THE GIANT DOLPHIN POD!!! - Fish Feed and Grow | HD

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yeah we're a common dolphin whoo-hoo he's already evening proud dog hello everybody and welcome to fish bedroom where we are today don't be playing as the new dolphin it just came out like this second and there's three types actually that's the first creature to come out of fish feed and grow there you have different like skins for it so there's the common dolphin skin I'm pretty sure that's what that is this looks like the bottlenose and then a third one it looks more like a porpoise which is technically a whale but it could be a different type of dolphin I don't know but it comes with some new abilities and of course the oxygen we've seen before but this one's new ultrasonic bang charged up an ultrasonic bang after three seconds release a loud click that stuns any smaller prey in front of you for 4 seconds sardines hit or killed instantly Oh so there are sardines which are a new fish attitude there's also sailfish which have been added I think they've been improved because it used to be Marlin but now there's only sailfish so the I think I think anyway I'm not too sure but what you play is the common the porpoise I think we could sugarpaste them we're gonna plays echo I put echo sound effects and this is what it's all gonna be ok this video is going out tonight so there's gonna be literally no editing so here I am oh oh god there's a pod what can I do a flip if I come out the water yeah no okay so this is the only map at the moment that you can play oh god that's a tiger shot there's a tiger shot so I hold II okay Oh what's this and then I go BAM do I shoot it oh how do we let go of it oh well tell you what how many DS cuz this dolphin costs 60 coin at 60 points it's so much Oh while I can't even eat those little ones kind of yum yum Yum's gotta get big got a got huge I've gotta be defender of the ocean oh man look at that they've got the underwater look at that look so good the overwater by looking in doesn't look too great but I mean as long as they focus on this look so good I wanna jump through hoops go back in time okay so if I click a like that oh oh okay so I just click it and it activates instantly gosh you got you okay I have 70 health oh they were doing their supersonic we're like a BA nope doesn't stun them okay but smaller fish we could obtain sardines so this map is new as well oh look at this ah oh that the level of detail on this model is great oh it looks fantastic I love it but oh so if I if I so these are sardines right so if I go die nope oh there we go I think I did it yeah awesome i oh god there's a great white so I'm not exactly sure how I did that there I think I I clicked again was I do that right click I'm not sure is that Connie be solid easy Oh God tiger shark oh I have a lot of stuff I've got to get oxygen though right let's go down deep oh god that's a Tokoloshe just pray we already have traveled back in time oh good I want this oh that didn't stun anything well how about we go for a grouper Oh Oh God East Indies I'll stone you miss tailwhip so powerful it's like a mini bus gets a mini possibly a gun good Oh God I mean he's doing a fair bit of damage but I'm doing six right unless he has a 140 health which I don't think he does oh there we go is dead he's still alive he's still kicking but he couldn't get us with his tail I'm just gonna stay oh god no oh god this is oh this is not good Jesus is it terrifying yes oh we did it we kill them guys close guys Oh God good camera angles there you go I want to take it to the surface oh god I really am I gonna drown okay you know what it is I'm gonna go up I'm gonna go up and I'm gonna come back down yeah it's gonna say there he is yes oh god this better be loads he's pick for a group a group of the size of a plumbing ball nose dolphin the unfortunate thing is I'm gonna have to chop this into tiny bits this would be worth so much exp there we go and a little bit yes need the bones oh yes I want to get huge the goal here is the same as always it is to get massive and to kill the great white shark um yeah so level five there we go if we die we've got another dolphin oh do we just change scheme with what wait how - oh if you click one two and three you can change scheme oh that's so cool ready yeah we're a common dolphin whoa oh wait what what killed this thing well I'll take it oh did I do I change all the other dolphins oh my god I've just seen another comment hold on one yeah you do he's changing the background we're gonna go find him okay I need oxygen soon but I want to get big let's be the big one yes the porpoise looking thing oh there's another huge one at the surface oh my god yes nice oh god oh god I'm glad that they fix the breathing though because it used to be so quick you'd have to you'd run out of oxygen so I'm not gonna waste this bunch it oh look at me that can only be one huge echo the dolphin there we go so let's find the other dolphins for a bit when level 9 we're not big enough to take on the great white and fortune one God there he is Oh turn away turn away well I heard that so if I get big enough can I stun everything oh I did 21 to ammo dubbing me in the head you nothing behind me oh it's just another grouper that's fine there we go Wow they've proper given this thing tons of health I wonder if the creator of fish food and girl watches my videos and he's like you know what he keeps on putting ecco the dolphin music in I'm just gonna freakin put in a dollar they look adorable Edie's there's my friend hello friend ah is alright so because we're mama Oh God look at him he's terrifying oh saying that though birdie says you're dead instantly me oh yes pathetic afraid come on let's chew it up from there you go I think AI gets oh it looks so cool look at that with the music as well oh I look like on TV music I'm just guessing like I'm hearing it in my head just like the voices mom oh no oh no no no no no no no I got 210 health what is going on why am I so baller can I kill anything take on bird oka lost yes whoa I think I'm broken oh my god guys boys were so powerful and we're not even that big every level we grow we get so much power or limited oh there's a friend going to eat yes I am covered in bruises though I see another one huh don't you try and kill the other dolphins P unchanging narratives I don't know exactly oh god did he just eat you or eat my whole thing you bugger yeah well there is no or so what the heck is that but it's a dolphin it's just cuz I don't recognize it cuz its own you yes we can make up pod massive there you go go eat that go on go on boy they're adorable change the bottlenose well like we've got like frog DNA or something just chop down a little Baba pieces oh he's adorable hey hey Oh like I was just trying to get round to eat him he's like a dog chasing his own death damaged broken bone Oh No did he kill my paws no no no