Killer Worms! - Insatia | Ep1

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oh Jesus hello I'm professor Paco Paco vos jeux I understood worms we're working on creating new worms hey I'm Bob that a persistent bar bar bar bar perk to you what's my name um beaver woof so hello everyone welcome to insane that is released yet although it has apparently been given a steam greenlight although I did look on Steam and it wasn't that but you can't download this so we have x-play experiment save your tail so it's a bit like slither except for you're a huge worm no matter it's easy use ours or too rehearsed it to move and shift to jump oh okay okay oh oh I'm being killed like almost instantaneously oh wow wow wow I have no legs and I must run the gamepad keyboard or mouse just say something um mouse just press on something okay I'll be the mouse mouse is good I think oh my god Mouse is not good Oh what what is clicking do try to collect as many berries as possible okay look at my mouth it's all like purple yeah oh my god I'm getting bigger I'm getting bigger Oh No too slow Charlie the leaves need to move fast yeah the worm can accelerate slithering like snakes release a left mouse button and gently swing the mouse back and forth let's try it okay I think I'm starting to get it so I've got a speed I can say so it's going back down to neither hold it in oh I get it so this is the right way of doing it and if I don't turn enough then I'll lose momentum did you good well done I'm a master it's live worming but I don't get I don't get to see that though in game now bad it's all or why's it gone black white ok next level fireflies got in the red beetles box oh no this is chaos the box is the only only for the red ones so it's lights out for the fireflies ok so I'm eating ladybugs now ok oh my god that's a big one I can't eat that oh I hate that one's head off though if you didn't know ladybugs are like really bad like their proper predators not bad but they've procon ervil's double click right mouse button to inject adrenaline into the worms blood it slows down time and highlights edible things Oh to double-click adrenaline is accumulated while you eat the indicator is located in the top left corner how do I stop okay so what purpose does that serve I caught him I can't imagine like everything's slower it's maybe I can turn properly I can probably turn better I suppose YUM so let's do it again worm is grown and become one weirdly hold left mouse button while moving the worm turns will be sharper oh ok so want to turn quick I like left mouse button click ok huh it's weird cuz you're always turning so there you go so now I can I can turn way quicker but I have to keep sort of worming about in order to keep my speed up Oh God what's with the gas fire flies must deal with the five markers at the edge oh I've got to eat the fireflies now let's protect them I'm sorry go god I can see a big red one do not turn on oh okay I'll try not to oby can I get lamb ah this is like two more there you go see I wasn't turning that Microsoft slow down so you've got to keep turning like this and at the same time no way you go and time it right and is it spacefill to jump what was jump a common boy jump was cool Noah fireflies the Americans sleep the wine oh I survived a course the ones that survived to cocaine who do not turn on we forgot to activate one of the theaters but it says do not turn on oh that's weird that Greenham when it clicked it was like a canon camera is like hello smoking judging by the picture Wow Oh am i doing it that's me okay the bar but put the side set do not turn on oh space oh okay yeah holy test choose pad man a white aphids got in the bottom of box and bread who will clean this mess up why me of course I got this I got this dude Oh God you can hold left mouse button in oh my god they mimic noises bat-like oh they're like sheeps Oh what time is it jump time hold right mouse button okay oh that's cool so do I eat everything in jumping radius oh god no eat him mmm yes hate him oh okay he would've eaten me man so there's supposed to be like sheep then oh I've got to be careful of this this dude ah ha ha ha Oh ate his head oh it's chasing his tail oh you're done son that's green oh my god okay just keep keep growing bigger are those eggs zexal applause kind of disgusting I'm Maura Oh next level okay woohoo party in the incubator okay now I'm gonna be a little one first-come first-served Oh God is not cool you can't just hatch me ah I got killed as soon as I thought well okay so basically get away from the green you wanna go sir ah-huh you're dead okay so we've got to focus on getting the little little greens I see oh there's like a timer on them cool got it okay oh we can eat those now I'm guessing the black worms of my friends yeah damn okay we're not