THE GREAT FLOOD! - Empires of the Undergrowth BETA Gameplay | Ep5

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hello and welcome back to another episode of vampires of the undergrowth Satya with me cuppa tea are you content there's nothing more British it's cold outside I'm wrap my hands around this woman I'm of drinking tea while looking at ads oh what a life well okay guys so before we do anything I can take into this week because that is that a good temperature okay we now we have food I think I won food from a previous one and this time it's gonna be the first time that I'm friggin gonna I'm gonna be able to do a mission without losing that's what I'm trying to get out I look at them all go look at them or leave there you go or when you I guess you can collect food I suppose but I kind of wanted you to kill these things I mean one of you is probably gonna die maybe no no dying right ye oh the piano man is going what is it awesome so these are the sort of laughs a version of the devil horse devil coach because now look at them all go look at those hands go it's just so much food so we got one more mission to do before we do the challenge to also how much royal jelly do we have I never looked weave 157 I've already got one of those right or do i I think I unlocked one but I didn't choose hundred fifty roads are it's working at the ant mortar or the and rapid-fire now before I choose I'm gonna in the next campaign to like choose the mortar and see if it really makes much of a difference now I have faced up against the mortar the only difference was that the mortar missed because by the time it fires up and lands the ants moved so I'm wondering if rapid fires probably better so I might get that one I don't know so guys I just want to say thank you again for all the support you guys have left on this series I friggin love it like this game has so much potential and I really hope you guys show all your support to the devs let alone me but just to them because they're the ones really put in the effort and making the game all I did I'd be easy job all I have to do is play it and just show you how fun it is and that's so easy to show you because it is fun it is a fun game are these coffee beans I just realized all this supposed to be like coffee beans even though we're sort of filling up our larders also this next mission I think has ladybugs and a feeds and there's a certain type of ant I think it's crazy ant that do milk aphids for they're like sweet juicy nectar I think it is or some sort of sugary substance so I'm wondering if we are like gonna Huff's cuz like you could there's no end you could do at this game let's say you could have different civilizations like if you did do multiplayer what if you've had okay this is an ant colony versus a bee colony and then you could get flying ants and that's how you could attack the bees when you get flying on so I don't know just all these different things you could do with it like it's got a level of polish that most indie games don't have like this this one I think it's beautiful so oh here we go kill him yes oh he's dead oh yeah he's dead do you take him back or is he just dead can you not eat him oh there ya go he's not even holding them how is that happening okay guys so we are now going to go and do this one a queen of the hill a prime location on the beach will not go unchallenged so I kinda want to do the Mordor slow firing wouldn't that deals high damage on impact you see him now yo you'd have to have soldiers or else you're just not gonna hit are you so I guess mortos probably best yeah let's go with mortar this time and we'll do medium and I'm not losing this so this could be the first mission I'm gonna do that I'm not gonna lose the past three we've always lost at the very end and I think I've learned enough this time so here we go whoo a number of small Fumiko roofer and flu scare colonies have established themselves on this beach those nearest to the water's edge have enjoyed the first pick of the washed up seafood for the past few days however as the Sun and Moon near alignment and the first spring tide of the month approaches high tide draws nearer to these intrepid ants seemingly aware of their circumstances these colonies are preparing to relocate to higher ground there is only one way up the bank the route is currently occupied by a small Ruffa colony these defenders will have to hold their ground against the oncoming siege it will be three days before the high tide washes away the competition if the colony survives the people whoa so wait what am I gonna relocate no they were talking about other uncon these coming up to meet me I think I think that's what he was meaning I think so so I'm gonna unlock that just to see what the outside holds for us because you never know it may be easy out there so if we go so yeah and this is what I'm talking about this is multiplayer although there's a ninety bugger there's the aphids hey cuz lady puts milk up no it just ate the aphid okay well ain't that great so this is where all the food is oh we have fish as well we could eat the fish oh my god that's beautiful okay so if we got to attack them we're just gonna survive for days is there any food outside us I mean there's a little a fit colony there so do we do we eat the aphids oh my god this is this is interesting now I don't have exposed my queen to much especially the entrance here I think at the entrance we need to keep it as close as possible so I'm just gonna make some food tiles for the time being and then I'm just gonna start working the nest near of the water a better access to the food washed up by the sea this rufa colony need not starve the plant life growing nearby is home to herds of grey a fits as they feed on plant sap these tiny insects excrete droplets honey Duke which the wood ants find irresistible they need only protect the aphids from danger to receive a constant supply of sugary liquid doing so is not always simple however hungry lady bird beetles know exactly where the aphids like to graze they can strip an unguarded stem bare in a mere matter of minutes the ants will need to keep a close watch over their flock isn't that amazing