THE WAR TO END ALL WARS!!! | Empires Of The Undergrowth - Ep16

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Oh hermit crabs oh that's low okay that's fine hello everyone welcome back to another episode of Empires of the undergrowth that's right I couldn't keep myself away from this game we're back and this time I've managed to do the wave segment correctly now I took in a lot of your guys's advice actually so we have the Queen tukta way in the middle and then already get round to her is to go round to the back so she's kind of got a defense for the onslaught the front which is great because things can't run straight towards her I I start out by makeup god what's going on with the audio hold on oh I'm so excited I'm so excited because this has been something I've been wanting to do for age wait we're not collecting food why are we not collected but also so I've took in a lot of your guys comment okay I noticed that a lot of times I didn't have their attack turned on now I'm ki I'm getting better this I've only turn off a few times I'm just trying to have a low K who as white as that good despite as you all now we're on wave 5 wave 5 was freaking ridiculous there was so many different kind of things kind of thing kinds of things oh god that's dead that is but it's a mmm is it worth it I think it might be worth it should we try it we've got a while to the next wave we've just killed it there was so many things there was like the big tiger beetles werewolf spiders crazy now the wave always comes from this location sorry not that location it's somewhere up here it's here right here is the location so well yeah we're gonna take on all of these Oh spray them that's two dead that's two dead three dead oh god a lot of leaf cutters dying but they look like leaves oh my god so really put look at that one hundred eight hundred eight are they hooray hooray knee whoa that was worthwhile has the entrance going here oh it's being contested just a little oh god hold on Oh God we're gonna need to stay in now what I did last time was actually charted in the notice of the Rex wave was coming I charged there so it kind of gave me my my workers of relief but never got seven seconds I don't even want to know what's gonna come out of here guys it could be the end of us it really could be you might be saying how's that beaver you got no advance and they were quite upgraded yeah you haven't seen what comes our card here becomes what is it oh whoa black hands and big ones whatever those are okay that's fine that's fine we're gonna we're gonna hide in we've got this we've got this okay there we go there we go there we go keep the engine on go on so we can see how many of the wrong the black are in first that's good that's good the easy killed or now come the big boys now can the big boys these things don't give any food - oh they sprayed them dispersing that's not good that's not good Oh God Oh God but it's a good job we've got these guys we've got the leaf cutters not leave colors I wouldn't that's one good answer now when Einstein they're gonna be instant replaced oh oh I got the stun ability on those leaf colors amazing wave six completed we've got some man we've got some big things out here but it's okay they're attacking each other for to start with wow we're running out of space in here everyone free upgrades everybody gets an upgrade you get one you get one everybody Bowl done great you survived that that didn't seem too hard in comparison to what I've been facing in the past now I actually lost a recording before this video and I know that this game is updating soon but I really wanted to try it I wanted to oak they're gonna die instantly right now it doesn't look like it right it was actually gonna be a crud ton of madness in there what we can do is what I'm tempted actually it's just to send the I think we have one that's bit close yeah I'm gonna send the the leaf cutters over there now I'm gonna have them not tasks to collect food because they'll collect food on the way I want to go in there and kill the spiders then the rest of my and population go in and get there now everybody else can go down here because there is a lot of locust body to be collect I managed to almost break the game it was running at 10 frames per second it was just so much going on I'd been playing for about 2 to 3 hours it was not waves like this so there we go now we'll turn them on to collect food now I'll turn around to collect food only problem is it's got a bit crazy out of here and the locust go wood I mean blankets there we go oh god no we lost a lot food oh but we got more it's ok it could be worse now the these guys oh another one went in oh yeah cheeky git ye okay we got multiple food sources though this is good room I need to expand the the leaf cutters now there cuz a hundred and fifty it got to the point my other one where I didn't do the waves and attacks it was just taking on nature and I was literally everything was giving me one food everything the only thing that wasn't gonna be one food was whoa these which roue feeds and it does seem to be the necked is still there so that still needs collecting every now and again things respawn and I also want to say thank you guys for the for the people who have been watching this series I love doing this and I love another sim padlet real-time strategy and that's a cool it's awesome so it's so cool and the fact that you guys support the series and watch it and I can't thank