Facing the Swarm: Breaking Down a Tyranid Invasion | Warhammer 40k Lore

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the Galaxy of Warhammer 40K is one of constant Warfare factions battle it out for Supremacy Dogma or simply just for the hell of it but a new threat has emerged from the depths of Intergalactic space that has almost everyone worried the tyranids are xenos species not from the Milky Way they've drifted through the Blackness of dark space in search of prey in our galaxy they find plenty of it tyranids are insectoid in appearance and can take on many forms but all are bio-engineered killing machines created to be the apex predator on any Battlefield as far as anyone can tell the tyranids only have one goal consume but what happens when the tyranids set their sights on a planet how does the process of harvesting begin and what is the fate of the world and its inhabitants brace yourself for a worst case scenario as we delve into the chilling details of a tyranid Invasion welcome back to starhammer tyranid invasions are not halfhazard but rather a meticulously structured process the high fleets refined to Perfection utilize every resource to further their own Evolution each stage of the invasion brings new Horrors to the doomed world and within a matter of days the tyranids will have transformed the planet into a lifeless husk a drift in the cosmos the first stage of aate invasion is reconnaissance here the high Fleet begins its analysis of a world subtly infecting native life forms the majority of Tyran units active at this time excel at concealment and and operate independently licors Gene Steelers a few others use their abilities to gather intelligence for their Fleet tyranid presence is pretty minimal at this point with only a few units on a world that will prioritize their own self-preservation more than other tyranid bioforms most tyranids aren't able to function separate from the hive mind but these recon units are granted such independence that they can efficiently propagate and ensure an effective and Swift Invasion Vanguard drone ships are responsible for getting these creatures where they need to go small and fast these ships will descend upon a Target World to drop off these scat Forest before leaving just as quickly as they appeared most Vanguard ships are never detected due to their low propulsion SL psychic signatures and their small size when one is detected it is automatically made the highest priority Target of forces in that system as destroying one can significantly delay a tyranid Invasion but what do one of these ships deposit well let's talk about those creatures I mentioned earlier liors are master of stealth using their feeder tendrils they will immediately begin analyzing the atmosphere and mineral composition of the planet and eventually move on to analyzing organic life as well consuming sapiens and Wildlife to absorb their memories and understand more about the creatures and the life of the world all this data is relay back to the hive mind once a fleet comes within synaptic range of the planet this allows the fleet to prepare accordingly if elor is slain before this can be done The Invasion can be stalled as now the high Fleet doesn't know how to optimize its bioforms for the Target Planet Gene Steelers are the next and more dangerous Recon unit Gene Steelers are crucial in The Invasion process as they're the ones that begin to infect local plant and Wildlife with tyranid genetic material eventually this creates hybrid creatures that will come under the direct purview of a brood Lord or other commanding monster the really freaky thing about genan Steelers is they don't need to be dropped off by a drone ship to begin their machinations these things are so pervasive that they've been found in cargo holds on random warp capable vessels and an abandoned space hulks even waiting for just the right moment to be begin their operations once a significant portion of the Nao life forms have been assimilated these recon units will emit a a psychic call that summons their High Fleet and The Invasion can now truly begin as a high Fleet enters a system the shadow of the warp Heralds its arrival this ominous ability of the hive mind disrupts the warp within several Lighty years of the high Fleet vessels and is particularly potent to Pyers nobody knows if this is a manufactured phenomenon or just a natural byproduct of the sort of psychic influence that tyranids have on the warp but regardless this psychic White Noise prevents any and all warp abilities from being utilized within its radius even void ships aren't immune from its effects as they're often unable to enter or exit the warp as a high Fleet approaches now if a psycher attempts to reach out into the emerium they're suddenly assaulted by the fractured voices of billions of alien thoughts only the strongest of psychers have been able to withstand this vicious assault while the rest are instantly plunged into Insanity just imagine a whole world or system going totally solid nobody has any way of knowing what's