to think that like oh yeah that it's like sheep that's what it is it's basically just sheep like we protect sheep and we get food from them and it's the same with the ants it's sort of like I don't know raising it's fascinating honestly it is okay so we're gonna go with regular workers we're gonna go with a couple of those sorry not workers and you know what I mean you know what I mean and we're gonna probably put some of them out there and see if we can just milk the aphids for a little bit because we do need some more food there is one thing in here I don't know what it is but it could be big so we're gonna send an ant out and see what happens when we go to an aphid root a feeds feed off the sap from roots and secrete I need you which can be picked up as food Oh God there is a ladybug great how about we go over here then yeah go over that way no don't go well you know what whatever let's see what happens when you go oh we got the I need you okay back this way back this way so that is working okay that's cool and I probably spent a bit too much on food yeah on few tiles so we got to survive for a certain period of time as well you know what I'm gonna send all my ants out it's not a ladybug that is a ladybug okay don't know if I like that it's a ladybug or lady was gone okay quickly go everyone go okay they'll get the body juices from the aphids go get him yum yum yum you see now that's how you do it and then you wait back here cuz there is there's a ladybug coming oh Jesus look at that wobble hey they stay over here so we're gonna get a lot of food from that which we can use to make even more workers there you go so we could be we gonna be clever at the moment up no there's another ladybug is just landed and he's coming back in so what we'll do yeah there you go he's gone he's gone go get the things yes quickly yeah these colonies are big though look at them gain all that food from that fish what does 14,000 food I guess yeah I guess if a fish week it yields a lot of food Oh God run away run away run away you get that one get that one okay uh so we are getting a fair bit of food we don't have any workers on actually so they're not making any more nests so I think we've got a sort of yeah go along here we'll get all that lets you see the more workers I make cuz the Warriors the more I can have Oh God look over there this time go over there the more I can send out and the more a feed I can get as well so what we're gonna do now is actually have them go here because I'm gonna what you want to do if I'm actually any good at this game is excavate to the right so this is where we're gonna go also you guys were like I never knew watching ants could be so interesting of course it can be answer awesome ye oh that's fine we can take that on that's easy I say that what just die of Formica fusca black answer heading inland the high ground roofer colony must defend their territory where they're heading towards me where they going oh they okay they're coming straight towards me okay well ain't that just interesting oh okay gonna make one more they're gonna come they're coming in come on Oh talk Jase Hayes oh my god they're really strong anything we've killed a single one can't hatch them touch them touch them I know I'm not losing straightaway all right no no although maybe we are three left keep going keep going oh I'm not really good at melee apparently oh no oh no this is not good this is really not good I'm just getting absolutely slaughtered oh no no no no stop attacking oh no wait wait someone dying someone dying it's okay just get numbers numbers numbers one for calling me on the low ground are sending troops to clear a path for their queen the high ground colony must keep them at bay okay I've lost I'm just gonna resign another storms coming in bugger up restore this okay guys I'll do better this time [Music] okay so what's happening here I finally understand so those ants are gonna get flooded and they need to find a nest high up and if I survive for four days then they're gonna get flooded and I'll be the only ant left on the beach gotcha finally I get it okay tell me why they got there but look at the yes 60 64 tiles okay so we're gonna have to attacking ants and one militarized ant and we're now just good you know what I'm just gonna go sod it I'm gonna go aggressive and we're gonna take this thing out yeah if they place them down yet no maybe no okay so hold him at bay you guys go oh no he hasn't been born yet now he is okay bit late oh the nest near the water of better access to the food washed up by the sea this Ruffa colony need not starve the plant there we go there we go hey streak droplets of honeydew which the would answer by yay breathe didn't protect the aphids from danger to receive a constant supply of sugary liquid doing so is not always simple however hungry ladybird beetles know exactly where the aphids like to graze they can strip an unguarded stem bare in a mere matter of minutes the ants will need to keep a close watch over their flock oh you don't think I know this oh I know this don't worry I think I'm doing a lot better this time I'm quite aggressive and I'm gonna get a lot of food I've got to make my army as quick as possible and that's what I'm gonna do here so we've got a lot of food there we go again lots and lots of food now just to you know I could make another one of those speedy ones there you go look at that up there it is beautiful all right now I'm gonna assign my my peeps to just do this so they can slowly start harvesting food I'm trying to think what's my next target probably it could be that one or it could be that one I'm gonna go for this one here actually okay so guys get back in hopefully they won't get attacked by the ladybug no they haven't I think they did manage to grab some food before for other do they get any poop did you get any did you go to yeah there it is there's the aphid milk that's what we shall now be known okay this isn't a big bug it's guarding a lot though I'm hoping it's not because we've got we've got like two more toes and four attackers ah geez it's a big bug okay guys we do have a lot of food so it's okay as long as our mortar shots can get