I happen to have my back here oh thank god big brain pod big brain pod oh that was dangerous did he get to eat at all I think he did okay well a stick team group is for now I think it's important that we get the first few bites in or a great white no no when we're not we're not very white level yeah oh look at this we've got our own fun always you're gonna pray oh no he's not no he's not oh oh my god I love this I love this so much this is the best this is the best I love it well let's go just go guys they don't like to go out the water though I'm the brave one you see whoa why is this guy so big oh sorry guys I I got a bit greedy yep it's right he's trying to do oh no it did work he stunned them yeah nice maybe well he's dead anyway there you go give the little Baba pieces go on yum yums okay we need we need to find somewhere else to go guys there's no food here my god I love those oh I love it so I do that that's how you do it and then you just it goes on for three seconds I don't know what he's eating okay okay ever got 200 not we broke his bone we broke his bone there we go another 200 another hundred come on go program again I think he's dead yes everything we gotta look at it massive to can eat those big ones hole oh I can okay gonna chop them up to the little ones there you go go get him go get him wait what is that oh god no it's a little Baba's eat the father's nobody the baby all right well level 23 I think we're good I don't know if we can take on a great white though it would give us a lot of food if we could but that Duncan lost us did like 200 damage or something in one bite see there you go 300 I've done right that's got to be enough to take on a great white hasn't it Oh God there he is if we attack from the side you ready guys pods stay back this is between me and a great white shark ready I want to get round him though I want to get run oh god he's already he's already oh no boys were boy babies okay okay we got this up there we go he can't jump over water like me oh I almost got him I almost got him I almost got him oh but Federer is gonna cook for my family he's actually really cool god he's really quick no [Music] we sacrifice themselves oh god I can't turn I can't turn they can't turn I can't turn oh my god oh my god we lost the biggest one that's so sad he literally jumped in front of it I'm gonna get revenge and well he's respond back it's fine I'm gonna get my revenge where is he here we go here we go here we go don't think so buddy dog oh yes oh we did it oh okay okay I gotta eat this I gotta do this to get my health back insulin pushing to the surface oh my god oh my god he's back he's back already he's already evening grown lazy dead did he die neither get over their business the remains of me and the shark did we die together I think we did yes oh god this is gonna take a while bear with me two seconds guys you know what we both died my pod lived on there's some wood down there at the other they are I'm that's fine that that's all I care about oh we got a shark coming in now you don't buddy yeah you don't whoa oh that's a big power CUDA oh well let me just eat this shark first yeah they've been eating that big chunk of meat over there all right then whoa die oh it's a mini-boss mini-boss the shoal the shoal of barracudas oh god they could get big there we go or stop them broke his bones and everything there's always a little hammerhead don't think so buddy whoa so it does the sound effects are scary I know it's the only dish for damage though right okay nobody in a pile oh god no there is big Barracuda I think he instantly Culloden so that's good run level 11 already oh my god level 12 we were only on level 20 hard I think before we died you see we don't want to eat the big pieces of there we go there we go we don't want to chew them up if we don't have to who's gonna take a white Oh big puffer fish Oh God did he just poison me also I'm drowning so I gotta try it to the spit oh we can hit the ginormous bits oh yes like a little Bowl is really cute though item puffing away there you go hundred not damaged dead right we're worried foolish the dolphin has the turning radius of an actual boat oh no you don't know you don't okay look at them oh they found me my families found me again oh these are the sailfish oh they look so good oh we got three dolphins yes there you go pack eat them somebody eat them go on yeah get big we have way too many coins though we could make 20 more dolphins oh I'll take this level 22 not bad almost as big as what we once were for whatever reason they really liked my bum I don't know why but is there just sort of staying behind it no idea why woo you got one those big zero fish because zero to this game looks glorious look at this who needs another echo dolphin right who needs another echo game you just got this yeah maybe this isn't a new map I sort of recognize it oh yes tiger sharks put under the huge one you made loads of scales everywhere out of me I don't know how he did that oh I got him I use my ability numbs action oh hello give me food are you I could just eat you oh oh the whole brigade see yes eat all the fishies there was a zipper fish actually an AM echo I think oh hello you wash there we go oh yes we need to find where these Dunkel Ostia spawn that's what we need to do little babies who is following man map you what wha it's a lot of bro bones broken there huh you know what I think I think I finished there's nothing here that can kill me because oh there's my pod come on slow coaches the others literally nothing that can kill me the don't Colossus can't get me the great white we've killed and actually isn't spawning back for whatever reason I don't know whether because we had one final clash then he just decided yet I'm not spoiling back so we've done it we completed the ocean map and until I get a mod to play it any creature in any map yeah I mean there's this guy but I mean he's dead in like two hits and there you go boom one level then I gotta go find him again look at all the me meap's and you missed a shot can I can I stun you look at this there's gorgeous I'm trying to think of another game that lets you do this and I don't think there is sir it's definitely filling in a niche that's for sure okay guys we did it there's nothing that's literally melting else for me to eat I thought there would be but it's not but if you enjoyed this video leave a like and until next time I'll see you later barbra hi [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 713,261
Rating: 4.9370217 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, fish feed and grow, fish, feed, grow, feed grow, update, shark, boss battle, boss, huge shark, huge, biggest, huge fish, barracuda, salmon, new fish, new, new shark, tiger shark, record, glitch, river, cat fish, gigantic
Id: rVlByhonyN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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