coming for them nobody can flee and nobody knows what to do next as the high Fleet comes within range of the target the fleet begins to rain down mytic spores onto the planet and these spores begin changing the composition of the oceans plants and everything else on a molecular level into forms the tyranids can more readily consume and benefit from other spores come down burying creatures like gargoyles and gauns or even bigger organism like a milock or Trigon those larger ones will produce more spores as they burrow which will eventually result in capillary Powers we'll get to those in a bit at this point the recon units we mentioned earlier will reveal themselves the gene Steelers and their hybrid minions begin targeting those coordinating defenses and critical infrastructure as it stands right now not all hope is lost the inhabitants of the planet can still mount a significant defense blasting spores out of the sky protecting Communications and command centers even targeting The Hive ship itself are all valid methods of protecting the plant sometimes a defense effort might be so well coordinated and the tyranid expeditionary Force takes such substantial losses that the hive M might deem a world a detriment to try and harvest on such rare occasions the tyranids will Retreat and find a new world to consume but all too often the gene Steelers and recon units have done too well of a jobs s chaos and Discord Among The Defenders ranks defenses are fractured and ineffective in the next stage of the invasion Begins the might of the tyranids is then laid to Bear gauns gargoyles carnifexes bio tians all Rampage across the planet in great hordes that create battlefronts that are miles across behind the tyranid line capillary Towers erupt from the surface the tendrils absorb the minerals and biology of the world beneath and around them from the atmosphere to the oceans these towers use the biomass accumulated by The Horde to spawn new bioforms to Aid in the assault gaunt hordes in the hundreds Scurry across the ramp parts and gargoyle flocks are so thick and numerous that they block out the sun while hofan and dominatrix Rampage through the Defenders trigons bury under fortifi positions only to burst from the ground behind the Defenders as other bioforms flood out of its newly dug tunnel once the position is conquer the tyrants move on leaving behind mountains of dead their own and the enemies these corpses are left behind so that the second wave along with capillary Towers can absorb SL reabsorb the biomass to continue the effort in orbit the massive Hive ship organisms send down millions of small Ripper swarms they get to work on devouring every piece of organic matter that they can find when they've had their fill they hurl themselves into digestive tools created by the capillary Towers so that their gluttony can Fu the Swarm further at this point the planet is considered lost the only effective form of action to be taken would be exterminatus but there is a bit of a silver lining it's quite possible that the hive ship has expended a majority of its resources by this point leaving them vulnerable to attack and destroying those organisms in orbit might delay The Wider Fleet further resources as tyranids conduct cleanup operations against the last vestages of futile defense The Hive ships in orbit begin to descend into the upper atmosphere to meet the tendrils of the enormous capillary towers and start the process of biomatter transference as the towers pump the biomass up into the ships the remaining tyranid forces on the planet will throw themselves into the digestive pools of the towers so that they can be repurposed and recycled into new tyranid organisms every memory genetic pattern and everything that would have remained is totally consumed once that's done the capillary Towers begin consuming the water on the planet and at last the atmosphere and then the towers themselves All That Remains is a lifeless Barren Rock drifting through space with nothing remaining of its previous life and so the tyranids move on throughout the Galaxy their ceaseless hunger annihilates it consumes world after World unless the Galaxy sentient races can figure out a way to stop their Advance the tyranids will be the Galaxy's end as we know it that's all for this one folks tyranids are one of the scarier factions in the 4K universe and they also have some of the coolest models on tabletop so I figured I'd put them in the spotlight for a bit remember to drop a like if you like it subscribe if you really like it and check my community tab to keep up with my latest videos and shenanigans we see you on the next one toodles
Channel: StarHammer
Views: 111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tyranids, tyranids40k, tyranidswarhammer, warhammertyranids, nornemissary, gamesworkshop, hivetyrant, warhammer, warhammer40k, warhammer40000, tabletopgaming, wargaming, warhammerxenos, xenos, alieninvasion
Id: CwfFU5Snggk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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