Ant Simulator - Empires Of The Undergrowth - Ep1

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got mandibles for God's sake they can defend there we go oh no oh no oh no hello would walk back I mean hello what a welcome to empires of the undergrowth this game might be one to play for a while actually uh it's been on my list it's been around for quite some time I just recently everybody's been like playing and I thought god damn it I was supposed to do it but I thought this was a little bit of a kick of the ass that I thought you know if we're gonna do it now let's do it there is a sin that's like be sinking because my mom does crap I can have this on the high setting before I put vsync on it tries to keep it with a monitor and it puts it like 25 frames per second but you were on 60fps so it's all good so we're gonna do critters at the nest or surround oh let's do critters I've never done critters before but hopefully I think yeah there we go there we go that's much better so this is the queen ant I haven't done any fake tutorials so what you got to do in this game is you are the Queen or sort of overseer we disco strobe of the nest and you've got to make a successful ant colony as well as expanded all right just so we can make work ants which cost twenty-five food place it costs five food a hatch we can also get black and nursery tile so I'm guessing they're black ants will be the attacking ones we have apparently seven ants to do and also we have seven our worker ants God bloody light I need to be the dark God it's a really dark game and I've got light blasting in so it's really hard to see yeah so what's this food are they searching for food where's oh there's I got a zero out of 150 food that's always good but oh yeah well not will not use that oh can we hash we calm place down and you do not have enough food to build anything okay so we're gonna expand I'm guessing these this is food now it's kind of funny because looking at this oh look at all the jelly beans yeah yeah it kind of reminds me when I was a kid I would go into my my nanny's back garden and she had the huge old tiles like stone tiles running along the bottom of her garden and when I was a kid I remember lifting up one because I mean I could see ants crawling underneath the tiles and so what I did was I lifted this huge tile and what I saw amazed me it really did I was like oh my god this is amazing it was like this except was huge yeah you could see the runways where the ants were going you could see the eggs which are these things you could see and as soon as I lifted that tile up they went berserk like even on the underneath of the tile you could see the the tunnels that they were making on and it was just it was amazing I was like looking at something that was so highly detailed a world underneath that I didn't know about it was it was honestly crazy I loved it I did and it fascinated me it really did and this is like really similar so we'll also get over there look at can we get more ants or we can build there you go more build sites so we can make more worker ants now they're part of the explanation box I think what I mean they must be danger I'm guessing there we have oh okay that's it we've got like different plots or they like different Oh God what did I do I did some stop it no what's that is that a garrison point I don't even know okay so food what is this sorry what does this do food food stage tile allows the calling to store up to 50 food on this tile oh okay how much does it cost 10 okay so this increases our capacity so we got 150 and when that's made we got 200 so that's where we're gonna put all of our food in fact we should yeah which I should have built it so close because there just could be more workarounds so oh this is awesome so build lots of food towels on the food so much food no yams that's enough without that so we stopped getting that we don't I mean we're we're a peaceful ant species so we don't need I mean you don't even know what reading that oh the little like what even are they I don't even know like can we hash it says here costs five food to hatch increase your colony by one worker and the work sorry work one work around the worker will hatch from an egg on the tile so is it just a matter of time or do I need to actually activate those my grid is during death a greedy gonna keep expanding damnit like we haven't we've got food for days except for their there is enemy so we'll worry about that so let's dig dig keep digging so I'm guessing this is like an open space so as soon as we soon as we get through oh look a knight oh there we go everybody go get that food we should just like oh we can't break through that break all of this break it all open what's this black ant nursery tell increase your colony by one black and a black and will hatch from an egg on the tile again I have that there maggots right now but they're not bloody hatching from anything so guys just just expand out all the walls because we need we need more tiles we need lots of things so there you go look at them go says we've got we've got two seven two and one apparently one two one two or three four five six seven eight nine ten no I ruined I was a kid I used to squirt and some water pistols it was hilarious kill them I don't know I was a kid a little nightmare okay I mean there is a there is a niceness to the story though because by the end I don't know how they managed it but the ants had crawled up all over my back so I end up getting bites everywhere so they've got their revenge sort of look at you you guys are Hajin we've got lots of food lots and lots of food should we make how much did black ants cost blockage I know about these Oh pheromone marker group to a group of Bru chambers which can have their ants directed to a particular location using a thermal marker interesting so it they're like garrison points or like you know when I mean if