you enough that's awesome so now oh wow so now they're gonna harvest I think actually I might send my other ants over there now we did have one of those big whip spiders come into the food you want to take on him a crop really you want to do that Oh bless you me just got stuck in the way shallot okay there's no spider here and the thing is that these always felt I just spawns notes Putin's food food does Borneo randomly over time if you keep it but I'd rather just get as much food as possible we've got 900 oh my god ok 1 2 3 that's 450 1 2 3 that's another 9 that's 900 in total there we go nothing else here yep we've got it all okay that's fine anything else that we can take advantage of I think that calls for death go over there and kill them all that's a good word whoa oh you want to take on these mighty leafcutter boys Oh stunned Oh God oh god maybe they don't owe the madness is helping this is open oh he's dead oh hold on they're kind of toys or Wow to leafcutters did all that fantastic work boys but things about time we've only got 22 seconds we're gonna hold up we don't know what's coming I don't know what's come last upgrade session because this is like instant so any of the poop bombs I'm gonna move the poop bombs into a co2 which is it further behind just so that they don't end up at the front and get instantly massacred by whatever comes out it could be a horde of wolf spiders are you ready okay we're gonna have to retreat retreat retreat because they just gotta run crazy round all right ah thank you here they come oh my god yeah they just they just run freaking mental we just need everybody everywhere divide and conquer that's the strategy the Queen look at them yet they do make a beeline for the Queen it's good yeah just keep them around keep them around now this is kind of good because they do get a lot of Oh stunts yes you see like COD of that okay this is easy oh no we lost too many oh there's some of us start now oh oh oops I left the wood ants by themselves no oh they doing it oh yes splat Oh what oh this is the next wave oh my god didn't see what else was coming oh it's already crabs did not see that oh this is good though the wood ants can really really really kill them just by splatting them constantly come on we got this we got this oh it's kind of crazy we need to turn off that yeah so well really help does it they're obviously not part of the attack wave like this mantis just running in ready to be splattered by everything now look at that 350 food left there are black ants at the front as well it does seem like because there's so much damage they just clamp down oh I think a praying mantis was killed and the final one rinse rinse my friends rinsed okay let's put everybody in here wow it's a parade oh god there's more there's more okay okay here we go guys we need to take back ah freedom they'll never take us and kill them all very good very good I get excited this is so good all the fruits of my hard work so what I did is I started with some workers and they helped just a scavenge and then I went straight into black ants and I've graded them when I could because I thought well that's a problem I always make stuff and then I can't make any more or so why don't I just upgrade and you know the answer I do have are just really friggin good yes there we go there we go there we go I freak out okay now everybody else can come in cuz they're probably gonna kill them all so there's a probably only one or two although you never know well there's at least two there we go there we gonna collect all those food what there's a baby wolf spider the queen is in imminent danger whoa just be killed by workers killed by peasants well then collect all your food oh if there's a black widow nah don't stand a chance it's not black widows it's like some sort of trapdoor spider but doesn't have a red butt but oh look what he's died just outside fantastic look at that look at that oh oh is it so good and this colony must remain small for now no it was it we've got a lot of food now is it worth going here is it worth going here yet who a hermit crab taking on a locust no that's gonna go too well for him Oh nope guys you need to stop going over there and you stop going over there we need to form some sort of do we attack I think we attack the locust let's go that's there's nothing else really although it's always a fish whew he's gonna hit the big aphid oh there's a locust over there okay here there goats mainly black ants oh and we've got another wave of incoming stuff Oh God oh dear oh dear oh dear right guys get what you can and yeah just get what you can get what you can and go back Oh God they've got 35 seconds there you go okay there you go stick bits just run oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no where is it where is it burns it burns it burns it burns it where is it where is it go there have you got 25 seconds can we get there in time I don't think so I don't think so we're just gonna have to hold that we're gonna have to hold out and okay you can attack if you want but it's just too self defence you need to be back here then I'll get back here are they oh no they're not getting back here ten seconds ten seconds we got 580 food that's pretty decent yep oh hello crabs oh that's low okay that's fine but oh no Oh No Oh No guys get ready get ready it's gonna go crazy good oh no this is fine this is fine they're coming in one by one oh yeah this is easy oh there we go there we