Thats A Big Bug!!! | The Leaf Cutters - Empires Of The Undergrowth - Ep9

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Wow look at him hello everyone and welcome back to emperors of the undergrowth we're continuing with our leaf cutter ants playthrough doing a three point to the front line of course the padrone medium I'm going to select the other type this the taunt majors instead of the slowdown majors and let's see just how we do but first let me get rid of her yeah this small leaf cutter colony has established a foothold in a clearing near the base of a tree occasion provides prime access to lucrative harvesting grounds which have gone unchallenged for the past few weeks however unbeknownst to the ants the piece is about to be broken a scourge is drawing in it will be here by morning oh no oh oh that's that thing oh my god there's loads did you know have a leaf stalk I don't have leaf storage what there you go there's some leaf storage okay we Oh Lord well I guess we could go up this way and and then make this a big tunnel area yeah look at this yeah I do it oh god what something bigs coming oh it's a grasshopper are they not getting food they should be able to get food good food go there whoa we got loads of things slowly coming in what oh my god I need to go right okay we we we we need to get things lots of things we also need the thingy yeah put these in here put the little poops okay enough of that that'll do that'll do that'll do maybe we need to save space big ants can you come in here because we're about to destroy this thing I realized that to make the nests or need to do or make a good tunnel is just build on the black stuff and then you can still have a little line see you what's in here something's in here oh it's a whip thing yes come on big ant the ants of uncovered a hetero freeness battersea whip spider roiling beneath the leaf litter this unnerving arachnid feels its way through the undergrowth with modified antennae like four legs when it finds a target it snatches forward with enormous pedipalps impaling its victim on deadly spines well I love pedipalps Oh speak to me more I love it when you talk about pedipalps okay so how about since you know this is all about the friggin survival the greater good we'll just have a lot of little boys like it was still dead here and you know I should actually just put them all in yeah yeah sort that we've got a lot of these big daddy longlegs looking things but okay maybe I shouldn't have brought all the leaves back here there you go there's some moss bots for you so we've still got five five out of seven just around here and then look at all the workers yes all the leaves so by morning so we don't have long guys we really don't have long so is it moved oh my god it did move it's this thing it's it's it's the thing in Harry Potter burritos all the spells let's go say the little Baba's are taking a long time to move everything so we're gonna have we'll have all workers in here does that sound like a good idea guys lord knows put it what I'm doing several metres south of the nest a legion of nomadic asset on Berk le army ants are preparing to march a legion they set up camp late last night and will now conduct daily swarming raids on the surrounding areas until they see fit to move on this humble leafcutter stronghold will soon lie directly in their path no that means they'll kill me yeah okay I want to I want to try and bring the big uns back however it's not going well serve uncovered a whip spider hiding beneath the leaf litter very easy to be dealt with before excavations can continue oh wait is this them hmm oh my god whatever he said down there on the answers arrived they will sweep eastward swarming everything they find ave fills and colonies are particularly right for culling only a substantial defensive force with the right tools to repel the aggressors will be left alone the leaf cutters must prove to the invaders that they are more trouble than they are worth oh this not so good can my big old leaf storage is full my god okay um every army ants can be pushed back beyond leafcutter territory they will likely give this area a wide berth until it's time for them to relocate their list are you kidding me like seriously how am I supposed to do that there's so many of them there we go okay you you go out you go help because apparently you don't build anything and let's get some more of the army ants or the the battlers that's really what we need more battlers oh god they are there how many of these Romulans will head out from the swarm frontier in search of live prey for the Horde if they find anything of significance they will call for reinforcements a battalion of soldiers can respond in seconds Oh God oh look the tarantula oh it didn't even stand a chance what about this big thing oh I like this can we not just have multiplayer already that'd be so cool I don't like oh hello hello a little has begun well it's a trencher or something yeah oh well the army ants are out there so it shouldn't be too bad oh not oh they're they're all dying he's not even eating them I mean yeah my little termite things have to come quite far actually to go pick up the food okay place that one down there and then I'll just make sure to get more puppies there you go load all the puppy places we've got and if things really get bad you can just dig bigger or upgrade them even that might be a better solution