you're doing a proper what Yuma calls it real-time strategy I guess they're like I really what I'm making anything I don't know for the life of me why not more food tiles damn it make and make this whole area food so we can have lots there you go now you're busy and then just excavate all of this all of this area we got a little bit of food that that's great but now we need more work rats how do we hash yeah if you didn't know ants when the top of the new places they leave pheromone markers so you can have all of these ants in a specific like so drop-down thing so that when you click right click they'll all go to it oh I tell you what let's just make more more ants make lots of babies that's a Popeye's of ants there you go we're gonna have loads all of the worker ants now we probably shouldn't neglect cost five food to hatch they cost five through 25 and the workers so the butler's cost fifty who those black ants okay oh there you go the [ __ ] awesome finally good lord I see there's Guardians over here for the food so we've got to be careful get the food like this one go get this one and then we'll get some work like I've guess work runs could attack cook me they've got mandibles for God's sake Hagin defer there we go oh no oh no oh no make a blackened Oh No the millipedes are coming oh the millipedes are coming the millipedes are coming millipedes are coming no everybody a tiger well oh she's dead there you go she's died she's she's killed over and died there you go restart fantastic how about we do different level surrounded how about that yeah let's do it I want to be outside okay oh there you go select a difficulty moderate god Mr Bond oh my goodness whoa okay let's go for this safe the safe food shall we yeah let's do that go for the safe food uh-oh we got loads of food oh my god when they said surrounded them oh wow look at that what is this place there's like a whole system going around that's awesome okay but there's nothing there okay we are we getting food yet you get food yet get the food come on let's expand expand all this area with seven hands go on you can do this work like you've got bills to pay awesome okay please tell me that that does not lead into theirs oh my god okay that's good more food more food and you excavate all this and then we'll get an army an army of black ants there we go yeah just give it all this don't worry about food just yet it's all it's all kosher it's all good then Atlanta buddies we should do we could like easy get out to here and then we can just like walk around anywhere that's that's really good I and imagine that foods probably blocked by these guys so well not worry about that yeah there's just are you guys not gonna get the food are you just being really slow yeah they're being really slow about it okay well tell you what we'll get two extra workarounds how about that you happy with that you get some friends but I'm not neglecting the warrior ants this time all right there's loads of food loads of it we've got one two three four stashes and then everything else is guarded we could like I'll go for this area first because there's like three enemies there and there's like a crude I don't even know what those are terrifying huh there we go we've got more hands now that's good that's good okay so go go get rid of that but just that do not get go any further okay focus on the food I'm gonna get some blackheads here you go we do we need a hold any more food I don't really think we do cuz yeah I think we're good yeah make a black on there make another black and make another black and lots of black ants warriors yeah look at the floor horrible gross it's really cool though I like this oh let's keep that let's keep that I could block the Queen what we should have done is actually expand that one way so like if they go to attack the Queen they could only can we click a drag oh we can awesome yeah I'm an idiot there we go somebody's been showering at the whole game of worker ants go there I mean warrior ants there's you Farah dude will they go oh there goes one there goes two where's the third one oh he's over there there you go they're all like waiting over there a roundabout that way yeah good good okay this is cool I like it it's like if you go shift one with the real-time strategy so we all continue oh we've got loads of food we got way too much food and you know that means poor worker I mean crazy killer ants we don't need to hold food because once we make it oh hold on we've got three out of six Curren so you've got three out of six bottle onsen nine out of nine so do you need food to increase the population I think you might hold on let's see when I make that no no no we've only got six six work arounds and that's all we can hold is that true do we need to expand to make more go and destroy that do we get more how about weeks oh oh there's enemies oh my god when the hell did this happen millipedes this isn't good how could we can only have six I need more anymore than that dude you do not have enough food to build the tile do we need more food and very confused I'm seeing like a bill limit like how about that there you go we got lots of food tiles now and then when we get food because we do have actually quite a bit left I don't know if it's gonna disappear cuz like a workaround or bring a food to the tile and there we go right so it can because seven out of seven of our ants but I think that just continuously increases as long as yeah it's not like out of screw that lot of rubbish it's just whenever you make an ant you get eight out of eight or nine out of nine I think do you have like a minimum of six I think so these are just regular blackouts so they're just gonna keep on spawning is that it I feel like that's what's gonna happen so another another crazy black ant and I wanted to be crazy okay if it's no crazy not gonna be happy so another one so we're gonna have like nine