they operate as part of it they instead crewed by only those with strictly assessed mental fortitude who will form the crew of a black ship because these crew members will be continually bombarded by the emanations of its imprisoned psyches and their feelings of despair and trauma the crew will be equipped with anti psychic weaponry so as to control the psyches aboard and recruited from only a few worlds near to terror itself the telepathic ax have tithe contracts with these worlds to ensure that they have a consistent supply of crew but little is known to the process of training these indentured workers the most senior and important members of the ship's crew are what are known as nulls or blanks they are the sisters of silence and they are members of the military wing of the adaptive Astra telepathic er and while they are technically part of this group they are similarly to the Inquisition largely autonomous and only truly answered to the emperor because they are exceptionally rare forms of human who have zero presence within the war nulls or blanks have no registered psychic presence and so they will passively disrupt a psychic phenomena around them and this also makes them completely immune to psychic or warped powers in fact their literal presence is even painful to demons and creatures which will rely heavily on psychic powers and this presence is only made worse for demon aura xenos who uses psychic ability because just being close to the null aura of a sister of science well actually as the word suggests nullify their powers making them then useless this is what makes the sisters so powerful as they can then easily slaughter psychos or creatures who for other figures far more powerful than themselves were actually struggle to defeat their foes a lot of a demons power or a demon Prince's power and so on is given by the warp it's not just latent lee in themselves because you have to remember that demons are essentially warped material psychically extended from the war so without that power they're extremely weak but the presence of a null can be troubling beyond the enemies of mankind in fact for anybody with what we would call a soul that is a faint element within them of psychic resonance the mere presence of a null or blank will evoke feelings in them of unease and even hostility that's scratchy feeling where you just cannot sit still or rest worse maybe you feel like you just want to rip your skin off and run away from the space that you're in for psychos this feeling is multiplied hundreds of times over however the effect of nulls on ordinary humans is important evidence that psychos are not the only ones with psychic presence in humanity and this is actually a very important detail which illustrates the importance of humanity to the gods of chaos it's often mistakenly assumed that psychos with very literal visible ability represent the only figures in humanity who have such powers this is not the case in fact it seems to be that actually all humans have at least some psychic resonance that's their soul and this is why humans are such valuable fuel material for the immaterial this is an important and regularly unrecognized fact when it comes to discussing chaos the warp relationship of humanity to it and why it's so pressured and focused upon by chaos but I'll get more into that in another video soon you know what I'm talking about moving on there are others within the Imperium will make use of blanks of course like the calexis assassins they are psycho hunters the Inquisition and of course the audio sinister or sinister this is always the case never 100% sure and a pronunciation I'm gonna go with audio sinister scattered fragments of record point toward the Ordo is being created somewhere around nine sixty seven of m30 the Emperor is believed to have given a supply order to the mechanic um of Mars to produce for him 25 ward class Titans but there is no recorded reason as to why this request was given but it is suspected that the nature of this was the original creation of the Ordo sinister by the beginning of the heresy there had been stated that for fortress-like crypts on terror contained divided between them twenty warlords Titans and they were believed to have been ordered to remain on terror and this is all that is known of them however it is suspected that they did not remain on terror and that they in fact played a significant role in fighting the traitors across the galaxy they are in fact what are known as Sai Titans their creation may have had a little to do with the coming heresy although the emperor was undoubtedly aware of the primordial truth and the existence of the horrors in the war we know he actively attempted to shield humanity from this knowledge instead the creation of the Ordo sinister and Sai Titans are believed to have been in response to other incidents to counter disturbing assaults from entities such as the enslaver alpha incursions the ranked and ASSA wars and hal spawned void forms these incidents claimed millions of lives and all but destroyed entire expeditionary fleets of the burgeoning Imperium most notably they even claimed heavy casualties of titans which greatly disturbed the Emperor and presumably triggered his new project to forge these site items as a counter for such potential events but in order to do so the Emperor had to keep these creations entirely restricted and all knowledge of their purpose and operations suppressed because the technology and understanding of such things had been already forbidden to all and this is likely why there was no record or reasoning given to the construction and assignment of these Titans additionally their weaponry had its origins in the Dark Age of Technology