go that's better that's more like it yes Dunham study something B spray oh god there's more there's more stuff is it just hermit crabs now it's just hermit crabs egg whites low though these guys should be dead yes easy peasy no it's also mean in the commentary got to wave 12 oh no here they come here they come there you go look at them damn I mean they do splash damage as well in the level 3 I'm not gonna pay attention it's good upgrade all right quickly guys you need to go over here and get what food you can as hundreds literally hundreds of food over here what wolf spiders fantastic oh and it's oh never mind take on the boss take on the boss well I kill the wolf spiders over there as well well spider dead rib spider also that only 113 though only a hundred and thirteen yeah he's just collecting things I mean if we cut it I think it lasts a little old oh there ya go there it is deed oh that's another one we killed oh oh there's another big locust he's we're probably gonna see him at some point is that black I'm gonna turn and go from oh what a hero what are you a 303 'no stump oh he's gonna survive [Music] oh it's so well oh hold on we just got the mother lode yeah there we go do when they usually place a fish down and there's like a trail of hands that constantly go for it unfortunately these two black hands are probably gonna die eventually yeah they go to pick up the food yeah he's gonna die yeah there it goes but it's all for the greater good we got eight out of eight on that and we just got a constant flow of food now no I bless them or they're helping though oh okay okay that's just a little bit bigger that's just a oh god yeah he's gonna easily kill these rodents although say no no nope it's dead oh and we just got these as well and the way there it's great oh there's a pre monies and even know is that we're just so good at this point look at us Oh something oh it's a it's one of those big daddy longlegs spiders okay okay 1,100 guys jeez I don't even realize how fruit just piles up okay anything yep there's some level three workers have done all they can I mean do I need to really focus on there you go just forgive him great everything foods just coming in okay next wave you know what it is Sodom we're gonna meet him fight them on the beaches that's what we're gonna do good ol British attitude quickly go quickly go guys get the food and go or I'll start Lucas is gonna be after you yeah they're gonna be safe as well okay so we're starting to we're starting to get up there we've got 30 seconds we probably get that yeah we're getting there I think this is this is probably better just meet them here that way at least is a first offense and we get to kill them quite quickly only problem is they all spawn in kinda at the same time okay first offense guys you're probably gonna die but go for it what is it what is it Oh God oh wow whatever it is that died instantly yeah oh that looks fighters and then the wolf spiders I think they might be more spiders yet there's a lot of spices suck it right god there's loads of them nothing could stop by our door be okay where's the next food I need food it's a fish there and there's a bunch of wool spiders is it worth overextending today oh yes it is worth it but could I go get the seats guys well that's a really good for big prey items or attacking items wolf spider versus tiger beetles whoa talk about the speed but what spiders just got that you know the secret formula venom or God why do I dare I think I can't go in with this number here they're all harvesting yeah look at that my whole app nation fire nation welcome and family to our foundation Oh a praying mantis can it kill leaf cutters in 100 kill the blackout there look at its seeming to regain its health yeah cheating buggy yet right oh look at all the lady Birds they're all killed by the wall spiders as soon as they come in they get killed okay oh it's like a tube I know one okay these are these are these are hardcore guys these are giant wolf spiders they've grown fat an enormous on the diet of ladybugs only problem with is with these guys oh god okay we're gonna have to have to pull back just a little bit look we've got is going in there blessum over there even fighting back we can't take on one two three four five wolves spider we can't do that if you didn't know you could kill late well there's your answer dead ladybird don't stand a chance okay we've got a long little battles going on we're not got many ants coming back just cuz they're finding food on the way because it's oh here we go here we go all right all right do we wait inside our den I think we do I think we do I just want to say I just want to see what it is cuz we killed them so easy all right all right insect Kingdom let's see what you got wave 10 oh my god it's a bluebird that's a over creature Oh Oh as well as an army of wood ants oh okay okay yep get inside get inside oh this is gonna be insane Oh Lord oh dear okay well all the tiger peels are dead all the tiger peels are dead but p1 or is he dead I don't know I know he no he's still alive he's still alive but what ants are coming in they're being killed there's more stuff coming up who the rubra creature always been stunned that's it he's done yep as soon as it gets done I am taking care of that with all this death and destruction outside oh you're doing I'm gonna get all the way up to wave 200 it I say that they might just hit wave 11 decide just to put something in that's