The GIANT BUGS Invade the ANT COLONY!!! | Empires Of The Undergrowth - Ep13

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hello everybody and welcome back to empires of the undergrowth the most excitable channel to do with ants I think most everyone else is like here you see the answer I'm like wow ants for we start we are playing multiplayer kind of it's with bots there's infestations it's like a I don't even know this this is gonna be so cool this is what has raised to food these loyal subjects will lay the foundations of what could one day be a great subterranean Empire ok ok ok we want to start digging this way basically so we're gonna start digging that way this is the entrance now I've put waves on so if we don't reach the surface every 6 minutes an attack wave from an enemy and colony will well it'll try to attack us equate the wood louse Oh Whittle eyes don't attack ok that's fine well we have we've made food I think okay maybe we'll flip over one of these one of these wood laughs look at them yeah the queen is in imminent danger no she's not the queen is fine just grab food and go there we got one food danger she's fine oh there you go Oh Oh God guys guys guys attack attack hold on I'll save you the trouble he ended up having to restart a further three times because he's that bad go figure this society is in its infancy it must grow quickly if it is to survive you're telling me okay fourth time is the charm this time we just dig it all the way down to get to this place over here yes food bye guys go get Oh thank you for the energy yes let me go the triple-n's right let's start building all right there we go we've got two chambers we're doing good we've still got a lot of this to get actually and then I'm gonna have an army of black hats all right there we go that's that chamber done no no no no we need to go and attack this thing once we've got some babbit we have 47 food how much they cost a hatch five to hatch that's fifteen so once these guys hatch yes big boys okay we can have them dig up right go go my little attack is to support the workers there you go runaway workers now were you doing don't attack Rudy go go get him yes oh wait only two can attack at once oh well does it matter doesn't matter they've got this steak oh we're taking it back as well whoa even more food for the brood lots of food okay all work is up here you go good follow the pheromone trail yeah I mean that's what nan would sound like I would assume so how much do we have when all this is place down Oh a lot okay so we got probably enough for one more but then we need a hatch some so when you make sure we've got at least ten left so that's another one still to come so there we go we should go to hatch a few more next thing is to probably take on oh god well that would be six once these guys have hatch we've only got three at the moment so we'll let everyone else hatch we're gonna have a swarm we're gonna have a swarm outside waiting for us bloom an attack wave as soon as we break through so once we get these whatever these cricket things are so I'm gonna have them go there you could hatch some more once we kill those make some more black adds we're gonna have to then defend the entrance because I'm assuming that's where a lot of the food is and that's outside but I just want to make sure that we've got all this because there's a world or not outside that we have no idea about actually before you before you hit those can you make like a big entrance here yeah make me this a big one make it two by two yeah so when we do break in we can surround them okay greens get there get all the way the end and then get ready to break you're ready break there you go Oh God some workers got caught up starving there's not enough food to feed oh there is others plenty food there food go get them as well ye oh yeah there you go 73 beautiful like a go get another worker right next thing is to get to the entrance now what's the best way do you think I think we should do a really like thing that's kind of like this so it goes round and then it goes around like this just you know if we're gonna have an army attacking us I'd rather that they you know they took that time and even then you have to come out through here so you're not like right into the heart of the nest yes that's that's how you do it keep them at bay I mean it's gonna take a little bit longer for us to oh god Wow I mean we still got some maggots the officer say market simulator and lava didn't used to hatch so we need to keep some ready here but I think that's a good idea because we've had it in the past where we they've just come straight to the Queen and then killed above and we've had ants that still need a hatch so that's the thing tell you what what you can do now is burrow through to the wood louse what I'll do is I'll break that off I'll break that off so what we're almost to the entrance and hopefully this line doesn't break through to the entrance and de-spawn my plans scoop on my plans but I don't think it will right there you go go kill the wood louse they give me with a lot of food there we go okay okay so we definitely got one wave I would have thought yes lots of guns get'em we got one already awesome but these guys are way better than my other workers oh my god they're just on the mercy hood mercy killing live for the sport of God chop them into bits yeah there ya go now the workers can focus on this column we must remain small for now so it doesn't scare we've got plenty of numbers as soon as they bring back all of this food we're golden there's one aren't ready to break through to the entrance so I'm gonna be a bit worried about him oh we have it we haven't discovered the entrance aisle got you we need to actually uncover it right right right we've still got some some stuff here I'm really worried guys I'm worried when we break through we're just gonna get absolutely decimated but we still got some food here though yeah there you go I'm not gonna make any more black ants I'm gonna bring them here they can ask excavated hey go we need some reserves doesn't matter if they die because by the time the next lot hatch we'll be all good and then they come back up the Queen you got 83 food that's fine that's fine it's a lot more down here as well and apparently in there is lots of food in here and I don't think that's true though we have a little big maybe that's infestation or something nothing up there just down to the bottom really can we excavate that keep them keep their workers there we've got a little bit of food here actually so maybe they should yeah they can collect food so the diggers should be able to bring something back yet but we've got one working he'll be come there they come here they come here we