where humanity had a much more comfortable relationship in terms of the integration of psychic human powers and technology something which is largely unthinkable today but these weapons are known as Sinestro a term given to designate weapons which will artificially amplify human psychic power but potentially risk consuming a psycho themselves in the process the emperor had used such things during the unification wars with enslaved psychic ovens the ordering of these 25 Titans however was no small matter in fact it created fractures within the Macan come at the time because while many believe the emperor to be the one true on this I whose will should be obeyed and worshipped there were also those who saw him with more skepticism even the relationship between the mechanical and the Emperor to have a more political edge that is to say what were his underlying reasons for this request many in the mechanic and believed Titans to be absolutely sacred creations of their own and none other than members of the mechanical should be authorized to work upon or be honored enough to maintain them it's difficult to know just how much this event resonated throughout the mechanical especially in light of what would occur later along the line but it's entirely possible that it was this request by the Emperor which triggered a slow burning discontent within the mechanical in the belief by many in his higher political a challange to the Emperor had suppressed their bid for independence and this small crack in the relationship between the Imperial Emperor and the mechanical would slowly open up a gaping wound that would allow the insidious infection of chaos and divide the mechanic come and drag it into the Civil War of the heresy some within the coated machine labelled this event as the ablation the first notable evidence of the Emperor's secretive operations came in the resolution of a rebellious situation upon the world of scag and six the planet and its inhabitants had initially transitioned smoothly into becoming a part of the Imperium this also caused rapid growth which would lead to instability so that around by 946 of m30 a factional Civil War was exploding on the planet and this is notably a time before what is believed by Imperial scholars to be the official founding of the Ordo sinister which they put at again 967 but this is a very muddy period in terms of dates and information it could easily have already been established by this point regardless though a fleet arrived to quell this instability and this was a fairly unremarkable fleet of Sola auxiliar if they can ever be described as unremarkable except the fact that accompanying them was a Titan conveyor in its cargo a single warlord Titan colored with a deep green black fur degree its sigil a snarling lions head it bore no other markings of any known Titan ijen but it carried the markings of pavor a Dominator as well as what some believed to be its name of Polaris al-bayda Locke but the citizens just referred to it as the king of terrors as is often the case few could really comprehend what such a machine was where it originated from or what its capabilities were its presence though certainly helped to quieten those who questioned the authority the Emperor or their absorption into the Empire of the Imperium fear would be a natural emotion to fill when looking upon such a monstrous creation yet this Titan seems to not any cause fear it exude it it like a chemical stream that permeated all in his presence some felt irrationally compelled to flee from it screaming in terror but others lay prostrate in silence gripped by an all-consuming terror the titan marched through the city in unsettling silence its presence alone quelling the disquiet the loyal and the trouble were all wrought with horrifying dreams of death and destruction rebels abandoned their arms and dispersed and the rebellion had been crushed with no shots ever having been fired sigh titans are also to have been reported seeing later in an engagement of scale that was more typical of the darkest 10 millennia of mankind the forces of the bloody angels the starties and titan dgo had struggled greatly against the xenos foe of elder in what was known as the defense of hylia ret this sector in around 960 m30 had been under attack by the elder corps says with extreme aggression and many planets falling to them the bloody angels even included their Primark in the defensive response to the engagement yet they still struggled against the xenos the elder wielded many of their own Titans including a greatly feared warlock Titan known as the witch idol which has been documented as having been encountered multiple times already but so far the Imperium had failed at every attempt to repel these monstrosities it was only when the site Titans were deployed that the Elder Force seemed to hesitate and give pause to consider what it was they were facing here the SCI Titans unleashed volleys of rockets and turbo laser blasts as would any standard warlord yet from their left arm was situated before unseen weaponry which poor for a near invisible dark stream unlike almost all Titanic weaponry it was also disturbingly silent onlookers were stunned with confusion and it malfunctioned had such a god engine's weapon failed them at the most critical of times the answer was soon revealed as the shadowy blasts from the Titan cut clean through the elder race the blank stream of power devoured all that it touched and the shock wave from the impact upon its main target cut down many more xenos constructs which simply fell to the floor as if pulled down by extreme force of gravity where they remained they were quite simply dead from what appeared to be an ambient wave of power that