The Black Pariah EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal most of us know pariahs blanks Untouchables a one in a billion human born with the natural ability to negate the powers of psychers and even demons famous examples include the sisters of Silence the calexis Assassins as well as pretty much every Inquisitor with half a brain cell using them in their retinue since they are thrown at the greatest Horrors in the entire galaxy they have to be pretty tough and I would say with how terrifying the sisters and the collectors are they definitely fit the bill but a one in a billion in a billion Pariah can be born a black Pariah a human being born of Pure Evil knowing only hatred and violence since birth there has only ever been one in existence and it was considered to be one of the only things in the Galaxy that could kill the emperor of mankind unfortunately for the emperor erebis got his hands on it before he gets started wireless earbuds are where it's at whether a beef when you're working out walking around your home without needing to be holding your phone or just not to look like a weirdo that still uses wired if phones the only real issue is that they can be so bloody expensive however cheers to today's sponsor raycon you can get the style quality and convenience of the best earbuds on the market without having to remortgage your home or you know sell your kidney wireless earbuds are seriously one of those things you don't realize you need till you have them then you wonder how you survive without Great Sound up to 32 hours of battery life noise isolation gel tips so they fit perfectly and so comfortable that you'll forget they're even in the first place as someone that absolutely devours Warhammer audio books because you know it's my job being able to do that now as I walk my dogs or travel in Ubers or airplanes has been a game changer previously I would hold my phone to my ear like an idiot and have to stop every like five minutes because the blood would leave my arm so to pick up your very own set of earbuds for up to 15 off then use my link in the description below cheers the raycon for sponsoring this video today I'll go over the lore of the only black Pariah who ever lived the chaos assassin called spear we'll go over his origin how he came to be what abilities he had and what happened when Erebus gave him the sole directive of assassinating the emperor oh let's get into it the black Pariah didn't just come out of the womb as this demonic Mega assassin with the power to kill the emperor sure he was different and Powerful from the get-go but it's what happened to him after that made him such an overpowered monster born just before the Horus heresy the black Pariah was found by the calexis assassins and was noted for his unique gift which I'll get to in a second they experimented further on him unlocking his innate potential which was the ability to drain the power and life force of someone else usually a psycha and then come blasted back into them destroying them completely usually the collectors need to use a device called the Animus speculum to even come close to what a black Pariah could do with his own natural power however the black Pariah was evil as [ __ ] after all he did kill his parents as a child and while his powers were cool the collectors were able to do the same thing with a helmet so it wasn't like a must-have or anything hence they did what any reasonable person would do put the black Pariah on a ship that was directed towards the sun nice unfortunately Erebus had been furiously masturbating to forbidden slaneshi hentai at the time which somehow resulted in him uncovering the importance and location of the ship heading to the Sun how did Kaus find out about a random ship with a high value Pariah that also had sisters of Silence guarding it unclear and unimportant Erebus found the black Pariah who in its fear was able to kill a wordbearer with its power this got the first chaplain's attention and he bound the black Pariah called spear to his will Erebus wasn't just satisfied with some [ __ ] who could come blast psychos though spear had zero chance of killing the emperor in this current state so Arab is somehow removed Spears blankness and then shoved a demon inside him creating a near-perfect combination of man and Demon how did he do this unclear but removing the blankness from a pariah has been done before in the law so it's not impossible once the blankness was removed he then summoned a minor yet powerful demon from the warp to infuse spear turning him into this Mega raid boss dude this combination of man and Demon enhanced Spears black Pariah powers greatly meaning now as long as he had tasted the blood of someone he could easily consume their Essence while simultaneously blowing them to ashes he also gained numerous other powers such as extreme strength speed durability regeneration the ability to change his form to not only become more combat effective I.E gross spikes and mouths and [ __ ] but also to shape-shift into people he had killed or at least taken a bite out of he could take this power further eating their soul and then genuinely merging with them allowing the person he just ate to take control and live out their life while spear lived within them this sounds kind of stupid Until you realize that because it's such an advanced mimic any machine will detect them as the person they're pretending to be and even psychers won't be able to tell reading their minds will just show the thoughts of the host hell even the host doesn't know they're being possessed it's perfect for remaining completely undetectable and then striking at the perfect time spear has a subtle degree of control over the host when the host is in command able to slowly nudge them this way and that however there was a fatal flaw all this intimate way to morph into someone that spear would learn about the hard way the only downside to Spears merging with the demon was that he was now vulnerable to anti-demon weapons such as normal prias psychers and anti-warp weaponry he had lost his own blankness but that was a small price to pay now as a super assassin semi-demon spear was ready to party Erebus gave him the sole directive of killing the Emperor of mankind however spear would need to taste the emperor's blood before he would have a chance if he just walked up to the emperor the biggie would delete him with a side thought but if spear had tasted the emperor's blood and formed that connection then there was a genuine chance that he could absorb the emperor's power and use it against him to get the emperor's blood spear had an idea every Rogue Trader's warrant of trade which was a document given by the emperor that basically says they can do whatever they want and a free from the majority of Imperial laws has a drop of the Big East blood on it to symbolize the deal spear needed to get one of those warrants eat the page with the blood on it and then he would be ready however warrants of trade are highly defended and accessing a rogue Traders ship and invite