yeah there you go see seven out of nine now because they're not being made like they haven't been made so we've got lots of lots and lots of food I don't even expand it over there so you guys can we expand and you do like there we go get rid of that rock so I'm wondering if more enemies are gonna spawn it didn't oh do they fight each other I don't think they do do they well maybe they do they're getting you know these guys are friendly for some reason last time I encountered millipedes a bloody Choubey face off instantly so I must be on the bad guy I'm the bad colony nobody gets along with gonna make more worker ants I mean killer ants will settle my defenses there there we go six of them so far six out of eleven seven yeah a s'more look at all of them beautiful and work is you can make more food storages and go on wine I'll treat yourself to a free worker there ya go so we can get food even quicker oh oh the battle go get him attack yes have we lost one I don't know if we're probably gonna lose one oh look at this oh good kill them all awesome we did without any casualties back into the nest before any more come so this will not break out we'll keep that as a corridor to the outside world there is food at the entrance though who where does that lead into a house it's light there so more and more things are coming but I mean we're getting more and more and so that's okay we're still we've got a a steady supply of food that's good oh oh they're coming in go fight go get him ah God we need more I still got 11 or 10 out of 11 is one died I think maybe one might have died I'm not sure it says Niner there but where's your the black ants where is he what you doing over there ask assay your vehicle go on don't help out of work is that fine don't need to worry about that go that there's your hot spot okay we've got a hundred not food are we running out of food now I don't know hmm let's make more food spots stay again so we seem to have a like a constant trickle of black ants that every now and again will just come in Oh what is that okay supply into black forces black army that coming down oh the millipedes are here oh my god okay more black ants go okay oh there they are black hats go go go go go go we're gonna lose those quiet Oh swap them like it really like oh we lost one yes oh no we haven't killed one uh answer dying though our answer all of them are dying this is fantastic come on keep going don't die oh oh there's only one left yes awesome take you back to the hive oh for God's sake even more don't you guys go your way too hard way way way too hard workers okay workers expanding to here I don't care we need more food get more black ants are you more of an army look at that they're already coming in we need food dig it can't you dig it please don't open it yeah there we go there we go and up into that one even more food yeah that's right suck it okay okay there we go off you go come on I got this what's big there it's another big one how many hands do you need for that goodness okay come on keep x4 yeah there we go lots of food tiles lots of food tiles we need some more workers why not more workers there you go we're doing good you got 14 14 oh no oh come in cut the food get the food get the food okay okay even workers even work actually no the workers will die oh good lord go go go my friends go get him go get the big ones Oh God you can a poisonous gas what kind of weird foreign alien things of come on you that's okay we're losing quite a few will keep being replaced I think right you guys will hatch for you yeah there you go quirky paddling oh my goodness okay uh retreat until you build up numbers okay okay oh my god the roller come on hutch oh it's my little pretties yeah there we go yes kill him now yes suck hopefully we've lured them into a death trap actually there's enough space for us to move around here so that we can really surround them go and work arounds get in they're probably gonna lose a few though there you go build out the defenses I mean the walls so it can probably sell oh yeah there's one dead ones dead okay good okay we need food we need food we need lots of this food now is food Oh what's going on oh no we need more food and we lost all the rats my guys broken in what's going on over here Oh protect the Queen protect the Queen workers go get him oh I'm income smoothly okay okay guys I'm gonna give that one last try I think we can do this really well moderate okay okay I've got this I've got this right okay so don't wait for them just to swarm you we'd expand out into this area that's what we need to get as much food as possible that's what we need to do okay now I know what type of game this is it's a game where if you don't expand you die so I was just kind of waiting for them to come to me and then I eventually died so I mean that's the entrance where they'll slowly start to come through if we push out through that then we can get lots of stuff so just keep keep yep just in you go get to the food and to be honest this is the first time I've ever played it so yeah with you you'll be surprised if I'm not very good okay make that a little bit longer a bit a little bit wide actually don't don't make that undo that one there you go let's say expand this way expand that and we've got lots of food get that as well yeah keep this wall here that's good keep that wall there yeah don't make that just expand this we will probably take that one first we'll go for those red exclamation marks and that come on we ever got any food because I've been busy like expanding come on when we get in there even more food yes so much food expand all that go on okay and then when we start to get some food I'll make probably around the Queen lots of whatchamacallit lots of food places lots of food tiles there you go just expand out a little bit more and that's it okay we've got the base the base is established okay maybe