came from the titans side weapon the other Titans reacted quickly to such an outrage they had not seen a force such as this before from the monkey and the death of so many wraiths would have given them extreme outrage and grief had they not been already heavily suppressing their motions as do all elder in battle their counter action only caused a much more powerful return from the site items which flawed yet more of the elder and even a star teased to the ground not dead but hit by powerful shockwaves that they were unable to quantify both dizziness and mortal humans clashed in a struggle of titanic imperial forces that had never been seen before or documented by the Imperium the battle was so intense and on a level far beyond anything that standard forces could have any meaningful impact upon that even the prime Ark of the bloody angels withdrew from the fight and brought his Marines with him they left the xenos and imperial gods of war to resolve a conflict now fought an entirely other level of power it was proven to be a wise choice on the part of sanguinis as the titans would battle on for hours the scale and power of the forces they threw against one another were like nothing any of the starties had witnessed before the zenith titans slashing against the Imperials metre thick ceramide which created opened / gaping wounds that would then miraculously reform it was a psychic battle of attrition but eventually cracks were begin to emerge for the opposition to exploit one of the warlord Sai Titans fell when a Zenith blade impaled its reactor core but despite this terrible loss nimble ghosts like Titan race of the Elder was slowly crumbling against the appalling darkness being deployed by the sy Titans finally when only the witch idol Titan of the xenos remained its attempts to outmaneuver the slower Imperial machines were in vain as they suppress it and the heavy shockwaves of psychic power one of the side Titans grabbed and secured the elder titan by the shoulder as another sigh moved in took hold of its headpiece and simply tore it from its body leaving the rest to fall to the floor like a broken toy doll this final act of slaughter seemed to blind to the remnants the elder forces into launching an all-out suicidal assault yet they were met only with the fury of the bloody angels and sisters of science who cut them down in short order before the battle was even over the dark Titans had already withdrawn from battle their mission complete and they dragged their fallen titan in tow the remnants of the associated Xena's craft world was subsequently dragged into the systems Sun to be permanently obliterated the account of this engagement is largely attributed to the bloody angels documentation and is one of the most complete records of SCI Titan engagements outside the campaign's of shadow and iron that we also saw the inclusion of SCI Titans encountering the heretical traitor Titans of Legion furnace and/or Dax other accounts have less credibility or detail and can be regarded with a solid amount of caution as to their authenticity the one clear feature though was that site Titans were rarely deployed to beyond the realm of terror and when they were it was not by the request of any present commander nor were they deployed in great numbers or for lengthy engagements they would appear complete whatever involvement had been ordered to almost felt necessary and then they would retreat and disappear again the explanations for this are speculative at best was this as much involvement as had been intended for the SCI Titans as a surgical strike force to dissipate difficult engagements or were these a trial period for a force that had been planned in actuality to be far larger than it ultimately ended up being by the time the heresy consumed the galaxy it's possible the development of the order was stalled representative of the order was brought before the Council of terror but at the orders of the Emperor who during this time had self sequestered him self was only authorized to explain that the order sinister would remain as terrors last line of defense it was clarified that they would only operate under command of the emperor himself and his further exacting orders that had already been laid out to them they occupied for fortress crypts on Terra with extensive defenses staff menials and technarch assists its chamber contained five modified warlord titans designated as Sai Titans and these had been rebuilt to the Emperor's own design around a psychic amplification matrix known as Asura crux anima and this stood in place of a standard Titans mind impulse unit unlike a standard Titan Sai Titans were crewed by psychos yet crew is perhaps a fairly inaccurate description the psyches of a Sai Titan are surgically locked into the machine itself these psyches are believed to have been placed within these Titans either as punishment for crimes against the Imperium or at their own behest to allow them to become part of something more and help alleviate their own personal torment by the way they exist as psychic slaves to the will of the commander known as the preceptor Intendant this figure was master of the psychic god machine and held direct control over the entombed psychos who were now little more than biomechanical power sources as to their relative state of consciousness this can only be speculated upon these psychic powers and spirit will be focused by the surra crux anima and are controlled by a techno arcane interface that is nothing like the standard mi u of other Titans its subsidiary systems within the site in a slave doubt two sub automata smaller and main machine spirits which we can probably read us slightly more advanced AI than is usually used but at