him is a hell of a task so spear went to a planet and begun murdering people consuming their memories and knowledge to fit into society the idea was that if you could murder enough people important to the local Rogue Trader called the void Baron then the baron would be forced to come fix the issue himself which would put his warrant within Spears grass spear would go on to kill a talented detective who had an extremely strong moral compass spear decided that this detective would be the guys he would use for the void Baron's arrival hence he merged the detective soul with his own using him as his super host the detective was investigating Spears murders not realizing that he himself was now spear if that makes sense the void Baron sends two agents a talented operative and a psycher to investigate spear quickly kills the psycho due to a threat level and then kills and consumes The Talented operative in order to take his identity hence giving him access to the void Baron spear then frames the detective he was impersonating for the inverters and leaves that World Behind as a part of that framing spear attempted to expunge the detective soul from his body he hated the detective soul for how willful and morally good it was the opposite of Spear's black Twisted demonic Soul keyword is attempted to expunge more on that later on board the Rogue Trader ship spear did some Mission Impossible [ __ ] to get access to the warrant only to freak the [ __ ] out when he realized that the warrant wasn't actually on board the ship he was [ __ ] furious all this effort to end up back at square one however spear was a resourceful and intelligent creature and was able to manipulate the void Baron into giving up the location of the real warrant located on a local world that was currently enduring a civil war between those loyal to the emperor and those loyal to Horus the war Master this all took place during the Horus heresy hence why it was so hectic spear went to the planet with a warrant on it to try find it but unbeknownst to him a team of six elite assassins from the official assassinorum one from each of the main clades were also active on the planet with their own mission to try kill Horus coincidentally speed had been Unleashed against the emperor at the same time that the Assassins of the Imperium were Unleashed against Horus the best part is that spear was totally unaware of the Assassin's presence and they were unaware of his he locates the warrant which was about to be shipped off world to safety and using the guise of the operative starts to manipulate the people holding it into giving it to him however the collectsis one of the six from the execution force was also there at the time and was like hold on [ __ ] you smell like pure evil and then she [ __ ] blasts him spear is like [ __ ] me calabunga it is then and unleashes his power shooting out tentacles and spikes and teeth and [ __ ] and killing everyone around him despite a good effort the calexis Pariah is no match for the enhanced black Pariah and after a short struggle spear is able to consume the calexis's essence and Destroyer she dies screaming the venen another member of the execution Force gets badly wounded but is able to flee in order to warn the rest of the squad Squad it's too late though spear gets the warrant and finally consumes the page with the emperor's blood giving him a direct link to the emperor's soul and potentially a method of Killing Him spear begins attempting to get off world or signal Erebus for extraction however the Civil War complicates things just the spear is preparing his ritual to contact Erebus the remainders of the execution Force which is a vindikari akaladus and a Venice or for those of you that aren't Mega virgins a sniper a shapeshifter and a super nerd arrived to fight spear with the venen dying of her wounds the eversour who was also part of the squad had previously died like a giga Chad Leroy Jenkins charging a group of Space Marines after a protracted fight in which spear was shot stabbed hit with an anti-warp grenade and just all-round had a bad time he managed to kill the vanish and then finally beat and killed the caledus by impaling her then ripping off her face before eating it dude was brutal as [ __ ] and may or may not have had a hard-on for Mortal Kombat just the spear bus then his moment of Triumph finally free of distress directions and enemies also he thought the vindicarre shot him in the head with a scatter shot bullet from his sniper as the bullet penetrated Spear's skull it exploded into thousands of fragments completely and utterly annihilating his brain and killing him but he survived as the vindicara went over to confirm the kill the demon within spear reanimated him however the death-like experience had broken Spear's control over both the detective Soul within him as well as the demon hence the detective was able to distract Spear and temporarily hold him in place begging the vindicarre to kill him the Assassin complied shooting spear with incendiary round after incendiary round until the black Pariah the key to killing the emperor was totally and utterly annihilated the demon within him being banished back to the warp as the Mortal aspect was killed the killing of spear also freed the many souls he had consumed Spear's greatest weakness the thing that actually killed him was a humble dead detective with the strength will and honor to fight back even in death this does leave a question unanswered though could spear have genuinely killed the emperor whose mission was far from done as he still needed a way to get into the soul system get into the Imperial Palace get past all the custodies and then get into the presence of the emperor before then beating the emperor this is a massive stretch considering the issue spear was having during his entire Mission while the law doesn't make it entirely clear Erebus and spear were confident he could kill the Big E whilst others were very doubtful that Speer could even harm him in the slightest I don't think he could have killed the emperor to be honest the biggies just too girthy however it is also said that the fight they would have had would have caused the massive psychic blowback which would have done a lot of damage to Terror likely knocking the astronomicon out for a time and even seriously ruining the emperor so regardless of spear could or could not kill the emperor the effects would have been extremely devastating for the Loyalists hence ends the tale of the first and only ever black Pariah if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a magical plushie we only need to sell 30 more hit our Target and each purchase comes with a custom video message from me upon request you can ask me to say it or comment on whatever hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more black content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 290,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: LtLMwyu4rfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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