in I didn't expect it to be this big didn't expect it'd be this big okay yeah protect workers you're gonna have to go you're gonna have to go because we need these guys need some protection Oh God we may have lost it didn't expect it to be huge like Jay says go and keep that motor going keep that motor there we go come on we can kill this thing it's not that hard right it's not hard look I'll just keep firing the motor damn it why always dead he's dead okay guys retreat Oh protect the Queen you got actual soldiers come on keep going keep going yes holy crap right go get the food go get the frickin food no no no no no no delete that one - leave that one to leave that one Oh nuts delete that accidentally place the wrong one Oh placing the wrong ones no don't be born dammit is born okay it's that one there and that one there got you okay guys let's go let's go go go go I mean nope go go this way go get all this food yes yes okay where's some more like little bits of food no I think we're doing good though with all this food oh hello what's up all I come in there come on Tia for me khufu sky black answer head inland the high ground roofer colony must defend their territory oh they're going to don't worry I think I don't need I think I'm okay hold on if it was as long as all these should be able to take them on our food stores are full oh there you go okay here they come the ants must fight yes those Bordeaux shots they do so there we killed one already yes that's more like it oh yeah that's right move out the way of the action James go workers go okay okay these guys we're probably gonna get some other ones start to come soon so we want to be a bit careful I'm gonna dig quite close to here let's make some more warriors cuz the mortars are good but they're vulnerable so make two more like attacking ants you're going to flood you're all going to die like can you imagine this is like a real-time strategy online like having to control the air for colony on the low ground or sending troops to clear a path for their queen the high ground colony must keep them at bay okay here they come here they come we've got this guys we got this yes we have ten soldiers ready there they come Oh they've got mortal ones too the battle has begun Oh No I didn't realize they had those oh they're only more cars okay well maybe I could have easy you've taken me oh there's a rapid fire there as well that's cheating you can't have multiple types ooh doesn't play fair I see okay so I'm just gonna use this get as many troops as I can and then I'm gonna go outside and harvest the aphids okay go yes there's only it's only a little one go in there go and there get all those how about this way start digging this way start digging that way and then yeah it's dead okay you're collecting all that food that is great yeah get all that food and oh look at that one the tool only answer right you got loads of food you're lots of food go that way and make one two more of those two more of the mortars go this way oh wait what is it what's over here oh no it's those things it's the larvae the earwigs the lower ground colonies have relented their siege for now good good good night approaches night and with it it brings a host of nocturnal predators out onto the beach the high ground ants could go underground to wait out the night but they would have to leave their precious aphids unguarded it is a difficult choice for this colony face the parallel in the open or hide away and risk losing their only reliable source of food oh no should I we're gonna lose one of our one of the thingies all the ladybugs are gonna munch on them attack No leave our a pizza load your boobies yeah that's right oh you shouldn't really be eating no no you should be doing now Oh God look at them all Karen I bet they could kill us pretty easy though I'm not gonna lie quickly protect the aphids oh we're doing really good we're doing really good pull the hole at home I need to be monitoring my colony here I need to be making stuff come on corn corn protect the aphids that's good that's good Oh sir so the ladybugs don't attack you oh no oh that come in the other way oh no open this Oh No okay well I guess we're just protecting one then you shouldn't be getting food just stay here and protect no that's good though Oh No something big coming come on yes there we go there we go oh my god how many Oh freaking many I think I'm just gonna have to leave that like one of those I have to leave it yeah okay okay that's a big boy that's a really big bug I can't be taking on one of those if that comes on this side just go just go just go there we go there we go okay get the things and go it's not one of those big okay we're doing good we're doing good on this side okay guys um yeah you're getting food you're getting food oh my god how many things are over here hermit crabs every okay what's up oh it's a big thing it's a big thing retreat retreat retreat oh no hold I get food first and then go then go then go then go oh yeah he's dead leave alone he's gone he's a goner is that spider oh who knew okay guys we got we got a lot of food I mean a lot of food so let's let's use that use that use that okay so one two there we go two more workers probably need to dig out this a little bit more too so we've got some more food stalks should we that one's been demolished basically but we should protect this let's go he's are you going please tell me you're gonna go yeah he's going I think just get the food and go good good good go go go go go he's come back you see you know you stupid water no it hasn't no it hasn't oh you know what soda I can take these guys on I can take him on get him we can do this we got this come on come on come on we got this right I need I can't make any more because I need to replenish yeah kill like I killed a big one kill the big one there's loads of shots like we defeat one of these in the nests yes there we go okay can we got this we got this distract the ladybugs I'm keeping this one I'm keeping this it's happening it's happening they seem to be okay how is the ones over here yeah they're gone there's nothing I can do there nothing I can do right okay collect the food collect