go here we go the outside wall oh jesus oh oh good what what are you serious are you flippin serious I can't take these on that there's like three wolf spiders here cockroaches and as a dead thing there are you serious oh you that is a lot of food but there is no way there's no way I'm getting out when there's freaking like three wolf spiders right here I'm gonna die oh wait does it is that more ants that's another colony wolf spiders could you please bugger off well tell you what we need some food a battle Oh an easy battle it was yep I'll take all that we're gonna need all the forces we can muster to take this bloody thing on Wow [Music] [Music] a devil of kocho speedo thing oh my god [Music] help we need to take out when you dig around it so we can surround it yes oh that was a way alright next wave in in one minute okay we've got another wave coming we need a we need a whoa you worry about this a little bit all right also get that little food there oh we've got another one coming we've got another one coming where it's another devil's chord coach beetle he's coming he's coming oh look at this see take some time we got this we got this the entrance needs to be a little bit wider so if you wouldn't mind thank you it's a good job that we've made that long tunnel the way it is okay okay by the time we could we got this we got this because oh my god that's a lot of them more of those things get more workers keep on oh this is crash they're just slowly sending Boutros yes and if they come one by one we got this oh that way yeah that one's gonna be ripped apart that's okay that's okay come on keep keep making what there's another one keep going keep going although we can't eat these guys oh they just sort of dissolve into the ground that's cheating oh my god will they please stop there is so many of them oh okay I mean I mean that's fine yeah just let one dies I like we have food yeah go get him what is coming now boys coming Oh No okay quickly get get the food get the food get the food there we go there we go there we go they're slow they're slow I think I think we're not even gonna get outside at this point I think we're I think we're good okay retreat back retreat back no retreat back now there we go there we go there we go oh yeah there's the stun okay okay now go now go now go get him I can't make another one oh they just saw retain the ants oh this is not a good this is a terrible choke point for us you have to make this a little bit wider there we go there we go yes we can eat these guys what else is coming frigging boss level locust darksouls he's doing like massive splash damage yeah oh my god it just killed them all he just he just come off ye okay okay thank God we got like a hundred not food oh yeah keep keep making those yes let's go yes oh we did it please time I get food from oh I think do we do we get food I don't know no we are we are getting food from oh my god we just we just survived it off the food from our victims their victim alright let's expand this out a little bit we got another scope this way a little bit yeah there we go we got 160 odd furred today again make three more and there we go yes kill this guy he doesn't stand a chance now we're just getting more and more food soon as one's kept freaking more keep coming in okay guys and also harvest act you've got some time you've got some some leeway here disease taking a slow time to get here and we still got Swiss Doug it's just so this is so not fair okay okay right get out get out there get out there we need to completely surround this guy more food stores looks like we're gonna need mmm possibly make one there there we go that'll do yes now we've got 26 of these things wow that's so good numbers surround them and we can eat from this right I think we meat from all of these except for the tiny ones we got a fast one okay okay that's fine that's fine I don't mind Oh God that coming he's coming in fast but that's okay he's easy killed this Oh daddy longlegs that's you I think I've perfected the strategy here I think no just harvest him now Oh guys tell you what let's just make the food chambers a little bit bigger as well whoa were they attacking each other oh that's great oh he's back he's like norm outta you Oh God he's still apparently attacking him even though he's not really that's a vegan oh he oh my god how long can we keep this going for okay step back if we can't eat him no no I think we then we can that's good that's good maybe we should upgrade some his black hands there we go of great the center ones yes make them stronger give them more health without the spatter dead oh yes awesome eat eat eat Go Go Go maybe even get strong enough to kill these one two three spiders maybe that'd be so much food yeah there we go there we go look it a lot looking a lot it's good that's good that's good we could probably upgrade will upgrade to more I think it's probably better just to get stronger ants because they seem to just be getting stuck oh you got a praying mantis he eats oh yes oh my God we're gonna ban colony oh we got a hold on colony here this not so good okay okay choke point we need to your point in my ants are probably better right I mean I'm hoping I'm friggin hoping we have like no food okay okay oh that spit is oh this is horrendous oh my god destroyers okay okay step back step back step back step back step back answer dance step back step back okay here we go whoo go we got praying mantises coming up behind him oh my lord oh my lord yes kill them we're dead we lost freakin rapid fire ants came out of freaking nowhere oh no oh they're gonna Queens dead in two seconds [Music] I forgot about my superpower can I only activate that once I think maybe I could only activate that once oh wow that was okay big locust big locust tiny I need some fire I need some firepower here oh my god I do okay we're gonna have to open up another another little place here that's how we lost we've got a lot of grunts but we don't have any like shooters yeah look at all this there you go that's good that's good go eat him eating while you can we've got a devil coach horse beetle thing coming just get as much food out of this guy as you can there you go - - we're getting that we're getting there keep going keep going eat 60 food we've got a lot of dead things here that are being eaten so that's good yeah get all that food get all that food we've got two other big things coming our daddy longlegs just wasting me time you are yes they're just getting stuck hopefully they'll just attack each other I mean there's a dead freaking locust like right here that I - okay move forward ants harvest harvest the corpses from fighting each other yes yeah pick up some food buddy good awesome okay yeah yeah yeah I