absolutely insane from Bam Bam Bam Bam look at all of the seats oh my god I've build up again all right we're gonna control this choke point that's what we're gonna do so I go in here find them there maybe if we go over here the first ones will outpace the slow ones and that way we kind of fight half the army do you know at once five four three two one hook up what is it oh it's a lot of tiger beetles a lot of tiger beetles that's fine that's fine Oh Cho come here Oh Cho come here oh oh oh what kind of answer those those wouldn't for Matias attackers Obama Diaz that bump it is Oh God but some oh there's more spiders in here too there is no spiders in here - lets go in you take them for that we just need to break through oh my god Go Go Go my pretties yeah thank then keep go home while we need all the resource we've got week I mean we'll eventually outlast them luckily but the most fun weekend is stuck [Music] there's too many of them this is good as keep the voice spiders at bay oh god we need that we need to retreat retreat retreat retreat retreat lightly okay Oh God Oh Lord Oh No that's a level three so just whaled on just whaled on in they come in they come right get ready protect them please why did I click off not attack here we go here we go that's good that's good we got ants everywhere the trance everywhere they respawn and that's good so when the wood ants come in yes they stir no chance and that was it that was all the wood ants you know look like there's so many of them and we're done we did it just like that wave 11 soit oh it's costing hundred six now I just knows that 128 105 and 370 odd okay right so it still cost a normal amount to upgrade but now the game's not happy with how many ants I have on screen I mean look at these leaf cutters they're the ones they're the ones that are taking on everything they're doing so well woah that wolf spider does a lot of damage oh god the old guards not gonna hang in there I don't have my teeth got confused yes he stunned um he's poison iron he's gone you just survived a long enough for the greater good for the colony to come oh god we got a wave right I think there's only one thing left to do oh well first a tick on that ping - we're gonna go here again while you can workers cuz we're about to just get a lot of death a lot of death what is it what is it what is it Oh wood ants that's fine that's fine we can take on wood ants yep a lot of wood ants easy-peasy Wow okay how many wood ants do you want stop please how many oh okay well that's fine you still going oh no now you're putting these in now you're putting these in okay Wow I think we might need to retreat a little bit oh okay I think it's about time we retreat cuz that's just gonna cost me a lot of food yeah we need to retreat need to retreat oh god they just got massacred in one big splash okay this is good this is good now these guys are gonna come in and they'll be decimated straight away and everything's just kind of not in a good position cuz all the wood ants are gonna come in one by one and die the hermit crabs are getting stuck by the locust chiller but as you can quite clearly see down here there's nothing because everything's dead I don't know what could defeat us unless it was a full-on wave of uber units I don't know there's anything that can really stand in our way at this point 98% difficulty almost at a hundred percent difficulty I mean 93 that's a lot I don't even know how much it costs to hatch the leaf cutters 15 food so that's that's six leaf cutters for one spider that's really good at the moment okay more seeds please oh no the Bloods gone no it's moved over there okay in the worst case scenario it'll come down to them to help help in the battle so if some wolf spiders get passed I'd rather a worker take at least maybe two hits instead of the worn it normally takes to be killed what do I get now because it increases for everything so would I understand the cost in 50 now cost one hundred eighty-five a leaf cutter costs 635 I'm gonna have to destroy this tunnel what is this one cost 635 what's the next one what's the next one how about the black ants who there yeah everything's just doubling now now they've got 30 seconds to get back drop off the food and come back out maybe you know be even quick actually if I just had a tunnel go up this way yeah sod it and that way they don't have got all the way around and drop the food in and come back out I'm a genius I'm a genie I however we don't have too much of a defense up here now although they're coming that come slowly but surely they're coming yeah there you go that's really gonna help we'll also add some speed tiles there okay one second here they come what are they more wood ants actually okay fair enough oh that rapid fire wood ants they slow down the enemy they don't get food at the moment just attack oh they obliterated that leaf cutter 10 frames a second got this they're just oh now the wolf spiders we're in now the wolf spiders are in oh god oh jeez oh no okay yeah we're gonna have to we're gonna have to pull back we're gonna have to pull back that's look oh my food go down look at it go oh well tell you what actually there's not that many left yeah there isn't actually that many left oh there's a wolf's pilot no you're attacking that wrong despite it no why wolf spider can kill a level-3 would end in one bite oh dear oh dear okay well off there you go and they're all gonna die instantly I mean if I want to save