the food and go right we do I think we're doing good I think really I guess is really only one way to find out though and that's to make it to the end okay okay we're good we're good we're good we're doing great Oh more ladybugs more ladybugs don't get the food uh yeah don't get food just protect we attack us but also protect you right okay more food get the food stock shunned go we should also upgrade our ants as well definitely do that I don't know why that's here should get rid of that okay no go that way go that way so you need to attack the ladybugs to a point where they can't get and eat them cuz they take so much damage and then they just go already crap how many spiders are over here like loads of them I ain't getting that fish that's for sure so we're just protecting here we're protecting these guys is he gone yet yeah they've almost all perished yeah who didn't see that coming one two more of those ladybugs no way cool that one there go get that yeah yeah they're all gone I couldn't protect to who there's no way I would have enough time to protect both of them surely come on yeah he's about to go that's great workers how about you come up here and eat the stuff that's pretty good idea because we're getting no food we were pretty close to I know we did oh we owe the workers hold on workers now get that go all that food oh Jesus what's going on is it daylight what are they doing did they come out to attack oh they are look at our mates and the battle for the high ground will soon continue the high ground colony defended their aphid flocks well succeeding in securing vital food supplies to see them through oncoming onslaught oh well I mean I thought I did okay didn't do anything special oh okay um I need some of those too we could have to do like multiple things here like we're gonna have to dig down here now gonna send the work as a okay these guys now collect the food collect the food if you can we're gonna have to go crazy here we're gonna have to we're gonna have to take the top I'm gonna take the bottom oh oh oh it's gonna be nuts you need like two armies that's what you need you need two armies here workers off you go come on we could do this no that's the wrong one to the future colony is sending a wave of warriors to clear a path for their queen Oh are they is that so okay everyone retreat back in retreat back in dune I mean you could you can dig that's fine just don't open it don't open it okay one more and I think we'd open it okay here we go they're coming in but we got this we got this man yeah awesome boy shorts yeah we got this they're all dead they're all dead okay I think you can you can release that you can release that I think we can pretty much handle whatever's gonna come out pretty much ladybug old lady book you in there but we're okay you know what I'm just gonna focus on killing all of these and we should be good so yeah there's gonna be some big things come out I'm gonna keep my ala me here destroy all of those I can I want to do this as well just one lone hand can come here and let those go right yeah there we go that's more like it battle on two fronts here oh I think they're sending an army yep they're sending an army that's okay because we're about to kill hanya sending another assault they are desperate to reach higher ground yeah get it son never this is my high ground you fool yeah there we go these are the ones that spit though oh no oh god this is gonna be tricky oh we should be able to overwhelm them though yeah they're dead that day my dad oh look you got some things come up predict the Queen I mean yeah yeah there we go okay they do these should be killed instantly though I would have thought look at all that come on kill him yes beautiful okay now all those aphids gone well like this though I like the sort of strategy that's behind it or we need more food tiles okay yeah we need a lot of know we don't know we don't know we don't hold on more black ants are emerging from the foots gun names need to upgrade them that's all you needed to do more black ants okay yeah these guys are really desperate oh they're the tricky ones though they're really like hard as nails those guys who upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade that upgrade that upgrade that and upgraded that one ok we're going to get stronger answers time come on guys come on keep on going keep on going Oh what we're losing we're losing quite a few actually here like that beanpole know they're being born as soon as they're dying ok they're all dead go go there when he's starving go there food to feed the new brood ok ok we're doing good and then when you've got all of those there we go there we go and you got all of those ones destroy that there you go and then get those ones more soldiers are emerging from the roof our nest really really Oh God what the hell how am I supposed to take on all of these oh just get him get him oh my god this is just endless assaults I can barely get enough food you're gonna get flooded you kind of get flooded hey come on come on come on like I haven't really even harvested my efforts and they're slowly dying there's a lot of food you can get from though yeah what am i doing we should just get the aphids oh no there's no oh my god I haven't got any on the nurseries crap we're gonna be getting any non I've been hatched I don't think okay what we should do now is just go outside at the if it's what I've been freaking doing wrong get them aphids I've been focusing on getting this stuff but you know that's only if like we're in a tight squeeze we should be harvesting all of this that's slowly disappearing yeah that's more like it I have learned from my mistakes I will not repeat one two night for free and a temporary truce emerges between the warring colonies once again the high ground wood ants must make a choice do they defend the aphids but will they hide resting their forces until the morning no we'll see how I feel okay we got stronger and ants this time though yeah you haven't even got all of the food that's there okay so this time guys just defend defend defend for a bit I want to upgrade if I have just upgrade my troops that's probably more important must