like it one more there we go there we go we've got six shooters six bomb buddy is the column a bomb but is there's not enough ramadhir should be further back and these guys should be here oh no he's dead anyway oh whoa whoa we got your B spider jumpy spiders must protect the coop B spider oh my god jumpy spiders running around everywhere oh never mind he's dead wow that was a terrible jumping spider there you go we got a lot of corpses a lot of corpses still oh now there's for spiders outside oh you're not coming in are you yes whoa you know I'm gonna make like a little defensive position here just for the the wood ants I'm gonna put them there there you go they can hide there oh that's more like yes yes finish each other I mean is the goal to try and invade other nut ants nests I don't even know where the nest I think that's it yeah that's one but bloody hell I can't even get outside at this rate I think it's oh ok ok a battle has begun that's a lot of wood ants ok those guys there these guys here this is it this is it this is it this could be the end this could be the end there is a frickin ton of them oh that Bombardier is these ones that bomb buddy is oh this is just a frame already a date the title longlegs ok they've done it long legs right okay we just got a we're gonna send him okay you guys don't get to fight fight for God's sake Jesus just don't get food I mean actually in the frame anticipate I think I think you left yes no please kill them I don't think they all know I really don't think they are we're just running out food and we got our big hole chores filled but hopefully or whatever that thing is oh god yeah we're just losing them we're just losing them okay that hopefully those two will attack each other see beautiful okay everyone who we've got left go in okay we're gonna do it oh that one's dead that one's dead oh my lord we just have so many ants I think we're dead I think we're done oh that was so hard why have to because these guys were the beacons then me Queen oh wait what oh I could keep on doing this that's the thing oh my god we good this thing yes I can just keep on doing that oh she must heal after a certain period of time oh this is perfect that means there's so much food right it's just the it's just the wood ants when they invade that's the problem get food and get food now right okay expand the food program we need a lot more shooty shooty boom boom ants that's what we need we need a lot more of those this colony must just make as much as we can food is too scarce to support greater numbers are you kidding me we just got loads more look how do you even fit down here you big daddy long leg buggy you and even know where those fire of luminance K is that them is that the little thing they just ran out I mean I could do that but why would I right okay I'm sorry I'm sorry mr. daddy dollies we're gonna take you down for a start you just freaking gettin annoying and killing one yes eat him look he just eats em in one are you coming in then you might be coming in that wolf spider and then you Fayetteville into a whole world of hurt there didn't he there any food left in here apparently there's a thing here I know what this is but I'm gonna sacrifice one worker for it oh it's a big one it's oh wow it's two big ones I thought that little daddy long leg always dead anyway let's go attack this thing there you go surrounded years and go for that okay that's a lot of food wait for in 20 seconds I didn't realize we were done I could have attacked one of those plum a night colonies that's what I should have done just stock up on food because when that ant colony comes or what we should do is actually have the choke point round the corner that way they can't really do much instead of here where they can just fire openly okay if we see them that's what we need to do oh okay okay go go go guys go go go oh we got a spider would you know the Queen's not the Queen's fine these are palm veneers as well okay okay what we need to do send our odd squads up because there's so many of them oh my god it just melted there you go there we can fire up them too let's find the black answer to that they're sacrificing themselves [Music] yes we're gonna do it right you the stuff away [Music] even though this is lumen cost as everything though [Music] okay we did really well there hopefully our Queens healed a car remember how to check up if I don't feel like it's been long enough though oh never mind must protect the Queen this is awesome we just keep doing this we can win we get a free batch of like loads of stuff okay guys go I don't just just get all the food that's out here go my pretties girl yes they will actually stay there for a minute while everybody sort of gets their act together we need to find some food oh maybe this isn't the best idea yeah wait for them to just kill each other yes oh no this is bad this you weren't supposed to go out right no no the ants must not fight the ants must hide I've just fought it off some what a waste if there wasn't one two three four five spiders just waiting outside there's so much food it's up for the crabs but I got get it hope something's coming in dyndns run back run back run back you just they just died for no reason as well which is kind of good two of them are dead there oh but well they just kill them instantly oh he's stubborn he's got chase him down kill him we got a wave coming soon there we go done and done I still won of repel against these guys I really do Oh guys keep going forward keep going forward push on push on more food what's all this entry treat don't use poison the Queen oh my god oh my god it what is all this this was like the worst time that I could have I could have like I don't know this could have happened [Music] I think I'm dead yeah I'm dead yep well Oh was it just the Queen another wave of answered by the feasting of her executioner's well guys maybe I would have survived if I had I don't know set it to day and night cycle rather than just morning maybe mornings where everything big happens and comes around but she didn't have time to recover unfortunately and she died we did actually do well with that tactic of the long tunnel system in order to get to the center of the nest that's a good idea just a shame that yeah they threw all of that at us with wolf spiders from level four level five always wait till next time let's see you later oh boy
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 931,575
Rating: 4.9012623 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrough, indie game, ant game, empires, undergrowth, bugs vs bugs, ant army, ants vs spiders
Id: UMsbF5zzLRg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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