get rid of those yeah there we go actually reduce we don't need to go get food help your queen okay there's a lot there there's a lot of food has begun appearing at the maps edge really where I don't see it oh you mean these these little things Oh [Music] as well as him bad food is start appearing traps of start appearing I'll have you know one two three four five there you go lots of food plots now I want to make a pretty pun and then outside here we can make lights of wormies Amina and she's there we go right okay I think that's good we've got a capacity of 550 food okay so now we need workers so we're 25 foot to place five food to hatch so these kind of counters houses so when an ant is killed he will be replenished four five food but that's the max capacity I can have by building so many so I can only have eight and I've got one hatching right now and that'll make me eight out of eight when he's when he's probably hatched there you go eight out of eight so there is a lot of food together so I need a lot of worker ants to gather that and then when I've got loads of food we just place down lots and lots of black hands preferably near the entrance where we're gonna be attacked because that's not a good sign where do you go oh no there's three of them they haven't found me yet okay worker ants more worker ants two more then we get loads of food and we can start to slowly get the friggin word you McCall's it's yeah destroy that yum yums okay think we're golden I think so far more work out we've got one more worker there you go two more hatch so that's twelve twelve workers that's good turning age of an age of Age of Empires 3 that's that's a good amount to send on food that's a 10 and we don't need to worry about their wood or gold so I'm pretty good we've got lots of food still to get the more workers we get the more food will be I thought he was an enemy that was like a kind of type me already it's not fair the starting to work their way through so there's food there but why would you bother code all that way ok alright so we got we got a lot of food now I would say probably invest in like one to three more workers and that's it I think 16 work runs for now is good then we need to focus on killer black ants so if I was put seven on there I could say all you guys go over there and get that food is that is that right I think that might work that might be how it works okay there you go even more good good very good so Custer's fifty is it fifty so we can place three so one two three okay how's how's that how's the UH the enemies ho coming here that's okay that we just need a lot that's all we need one two three oh yeah six of them already hatch my pretties beautiful okay yeah they're getting lots of food now lots of food so because I've garrison them over there they're not just like going all over the place that's just oh god they're coming in yeah they're worming their way in moving the way okay black ants attack get them go black let's go oh god it's not looking good we've only got like five yeah hutch my pretties come black ants you're good you're really good oh there's a worker in there actually what the hell's he doing yeah once dead there we go good Oh was somebody burying what's he doing nobody here Oh No is he gonna release them oh you little [ __ ] he's just digging through no that's not good he needs to be stopped greens stop him okay you you blue go get that food go get that food while we can yes off you go off you pop petals there we go okay what else we got but we're not doing too bad I don't think yeah look at all that food go get it awesome okay uh more food tiles one two three and maybe a worker and then definitely two more black ants okay we don't need to worry no big things yet but what I would suggest is probably attacking these here and getting their food that's what I would say so actually put them out there as well green workers come on come on we need we're gonna take this before all of these come through we're gonna have this ball working out we're gonna get through here go on my sons look at the food they're getting okay I'm seeing quite a build up over here and I'm not liking it um but we're getting all this food though that's great that's really good we can hold it we can store it you got all of this haylage yeah it's gonna say work hands help me come on we're gonna lay an offensive come on move in as soon as they get it move in what's over here oh it's a millipede okay work arounds stay there now there we go greens I mean no no not you yeah go get them kill are we doing good we need to work around to like make up we can't do well in narrow corridors yes awesome okay everybody go and get it in fact you should go in that one you go in that one and you go in that one so a green there blue be the defense awesome even more food actually let's Nick this food as well when we can so make the blue go there and then hollow out this way okay we've got a lot of food I mean like tons and tons and then actually that's pretty good we just need to focus on Oh God killer who's like killer oh the hell did he run yes oh you suck oK we've we've mined that out okay you gotta you go the blue there and then - away get this food and then we could start on this there's probably loads of ants there okay anything big we've got earwigs erosion comes through I've never seen the ants dig away like that like they did there that's crazy okay blue blue go that help defend okay do not break through just yet yes defend the colony there's so many of them Oh something bigs in holy crab it's a thing that can spit spit poisons yes kill them all how'd you get rid of like a yeah they know that work I don't even know I don't even know how to deselect a a point I think once you've selected that's it okay um dig might go there and then workers dig this out dig this out there's like quite a few over here yeah they're slowly making new eggs are