defend themselves don't worry we're doing it we're doing it and then when there's a slight gap Oh God then get the food we've got 22 so far protect protect oh did we kill a ladybug I think we did that's good that's good okay there's some ladybugs come and put collect food this time collect food that's okay they can take they can take some of the aphids that's alright yeah protect them protect them that one's gone that thank God as well because it's going those huge ones okay right so once we've done this upgrade some more we need to get to level three that's what we really want to get that one come on bringing all the food bringing all the food also do not get food for the next wave and protect the aphids sixty there we go that's good that's good okay guys go go go no don't take the big fat one no you too well you took a small one go get them that's good that's good okay good now get food get food get food but stay there just keep collecting just keep collecting I would not want to be them oh god it's just so many okay okay wait foods coming in foods coming in good good good group great any more oh there's a level three yes level three there we need another ant here who get that aren't there gone 6160 damn oh we're not getting any food Oh get that thing get that one oh he killed him okay get that guy that guy's gonna be worth a lot of food kill him come on he's gonna die instantly was well like really upgraded yes okay oh yeah all those aphids were almost killed no ladybugs no calle one no you don't know you don't like are you really supposed to go down there you're not supposed to are you or that date did dance kill him someone's come out and defend themselves I think they might have that's the way and then oh no we're lost aren't are the mortals know what you doing don't die don't die okay upgrade upgrade upgrade upgrade where is it oh did I not place it in place at that one put that there there we go okay we can kill these the only lady birds that we can't kill really yeah get everything else get those guys okay okay workers if you wouldn't mind collect all this food because at the moment we're okay there you go there you go that's good that's good let's go say stop these guys stop tell them they're gonna drop one I took a huge one no Maribel are we good oh no doctor you bloody dare go get him yeah there's only one life is only like to let those sorry three left of those okay yeah they're getting food they're getting food can we upgrade anymore I can make them stronger I will make them the best ants yes okay guys stop the ladybugs wood is it better I think it's better to have stronger ants at the moment yeah they're all gone you could not take on all those definitely know it oh boy I've just gotta wait I've just gotta like hold these off until they fall and then quickly we need to dig some more out that's what we need to do dig some more of these like the food stores there is a fair bit lie hiding around it's mainly like down here though they all died yet it was like one left yeah that's the last one and he's gone no there's no that there's two I think they slowly regenerate I mean you would have thought they would have I'm not getting food we need to wait come on wasting my time I could be maybe maybe mortos move away mortos go two three help help downstairs I think everything else should be okay the the normal nibbler should be all right - just got here I think oh no no no no no no normally Blair's stay here this is what we're gonna do I'm gonna collect all that food and then we're gonna break through into this area yeah Oh nibblers nibblers please please I think we're good thing we're good think we're good what is that oh it's one of those oh god this isn't good okay everybody back already back down no all workers workers no I didn't forget she's gonna be freaking huge things and the battle for the high ground will soon continue the high ground Colony defended their aphid flocks well did I see them through the oncoming onslaught okay guys take on those and then we need to kill all of that look at all those answers so many of those today is gonna be a big day guys okay kill that thing kill it okay one two they can to prepare this brood chamber yeah they're doing great they're doing great doing absolutely fantastic get all of that food come on come on we're good we're gonna we're gonna have the best army this time and I mean it I'm not there's our number three there's a number three black ants are emerging from the fusco nest [Music] okay black ants there's a lot of them or Jebus okay we're gonna defend we're gonna defend here and then we're gonna go out and get our a fitzco they're ready to I'm sure they're milking by now I've got a lot of food down here I've got a lot of the stuff let's upgrade more ants that one and that one that that there we go okay so we can probably get a few more numbers now so I get one of those and get one of those there you go so we've got two more guys get the milkers get the Mary Moo Moo's quickly quickly good all the milk we need the food we've only got five food left come on yeah there we go got it awesome get all that food get all that food look at the wall go yes it's gonna be loaded scummy loads more soldiers are emerging from the roof Ernest okay go down here guys you've done your best you got as much as you could now we're gonna defend against all of those because we're down here though we should be okay right upgrade upgrade upgrade level three of that upgrade that one upgrade yeah there we go okay got him go ball are we are we doing okay oh we've only got 16 out of 25 okay we did we did we did we did good there's not enough food to feed the news it's okay it's okay it's okay we got this we got this we're gonna go both ways and we're gonna get the milk from these guys as well yeah I got two milks from there and then go this side and get all of that milk um does it say no not common are they good good good is the fish gone now all the fish is gone they're gonna feel the pressure upgrade upgrade we're coming up great um you definitely have great that but I need to wait for the food to come back before we do anything both lower ground colonies are now sending out armies