actually no oh I don't know that might be a bit too close to whatever those things are it's got a safing just destroy these I'll be happy yeah there we go we don't need much more space as long as we can just keep making more soldiers it costs 80 though are we running out of food I see a lot they're doing nothing we're gonna go over there then Jesus as those abundantly answer extending their foraging activities space is running out okay right so we got another one oh it's so intense I like it whoa Oh No okay everybody time to go down here and get these ones cuz oh they are they're on a different level I don't think they are are they I don't think they are on a different level I'm not sure they're closed they're getting very close do I not want to be seen by them I get the feeling that I don't oh so they're eventually gonna get me though right that's what's gonna happen here going a little bit further oh we got checkmarks oh that's Oh got to this polish field above town drains as army ants are killed at key intervals the army ants will march closer or further from the players nest so do I want cutters have been spotted by a troop of army and scouts if any escape they will call for reinforcements where where are they these little things these tiny ones oh they won't escape Oh however however this thing's pretty big okay okay I think we're doing good an enemy scouting troop has been overwhelmed by the Atta soldiers really oh is that me so good I did good I think war battalions yes grab all the leaves I still don't stand much of a chance like if they do if they do decide to come near me Oh Lord I've just got to keep making I've just gotta keep making guys maybe should have created them maybe we should make the bigger ones I don't know maybe we'll see things about time we go over here now actually no no we just secured this place that's fine yeah look at I'm massive George and let's send some more workers out because we've already got seven helping around the nest we don't need another seven it seems like there's less of them now where's this this big buggers just hiding I don't like it he's just staying here and then he'll attack and kill us all okay I'm gonna max up this area and then start upgrading them I think it's not the best thing to do oh I don't know I don't know [Music] okay well tell you what this there's some tarantulas here as well but there is some like dead leaves so I you know I'm gonna start sending them over here and that's we go over here no no we're already here let's go there let's go there we're going on top of this place cuz at least we're out of the range of the army ants the ants must fight well they'll try oh they kill them he just flop over bleh you do darn Skippy my leaf cutters are amazing okay I just want to max this out I don't know whether it's better to just have these resources spent on more workers or I mean let's let's do some workers let's do some extra workers there you go we'll do four extra workers with everything that we get what did the mushrooms say at the party where are you all going over food guys haha I knew the punchline I just know how to do the jokes I just maybe I'm gonna the army and foraging activity begins to settle the aceton forces are reconvening to join a giant bivouac formed of their own bodies where they will wait out the night ah for the ATA's this is the perfect opportunity to stockpile leaves yes stockpile stockpile dark piles do it all good lord oh god oh he's right there the big things right there you know I remember I was in Thailand and a couple years ago and I saw this reed creature but I think I know what it was was now it was a water scorpion I think it was called call this sound okay guys I think it's about time that we have graded the craft station there that's a lot of upgrading to do don't get poisoned when you go in there dude right there you go so that should I mean it increases the capacity is it let's see yeah it does it does okay fantastic we need more space though I think that's that's what the red bar is we need more space so what I'll do is I'll just clear out this area here that's pretty swell that'll be a good area a good space Oh a little cricket thing or wet it should have great summer shorts Oh shoulders soldiers they again upgraded a few of them this should be bigger I mean numbers are good if we can make them stronger I mean I guess if we want maybe I shouldn't maybe I shouldn't do that damn too late just because we want to actually gather more stuff so numbers do matter go and I'll send them now I send them sell them to the top here first and then we'll go that way where do we have leaves the some leaves there there is nothing there those occasion leaves over here there's some man yeah look at that beautiful so I just want to tear this leaf down yeah these plants here we get super close to him look at his eyes all right okay over here we're gonna go out it's gonna be very dangerous mission guys but you have a lot of soldiers with you poop is what is that even firing five minutes of how much of the available space locked by we're dead fungus the ants must fight fight come on eighty boom there we go fantastic yes quickly while the army ants aren't here yeah we should demolish this area pretty fast tell you what I'll put another marker there and I'll shift those twenty workers over to that one so they can sort of split up over here oh I'm such a boss man I should be