Games Workshop Blames Warhammer 40K Backlash on Henry Cavill + Woke Amazon DEMANDS Pro-Female Agenda

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what's up everyone it's emion and The Saga surrounding Warhammer 40K is now reaching New Heights and we've now entered the part of the controversy where goalposts are being shifted in order to fit new agendas while they hope you don't notice from one website seeing Warhammer is sexist towards women a former writer of white dwarf attempting to double down but only making things worse and how Henry caval might be responsible for this mess to begin with and then at the end I want to look at another victim of swed baby and show that what's happening to Warhammer is what's happening to other companies and what the real human CA behind all of this ends up becoming firstly let's look at games radar with their article titled how to stop a teenage girl from playing Warhammer this article comes from writer Abigail Shannon who attempts to claim that her personal experience with Warhammer proves that the hobby is tied to misogyny and sexism she starts off her article saying playing video games has always been a struggle as a woman so the victim mindset is already in full swing from the get-go she explains how she would have to turn off her microphone when playing online games to hide that she was a girl and this somehow was one of the original sins of gaming that a woman could not speak during a multiplayer game yet in all of my experiences of playing video games I would hear people of all backgrounds and genders speak when I gamed and nobody cared sure once in a while you'd hear some desperate mouth breather say something along the lines of oh my God it's a girl playing a video game but you can just mute those particular people and then just continue on your way the majority of people don't care and in most online spaces people are going to Care far more about your ability to play an online game and actually win matches than worry themselves on What's between your legs but like I said from the get-go we got the victim mindset she then tries to paint Warhammer 40K tabletop games stripping her and other women like her of their usual anonymity because they have to be present while playing it which means their face and physical self are there as well while they play which again yes that is true but she Paints the concept of Warhammer 40K as being this prison of sorts that she has to put herself into in order to enjoy the tabletop version but the reality is that if you just buy the tabletop game and play with people you know in your own space like your house or room then what's the issue sure maybe your very first game of Warhammer that you may introduce yourself into was within a store is a little nerve-wracking but the likelihood is that anyone else engaging with that entrylevel game is just like you a newbie and there's nothing wrong with that and what I hate about articles like these is they paint the picture that an entire fandom is somehow sexist based on the experiences of this one person who wrote an article and for all we know she could be lying and none of this actually happened but we have to just take her word for it regardless I doubt most people immediately start playing the full-blown Warhammer 40K tabletop game right away since obviously most people will take their time to paint their Miniatures and such before that even happens so already just mere paragraphs into this article and games Radar's journalist here is trying to say that gaming and hobby spaces in general are toxic towards women which I don't doubt is real to some extent she says when she first visited a Warhammer shop when she was 15 the people working there were cold and misogynistic and she felt insulted that her lack of knowledge on Warhammer was intact instead of being fostered but she also proves in her own article that instead of combating this guy's moronic statements she walked away insulted instead and then she never visited a Warhammer store until 2023 where she said she took on the role of the uninterested girlfriend while secretly listening and absorbing information while hiding behind her boyfriend who was talking to the shop clerk if you ask me this entire article just sounds like this Abigail Shannon person is afraid of Confrontation and scurries away at any sign of push back which makes it equally ironic that of all the jobs she would pursue she chose a video games journalist of all things the point here is that a lot of these articles are popping up all over the internet from all kinds of websites and they are all attempting to paint the fan base at large as this sexist group of terrible individuals who are not open to the Hobby allowing new new people when in truth this is anything but as Abigail shanon here attempts to claim that Warhammer has kind of always been a male club and male Centric which yes it kind of has been because that's how marketing your products work this would be like me a straight man walking into Sephora while knowing nothing about makeup and the women who work there are like do you even know what you're looking for and then I just get insulted and I run away crying because they insulted me instead you just ask people questions like a normal person and then you get answers in return any journalist would know this and if any friction stops you from entering something you're probably just not a right fit for those places and this then opens up that whole other conversation of why gatekeeping is kind of important Within These spaces to begin with because of course we have the female custodes nonsense happening in Games Workshop in general working to make their environment more inclusive but the truth is that the reason why Warhammer fans and General are so headstrong and against changes is not because they're sexist bigots but simply because they've seen already what happens when you let people into these spaces that clearly aren't there for the right reasons what a lot of people like this Abigail and others is they want the environment and community of various franchises to change in order to fit their ideals which goes directly against the concept of