at the same time oh no the both coming I might be done here guys I might be boned yeah always must defend themselves Oh can they not fight each other like geez oh my god and being overwhelmed can't get him get him get him kill him what I can't tell what's mine though I think I'd prefer rapid fire to be honest but motor shots Humphrey they do area damage did we just kill them all I think we did they're almost all dead yes get the milks good good good good good go get all that milk oh wow we've used like 90 food there there we go get it all get it all oh that should be it right it's not I know this game always surprises me I think it can't get any worse and would answer heading from their nests to the high ground oh no they're coming they're coming they're coming can I have grade any ends I'm sure I can upgrade like one no I can't own up there you go there's one upgraded okay ready guys go come on we got this this time this is like the biggest of souls come on get him get him push it through now are you [ __ ] offers God say the high ground was too great a task for this small roof a column with limited food they were unable to amass the numbers needed for an adequate defense in the end the largest swarm always comes out on top night balls and a temporary truce emerges between the warring colonies once again the high ground wood ants must make a choice do they defend the aphids or will they hide resting their forces you know what it is guys I I think I'm gonna do that again and I think I could do it so much better because I didn't I didn't realize the ladybugs wouldn't eat you I thought so basically this game you need to go out go to the aphids constantly because during the day nothing comes to attack you and you can just constantly say I was worried why would a ladybug not at eat an ant so that's why I failed I should have really early on sent on my workers or whatever I had probably yeah I think I should have got workers cuz that's my problem I always go for military the workers are cheaper and I can gather more resources that way so I think that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna give it another shot AFET two seconds okay guys I've got back up to where I was except this time I've been saving both aphids and everything's pretty everything's gone well we're just being attacked by the huge wave that we lost against in the probably like five seconds ago but this time we've got like loads of graded and we should be able to kill them pretty darn easy I've decided to retreat into the nest just to get loads of Splash Damage off hopefully and just like that that that was their whole army their joint army so as you can see if we go to upgrade yeah look at that oh god he's so good so I've been upgrading them and pretty much we own this place now did white the difference I did was I went straight out and just got loads of nectar and I made sure not to harvest too many of these not to waste my time I spent most of my time outside just getting all of this only problem now is that I can't really spend too much time going to get this stuff I guess I could [Music] because I've only go survive one more day once it's night here because like I don't know ever really why I want to go outside tonight you know what now that now that you're here and a temporary truce if I'm gonna just try to excavate as much stuff as I can inside and get all this fruity efforts but will they hide resting their forces until the I'm not gonna I'm gonna rest my forces that's what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna get all the food for tomorrow's fight right here this is where I'm gonna get it I don't mind if it doesn't matter if my a feeds die too much but I'm gonna try my best to get all this is my break my break from the on salt and onslaught arms whatever oh well let's see the other because they're desperate now they know they're gonna flood tomorrow so I kind of want to see them all come out just to fight this and see the epic war I mean look at this know what I'd be phasing here so I'm gonna kill all of these and get my food here and then you know what then then I might try cuz look killed all of those get all of this food just get it all because the aphids don't supply food at night so I may as well just like get all this food upgrade things if I can need those so I'm gonna to go wood to get all those and then probably with that there we go I want to and that's a lot of food that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of damage yeah so I'm hoping that this should be enough now to take on whatever tomorrow throws at me if I have to survive another day this it could just be tonight and that's it it's very possible and hoping it kind of is in a way come on come on just kill them all I mean look at this look at the mess that's here it's nuts I'm just gonna survive with this food tonight I think I think that's probably more than enough but really need to I'll get more but I don't think I don't think I need it I honestly don't think I need it there's two more bits of food I've gotta get so we'll go down this way oh look at that I could get oh I was gonna say but to still out there look at all the a fit well I could kill those and get loads of food you know what yeah let's do that I'm not gonna excavate that anymore nope we're gonna go outside oh good god there is a lot of stuff is it really worth it is it really worth it I don't know I'm gonna go here and just see how this ball goes the ants must defend themselves oh that going to I think we can take on those big cockroach things those horse horse whatever that's big thing I think we can kill those because we got lots of food we learn a pelting down I has one dead one stead go go go and that's a lot of food for us if anything killing these is gonna give us a lot of food I think at this point we've just gotta go for one of them there we go look at all of that oh that was beautiful now we've basically saved this colony we've got more coming in but that's okay we're gonna have a lot of food a lot of food fans on the other side is freaking nuts yeah the food stores are full look at that look at that did not expect that to happen we can to prepare