the center of all this is the perceptor Intendant who sits within the blank size shielded headpiece of the Titan however this shielding was apparently not enough and so the commander to the Titan is also a null or blank these individuals are likely one of the rarest of the rare within the Imperium being both a blank and also capable of commanding a Titan it's possible these highly specific criteria or why the numbers of sight items are so low although again who knows really what the Emperor had and another unknown is the rate at which the psyche is held within the machines are consumed by the process of utilizing their psychic energy this is never been clarified but it seems logical the dependent on the psyches own personal power and the extent of an engagement would all be varying contributing factors in answering this question but simply it's probably just not something that exists as a predefined parameter SCI Titans employ as we have explored numerous offensive weapons but some are more passive than others as was demonstrated at skykans six but it's unknown exactly how the Titans were able to seemingly repair themselves when they were engaged by the elder Titans however due to the nature of psychic powers and the warp and the fact that we know that the warp can represent time events out of line or out of sync it's possible that slight Titans are able to harness this unconstrained temporal power and use it to essentially restore localized areas of themselves before damage was inflicted upon them if you can wrap your head around that I guess again to put it simply they're really reversing the time process of damage upon them it can also be used offensively and what has been documented is one of the most powerful weapons of the Sai Titan through the surra crux anima the preceptor will focus the power of the psyches into a unique weapon known as the Sinestro Manas Tenebrae or its layman name of the Sai cannon a mysterious piece of tech with some of its design likely again originating from deep in the dark age of Technology the rest perhaps being of the Emperor's own ingenuity it's basically a cannibalized warp engine merged with more conventional projectile energy weapons and the result is that it uses the power of its bound psyches to channel a warped breach much like a ship's warp engine would do or a vortex weapon essentially it's taking the power of a starships warp engine to open a portal to the warp and then turning that into a focused projectile weapon you might begin to see how this would create a weapon of truly nightmarish insanity the bolt fired by it is a piece of pure darkness that will pass through whatever it touches and absorb all light until it comes into contact with more dense physical matter causing it to then debt Nate and essentially open a portal to the warp at which point it will consume and shred anything in that space into the immaterial molecule by molecule opening a portal to the warp seems like it would be an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do but thankfully somehow the breach created by the weapon will then self seal shortly after it's likely this was the weapon used against the elder release and that this seemingly ambient shockwaves that knocked down dead any in its vicinity is due to acting like an immense psychic gravity well in any of the souls in its nearby area were dragged from the bodies of those into the darkness leaving their bodies left as dead empty husks standard vortex weapons are scary enough but they're usually very limited in quantity but a sighting can theoretically fight weapon multiple times in relatively short succession simply as long as it's like a power source can sustain it as powerful and intimidating as SCI Titans are non Imperial versions are believed to have existed prior to the creation of those by the emperor in fact it is believed that the mechanical themselves also had already experimented with the concept as fragments exist describing things that could be considered SCI Titans even plea unification but what became of those machines or their sub cult mechanicus factions is unknown but Sai Titans also existed for the elder who used psychos in almost everything they do offensively but also the lesser spoken of races of the freyal and vac sonic all of which were capable of rivaling Imperial site items in both scale and power as many the warlord Sai Titan is an entity which should not exist at all only the Emperor would ever have the authority to create such a machine a God of War blended with weaponized humans psychos crewed by a soulless commander fear being its greatest weapon it devours hope joy and life and to any of those unfortunate enough to be in its presence it will gift to them only despair it is not a creation that those which had protect could eagerly cheer for its power so incomprehensible it often must fight alone capable of engaging enemy with a weapon of pure darkness that will consume them at a molecular level and for those close to the horror have their literal souls torn from their body the choice to create such machines as SCI Titans speaks to how we may choose to further perceive and speculate upon the Emperor and his greater intentions for Humanity because as he himself is known to have stated there are monsters and then there are the monsters we make to fight them both are the same the difference is simply a choice of how we see ourselves [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 764,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition, Titans, Titanicus, Shadow and Iron, Psyker, Psi Cannon, Sisters of Silence
Id: KzRym1OF7b4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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