probably gonna make the way down soon enough earwig earwig protect the Queen I was gonna say don't you dare actually you know what's on it you can do that that's fine we've got 181 or we've got a big in we've got a big thing coming let's go say don't break through that just yet go on kill him get them inside so we can like promise around and there we go that's more like it or even the work is getting on the action oh he's killin oh he's killing all of them come on kill him kill him hello hello huh oh my God he's killing so many like us five food to replenish those I hope you know that come on kill him he's in like a space where he can't be surrounded so it sucks yeah there we go take oh look at that food we got from awesome okay now we're that away and go they're right we killed the biggest threat I think that we've had so far I don't think we've have we killed that thing before maybe we need food though we're running out of it we've got little ants coming in but that's okay they can go there go protect those right worker ants where are you what are you doing work over here I don't know how to deselect the Waypoint how'd you do that because my worker ants are now doing nothing because they're just like stuck in the waypoints go there go there are you gonna help yeah there we go okay right ready guys right destroy that Oh run millipedes hmm this will be our food source there you go send the greens over I think yeah I just dig out the way so we can kill them quicker more efficiently awesome right okay now everybody workers get in there get in there Oh No what the hell the blue ants are coming they just dug his way through all the way to the food you lil bugger you actually no that's ok that's ok we gave you more your more bucket bucket ok uh you guys you guys go there you guys go there you can keep collecting that food yeah we've still got some more of this food we really need to like bow away to the entrances that's all we need to do oh my god it's gonna say you surround him that's our food right okay Oh what's this two of the big ones oh my God look at all that food that's nuts okay right if we can demolish all of this it's gonna say there to go there and then demolish this it's about time we expanded defended on all levels we have 21 21 black hands 27 actually okay yep expand this expand the walls do we need more workers I think we're pretty good actually expand that as well we're gonna get that food and then we're gonna go to war with the pagans nothing's gone through Oh more big uns that's okay we can do this I believe in us okay get that food there hopefully they're not into each other but you never can tell there we go there we go that's more like it greens in you in now blues ready the assault for this rest of the food oh my God look at my colony it's grown so much there they are get him oh my god the workers are dying this is not always supposed to go go kill him quickly because blues yeah it's somebody destroy this please we need it more God oh that's okay actually they're just regular ants and this there's some there's some black ants they were okay just destroy this that's what we need to worry about Oh God regular ads oh it's okay we've got black ants that's good I pretty sure they're better than regulars oh my god you just got rinsed nothing bigs coming in we've got the workers attacking those boys like ten workers attacking one of them hey Dad there we go Oh God big things coming big things are coming okay you guys get that food as well seven I don't know what they're doing are they are they are they digging Oh II think um ready here we go okay we got lots of food lots of food um more like adds more blackheads go get the blackheads come on come on surround them surrounding attack oh god this is nuts this is nuts come on there's loads of us it's like 40 man kill him we've got lots of food we could we can continue to replenish this it's okay it's okay we really should have built these tunnels better oh we've got three left we've got three left blankets please Hey Oh God the killer work is like instantly where are the black ants I have 405 out of 33 what's going on why are they not doing anything come on block ends with the 27 why are you not making anything we're all the workers work is what you're doing I'll help them breed now the Queen hello bloom why we not why we know Oh God why why we are the Queen's gonna die oh no something I'm not getting here like nothing's being made we've got we got tons of food tons of food [Music] so the black comes like take resources so could they only be hatched a certain amount of time yeah we've lost Wow good 516 food yeah she's dead oh my god huh slug disco what did I do wrong yeah oh man cuz I had loads these and then the boy I thought the workers would be continuously being hatched as well as the the black hands but maybe when I a son oh you know what it was you can move them out can't you there you go oh so then I just do things automatically so I think the workers help breed the other ants but because all the workers were assigned to like individual places that's why that's why I lost because they weren't making the eggs anymore I think damn it well anyway we've seen this this game it's really loads of fun actually now that I know that I think I could last even longer but we enjoyed this video leave a like show the show at slug disco your support by following on Twitter and all that jazz on my Facebook page and I tell me the game's awesome until next time I'll see you later alright
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,679,656
Rating: 4.8626552 out of 5
Keywords: empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrough, indie game, ant game, empires, undergrowth
Id: aBeUqd3qU_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 32sec (2312 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2017
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