a nun Queen we're doing really well um do we need any more I could get loads of workers now like loads and loads of workers but that's gonna be expensive how about we just start making the big army here one two two big uns and if we can level those guys up to level three has begun what battle oh no you don't get rekt look at him he's green it's close enough that will do upgrade those yes Laurel um so I know of us okay keep eating you doing good job guys really there's there's nowhere else I couldn't kind of I guess I could kind of go over there but don't want to I mean of course I do want to but we'll get a couple more here come on Cooper ow any more big ones Oh yoo-hoo there were a sign over there as well there you go go that way jungle stairs the sound of panicked arthropods running from danger can be heard throughout the leaf litter and beyond birds are circling overhead Blacksburg has returned oh right oh so the big things are coming now are they sure get I don't think we've lost one where's that that one doesn't have like their colored ass is he mine yeah well there you go oh we should've went over here she went over here tell you what go over there now go over there now while you can while you can the armies are coming okay never mind go back go back go back go back the army ants the huge yeah run away please guys yeah pick ball pickup yech oh god we left loads of leaves the leaf cutters have been spotted by it now he hasn't mean spod we don't know these storage is full okay well let's make some more oh look at us we are huge should we not attack I mean there's loads of them I'm just looking them up and I can definitely see that we don't stand much of a chance if we do decide to attack these guys now they are off on a different level so could it be worse look there's a sapling there it's also a huge spit it my godness must defend themselves yeah we got this we've got the big ones I know but there's this good plants over there this goes by morning he's just shot they're doing nothing tell you what okay I think it's about time everybody was in one full leaf storage is full Wow still what is going on I mean these little buggers they should be able to get them all pretty quick oh I was gonna say they're over if you fall down there your deed don't do it ah look at all the leaves yes picked clean oh god what's this Oh scout scouting park out the leaf cutters they must not be allowed to report back to the swarm well he is he's gone I can't get him No he's gone yeah uh I think I might have lost he's out of there there anymore leaves some leaves here yep he's gone he's definitely gone so what does that mean push the army ants back I mean I'll try but oh Jesus they're coming they're coming then we go back out an enemy scout to escape a battalion of soldiers is inbound that's not a battalion that's a puny army yes yes it is not much of a chance really down on the nest the leaf cutters are about to be overrun I think we're being overrun what how we've got these huge giant buggers and we're gonna make more more of them see we're gonna win we just we just bring everybody back here Naomi answer finding the at a colony difficult to deal with hey bloody well are some prey can be found elsewhere yes well I'll tell you what I'm gonna still kill you we need we need this we need these leaves so we need to get over here ah look at them go it's all many ants the leaf cutters have been spotted by a troop of army and scouts if any escape they will call for reinforcements that's fine we got this look at all these leaves were gonna get [Music] mmm who's gonna say army ant Scouts have reported recently cut a movements back to the swarm enemy reinforcements are inbound well that's fine I don't care we've got leaves for days I can wait for them to come and kill us and it's I mean I see them down there oh that that's where they last saw me got it okay what I should have greed more right for now oh we drop loads of leaves over here what you doing guys go what's all this right okay so when we get daybreak or night arrives again what we should do is go over here and get these leaves that seems to be the best option yeah pick up what what we left here but I don't think there is anything left I've gotta be honest okay here we go here we go here we go go go go my sons and daughters or daughters or the old thought is or as I B's I'm thinking of oh I don't know oh wow I've loads okay right one upgrade these one two and I need to upgrade for I think in order to get a level three because really I want that level three that's what I'm after come on brother okay that's three done whoa what's over here well these guys are upgraded now uh-oh you see we just got bigger like on the left yeah yeah go get them all all the leaves go get him yeah that's a lot of stuff okay by day break we should be in a much better situation as far as leaves go as far as aunt numbers go and quality cuz I'll definitely upgrade them a lot get it all we need all the workers we can find Oh soldiers I should say okay well we've been here now I think it's about time everybody went over there we're gonna get as many of the out of resources as possible while we're not gonna die as daylight fades the army ferries the last of the day spoils back to the bivouac for the evening feast they will return at first light good I'll be ready for him oh no kill them come on this is it this is it I don't know when this big things