at a time limit thank God but we've got we've got it eat oh we kill them noise oh no I you I'm so sorry hey hey no that Oh God red worm what's the what what's the dealio we do huh I'm ready to jump I'm ready to jump I'm ready to jump where are you Roy dude wait yeah yes no no no no stop it oh my god he probably is me oh I did it okay nevermind let's go I see that you've gotten used to I think so let's keep going got a wiggle got a wiggle No Go button just got a wiggle hold left mouse button and try to wriggle the worm with the button press the worm will twist sharply like a mosquito lava yeah I know it's like we yeah see I mean I don't I don't see much difference I mean holding it's exactly the same I would imagine it's with this gas adrenaline attempt I've got to do adrenaline to ted-ed hey it seems okay yeah there we go I did it are we good oh my god this thing's huge gonna eat it I want to eat it final take me if you hold the jump button and do not release it the worm will not jump it just shrinks oh so I can shrink myself okay so I'm like oh took in wha you see lots of me woosh awesome do not release it okay oh do i shrinking size or is that just like do i temporarily shrink got a wiggle callaway home got acquittal yeah next one well it's worm hunting season okay so this is where we eat other worms oh I'm the red one okay yeah yeah oh I can't eat the rest of them okay can you just head to Oh No oh god the thing is it messes with you when they eat you because um yeah no no you don't need it oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes come on back off whoa get out of that gather son look at me boots better with the mouse I don't know what's this thing oh Jesus it's worm-eaten season oh god there's a big one behind me I can't even eat this guy's tail I'm so dead I'm yeah and yours dead but but yeah okay let's start out small eat the Flies no oh I can't eat them cuz they move like they actually fly up okay can eat these little yellow things Oh God the others loads of these hahaha don't even it yes yeah yeah gonna get you yes I got one I got one mission achieved can I jump and get the like the big flies my god dude dude no yes there are timed it no no no whoa tail grow back please oh man I'm so small that whoop oh god like I does not like me huh oh you're so big but you're too big oh no whoa oh yeah it was only a matter of time it's so like the controls are weird I'm not gonna lie it it's hard to get used to come tennyson yeah ah come on dude you can't just start a worm off like that come on let's do this Oh again I need to do this as soon as I go here I get eaten I've got like things to eat I think I've got eat to eat the other worms that's what I've gotta do ah is annoying like oh come on every tuck just eat me just get it over with just eat me eat me hey BAE kidiot get back here man if I move slightly on the mouse in a certain direction then it turns so if I'm not going to save dough oh come on yes yes me Li's me leepu's come on come on I'm gonna get you I'm gonna get you red worm this is how we do Zoey do it yes Oh today written off oh god do not go near him Oh God no no I need all of these little things no no no no no no no no no oh no that's what I was afraid of oh for God's sake it's random oh yeah there's only two left hopefully they kill each oh my good lord how big is this thing what on earth am I supposed to do No my body laughter but after all that for God's sake oh yes look at all the growth growth yes not let you kill me this time boy Oh God - yes come on I got this I'm not being small again I'm gonna eat all of you first you can kill each other oh oh yeah there we go this is more like it got the hang of it now woo I am huge oh that was amazing okay we are big we are massive we are the worm to rule all worms don't you dare don't you dare yes haha you poop you're all gonna die die are you not even you little bugs you wanna go son oh I mean oh come you don't stand a chance look at all of your cower in fear now yes God get away now I'll Oakley the dies oh hell no you don't hell no you don't yes okay there's one left it's this black dude again where'd he go where is he's up here he's up here I'm gonna go for his head oh my I'm gonna be clever here oh it's only one little guy yes clucks oh my god the two forever oh that was amazing oh I'm happy with that okay guys if you join this video leave a like and until next time I'll see you later bye
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 2,311,656
Rating: 4.758986 out of 5
Keywords: Insatia, killer worms, slither,, 2, insatia gameplay, 2 gameplay, walkthrough, complete, slither sequel, worms eat worms, early access, agamingbeaver, thegamingbeaver
Id: hwvT0c0Ta5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2016
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