entering a fandom to begin with users like this person unironic Ally called lord of change who said Warhammer should not be about war at all but instead in their own words romance should be the center of every 40K novel they're so boring otherwise ah yes the franchise Warhammer which has war in its name should instead become love Hammer because they don't fit the Lord of changes ideals to which another user then replied human relations overall honestly the uncaring killing machines get boring really fast otherwise these two people here clearly are wanting to enter Warhammer not to engage with and enjoy the community but instead they want it to change to fit their ideals like Abigail Shannon these are not the sort of fans you want in these spaces not CU of their gender or anything but simply because they truly believe everything should be changed to fit what they like which makes no sense and proves why gatekeeping has been pushed so heavily since the whole female custodia situation cuz it's clear like any other franchise ruined before it the activists are eyeing Warhammer next and they're hoping that over years they can alter and destroy the legacy of what that series meant to so many which is the Perpetual Drive of war and destruction and replace it with romance in identity politics instead which makes you of course then ask the question why bother attempting to join something like Warhammer if by definition you dislike everything it's about anyways the answer is of course simply because every other franchise has largely bent the knee to what these activist minded individuals want already so if Star Wars Marvel and so many others can do it then why can't Warhammer and I find it disingenuous and downright disrespectful to want to alter the entire identity of a franchise the moment you enter it in a lot of ways think of Warhammer or any other franchise like its own country with their own principles rules and so on you can let the new players in but once they enter the country they suddenly want to change everything about the country into where they came from which ultimately just brings the same issues they were likely running from the new place they came to creating a Perpetual cycle of nonsense instead of respecting the society and rules of Warhammer or country the activists are uninterested and Care little about it and want it to change instead that just feels wrong to me and downright disingenuous and when articles like these ones are made they do nothing but push the idea that gatekeeping must be abolished simply because little old Abigail of Games Radar here can't handle confrontation in a store where someone who's paid to help her gave her a little attitude my answer to all of this is that you actually have to gatekeep even harder especially now don't allow just anyone to enter your spaces if they are coming in with the idea that everything must be changed to fit their moronic ideals it's the hell divers 2 give us an lgbtq plus rainbow Cape situation but on a whole much larger scale what Warhammer should be doing is keeping themselves apolitical like hell divers has done as well I've obviously done videos in the past about hell divers and how users have attempted to strong arm Arrowhead Studios into implementing real world symbolism into that game and smart F Arrowhead has said no to every request there won't be any rainbow flag capes no make America great again armor or any other real world symbol because if they did that and caved in then hell divers too would be facing the same backlash Warhammer is right now with female custodes and these activist morons because like always it's the classic give an inch take aile mindset you give them female custodes now but what's next now that they know that you're willing to bend the knee they're going to keep pressing until every joint in your body has bent Every Which Way in order to appease them mark my words dear viewer female Space Marines will happen eventually even though Space Marines are very much lorewise similar to witchers and only men can become these things but when you let in a bunch of activists who want love and Cuddles in a franchise called Warhammer you get what you deserve ultimately and we're already seeing the changes happen I mean just look at the Wikipedia pages of Warhammer right now prior to all of this if you looked up adeptus custodians on Warhammer wiki it would say this these men are my bodyguards their lives forfeit to the guarantee of my physical safety of their loyalty to me there shall be no question nor doubt I am and I alone shall have the authority to stand in judgment over them no other Commander shall they have in battle nor in service None Shall bar them from me and None Shall hamper or stall their mission so it is decreed as said by the Emperor of mankind during the age of strife well that's not what it says anymore if you look at it now these men have been changed to these Warriors because of course since female custodes apparently exist that means the Emperor of mankind has to now refer to his custodian in a gender neutral term like Warriors now the changes don't stop there either looking further down it says here the custodians is an elite cadr of genetically engineered transhuman male and female warriors so there it is the lore is now changed the goal post moved and the inches have started to become miles in mere days that are taken you see what happens when you don't gatekeep your hobbies fellas they get taken over by people who have no respect for the franchise in particular to begin with they won't stop until the Emperor of mankind is a woman or nonbinary and I guarantee you characters that were male in the lore will become women of diversity as well in the Amazon Prime show of course that story about the changes being done thanks to Amazon or starting to hit other websites like that Park Place with theirs titled rumor Games Workshop introduced female adeptus custodes for Amazon's upcoming Warhammer 40K series with Henry caval and of course like I previously reported these changes are allegedly only being done in order to appease Amazon when it comes to their contractual agreement with Games Workshop apparently some