going to attack it yes needin anything it's like a huge whip spider thing there we go there we go this is the tactic this is what we should have done to start with we should have just used the night time to get all of this stuff and the daytime to get the stuff that's closer oh we got some an attack on us of these spiders although the daddy Longleg things come on get him come on Shirley Shirley would die what yep there he goes what's over here it's just this is more of more stuff there's a lot of a lot of leaves over here okay so I wasting time when I could be making a lot more oh they go always help them I like how they drop the leaves in help out that's good Oh [Music] leaf stores are full but they're not why [Laughter] there you go how about bad they'll hold more stuff and we won't get that message anymore cuz it's paused the aesthetic [Music] there's anything I need to do does this these vines here but I don't know how you get up it okay okay we'll go over here you go over there how did we get that oh god we go past everything that can kill us fantastic oh I don't know I don't want to get close that thing in case I provoke it somehow oh I guess more biggies and I need 80 I think it is there we go okay this is uh what of the foraging trails has drawn the attention of a whip spider the ants must defend themselves okay rip spider it is he says that but he can't seem to focus on anything so can we go back go back guys go back go back turn around Oh God yeah you die you would die right how about you get the food before you die please join Novus yep just go over here and get all the all look there you go there's or we got oh oh are you gonna go for these guys who doesn't know there's a bit too many I mean those that matter one should probably kill him right I would have thought so we'll just get all these leaves I know there's no no knows more stuff there's more stuff over here climb up this leaf yes all of them oh look at the crawl up makes your skin kind of crawl oh look at him go beautiful absolutely decimated that all right we're not doing too bad the things that are in that way of our colony are easily dealt with I bet you can I bet I just haven't been doing that Oh James forever the agit okay well well let's upgrade some of these huge ones so we'll get him we'll get him now hopefully I just need to get level three because then I can start the stun things is it's not gonna help you a little bit okay that one as well so the biggest ones now are gonna be big ones really good and then that should be able to be oh come on I just need one more they were being attacked by things no bad they still bring it back stuff good on him I'm gonna go free reign of the harvesting grounds is about to be cut short yeah the swarm has mobilized really are they all coming for me now should I have held them back yes level three yeah huge okay uh let me get that one as well right is there any more level threes I could make yes the middle one so we've got two level threes here oh well there's a bigger one he's holding them off I think he's dead or is this not good we're supposed to hold them off a little bit bring them all bring me up in significant losses in their efforts to subdue the leaf cutters the swarm Raiders have been pushed back the leaf cutters must press on to keep them at bay yes oh right I see so I've got to kill a certain amount or else they do attack my nest all right Sarge if we're coming to fit look at the tiny little ones kill the babies kill the workers ah I'm leaping - kill the babies okay you know what it is we're gonna go on the offensive spotted the leaf cutters they must not be allowed to report back to the swarm are they I don't know well anyway I'm gonna go for broke kill em kill as many as possible yes I did good kill them all oh we're getting leaves though still it's kind of a president yes Zoey do it this is how we win oh yeah we are actually gonna do is just press forward cut them down you cut the leaves cut everything okay yeah get all of these we need to reinforce up the problem oh my god there's loads of leaves here yeah just get them all Oh [Music] big army ant can he kill one no he can't okay we go another one all right no bad we got leaves coming back oh look at all the leaves here and I'm nice Gavin spotted the leaf cutters it must not be allowed to report back to the Sun yeah it's fine even if it does we can just kill it anyway oh yes all the leaves oh really we need to go up here is it yeah up there if I can leave cutters are causing problems for the army ants and the swarm frontier is beginning to recede yes Sagat oh we're getting close they've only got one lane left can we do it I think we can hope they've got some little lane coming in it was just little Babbage little workers okay yeah we did really well ver okay can we upgrade anything you know if it escapes it will call for reinforcements well it doesn't so it's fine don't worry about it oh there we go there's a big leaf up there's a few big leaf is up here if they can attack me of their walls have been spotted by a troop of army and scouts if any escape they will call for reinforcements well he escaped stray away he ran up them up an army ant scout has reported recently cutter movements back to the swarm enemy reinforcements are inbound yeah you may you may you may but we've pretty much got this look at all the leaves yes yeah who I was gonna say we're a little bit low we're