food I would just do that I suppose there you go everybody outside collect the food now oh there is still some wouldn't see you because yes how does it feel yeah you die this time suck it you know what we're just gonna we're just gonna have a lot of food so yeah this is it new fridge we're upgrading somewhere on the surface a strong creature stirs it could be devastating to encounter unprepared but with great risk comes great reward how can you stop us this makes no sense alright Sodom everybody attack yes get him stunned now I think they give you a thousand food or something yeah look at this felt died got him got him three thousand food we're done that's it that's all we needed we've completed the game basically three thousand food we don't need to move from here we got all that food there although saying that look it's only eleven food now what difficulty are we on one hundred and eighty nine percent wow that increased quick yeah oh we got another wave another way already Jesus okay well tell you what I'll upgrade the ants that we just made so those guys and then that makes two level threes there that's good and you know what we're just gonna hide we're gonna hide in here guys get in get in we always got mm from that so that's good five seconds four three two one and either come here to come either come oh it's all the tiger beetles oh there they go what else is coming oh and good ants okay oh they're just gonna decimate everything outside but then they're gonna run in and that's gonna be good for us yep run in please they kill one by one there we go but they didn't expect this okay that's good that's good what else is coming in oh it wouldn't it's a mixture they're still coming they are still coming oh no hood although it's mainly just wood ants and that's easy taken care of we've got a lot of black ants to deal with them that's good that's good you have anything else anything else no more wood ants that's fine the regular wild library's better what the hell is going on a lot go in but none come out now we're just to collect the spoils I think oh my god oh there he is there's the uber creature okay it's oh wow he's killing him he's nowhere near room Oh where's it going don't come close stay there I think they do eventually come to you though okay we got 3,000 whoa jumping spiders must protect the Queen ah but we've got level 3 workers ah suck it this is running about like I made a mistake where do I get out one which is a relief cutter now is 2,000 1,000 1017 ok Salah we could we can upgrade we could upgrade come on there's a lot of ants with low healthier they need time to regenerate Oh what's this oh we're gonna fish all the way over here are you kidding me totally in the corner I'm gonna go for that I'd have to come all this way all down here Nath's there's no point in doing that alright what difficult are we on we're on a hundred and eleven percent apparently okay let's see what oh there's over creatures multiple uber creatures ok the Homer comes really quickly this is okay this is okay uber creature ran apparently straight through so the wolf spiders did that's fine as you have a creature oh god he's stunned everything oh my god oh no they're kind of like everywhere this not so good Oh God oh geez okay fall back fall back fall back to the entrance here this [ __ ] just kill anything you can and come back here it's the top oh god is what this like wolf spiders in here though there you go take care of go go go go go yep they've got a lemon flow wood ants behind them though Oh God boots foods going down we do that we do mm and now in 1400 not though a lot of wood ants are getting decimated all of the wood and population basically just got decimated there Oh Lord oh not so good it's literally up to the leaf cutters but the leaf cutters aren't very good because they get stunned they have a lot of hell we really are we just can't surround them with everything everywhere don't pretty money the things just walking in now we could do this come on oh maybe we can't maybe ricard oh well we have no eggs there's literally nothing everything if you can survive go up there oh my god and in turn this was gonna happen oh maybe I should have done the tactic of I I should have attacked them outside first and then broken them up maybe damn okay okay now I don't know what's gonna happen when they attack my queen Oh God an extreme oh no only those export oh that's no good oh these guys gonna spawn though as well oh please tell me they spawn and think they will I thought I don't think our Queens gonna survive though society advances failure all has come to darkness and dismissed so close everything's basically gonna kill them though now we got all our plugins and everything way fifteen guys the Queen died and therefore the ant colony dies even though there's look the harvesting again and they're actually killing him look at what killing them no no we just don't make another queen we technically won the war but we lost the battle and unfortunately with our queen dead that was it well guys I'll leave it there I think the updates should be right around the corner and I'll see you later oh boy you [Music]
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 472,397
Rating: 4.9336634 out of 5
Keywords: eotu, empires of the undergrowth, ant simulator, ant game, insects, biggest battle, colony wars
Id: jJtTmwwuJ_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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