more stuff got onar and there's some victim blaming behind the scenes from that 4chan post that started the rumor apparently Henry caval jumped the gun on the announcement of Warhammer at Amazon and this scared game's Workshop because the deal was nowhere near being finalized but caval was parading around as if the ink was already dry and the choices were already made according to that same leaker they said nothing was Inked when caval announced it and it sent everyone at Games Workshop into a panic shareholders put an immediate stop to any work until the contract was hammered out and the negotiations were brutal if it could impact profits on the minis Games Workshop didn't want to touch it which is why this custodis thing was a dumpster fire people who should have known about it didn't and success or not people are going to be let go and when I was on flash cast this weekend flash had Arch on the live stream too so I got to ask him some questions about Warhammer and he echoed the same story as well that the deal was not finalized before Henry caval said what he did on the series existing and all of that so what some are gathering from this rumor leak is that Henry caval is to some extent a blame for the existence of female custodes and the very poor deal Games Workshop has signed on to when it came to their franchise being turned into what it is going to become on Amazon because of that bad deal Games Workshop has allegedly much much less power in what exactly happens with the liveaction series which is why Amazon was able to get the existence of female custodies to be retconed and implemented into the lore prior to signing the deal but apparently it goes beyond this too as there was some more stuff leaked from the same Source again take it as rumor but it's getting spoken about everywhere anyway the leaker then said that the reason why female custodes exist in the first place goes beyond the fact that Amazon wanted more represent presentation and actually Amazon's higher-ups when reviewing the source material didn't like the concept of the sisters of Silence because they don't speak I mean it's in their name after all and of course in the eyes of progressive companies making media to boost their ESG score the concept goes against their tenants so you want them to adapt a group of women who don't speak that's sexist apparently and very problematic but beyond that Amazon apparently also doesn't like the sisters of battle either because they are in Amazon's own words too religious and of course in the ever growing push for wokeness in every regard religion especially that of Christianity or Catholic faith is seen as problematic in the eyes of many creatives across the globe when it comes to Media being made so essentially based on what I'm seeing here Amazon hated every female option they had available to them in terms of being lore accurate to what Warhammer 40K is they would either get a group of Silent Women or women who are Pro religion which are Sac religious in their eyes and you already know some games journalists are blue-haired armpit woman with five personality disorders would watch that potential Warhammer liveaction series and see that the women are either trained to be silent or pro- religion and their liberal infested brains would explode in a frenzy and then the Articles would pop up why the sisters of Silence are problematic and the product of toxic masculinity and then Amazon's higher-ups would go oh we screw up the Press hates us and then they would run damage control and apologize everything I explained would have been fine if it was made 10 or so years ago but in today's far more insane era these concepts are something that just can't exist anymore women are not supposed to submit gender doesn't exist apparently and Christianity and Catholics are evil in the eyes of these W crazy people but of course every other religion is fine just not the ones that are largely supported by white people because white people are evil after after all which is beyond stupid but that's what this world has come to so the leaker finishes by saying that ultimately based on all the Avenues Amazon had available to them when it came to female representation none of it made them happy so they used the already bad deal that Games Workshop was being strong armed into and gave Amazon even more free creative control over the IP and then this leaker would say the female Inquisitor in power armor was the last hope but Amazon wants to be able to take the character out of the armor and still have them be powerful it's all been a massive headache so it's clear all of this nonsense started because of this bad deal Games Workshop made with Amazon and unfortunately what should have been a massive win from Warhammer fans has turned into yet another potential rings of power situation God help me obviously as far as we know anyway Henry caval is still involved well as of the making of this video anyway but Games Workshop has apparently said internally via this league they have absolutely Z plans to make any female custodes available physically to buy or anything like that cuz they obviously know that those would not sell well whatsoever and would just be a waste of creating in the first place and I wouldn't be surprised if people lost their jobs over this really bad deal that got finalized cuz this move will cost Warhammer money and fans in the long run sure they'll likely gain some fans akin to fallout's Prime shell but it's a different Beast here entirely Warhammer is not meant to be Progressive it's not supposed to to represent our timeline right now in any way it is obviously in its name within the 40,000 timeline so any of the concepts we're dealing with now are ancient problems in Warhammer Universe the reason why people love that universe is because it's a unique blend of religious fanaticism war and brutality it's almost as if in the future of mankind the sociopolitical ideals of our world have been reduced and replaced by the ways of old gone are social media influencers or other nonsense like that and all that that remains is the unified glorious might of an emperor wielding the power of an entire race in order to spread