your ganja right so now we killed all of those now just you know okay just say for those just stop the ladybugs from attacking so now oh yeah look at all that yeah it's all upgraded I'm just gonna save one I think that that's too far gone there's no there's no safe in that so we're just gonna save this place and use all the resources just to upgrade so if there's a level two I can get I'll try to work with us there's one and then once these are upgraded I can get those - this is gonna be awesome or going to get that one now and when that one's of great I should be to get this one and then get upgrade that one and one more there we go okay so it's a big oh it's the the what the crabs got an easy kill those guys they shouldn't stand a chance I wouldn't have thought so look at all the area damage quick just kill him kill him already die there you go there you go that's dauntless Orenda that's good that's good yes and then you get their food watch out for the ladybugs oh yeah look at that look at that mess man weakly I mean once they held it together the mortar is actually really good for this but I think we would die we we fall of those a numbers just aren't strong enough just yet because I mean I've upgraded we do have some food in here it's not an amazing amount and we can only get like 10 10 ants if we die so we need more food do you think it's worth it is it I don't know that that's kind of you know we're gonna retreat in for a bit we're gonna come in here and you actually no no we need to stay outside funny could kill lady boots like that is nuts absolutely it's a lot of food I mean a lot of food is there anything else coming this way I mean oh oh though we've got a 180 looking at a 180 we need to eat that eat that Jesus so there's two hermit crabs there to the beetles there I don't think I'm gonna have enough time to sort of yeah hold on hold on send the workers to get that and then we can get this hopefully nothing else attacks but that's a lot of food week I think for all those little little baby ones we could Oh it's becoming day it's becoming day I think they were about to run away are they I think they might I kind of want to kill them though I kind of want to kill them before they disappear oh no no maybe not maybe not maybe we shouldn't maybe we should no harvest harvest them harvest them we're starting to get the stuff from the horseshoe crabs oh no actually you know yeah go for ye the horseshoe crabs hermit crab it's like a try pinch me there you go so that's a lot of food we just managed to scramble there you did get it God no no no no no get food get food yea ye okay this yeah there's no way if it's there not at all oh oh no those are evil ants new pad ants no they killed a lot of workers who are they attacking me already they are they're moving up pretty darn swiftly right get all the food we need to protect that farm look at them come that's crazy they're attacking our farms now this is cool it's like real strategy like you do have farms alright just see a large black ant force has been sent from the Fuu skin this that's okay oh and these ones okay should I think it's about time we we went inside go inside go inside please get him please get in please get in okay if they die outside that's fine they can be reborn even stronger we can build them stronger okay that's a lot of food we got from those guys now let's upgrade some tiles if we can to level two so level two level 2 level sorry that those are level threes that are gonna be made okay look at these now we should be able to kill them as they come in bought one by one I'm hoping where they go but they're just there they just saw a hovering interesting why they know okay well that's fine that's fine you ain't getting in my hole though what's to stop them from what you know is making their own burrow are they killing the Athens Oh No oops those are my workers on my pod whoopsie doodles yeah don't go outside Oh truth I don't care about or would answer heading toward the high ground colony that's fine they seem to oh that's a lot okay you ready Oh look at all this you don't stand a chance buddy come inside come on Audio get in let's just sing get rinsed [Music] they're all dead they all just died right that's it go get our farms back this that's it you're gonna flip you're gonna desert just get them all harvest the aphids if you can as well at the same time sod this I want even stronger eggs is this a mistake I think it is there you go even stronger warriors nice nice nice okay now let's turn our attention over to this side and destroy them because I'm sure our next wave is probably gonna be the former caboose so let's just let's just kill them while we can survive days lower ground colonies are now sending out armies at the st. okay never mind reverse these as well Oh God okay how many are in how many are in only 48 that's good that's good come on come on there you go some food there that's good we're gonna need that yeah it's just it's just a case of waiting waiting in here or even more food nice about how they managed to get that squirted they're my friends hey squirt the juices yep I chose mortar again and I think that was a good choice that's it I think we're done are we done where are they they've all disappeared is it gonna get flooded are they gonna burrow underneath oh no I think they might borrow underneath are they going to oh no they're coming out again oh he's almost over the low ground is already starting to flow they're bringing their queens sorry I'm team completely at the answer rushing up the bank this is their final assault oh no bring it the little queens are blessum right well you're gonna get rinsed come on oops I should have been at the door why is no Apple has begun move up move up move up Oh wine Queens in oh there she is Oh get it is she dead yes we got her that's one Queen dead oh there's the last Queen oh jeez oh wow two waves and she was killed yes go out victory oh that's it a flooded done just like that we did it oh look at them they've stopped they know victory is at hand the wood ants upon the hill have finally defeated their would-be successors tomorrow their empire will expand to the undefended into tidal