actually right next to the walking right past them he's not bothered in this lady's awesome oh my do not your leg oh dear yes I think they have to wait for ones to go down before others can go up now if you can if you wouldn't mind climbing the vine yeah they can climb the vine and the relative tranquility sets in across the rainforest floor yeah if we can do that yeah we can just chop this fine down I'm running out actually we really need to get over to the the very end over here yeah you're you you may as well go up then you're right there right and I think I've to the base not to toot my own own should we get more or should I upgrade the big ones Oh tell you what I'll plunk him in there and we'll look great and another one will look great that guy lots of leaves Oh whip spider has detected the presence of the mouse with supreme prowess this gargantuan night hunter can knock back swipe and Lance even the toughest major soldiers a considerable sustained flow of resistance must be called upon for the colony to stand any chance of dissuading this legend of the undergrowth [Music] he's not killing me so I'm alright in fact other things I think I'm being killed by him I haven't lost any soldiers yet there's these guys Wow okay time to attack everybody oh they're all coming back they're all come back hunt can we even kill him why is being swamped now on all sides yeah the stunners or the toners you might kill a loved ones oh look at them is that much of a chance now it will be up to kill him yes the colony sacrificed many brave soldiers to pacify this beast the commander now work quickly to spawn their replacements I don't think I did actually many it was super easy oh but all right for the sake of dramatization it's so satisfying I love these games where you you build up an army you get better over time so like real time strategies Wow they are just taking all of the Leafs they just so put them on the babies don't they and they just turn into fungus do babies eat them what we got oh we got another one oh okay Wow I died instantly oh because they have health down there yeah forgot about that right okay come on get him well he's still being swamped and they do get invincible teeth oh there's a level three there's a level three squished ironic and as all the leaves coming back yeah keep climbing dudes just keep climbing so is my last battle gonna be with those huge ants the army ant colony I would assume so hmm sure upgrade these guys and not get any more I think we're good for numbers I'd rather just get better oh oh god no no no no resume do not quit we've come so far it's been 40 odd minutes see these guys always get on spiders crickets whatever those things are the weather they all get on fine they just don't like ants for whatever reason are you proud of me guys I did a first time without a cup of tea but that's really the thing to brag about that without the cup of tea geez yes another level three Dawn has broken and the night critters run for cover the army ants are on the March run back guys you'll be caught out he's moving quickly waves must fight freakin just assassinated a dude day ya know pick up the bigger one you fool right okay nevermind sort it we're attacking the army ants die yes push them back yep that push back a lot they're actually going away oh no no they were talking to spider spider died yet they were treating haha suck it well it's about timing to be inefficient for the swarm they will fan out in other directions really cuz I'm just gonna wipe them off the planet now I'm just going to upgrade everything upgrade my big beasties there's another level three we can do that can we get another level three the poly kit yeah that one that make that another level three let's just make upgrade some regular workers a little bit here here they come attack in the firing line go yes it's good just keep going just spread out kill them all I mean they're going in single file almost and we're just a huge hold so we should be able to kill them easily they keep coming down ah look at them yeah given City Hall like the buzzed Robin the balls drop in so much [Music] you may call for help but it's not gonna help you yes chi'lan you have more coming in yes and because we killed them we're actually getting the leaves as well from the vine come on they're almost gone yes completely reduced yeah arranged impossible yes the soldiers of the at a stronghold met the tyrannical intruders with ferocious defiance time and time again unable to break their lines and after tremendous losses the army and swarm was finally elected to move on for the leafcutters the ultimate trial is over oh my god there was a pre madness there it was just gonna get harder and harder didn't even know it oh well let's get the royal jelly whoo except yeah I didn't realize that to win the level was just to beat them mmm well there you have it guys I don't think we got at a crazy scope but we did pretty decent I didn't lose that's the mean that's the thing to take away from this that's the point enjoy these guys leave a like if you wanna see more and until next time I'll see you later bye bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,317,937
Rating: 4.8543053 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrough, indie game, ant game, empires, undergrowth
Id: LDsd4YEtHy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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