the glory of the Imperium across any Planet their like touches there's something beautiful in that simple even and I think Warhammer would benefit staying true to itself and taking a page out of hell diver's book and just keeping the game's world separate from the outside influences because escapism is clearly important and I don't think Warhammer fans would enjoy some female custodian as asking for the pronouns of other soldiers because in reality if someone asked that in Warhammer they would be answered with a shotgun blast to the face or worse for spewing heresy but that's what's apparently being said here which is that in a sense allegedly Henry caval is kind of to blame for this mess by jumping the gun with all of this so what do you think about all of that let me know in the comments now let's move on to that former white DWF magazine writer Nick Davis I covered his previous response in another video but he has since then responded too long didn't read version basically Nick Davis tried to say having female custodes is fine cuz Warhammer lore is based on unreliable narrators and obviously fans tore him a new one so Nick is back again this time to try to explain himself better he said and I quote okay let's try this one more time I'm not devaluing anyone's experience of the gaming Hobby and I cannot talk to whatever Games Workshop does with their social media or any other decision even when I worked for them on white dwarf I was never in a position of any influence Beyond Beyond any good while I may have garnered with my work and sharing my joy of the hobby over the years I was there the primary point of my post on Tuesday is don't let the lore get in the way of having fun with your friends I've been around Games Workshop games since Warhammer first edition I've seen the games and universe around them change many many times two examples when the custodians were introduced in Rogue Traer 40K first edition they were just skinny guys in cloaks and masks armed with a laser rifle in the shape of a lance and they never ever left the Imperial Palace in many ways they were never meant to be a playable Army and RT was more about Skirmish action than full-blown army action another example that in Warhammer second edition you could take a day trip to lustria and pick up both guns that were just laying around on that continent and the then Amazon who also inhabited the lustria had access to a lot of suspicious looking 40K Tech wonder what happened to those Amazons and bolt guns appearing in the Warhammer world the concept of the gaming lore which I may have explained poorly but in I never expected my defensive inclusion and just having fun with your games to blow up like it did is the lore should be considered a mythology and never an absolute we only have to look at our own history for precedent as that has changed in its definition and Discovery all the time and the world's game Workshop created are treated in the same way unreliable narration is baked in as it should be because the history of the universe is so vast that something always will be forgotten this was deliberate to give you the gamer a Sandbox to shape as you will this also gave Games Workshop leeway to introduce cool new things remember the tow did not exist in the 2000s and the necrons were only given form back in the mid 90s and they started as eldrich Horrors to throw as a surprise third force in your games and let's not talk about the squats I mean votans all I wanted to do is Express the core of what I feel is important about the hobby inclusion is a good thing and the game is about Community Joy sharing being social and throwing buckets of dice at your mates as you frag them with an Imperial Guard sorry astr militarium Firing Line I hope this explains a little more about my thoughts now go play some games with your mates paint some Toy Soldiers build some terrain from what you find in the dumpster and have fun play well my friends end quote while what Nick Davis says here sounds well and good as he attempts to wash his hands clean of the controversy many are saying that he's laying down and taking it in order to appease to the ACT activists as one user responded by saying that's a lot of words just to say you missed the point has Star Wars gotten better as a franchise or worse since a Disney takeover to which Nick Davis replied Disney that has built the fortune on kids media takes over another franchise that built its fortune on kids media I would say Star Wars is the same storytelling quality it was before Disney bought it yeah no Nick Star Wars after Disney bought it is nowhere near the same level of Storytelling or World build Building compared to what George Lucas did prior you can just tell this guy is the epitome of I agree with a current thing to a te he just doesn't want to step on any toes is this kind of mentality that leads to many hobbies and franchises like Star Wars becoming absolute garbage in record time because people like Nick don't push back they don't ask questions they just open the door and smile while their entire house gets looted and lit on fire with him still inside of it then a user says in response to his Star Wars is fine comment by saying Okay so follow me here can you see why fans were upset at the horrible writing in the sequels example somehow Palpatine returned to which Nick Davis said I never saw the last Star Wars movie Life got very busy for me and I've not found the time to watch it so I can't comment on it I am watching Shogun so I can talk about that or Rick and Morty just finished the last season so clearly Nick telling you that star wars's storytelling is the same level as its peak days can't be taken with any Merit this is simply a guy who rolls over and lets people walk all over for him as long as he's not labeled a bigot and it's sad to see always pathetic when people have zero drive or morals when it comes to anything they just look at what's socially acceptable no matter how crazy or batshit insane it is and they go yeah that's my opinion so the mob doesn't attack me it's pathetic there's no other way to put it but it's okay that's why me and other people who cover these things are here cuz I'll