flats below commanding both the aphid farms and the bounty of the sea this colony will rise to become an undeniable power in the undergrowth yeah that was awesome for Formica roofer ye so now we choose our who's convinced the world Julie I kind of like the the mortals because if those immortals just talk about on one hand they all die around them all of the other ants died as well so if you guard an entrance like that BAM you can just win instantly Wow what's up my food what are those my food so this that was the final mission before the final challenge test your might of you test the might of your formic former carrion colony will it survive whatever the scientists have planned oh no they've got planned I tell you what though I need to bloody upgrade I don't know if I've upgraded any of my aunt's ever gotta be honest Oh know that there's quite a few here that I love like higher levels ooh wow we've almost filled up on food as well so we need to excavate we also need now more than ever a colony of what do McCollum's like the the sprayers so I'm gonna make this bit here all of those so I'm gonna go into here no not that we're gonna go into this one we're not more - oh hell yeah get that one purchase kind of braids were on tiles - level 2 is slightly increased health and increased royal jelly Oh like us 30 yes go on then and yeah I got that one as well okay so that is pretty much can I have 44 anything else that's 80 that's 50 that's can I get anything from 74 that one how about this one is that cheaper 80 as well Wow okay cost a lot together I want to upgrade them even more than okay wood ant nursery tile is that right the wood and so we're like a hybrid this so that's I really like the idea so there you go oh you are kind of maximum population wait what I can only have a hundred out of a hundred two workers have raised their first for like a roofer ant incredible I wasn't sure it was even possible reduce my dear so I'm gonna delete some of these workers then sod it there you go get rid of those workers I need more attacks whatever is coming next I'm gonna need as much population as possible oh yeah they are Oh see you get your food back for every time oh that's really good okay so let's delete them again so you need to delete them like three or four times an order to get rid of them completely that's good I thought like if you got rid of them when you'd upgraded them you'd only get the initial bit back but that should be all them now look at the upgrade yeah it's gonna get rid of them yeah okay that's good more of these one two three four ah we need one more okay let's get rid of that one oh and also guys what are you doing those guys should be here just to collect this food as I no other food elsewhere on this map oh my god yes there is GoGet see that get all the food and then I could upgrade there you go awesome okay so we can get hold on did you oh I mr. ting - hold on let's delete that tile and that should get rid of one more ant and then get the final or did it there you go awesome and then we're gonna get a lot of food which we can use to upgrade and then oh god okay are we done Oh get that one and then I should be able to build out into you know I can't I have to go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I want that one that one that one that one that one I'm hoping I'm still getting loads of food yeah oh there's plenty of food to go around oh that's awesome okay you actually go into there as well that's fine and all the way over there right so let's upgrade the dot-dot-dot that one so these are gonna be like amazing what I want to do is make a wall and then just fire these into it that's kind of what I want to do I get that and get that one so we've we've got a lot they're almost maxed how about the other ants are they pretty much a lot of level - a lot of them are level two food tiles are pretty much marks oh yeah we got loads of food still the comb yeah we can definitely grade all these and there's another max there's another max as well be level one and if I could just make one more tile there I can get these level three instead of them staying at level two doing delete what more worker you think I delete one more worker sorry buddy because I've got these as well so I want how many workers do I have 7 5 8 yeah I've got I've got enough so I make just one more little without there I look at the food come in then get that one that one that one and then that can also upgrade this right damn it so close but how much food we almost out or almost out okay we're almost out get the rest of that food and I'm just wondering can I just upgrade gonna get level 3 1 2 3 4 5 yeah I just want to get these one fly level 2 or the ones over here hot now they're all there for happens yeah oh my god yeah if you can get them level 3 game level 3 spend all my royal jelly on that and there we go we've got 92 food and that should see us through to whatever I say I always fail the first time or whatever they can throw at us so guys we enjoyed this video play ever like over here this felt like two hours trying to complete that mission honestly I tried I tried it again and I accidentally disturbed a like a devil coach beetle somewhere in my nest and I was fighting on two fronts I was fighting the ants pouring in and the devil's coach people beetle and the code to have his coach people yeah and there was just like when they were hatching the workers couldn't place down the eggs so they were going to attack it and then died in so they couldn't really force this it was just a absolute nightmare so guys enjoyed this video leave a like I'm hyped this could be the last episode well the next one and until next time I'll see you later why
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 789,662
Rating: 4.9318628 out of 5
Keywords: empires of the undergrowth, ant, ants, ant simulator, ant sim, sim, simulator, rts, queen ant, colony, ant colony, army ant, black ant, bugs, insects, battle, epic, gaming beaver, lets play, walkthrou
Id: BTNvgi8DfSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 23sec (3803 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2017
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