tell you what Nick is afraid to say the truth is these people infiltrating Warhammer Star Wars and more are insane people who hate everything and want their hate and s Ane ideals to be reflected in everything they interact with and if any push back is given to their claims they will attack you tear you down and force you into submission until you're begging for mercy Warhammer should never become any version of Love Hammer like these people want and lore is important despite Nick Davis rolling over like a dead sea turtle here when he's faced with backlash if lore quality and integrity don't matter when it comes to a franchise and that franchise is dead and has fallen alongside the others and the only logical way for forward is to close your wallet and laugh as a sinking ship continues to fall apart as they scream for help sure you'll get called a bigot and some form of phobic but hey that's what you get when you tell the people who would have saved you that you don't want them anymore this is a colossal failure in Games Workshop as well as the people they employ to safeguard their sacred franchise and if this is a level of respect they're willing to give when it comes to these things then they should expect nothing less than the lack of respect from the fans in return you did this to yourselves I hope you're company has savings cuz you're going to need it also 3D printing exists by the way so fans don't even need Games Workshop to supply them with Miniatures anyways finally let's end with that sweet baby story which ties into this Warhammer nonsense too from that Parkplace we have this article titled sweet baby Inc reveals Dev team behind Shadow Gambit the cursed crew shut down costs were exceeding revenues sadly another game studio is shut down after their game has failed which coincidentally was consulted by sweet baby Inc this news is actually from last year but nobody heard about it until now here's what sweet Bing Bong baby said on their LinkedIn about this closure we are sadden to learn that shadow Gambit the cursed crew is Mimi's last game we're incredibly proud to have helped bring this final voyage to Shore by collaborating on the game's protagonist AIA with mathas Kraut morit Wagner and the rest of the crew at Mimi games our collaboration helped make the world of the cursed Caribbean feel more inclusive and representative very happy to see that players have resonated with the game as evidenced by its incredible reception the Mimi team is amazing and deserves to land on their feet we would be happy to connect folks in our Network who are looking for talented developers with the studio send us a DM if you are interested it's insane to me that even in the face of an entire game Studio closing down and everyone losing their job sweet baby has the audacity to say players resonated with the game and had an incredible reception but that's not true on Steam alone here's the actual player counts they had an all-time peak of just over 3,000 players and barely had over a 100 players per day since then at best this is not good numbers for any game especially one that has servers where costs have to be maintained here's what the dev said about all of this and the closure making these games was amazing and extremely taxing at the same time reaching the level of quality Mimi strives for is hard and requires focus and dedication we also have to acknowledge that our future production costs are growing faster than potential revenues of the genre The increased Financial pressure and level of risk became unsustainable so the game clearly was not making enough for them to keep supporting it in the long run so the studio died the game is pretty much dead now too but in sweet baby's eyes it was a win because they made the cariban more inclusive and diverse I guess you see what I mean when you chase things in games nobody cares about they don't talk about the quality of the gameplay or anything just inclusivity this is what's happening to Warhammer as well as many other franchises right now and when any of these franchises go up and die it'll be the same nonsense reason well we lost billions in Revenue everyone is jobless but hey at least we weren't racists I guess two bad thoughts and prayers won't keep your lights on and for this studio Mimi it's over officially for them they died and sweet baby killed them how can you not look at the corpses of Studios laid around you and not realize that every Studio that fell to ruin has only one thing in common which is your moronic consulting firm in the form of sweet baby but this is what they see as progress and as a a massive win for gaming somehow and the same is happening now with Warhammer sure their stocks are plummeting and fans are cancelling subscriptions on mass but at least we're being more inclusive to a community that won't support us in any meaningful way in the future whether it's journalists claiming Warhammer excluded them for their gender the alleged Henry caval comments leading to the downfall of Warhammer and the bad deal Nick Davis being a pushover and another company Dying by virtue it's all so tiresome all of this could have been avoided if you just rejected ideology and instead made great games but they're unwilling to do so and now we have the nonsense and garbage that we got to sift through at this point we're like firefighters after a house burns down trying to decipher what caused The Inferno to begin with I hope the thought of knowing you were inclusive helps you sleep at night as your profits and the Very people who depended on the work your company generates burns to ashes cuz you decided to be a and Chase woke ideology as always thank you for watching like subscribe and share the video and thanks to all my patrons for their support this is a massive mess but I thank you for being here have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 402,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, tifa ff7, final fantasy 7 rebirth, sweet baby inc, sweet baby, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer female custode
Id: x3SvrSyNvi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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